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File: 203 KB, 691x338, michaelknowleschrislanagan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20370290 No.20370290[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anti-metaphysics bros... we lost again...

>> No.20370298

"Smartest man in the world" sorry bud, but that doesn't look like the auteur of L'academie to me

>> No.20370312

imagine being luckily enough to get every question right on an iq test and not being smart enough to come up with a better way to monetize it than this. at least if he had gotten every question right on the sat instead, he could have gone to stanford and got a bunch of venture capital to blow on pet projects. sad.

>> No.20370317

atheistsisters... we got too cocky...

>> No.20370320

>at least if he had gotten every question right on the sat instead, he could have gone to stanford and got a bunch of venture capital to blow on pet projects. sad.
thats boring tho

>> No.20370325
File: 97 KB, 720x888, ECDFEAFE-F7CA-4A35-B18B-F51620A83AFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the devil real?
>*hits pipe*

>> No.20370340
File: 60 KB, 888x894, Eph0Ee_U8AAJn5Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes

>> No.20370397

Assuming he wants to be a billionaire. He's had an interesting and full life, and lives on a comfy horse ranch with his wife.

>> No.20370404

>materialist "brain" at work

>> No.20370412

>defines "intelligence" levels via techno-bureaucratic exam
>calls other materialist
oooh kay

>> No.20370420

Langanfags should be buried in the dirt, their heads popping out like flowers, and then successively decapitated by riding a horse with a blade that's dragging on the ground.

>> No.20370429

>call yourself the smartest man in the world as a tongue in cheek moniker
>high IQs realize its just a funny meme and IQ doesn't mean much
>midwits think its some sort of fraudulent claim made by an evil person to subvert the truth
yep, hes based

>> No.20370445

>Is the devil real?
>oh yes...
IQ is not an indicator of intelligence after all...

>> No.20370447

Gambling is the farthest thing from boring

>> No.20370453

Hilariously ironic that midwits furiously defend the accuracy of IQ, but the man with the highest IQ in the world subtly mocks it and shits on it

IQfags are the narcissistic plebbitors of the scientific community

>> No.20370459

IQ is very accurate when trying to weed out very stupid people. It is somewhat inaccurate at identifying very intelligent people, though

>> No.20370506

>at least if he had gotten every question right on the sat instead, he could have gone to stanford and got a bunch of venture capital to blow on pet projects. sad
If I’m not mistaken he actually did get a perfect SAT score. I don’t really care about the man, nor do I take IQ very seriously, avoiding the rat race and not trying to “monetize” his iq was probably the right move. Being obsessed with making money is peak midwit

>> No.20370508

Post a link nigger

>> No.20370513

but he is trying monetize it or there wouldn't be this thread about him. statistically there must be other people who also got perfect scores on iq tests, but for some reason only this dipshit makes a spectacle of himself.

>> No.20370516

Absolutely seething Richie Dawkins fanboi

>> No.20370524

t. Amerimutt who's interested more public persona and narcissistic mannerisms rather than content of what a person has to say

Langan is no Ted Kaczysnki.
Langan is just a retarded narcissistic Christcuck who literally thinks he's the Second Coming of Christ.

>> No.20370535
File: 214 KB, 626x744, langan_narcissist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a joke who has a large fanbase of brainlet zoomers.

>> No.20370560

Just admit you got filtered and didn’t have the intellectual capacity to grasp Langan’s galaxybrain ideas

>> No.20370571

Didn't this fraud admit he used to practice iq tests? This board is getting retarded over the years.

>> No.20370579

>This board is getting retarded over the years.
it really is.

>> No.20370583

I need to find the quote where Langan talks about Brahman and how pluralism = monism. Give me a second and I will find it.

CTMU isn't hard to understand. It's nothing unique though and more metaphysics rather than theoretical physics, as he likes to claims. It really just boils down to the same monism and double-aspect monism of Schopenhauer with Hermetic Jesus dick sucking. It's just a bunch of Chopra-tiered pseudoscience that ultimately defends something reminiscent of David Bohm's Implicate Order or the panentheism of Vedanta where the "underlying essence" of reality is a kind of oneness that is unified with the multiplicity of appearances with the added dimension of "muh Jewsus". Not that difficult to understand. If you're curious to understand what Langan's obscurantist texts are getting at, then I just recommend reading about David Bohm's Implicate and Explicate order and looking up "dual aspect monism". There's really nothing mind-blowing about CTMU.
I really hate narcissistic faggots like Langan. They act like they have come across something truly world shattering, but it's just a repeat of the old. Langan just has the addition of being an arrogant, narcissistic faggot who relies on pseudoscientific jargon.

>> No.20370602

This is pure fucking kino
Its like experiencing Goedel and Planck coming to the conclusion that God made the universe through their eyes

>> No.20370630
File: 14 KB, 479x105, langan_brahman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Check image.
The scientific stuff is pseudoscientific Chopra-tiered gibberish, and the stuff that involves Jesus dick sucking is just Hermetic inspired bullshit.

>> No.20370673

I don't think he ever claimed to be original, just to be the smartest person alive currently, and who has finally put the Truth into terms that will satisfy modern idiots who need everything to be distilled into analytic notation. His theory is irrefutable without refuting the power of reason itself.

