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20358127 No.20358127 [Reply] [Original]

Post stories about authors being terrible people.

>> No.20358130

well that's all in the past so all that's left is the good stuff they left us to read :)

>> No.20358143

There's a whole lot of stupid shit Marx did in his life besides his comments on jews, from cheating on his baroness wife to neglecting his kids.

>> No.20358149
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average freud reader

>> No.20358154

That was the one good thing Marx ever wrote

>> No.20358189

I'll add:

Aristotle: His opinion on homosexuals

Derrida: About his colleague being investigated for sexual harassment

>> No.20358199

Adolf Hitler was vegetarian and adored by German youth.

>> No.20358205

>Adolf Hitler was vegetarian

lol Germans are insane and will always worship false prophets

>> No.20358214

>being terrible people
According to who? Your demented 21st century Western progressive views of morality? Kys. I mean this sincerely.

>> No.20358217

Nothing wrong with Schopenhauer's question

>> No.20358280

bro I’m pretty sure that most people would find a group of prominent French philosophers trying to completely abolish the age of consent in 1977 pretty repugnant

>> No.20358292

Anti-pedophilia is a modern ethic, but I'll admit when I begin to explore further into this thought, I nope.jpg the fuck out.

>> No.20358325
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Rousseau literally wrote a book about what he did to his five kids (dumped them at a foundling hospital to die because they were conceived with a mentally retarded maid).

>> No.20358343

Why are americans so fucking butthurt about that petition?
Do you also want the government to tell you to wear a mask and get vaxxed?
Do you unironically support biopolitical power?

>> No.20358346

The General Will wills it

>> No.20358350

>will always worship false prophets
name one

>> No.20358351


What's did he say about stairs?

>> No.20358356

Literally no issue with the top 4
Schopenhauer didn't kick a woman down the stairs

>> No.20358358

He pushed his maid down the stairs.

>> No.20358362

His mother kicked him down the stairs hough.

>> No.20358382

highest reading comprehension /lit/ user

>> No.20358415

we've all been there...

>> No.20358450

>mentally retarded
was short-hand for illiterate commoner in those days - as demonstrated by addison also to name an english use, so..

i'm sure his kids were fine

>> No.20358452

lol 90 percent of this board would've been labeled as retards hahahaha

>> No.20358467

100% of the society, you mean, don't downplay the import of this factoid(!)

>> No.20358480

Not to mention the dude was a misogynist and huge racist and said his landlord was from Africa. Fuck that scumbug.

>> No.20358501

wtf, I love Marx now

>> No.20358547

don't listen to him anon he's trying to upsell Marx to you, guy was pussy whipped to a aged baroness and was a racist whilst having an african landlord and couldn't afford to move. he's not worthy of your esteem as a citizen of the republic. move along.


>> No.20358555

>never ask Marx...
what he thinks of Lasalle
>never ask Hegel...
how he got a son
>never ask Nietzsche...
why he went insane

>> No.20358560

Rousseau was the worst. Such a tremendous negative influence on the human race it beggars belief.

>> No.20358568
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And here I am, afraid to put myself out in the world

>> No.20358574

which is ironic, because only beggars find belief a virtue.


>rousseau / worst
I don't know, I found him a little dull compared to Montaigne from the same era, but I am reminded that much of the aspects of rousseau and locke and others were long since assimilated, so they just seem dull because the most vital things they talked about happening have long since happened.

>> No.20358614
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>the most vital things they talked about happening have long since happened.
not everything..

notice "they" were suddenly allowed into the country again, promptly hordes of filth followed in successive waves..

founding fathers would reanimate and go on murder sprees if they knew about this bit

>> No.20358623

Adorno and Horkheimer outed Golo Mann as a homosexual and spread rumors about him because they felt threatened.

>> No.20358625
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what is a "good person"?

>> No.20358627

I know all of them except Locke's stocks, was he buying slave stocks?

>> No.20358728

What is Locke?

>> No.20358736

>never ask plato and aristotle their opinions on slavery

but why? they were absolutely correct

>> No.20358747

Dont act like u arent part of that 90% nigger.

>> No.20358773
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Schopenhauer is based

>> No.20358776

Cocke: Allcocke, my lord.

