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20365330 No.20365330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone read this yet? it just hit the streets.

>> No.20365333

Let wokism out of /lit/

>> No.20365338

fuck off to /pol/

>> No.20365376

>Dr. Thema Bryant is a clinical psychologist and president-elect of the American Psychological Association.

>> No.20365381

I want to fuck a negress with big tits and cock-sucking lips. Do you guys know where to find them?

>> No.20365383

so you know it's legit stuff and not pseudoscience

>> No.20365386

Huh? I thought it was systemic?

>> No.20365394

Just don't like 'em because they look different, it's simple as.

>> No.20365397

No one ever provided a good explanation why racism is bad. They all start from this premise. I enjoy my racism and it kept me out of trouble by avoiding non-whites.

>> No.20365434

stop reading about fads

>> No.20365443

I feel like the greatest sacrament of the religion of antiracism will inevitably come to be to assist blacks in raping 12 year old white girls.
Antiracism needs to be stamped out.

>> No.20365498

Racism won't end untill whites are an absolute minority. Whitoids are simply too different from the rest of humanity.
>i feel like the greatest sacrament of the religion of antiracism will inevitably come to be to assist blacks in raping 12 year old white girls.
god i hope so

>> No.20365514

Unironically kill yourself, kike.

>> No.20365524

Civilization is over.

>> No.20365541

>Whitoids are simply too different from the rest of humanity.
Yeah, they're superior. They'll probably gun you down even outnumbered 1:10 so don't raise your hopes.

>> No.20365548

Stop committing crimes.

>> No.20365564

reminder that psychology is a pseudoscience in neverending replication crisis

>> No.20365566

No you won't. It's time for you to abandon these fantasies of uprising already. You won't do shit.

>> No.20365569

Thanks for the vote of confidence bro.

>> No.20365580

dubs of truth
poltard seething to be expected

>> No.20365590

HR departments, admissions offices, the DMV

>> No.20365592
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Does the apa conduct research or do they just make annoying citation formats and engage in social activism

>> No.20365593

Check out human history. What have other races achieved? What's the best literature? Who colonized the world? Who invented science? All other races just cope with being inferior. I'm not white, and I don't hate my race either. But pretending other races are anywhere on the level of the white race is pathetic and delusional. When I read literature, I turn to whites. Everything my race has is more or less because of whites. I'm not joining your retarded mentality to hate whites because of your slave complex. Fuck you. What has your race done for humanity? Why do you live in white countries? Pathetic monkey.

>> No.20365602

Pigskins pretending to be non-whites praising themselves is just sad

>> No.20365603

Shhhh whitey keep it down

>> No.20365608

Answer the questions instead of coping. What has your race achieved?

>> No.20365611

They still had to make someone the president

>> No.20365615

Whoa, another race grifter.

>> No.20365619

They even double down on the race narrative bullshit to make it seem like they're low iq just like the non-whites they're impersonating, kek.

>> No.20365620

You weren’t born to a race with in-group animosity. Be thankful.

>> No.20365628

>race doesn't matter anymore when I'm put on the spot
Like I said, pathetic. Not even going to mention the muh uncle tom mentality.

>> No.20365652

> it just hit the streets.
Did it? Because I feel like I've seen it somewhere before

>> No.20365659

It matters when talking about pigskinned "people" only. Others """races""" didn't create brain rotting viruses like "muh race is better and more accomplished and civilized and everything should revolve around me and there's actually a hierarchy of le races frfr", you little slave pigskin worshipper.

>> No.20365666

Hierarchy always existed between classes, nations, and races. You just don't like it because your race is at the bottom and you cope like a child by digging your head into the ground, retreating into absurd, and claiming it doesn't exist. You're pathetic in every sense of the word. And I don't worship whites. I'm just not a dishonest faggot like you are.

>> No.20365677

Getting praised by them here actually raises your self-esteem doesn't it? lmao. Some brown fucks are just ready to be subservient to these disgusting neanderthals for whatever reason.

>> No.20365686

No, I don't care about them. I live in my country and work with my people. I just hate faggots like you whose entire identity is an inferiority complex wrt whites instead of learning from them and adopting their invetions and developments. Whites weren't always whites. Britons were civilized by Romans, Germans were barbarians, Slavs were slaves, etc. What they have in common is that they all accepted the superiority of other civilizations, learned from them, and then became "whites". What non-whites have in common is a retarded mentality of refusing to accept that some civilizations are better and they should learn from them. You're a perfect example of everything that's wrong with your retarded race.

