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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 474x649, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20346313 No.20346313 [Reply] [Original]

The last thread was shit and was rightfully deleted. Discuss his writings. If you haven't read him and aren't interested in reading him don't even bother posting.

>> No.20346324
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Is the dancer caste more important than the warrior caste?

>> No.20346327

actually we were just discussing how adam and eve were hellenic jews

>> No.20346340

What are some good works on disenchantment? I know the Schiller-Weber angle already, does Evola discuss it at all or is it just profane materiality vs. traditional knowledge as magic?

>> No.20346342

I read ride the tiger over a year ago and admit that I did not have the requisite philosophical background to fully grasp all of the themes. Was he basically saying to live as a drifter and enjoy the degeneracy without being consumed by it while remaining inwardly detached from everything?

>> No.20346353

Negros have high kshatriya potential if they broke out of animalistic cravings. They have an innate resistance to Judaic trickery.

>> No.20346368

No they don't. That's like saying blacks would be really good aerospace engineers if they stopped being black. If they were good ksatriyas they would have had societies characterized by warrior virtues, but they have nothing close to that.

>> No.20346375
File: 113 KB, 540x720, revolt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read pic related

>> No.20346385

Gang culture is prmuch warrior culture in its lowest form. Directly corresponds to the "Titantic" mode of consciousness Evola discussed.

>> No.20346390

How do you fucks understand him without studying Guenon first?

>> No.20346392

you will never be a woman

>> No.20346398

>boomer shoes

>> No.20346400

warrior culture is defined by superior values, which gang culture is completely devoid of. saying it corresponds to a titanic mythos is a further profanation.

>> No.20346402

how many ebola threads ru gonna make op? asking for a friend.

>> No.20346404

I jumped straight into "Revolt" and understood it perfectly because I already had prior occult experience so was familiar with everything he discussed in one way or another. You can't fully appreciate or understand Evola without direct occult experience.

>> No.20346420

That isn't me and it is an actual female.

I read Revolt as my first Traditionalist work, it was a bit of a challenge but I took it slow and used wikipedia/google sometimes and understood it. I read it a second time and it was a much easier read but still found that I understood it the first time. I don't know, it wasn't that hard. After that I read some easier Guenon, such as Spiritual Authority and Crisis of the Modern World, then went more and more down the rabbit hole.

>> No.20346429

Where do I start with him?

>> No.20346432

I just want to get into some good discussions, the last thread was trash full of trolls and retards and I'm glad it was deleted so we can try again.

>> No.20346441

Revolt and/or Mystery of the Grail. After that I would say it depends on if you are more interested in the esoteric or political.

>> No.20346462

Stop victimizing yourself. You're the one going around mocking people who raise valid criticisms against the claim all non-Euro royals were white. It's a batshit insane claim, especially to anyone who studied population genetics.
The Nordicist cries out in pain as he claims your cultural legacy.

>> No.20346521

Egypt was founded by Hermes Trismegistus and Hellenic Atlantean refugees

>> No.20346526

>Claims to be a spiritual Ghibelline
>The HRE serf'd the bulk of Christendom and gave Jews financial control over Christians
Was the invasive nature of Christianity just too strong for the primordial tradition to endure on a mass scale or did he not think this through? With hindsight it seems like later groups like the Normans and others had the right idea more so than gay barbar political factions.

>> No.20346532
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I read 'Meditation on the Mountain Top' and it didn't really leave an impression tbpf.

>> No.20346534
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They were halfway between modern-day Greeks and Lebanese from the autosomal samples I've seen.

>> No.20346535

>Was the invasive nature of Christianity just too strong for the primordial tradition to endure on a mass scale
Probably something like this.

>> No.20346545

I haven't read that. That is one of his smaller and less consequential works. You should read Revolt to get a proper idea.

>> No.20346570

>never heard of evola
>casually interested in mystics, writers on magic
>look up evola
>he's a fascist

why am i even surprised? that's all 4chan is now. an alt-right echo chamber. the cancer has killed the host. every board. fuck you op.