>> No.20359132


>> No.20359142


>> No.20359155

You didn't answer the question, good job!

>> No.20359212

>Derrida: About his colleague being investigated for sexual harassment
Kujundzic got laid, big deal

>> No.20359227

Patricia Highsmith
>about her latest girlfriend

Norman Mailer
>about prison reform

Harlan Ellison
>about human beings

>> No.20359233


>> No.20359244

>Patricia Highsmith
about the Jews

>> No.20359247

Oscar Wilde fucked little boy prostitutes in Africa or the Mideast somewhere, same for Flaubert. Proust paid prostitutes to skewer rats with needles while he masturbated to it.

>> No.20359254

>Proust paid prostitutes to skewer rats with needles while he masturbated to it.
could you rephrase that

>> No.20359283

>Kujundzic got laid, big deal

Tell that to Derrida's followers.

>> No.20359285

He literally masturbated to rats being tortured.

>> No.20359312

what the fuck is wrong with the french?

>> No.20359327

He was paid by the English government in Royal African Company Stock, not of his own choosing

>> No.20359430

DFW: sleeping with students and pushing women out of cars
JK Rowling: her opinion on Transwomen
Dostoevsky: infidelity and gambling addiction
Henry Miller: misogyny
Charles Dickens: how he treated his wife and children
Sartre: sleeping with his students
Camus: infidelity
Personally, none of this changed my opinion on their work anyway.

>> No.20359496

Martin Luther

>> No.20359498

Montaigne and Rousseau were not from the same era. Also read the First Discourse

>> No.20359512
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They were conquered by the Jews a long time ago

>> No.20359517

>said his landlord was from Africa
Was he lying?

>> No.20359518

>none of this changed my opinion on their work anyway.
Nor should it have.

>> No.20359523

Martin Luther. Hegel. Hitler.

>> No.20359533

Socrates and Plato were products of their time. Slavery was rampant throughout the world in their society and still would be today if it had remain profitable and there wasn't any automation whatsoever

>> No.20359552


>> No.20359645

Holy shit so true

>> No.20359741

Average filthy Fr*nchman

>> No.20359775

Why would it? These are normal actions and opinions of people who've lived life and are therefore able to write.

>> No.20359890
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>> No.20359901
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This one is too good not to post

>> No.20359905

>Reminder that you're alive another day; another chance to improve yourself mind body and soul
>Reminder that Sun and Steel is the way of all true philo-sophers (lovers of Sophia)
>Reminder that a life of exploits and daring yields the truest Wisdom and puts you in contact with divine realities
>Reminder that Sokratese, Plato, Aristotle, and Xenophon were all murderous veterans and had routine Dionysian orgies to invigorate their Nous
>Reminder that Plotinus trained war-elephants in Alexandria and was eventually banned from the city after strangling one to death during a military parade
>Reminder that Augustine was a rugged man-of-the-world who cardio-d his way across the Mediterranean states while perfecting his Manichean metaphysics and bedded countless sluts who he later condemned to eternal damnation
>Reminder that Marsilio Ficino spent four years in Zambia living with wild lions that had accepted him into their pride. When he got back to Florence he scandalized society by always hiking nude through the market and it is rumored he sired nearly eighty one illegitimate offspring
>Reminder that Aquinas was a notorious brawler and had that Friar Tuck-tier bloat-max bod
>Reminder that Descartes literally hired himself out as a mercenary when he got bored with his science shit
>Reminder that Leibniz was a famed bare-knuckle boxer who toured continental Europe, having impromptu matches with the hooligans in the seedy underbellies of each city
>Reminder that Kant did seven hundred sit-ups each morning before going down to the University of Königsberg fraternity to duel the latest members
>Reminder that Hegel would mock Schelling by deadlifting a 410lb crate full of Schelling's works and remark, 'Such light material, how could I tire myself on it?'
>Reminder that Schopenhauer practiced tantric yoga with his chambermaid just so he could astral project himself back in time to continually take part in the campaigns of Alexander the Great
>Reminder that Kierkegaard once sailed to the Caribbean with a gang of festering pirates, braving brine of sea and catastrophic naval engagements, just so he could refuse to have sex with the then princess of the Bahamas
>Reminder that Nietzsche publically humiliated Wagner by declaring braggadociously at a dinner party he hosted to celebrate the completion of his home gym, 'While you were writing Ride of the Valkyries, your wife was giving me a ride out on the balconies.'
>Reminder that Heidegger was an expert falconer and trained them to hunt wolves and would even disappear into the wilderness for months on end with only a blanket, a canteen, a flint knife, and two hawks; returning eventually with stacks of pelts he himself skinned

>> No.20359908
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>> No.20360028

>cheating on his baroness
With the maid that had helped them since the start of their marriage of all people!

