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/lit/ - Literature

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20360863 No.20360863 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>20350287

>> No.20360868

Why has the quality of this board declined so much? It used to be full of interesting discussions and you could here and there find genuinely well-read and intelligent posters to engage with. Nowadays it's just zoomers who don't read posturing anonymously ad infinitum. I've had better luck finding good discussions on pl*bbit during the last few months than on this forsaken wasteland.

>> No.20360876

I actually hate being on here. I wish I could leave but I'm addicted.

>> No.20360883
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They need to get mods who actually care about literature who don’t play around. Ban anyone or delete off topic posts. It’s easy to see who’s posting in good faith. This board is at an all time low thanks to the user base. Like you said pol, r9k an b.

>> No.20360888

I cut up some big pig ears with a hacksaw today for my dog in the back yard. It's really sunny out. It felt great getting some sun on my skin again. The dog ate one of those pig ears sitting in the sand. That's probably not great for his teeth. It's these small moments that are keeping me going. One day at a time. I've been depressed for so fucking long. It never ends.

>> No.20360894

y’all need to have sex

>> No.20360901

t. 30 khv

>> No.20360903

Did this morning. Still depressed

>> No.20360916

then you need to sort out some sort of detox.

>> No.20360921

Lit used to be filled with losers, but they were self aware funny losers who actually read. Now it’s people using books as props, the way a women uses a purse, to define themselves because they are unable to do it on their own. Now lit is bitter and negative. They can’t even stay in their own threads, they have to stick their nose into legit literature threads to disparage with one line responses, which derails the whole thread

I’ll say it: /pol/ has ruined lit

>> No.20360922

Tried it. Lasted a month. Felt really bored and depressed. What the hell did people do without computers.

>> No.20360923

most of the people who make good quality posts move on from places like these quite quickly, if they end up here at all

>> No.20360924

I wish I could get my dick hard.

>> No.20360928

Okay, which thread was the one where people said something so unlike your own beliefs that you got triggered enough to whine about it here?

>> No.20360930

yeah you are gonna be bored and depressed, probably for a while. but you have to feel emotions in order to get through them. you'll thank yourself for it at the end of the tunnel

>> No.20360937

Femanon, be my gf

>> No.20360944

How do all of you older people strike a balance between time spent online and offline?

>> No.20360946

The thing is, not every post needs to be a high quality effort post. I don’t expect effortposts from those just getting into reading. But they still have a right to learn and discuss what they are reading. That’s how they learn and lit benefits from quality posting. Also sometimes effortposters miss the forest for the trees and once in a while it helps to have a more novice prospective. If you can teach and learn, there will be higher quality posts. The problem is with a majority of the userbase

>> No.20360974


>> No.20361000

Everytime I distance myself from /lit/ I get agitately depressed from a lack of community to belong to. I have an indescribable depression that saying it will make me look stupid so I keep my mouth shut. Yet to describe the condition is ludicrous I'm being haunted by the most pleasant dreams I see new friends, sex and old girl crushes. Yet it's mocking me and putting me in despair that I wallow here dying.

>> No.20361019

congrats on the triples

>> No.20361051

I always have the hope that lit will rebound, so I don’t get myself permabanned. I know if I do, I’ll see all the writers and books I want to talk about

>> No.20361062

Thanks anon. I have such bloomer dreams like Bruce Wayne saving people from being incinerated. I kneel to my brain. And yet its so depressing I have no idea what it means.

>> No.20361069

You're not as profound as you think you are.

>> No.20361085

Need me a virgin child bride to cherish and love for the rest of my life.

>> No.20361094

You're not profound either with the lack of information you give. I was trying to spin a tale and failed and now your baiting me for no reason.

>> No.20361102

I desire sex

>> No.20361107

You WILL marry the 32 yo roastie from HR office
You WILL work overtime while she manages finances
You WILL let her fuck the yoga instructor you’re paying for

>> No.20361119
File: 37 KB, 568x447, 1531073476093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad and my normie brother say the same shit every fucking day.
>prices are going up
>stock market
>Biden this and that
>the crazy liberals
>green agenda
>blah blah blah
I am so sick of hearing it. I'm not even a libshit. In fact my own opinions are probably a lot more conservative than theirs but why do they have to say the same fucking shit every day. You are never going to change anything anyway. It's so boring, this endless whining.

>> No.20361127

I don't know if I live in a Lana Del Rey or Aphex Twin song

>> No.20361128

Whining about current events is 75% of normie communication. Maybe 50% for women, the rest being sex/gossip. I stopped paying attention to politics except bare essentials because I can’t stand the bullshit anymore. Becoming increasingly more content in my inner schizo world of fiction and music, fuck normies.

>> No.20361139

>Now lit is bitter and negative
Why do newfags always insist that the board is in decline despite only having just got here?

>> No.20361142

This is not true. It’s never been great but now it’s just awful

>> No.20361144

/lit/ has literally always been bitter and negative though regardless of quality.

>> No.20361150

Im hopeless and suicide is the only solution.

>> No.20361154

It’s like a /x/, /pol/ and /r9k/ hydra now. It has never been this bad

>> No.20361156

what's the point of reading books if we're going to die

>> No.20361161

Yeah... But I’ll stick around to read and write for a while. There are some grievances to settle with short stories, I already have one out there. You should do the same. If you know you’re capable of killing yourself, you got nothing to lose.

>> No.20361170

Don’t defend the state of the board. It’s pol infested.

>> No.20361179

Really, never? wanna try again and prove you aren't new as fuck?

>> No.20361183


>> No.20361196

suicide is pretty hard too

>> No.20361203

I can't even write what is on my mind.

>> No.20361220

Someone with more time on their hands go onto warosu and see how many threads and posts relating to lit 100 books there were then versus now. It’s all thinly veiled dog whistle threads now. Anyone with eyes and who doesn’t want to participate in them can see that

>> No.20361230

>take it easy coming out from neethood they said, work on small goals they said
>tfw it's so slow i think i'll never make it

>> No.20361418

Athesitbros I'm tired of losing all metaphysics arguments in every thread. We've been trying to call them Christcucks but it doesn't work anymore and we have to admit it's just a cope because we have no grounding for materialism. What the fuck do we do? We've been losing every debate for a while now and we're getting cornered. Do we just go back to r*ddit?

