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/lit/ - Literature

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20349237 No.20349237 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read it? What’s your honest opinion of it?

>> No.20349241

No, and I never will. Get fucked women writers, get fucked Canadacucks, get fucked contemporary literature.

>> No.20349244

Sounds like you're the one who needs to get fucked lol

>> No.20349269

>i-i-if you don't like muh contemporary literature i-it means you n-need to have sex!!!!
My girlfriend is coming over on Friday and we'll spend the weekend together. I'll read her an ancient play (last time I read her Medea and she loved it), and I'll take her to a museum. Meantime, you'll be on here dilating and coping, reading subpar literature and meditating how you get BTFO every day on 4channel. Sayonara loser!

>> No.20349275

New pasta just dropped.

>> No.20349278

No, I started with another work of hers, forgot the title, and it pretty much killed any desire to read more.
I don't have problems with female authors, I do not have problems with female protagonists, what I do have problems with are "oh woe is me" Mary Sues being the focus and characters being walking cliches to the point where they feel cartoonish.

>> No.20349287

>woman author
Lol pass

>> No.20349290

He’s right, if she used a male pen name she’d be unknown

>> No.20349348
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I finished it very recently anon!

I found it very funny how despite being literally forced at gunpoint to act modest and cover up Offred STILL tries to act like a slut for random strangers. Given that this was written by a women I think it tells us a lot about how women view sexuality. Oh of course, it's a powerful and brave reclamation of the sexuality that was taken from her, but imagine for a second if the author was a man. It very quickly becomes how all women are insatiable whores who even on pain of death still go around asking for it.

I found the quasi stream of consciousness way of Atwood's writing odd. It feels like if I presented this to my teacher they'd lecture me for using too many commas. I also found most of it to be boring. Not so boring that I wasn't going to finish it, but generally the only interesting parts were scenes with the commander. Now, if Atwood deliberately wrote it so the reader ends up wanting the women to shut the fuck up so we can get back to the men, then honestly that's a stroke of genius. However, I have my doubts about that one.

My favourite parts were her being raped, and the commander wanting someone to play Scrabble with. I was also intrigued by the power structures: how her commander was at the very top of Gilead and how Nick has enough authority in the Eyes to be giving orders.

My search of trying to find a female author who isn't obsessed with love, sex, women or relationships continues.

>> No.20349360
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>that pic

>> No.20349413

I read it in 2017 and haven't thought about it much since. It's actually kinda surprising that there's some interesting shit in there that's not as black and white as you might expect.

There's some guy who gets falsely accused of rape and gets savagely killed by a bunch of repressed women.
The main character's mother is some joyless lesbian commissar who hates men but she lives vicariously through her heterosexual daughter who lives in a conventional nuclear family (this shit's in the flashbacks).
A lot of the female characters get off on titillating the low-status males of the social order.

There were a couple of other things in there that surprised me, but generally it's just low quality literature and completely unbelievable. I found it difficult to suspend my disbelief because the whole setup is completely preposterous. It's in every way inferior and lacking in any real insight or social comment compared with the big dystopian fiction like Zamyatin, Orwell, and Huxley. It's really just a mediocre and derivative work and another embarrassing insight into woman's inability to think beyond sex and reproduction.

>> No.20350528

I read it for uni and I found it mostly boring, does not have much interesting to say especially compared to other famous dystopian novels.

>> No.20350613

I read it but didn't like the writing style.

>> No.20350673

>global plague causes right wing coup in the us

Yeah, she sure was way off there.

>> No.20350717

Imagine thinking that game ending 90% of current American politicians is anything but an objectively good thing.

>> No.20350731

>unironically enjoying Tyler Perry
Get better taste

>> No.20350752

Not reading your post but in reference to the pic this isn't female-specific. Guarantee if you post a young female serial killer here the only replies will be anons wanting to fuck her. Humans in general are extremely stupid when they're horny.

>> No.20351018

I'm seriously wondering about Poe's law here.

>> No.20351034


>that pic

And I was just getting over my suicidal ideation. Thanks anon.

>> No.20351043

Fetish material and erotica pretending to be criticism and political commentary.
Yes I havent read it, but thats the only impression I can get after watching videos on it and seeing every woman bring it up when it comes to abortion

>> No.20351120

Sorry does, but Jeffery Dahmer was gay and only went for POC males.