>> No.20360038

>pedoanon thinks abolishing age of consent is just “21st century thinking”

>> No.20360045

Marx was the prototype for the modern leftoid, slumming failed rich kid, completely amoral and self centred hedonist living in utopian fantasy.

>> No.20360302
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>Mosley didn't make it on the wall of shame

>> No.20360717

Are his books worth anything?

I read the cambridge history of England and the interwar period, which was written in 1936, comments at how misunderstood Mosley was, and how he preempted Keynesian economics.

>> No.20360745


>> No.20360750

"My Life" is quite good. Chapter 19 specifically is quite interesting as it explains his meetings with Hitler and Mussolini. In other words, yes, his books are quite interesting if you're into history from that period, especially British history.

>> No.20360807

No one worships Martin Luther, they just respect him for his bants.

>> No.20360830

Slavery is obviously bad but I don't like that all historical examples of it now have to immediately be filtered through association to American racialized slavery, which would not have made any sense to the ancients in how they used the term. Fucking oar-rowing prisoners in the Mediterranean is not the same as American slavery.

>> No.20361101

>>never ask Hegel...
>how he got a son
what's the story behind this one? incest? rape? cuckoldry?

>> No.20361186


>> No.20361264

Edmund White’s bio of Proust has it, he probably cites a letter of his or something, I don’t remember.

>> No.20361277

Who cares what Marx did in his personal life, that doesn't allow people to write off his political theories instantly. Plenty of terrible people have made insightful contributions to the world

>> No.20361333

Pretty much
Omg they didn’t like jews! or hated democracy!
my tv tells me that’s a bad person!

>> No.20361388

Reading up on this was hilarious, she had serious bantz

>> No.20361435

That makes no sense, porcupine was not at all uncommon to eat back then and the meat is not tough. It is actually quite tasty and not at all gamey. The only reason it is not still a common food is that there is no sport in hunting them since they are slow and instead of running they just turn their back and stick out their quills, you can literally just walk up to one and shoot it point blank. They are a bit of a pain to skin.

>> No.20361443

an inoffensive idiot

>> No.20361458

To what extent was homosexuality accepted in nazi Germany?

>> No.20361498

goring really didnt give a fuck

>> No.20361508
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>> No.20362036

Delete all your wojaks

>> No.20362053
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them papists gonna get you, boy.

>> No.20362067

>Reminder that Aquinas was a notorious brawler

Uh, no.

>> No.20362408

You don't have to cheat on your wife or be a horny pos to "live life"

>> No.20362450

John Locke owned those stocks by accident and later got rid of them. Fake news.

>> No.20362796

Not at all, although it's theorized that Hitler primarily completely wrote off homosexuals simply due to it being the will of the German people and he didn't want to displease them. I am unaware as to the extent of the evidence for this, but I doubt it is true.

>> No.20362978

>Aristotle: His opinion on homosexuals
I'm still waiting Aristotle to publish his opinion on Cretan faggotry

>> No.20363001
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>>Reminder that Hegel would mock Schelling by deadlifting a 410lb crate full of Schelling's works and remark, 'Such light material, how could I tire myself on it?'

captcha: 0GDNS (dna is dns in Hungarian)

>> No.20363006


>> No.20363160



The best time to sell South Seas shares.

What sort of incest is most based.

His height. Or whether he got to second base with Fanny Brawne.

His height. Or whether he really flew a plane in WWI.

>Robert Graves
Why he jumped out of a window in 1930.

What he's looking at.

>W. H. Auden
What the wound is in "Letter To A Wound", and how he got it.

>Norman Mailer
What happened with that murderer he helped get released from prison.

>Ted Hughes
What happened to those two women he married.