>> No.20346571

anti-liberalism is synonymous with sanity.

>> No.20346593

The issue is they're just as hypocritical as self-loathing far-left faggots. They claim to be open to civil debate while they consistently hurl insults. They also act just as dense as far-left lunatics.
You have to agree with them on *everything* just like far-leftist lunatics. In the last thread, I was agreeing there are may valid arguments for ethnonationalism, maintaining demographic majority of natives, how homogeneous populations are more high-trust, and so on, but people were yelling I was anti-white because I disagreed that all non-Euro royals were white. This alt-right echo chamber is just as much trash as far-left lunatics. They act like I am a far-leftist because I don't agree all non-Euro royals were white, an asinine and highly narcissistic claim of the highest order.
I am not looking forward to the future for a number of reasons. You can't even meet halfway with these faggots. The only thing that shuts them up is when you start retorting with visceral grotesque imagery.

>> No.20346596

The only reason you can talk about Evola and shit on liberalism is because of liberalism, so say thanks to liberalism.

>> No.20346601

He isn't a fascist. He was first and foremost interested in spirituality/esotericism, then when fascism came around he tried to use the fascist currents to revitalize Western spirituality. He was never a party member, and he was actually attacked by fascist goons for criticizing fascism, his journal was shut down by Mussolini. He was associated with the other side during ww2, and for that you write him off? that is the epitome of bigotry.

>> No.20346605

You're both mirror images of each other and fail to understand nuance. You're practically ruining /lit/, yet you ultimately recourse to acting like Jews, self-victimizing yourselves over your petty and fragile narratives.

>> No.20346610

Which books by Evola have you read or plan to read? stop spewing your irrelevant off topic autism, that's how the last thread was ruined.

>> No.20346611

Liberalism created all of these major and intractable problems in the first place. It's not normal to have mass movements of people, breakdown of local communal cultures, and so on. A lot of this is a consequence of industrialization, which was a mistake.
I'm not a cuck though. I'm not going to let either liberals or far-right lunatics spread lies.

>> No.20346612

Shut the fuck up faggot, why are you even here if all you want to do is whine about muh white nationalists? take it to /pol/

>> No.20346618

Take it to /pol/, this is an Evola thread.

>> No.20346619

My German philosophy friend used to give lectures about him to me. I also learned about other philosophers through him.
The last topic was ruined because of belligerent narcissists who believe all non-Euro royalty were white; they're constantly screaming I'm anti-white even when I agree with ethnonationalism.

>> No.20346623

Do you even read what I say? I was defending white nationalists. Do you have any reading white comprehension whatsoever?
Why are you people so stupid?
Are you deep learning bots?

>> No.20346625

>H-He's a fascist! he said so himself!
When will this retarded reddit meme die

>> No.20346628

>belligerent narcissists
That would be you, taking over threads and filling them with unfiltered off-topic rambling autism, not even being aware enough to answer the question.

>> No.20346629

dont reply to me, woman.

>> No.20346631

I'm not a cuck. I'm not going to give the final word to people who obviously spreading lies, misrepresentations, and more. If your thread dies as a consequence, then so be it. You pick a fight with me, you suffer the consequences. Be happy it's online.

>> No.20346632

>Do you even read what I say?
No, I wish you would fuck off with your low IQ, off-topic, shit-tier posts.

>> No.20346637

Mods ban this off topic schizo sperg

>> No.20346638

>No, I wish you would fuck off with your low IQ, off-topic, shit-tier posts.
So you could go back to screaming how all non-Euro royals were white? There was even some faggot arguing ancient Chinese royals were white.
Do you realize how retarded you lot sound?
Evola had a lot of interesting things to say, but in the age of population genetics, we have more nuanced and precise data for establishing certain claims.

