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[ERROR] No.2035932 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when you will never have to flee Florence because of the plague, with an assortment of merchant class girls and boys around your age whom you spend time with and spend all day thinking up stories to tell at night time by a fire.

Today's generation of girls duckface on facebook and boys play COD Modern warefare.

Shittiest generation ever.

>> No.2035934

That feel when you don't have to worry about dying of the bubonic plague

>> No.2035939

That feel when you can shit inside, in comfort, and have a magical device take your feces away so you don't have to deal with them. That feel when you have modern medicine and agriculture and aren't hungry all the time. That feel when you don't have to walk everywhere or, if you're incredibly rich, ride a horse. That feel when you can trivially travel more than 30 miles from the place you were born. That feel when you have access to more books with 5 minutes' searching than most people would have seen in their lifetime. That feel when you won't die at 30.

>> No.2035945

that feel when you still shit your pants because you're too lazy to stop playing WoW and stand up
> that feel when all you eat are chips
> that feel when you never leave the house because you're an aspie shut-in
> that feel when you'll never read all the books you have access to because you have ADD and would rather watch porn or play video games
> that feel when you'll live a boring, unfulfilling life of quiet desperation for 90 long years

>> No.2035947
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Quel sentire quando la tradizione letteraria d'Italia sorpassa di gran lunga quella degli Stati, e benchè tu parli la lingua e studia la lingua e capisca i testi e le parole, non c'è niente che possa fare per cambiare il sangue: Non sarai mai un italiano.

>> No.2035948

>Kids aren't even making it to their teenage years in Africa and yet OP is bitching about how HIS generation are making use of the technology advantages they have in their developed world.

Also, my generation girls spent their days hanging outside shops trying to get boys and boys played football all day.

Every generation has shit, it just seems you faggots always focus on the negative.

>> No.2035954

That feel when you don't do any of that because you're not a fucking retard

>> No.2035968
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>> No.2035971

And spending your time on 4chan is somehow superior?

>> No.2035984
File: 10 KB, 288x360, pirandello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ti sbagli, non intendi per niente questo. Ritiralo!

>> No.2036545
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>>2035939 > >>2035945

>> No.2036562

That feel when you listen to streaming this american life off the iphone with friends while on the beach drinking whiskey from the bottle.

>> No.2036565

what's wrong with COD?

>> No.2036733

The same thing is wrong with you tripfagging and your ilk.

1. Causes stress
2. Lowers quality of life
3. Simply having it impairs you in all situations when it comes into play

There are so many other reasons.

>> No.2036753
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>bitches about tripfags

>> No.2036754
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That feel when you live in a continent that forgot its own prophet Walt Whitman

> inb4 Brit fags have no idea what I mean and totally disregard this post

>> No.2036768

That is what I do.

Apparently you haven't seen me around the last several months carrying on my anti-tripfag work.

I won't reply after this though.