>Patricia Highsmith
How she snuck her pet snails through Customs.

>> No.20363221

I was curious enough to look it up. The story comes from Andre Gide and Marcel Jouhandeau, the latter of which claims he was told it by a prostitute at the brothel where Proust used to do his rat torturing, whenever staring at naked men wasn't enough to get the juices flowing.

>> No.20363249

>guy was pussy whipped to a aged baroness
Jenny was engaged to Marx when she was 22, and coming from a respected and well-established family. Marx himself was 17 at the time, and had no positive marriage prospects (no wealth, no name, no pedigree) aside from his character.

The fat fuck managed to fulfill (you)r dream - getting Christian-married to his wholesome devout pure aristocrat Christian white virgin childhood friend girl from his hometown, while still a teen, marrying upwards. And then he still gave birth to communism.

>> No.20363362

Im not going to google all this. Tell me what they are.

>> No.20363379
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>> No.20363426

But why would Marx hate a fellow jew? Dont they stick together?

>> No.20363451

Because Marx was spiritually, culturally and ideologically German. His biography and thought show this extensively

>> No.20363738

They betrayed God for self-idoltry. Like all petty idols they became vain, aloof, adulterous drunkards.

>> No.20363967

The fuck do you even mean by "self-idoltry", faggot? Becaused they executed they heckin' based and trad kingerino?

>> No.20363970


>> No.20364240

>Patricia Highsmith
>where her snails are

>> No.20365772

Martin Luther. Hegel or any German philosophers.

>> No.20365842

Christian Weston Chandler was a Jungian

>> No.20365879

You can also add to Heidegger: Do not ask him about his relationship with Edmund Husserl.

>> No.20365992

wtf i am a marxist now!

>> No.20366019
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>Letting what authors did in their personal lives affect your enjoyment of literature

>> No.20366099

William Golding - attempted rape of a 15 year old

>> No.20366558


>> No.20366766

>Do you unironically support biopolitical power?


>> No.20366780

Mussolini did nothing wrong that he wasn't pushed into doing, and if Hitler had never showed up on the scene he would basically have been a less offensive Franco or Salazar.

>> No.20367177


>> No.20367192
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Here's a story about Edgar Allan Poe being based
>After finishing a story, Poe would get very drunk, sneak into women’s rooms and, after they entered them, stumble out of a closet or roll out from under the bed and slur, in a high-pitched voice, extending all of the vowels, that he was a ghost and could only be released from Purgatory if they performed the “holy act of fellatio” upon him.

>> No.20367224
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>Scaring and coercing women into sucking your microscopic cock is LE based!

>> No.20367279

Somewhat related but do you ever come across someone and instantly get the vibe they are gay just off of looking at their face? Slowly starting to think that there's some truth to physiognomy and that stuff like being gay isn't a conscious choice that people make.

>> No.20367323

Why did he keep putting babies into her if he considered her retarded and unfit for breeding? Was he retarded himself?

>> No.20367340

sounds pretty based to me?

>> No.20367341
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>Patricia Highsmith
Toppest of keks.

>> No.20367346
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>> No.20367357

I saw Jordan Peterson at a grocery store in Toronto yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.20367358

He was based. See

Marx-Engels Correspondence 1862

Marx To Engels
In Manchester

>> No.20367361


>> No.20367369

Newton was so rich that even losing literal millions of dollars didn't make much of a difference on his wealth.

>> No.20369436

>Harlan Ellison
found out my personality is very similar to his

>> No.20369448

if Poe got away with it, he had to be in someway

I'm thinking its somewhat true, then again, there's some features I have that would mark me down negatively.

>> No.20369506

Trying too hard. Here's your (you)

>> No.20369508

Never ask...

Stanley Kubrick
>What he did to Shelley Duvall

>> No.20369515

He liked putting it in, but his pullout game was weak.

>> No.20369517


>> No.20369566


>> No.20369622

Marx was a fucking welfare queen and a loser. No wonder every single idiot communist in history was a worthless piece of trash, the entire ideology was poisoned from the start by its founder's uselessness.