>> No.20365696

Not even reading your wall of text you pathetic fuck
kys and while kys'ing try to make the process as slow as possible, ty

>> No.20365712

It's funny you call me pathetic while your hope is other race (jews) get rid of another race you hate (whites) so your pathetic race can thrive. How about you uplift your race instead of dragging down others and praying for their downfall which you're not even responsible for?

>> No.20365747

The Chinese would like a word with you, shitskin

>> No.20365753

>antiracism book
>most racist thread on /lit/
Every time.

>> No.20365763

Where do you prefer to live? In China or in the UK? These rhetorical arguments are only cope theory. No one wants to live in China.

>> No.20365771

Oh just what we need, another sneering cultist handbook- written by a negress grifter too no doubt!

>> No.20365789

You have to go back

>> No.20365828

I do you faggot

>> No.20365836

wtf is white?

>> No.20365844

what can Europeans learn from Jews (considering Jews are the superior race)?

>> No.20365845

European descent

>> No.20365854

But Iberians and Italians are not considered white by anglos. Ben Franklin also said only anglos and sometimes germans were white. Hitler viewed Slavs as undermen. The whole identity is a messed because there's nothing to support it. There's no white civilization or white race, only separate nations doing things here and there.

>> No.20365864

not people of color

>> No.20365866

I don't know what they can learn from jews becaues jews are inferior from all non-materialist perspectives. Their culture is worse, their morality is bad, their parasitism is pathetic, etc. Jews would literally not exist without whites. Israel would get wiped out without US support. I'd say they could learn to do business better from Jews, but to do that they'd have to also sell their souls to the devil and handicap their ability to create art and promote universal morality (Jews reject universal morality). Jews are bad for everyone, including all non-white races. But seeing that you think they're the superior race, it means you're another idiot.

>> No.20365874

This book will give me more racist ammo. I can feel it.
Time for an hero, join the 41%, don't fear the ripper.

>> No.20365880

>But Iberians and Italians are not considered white by anglos. Ben Franklin also said only anglos and sometimes germans were white. Hitler viewed Slavs as undermen.
I'm telling you what white means today.
>The whole identity is a messed because there's nothing to support it. There's no white civilization or white race, only separate nations doing things here and there.
This is cope. Whites are closer among each other historically and genetically. It's just a grouping which all non-whites agree on until whites acknowledge it. Then it no longer exists. I hate this double-faced snake mentality.

>> No.20365882

So, literally everyone except nordics, slavs and anglos? Like, 10% of the world population?

>> No.20365886

This snake mentality is the prime example of jewish thinking and jewish ideas trying to destroy our people. This is exactly what it is anon.

>> No.20365892

Not really, it's common among many races. Jews have a very different mentality i.e Jewish supremacism. Most non-whites just hate whites but don't think their race is superior because no one would buy it.

>> No.20365910

are you really going to pretend, in the year 2022, not to be familiar with any of these terms and how they are colloquially used?

>> No.20365925

Industrialization was a mistake, so we need to reevaluate if civilization, itself, was a mistake. In some sense, the Germanic "barbarians" may have been more free and "on the right direction" than the "decadent" Romans.
>Most non-whites just hate whites
More like they're indifferent towards whites.
No race is the center of the world.

>> No.20365973

>superiority of other civilizations
Also, there's no such thing as superiority outside of how well you adapt to your ecological or social niche. Civilization and industrialization simply introduce a new context or layer for adaptation. What we need to ask is whether or not civilization OR industrialization are in continuity with the natural world? It's a very complex question, and if you think about deeply you'd realize material production, technological 'progress', are not the main metrics to judge a civilization.

>> No.20365995

0.2% of India's GDP is based on scamming white people. Nobody thinks whites are superior. Everyone just wants white money that's all and indians are willing to scam white boomers who invented all technology for it.

>> No.20365996
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Just have sex with people of other races. Then you won't feel like being racist anymore.

>> No.20366007


You need to interact with people of other races to become anything more than middle class.

What you DO need to avoid is poor people, they will drag you down. Most poors happen to be not white but that's irrelevant.

>> No.20366012

That novel sounds gay as hell.
>We have gone many places in Tokyo together, Hanna, her brother, Rasha, and I -- and I am puzzled, sometimes, as to which one I'm addressing -- sister or brother! Their complexions are identical, unblemished and satin-smooth; they're practically the same height and weight. Often, they exchange costumes for their performances at the Kabukiza Theatre, where both play male as well as female roles.
>Though of opposite sexes, they seem to intermix, at times, in my mind, creating a mysterious vacillation in sex. It is this mixture in them -- one sex being dominant this minute, the other sex the next -- which makes the pull of both of them on my sense irresistible...
I want to bully whoever wrote this abomination.