>> No.20346640
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>> No.20346645

You fucking faggot. I'm not even insulting you like the leftists such as this guy: >>20346640
I even agree Evola has a lot of literary value. I'm just saying you need to start "catching up" when it comes to stuff like population genetics. Not all non-Euro royals were white. Stop screaming that, and we don't have a problem.

>> No.20346646
File: 835 KB, 320x180, Lowtg2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dancer caste rules supreme
Warrior caste rage and scream
Rage so hard they blow steam
They can't compete even in a dream

>> No.20346649

How is it a cope?

>> No.20346650

Why don't you just come out and say anyone who disagrees with you shouldn't reply to you. Can you handle even a little bit of criticism for your favorite thinkers? Why do you act like a blind ideologue. Even my favorite writers or thinkers said one or two things I disagree with.

>> No.20346656

He's right that you treat it like a cope as the previous thread showed. You're literally attacking someone who's on your side just because he disagreed with one or two points you made.
You're using Evola as a cope to create an artificial sense of confidence.
Wake the fuck up. I'm not claiming Evola has no literary merit.

>> No.20346658

Traditional doctrine puts Africans at he absolute bottom, metaphysically they represent pure matter, mud, earth, etc. with little or no divine light. Of course this is just crazy racist nazi shit, I'm just saying what they believe.

>> No.20346664

your mistake is thinking im here to actually discuss anything, consider yourself warned

>> No.20346666

Which books by Evola have you read or plan to read?

>> No.20346670

Evolian racial doctrine is a little more nuanced as there is not only biological race, but spiritual race.

A negro can have an Aryan soul, for example.

>> No.20346674

I plan to read Ride the Tiger because it seems relevant in following traditions in modernity where most traditions have denigrated. I had an interesting discussion about it with a fellow Zen Buddhist.

>> No.20346680
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Pure physique, Masters of mud, one with the earth, pure material supremacy.

>> No.20346685

Which is highly unlikely, and the "negro" race would be at the absolute bottom.

>> No.20346687

To be fair American whites are by and large niggers on a soul level, so what makes them any better? Nevermind the increasingly feminized Western European.

>> No.20346690

They would be characterised as completely dominated by the material, not above it.

>> No.20346692
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Not above earth, but one with the earth.

>> No.20346710

I would say that the majority are spiritually jews at least in the upper economic classes, and a small amount are spiritually negroid. The difference is they have a much higher potential and are nevertheless still more refined in their materialism (like a merchant), even the lowest classes are above the crude materiality and animalistic behaviour of the negroid. This is reflected in things like crime stats or profession/employment for example.

>> No.20346716

Dominated by it.

>> No.20346721

>To be fair American whites are by and large niggers on a soul level
explain why/how

>> No.20346730

It's better to judge people as individuals when it comes to these things. Also, without something like a resume for one's "soul level", it's going to come off as one-sided. There are issues with treating it like a competition too.

>> No.20346731
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Dominated by earth, pure bliss and devotion to the mud.

>> No.20346732


>> No.20346737

When you are talking about race you are by definition talking about the collective.

>> No.20346740

I have wanted to read Evola for ages but I already have 10+ books to read and I'm a fucking lazy animal so I'm making no progress. Can anyone summarize him in a few sentences so I can get what he is all about?

>> No.20346744

Because you can't, because you're completely wrong, since you have no idea what you're talking about. I like how you included "to be fair" at the beginning, as if you were actually trying to be fair and not just shit on whites.

>> No.20346747

The collective cannot take into account an individual's personal goals, artistic sensibilities, values, and so on. It is disingenuous to rely on trends in the collective to describe an individual's particular traits.
Furthermore, analysis of the collective without the use of unbiased stats risks bias. For example, many white Americans avidly watch football, which I consider a lowly and crass materialistic sport that places them on the level of ghetto thugs.

>> No.20346759

.t seething amerimutt

I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said damn near 100 years ago. Americans are a race of spiritually decrepit children that actively shut themselves off from higher brain function. You don't need any explanations, just observe them.

