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20363227 No.20363227 [Reply] [Original]

The bookshelf to end all bookshelves


>> No.20363245

oh hits a thread about the materialist esotericist guy who ran a cult on his school after a school shooting in it

>> No.20363428

I'm just gonna say it: I don't like the esoterica guy. Idk why. Seems like a fag. Wears funny jew hat. Guess I'm prejudiced but that's my gut instinct.

>> No.20363717

Lol wtf you are right
>Worship Satan
many such cases
Then he has the gall to say that he believes in none of the things he studies

>> No.20363817

for me, it's Let's Talk Religion guy

>> No.20363844

We've had this thread already.
Esoterica is fun to spice up your reading but cringe if you make it your life.

>> No.20363928

He's feminist dialectic-materialist married to a female rabbi within I think Reconstructionist Judaism, which is progressive, though he doesn't believe in God. He's a typical progressive academic sort with a lisp, otherwise he seems fine. He's apparently fine if you watch his stuff if you're an anti-semite or white nationalist.

>> No.20363943

>watch a few of this guy's videos
>youtube starts recommending me videos by rabbi life coaches
>end up watching those and enjoying them too
h-hava negila I guess.

>> No.20363962

This guy, right. Esoterica is a fine channel but the guy doesn't seem to have a spiritual bone in his body. Conversely, this man just rambles on but there's something there. Maybe.

>> No.20363972
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>doesn't believe in God

>> No.20364701

Tempted but not sure if I should watch, might commit Sudoku out of purely jealousy.

>> No.20364866

His FAQ https://www.justinsledge.com/faq

Have you ever had a mystical experience or paranormal experience?
>I’ve had what I would call mystical experiences during meditation practice and under the influence of psychedelic drugs. I don’t think such experiences are indicative of further metaphysical truths. I’ve never had an experience that I could consider supernatural or paranormal. I would like to.

Do you believe in God?
>I don't find the conception of god(s) either metaphysically convincing or mythologically desirable, i.e., I have no good reasons to think such beings exist and, given what I have learned about the lot of them, I hope none of them do.

Are you a practitioner of Esotericism, Magic(k), Kabbalah, etc.? Why not?
>No. I have religious reasons but also I don’t find the promises of such practices nor the worldview implied interesting or tempting. “Salvation,” “Enlightenment,” “Gnosis,” etc. just don’t interest me personally as spiritual goals, not to say that they aren’t interesting concepts as such.

Holy kek.

>> No.20364879

He's sometimes interesting but it is really weird to me that he larps as a jew.

>> No.20364888

>He's a typical progressive academic sort with a lisp
Many such cases! I know of a particularly annoying one who posts on /lit/ regularly

>> No.20364890 [DELETED] 

> This dude a genuine wizard, splitting wood with a single gesture, conjuring fire with nothing but women's hair. This man has dark powers that are rarely seen on video.
nah, I'm not messing with this shit

>> No.20364900

You think he makes money from his YouTube channel?

>> No.20364922

He is an academic ("Dr." JUSTin Sludge), not an esotericist. I can't stand him, with his nelly little wizard decorations, his faggot lisp, his rabbi style, taking himself very seriously but he has his little marvel quips. JEWtube recommends him, wonder why?

>> No.20364928

That is presumably the main goal, with each video shilling his patreon front and center...this should go without saying: do not trust occultists with financial incentives.

>> No.20365085

He's not (currently) an occultist by any means, his work and his channel are purely academic.

>> No.20365255

no hes a reddit larper that converted to a liberal form of Judaism

>> No.20366011

Just a Tsundoku retard (someone who stacks books without reading them).

Here is a simple way of knowing if someone is smart or just a retard in regards to their bookshelf
>how many books does someone have
>are they related to each other in some way
>how much science is involved

Simply put the dead giveaways that this person is a retard is simply
>100k books
>...books do I HAVE (not read, just have)

I don't need to know anything more. This dude has no clue about reading.