>> No.20361447

The last few years were the last straw for me. I quit even going to YouTube. Too much bullshit being pushed. Too many ads. I'd rather not know what's happening than believe whatever is being pushed to everybody on any given month.

>> No.20361450


>> No.20361461

Anyone have links to the London frog and Schizioanon compilations?

>> No.20361526

Anyone else do squats while they urinate?

>> No.20361536
File: 18 KB, 306x475, 16298572689528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have schizoanon's, but I got you covered for Londonfrog:

The Last Binge Ever Volume 1:
(Epub available on smashwords)

Volume 2:
(Epub available on smashwords)

Volume 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cDyQ4AGISzKJsymNjDndc54KBxMlxbO9/view
(PDF only)

>> No.20361641

Yeah. There was a high quality post on Ficino back in January and that's when I knew it was over; it was clearly the peak and final fulfillment of my experience with /lit/ and it was time for me to move on. But I came back and its really, really horrible here now. The wit and self-awareness is gone. There is no insight or good will left to be gained from this place. I can't even believe that for about a year I actually had positive experiences interacting with people here, knowing this damned site. I've been using warosu lately checking on particular topics and I've found that posts were generally better, funnier, etc. going years back and that it got this bad very quickly and relatively recently. I know /lit/ was never good but it is truly getting worse and I don't know if effortposts will even help; they're just too forced at this point. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

>> No.20361653

Some will defend the quality of the site and say it’s always been like this. They’ll call you a newfag. Ironic. It’s a dire situation when there are more mentions of Evola than Dostoyevsky. I just can’t make the jump to Reddit though

>> No.20361661

Once in a while you can find a decent post on Reddit but it's almost not worth it. Kind of like here.

>> No.20361672

I forget if it’s truelit or literature but I’ll lurk once in awhile. They have high level discussion but few posts. Haven’t been there in a bit so I’m unsure how it is now. Lit’s like a drug. You know it’s bad but it’s hard to kick. It’s depressing going on warosu

>> No.20361684

Im drunk is a ghetto shithole in the midst of household drama. Why is this my life

>> No.20361689

You don’t take the action to better yourself and your situation. Simple as

>> No.20361707

I lost my temper today again and had a short but heated argument with my mother. I wanted to hurt her as much as I possible so I said "Go fuck yourself, you fucking cuckquean (female version of cuckhold)." For context, my dad tried to cheat on her a few years ago but she forgave him. It still caused a great deal of pain to her.
I truly dealt a low blow and not sure what the repercussions will be. I just know that I resent my parents for giving birth to me.

>> No.20361844

Good Lord, why do such a thing to your mother. Repent, my guy.

>> No.20361871


>> No.20361917

You should never hurt people like this. Even if they aren't good people (and most of the time, people making this judgement call are wrong, and will regret it big time in hindsight, though telling them this in the moment usually can't convince them).

Even if they're truly bad people, pity them and treat them with dignity. Short of that, you really shouldn't do this kind of thing to a mother.

>> No.20361929

we didn't hear what she did to poor anon that started this

>> No.20361984

How come we don't see mods or Hiro interacting with this site anymore?

>> No.20362004

Too much shit to clean up for free.

>> No.20362125

I'm about to fuck a whore. Some greatest writers have done it. What should I do with the experience?

>> No.20362177

I’m embarrassed that I have second hand knowledge of some of the shot posted on lit from scrolling through

>> No.20362228

i want to live in a van

>> No.20362239 [DELETED] 

most effortposts are shit. just because someone wrote 500 words and proofread it for grammar doesn't mean they have anything worth reading. take that pseud shit to the other site so u can get ur lil internet points for it.

>> No.20362359

penne is the best pasta shape and if you disagree suck a dick, fag

>> No.20362385
File: 339 KB, 960x1792, 1059086B-041D-47E7-918C-3C263F5426A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish my fish could talk

>> No.20362399

You don't know my life or situation

>> No.20362401

what's up man, it's me, your fish

>> No.20362410

I truly, truly envy and hate people like Putin or Xi. They who have power are like gods. Xi Jinping literally has the power of life and death over 1.4 billion people; he is the closest any person has come to godhood. Putin controls more land than our ancestors could ever imagine existing. What do they do with it? Squander it in pointless wars, destroy cultures, exploit the hell out of their lands.

And then there's me, a powerless cuck.
>Couldn't save my culture
>Couldn't save my country
>Couldn't save my civilization
>Couldn't save my planet
Born too late to be powerful, born into a family too humble for me to ever touch the stars, born into a declining nation in a collapsing civilization on a world being murdered. I wish I was powerful. I wish I could save what I love.

>> No.20362414

Where'd the xi jinping of sucking dick go

>> No.20362419

part of me has to admire xi
he got fucked by his country so bad he decided to lead it
the man became one of the most powerful human beings in history out of spite and hatred
i can't help but like that about him

>> No.20362485

Anyone older remember misc on bodybuilding.com? I thought of it out of the blue today and the reminiscences hit me hard. It was awesome between 2005-2010. Or maybe my memory is tricking me

>> No.20362490

the amount of enmity between greek and turkish people is weird when, from an outsider perspective, their cultures are damn near identical

>> No.20362496

who cares, one of the worst posters out there. I hope he overdosed and died.

>> No.20362504

there was an obvious anon zoomer who was clearly unaware Kubrick based his movies on books and frankly the internet is a terrible place, more terrible now than ever

>> No.20362513

saw dinosaur jr tonight. what have you guys been up to?

>> No.20362523


>> No.20362547

had another nervous breakdown yesterday, followed by a long lasting headache

>> No.20362550

Missed you baby

>> No.20362555
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I've been dry texting this girl so that she stops messaging me but it seems to be doing the opposite effect of what was intended. The only reason why I'm even doing this is because having a conversation with her is nigh impossible as she would suddenly stop replying mid conversation for months and then continue like nothing happens. As I'd much prefer the conversation to end rather than have this intermissions, I just don't want to continue anymore. This happens every time I show even a little iota of interest or effort.
Now that I reply in a monotonous tone and sometimes with a 2 day delay, I'm getting replies nearly instantly. It's like the more aloof I am the more reception I get. This girl isn't the only one though, I've had this situation happen to me 2 times before. I just don't get why it works like this.