>> No.20351180


>> No.20351621

At least this dumb broad had the good sense to hate islam unlike the majority of her fellow hole-havers.

>> No.20351871

The book isn’t that well written. It’s like Cormac Mcarthy rambling with punctuation (although to defend McCarthy his prose is mainly descriptive which it succeeds in, whereas in this book it is very dull and is used for exposition primarily). I understand her point about how women are treated but her choice to express this through sexuality and childbirth are completely self defeating. Gilead has a compelling an extremely urgent reason to oppress women in this manner. So of all things to explore in this universe to make her point this one was definitely the most baffling.
The part of the book that I really enjoyed was the epilogue. The parts about “Fred” deliberately allowing women to rip people to shreds to release their frustrations and naming the Auntys after well known and comforting consumer items were actually quite compelling. But other than that it wasn’t that good

>> No.20351878

laughed out loud

>> No.20351903

I was bricked up most the time when I was reading it, it's a nice fantasy

>> No.20351921

I know you're trying to flex, but no girl wants a book read to her. Me and my girlfriend always catch up on the weekend about what we've been reading (she's reading some shite called the lighthouse) but no girl wants a play read to her. You live in a fantasy, or you're a cuck

>> No.20351946

I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume his girlfriend is autistic

>> No.20351960
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>> No.20351981

>A lot of the female characters get off on titillating the low-status males of the social order.

Why? Don't they realize that those men are the victims of the system too, their instinctual desire for sex, intimacy, and reproduction being abused by the regime to further its own ends by promising them women if they work hard enough?

>> No.20352006

List of things dudes care about when deciding to fuck a woman:
1) Is she hot?
2) Seriously bro how hot is she?
Women are the ones that are burdened with having to judge their quarry's character and the likelihood he'll murder them. We just gotta blast

>> No.20352015
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there is no girlfriend

>> No.20352018

>likelihood he'll murder them
No man (save for the unironically deranged) have any interest in killing women, men are genetically programmed to avoid hurting women for real.

>> No.20352035

>woman's inability to think beyond sex and reproduction.
I think women are fully capable of doing this but are never compelled to do so by a society that values them solely for their ability to make dicks hard and then pop out babies. Men never have things handed to them so life is non stop series of attempting to learn and do things, girls turn 12 and forget to progress mentally because there's no reason to

>> No.20352047

Killing your wife is like a whole genre of jokes it's clearly on a lot of normal men's minds

>> No.20352127

Have you ever noticed how sexual infidelity is almost exclusively the reason behind those cases?

>> No.20352142

Just like 1984 it's a "fiction" that's fast becoming a reality due to the Retrumpicans.

>> No.20352246
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>> No.20352409

I don't have to read it- I'm living it. Since states can decide for themselves whether women can kill their children, America is now Gilead.

>> No.20352494
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>Just like 1984 it's a "fiction" that's fast becoming a reality due to the Retrumpicans
Biden is the one who set up a Ministry of Truth, retard; Nina even has what looks like the 1984 salute as her Twitter header. Liberal totalitarianism comes by way of pseudo-technocracy corrupted via ideological lines (i.e. promoting incompetent idiots because they first and foremost check the proper identitarian boxes) whereas conservative totalitarianism evolves out of unchecked populism (i.e. overriding traditional gatekeepers).

>> No.20352503

Lol didn't read white bois will be a minority in your country in 30 years.

>> No.20352555
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Pathetic. Idiots like you are the reason for the descent. Congrats.

>> No.20352557

There's a lot of powerful truth in it

>> No.20352561

Someone post the pasta about Handmaid's Tale and how nobody wants to use modern women's bodies.

>> No.20352571


Read it in high school but can't remember the plot really at all. From what I remember at the time it was okay but not very impressive especially compared to the other stuff we read. Wouldn't bother reading it again.

Certainly not worthy of the cosplay type stuff Lefty women do although my understanding is that's more because there was a TV show or movie adaptation recently or something which I also have zero interest in watching.