>> No.20369748
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His landchad was black and his daughter that he neglected got Blacked as well. He's honestly pretty pathetic. Just read his letters, he's always kvetching about shit like:
> Oy gevalt! How am I expected to pay rent when I also have to pay the baker for my bagels and the fishmonger for my gefilte fish (and yeah, the price went up too! I noticed that--he thought I wouldn't notice it but I did!). Unfortunately, I had to mooch off my goy friends again (oy vey, what a schnorrer I've become!); I can't continue living like this. Fuck, I wish could just have everything for free (fucking capitalists!) This reminds me of what my yiddishe muddah used to tell me, she said: "Karlchen, I wish you could make capital instead of just writing about it!", boy I'll never forget those words! they haunt me! So anyway my daughter is marrying a nigger...
etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah.

>> No.20369778
File: 11 KB, 170x297, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the nigger who was BLACKing his daughter by the way, that was just the one he infamously seethed about. This (picrel) is the nigga who was fucking his daughter.
> Lafargue was born in Santiago de Cuba. His father was the owner of coffee plantations in Cuba, and the family's wealth allowed Lafargue to study in Santiago and then in France. His four grandparents were a French Christian, an Indian from Jamaica, a Saint Dominican refugee from Saint-Domingue, and a French Jew. Lafargue has remarked that he was an “international[ist] of blood before [he] was one of ideology” and that “the blood of three oppressed races runs in my veins.” When Daniel De Leon asked him about his origins, he promptly replied, “I am proudest of my Negro extraction.”
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Lafargue
Don't know why there were so many mutts in Germany desu. Perhaps this just isn't the best sample though and they were all just attracted to Marxism. IDK.

>> No.20369878

Someone that does things I like, but normalfags make some sort of religion out of it usually.

>> No.20370064

He would never use words from hebrew, he was a self hating jew

>> No.20370417


>> No.20370510

>Adolf Hitler was vegetarian and adored by German youth.
This is british propaganda from the war.

>> No.20370861

Holy Christ. If this is pasta I’ve never seen it, if it isn’t, it’s the most glorious thing I’ve ever read. God I wish every single one of those was true.

>> No.20370966
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>doesn’t allow
You are a fucking moron and most likely under age.

>> No.20371390

>said his landlord was from Africa.

>> No.20371683
File: 2.18 MB, 555x1027, 0A5DA797-1632-4EE2-BADC-D968FA31A6E7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20372119

Why didn't Hideki planned to annex Mexico and Cuba?

>> No.20372154

He gassed people in Ethiopia and from his own race (Libya)

>> No.20373480

That was said to them by his wife's mother

>> No.20373495

The French, on the age of consent...

>> No.20373542

>tried to save the ir*sh from the black and tans and resigned when he couldn't do it

>> No.20373548

This women speak to me unlike any other

>> No.20374023

Slavery was abolished in many countries prior to the industrial revolution.

>> No.20375150

leafposting at best

>> No.20375366

my diary desui

>> No.20375397
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>> No.20375578

I don't know you dumb filthy yuro degenerate. Maybe it's just the fact that most people think it's bad enough to want to fuck kids but it's an even more disgusting to publicly advocate for it.

>> No.20375585

Lol at Jewish faggots outing a closeted German nerd out of pure heeb jealousy. They really have no shame.

>> No.20376388
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Y-you anon...

>> No.20376491 [DELETED] 

Socrates' view is the same as the US constitution: it can be good or bad depending on who gets enslaved that is because the 13 allows to enslave criminals.
In the other side Plato was a fucking idiot, an authoritarian moron who ruined the legend of Atlantis trying to promote his shit.

>> No.20376509

I can confirm it's quite entertaining and interesting to hear his views on the leading English politicians of interwar time and how the upper class folk lived back then.

>> No.20376538

Socrates is not in that list, and his view was the same as the US constitution: it can be good or bad depending on who gets enslaved; that is because the 13 allows to enslave criminals.
Plato was an authoritarian piece of shit that wanted everybody to become slaves to the state.
Aristotle was more pro-slavery than the regular dixie cracker.

>> No.20376594

Schopenhauer was right about women.

>> No.20376606

Okay, you sold me on this Mussolini guy, he seems like a good dude.

>> No.20376630

> Try for another?

>> No.20376633

Let me crack my knuckles and get started on my autobiography.