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File: 2.20 MB, 1530x2339, 9781529110579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20350701 No.20350701 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20350719

>postsocialist gender studies
No thank you

>> No.20350727

Why can't women stop thinking about sex for one minute?

>> No.20350728

Contemporary intelligentsia is just affirmative action women trying to copy smart jews and failing.

>> No.20350745

Men think of sex 24/7.
Advertising executives and a lot of publishers know sex sells. And so they encourage more women to think the same. Some do, because yeah, sex is sometimes on the younger women’s minds. Not as often as males though.

Take OP for one. Why is he shoving this in a bunch of male’s faces here?

>> No.20350760

True, yet somehow Mrs. Goatse manages to look as ugly as one despite being a confirmed shikse.

>> No.20350763

Jacobin has made some women think that researching sex + socialism is a worthwhile pursuit.

>> No.20350771
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Dumb hole, read pic related.

Women can't separate their personalities and sexuality, it's all they have.

>> No.20351252

truly a miracle how "socialism," the pope, and evil aliens always agree

>> No.20351674

Libido dominandi, the book doesn´t even hide it.

>> No.20351708

Why should I give a shit about people having "good sex"?

>> No.20351723

OP is only here to rattle your cage.

>> No.20351971
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>Nagging: Volume 3,792,626

>> No.20352245

Women would have better sex if they learned to communicate properly and took some responsibility. Unfortunately they're drunk on their victim complexes.

>> No.20352263
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>economic independence
literal exact opposites. why are lefitsts so fucking stupid?

>> No.20352282

>Men think of sex 24/7
That's a social engineering meme.

>> No.20352289

>Unfortunately they're drunk on their victim complexes.
that's what makes sex enjoyable to them.

>> No.20352297


>> No.20352298

I love threads about books no one in the thread has read

>> No.20352525

You’re not reading about socialism

>> No.20352717

PS: they dont
I live in a former socialist country

>> No.20352738

So you haven’t had sex with any women in a socialist country then

>> No.20352758

Most boomer couples hate each other, their children are miserable, need more ?
please shut up if you are a previliged westerner who had the luxary to have fun or too ugly to seize it (we still dont, the state cuts any room for sex outside marraige)

>> No.20352778
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>> No.20352955

It's true for east vs. west germany at least.

>> No.20353065

>dude REAL socialism is when everybody gets along and shares all their stuff and they agree on everything and they don't need a government
Fuck your "theory".

>> No.20353072

No. FUCK YOU. If you're going to critique something, obtain an understanding of you're critiquing, fucking kike worshipper.

>> No.20353084

I love threads where retards don't the song reference in the OP.

>> No.20353740

there was a WaPo article with the same title back in 2017 iirc, where the basic premise that women just had more orgasms in the eastern bloc than ones in the western bloc due to to the formers lower living standards. i imagine the book is exactly the same, and that is to say,bullshit.

>> No.20353811
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>Of all the residents of the former Soviet bloc, it is East German women’s sex lives that have been the most robustly researched, and informatively contrasted with those of their less fortunate West German counterparts, who lived under capitalism (plus religiosity, an additional libidinal drag). In addition to policies like universal child care and female employment, the government did strong feminist ideological work, promoting gender equality and women’s independence as specific benefits of socialism, even propagandizing on the importance of men sharing domestic labor. Because East German women became economically independent of men, men were more sexually attentive and generous than men in the West. By contrast, with women depending on them for survival, West German men had little incentive to improve their bedroom game. In addition, life in the GDR was more relaxing than in the West, with little economic stress and an abundance of leisure time.

>This difference had clear and measurable results. Researchers found much higher rates of sexual satisfaction among women in the East than in the West. One survey found that 80 percent of East German women always experienced orgasm, compared to 63 percent in the West. In a particularly poignant divide, 82 percent of East German women in one study felt “happy” after sex, compared to just a little over half in the West. These statistics were (charmingly) used by the East German state to argue for the superiority of communism, and were received with defensive skepticism by the West German media.