>> No.20362571

I'd just drop her and find someone else. You're not going to click with everyone. Life's too short to get caught up in that. Been there. Done that.

>> No.20362669

Yeah I know I should just leave it but noticing this behaviour just baffles me. I'm not even interested in her romantically.

>> No.20362674


If a girl says "call me when you get your shit together" when you ask her to marry you, is she saying:

A) you are too poor
B) you aren't popular enough
C) I don't know what I want

>> No.20362676

Get your life together you donkey. Have a job that's stable, groom yourself to look presentable and maybe be fit also. Also grow up (mentally).

>> No.20362684

I have no friends. I don't have a job. I have a license but I don't drive. I'm not confident in my university major. And my anxiety makes me too miserable to do anything about any of this.

>> No.20362698

no, be my gf plz not his

>> No.20362720

I guess that not growing up with computers and the internet helps in that regard.

>> No.20362728

She probably forgot to buy chicken tendies on her latest trip to the grocery.

>> No.20362743

Things will work out. They have to.

>> No.20362768

I've already given up hope

>> No.20362839
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Our American "friends" express concerns that if the 2015 refugee crisis caused such an uproar of right-wing populism in Europe then a hypothetical mass migration from Africa caused by climate changes will lead directly to fascism taking hold over the continent. I do not see why that would be so.
Democracies are perfectly capable of managing migration and even committing atrocities on a large scale against foreigners. The border between India and Bangladesh is littered with minefields and Indian border police employ a "shoot on sight" policy against immigrants. Although that country may not be a shining example of "democracy". So what about America? The United States which pursued, completely democratically, a set of policies that led to the nearly complete genocide of the indigenous North American population. The United States, which for a long time had the strictest immigration quotas and let only people from European countries embark upon its shores.
Establishing a fascist dictatorship is hard, implementing anti-immigrant policies with the support of the populace is easy. We do not need a Führer to strip foreigners of their rights. Some economists have already suggested that the most rational approach to migration is to make immigrants into second-class citizens. Since their increase their welfare several times at the expense of the native population, there ought to be redistribution from their profits to the local people's losses.
Israel, a democratic country, employs 700km wall to separate its citizens from the occupied territories of the west bank. The borders of Greece and Bulgaria with Turkey have a combined length of only 460km. Is it so hard to imagine a similar solution here?

>> No.20362859

My back hurts, I have a stoop. My nose is always congested and leaking. I feel dazed, slow, out to lunch almost all of the time. I think they call that brain fog. I am a mouthbreather with little arms and a pot belly. My hairline is receding and hair comes away in my hands. I cough up phlegm every morning. My stool is loose and black. I feel like I have no energy, and its an effort just to stand, so I spend the day in bed. The medication makes my skin dry out and I can't stop myself from itching it. My hands and neck are all red. I've been on SSRI's for a while. I shouldn't mix them with alcohol, but I do anyways. My eyelids droop. They make me look very blasé and tired. I can't stop myself from eating a little bit of chapstick because I like the way it smells. I don't eat anything all day then in the evening I pig out. I don't drink water, except for when I take my medication, four kinds of pills. I have a vitamin b deficiency and cystic acne. Hard carbuncles on my head that don't really pop, as much as I try to do so. My spine is S-shaped, making my gut stick out, and giving me forward posture I think. I have had a heart attack. Heart disease runs in my family, and multiple family members died already from it. One of them at a relatively early age. I want to flee my body. It weighs a lot but I feel like I can escape it for a moment when I go on the computer. I go on the computer all day, only taking breaks to eat and sleep, and sometimes shower. Every time I get off the computer I am reminded of my body, and the little time I bought myself surfing the net, where I felt separated from it, feels all the more ridiculous. I wish there didn't have to be a separation, that I could ditch my body entirely. I can lose myself for a time, but my body's complaints always win out in the end, and I find myself satisfying them with a great feeling of disgust, when I have to look at and feel myself again, and realize that I was only distracting myself from reality. I have a decent inheritance, so I am thinking of retreating to a one-room apartment somewhere and drinking myself to death. My life is stupid. There's nothing artistic about it, since that's the one rule art has, it shouldn't be stupid. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.20362861

>Democracies are perfectly capable of managing migration and even committing atrocities on a large scale against foreigners
Europe is not a democracy Anon.

>> No.20362880

>back hurts
>brain fog
>receding hair
>no energy
>dry skin
>droopy eyelids
>cystic acne
>S-shaped spine
>forward posture
Literally me, and I don’t give a shit about any of that to be honest. You should only worry about your heart and depressive/suicidal mood, pay close attention to those and disregard the rest. Bodily imperfections should be irrelevant unless you’re teenage girl.

>> No.20362892

They expire after 2-3 months.
>t. been permabanned twice

>> No.20362901

You can also call your ISP and ask for a new IP address.

>> No.20363270

PLEASE give me head
i don't care what you look like just let me bust in your mouth dude
i'm so fucking horny

>> No.20363276

dude just go to a gay club

>> No.20363335

the only gay bars in my region are in a town about an hour drive away and i am banned from several of them
even in the ones where i'm still allowed it's the same clientele so i don't like showing my face there
please just suck my dick man i'm begging you

>> No.20363338

>the only gay bars in my region are in a town about an hour drive away and i am banned from several of them

>> No.20363352

skipping tabs, passing out on the bar, harassing the patrons, falling off my stool and busting my head open, visibly tweaking, that kinda thing

>> No.20363372

I wish life wasn't so full of doubts, everything cripples me with anxiety

>> No.20363437

I was hanging out and talking today with this girl who I'm into and am fairly certain is into me. When, suddenly, one of her friends (Let's call her B) comes up to us and tells her that maybe she'd want to sit with her other friend since B apparently had to go now. The girl I was with gave a non-answer and just wished her goodbye (in the polite, girly, way).

