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20359487 No.20359487 [Reply] [Original]

Here’s my poem. R8 and h8 it:


I’ve read Whatever on Archive
It tells how misearable
Being the unfuckable
It’s just our pathetic life

We get no luck
Never made girls wet
Always have been seen as bad
Impossible to fuck


Just hug the inevitable thing
For being born ugly
That hated by everybody
Tragic human being

Falling down
For the clown

We are the entities
That get no tities.

- Zoomer Anon.

>> No.20359492


>> No.20359497

0 pussy verse

>> No.20359522
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okay but rate mine

A declaration of war.
One Friday night, as I was walking down the street

I spotted a whore, a disgusting piece of meat

My heart filled with hatred, for wenches are that which I despise

As the hatred grew, I knew today would be the one in which she met her demise

For I had grown sick of these whores and their whorish tricks

The masses may think me mad, when in fact they are the only lunatics

For they deceive themselves with lies,

with the belief that it’s okay if their daughter fucks five guys

But I know this to be false, and that is all that matters

And so I shall take action against these whores, each one I find I shall batter

For if I do not, then who will?
For God I shall do it, for God I shall kill.

>> No.20359524
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zoomed here, I wrote this on my visit to the art museum
Hand stretched out
To grasp at nought
Catching air
Is all you’ve got
Anguished appendage
Cast in bronze
To spend eternity
Forever reaching
Never meeting
Who crafted you?
Your fingers screeching
Who left you unfinished, deficient, sketchy
Partial and patchy
Only a study,
Declares the creator
Unfit to be joined
To the whole that is greater

>> No.20359525

No one gives a shit if you can't get laid. That's a you problem.

>> No.20359531

8/10. I like the rhyme scheme.

>> No.20359541

I like this

>> No.20359547

Bruh you just shat out English language

>> No.20359558

whats with this trend where every pair of pantsuit be rolled up or made short above your ankles? Is this yo show off their shoe consumerism?

>> No.20359563

thank you !
im trying to get better at writing poems, by writing about mundane or unconventional objects or subjects, because those seem to be more interesting than writing about love or sadness or death

>> No.20359568

No, but because it gives our pair of converse and socks a chance to be seen in more detail which is so cool.

>> No.20359587
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>> No.20359620

This is now a poetry rate thread. Ok here’s mine:
Hot and black
Glided down my throat
Quenching thirst
Yet creating more
Can never have enough
A thrice daily ritual
On my knees
Almost praying
To the b(c)e(o)a(c)n(k)s
Very incel core but not terrible. Add in something about not going to prom or something.

Chad verse. Very nice.

Really enjoyed this one. I like the position you take on writing poetry as well

Needs a verse to go with it but otherwise fitting of the thread.

>> No.20359653

6/10. Cool metaphor but i can’t understand the most part of your poem, bro.

>> No.20359677

What is there to understand, Anon? Mine is a poem of little substance. Meaning is created through the reader

>> No.20359980

Good, but I think mine is more appropriate, if you would so suffer it:

Black cock.

Listening to hip hop
Watching the sportball
Going to BLM protest
Disowning my convservative parents
Using their credit card to buy a blacked.com subscription


Yuh, huh, yo frfr

I love blacks
Blacks are the best
Black cock in my ass
Black lead in my chest

But it ain't no problem
They're just oppressed
Crime is alright
As long as I'm not racist

>> No.20359988

this goes very hard. saved

>> No.20359999

I'd love to read more, do you have discord?

>> No.20360002
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>> No.20360287

Not very good
Edgy but gave me a good laugh also it has a good rhythm scheme
Actually pretty good

>> No.20360500
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same anon, different poem

Whilst staring at the stars, with the universe on my mind,

debating the existence of niggers, I began to find,

Their lives hold no value, not to me nor to you;

What was one to expect from a race the complexion of poo?

They take, they rape, and yet still, some deny they hate.

“What is this path of thought?”, I began to query,

“For not hating such vile scum they will all pay dearly”

When Jamal comes knocking, talk of equality will fall on death ears

as Jamal has come to RAPE! Not to sit and debate with White queers!

And so they scream for the negro to have grace

though this is to no avail as Jamal prepares to smash in their face.

They like to yell at their rallies,
ACAB too,
nothing ever changes; nothing is new...

Save for a well placed PIPE-BOMB!


And the crowd goes wild!

Remains spread everywhere!

Dead Whites, Blacks, and even a Nigger Child!

Uh oh! What’s this?

Sarin gas mixed with the bomb!?

Ha! The death count will be devastating

And the list of victims more than a mile long!

>> No.20361980

sorry saw this late, my discord is bogworms#1024

>> No.20362577


For us
No lie
Its clout, or die.

more personal than zeitgist.

>> No.20362606

More zeitgeist than personal. Inceldom is contemporary phenomenon. According to BBC, 45% of zoomers being single.

>> No.20362783

>Inceldom is contemporary phenomenon
I agree for the most part. The dynamics of sex have changed a lot over the past 10-15 years.
>According to BBC, 45% of zoomers being single.
But I am single and I'm not an incel per say. I've had sex. once
That being said we do have the largest amount of incels. If you looked back in time even the greatest gen was having more sex than us by this point. It's a segment but it lacks a universality that I think my work delivers on.

>> No.20362805

Awakened by the clanging tumult of bells
The moos of the cows reverberate even louder
Through the cracks in the damp road and fractures of the shattered bricks
That together sustain the footsteps of the commoners

Renewed by the fresh rays of the sun beaming over the towering mountainside
And empowered by the chatter of the bustling streets below
The slumber of my restless soul terminates
And life is balanced and true again in the air I breathe

(wrote for a class. it's about the village i used to live in)

>> No.20362912

I love the last stanza, anon. Keep it up!

>> No.20362927

It's clunky. Your meter's all over the place. It's also quite dated. Would get an A- in a high school English class, though.
t. published poet.

>> No.20362930

It's a better use of your time than tiktok

>> No.20363010

that’s exactly what I got in a college course for it. it’s not too good but it was my first attempt at poetry and I want to write more, happy to see other people trying it out in this thread

>> No.20363037