>> No.20353828

*Why women fuck Chads under Socialism and call it equality

>> No.20353834

>Men think of sex 24/7
The reverse is true, actually. Women have always been more sexual than men

>> No.20353857

>Chad pumps and dumps Gretchen
>Gretchen seethes and spends the next three months informing the Stassi about every petty thing Chad does

The more I read up the commiebloc, the more I start to realize that women enjoyed communism, not because of sexual liberation, but because the totalitarian system combined with a veneer of feminism meant they could be vindictive gossiping cunts. When you hear stats like "1/10 people were stassi informants", who do you think they were talking about? For the most part busybody old ladies and gossiping Karens. The Eastern Bloc was absolutely filled with petty Karens with too much power. I watched old documentaries on Ceausescu's Romania and they talked about how the ruling elite men were not so bad, but how you better watch out for their wives. Like the time Ceausescu's wife had a fit of jealousy over some famous actress on TV and got her fired, does that sound healthy sexual liberation? Or what about the time in Maoist China, when Jiang Qing got the wife of some disgraced official and organized for her to get gangraped repetitively and told the wardens to "not go easy on her" as they raped her.

>> No.20353872

Sexy, the fairer sex. And who says this? The males.
The normal males. You people are having a hard time believing this because you’re stunted

>> No.20353909

Sex isn't what sells. Making someone FEEL something is what sells

>> No.20353965

He's right, women don't actually care about sex, they just enjoy power dynamics. Think of a single female fetish that doesn't involve some form of rape or rough sex. They're simply the way they are because men desire them to be so.

>> No.20353966

>Think of a single female fetish that doesn't involve some form of rape or rough sex

>> No.20353996
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>When you hear stats like "1/10 people were stassi informants", who do you think they were talking about? For the most part busybody old ladies and gossiping Karens. The Eastern Bloc was absolutely filled with petty Karens with too much power.
I watched a Russian film about North Korea and it looked like there were some pretty strict disciplinarian women working as pit bosses. They'll dominate you, in other words, with the same improvisational megalomania that the Moranbong band applies to their violins to dominate concert halls from Pyongyang to Chongjin.


>> No.20354058

>Chooses Berlin Olympics-esque physique

What did she mean by this?

>> No.20354075

>you'll get pussy if you do X, but now about economic systems of governance
This is a profoundly dumb strategy by women. The men who are already getting pussy under the current economic system see no reason to change it, the men who are not getting pussy fall into two camps: either they are already tranny commies, or they are Chud incels. Tranny commies need no convincing of the greatness of socialism, leaving the only target demographic to be Chud incels, who see that many men are already getting pussy under non-socialism, and hence conclude that the economic system of governance is incidental to pussy-getting, and identify the book as cheap whorish manipulation.

The book fails on every conception as a motor of social change. But of course, it is a presumption that that is what it is supposed to do.

>Ghodsee is going to start a revolution
Why are journos so goddamned gay?

>> No.20354090

Women are profoundly dumb.

>> No.20354094

>Some do, because yeah, sex is sometimes on the younger women’s minds. Not as often as males though.
I recall one particularly airheaded young woman I knew years ago, who insisted that men thought about sex every 7 seconds because she read it in a gossip magazine. She would quiz me when we were drinking coffee or whatever, asking me what sexual scenario I was envisioning - and she would do this perhaps every thirty seconds, as supposedly, I had been through 4 entire scenarios during that time, or so her explicitly stated reasoning went.

I know where some of your minds are going, and no, she was not flirting by a long shot, it was inquisitorial and slightly adversarial. There is a completely specific kind of female autism that they get a pass on by whiteknights, and I'm fairly sure that the idea about men constantly thinking about sex - as opposed to women - is one example of a meme that has arisen solely because of such autism being allowed to fester.

>> No.20354103

I don't think so, the book is clever and ruthless, and women are very capable of that. It is dumb if you think the purpose of it is to be a motor of social change, like the faggot journo, but as a cash-grab, it is probably highly efficient.
It will be bought by every no-pussy-getting tranny commie, as they believe displaying it on their shelf will somehow be the thing that transforms the entire gestalt of profound unfuckability of their existence, and once women see it there, they'll drop rip of their pants and mate.

>> No.20354107


>long winded anecdote addressing nothing

>> No.20354111


>> No.20354123

>long winded anecdote addressing nothing
Yes, whereas the meme that men constantly think about sex is a short-winded anecdote.