>> No.20352606

Handmaid's Tale is meant to reassure every wretched office worker who goes home to a cat, a VCR, and a pizza-for-one that her life is noble and progressive. Handmaid's Tale is a fun horror-fiction for women who work in the American-style cubicle-world precisely because it's so utterly unrelated to the miseries and terrors of their own lives. No one wants to force middle-class American women to have babies. In fact, it's almost impossible for them to contemplate having kids because they're terrified that it might set them back in their careers, and their rivals in the adjacent cubicles would grab their parking spaces and health plans. Nobody wants to use their bodies. That's precisely the horror with which they live; no one wants to mate with them because in their world, every single striver must fear every mother, and the sort of joint action involved in mating and rearing one's young is impossible—laughable, a thing which only those who have abandoned the hope of A Career can contemplate. So in their minds, mating and rearing children moves down in class, becoming a thing for rednecks and (though they'll never say this part out loud) immigrants-of-color. The desire to have children gets bounced outside oneself, onto these lesser beings, and returns, courtesy of Atwood in demonized form as the tyranny of procreation, family values, and the patriarchy. It's the horror they love to fear.

>> No.20352633

oh nooooooo!! im a poor innocent woman and i have to be a submissive breeding partner for rich powerful high status men!! haha what a horrifying fate this is haha

>> No.20352683


>> No.20352748 [DELETED] 
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That Goodreads review that's just a woman constantly giving updates on the state of her TDS is still going.

>> No.20352762

Orwell could have never predicted this

>> No.20352791
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Could he have predicted the head of the Ministry of Truth claiming she's received a plethora of "dick picks" and repeatedly using the term "engagement boner" though?

>> No.20352840

Hybristophilia is a female phenomenon, sorry bro.

>> No.20352846

Yeah but you and your girlfriend are both retarded

>> No.20352867

This, my gf sends me playslists but I've never listened to any of that shit. I don't ain't listening to Heft Coast bitch I only like dumbass noise rock and the most ignorant shit Chicago had to offer.

>> No.20352891

You have to remember though, Margaret Atwood doesn’t even think highly of her own novel. She thinks this one was amateurish and has illusion this novel compares to any of the top tier dystopian novels you mentioned. You have to separate the author from the insane idiots who only read this and Harry Potter. The best part is Atwood is a 90 year old, old school feminist and her opinion of trannys is far more hurtful than anything innocuous stuff Rowling says

>> No.20352906

My girlfriend described the show to me and it sounds like it sucks

>> No.20352907

Ngl I was thinking how kino it would be to read some lit on a date with my girl but now you've given me some perspective, thank you

>> No.20353178

I think it's good, just not for all the reasons it's meant to be.

People go on and on about how the politics and scenario aren't plausible. Which I mostly agree with. So much so that when I read it my brain tried to make the premise more plausible, and I somehow misread it and thought Gilead was meant to be a small anomaly, like the size of a New England state maybe in a balkanized US.

But even accepting it's meant to be the whole US and the premise is a real long shot, fine, it doesn't seem likely even in the mutant baby circumstances, and there's a lot of obnoxious political opinions behind the premise.

But beyond that, from the individual main characters perspective, it's actually a good portrayal of the experience of being powerless in an alien, horrible culture and getting carried along by political and social transformation you have no control over. If you park the issue of how implausible it is, and just accept it from the main characters point of view as something that is happening however implausible, it's a well written and compelling portrayal of someone caught in this situation and all the weird little psychological reactions they have to that-like trying to maintain a sense of agency over your body and sexuality by maintaining your potential to have sex appeal, to the point she smuggles a small amount of butter into her room to try and moisturize her skin with it. That's the kind of stuff that's actually good in this. Plus I just found the prose to be pretty good. It smooths over an implausible premise when the events are described vividly and immersiverly enough it makes them seem like they're really happening., implausible or not.

That said everything, literally every positive I listed here, is done better elsewhere. Never Let Me Go does all of this way better, is way better written, and despite arguably having a more out there and certainly more unique/compelling premise, it's a premise that feels surprisingly real and possible, definitely one of my favorite books period.

>> No.20353223

he just like me fr

>> No.20353413
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All these years and the meme is still going /lit bros.

>> No.20353606

It's not a dystopia its erotica for liberal white women. This is a sexual fantasy.

>> No.20353783

It's a fine book but the premise and the events which led up to the world depicted in the novel don't make much sense.

>> No.20353818

It's a feminine self insert fanfiction.

It makes them feel valuable by asserting a hypothetical society where women are still highly coveted for their ability to bear children, but obviously dials it up to extremes for victimhood points (woe is us and our plight of childbirth, amirite fellow ladies?)

Modern society devalues women. They have much less institutional reverence today than in previous decade, and exist primarly as money makers, sex objects, or potential divorcees. So I think this book is a subconscious attempt to reclaim some of their past worth, with a bit of masochistic/victimhood lense applied.

