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/lit/ - Literature

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20373619 No.20373619 [Reply] [Original]

So who's your favorite playwright other than Shakespeare?

>> No.20373640


>> No.20373643

>Some 3,000 sonnets, 3 novels, 4 novellas, 9 epic poems, and about 500 plays are attributed to him. Although he has been criticised for putting quantity ahead of quality, nevertheless at least 80 of his plays are considered masterpieces.
Where do I start with this guy?

>> No.20373647
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>> No.20373651

This is a LibriVox recording. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain. For more information, or to volunteer, please visit librivox.org.

>> No.20373693
File: 117 KB, 1200x1200, eugene-oneill-9428728-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tie between Eugene O'Neill and Samuel Beckett.

>> No.20373721

Moliere of course

>> No.20373727


>> No.20373765
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Oscar Wilde

>> No.20373804

Do you know Spanish? If you don't; please don't even think about reading him, it is preferable that you learn the language perfectly to understand the genius of one of the best writers in history. Lope de Vega is a better playwright than Shakespeare himself (I am not exaggerating).
>Where do I start with this guy?
Read: Rimas humanas y otros versos, Peribáñez, Fuente Ovejuna, La dama boba,El perro del hortelano, El caballero de Olmedo y La Dorotea. This last work I consider to be better than Hamlet, Othello, Timon of Athens and King Lear, and I have found literary critics who agree with me. Good luck anon.

>> No.20373812
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I can't read Spanish well

>> No.20373821

>and I have found literary critics who agree with me.
And they are spanish, lemme guess.

>> No.20373827

John Ford because he wrote the greatest play of all time: ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore.

>> No.20373843

Learn it (it is worth it).

Some are, do you think British would agree with that statement?

>> No.20373844


>> No.20374167


I bought tickets yesterday to see the cherry orchard 2 times at the theater next week.
It's my first Chekhov, I'm really fucking excited /blog

>> No.20374174

>2 times
Why though

>> No.20374196


>> No.20374244

Why do Spaniards seethe so much about the British?

>> No.20374353


>> No.20374360
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They were almost comparable with the British for a tiny portion of history (before being swiftly mogged into the stone age in terms of civilization). It kinda went to their head.

>> No.20374548

Kill yourself spic

>> No.20374562

For me, it's Brecht. The edgiest little lad.

>> No.20374989

>and I have found literary critics who agree with me. Good luck anon.
Name em

>> No.20375005

Beckett lmao

>> No.20375012

His philosophy is so unbelievably retarded. I cannot take seriously anyone whose ideal form of theater is perfectly embodied by professional wrestling.

>> No.20375015

Gonna have to go with Shaw. I'm only really familiar with his most famous works, but they deserve their status

>> No.20375076

Professional Wrestling isn't much like Epic Theater; the concept of kayfabe is antithetical to Brechtian ideas.

>> No.20375091

Kayfabe and verfremdungseffekt are practically synonyms. His entire goal was for the audience to be invested in the conflicts presented to them without being immersed in the fiction as reality. To quote him exactly, "The audience can no longer have the illusion of being the unseen spectator at an event which is really taking place". The unreality of pro wrestling is a feature in the Brechtian framework, not a bug.

>> No.20375267
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We do not, but that Great Britain literally plundered Spanish America during and after the processes and wars of independence against the Spanish Crown is a historical fact.

To what exactly? The British "Empire" were acts of piracy around the world that bore no resemblance to true Empires like the Roman and Spanish Empires. The Spanish Empire did not even have the need to enslave nor did they have stupid racial complexes, but they built thousands of universities around the Americas and introduced the Spanish European culture to an entire continent. Trying to compare British barbarism with a true and civilizing Empire is stupid.

The Spanish empire was the largest in history and lasted over 300 years civilizing an entire continent. Either you are stupid or you don't know history.

>before being swiftly mogged into the stone age in terms of civilization
Funny, thanks to the English; after numerous failures trying to conquer the Hispanic territories in America, they finally managed through traitors like Bolivar to fragment, and then control, these Spanish possessions. But why don't you talk about the plundering of the British? In 1806, they looted the Treasury of the Royal Treasury of Buenos Aires and stole a total of 40 tons of gold; the perpetrator was the English governor of Buenos Aires, William Beresford. In 1811, they plundered the Potosí Mint and destroyed the press to mint the unique coin of Hispanoamerica (the Real de a Ocho). Some 550 thousand bars of silver. The cause was Juan Martín de Pueyrredón, Supreme Director of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata. In 1822, the Royal Treasury of Lima was plundered. The largest treasure of the entire South American continent. Only San Martin, who allowed it to embark in the Fleet of the English Vice Admiral Lord Thomas A. Cochrane, could know the exact amount. In 1822, they plundered the Real Hacienda de Santa Fe de Bogotá, Guatemala and Mexico. About 12 tons of gold in each of them. Furthermore, in 1825 the Provinces of the Río de la Plata and the sons of Great Britain signed the "Treaty of Friendship, Free Trade and Navigation", in which the new country would become an exporter of raw materials, transported only in English ships...tributary of loans, since the new Argentine Republic had neither shipyards nor naval industry. Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru and Uruguay would later sign similar treaties with the United Kingdom.

But you don't get any of this in those English books, do you?

>> No.20375480

Counterpoint: many wrestling fans think it's real.

>> No.20375543

The first time I focus on the play, the second time I look more at the staging and the actors.

>> No.20376048


>> No.20377003


>> No.20377015
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>> No.20377648


>> No.20377830


Britain has a far greater production in all fields of culture and science. There’s no comparison. Be it in physics, medicine, natural history, literature, philosophy, the law, political philosophy, the seeds of modern democracy, the industrial revolution, mathematics, etc, etc: Britain is far superior to Spain in all those fields (and you can put Portugal together with Spain that still it wouldn’t make a difference).

Furthermore, British colonies around the world tend to have greater standards of living and solid democratic governments than almost 100% of Spanish colonies. Hell, Spain was still a boot-licking dictatorship some 50 years ago.

>> No.20377845

i like yeats better than shakespeare
villers de lisle adam also but i only managed to find one of hiss plays in english unfortunately

shakespeare is great but the idea that he's 'the best' is unnecessarily polemical. Literature's not a competition; he's uniquely good and other authors are uniquely good too. Direct comparisons are usually impossible.

i wish there were some more pre-1950s plays performed regularly other than shakespeare. I wanna see yeats' plays so bad.

>> No.20378636


>> No.20379265

>racial complexes
Mestizos, castizos and more would like a word with you
>largest in history
Smaller than Britain and Russia, sorry that your siesta was more important than math
>plundering of the British
Plundering someone else's plunder from a plundered society is based and nothing you say will change it Juan

>> No.20379281

Lin Manuel Miranda