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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2036691 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ do NaNoWriMo? I know it's still a couple months away, but I decided to get a head start on my outline and character work since I failed last year by 'pantsing'.

Anyone else going for it?

And yes, I know that 99% of the stuff written in NaNo is complete drivel. The way I see it, if I can do this I have no excuse not to actually write that novel.

>> No.2036708

>if I can do this I have no excuse not to actually write that novel.


>> No.2036710


>Urban-dictioraries it
>Quality not important
>doing it as fast as possible is the point

What kind of retarded shit is this? There's not enough half-assed fiction out there already? Let me guess it was an American who came up with this idea right?

>> No.2036707

oh, you reposted it?


>> No.2036711

You would think reposting is cool since that's all you know how to do and feel that this validates your posting style.

>> No.2036712

doing it for the 4th time this year. It'll be awesome, just like each time before.

>> No.2036715

>not doing it for the experience

you shouldn't learn to cook. After all, you'll never be a master chef!

>> No.2036722
File: 369 KB, 1024x768, nanowrimo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photography : literature :: lomography : nanowrimo

>> No.2036723

bad analogy.
If you want to make it accurate it should be:
You shouldn't throw random ingredients together. After all, you'll never be a master chef!

>> No.2036727

Wow. Negative much?
Did someone else post this recently? I skimmed the first few pages, but must have skipped it.
I never said it would be good. I know chances are that I won't do anything with it when I'm done. I just want to prove to myself that I can.
See above.

>> No.2036729

>arbitrary target and deadline without the burden of any expectation of quality.

Sounds like every entry-level job in America.

>> No.2036731

>I'll spend as much time as I want on this project until it's done. A year, five years, ten years. Doesn't matter.

So are you unemployed, or just an elitist? Most actual publishers have a deadline as well, you know.

>> No.2036730

That cuts right to the bone of the argument, sees the bone, and effortlessly goes right through it.

>> No.2036732

If you can't write 1666 coherent words in a day, you're not cut out for writing professionally in the first place.

>> No.2036734

Not all professional authors write at that pace.
It varies greatly.

>> No.2036735

and most anons aren't already teaching adjuncts at the local college to supplement their writing career, so they have to get out as much as they can to snag those tenure positions

>> No.2036736

I'm not sure what you are saying here, but I'm confident it's incorrect.

>> No.2036738

I'm not sure what your argument is, but I'm confident it doesn't exist

My argument is that it is more productive to do Nanowrimo than to write at a "regular pace", when "regular pace" is defined as considerably less than 1666 words per day.

>> No.2036746

itt: don't write from your heart, write from your head

>> No.2036748

I see.
Well, if that's how you feel, that's how you feel.
Best of luck with your doomed endeavor.

>> No.2036749

I can write 3000 words in a couple of hours with relative ease. Good quality writing too. However, I can never come up with a story concept to actually go with, and end up waffling for the first few days and not being able to finish nearly enough as a result. So this year, I'm going to come up with a concept early, set it aside, and then attack it full-force in November.

>> No.2036755

I did it last year and won for the first time. This year I will be a rebel, not that cheating really matters anyway. I plan to write a 2000 word story everyday.

>> No.2036776

ok, thanks for the passive-aggressive well-wishing. Did a prolific writer touch you when you were kid or something?

>> No.2036778

What's with the faggots hating on nano? I've never done it but if you don't think a person is going to learn something after writing 50,000 words you're fucking retarded.