>> No.20354137

>I don't think so, the book is clever and ruthless, and women are very capable of that.
So are niggers, and they are also profoundly dumb.

>> No.20354146
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Yet capitalism can invent and mass produce — at an inexpensive price — the one tool women need to sexually satisfy themselves, curious.

>> No.20354158

The young think about it constantly. The sex starved will also think about it quite a lot.
Women are notoriously hard to please and quite often afraid of sex. Some go their whole lives without orgasm. Both men and women have their freaks, but far and wide it’s the males who get obsessed over it. Check porn fantasies out maybe. Gang bangs are always five to thirty males to a woman, rarely the other way around. All for male consumption. On and on I could go. It’s still a man’s world, though some women can feel semi emancipated, they still have to watch their backs for the crazed outcast pups of the “modern” world.
There’s another issue! How many women rapists are there to males?

>> No.20354240

how else exactly does a society with no money and communal production and distribution work?

>> No.20354293

lol you're a virgin
doesn't matter for you since you'll die in a gulag and you won't get to see it

>> No.20354608

How do women use sex toys without feeling embarrassment and shame. Like if a guy gets a flesh light he will be rightfully mocked but when a chick gets a vibrator it's considered normal.

>> No.20354968
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Worthless incel
Independent queen

>> No.20354977

>Women are notoriously hard to please and quite often afraid of sex
This nigga telling on himself

>> No.20354984

I'm from a country that has been socialist for the past 20 years. No, women do in fact not perform better in bed than in other countries.

>> No.20355080

no you aren't

>> No.20355086

I remember reading afterthoughts of people after visiting Vipassanna retreat for one week and the women just said all they could think about was sex.

>> No.20355182

Sorry girls, the book is a fraud.
You will not get an orgasm in "real socialism" as there are no alpha males there.

>> No.20355390

In that case my critique is simply "your theory is impossible according to all empirical evidence"

>> No.20355525

A moid who believes in the equality of the sexes. At birth.

>> No.20355550

You don’t know what’s required of us to create actual communism yet?
You’ve been brainwashed as easily as the trannies you jack off to into believing all socialists are limp peace activists. These people and the book may be frauds, but “ “ real socialism” “ is made by strong and united men and women. So at least the title of the book is a dream quest. Though not the first thing on my mind when I dream and plan for it.

>> No.20355557
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Should have attached this

>> No.20355584
File: 701 KB, 855x924, Lenin the incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder Lenin was an incel

>> No.20355589

The opposite buddy, they've been trying to brainwash me to be a communist insect for 18 years of my education.
No one buys your bullshit anymore; we have eyes.

>> No.20355607

>>20355555 gotta know

>> No.20355610
File: 239 KB, 599x726, Karl Marx Labor Theory of Sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a white woman on the cover
It's always interesting to me how the more socialized a society, the more abortions it has. The USSR for a longtime had a new record for abortions each month.
If you look at American cities something similar is happening. The heart of socialism in the US, Jew York City, you have more people being aborted than born within certain demographics. This is true for example of blacks, who overwhelmingly vote for more and more socialist policies.

>> No.20355626

Another chud containment thread? Nice try fed we all know this is not real people posting in this thread

>> No.20355630

yeah it's gray collaborators like you, you dickless british robber

>> No.20355637

They? School? No, you’re told how to be a cog in their machine and to submit to their authority and to never listen to anyone who tries to explain what anarcho-communism is. They’ve got your brain still. You think you’re an independent thinker, but you’re closed off to anything that counters their narrative.
>no one buys your bullshit anymore
I’m not a Leninist, I’m not a statist. You don’t know what happened in the past hundred years.

>> No.20355655

>but “ “ real socialism” “ is made by strong and united men and women
that explains why it's never made

>> No.20355698

I think it's fair to say that female orgasm is comparable to atomic energy, both cases of the destructive power of scientific discovery; the main difference being that one destroyed uncountable bodies and the other uncountable souls...

People do not really realize the biopolitical dark magic behind the female orgasm, a poorly understood force that was hidden since the early civilizations for a good reason, but as thought tends to forget its own inception, civilized men completely ignore why this happened... your ancestors probably didn't even know that female orgasm was a possibility... if only you knew how bad things are...

