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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2035339 [Reply] [Original]

Just how awful can a fantasy novel be?
Find out in in November, and watch as this book pioneers new sickening lows.

>> No.2035359


How dare ignorant teenagers like a product designed for ignorant teenagers and not deep, original fiction written a decade ago? Those cunts! How dare they like something I don't like!

>> No.2035365

Holy shit, are you seriously defending this drivel?
If ignorant teenagers need something to occupy themselves with, they can watch Star Wars.

>> No.2035382

I only let my 8 year old read The Great Gatsby at 1984.

>> No.2035384


Why are you such a literature snob? The book series is literally mindless fun, it's god-awful, but boy is it fun.

>> No.2035392

Let me guess - you think Margaret Atwood is 'nuanced', right?

>> No.2035393

That word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

Fun is pushing a snooping brat out a window when he catches you an incestuous affair.
Fun is not Elves being invulnerable to everything.

>> No.2035388

It's a wonder this tripe ever got published.

>> No.2035397 [DELETED] 

>your face when if you expose them to good literature at a young age they will probably acclimate to it and get an early start on having read good books as opposed to only deciding books are more fun than video games when they are in their late teens like most of us do

>my face when this is a huge assumption on my part but I'm still not letting my kids read trashy books and if they want to so bad they can use the school library

>> No.2035399

When your Mommy and Daddy are publishers, it's no wonder.

>> No.2035400


It's literally the Call of Duty of books, that's what I mean by fun. And really, get that stick out of your ass.

Yes, I know the series is retardedly bad, it won't stop me from reading it for fun, instead of looking for deep philosophical ideals and 2deep4u symbolism

>> No.2035402



>> No.2035409

>judging a children's book by the same standards as an adult novel

Are you dense?

>> No.2035412

So a book should get off being bad just because it's "aimed" at kids?
What kind of logic is that?

>> No.2035428

i'm sure I remember when someone went to a Paolini signing or whatever and he asked about the Star Wars and LOTR similarities and could tell he was getting agitated about it.

>> No.2035440
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>> No.2035446
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The series is fun to read, I'm not asking more. You're a faggot for ranting about this.

>> No.2035449

books don't even have penises

but pertaining to your question, children's books should have more lax standards of quality as literature than adult books, because advanced storytelling techniques are often difficult for children to comprehend. I'd rather my child read Eragon and Siddhartha in two weeks than have him slog through an overly challenging (Faulkner, Morrison, insert author here) novel and bestow upon him a dislike of reading altogether.

You seem to think children are mentally prepared for any book as soon as they learn to read. They're not.

>> No.2035453
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Hi guys. These books changed my life. After I read them, I discovered that it was my destiny to change this world. So I got a horse and ride it around town doing justice in the name of the Vardan. I have become one with my horse and she is me as I am a part of her. One day, when my training in this town is done, I will go to Washington and challenge Galbatorix to a duel for the ultimate justice.

>> No.2035454

>comparing Eragon to ASOIAF

you've got to be retarded. You've just got to be.

>> No.2035464


Who'd do that. I was just reacting at:

Fun is pushing a snooping brat out a window when he catches you an incestuous affair.
Fun is not Elves being invulnerable to everything.

>> No.2035472
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Wait, I'm 2035440, not 2035454.

>> No.2035483

you can quote posts by clicking on the post number, you big derp

and we just have diverging definitions of fun. More importantly, I think that most children would prefer invincible elves to Bran chapters. I know I did.

>> No.2035500


I would prefer the terrible Bran chapters to invicible elves. But I know I would prefer the laughable Roran chapters to the Bran ones.

>> No.2035509

I thought this board was called Literature, so what is this bullshit doing here?

>> No.2035519


>> No.2035521

>calls bullshit
>has tripcode
>implying his opinion even maters

>> No.2035526

I might prefer the Bran chapters if I were a crippled mama's boy

alas, my mama is dead.

or IS she?

