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20367780 No.20367780 [Reply] [Original]

I want to explore the "philosophy" of agriculture, throughout history. I don't know how to explain it, really. The "why" along with the "how", I guess. Here's an excerpt from De Re Rustica of Columella:

>One who devotes himself to agriculture should understand that he must call to his assistance these most fundamental resources: knowledge of the subject, means for defraying the expenses, and the will to do the work. For in the end, as Tremelius remarks, he will have the best-tilled lands who has the knowledge, the wherewithal, and the will to cultivate them. For the knowledge and willingness will not suffice anyone without the means which the tasks require; on the other hand, the will to do or the ability to make the outlay will be of no use without knowledge of the art, since the main thing in every enterprise is to know what has to be done — and especially so in agriculture, where willingness and means, without knowledge, frequently bring great loss to owners when work which has been done in ignorance brings to naught the expense incurred.

So any other recommendations? I'm trying to start a community gardening project where I live. I just want to get a deeper understanding so I can convince people this is important for them and their community.

>> No.20367782

Hesiod's work and days perhaps?
And Xenophon's oeconomicus

>> No.20367787

Awesome, thanks anon.
/lit/ is so much better than /his/ lmao

>> No.20367794

when I was a kid our village had a community garden
I and other kids would often steal from it or ruin peoples plants because we knew who they belonged to and didn't like them
be ready for your project to be ruined by children

>> No.20367797

errant hands of children stripping leaves concerns me not

>> No.20367798

Just have them flogged

>> No.20367800
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i want eat more ahah

>> No.20367828

>ruining food in a 3rd world village
And they didn't beat your ass?

>> No.20367838

Cato and Varro on Agriculture

>> No.20367843

Wendell Berry and if you want to go the Traditionalist route - Walter James, aka Baron Northbourne

>> No.20367863

>Wendell Berry
This is perfect. What a kind smile he has. =]
Anything specific from him?

>> No.20367898
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Not that anon and I have no specific book on agriculture to suggest. I would suggest you check out the blog Front Porch Republic. They’re a localist + communitarian blog I frequent, and the authors often cite Wendell Berry approvingly. They don’t have any books on agriculture per se in their FPR books website, but if you want that “return to land” vibe there are other books you might want to check out like pic related that they sell (I’ve never read this book but it’s on my list). Plus, if farming is the topic you’re only interested in, I’m sure you can turn up something quickly if you poke around they’re blog as they review books often. I’m sure they’ve touched on agriculture before, but I can’t recall anything.

>> No.20367900

Skim this one
The Man Who Fed the World
(It's Norman Borlaug and chemical fertilizer)

>> No.20367905
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Also I have this /lit/ chart too lol

>> No.20367928

Based. Seems like a great resource. Thanks, my friend.
Ah, yes, that's the google search term I've been waiting for. Fuck yea. Going to finish putting in my hugelkultur this morning and get going on it. Stay based, anon.

>> No.20367948

there's a nice bit about agricultural societies in Patocka's heretical essays
Babylonia as one big household concerned with the immediate preservation of itself, anhistorically

>> No.20367986

Green Revolution and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race and nonhuman animals and the whole ecosystem

>> No.20368010
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I can recomend you about Olivier de Serres, Albert Howard, Marie Monique Robbin or Tommy Hemminway

Can I get your Pepe?

>> No.20368018

A new nobility of blood and soil
By Walther Darre

>> No.20368021
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>> No.20368111

start with the greeks

>> No.20368185


>I don't know just get the fucking food from Egypt. -The Greeks

>> No.20368319
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>> No.20368466
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t. pic related

>> No.20368532

They're pretty sexist!

>> No.20369025
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unironically based

>> No.20369308

I’ve been reading this Christian book from the 1960s that my late grandpa passed on to me and it’s really thought provoking, almost gnostic at times saying the kingdom of heaven is within and the holy spirit is in all of us and stuff. It claims all disease is caused by unhealthy thinking and that through the power of Jesus all disease can be healed. I look around at people today and they are constantly worried and anxious about things that don’t even matter, like who gives a fuck about war in other countries or what celebrities are doing or who is president? People always have their minds elsewhere, either in the past, in the future, cursing others in faraway lands, cursing their past and worrying about what hasn’t even happened yet. I believe cities with their nonstop media over saturation and advertising and radio and television have removed the spirit of man from his body completely, making them essentially walking dead. Just as a corpse in the ground decays because the spirit is absent, so does the walking corpse in his every day life slowly rot away.

If people would believe in themselves, God, and actually bother to be present in the moment and in their bodies, a lot of this sickness would go away. It’s not the cities themselves per se, but the negative attitudes that a city fosters in its inhabitants 24/7. Birds live in our cities and they are happier and healthier than we are because they don’t stew in negativity all day long.

>> No.20369412

Read the Unsettling of America. I was born an urbanite but I think Old America died with the death of the small family farm.

>> No.20369430

Great book. Just picked up Seeing Like a State by him as well.

>> No.20370512

Virgil’s Georgic’s

Virgil is philosophy as spectacle

>> No.20370529
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Fascinating book


>> No.20370595

Why? Seriously? To produce a steady supply of food, to harvest biological materials derived from flora, and to aid in settlement.

How? For this you'd want to look into selective breeding, developing farmland/fertile soil, climate cycles, weather patterns, flowering cycles of differing flora and their nutritional needs, local pollinators, harmful insects and their natural predators, invasive plants and fungus, and preservation techniques.

Outside of that, based on your quote, it seems you more like the idea of agriculture and those who live by it rather than actual mastery of agricultural processes and its fruits.

>> No.20370634

There are a lot of interesting biodynamic farming communities.

Some of the more interesting and serious self-sustainers I've known have lived on them.

>> No.20370643

Just a friendly reminder the Roman agriculturist authors, except maaaybe Cato, did no actual farming or physical labor, they did estate management and business.

>> No.20370650

Hesiod Works and Days.

>> No.20371730

No it isn’t.

>> No.20372142

Yes it is.

>> No.20372344


>> No.20372709

I'm reading Walden right now and it's probably what you're looking for

>> No.20372757

Haven't read Wconomy but like Xenophon. I dobthink Hesiod is interesting. One more suggestion I'd make is to include Vergil's Georgics and Eclogues.

>> No.20372993

check out Virgil's Georgics - it's poetry but extremely agricultural

>> No.20373093

Idk about any of that but I have an NFT collection on avalanche with farming fren

>> No.20373216

>poetry but extremely agricultural
That sounds dope, hell yea.

>> No.20373220

It unequivocally is.

>> No.20373255

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgics#Description_and_summary link

This is also why Dante says that Virgil is in Hell because one of the lines here he predicts the coming of the Son of God and thus by not accepting it and realizing that the polytheistic gods were demons gets damned. Don't believe in Hell but kinda an interesting nuance

>> No.20374047


>> No.20374727
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>community garden
>in fact the "community" was the peaceful neighborhood of some people niggers were planted in by very evil people
many such cases

>> No.20376083

Something more modern.

>> No.20376634

>So any other recommendations
Gogols dead souls. He has a part in the about farmers and peasants. I can't remember the entire thing but it was pretty cool. Kind of a timelessness of being a farmer.