We then resumed our conversation but was soon interrupted again by another one of her friends (Let's call her A) who came to us and asked her to help her with some work. Even though it was at the end of a Friday already. The girl I was with, sadly, agreed to help her and so she went away and didn't return until she told me she had to go and that she'll just see me next week.

One thing I've noticed also with her two friends is that they didn't seem to care or notice at all that I was there hanging out with her. Well, C though I feel like has some sort of disdain towards me cause I sometimes catch her just staring at me. They just kinda butted in and took her away. Also, interestingly enough, this hasn't really happened before at all until now.

Are her friends trying to get in between us or am I just being paranoid?

Asked this on /adv/ but I also wanted to get my /lit/bros take on the matter.

>> No.20363449

is there a name for this disease where North American cities feel the need to build a massive condo/apartment block plumb in the center of downtown

>> No.20363473

It is impossible to give a correct answer with so little information about the social context. If you want to find out you ought to talk to more people irl or keep chasing that girl and see if her friends keep trying to push you away. In my opinion, the general principle in such situations is to assume the worst. But do not let if bother you, even if a conspiracy exists it cannot be fought back with brute force.
I reason it is a very good sign that she chose to hang out with you instead of making company to her friend or inviting her to join your conversation.

>> No.20363476

i distinctly remember when i was a kid i'd pick up caterpillars and they'd pee in my hands, but when i look up about caterpillars pissing in your hands i don't get any results
have entomologists neglected to document that caterpillars will piss on you if you pick them up?

>> No.20363484

Maybe your hand was so salty it liquified them

>> No.20363486

I dont know the roots of crossdressing fetish.

>> No.20363494

but they were still alive and well
i picked up dozen of them an put them in a bucket and they were perfectly fine

>> No.20363582
File: 818 KB, 496x700, maddening lucy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dumped my whole highschool life which revolved around this one girl i crushed on, to a female friend in college. i really hope she doesnt cut every contact with me. i was going with the flow and couldnt stop myself.

>> No.20363622

Rookie mistake. Women generally don’t want to hear your emotional shit (easiest way to get cucked and dumped) or even use your weaknesses against you.

>> No.20363696

does he have some sort of social responsibility?
should he change his style?

>> No.20363814

me my wife and my wife' pap
walked all d'way from d' cumberland gap

>> No.20364073

Atlanta is one of the best shows ever created

>> No.20364101

I’ve been on like a 3 week bender. I’ll be back soon…I hope

>> No.20364136


>> No.20364211

Can anyone recommend any other website where I might waste my time on?
I refresh the catalog for hours and I learn nothing here, and I’m not even entertained.
If I’m going to spend so much time on the internet I at least want to learn something.
My interests are
Learning Mandarin
Cultures from around the world (subcultures and cults includes)
Urban exploration
Pools, Ferris wheels and abandoned theme parks
I’m open to websites, forums and YouTube channels on those topics, basically anywhere else where I might waste my time on and actually learn something

>> No.20364241
File: 75 KB, 600x595, 1647369183829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le divine madness

>> No.20364257

Catholics would allow romantic relationships with aliens. Aristotelian Thomism considers 3 species: plants, animals, and rational animals. If the alien life had equivalent rationality of humans, then in Aristotelian Thomism they would be part of the same species as human, so we must accord the same principles as humans to aliens including eros.

>> No.20364315

I'm kinda done with conceptual meaning :/ time to go full /sci/ and /g/ mode

>> No.20364374

Capitalism maybe.
Just imagine how much money it would cost to live in such an apartment.

>> No.20364377 [DELETED] 

i did sth like that once. i told a chick the reason i might be such a slacker that works jobs below my ability level is a subconscious way to have an have an excuse to avoid marriage. she was like "u think about shit like that?" with a scrunched up nose, i was like oh well i guess that's over. it had kinda run its course anyways, but that was definite ender.

>> No.20364381

>Urban exploration
>Pools, Ferris wheels and abandoned theme parks
Check those guys that explore abandoned mines on YouTube, it's always pretty fun.

>> No.20364405

I just watched that Arcane show on Netflix.

It was really good, I greatly enjoyed it.

The animation is amazing, the story is actually very good, lots of genuinely sad moments, the combat scenes are just great, a lot of character development from every single character, lots of details to notice everywhere, even the main bad guy is not just completely goofy and becomes very likable in some way and I felt sad when he died and that black city councillor girl has the most perfect and delicious mouth and lips I've ever seen.

>> No.20364422

you should watch Atlanta

>> No.20364427

What is good about it?
I have never heard of it but it seems to be about black American rappers, which is not something that really interests me.
But then again, I really don't care about League of Legends and the fact that Arcane is a spinoff of that is one of the reasons I had not watche dit before.

>> No.20364428

I started a blog but I haven't written anything for a month and now I'll go multiple days without anyone looking at my page. I cannot find motivation to write!

>> No.20364433

it's not just about black people, it's a deep show that everyone can enjoy despite their skin color or where they're from

>> No.20364434

>refugee crisis
They werent refugees
>climate changes
Not real
>nearly complete genocide of the indigenous North American population
Not even remotely true
>Israel, a democratic country

>> No.20364439

i have absolutely nothing against black people, it's the rapper part/culture that worries me

>> No.20364440

We had automatic doors in the 1st century.

>> No.20364441


>> No.20364447

Not every catholic is a thomist

>> No.20364448

The same guy that made the automatic door in the 1st century also made the vending machine.

>> No.20364452

Thanks reddit, very cool

>> No.20364458

You're welcome.

>> No.20364465

I'm glad you're with us, anon. One day at a time

>> No.20364479

uhh.. I love you so much bros..

and it makes me upset that it seems to me we haven't grown as a community since the last summer. the horizon is solidified and it blocks the excess of love to move around. as if it is wrong with loving something smol and thrown away like even here we are to play the worldly game. if you ask me I count it to be devotional in the highest sense, that is — to love and to bring light not because the market dictates you but just because it comes organic. loving, shitposting, striving at deep interpretations and all in the spirit of joy. bros..... I adore shitposting so much it is unbelievable. I do not lie, I'm absolutely euphoric when a shitpost is non-linear, when it is Biblical. when it is screaming. when it doesn't want to engage in violence forcing a view-point but is purely justified in itself. when there is nothing to argue about. when it is truth in the last instance. an ultimatum of a shitpost nailed.