>> No.20346765

>Americans are a race of spiritually decrepit children that actively shut themselves off from higher brain function.
This describes the average person of the modern world as a whole irrespective of race.

>> No.20346767

he was criticising fascism for not being radical enough to suit his own anti-semitic rejection of christianity. prior to that he was an enthusiastic supporter, and wrote extensively in support of fascism.

anyway, arguing with alt-right cunts like op is pointless. they'll deny the truth of their intent, right up to the point where they tell you to face the wall.


>> No.20346786

Then why are you trying to have a conversation about race you midwit? And it isn't disingenuous, generalisations are the basis of science. An AI would analyse all the individuals and determine a consistent trend of the most crude materiality, and then when judging the individual based off of those trends, would be correct more often than not. What is an unbiased statistic? there will always be a bias. Your arguments are petty. If you truly think watching football puts people on the level of ghetto thugs, this is nothing more than a testament to your blatant idiocy.

>> No.20346788

>This describes the average person of the modern world as a whole irrespective of race.
A byproduct of Westernization, pioneered by the Europeans and later Americans. All hail.

>> No.20346802

I'm not american, I asked you to elaborate on your point and you couldn't, because it is moronic and you don't even know what you're talking about. There is a tendency downwards, obviously, but you lack any semblance of nuance and are basically just running your mouth with no knowledge, so maybe you're projecting a little with these accusations?

>> No.20346804

I genuinely wish I was projecting.

>> No.20346808

>pioneered by the Europeans
This is why Africans rule supreme, and this is why Europeans rage and scream on 4chan, they just rage so hard they blow steam while Africans swim in pussy cream, Europeans can't compete even in a dream.

>> No.20346814

You're the one mixing discussions of soul with race. I'm claiming we can only judge an individual's soul in relationship to their individual character, conduct, and so on. It's not good to analyze them based on "collective soul". Look at serial killers like Ted Bundy or many others. Do they have a "white soul"? No, they're just sick and twisted freaks. We should look at the soul on an individual scale first and foremost.
Note, I am not claiming ethos does not exist. Yes, there is an European/white ethos. Yes, the ethos is impressive. Granted, the ethos does not have that much causal power in describing each individual. This requires being more thorough and careful in claims.
Also, my previous point is that the majority of non-Euro royals were not white. This is not a controversial claim and genetic data backs what I said. Accepting this reality does not mean feeling compelled to open up your borders or race-mix yourself out of existence.
It's a complex issue. It's not good to be overly reductionist and blame Europeans or Americans, even if the issue may have began from them. It still spread based on the weaknesses and flaws of non-Europeans.

>> No.20346816

Yes, but radical in what sense? he wasn't saying he wanted fascism to be more fanatic against jews, he said the opposite in fact, at least when it came to Hitler. He wanted a more aristocratic and spiritual foundation, fewer technocratic endeavours, more of an appeal to the "higher nature" of man as opposed to the lower. This is why he described himself as "supra-fascist" or above/beyond fascism. You sound like you've already made up your mind though.

>> No.20346819

aryans are the only reason negroes are even alive you fucking retard, white people could cough and blow up this entire solar system. but keep antagonizing Greeks because you're a racist, good fucking luck

>> No.20346822
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>You're the one mixing discussions of soul with race
This is a Traditionalist thread, you utter retard.

>> No.20346823

sub-Saharan Africans can't run a fucking sewer system much less rule themselves

>> No.20346829

wtf I hate Aryans now

>> No.20346832

>white people could cough and blow up this entire solar system
If not for the Love and Mercy of God which is literally hard-coded into the universe, this planet would have already been destroyed. Whites are very good at self-destruction but that's beside the point.

>> No.20346833

Technically it is a byproduct of the Jews and the Jewish spirit. Europeans ay have pioneered it (pioneering is in their nature after all), but it took hundreds of years to really take off and permeate their society. Meanwhile in the East, these ideas overwhelmed their civilisations in a few decades, is that also the fault of Europeans? it just sounds like you hate white people.