>> No.20354436

>my favourite parts was her being raped
jesus fucking christ

>> No.20354708

>Have you read it?
I'm about to.

>> No.20355574

anon btfo

>> No.20355641

I used to work with a boomer who would tell us about how he would read to his wife before bed, and all the office ladies seemed to think it was the cutest thing ever. I think you might just be wrong, anon.

>> No.20355662

It's cute if it's something ritually done, especially if you're old. If you whip out Ginsberg and start reading it to a 23 year old you just fucked off of tinder she's much more liable to "get the ick." Anon is wrong of course because women are different, but I wouldn't read to a girl purely out of fear that many would ghost me forever after that ludicrous display

>> No.20355703

>It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy.
>Fortunately, if old men and incels sexually harassed them to the point of mental breakdown, the worst of them could be broken and reformed.

>> No.20356159

other anon is right. Me and my wife read to eachother, sometimes before sleep, sometimes just cause it's nice. Grow up.

>> No.20356181

It made me very uncomfortable to read. Probably not the kind of uncomfortable that was intended, but in the "this is the authors fetish" kind of way.

>> No.20356309
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anon i think you're onto something

>> No.20356417

I thought it was OK, but I was plagued the entire read with the idea that I was reading a much narrower-in-scope and lower-quality 1984. It felt almost like a subset of 1984, as if there was no point in reading it when everything it had to say had already been expanded upon and in a better way by someone else.
What are you doing on 4chan? Comments on an attractive female killer would be EXACTLY the same.
BIG kek

>> No.20356548

Now go read the comments on a Chet Hanks video.

>> No.20357388
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We read it in 11th or 12th grade at my high school. I honestly don't remember much other than the part where she describes the guy fucking her. And that's because the teacher read it out loud. So my honest opinion is that it's very forgettable.
10th grade was probably the best year for books. The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, Fahrenheit 451.
In 12th grade, we read The House of the Spirits, and that was probably my least favorite book out of all of high school.

>> No.20357438

300 pages of shrill bossy hysterics

>> No.20357440

>My search of trying to find a female author who isn't obsessed with love, sex, women or relationships continues.
overwhelming majority of male writers are the exact same
i mean, define “relationships” because that’s all of literature

>> No.20357474


>> No.20357485
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True, especially The Great Gatsby and if you also know what was going with Fitzgerald and his affairs.
From what I remember from The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, and 1984 in regards to sex is that it was explored on the side of the story. It was brought to the forefront many times, but it wasn't the whole book. Hmm, well I'm not sure. I'll have to rethink that one, but it seemed really poetic and well thought out.

>> No.20357553

>Why? Don't they realize that those men are the victims of the system too, their instinctual desire for sex, intimacy, and reproduction being abused by the regime to further its own ends by promising them women if they work hard enough?

They do realize it, and they revel in the fact:
>As we walk away I know they’re watching, these two men who aren’t yet permitted to touch women. They touch with their eyes instead and I move my hips a little, feeling the full red skirt sway around me. It’s like thumbing your nose from behind a fence or teasing a dog with a bone held out of reach, and I’m ashamed of myself for doing it, because none of this is the fault of these men, they’re too young.
>Then I find I’m not ashamed after all. I enjoy the power; power of a dog bone, passive but there. I hope they get hard at the sight of us and have to rub themselves against the painted barriers, surreptitiously. They will suffer, later, at night, in their regimented beds. They have no outlets now except themselves, and that’s a sacrilege. There are no more magazines, no more films, no more substitutes; only me and my shadow, walking away from the two men, who stand at attention, stiffly, by a roadblock, watching our retreating shapes.

>> No.20357582

The dark secret is that it’s actually a quasi-utopian setting from a woman’s perspective, but the reality of this notion is so destructive that no one can ever admit it to be true.

>> No.20357609

literally me

>> No.20357822
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One of the few good female writers I know is Pic related. Most are trash. Especially nowadays

>> No.20357861

Why is there a flying white dot?

>> No.20358355

>My search of trying to find a female author who isn't obsessed with love, sex, women or relationships continues.
Sylvia Plath and the Bell Jar?