>> No.20370702

>just to be the smartest person alive currently
There was actually someone who scored a higher IQ than him, and he claimed IQ doesn't have that much predictive capacity.
> who has finally put the Truth into terms that will satisfy modern idiots who need everything to be distilled into analytic notation
He just put it into pseudoscientific garbage.
Science is ill-equipped to deal with metaphysical questions anyways.
>His theory is irrefutable without refuting the power of reason itself.
His stuff on Logos are poorly conveyed.
Power of reason can be debated when it comes to ontological questions of nonduality. If anything, the discursive mind has limitations in apprehending the underlying unified source of reality.

>> No.20370715

Sounds like you did not even try to understand any of his work, as you don't have any actual criticism apart from calling it pseudoscientific, when he never even claimed it was scientific to begin with.

>> No.20370743

If there is a fundamental nondual or monistic source, then you can't define it based on Logos. It doesn't have to follow any rational structure. It's fundamentally beyond human cognitive limits. The closest concept to point to this is Julius Bahnsen's realdialektik or Zen koans. How can the discursive mind fathom that which fundamentally undermines all oppositional logic, that blurs the line of both being and nonbeing? When "maya is pierced and anava dissolves", there's no room for ratiocination. That's why paraconsistent systems of "logic" are used over formal/classical logic forms because it eludes being grasped by conceptual thinking.

If Langan wants to remain a Christcuck, he's free to do so, but he shouldn't mix disparate traditions with his filth.

>> No.20370746

>If there is a fundamental nondual or monistic source, then you can't define it based on Logos.
Yeah, you can. Go read Langan's papers.

>> No.20370752

>Go read Langan's papers.
I've read enough to decide he's complete shit. Schopenhauer is a much better nondual philosopher who doesn't rely on pseudoscientific gibberish.
When I read philosophy, I don't want to see endless references to quantum physics using jargon-like language.
I recommend necking yourself, pseud.

>> No.20370758

“Bros” should be filtered to “babies”
Good morning from Kazakhstan I hate this meme so much it’s unreal

>> No.20370774

If you want anyone to treat you seriously, you will need to stop being so violent and aggressive.

>> No.20370792

I'm not a humanist.

>> No.20370817

Just watched some of his youtube videos. He seems to be an american boomer who got filtered by Kant and considered it an enlightenment. Nothing more.

>> No.20370827
File: 558 KB, 647x656, C70C47B3-05DE-4868-A2C1-EE04060E36A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kant was retroactively refuted long ago sweaty

>> No.20370851
File: 122 KB, 993x1500, C58E6A0E-04CC-42C3-9DF6-2829BEA830C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not pseudoscientific bull shit at all
He basically came to the same conclusion as Advaita Vedanta and arrived at it via mathematics

Just like Schuon said you can take Advaita with you as a foundation for other traditions, you can do the same with CTMU.

Langan is our Schuon

>> No.20370868

>It’s not pseudoscientific bull shit at all
I'm not a physicist, and most physicists I've talked to say he misuses physics terms all the time. What's the point of bringing quantum physics into a philosophy discussion?
>He basically came to the same conclusion as Advaita Vedanta and arrived at it via mathematics
The first part, yes.
The second part, no. The second part is more like New Age Christian beliefs influenced by Hermeticism and pseudo-scientific gibberish.

>> No.20370872
File: 51 KB, 302x300, species-guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guenon was filtered by Kant. He should have read Schopenhauer to realize he had said scarcely anything that was not superfluous.

>> No.20370884

>Just like Schuon said you can take Advaita with you as a foundation for other traditions
Where does he say this? I'm interested in reading a book on this.

>> No.20370886

> Guenon was filtered by Kant.

>> No.20370890

There is a stench of Protestantism to Langan that is a little off putting
He does espouse Tielhardism to a degree too, and that’s not very /trad/ either.

>> No.20370896

It’s from an interview
It’s on YouTube (there a multiple clips from the interview so you may have to watch a handful before coming across the specific quote)

>> No.20370915

He says something along the lines of
>When you become as /trad/pilled as me, you can take take various elements from different traditions without crossing over into syncretism
>My metaphysics is Advaita Vedanta, general outlook is Islam, and outwardly I am Native American
Or some bullshit

>> No.20370950

And if you’re specially looking to take it into a Western direction, Coomaraswamy provides a list of Western authors who are compatible (for a lack of a better word), with Advaita in an essay called “Vedanta and the Western Tradition”

I haven’t read any of them besides Dante, so can’t provide any insight

>> No.20371519

Based Langan making midwits seethe every time

>> No.20371712

Who the fuck are they?

>> No.20372467
File: 650 KB, 640x719, 1630913321252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats pic related about? Iv been looking for an easily accessible pdf of it online, but no luck. Also, its good to see you more active on /lit/.

>> No.20372490

He got a scholarship to Reed, but his mother failed to submit the paperwork in time and they withdrew it.

>> No.20372532
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 6305615B-4807-4A31-AB07-E99C7ECC5C2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got u. It’s short

He basically says the same stuff as Guenon/Schuon in that we have to recognize the Transcendent Unity of Religions if we want to reach a higher level of humanity and save ourselves.

He also comes to the same conclusions regarding the counter-initiation - although he frames it more in terms of parasitism.

And thanks, Ive been reduced to phonefagging an am IP blocked from /pol/ so will mainly be here. Plus, I’ve been reading a lot lately and want to discuss things