>> No.20364481

did he make it in the end?

>> No.20364494
File: 321 KB, 500x485, 1652468123629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlets are funny

>> No.20364496

I exclusively date taller women. Incels are funny

>> No.20364498
File: 156 KB, 400x416, R.86c607922bad5dc0944420ee5e0d1a6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a copy of The Tale of Genji from penguin classics
>get cozy, put on some plinky asian music in the background
>usually skip the introduction and preface but decide to read it since it's an old book and the context might be important
WHY does the FIRST PAGE OF THE INTRODUCTION spoil the deaths of two main characters and say exactly in the book when they die? Words can't properly assess how annoyed I am by this. Have to find something similar to read now.

>> No.20364509

>triggered a manlet in just a bit over a minute

>> No.20364518

They're probably quite simple if you think about it for a while.

>> No.20364521

Do bacteria die when you move around?

>> No.20364523

And a little bit of chicken fried

>> No.20364571

Can you use "half" before an adverb, like half awkwardly, half decently etc.?

>> No.20364580

its incredible how much less i come to this thread/board/site when i am happy. i hope you are all able to find your solace someday.

>> No.20364604

it's possible this thread actually makes me hate people less.

>> No.20364653

It's a vague and half assed way of describing something but yeah

>> No.20364717

Well most women are taller than you when you're 5'2".

>> No.20364726

Reminds me, was the pedophile that used to post in this thread, the one who was "in love" and grooming a 9 years old girl, finally arrested?

>> No.20364758

the xi jinping of weed smoking, live on a thrift shop piano

>> No.20364858

Anyone else been put on SSRI's then have trouble concentrating while reading?

>> No.20364923

More than ever it’s apparent that /lit/ needs to have a branch off board created for religious, political and magical books

>> No.20364934


>> No.20364947
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>> No.20364965


>> No.20364971

As I grow older I'm talking more and more with myself. Very often walking down the street I just to myself out loud. Am I going crazy or is normal?

>> No.20364972

Never said anything against it. It’s those topics that are clogging up a literature board. I come here for books; I guess that means I’m retarded

>> No.20364983

You added 'magical books' because you're an edgy atheist

>> No.20364994

I wasn’t talking about the Bible. I mean occult and esoteric books. Hell, some topics and books mentioned here have the word magic in the title.

>> No.20365010

I do the very same. Argue with myself out loud.
t. 30 year old

>> No.20365024

your cuckqueen mother's womb fucked up your brain with too much estrogen or something

>> No.20365041

You suggested a board for both religion and magic, so you lumped them together. There's already a board for politics.

>> No.20365053

there should be a board for christianity. not for religions and not for philosophy, just for christianity.

>> No.20365070

There should be a board for sex

>> No.20365078

Way to nitpick. You know what I mean. A board for each. Happy now?

>> No.20365108

Well at least you don't sound like an edgy fedora. But no, I don't agree with you. If it's a book, it belong on /lit/. Saying certain book topics don't belong on /lit/ is silly. And the mystical subculture on /lit/ has been here for many years, I don't really see what's wrong with it. Bible is very loved here, and politics, well, it's 4chan.

>> No.20365124

Discussing the Bible’s literary merits and it’s religious merits are two different things. The former is how the Bible impacted literature. The latter is dogmatic practices. It’s easy to tell the two apart

>> No.20365136

Well most of /lit/ is spiritual as observed in many polls along the years, so it's you who doesn't belong really because you're spiritually hollow and seemingly bitter too.

>> No.20365169

Nice projection. I read plenty of spiritual books, Bible included. Why don’t you want your own board?

>> No.20365178

You shameless hussy

>> No.20365197

I do want a board for religion, but I don't think it's needed. /lit/ is already a slow board and I enjoy reading about philosophy, religion, poetry, and classical languages in one place.

>> No.20365214

Then they need to make a new literature board. Idk what they’d call it, though. There is definitely crossover territory, and I don’t mind seeing those topics discussed here and there, but scroll through the catalog. I

>> No.20365228

You'll just get used to it

>> No.20365246 [DELETED] 

What the FUCK is wrong with this website? Is there no good website for poetry?

>> No.20365252
File: 511 KB, 868x757, poetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK is wrong with this website? Is there no good website for poetry ?

>> No.20365253

No because that stuff isn’t my main interest. In fact, the tradlarpers have soured a lot of previous similar beliefs because they are insincere

>> No.20365274
File: 662 KB, 859x729, poetry2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

???? What the FUCK is this? Did I click on "poems by retarded minorities"? No, I clicked on "Collections" on an English website.

>> No.20365275

im about to go swimming :D
hopefully i dont end up like that Ned dude from that Cheever story

>> No.20365280

Wish I had friends man. Damn.

>> No.20365303

Where do you live

>> No.20365316

Do Americans really?

>> No.20365320

Wish I had sex. Damn.

>> No.20365322

Do Americans really?

>> No.20365377 [DELETED] 

People keep ignoring my autistically detailed requests to fix minor changes to their websites. How do I encourage someone to address easily fixable, small issues? Do I have to write like I'm a 10-year-old normie even though the etiquette is to be as detailed as possible?

>> No.20365523
File: 66 KB, 870x960, 1637390136218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shaved the pubes off my face today!


>> No.20365527

i think i'm too autistic to express myself effectively

>> No.20365531

I think I'm too autistic too have sex effectively

>> No.20365545
File: 60 KB, 225x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to find the pronunciation of a word
>check a few of those youtube videos on how to pronounce it
>nearly all of them are incorrect, have to check the IPA

>> No.20365555

>want to have sex
>check a few of those youtube videos on how to have sex
>nearly all of them are incorrect, have to check the PUA

>> No.20365559

I want Emma Saying to sit on my face

>> No.20365567

>as I grow older
>22 years old /lit/ poster

>> No.20365582

>as I have sex
>22 year old sex haver

>> No.20365589
File: 272 KB, 521x770, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big yikes

>> No.20365595

Big sex

>> No.20365597
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>> No.20365617
File: 966 KB, 667x936, 1506831704157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ what the fuck am I reading? Why would they let literal children write articles?

