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File: 453 KB, 1711x2560, Bronze Age Mindset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20360347 No.20360347 [Reply] [Original]

This is genius except for the last chapter which is retarded.

>> No.20360351

he walked that one back

>> No.20360359


>> No.20360377

Can't remember exactly where, but he has mentioned a couple times on his podcast that he would no longer advise anyone to go into the military, maybe the episode with lippincott?

>> No.20360556

PLEASE someone post the tweet about waking up in a big bed alone (and then enjoying the view from your gold coast mansion, I think), I asked for it a few days ago but didn't have a chance to see if any nice anon delivered, I can't find it on google.

>> No.20360678

Yeah. Episode 106 of his podcast. Adjusted it after seeing the complete degradation of today's military and how effective local politics can be. Other than that, the book is highly entertaining and invigorating.

>> No.20360794

bar meet floor

>> No.20361272

Who is BAP actually?

>> No.20361290
File: 640 KB, 759x619, podcast owl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a podcast ep on BAM actually. And yeah, end chapter drops the ball. It was like BAP just had a bunch of extra ideas he couldn't be bothered to put into the book properly.


>> No.20361344

A scrawny academic with big funding
he’s been doxxed

>> No.20361371
File: 141 KB, 720x1344, 61951f769f8fe330b83c043654fac7c69071c0b752248db899a710e555fb241c_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20361374

I know, I'm a faggot for the ifunny caption and watermark, but I couldn't be bothered to crop it out.

>> No.20361549

I can't think of any doxxing that fell flatter than this one. It didn't interrupt his output, doesn't appear to have fucked with this life, and he's too cute to make fun of his appearance. Big L for the leftoids

>> No.20361556

>modern biology is too reductionist bro!
>also hormones control everything

>> No.20361560

>he's too cute to make fun of his appearance
He roleplays as a bodybuilder online but he's a scrawny twink in real life

>> No.20361577

I mean, that fact is brought up all the time, on every thread, twitter post, ect. He is loathed and discredited. His book is bad and you should feel bad, kike worshipper.

>> No.20361659

All I remember is that in the beginning he started railing against natural sciences/scientists and I dropped it as soon as that started. Some philosophers feel the need to do that because they have an inferiority complex because they aren't taken as serious. The problem is that then all they do is show they know nothing of the science they are shitting on or how scientists are. Makes sense he studied political science.

>> No.20361670

His neck looks a little thin there but 9-to-1 odds his face looks a lot better than yours. i dont think there's full body shots
Incoherent post

>> No.20361721

Hormones are much more to him than their reductonist understanding.
He's right in saying that reductionism is limited and unsatisfactory especially in evolution when it leads to endless just so stories to explain everything. I like his theory of will and differentation at the core of life, it's more thought-provoking than that mindless mechanical reductionism (which is all paradigmatic in the end).

>> No.20361989

>blushed cheeks
He cute (no homo)

>> No.20362021
File: 1.98 MB, 1122x747, BRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice colorized podcast owl. super rare

>> No.20362025

Most dangerous book I know, more of a weapon than a literary work really.
He succeeds in doing what he intends through it.

>> No.20362028


low-T ankle-biters

>> No.20362089

>kike worshipper
Is this schizoid apophenia, or is this post AI-generated?

>> No.20362270

whats some good bronze age lit with the same energy? i guess i man, what did he read that inspired this book?

>> No.20362272

I read the preface and the prose was extremely tedious and hard to understand.
Does it stay like this? I could barely understand what he was saying.

>> No.20362295

he looks EXACTLY like a guy who uses the name "Bronze Age Pervert" unironically

>> No.20362939

I wish I knew him irl, I have so many questions. It's hard to tell with him how much is the persona and how much is really him.

>> No.20362943

discredited irrelevant BAM is a meme book, and definitely not loathed by everyone.

>> No.20363163

If you ever interact with a typical institutional scientist, you will realize his complaints against them were spot on. They are for the most pary petty little creatures obsessed with minor prestige and cataloguing details with little regard for any understanding or pursuit of a grand picture

>> No.20363204

Have we seen his body? And don't tell me about the neck, Jeff Nippard had a weak neck with a great body.
Also, fags here swore up and down that BAP is Moldbug for years until Moldbug was on his podcast.

>> No.20364158

I hate him for being a Putin worshipping cuck who would see the West degraded all out a vain hope that people would suddenly start hating blacks and gays if that were to happen.
Western global dominance is glorious. It just shouldn't be used for globohomo purposes. Aiding European Ukrainians against the Asiatic Muslim hordes of Putin is noble.

>> No.20364191

This is so gay.

>> No.20364216

Not as gay as "I will admire the male bodily form, then get very emotional arguing that the Sacred Band of Thebes were totally just friends"

>> No.20364220

Never read this stupid fucking book but he's very cute

>> No.20364224

That's right.

>> No.20364343


>> No.20365140
File: 450 KB, 750x869, IMG_6093 (Edited).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A bisexual Jewish grifter. Check the archives for more info

>> No.20365165 [DELETED] 

i can't believe the audiobook of this is in the most recent audible 2-for-1 sale, he must be selling a lot, they only put bestselling shit in those sales. i listened to the sample audio and he was comparing mitt romney to some antique rogue general, sounded like some shit from a midwit podcast.

>> No.20365177

I've read it twice and I still don't understand a lot of it.

>> No.20365486

Faceblindness. Eye color, chin, lips, eyebrows, and nose all different

>> No.20365669


>> No.20365678

Autism. Goes along with the faceblindness. You will never be neurotypical