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/lit/ - Literature

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20362418 No.20362418 [Reply] [Original]

I was called a pseud by a tranny today.

I need books that /k/ or /pol/ would approve of, because I'm going to remake myself as a glorious son of the Deutschland and that starts with education. After all, how can I find the Final Solution for the Alphabet Menace if I'm not learning how to evade their insidious jewshit.

>> No.20362423


>> No.20362436

Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.20362442

>that /pol/ would approve of
They think that reading is Marxist brainwashing and that real intelligence comes from Dave Ramsay or some fag like that.

>> No.20362452

Gentile-The Doctrine of Fascism
Streppadavecci-Sotto La Canottiera

>> No.20362468

The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind - Gustav Le Bon

Initiation Into Hermetics - Franz Bardon

Solomon's Memory Place - Bob W. Lingerfelt

Interaction Ritual Chains - Randall Collins

I Am a Strange Loop - Douglas Hofstadter

René Girard's Mimetic Theory - Wolfgang Palaver

+ Lacan and Freud's work in psychoanalysis

>> No.20362473


KYS nigger, your life is worthless

>> No.20362478

You aren't a pseud, you're an actual retard

>> No.20362481
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>I'm from /pol/ tell me about Julius Evola

>> No.20362495


>> No.20362519
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We await you Vishnu

>> No.20362582

Not /lit/, fuck off.

>> No.20362624

You can start by stopping being such a cringy faggot. Saying “I’m from /pol/“ is seriously fucking reddit. You’re a tourist of the most popular board on an edgy website made by and for anime nerds; you’re not a member of some secret society that’s bringing about the forth reich.
As for books, >>20362481 is a good place to start, and honestly something you should have already seen if you’ve lurked for more than 20 minutes.

>> No.20362653

Germany has much much better literature than Nazi stuff. Skip Evola, Skip Nietschze.
Schiller's 'The Robbers,' 'Wallenstein' and Goethe's 'Faust' oughta rile some German Patriotism up.

>> No.20362675
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>oh no a tranner called me a pseud
>please /lit/ give me reactionary nonsense to read so I can show them how definitely-not-a-pseud I am

>> No.20362679

you sound like a pseud

>> No.20362681

being a nazi is the most pseud thing possible fuck off

>> No.20362701

Based op triggered all the /lit/ trannies and awaken their mental illnesses

>> No.20362708

>getting so butthurt over being called a pseud that you decide to become a political extremist
You sound quite pathetic and are probably underage. That tranny is living in your head rent free

>> No.20362747

I mean I got BTFO'd by a tranny, so, yes, you are objectively correct.
Hence why I want to read books so that I can become a soldier of Christ and bring about the Fourth Reich.
No u, faggot.
Don't you understand though that Nazism is the pinnacle of Fascist thought though? Hitler cracked the fucking code, Anon. He knew who our real enemies are and he tried to save us from them.
Fuck off, you commie fuck.
And YWNBAW. I guess we both have problems.
Okay Jew.
Speaking facts.
Deciding to embrace masculinity and to become a warrior for a cause is pathetic? Fucking basedboy alert.

>> No.20362755

Start with the greeks

>> No.20362804

This is your brain on /pol/
>embrace masculinity
And here lies the root of the problem. You are insecure, as proven by your compulsion to respond to every single post in this thread with hollow rhetoric. I'm sure that being insulted by a tranny made you feel incredibly emasculated. But your cope of LARPing as a Nazi soldier on an anonymous anime forum is not a good one. I understand that you want a cause to fight for that's larger than yourself, because on an individual level you feel like a loser. It's a classic tactic to radicalise those who feel they have no stake in current society. But focusing on improving yourself is a far better path than hating others. Sadly I'm certain that this will fall on deaf ears.

>> No.20362817

this is based, you only get a few short years here in your life and you can't just waste them hating everyone else because you hate yourself, learn how to stop hating yourself and start loving the beautiful world around you forget all this stupid bullshit about politics or whatever the fuck and just go out and love people and love yourself

>> No.20362842

You have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.20362928
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>Fuck off, you commie fuck.
no I don't think I will
>Hence why I want to read books so that I can become a soldier of Christ and bring about the Fourth Reich.
holy kek

>> No.20362979

Being completely apolitical here, but these memes are really shitty, like the level of humour I'd see on Facebook posted by thirty-somethings. Is this why they say the left can't meme?

>> No.20363022

How do you get destroyed by a tranny? Fucking hell, this is why we're losing. I fear it's even too late for eugenics to save us.

>> No.20363029

>Is this why they say the left can't meme?
Their memes are always designed to be a statement, rather than funny. This is why many of them are blocks of words, whereas right-wing memes tend to just be "black people lol" or "I hate women".

>> No.20363081
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>complaining about words
>on /lit/
you're right though that the average fashoid runs entirely on feels

>> No.20363092

The right can't read

>> No.20363147

>Is this why they say the left can't meme?
>Their memes are always designed to be a statement, rather than funny
No they just can't meme

>> No.20363162
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The Crusades

I recently read the Translated version and i really liked it.
Very Informativ

>> No.20363165

Another Book i recommend is The Iron Kingdom by Christopher Clark.
On of the Best Prussian history Books ivbe read

>> No.20363173
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>> No.20363184

I think you misunderstand the purpose of memes. There are places for humour and places for writing.

>> No.20363190

200 years together, culture of critique and the revolutionary jew for starters

>> No.20363290

seconded, in the midst of reading it right now. teeming with information, and clark will discuss his own interpretations and compare to other, potentially more "mainstream", misconceptions or ideas.

>> No.20363383

Read Bronze Age Mindset and go to the gym

>> No.20363632

okay pseud, i'll get you up to speed

start with Prussianism and Socialism by Spengler

>> No.20363680

(((You really don't have to dig any deeper)))

>> No.20363695

politcal memes are bad faith reaffirmation; look how reductionist and binary every politcal meme is. "other side bad, haha look how silly other side is!"

>> No.20363716 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20364429

Very retarded, OP. Do better.

>> No.20365353
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I thought pseud was /ourword/? how do the trannies know about it?

>> No.20366775