>Chelsea takes photos of me as I stand in the book signing line, clutching books written by all three authors, and then I am asked the question everyone before me has also been asked: are you a writer, too? It occurs to me that the cooler answer would be no, that it is cooler to read poetry without the pretension of calling myself a writer, especially given that I have yet to be published.

>I am a fan of fanfiction in the least transformative sense: I have never written it or even left a comment or a “kudos,” but I am a devoted reader of Archive of Our Own, a popular fan-created fanfiction website. For example, for this essay, for research purposes, I finally read the most “kudos”-ed Harry Potter fanfiction, a 526,962 word saga by MsKingBean89 titled All the Young Dudes, narrating Remus’ and Sirius’ love story from childhood to wartime. I love the work for its meticulous character development and for the way it thoughtfully embeds queerness into a world originally created by J.K. Rowling, whose “disgusting transphobic views” are explicitly denounced by MsKingBean89.

>> No.20365618
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1621580167058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am writing a treatise on race called "The Phenomenology of Niggers" that will end racism in the United States forever and will usher in a new era of racial harmony.

>> No.20365623

Based, post an excerpt.

>> No.20365630

I am writing a treatise on sex called "The Phenomenology of Coitus" that will end sex in the United States forever and will usher in a new era of sexual harmony.

>> No.20365649
File: 461 KB, 675x519, Screenshot 2022-05-14 at 00.25.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero talent
>only gets published becasue she's non-white, non-male
When is this going to end?

>> No.20365653

How does she even see with those eyes?

>> No.20365663

How does she even have sex with those eyes?

>> No.20365694

I am rarely disgusted by the appearance of a person but this girl makes me uneasy.

>> No.20365703

>For example, for this essay, for research purposes, I finally read the most “kudos”-ed Harry Potter fanfiction, a 526,962 word
Did she read the equivalent of like 6 full novels of a gay Harry Potter fanfiction just for a shitty blog post? Is a blog post considered an essay nowadays?

>> No.20365716

>526,962 word
Is this real? That's 6 PhD theses.

>> No.20365975

i used to have game but now i am gameless
no more pussy for me

>> No.20366030

some men will do whatever it takes to have the most "kudos"

>> No.20366079
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fat bird and my fat cat get along

>> No.20366104


I like this song a lot, nobody has ever given everything to me though.

>> No.20366133

everything feels so declawed an watered down
nothing's threatening anymore, everything's just a pussified version of something else

>> No.20366197

I'm fat

>> No.20366204

a thief or an incompetent president
what great elections this year

>> No.20366225 [DELETED] 

my job is so easy i literally did no work for the entire day and sat there hitting refresh on wsj while my coworker talked at me. i could have been reading all day without that fucker there tho. now it's the weekend and i can finally do whatever.

>> No.20366228
File: 53 KB, 420x420, 1641364094825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the most accessible translation of Fear and Trembling?

>> No.20366231


>> No.20366242 [DELETED] 

these songs that are basically rip-offs of 80s easy rock songs are kind of annoying because they're "good" but the whole time you're listening to them you want to hear the real original it rips-off, but there isn't exactly one.

>> No.20366254 [DELETED] 

these songs that are basically rip-offs of 80s easy rock songs are kind of annoying because they're "good" but the whole time you're listening to them you want to hear the real original it rips-off, but there isn't exactly one.

>> No.20366259

Always was

>> No.20366429

Life is about hanging out with friends that love you. There's a lot of difficult shit that you've got to navigate in life. Sometimes it'll be successful sometimes you'll fucking fail. Sometimes you'll fucking fail for a really long time. But if you've got family and friends that support you it makes all those failures easier. So if you're a misanthropic fuck like I was, open up your heart to your

>> No.20366500

Shut up

>> No.20366641

i remember it being yellow but this is probably what i was thinking of

>> No.20366660 [DELETED] 

weird i don't remember a declaration of war

>> No.20366757

many other cities in capitalist places across the world avoid this. seems to be a regional thing.
i have a feeling many of them are just money washing fronts. being in downtown raises prices and provides more volume for money laundering.
5-over-1's are nightmarish

>> No.20366760 [DELETED] 

>they're building more housing in the most desirable area to live
>it must be a conspiracy
the absolutely state of midwits

>> No.20366773

Is sugar free gum really safe?
I’m planning to use it for the benefits but I’m really scared about fucking up my teeth, is sugar free fun safe at least or should I not chew gum at all?

>> No.20366795

downtown is for shops and business and nightlife. you don't need your home literally right next to it. you build the residential areas around it: uptown or the suburbs, and set up proper public transportation to commute in.

>> No.20366857

it's weird that there are banners on this site that would get you banned if you posted the image on certain boards, or just mercilessly ridiculed

>> No.20366929
File: 695 KB, 828x1357, 3A5AF3FB-2129-4E18-8B79-142A49F4191D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s almost comical how perfect you are for me yet continuously slip through my fingers. Comical in a cosmic tragedy sort of way I guess. I have no idea what you’re up to but whatever it is, I love you while you’re doing it. Just knowing you exist has left a lasting impact on my life. I hope and pray that supernatural forces hear how badly I want to be together and remove all barriers to it

>> No.20366963

/k/ here

I'm looking for a book I stumbled upon a long time ago. Its a British novel that came out in the latter half of the 20th century and is about a man who works on a meat packing or meat scrap line. He has an incestuous (or otherwise uncomfortable) relationship with his mother who is crippled.
I found it by searching "the most messed book of all time" in google in 2011 or so. It showed up along with Naked Lunch

>> No.20367003

is it possible to develop PTSD from a situation where you were the aggressor
like do something so awful that the guilt permanently fucks you up to the point you can't function

>> No.20367009

>t. Schizo

>> No.20367019

Yeah it's called 'guilt' retard. Cool you abused or raped someone though, think God'll clear your sins?

>> No.20367042

What did you do anon we all wanna know

>> No.20367054

>think God'll clear your sins?
probably not

>> No.20367057

So no head?

>> No.20367065

Jesus Christ how'd you manage that? If she says no or is otherwise incapable of doing that, don't.