>> No.20358368

Never read it, but it's been getting namedropped by news outlets recently, so I'm assuming it's shit

>> No.20358674

Yeah I wasn't going to read jews to my crush lmao

>> No.20358689

It's supposed to be an eye. There's an outline of a face.
It doesn't make a lot of sense, but I guess they wanted it really minimalistic.

>> No.20358705

huh, i always assumed she was english, she has a very english name.

>> No.20358763

all female author books I've read are either about love or have a "shipping war" going on while male author books can have love but it's very clearly not the focus

>> No.20358880

I read it and didn't like it. You can really tell a salty woman wrote it. Also the whole plot makes no sense and there isn't any base to the setting of the dystopia. It just happened and it just is, le man bad, le woman oppressed. Pacing was good though

>> No.20359352

Stop reading YA then.

>> No.20359384

>Women are the ones that are burdened with having to judge their quarry's character and the likelihood he'll murder them.
Is that why they keep going to the club and opening their legs for strangers? Because they are scared of being killed?

>> No.20359390

Only if she's hot maybe. Women will get wet for a person simply knowing he's a serial killer. So much for having to judge character lol

>> No.20359413

I like how these women are fighting for a right they will never use. I like how cons don't think it's a good thing these retards are preemptively killing their spawns

>> No.20359699
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Not even ones that have connections to NAMBLA?

>> No.20359733

Have read. It’s shit. When I think about the fetishization of victim complexes, I think about this book.

>> No.20359767

I’ve seen anons post about that Casey Anthony broad who killed her kids. They were in fact being horny retards about it.

>> No.20359934

Women don't deserve rights anyway because they aren't human.

>> No.20360030


>> No.20360531

I only had YA books in my home, but I also did try to buy one which was marketed as time travel horror. Half of the book was about her (a teenager) being in love with her 30yo university professor with only the first and last pages having content related to time travel

>> No.20362175

Orwell for roasties

>> No.20362196


>> No.20362692

>My girlfriend
I don't believe you.

>> No.20362806

Enjoy your Friday based anon!

>> No.20362953

>My search of trying to find a female author who isn't obsessed with love, sex, women or relationships continues.
Flannery O'Connor

>> No.20362999

Once or twice a month my wife and I (late 30s) will smoke pipes, drink brandy, and read Emerson's essays to each other (alternating who is reading each chapter). It's pretty comfy.

>> No.20363102

Where do I get a cute /lit/ gf?

>> No.20363203

interesting read. definitely worth reading so you can recommend it to anyone interested in getting into dystopia novels. Heard the sequel sucked really hard but haven't read it so it's mostly hearsay

>> No.20363229

psyoped retards

>> No.20363244

Paul gives it 5 stars so its a masterpiece

>> No.20363960

Seems like 50 shades of grey fetish material to me

>> No.20363969
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>> No.20364548

isnt it unfair putting kerouac in that pic

>> No.20365361

porn pretending to be literature

>> No.20365395
File: 313 KB, 480x630, 1652480853306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he never flirted with a girl by reading a poem to her
>never fingered a girl while reading her a YA erotic book.

>> No.20366471

I read it in the mid-2000s before it got very trendy. Maybe it was already picking up steam, even then. It was just OK for a read, at that time, but I felt disagreements with the overt feminist leanings and anti-Christian sentiment of the book author, which were made apparent throughout the book.

>> No.20366603

In my opinion a dystopian novel can only work if the world it describes is the product of contemporary social/political trends taken to the extreme. But because the social and political standing of women has been steadily rising for over a century now; a dystopian novel about women losing their rights is unworkable at a conceptual level. Basically, a dystopian novel whose world could only come to be with a total inversion of entrenched social/political trends has failed as a dystopian novel.

>> No.20366987

>I found the quasi stream of consciousness way of Atwood's writing odd. It feels like if I presented this to my teacher they'd lecture me for using too many commas. I also found most of it to be boring. Not so boring that I wasn't going to finish it, but generally the only interesting parts were scenes with the commander. Now, if Atwood deliberately wrote it so the reader ends up wanting the women to shut the fuck up so we can get back to the men, then honestly that's a stroke of genius. However, I have my doubts about that one.
Do you post comments like this on Twitter or Reddit? Because if you do you need to post the replies.

>> No.20367254

You're judged by the company you keep (I post this unironically on 4chan).

>> No.20368176

I read oryx and crake first and enjoyed it but I didn’t even get half way through this.
It was so boring.

>> No.20368181

I stopped reading reading it because it was so far fetched.