>> No.20355783

Stop wasting your time, western liberal anticommunists are all mentally ill

>> No.20355911

kek this reminds me when gommies were putting their - intellectual - opposition to mental hospitals. You insects live in your own fantasy world.

>> No.20355916

Still, we will not isolate you until you actually commit a crime, like, you know, attempt to "seize" the means of production.

>> No.20355954

Watch out or foam will start coming our of your mouth

>> No.20355959

Oh sorry its not foam, its cum of porkies you like to suck off so much, cuck faggot

>> No.20355976

I am laughing not foaming.
You seem to have some sex obsession all right throughout the thread; must be the incels' dreams kek

>> No.20355978

Yeah. You’re right. These are just bitter trolls doing the feds work for them. Sad display.

>> No.20356071

We're interdependent, but I tend to think to the contrary that it's more so the (perceived) desires of women shaping men's behavior, and then men enforcing these norms on each other.

>> No.20356409

It amazes me how people still don't get something as simple as 'no it doesn't matter how long it took in absolute terms, but only in relation to how long it could have taken when performed most efficiently'.

>> No.20356485

he sounds based here actually,

>> No.20356521
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>my sex life sucks because of capitalism

>> No.20357027

We could always do with one less smug lefty dickhead. Get fucked.

>> No.20357179

My brother in christ have you seen fascists or any conservatives really discuss anything for more than 5 minutes online they are sexually repressed beyond relief. absolutely fried in the brain. women do not compare.

>> No.20357189

i dont think men who get no pussy are particularly enticed by the idea of women having better sex. theyd rather they werent having sex at all

>> No.20357195

Because most guys are still sex negative while an increasingly amount of women are sex positive.

>> No.20357205

what does this mean

>> No.20357230

It means he's HIV positive.

>> No.20357299

Source on the documentaries about Ceausescu?

>> No.20357319

You've never spoken or been with a woman. Men are much, much more sex dependent than women

>> No.20357338

Better sex is pretty vague anyways. Does it mean getting oral? Does it mean the freedom to easily give up one partner for another? Some women fantasize about getting gang banged by old men. Is that what it means?

>> No.20357591

Male sex toys were never considered cool or normal even during peaks periods of male sexuality

>> No.20357602

That has always been women projecting themselves onto men.

>> No.20357617


Notice how this is the greatest depth that their ethical system has. Every sociological phenomenon can be judged by the degree to which it aids or hinders the "quality"/quantity of sexual activity.

>> No.20357852

It's the same aestheticism that almost everyone in the current year guides their life by. Life is lived for sensual aesthetic experiences, nothing more, the value of everything is determined by, and reduced to, its aesthetic effect on the beholder.

>> No.20357859
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They're actually much worse sex addicts than men and deeply unhappy.

>> No.20357884

The only thing an increasing amount of women are positive in is HIV

>> No.20357922

Young men in their 20s maybe. In my 30s though, I don't really care much for it anymore. Feels like freedom, not wanting to chase every bit of tail. I just want early retirement and a comfy home!

>> No.20358711

i have no urge for sex; when i told that to some friends in a discussion they said i should visit a doctor and that my hormones are probably fucked. are they right bros?

>> No.20358759

Yes, you're either a legit schizo or low test. Or some endocrine disorder.

>> No.20358768

For me the problem is that I am physically attracted to women and horny but painfully aware that modern women aren't sexy at all, they're like apes that spread their fuckholes open and keep browsing instagram on their phones

My penis doesn't understand that the nourishment it wants doesn't exist, I can't find it a real woman, there are only thots

>> No.20358786

Everyone knows how disgusting modern dating is, the only reason people still participate is because everyone else is doing it and they are scared to get left behind. Love is better than anything the modern world offers us, I don’t care anymore. Unfortunately this might translate to me working on being the best man while every women gets railed by Chad, and I just get the leftovers

>> No.20358795

Someone should invent a dowsing rod that can detect women who have ruined themselves so they can never pass themselves off as pure again.

>> No.20358810

Yeah brahs men care about sex less than women, that's why prostitution is overwhelmingly men paying women for sex amirite?

>> No.20358883

Women generally don't need to go to prostitutes to get sex. I doubt women think less or more about sex than men do but they sure do like to talk about it with much more uncritical reverance. They also tend to be autistically obsessed with power dynamics.