>> No.20346835

You lack reading comprehension, you absolute buffoon.
In reality, I am the bigger traditionalist than you. If you bothered to improve your reading comprehension, you would see I'm actually not disagreeing that much with you.
You are a belligerent faggot.
I actually shot a black person who broke into my house in self-defense. I am not going to lie, but I find you arrogant and haughty white people worse than him right now. You have serious mental problems you need to work out. You are disingenuous and lying to yourselves as a coping mechanism. This is dangerous. You need to stop it.
As someone who actually killed a ghetto thug black man in self-defense, I am saying you are much more stupid than him (at present).

>> No.20346845

>it just sounds like you hate white people.
I see you have adapted well to the "no u" tactics of your Judaic masters. Well done. Do continue to spread materialism and spiritual darkness across the planet with your bold pioneering.

>> No.20346855

>That isn't me and it is an actual female.
So I was still correct, you will never be a woman

>> No.20346859

I don't care, you ruined the thread again, so good job. You're really good at destroying things. But ultimately it is my fault, since I indulged your idiotic talking points. If the jannies actually did their job and banned you we would have a decent Evola thread. Instead we have to deal with your dumb ignorant ass, who has never read a book on Traditionalism, but tries to be an authority on it. A delusion of the vulgar ego. Bye.

>> No.20346865

Autistic but true.

>> No.20346868

They're insane. They go from screaming racial slurs and lies about how all non-Euro royals were white to then playing as if they're victims, much like what they critique Jews for being self-victimizing.
They're over-the-top hypocrites who act like fragile snowflakes who cannot engage in a proper civil discussion due to poor reading comprehension. They want complete domination and agreement; even minor disagreement makes them ree.

Just look at how Jewish this guy behaves:

^ He acts like a literal woman.

>> No.20346876

Go cry about it, you hysterical and hypocritical douchebag.
Maybe learn to actually discuss things without making highly specious claims.
Also, grow a backbone. I don't have to agree with everything you say, especially when it's asinine and obviously false.

>> No.20346884

>then playing as if they're victims
then playing the victim*

>> No.20346886
File: 42 KB, 680x680, LowTierGod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aryans are NOTHING! They serve ZERO PURPOSE! They should kill themselves NOW! And give somebody else a piece of that oxygen, in ozone layer, that’s covered up so that we can breathe inside this blue trapped bubble. Because what are they here for? To worship us? Kill yourselves! I mean that with a hundred percent with a thousand percent.

>> No.20346894

Do mods just have no desire to maintain any semblance of quality on this board or what?

>> No.20346901

Jannies aren't doing their job, they are happy to leave shitty troll posts up which are ruining this board.

>> No.20346907
File: 407 KB, 1280x1280, HOW TO TRIGGER A RED ALERT AT SHILL HQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't lie forever

>> No.20346913

>all non-Euro royals were white
see how much this triggers the jew, he's still seething over it.

>> No.20346916

Autismus Maximus

>> No.20346931

A Jew would be calling for open-borders, promoting white guilt, and attacking Western cultural legacy.
I am doing none of that. In fact, you are the ones behaving like Jews in this context.

>> No.20346938

Ancient Jews had little to no steppe/Aryan admixture. Also, why should it matter? They were not impressive peoples in the least.

>> No.20347066
File: 393 KB, 1000x680, lowtg 993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of this, you will be serving African royalty, because no matter what your soul type is, even if your DNA is %100 Aryan, it means you a pure blooded bitch, and you belong on your knees blowing dicks until you DIE, you can work hard to reach your true potential, which is being the biggest bitch ass in history blowing the biggest dicks known to man, which is African dicks, don't like it? KILL YOURSELF!