>> No.20367073
File: 47 KB, 1024x681, Trent-Reznor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20367074

You don't have PTSD. You're afraid of getting caught.

>> No.20367090

my memory of it his hazy since this was nearly a decade ago but i definitely ignored a number of no's
no, i'm not. i'm still friends with this woman. she doesn't perceive me as a rapist. even if she did she can't do anything to me. i'm not in a position where i could face legal or social consequences over this

>> No.20367091

I've become fat after eating extra food at night over the past several years because my family started buying me snacks. For the past couple nights I stopped eating at night, and it's easy. They were right when they said "just don't eat lol."

>> No.20367101

have you grown breasts?

>> No.20367142

Yes, but it's less than what you'd think. Most others I see of similar size have larger breasts. I guess it's one of my blessings.

>> No.20367184

that ketamine is keta mine

>> No.20367209
File: 88 KB, 800x534, 800px-Pistachio_macro_whitebackground_NS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piss stache yo

>> No.20367249

>2/3 of a price is paying for shells

>> No.20367255

You sound like a weirdo

>> No.20367278

no shit man

>> No.20367301

NTA but I think you should at least apologize. Or die.

>> No.20367306

i apologized a lot but she said i didn't do anything wrong
i've done so much to make it up to her but she keeps acting like nothing happened
maybe it's a roundabout way of punishing me

>> No.20367308

While, elsewhere, estuaries of wax-white wend, endlessly, towards seashores unmapped.

>> No.20367310

It's called repression and compartmentalizing

>> No.20367316

Burn in hell

>> No.20367326
File: 24 KB, 600x602, 1639400841925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 year old male virgin, never kiss a girl before
Well I just did and it was fucking terrible, I didn't know wtf to do. She tried kissing my again before she left but then she giggled
I thought my natural instincts would kick in but I guess not.
Its over

>> No.20367380

At least she didn't take your virginity (and most likely won't at that point), you are still pure.

>> No.20367391

Stop encouraging people to be losers

>> No.20367399
File: 66 KB, 690x862, 5sc2qqu12sa51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flexible are preserved unbroken.
The bent become straight.
The empty are filled.
The exhausted become renewed.
The poor are enriched.
The rich are confounded.

Therefore the sage embraces the one.
Because he doesn’t display himself, people can see his light.
Because he has nothing to prove, people can trust his words.
Because he doesn’t know who he is, people recognize themselves in him.
Because he has no goal in mind, everything he does succeeds.

>> No.20367401

He manages that by himself very well, I was trying to be comforting.

>> No.20367523

How to unfuck myself?

>> No.20367545

It sounds like you never raped her. What the fuck are you feeling guilty about? She clearly liked it if she's still friends with. Stop being a retard.

>> No.20367561

Stop watching porn if it causes problems

>> No.20367567

I dont really watch porn.

>> No.20367574

Is a crossdresser someone who likes to dress like the opposite sex? I know someone who does this and he's happy and married (with an ex Suicide Girl). If you don't want to do it, then you just have to control your urges. What's your problem?

>> No.20367578

can't study can't study can't study need to study need to study need to study
I mean I don't really need to study but I have to, fuck me, why am I so weak-minded?

>> No.20367586

>free artistic expression: true art
>appeasing the market: saleable
Getting both at the same time how?

>> No.20367588

Find God or take ADHD meds

>> No.20367591

Only accidentally it can be done if it happens that what you truly like also appeases the market. However, if that happens, then something is wrong with you because the market likes garbage.

>> No.20367628

>Is a crossdresser someone who likes to dress like the opposite sex?
Yeah. Its just bogging my mind on why I have this fetish.

>> No.20367737

You are part of a macrotrend. How does that make you feel?

>> No.20367749
File: 79 KB, 786x526, 1210742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend lives in America, I live in Europe. She's just visited Europe, now I'm visiting America. When she visited, she repeatedly got drunk and said we should get "Green Card married" so we can live together in America. I would have no problem spending a very long time with her, and her obviously with me. She said she wants something long-term, and I'm happy to move to the US. But we've only known each other less than a year. What am I supposed to do? It just seems too big a step, even though I don't have a problem with the commitment itself

>> No.20367750

Do some exercising. Physical labor is a good break from too much mental strain.

>> No.20367753

In today's world you're either an incel or a tranny. Which one are you?

>> No.20367755

I should say that she also said it sober later, but seemed afraid to voice it in case I thought she was coming on too strong

>> No.20367758

I'm guessing you meant to respond to the study guy

>> No.20367761

I would still wait with the big decision, sounds to me she might be rushing into things cause she really wants your dick.

>> No.20367763

Sounds like a shitty idea. There are plenty of whores in Europe no need to go to that god forsaken land for a drunk whore.

>> No.20367764

Oh wait you did, excuse me I'm having a lapse of reason

>> No.20367778
File: 97 KB, 1170x873, ddw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% intellectually compatible with queer/gender theory

>> No.20367873

If people accept that biological boys can "identify" as girls, there's no reason they wouldn't accept a biological 70 years old man who identifies as a 10 years old girl.

>> No.20367893

Why would you want amerimutt genes?

>> No.20367926

I’m a pseud midwit doomer incel

>> No.20367968

Both her parents are European (but what's wrong with yanks anyway)

>> No.20368067

Nothing, do not let genetics autists dictate your life. Physiognomy is the enlightened man's way of selecting friends and partners.
>What am I supposed to do?
Wait a 3-4 more months, propose to her and then delay the actual marriage for a year or more if you are still not sure.

>> No.20368097

I only met her in November of last year, do you reckon that's long enough together to realistically be contemplating marriage? Obviously it was more than enough in previous times but I don't really know what's right these days. Is it crazy of her to have said it, even? Or actually kind of a good sign?

>> No.20368101

What's your age?

>> No.20368144

Nottingham Ninjas watch out, "they" are comin home... vroom vroom VROOOOOOOOM YEP it's Freddy McQuacker, head of the Cardiff Capes. The light on his sunglasses moves like a Samurais blade as he turns his head towards me. "WHERE ARE THE NINJAS?" the old man screams at me while the vein on his temple is doing a workout. "Stop screaming at me you stink bro lmao" - Maybe it was the lively atmosphere, the sunshine and the noise that made me impulsively commit the biggest mistake of my entire life. No one plays with McQuacker.