>> No.2035530

Bran chapters feature him delving deep into the territory of the ancient evil to become some sort of great Forest God. He is accompanied by a giant in strength and height, two children of a swamp wizard, and an undead ranger of the Night's Watch.

And GRRM found a way to make all of this boring as shit.

>> No.2035589

Don't the elves eventually grow old, have small populations and can be killed by blades and magic? They are by no means invincible.

>> No.2035627


Did we see elves die, except some nameless morons in the first volume?
Old incapacitated retards don't count.

>> No.2035639

What kind of bedtime stories would you people read to your kids. Just curious.

>> No.2035641
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>> No.2035644

One Piece.

>> No.2035655


But that's wrong you fucking retard. Bran was a highlight of ADwD.

>> No.2035660


I'll read that nigga On a Pale Horse.

>> No.2035661

I didn't think it was boring at all. Bran's chapters were actually my favorite in ADWD.

>> No.2035665


>> No.2035672


Tom Sawyer

>> No.2035674


I don't even want kids.

>> No.2035678

Watered down versions of greek myths.

>> No.2035706
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I read them the stories I write. Masterworks, I have to admit.

>> No.2035728
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>This whole thread
Protip: /lit/ isn't big on fantasy.

>> No.2035740


Really people, I've only read the first two, and while the first could be defended as "mindless fun" I don't see how you can do that with the overly long sequel which was convinced it was written by Tolkien.

>> No.2035901


Paolini only got published because it's his parent's publishing company.

It even says it in the book, I believe.

>> No.2035903
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It's like I'm meeting my future self in the present!

My hat is off to you good sir!

>> No.2036068

The worst thing is, this is not going to be the last book.
I can guarantee he's going to squeeze a fifth one out, just so he can put the Emperor's evil dragon on the cover.

>> No.2036077


Or he'll write a shitty prequel series. Since you know, everyone loves prequels.

>> No.2036089

I feel old because people here have actually read these books.

This is almost as bad as the Artemis Fowl thread.

>> No.2036112

ASOIAF is just as shitty as Eragon.

>> No.2036121

I remember reading Eragon when I was about 12 and absolutely hating it and finding it a massive chore to finish. If I ever have kids they won't be allowed anywhere near it

>> No.2036162

I read the first two books as a freshman in high school. It was entertaining, but hardly original. I think it was that bit about Murtagh coming back on the side of the king (Galbatorix or some shit) and being Eragon's secret brother and other such shit that completely turned me off to the series.

>> No.2036164

Star Wars with a cliched fantasy skin. The books suck.

>> No.2036411
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I found this series to be incredibly enjoyable. Sue me.

>> No.2036469

My older cousin that knows I like to read recommended this series to me. He said that it is just like Lord of the Rings.

I wanted to punch him in the face. But I just awkwardly pretended that I never heard about it and promised to look it up.

>> No.2036480
File: 286 KB, 1278x546, eragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to believe that it can be any worse than Eldest.

What's the point of having so many characters if they're all so horribly bland and forgettable?

>> No.2036493

I remember that time some douchebag made something up cause someone liked somthing he didnt.

>> No.2036495

This series is no better or worse than WoT or SoT.

There's good fantasy out there. This is not it.

>> No.2036498

This mans sarcasm points you all in the correct direction. You guys need to quit being so snobbish. Maintain board standards blah blah, fuck you. A thread like this gets waaaay more posts than a fucking Ulysses discussion thread. This is just you guys exercising your egos on people who actually like to read.

>> No.2036508

I've read the first two books and they're not fun.

Why are there people on /lit/ saying these books are fun when they aren't?

>> No.2036516
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>> No.2036577

I don't give a shit what you people think. I read Lord of the Rings and loved it. I read this series and loved it. Perhaps it has bad writing, but I sure as hell can't tell, its fun and adventurous.

If I enjoy reading a book, I'll be glad...

>> No.2036579

PLEASE tell me that it is actually called Inheritance.