>> No.20358890

>Advertising executives and a lot of publishers know sex sells. And so they encourage more women to think the same.
What a retarded marxist conspiracy theory. Why not go straight to the core and advertize with regards to that instead of going the extra mile to, as you are basically describing, hypnotize women into liking sex so they can advertize to them using sexual imagery? It's a retarded asspull with no logical basis in reality. You are either delusional or trying to seperate women from their desires, poorly arguing that those desires are fake

>> No.20358897

what's Marxist about it?

>> No.20358906

It's retarded

>> No.20358911

do you realize you just came out as a Marxist?

>> No.20358915

How so? I'm not retarded.

>> No.20358925

oh sweetie, you call random things you don't like Marxist and you can't even define the word. I hate to break it to you but you're definitely retarded

>> No.20358931

I just defined it as retarded. And plenty of self-described marxist hold this same idiotic view. Are you the anon who made the post I was replying to? If so you should propably be ashamed.

>> No.20359072

>Women generally don't need to go to prostitutes to get sex
Why is that?

>> No.20359362

Men generally have low standards. Women not so much.

>> No.20359388

Women's sex obsession is designed to temporarily switch off around non-Chads and they turn into prudent starfishes. Yes, even when fucking the non-Chads, which they only do for practical reasons, not because they want to.

>> No.20359389

>I just defined it as retarded.
that's not a definition. that's like saying a 50 IQ retard pointing to something and making "ooga booga" noises is providing a definition for the thing. definitions have a base standard higher than that, and you confirming that you're unable to reach that standard is a self-admission of being a retard
>And plenty of self-described marxist hold this same idiotic view.
1. name three
2. there are also self-described Marxist who don't, such as yourself.
>Are you the anon who made the post I was replying to?
>If so you should propably be ashamed.
you both should be ashamed for being morons and whining about inconsequential things. go have sex and you'll stop being obsessed about it

>> No.20359393

There are YouTube videos explaining socialism in depth or that’s more up to your speed
Otherwise just read Marx

>> No.20359401

Why would someone invent a rod that beeps 100% of the time?

>> No.20359442

Why do they have low standards?

>> No.20359458

Who's obsessed? I'm not the one who thinks corporations control our culture and values. Nor do I believe there is such a thing as capitalism. But you are right, they are more like synonyms.

>> No.20359466

They are more willing I guess. Doesn't mean men are more obsessed with sex than girls. It just means women have more choice in the matter. But the proatitution thing may also just be that some men don't want to go through the mating rituals to get laid.

>> No.20359476

People don't have to have a concise definition of marxism just as marxists don't have to have a concise definition of fascism if they want to throw the term around.

>> No.20359480

There's really no point as Marx was wrong about society and the state. His thought just an evolution from enlightenment liberal theories. The state has always been here and it will never leave.

>> No.20359508

>Doesn't mean men are more obsessed with sex than girls.
Sounds like cope

>> No.20359536

karl marx was a papist agent, his "beliefs" are whatever the vatican says

>> No.20359556

they do have to. Marxism is a body of scientific knowledge about society. if you don't even know what fascism is, then you're not a Marxist, because that would be like being a physicist who doesn't know what capillary action is. and if despite that you still throw those terms you don't understand around as empty buzzwords to create a false semblance of concrete content in what you're saying, then you're even worse than not a Marxist.

>> No.20359565

>no true marxist
Will you people ever let go of this retardation?

>> No.20359605

youre post is cope

>> No.20359695

are you a Marxist?

>> No.20359702

Probably because all women have rape fantasies and under socialism they get raped more.

>> No.20359994

>Marxism is a body of pseudo-scientific knowledge about society
Fixed it for you

>> No.20360037

Non-sequitur (I'm the first anon).

>> No.20361070

That's hilarious. Every Marxist server I get into has diaper furry fart fetishes. Not surprising considering you walk on all fours naked during pride parades in front of children. I can't wait for the civil war, I'm going to skin you alive and build a throne out of your degenerate skulls.

>> No.20361081

A-any day now, r-right chudbros...? I'll be so fucking badass and I'll kill sooo many people on the day of the rope! Just have to keep waiting................

>> No.20361387
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>> No.20361422
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