>> No.20366022


The shift in the Western intelligensia from a relativist post-modernism to a hysterical Bolshevism is the most important intellectual development of the past decade, yet almost no one has commented on it.

Its hatred of history, paranoid obsession with changing the innermost thoughts of others, and utopianism really don't bode well for the future. I suspect that the George Floyd riots are only the beginning of the mass bloodshed that it will inspire.

>> No.20366028
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It is literally gay smut, anon.

>> No.20366034

so that's where pynch got the blicero-katje-gottfried situation from

>> No.20366060

Looks like the author sure is an otokonokonnoisseur, if you catch my drift.

>> No.20366071
File: 657 KB, 1125x480, 4E4AD224-D0E8-47E8-A29B-764C1D64DBEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude dr. Lysenko had a heccin degreerino, thus all he said was gospel. Trust the science!

>> No.20366089

collectivism is a mental illness.

>> No.20366101

>he thinks Irish travelers are superior to anyone

>he thinks Asians are less efficient than whites


The Chinese, Japanese and Koreans regularly outperform American whites in the USA.

>> No.20366136

>>he thinks Irish travelers are superior to anyone
An Irish traveler is, as far as our culture is concerned, the the strongest man in the world at the moment.

>> No.20366183

>gets called shitskin anyway
one day you'll hopefully learn to hate them, I'm sure you'll have a lot of opportunities for that. And microdick chinks will get the rope too, just in case.

>> No.20366199

what's there to talk about? they moved from one meme ideology to another. it was always bound to happen and it's nothing new

>> No.20366212

Why don't they perform whites in their own countries if they're so good? Why do they come to white countries if they're superior? Ever tried to answer that honestly?

>> No.20366217

>hate a race because random 4channers called you names

>> No.20366219

seething nigger has no answer for them. do you shitskin faggot?

>> No.20366223

Whites have a better median distribution. That used to matter. Doesn’t anymore.

>> No.20366227

Some Arabs, Asians native american groups achieved a ton before the Roman empire came around.

Back then, the Anglo-Saxons who have been ruling the world for the last few hundred years were malodorous tribal people who did nothing much besides get drunk and kill other tribes.

>> No.20366235

This thread is just Jews debating each other trying to increase racial animosity of other races towards each other.

Listen up Jews, all races will be united and finally eradicate your evil and heinous reasons. You won't endlessly scapegoat others for long.

>> No.20366238

they didn't achieve shit you seething shitskin. lmao you fucking retard

>> No.20366241

Because they have a massive advantage in places like the USA. Paychecks are higher and the average person is dumber, so there's less competition for good jobs.

>> No.20366248

There's a lot of good reasons to hate pigskins and they're better than any meme /pol/ infographic

>> No.20366253

>evil and heinous reasons.
evil and heinous race*

>> No.20366255

This but add chinks and pigskins to the list of people who'll hopefully get the rope

>> No.20366261

seething shitskin makes a thread about an anti racism book. proceeds to go on a racist tirade.

>> No.20366262

Mesopotamians were building massive monuments and writing on tablets while anglos were literally shitting in the woods lmao

>> No.20366264

we can already see from several wars that they lose to farmers lmfao

>> No.20366265

those aren't arabs asians or injuns you fucking retarded nigger faggot. how dumb are you motherfucker?

>> No.20366275
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Iraq isn't in Europe, nigga.

>> No.20366281

Anyone who lived before Plato is closer to the cavemen than they are to us.

>> No.20366286


>> No.20366289

Meposomatians were black, dumbass.

>> No.20366313

Civilization may have been a mistake. We need to seriously reevaluate that more critically without falling into racism.

>> No.20366320

everyone is of a color.

>> No.20366327

>seriously reevaluate that more critically
reevaluate that more critically*

>> No.20366328

Jews are superior in every way and this of course makes inferior people seethe.

>> No.20366332

they make no sense

>> No.20366334

Does it even matter when our women are marrying other races?

>> No.20366338
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>simps for muh precious "whites"
>gets call a shitskin
holy kek

>> No.20366342

They are not yours.