I have some simple rules to know if someone is a good reader
>50/1 or quantity rule
I assume that no person can read more than one book per day for 50 years. This means if you have more than 20k books, you simply are too stupid to know what time management is.
>the quality rule
Your bookshelf needs to tell a story. Are you a scientist who loves to explore different topics? Are you a horror novel connoisseur? If your books are all over the place, you are simply a failure in understanding how reading works. It's one thing to have a Biology science book and a Physics science books. But if your books range from non English art, to the English meme classics, to whatever else, then you simply struggle to focus on something (only science is something you can "buy everything", but if you read entertainment, you need to focus and specialize in a genre)
>the deeper meaning
Your books are part of yourself. If you can't commit, you simply struggle finding yourself

>> No.20366033

100k is the YouTube subscriber milestone that prompted him to make the video. He doesn't have 100k books. Esoterica is the channel name.
Looks like he has about a thousand and they're mostly all related to the subject he teaches at university.

>> No.20366042

>If your books are all over the place, you are simply a failure in understanding how reading works.
I completely disagree. Specialization is for ants. Men should be well-rounded.

>> No.20366058
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>man who only read video title and came to a catastrophically incorrect conclusion lectures others on how to read

>> No.20366084

Post your esoteric bookshelf right now.

>> No.20366141

You know you don't need to read every single book you own cover to cover right. A lot of those books are reference books and sets he intends to study over the span of decades.

>> No.20366431

Been watching this Jew since day 1. He's extremely cool but also a massive douche at the same time.

>> No.20366460

He seems like a massive dweeb and his dark history doesn't help. His videos are very informative though and have helped me find a lot of resources on esotericism.

>> No.20366937

>have a huge bookshelf, a veritable library comprising hundreds of volumes spanning numerous subjects across space and time
>be a progressive dialectical materialist
Proof that reading doesn't make you smart

>> No.20367512

stopped watching his videos after he made his bias against christianity clear,
this:>>20364866 also

>> No.20367528

the pathos of distance is real. there are few moments like this in life when you realize how different people really are.

>> No.20367964

>I don't find the conception of god(s) either metaphysically convincing or mythologically desirable, i.e., I have no good reasons to think such beings exist and, given what I have learned about the lot of them, I hope none of them do.
what a faggot

>> No.20367991

>you're not allowed to take an interest in a variety of subjects
Shut up, retard.

>> No.20367998

You can literally tell if someone's a fucking faggot by listening to them talk and looking at their face for two minutes. Hence why you're all trying to figure out why this guy seems "off". He's also a massive simp it would seem

>> No.20368001

It's so odd to devote your entire life to something yet have no genuine interest in it.

>> No.20368005

He has genuine interest in it, he just doesn't think it's real. Do you think it's weird there are experts in ancient Roman religion who don't sacrifice to Jupiter?

>> No.20368036

Honestly I do, yes. I have always found historians to be an odd bunch. I could never devote myself to other men and alien beliefs as they do.

>> No.20369520

The mere fact that he can make the pseudos here sheet without even trying makes me like him

>> No.20369563

As gay has this guy sounds, he seems more put together and has a better sense of self then most of the mental nutcases on this basket weaving form, who need their information and thoughts forced upon them because their pussy whipped losers.

>> No.20369656

Do you know about the school shooting he was involved in?

>> No.20369725

>Would like to have a paranormal experience
>Isn't even open to the idea of a God
What a fucking clown and waste of time and money, never gonna make it

>> No.20369811

I'm rabidly Anti-Semitic but this guy honestly makes me angrier than Kikes like the Kochs or the Sacklers do. At least they can't help being parasites, this guy not only chooses to be one, but then chooses to just pervert the very form of parasitism that he took up. Why even bother pretending to be a Jew if you're not going to go ultra-Orthodox and study Halakha?

>> No.20370293

you're projecting m'dude

Also if it is shilled aggressively to me on youtube there is a 95% chance it is shit.

based, fuck this shekel-hungry librarian.

>> No.20370654

Dude just wants to LARP as a Jew, give him a break

>> No.20370968

the amount of triggered people here reminds me of twitter

>> No.20370983

How do we know this Justin Sledge is the same as the Justin Sledge in the school shooting. Is there an article, blogpost?

>> No.20371732

That's pretentious as fuck. Who does this?