I need this.

>> No.2036638

Eragon allowed 2 slaves to die to catch the fucking crow demons. He tossed away two lives with a casual, "it was their fate anyone" to get a lead on his cousins wife.

He's a monster.

>> No.2036663

b-b-but cultural relativity

>> No.2036724

It is.

>> No.2036737
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ITT: a bunch of butthurt and pretentious assfags.

Y'all are mad that Paolini is living a dream and got his books published. I don't recall Paolini ever saying he was trying to revolutionize literature... He was a 15 year old kid writing a fantasy story.

>> No.2036740

>He was a 15 year old kid writing a fantasy story.

No, he's a child prodigy and an absolute genius.

>> No.2036741

>he's a child prodigy and an absolute genius.

No, he is God, Himself, on Earth, and a benevolent and magnificent force to provide us servants with his books, which are the Holy Word.

>> No.2036745
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Now that's what I like to hear.

>> No.2038922

The books are pretty good for being written by a teenager. They were pretty much tl;dr all the way through, though.

>> No.2039005


>written by a teenager

Someone believes the hype.

Protip: He was only a teenager when he wrote the original version of the first book. He hasn't magically remained one for years.

>> No.2039090

Gollancz is the only decent fantasy publisher.

>> No.2039123

As someone that only saw the AWFUL (but funny as hell) movie. Is Eragon really that bad? I mostly heard that it rips off every fantasy clichéd ever invented. I mean I was thinking of reading the first book to see what makes everyone so mad over it.

>> No.2039126

i've not read the first book, but it can't be worse than the film. It was like a How To Guide to the steps of fantasy cliches, complete with shit acting.

>> No.2039131

I was just lucky I'm into MST3K and friends with me. Or I would have been so annoyed by the whole movie.

>> No.2039133



It's basically Star Wars and Lord of the Rings thrown in a blender, along with every stereotypical fantasy cliche imaginable.

>> No.2039137

Is most of the hatred because of how popular it is? Like Twilight?

>> No.2039140

the hatred is because it's popular and real bad. if it wasn't popular, it would just be bad, and no one would know about it, and they'd just think 'oh there's a bad thing.'

>> No.2039145

i really don't think it's anywhere near that level of popularity, or as heavily advertised as Twilight. I think people are annoyed that a 15 year old kid has been successfully published thanks to mummy and daddy when it's so hard to get published, and his books are just a copy/paste version of every fantasy book ever. It's just insulting.

>> No.2039151

What did his parents do? Sorry I only heard of the book because of the movie.

>> No.2039152

they own the publishing company, it's been brought up in the thread. so you can kinda understand the hostility towards the books.

>> No.2039154

Yeah I can kind of see how that would piss off a lot of people. Clichéd fantasy book gets published when good fantasy books never see the light of day. Is it even worth reading or is it just painful to read?

>> No.2039156

>implying i'm not going to preorder this master piece

>> No.2039163

I suppose it depends on what you're looking for. It's literally every fantasy cliche, as written by a 15 year old. If you want some easy light reading you could give it a try, just don't expect any surprises. Lol i'm probably not the best person to ask i'm clearly biased.

>> No.2039164

>implying I won't buy it because I read the others growing up

I want to know how it ends, otherwise reading the other tree was just a waste of time

>> No.2039174
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>But it's fun!

You can have a fun children's book that is not awful in every other way, you know.

>> No.2039177

I already preordered 4 copies for my friend's birthdays.
They all read the other three

>> No.2039178

On the topic, what did you guys think of A Series of Unfortunate Events and The Keys to the Kingdom.
I loved those two and Eragon when I was younger.

>> No.2039181

Are their birthdays all on the release date?

>> No.2039184

This shit nazi propaganda or something?

>> No.2039196

Not on the release date, but two in november and one on the first of december

>> No.2039324

Are you not afraid that they will buy the books for themselves in that time? Just curious.