>> No.20366345

Are you sure? They collect my tax money

>> No.20366369 [DELETED] 

>be 2% of the population
>make up something like 50% of billionaires

>meanwhile gentiloids who make up 70% of the population are crying about genocide and think being small in numbers is a disadvantage

>> No.20366372

Throughout history, most people lived in small HOMOGENEOUS villages. This desire can never be eradicated. I disagree with all claims of superiority, but I cannot hate people for wanting to live in homogeneous groups, which typically amounts to 100-150 people. It is only natural.

NOW the question should be whether or not EMPIRES are teleologically 'unnatural' or 'against the Will of Earth'. The reason I say this is because I know, beyond a benefit of doubt, that industrialization was a mistake. Now, the question becomes, were there teleological seeds inherent in the nature of Empires to pave the way for Industrialization?

>> No.20366386

I just wanna play games in peace and not be bothered by things that are not supposed to be my responsibility.

>> No.20366498

ok materialist

>> No.20366506

go back to tumrblr tranny and fuck the fuck right outta here

>> No.20366519

will make good toilet paper when it goes in the discount bin

>> No.20366522
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>> No.20366528 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20366535
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>> No.20366538
File: 175 KB, 333x386, white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy doesn't look white at all.
Not him, but WE WUZZING is not the way you argue back.

>> No.20366549

the real jews are hellenes

>> No.20366571 [DELETED] 

these people have a lot of fucking balls staging race hoaxes like smollett 24/7 and then calling random innocent white people "racist"

>> No.20366664 [DELETED] 

Why does this matter so much to you? White people were on top the last 600 years maybe but even then I would say they achieved their dominance right when the Ottoman Empire stopped being a REAL scary threat in the 1500s. White dominance is a very recent thing in the grand scheme of civilization. And no, the Proto Indio European we wuz Chinese we wuz Mayan larp doesn’t count.

>> No.20366667


>> No.20366741
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these books tend to imply that only whites can be racist
they never address black on asian racism or asian on black racism or hispanic on black racism, etc. they act llike this shit doesn't exist

>> No.20366879


>> No.20366898

Please don't come on here and pretend that when you hear "people of color," which you definitely do 10+ times a week, that you have no idea what is being talked about. You know exactly what it means.

>> No.20366910

>best literature
Rome and Greece, who are barely related to modern-day whiteness
>who colonized the world
Right now? Muslims and China
>who invented science

>> No.20366928 [DELETED] 

I'm not an anglocuck so I don't even hear it, just see it mentioned on anglocuck internet sometimes. It's a term that makes no sense when you think about it.

>> No.20367016 [DELETED] 

Even though the non-whites in this thread are quite crass, they're also partially white. Instead of simply colonizing and enslaving we should have slaughtered every non-white on this planet. Instead of expelling Jews 100+ times we should have exterminated them. Now they live in our countries, leech off the civilizations we have built, and gloat about it all the way to the bank.

We could have ruled the world, but instead these shitskins will inherit our ashes. I sincerely hope that China takes over the USA, they hate niggers 100x more than white people do and will enslave all of you again. See you in the Gulag.

>> No.20367033

> a lotta balls
weird way to say sacks of shit

>> No.20367082 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20367096 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 937x868, USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worship of steroid bunda and footbal will be the final condition of the average person, you can see it with the shift on beauty standard on usa and Europe and how is coming close to the brazilian one. It's over

>> No.20367105

roach people who from the begging of it's existence lived agglomerated and for 5 thousand years invented only the paper

>> No.20367113

>"Let me teach you how not to be racist"
The level of ego behind these people amazes me

>> No.20367125

>all these seething kike replies
Well done

>> No.20367193

That raising your children to value tradition, education, and financial responsibility is a good thing

>> No.20367219 [DELETED] 

You will never be a woman.

>> No.20367231 [DELETED] 

>muh subhuman mudslimes and insects
Lmao, weird way of coping, buddy.

>> No.20367387

>who invented science
If something the modern concept of science were created in hellenistic period, when the Greek culture was expanded to all the civilized world.
They limited themselves to copy and make commentaries of hellenistic works. The libraries and culture centers were taken by Christians. The only people who understood Greek by then.
When Christians began to disappear and Islam began to set dogmas the erroneously called golden age of Islam died.
In fact Islam is poison for science. That is why they do not make discoveries.
Look at Al-Ghazali, he is revered by Muslims as a great thinker and all he said was: when in doubt take the bullshit of the Koran rather than scientific truths.
Centuries later Muslims are useless and thanks to centuries of inbreeding are a deformed race with an iq close to chimpanzees.