What happens next?

>> No.20368150

Marriage in this age is something fickle and transient. Regardless of how you believe things ought to be, this is how they are. As such half a year together sounds quite appropriate to begin contemplating it. Raising a child is the actual dealer sealer. A proper marriage contract can be dissolved relatively painlessly, children do not go away.
In your situation the geographical distance is most concerning. Living together and managing the day to day affairs of a household is the true test of a lifetime relationship. And if you move to the US and things do not work out I'd imagine you'd suffer some financial and career losses going back to Europe.
>Is it crazy of her to have said it, even? Or actually kind of a good sign?
You tell me man, you was there. But the way you are describing it, it sounds like a good sign. I mean if she's talking about it openly even when sober... take the fucking hint.

>> No.20368171

I'm 25, she's 21

My job currently is a remote writing job, my career prospects in her part of America are actually much better than they would be where I live. I don't see us having children, at least not for a long time

>> No.20368251

I feel this

>> No.20368257

dude no one gives a shit about soccer ok

>> No.20368264

Tech-illiterate anon here. Didn't feel like this deserves its own thread so I'm asking here.
How do I go about downloading ebooks from libgen or z-lib, etc, and getting them onto my eReader? I was gifted a kobo libra 2 not long ago and I really like it. Just looking to expand my library without breaking the bank; I've bought a few ebooks already but fugg do they add up.

Is it as simple as hooking it up to my laptop and transfering files from there? Or am I missing something.

>> No.20368265

Please don't tell me you are a journalist...

>> No.20368273

Kobo libra supports all the most popular e-book formats so yes, it is as simple as transferring the files from your PC to the device.

>> No.20368288

I would wait. It's a really risky move for a relationship less than a year old. If things don't work out, then you're in a foreign land all by yourself. Just voice your concerns to her and she'll probably understand

>> No.20368307

If you love her do what you must bro.

>> No.20368310

Thank you anon, cheers

>> No.20368317


>> No.20368609

Is your childhood anything special? For me it's pretty straightforward, lost my father figure when I was 4 (not a nigger he just died of sickness), didnt even remember much about him, grew up surrounded by mother, grandmother and aunt. Used to steal and wear my mom's panties when I was 8 - 9 until one day I almost got caught. Luckily I wasnt borned in America or else I would get groomed into become a tranny now.

>> No.20368685

Honestly, nothing too much of a different. Maybe a distant father.

>> No.20368760

i'm not cold but i sure am shivering

>> No.20368761
File: 9 KB, 263x192, Download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched Freddy Got Fingered and a common theme is showcasing how humans lose themselves into these different modes of being by using absurd humor. Just deconstruction but I can't live with that. I can't accept that this is how reality is structured while I'm still able to suffer. I'm realizing the inconsistencies of my being, of some of the things that give my life meaning, but I can't escape the pain. So I have to pretend I don't know

>> No.20368827

i was in the tank and you did not visit me

>> No.20369005

Well bros Im about to begin a third day of day drinking

>> No.20369087

Why do you drink?

>> No.20369090

What are you drinking?

>> No.20369102

Boredom. Gives me something to do
Stella Artois.

>> No.20369110

Beer drinking doesn't do much damage (except getting fat), you'll be fine. Daily bottle of liquor is when you should start worrying.

>> No.20369114

Yeah my brother is on the daily liquor. I can't ever do that. Too disgusted by it

>> No.20369172

New thread

>> No.20369177

>only his third day
some of you guys really dont know what true rock bottom is

>> No.20369247

Both of my brothers are hardcore alcoholics. I really try to avoidthat and moderate my bingeing sessions to a few days

>> No.20369313

Killed by janny


>> No.20369319

New janny is a bit of a retard

>> No.20369341

Stop making threads before the bump limit, you retards. It's that simple. other generals wait until they're at least page 5, why can't you fucks do the same?

>> No.20369362

it's been at the bump limit dumbass

>> No.20369372

No thread! I guess we should just kys?

>> No.20369374

No one cares autistic tranny newfag it's always been this way

>> No.20369375

i was looking through the catalog for some threads to bump and there's seriously nothing good, maybe that thread about the guy who dropped out of his phd, that's about it

>> No.20369376

The bump limit is 310. That would make this >>20369341 when the bump limit was reached. /lit/ is a slow board and even with a reached bump limit the post could be up for dozens of hours.

>> No.20369385

Who's gonna go on IRC to tell them to kick out the overzealous tranny? He's been deleting threads like an idiot

>> No.20369400



No link to previous thread because I cba to put in effort for a retard to delete it because he forgot to dilate this morning

>> No.20369476

they say theres either trannyism or chemical castration
don't know if any of them works i'm in the same boat lol

>> No.20369583

i feel the same for the big titty goth gf that i will one day get

>> No.20369586

Install Calibre and just transfer the files into your ereader.

>> No.20369738

Why are the new threads being deleted

>> No.20369767

follow the money

>> No.20369774

But they do it for free

>> No.20370372

You can't look at boards in a vacuum. Rain on one board makes a puddle that splashes on another. A storm on this website is sure to cause a flood on whatever alternative comes next, if the walls are let down. It's not just /pol/ or zoomers. This whole website is now such an anomaly that it must be intentionally fuelled by institutional interest - that factor alone is bound to have noticible consequences in the quality, or, 'kind' of discourse at some point. Thus any decline you are noticing is the result of concerted efforts from autonomous groups. You are probably 'too old' (not just in age) to spend time here in naive ernest. It's a place for fucking around of all sorts, but not the kind of fucking around for someone who wants to be seen a serious father (to serious ideas.) It's still ok if you don't fancy yourself too good to go without a membership card you can show off, and if you're really good at asking questions, there's always the archives. That might be what it comes down to. Maybe some people hate anonymity so much because they can't effectively use it to gain leverage for themselves. In fact, good discussion is such a gay and decadent desire. Good discussion is owed to *time*, not to a place. The times up for dribbling.

>> No.20370718

You forgot the link…

Fucking janny