>> No.20347075

Race soul

>> No.20347080

Gay and cringe Khazar lore

>> No.20347105

jesuits are mentally ill

>> No.20347171

Aryan stats

Charisma 3/10 (can't win over people)
Confidence 1/10 (hides his political believes)
Mental Strength 0/10 (breaks down and want jannies to delete "troll" posts)
Personality 5/10 (basic and boring)
Physique 0/10 (gets cucked relentlessly)
Skin Complexion 0/10 (pale ass)
Physical Strength 0/10 (can't fight to save his life)
Style & taste 0/10 (no drip)
IQ level 20 (believes in magic)
Vocabulary 3/10 (can't rhyme words)
Creativity 0/10 (old ideas)
Empathy 10/10 (gets cucked relentlessly)

>> No.20347190

Attacking people like this isn't a good idea. White/European legacy is very impressive, and while I have serious issues with the recent growth of Nordicism, I do not like to mock them in this oversocialized manner. They have a much worth being proud in.

>> No.20347195

there are literally laws that the olympians have to protect black people. laws can be repealed

>> No.20347198

>have a much
have much*

>> No.20347233

Ok, I'll check it out (from the library).

>> No.20347249
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No surprise, Olympians are KEKS, like all other Aryans. they exist to get KEKED and they won't have it any other way, it's in their DNA at this point, the KEK gene.

>> No.20347257

>t. literal tranny
off yourself asap

>> No.20347277
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>> No.20347286
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>nigger inferiority complex
can you blame them?

>> No.20347295
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Also in the Aryan gene, Aryan troons accepted their true place.

>> No.20347296

If jannies are just going to ignore all the off topic spam for hours then you may as well post this shit

>> No.20347309
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blacks are trannies and homosexuals at higher rates you idiotic nigger monkey, the problem is it is so hard to tell, since the men and women look so similar; ie, like feral beasts

>> No.20347329
File: 1.31 MB, 202x360, 1597135991380.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks more like a mutt / an iranian

>> No.20347332

The white kid is so fast, that retarded chimp had no chance.

>> No.20347338

At least regular homosexuals are honest with themselves, unlike white trannies shitposting about masculinity after blowing dick IRL.

>> No.20347345

Don't pull Iranians into your snow nig vs nig wars, faggot. I'm getting sick and tired of your shit.
You're just kids who need more life experiences. Also, in the age of guns, fist fighting isn't needed anymore. I've shot people in self-defense, and I don't give a shit if it's going to be an arrogant Nordicist shithead next.

>> No.20347353

shut up nigger, nobody cares about your 65 IQ coco the gorilla opinion, go suck a dick, everyone knows "brothas" are into that shit

>> No.20347358

ya, the problem was it looked like a middle easterner and not a white person, you simp for niggers which isn't surprising since you're a mutt.

>> No.20347378

Stop mistaking me for that fag.
I posted here: >>20347190 before the thread was flooded with anti-white shit and then dumb webms of nignogs and Amerimutt trash fighting.

>> No.20347389
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>metaphysically they represent pure material supremacy, raw strength, one with the earth, the superior physique, the peak performance allowed in the material realm
This what the Aryan said, they WORSHIP the Africans.

>> No.20347422
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>can't swim
>can't compete in strongman competitions
>glass jaw
>KO'd by manlets
>sold into slavery by their own kind, still crying about and basing their identity on it hundreds of years later

>> No.20347428

If theyre so powerful how come the most they've ever contributed to humanity was under the whip of the white man?

>> No.20347451

Humanity was a mistake.

>> No.20347457
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Africans rule the material
Aryans cope with the spiritual

Simple as.

>> No.20347459
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fuck off racist asshole

>> No.20347466
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is this what you mean by "rule the material"?

>> No.20347488
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Great work derailing the thread guys.

>> No.20347500
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Aryans so pathetic they believe in fake castes and magic just to cope with the fact that they get cucked on the daily, the only caste you fit in is the cuck caste, the one where you get cucked.

>> No.20347504

>savage animal
Why do you insult animals? Homo sapiens are a failed species, and many animals are better like birds and cetaceans. I agree with Ulrich Horstmann's views of omnicide for the human species. I think it's time to give a chance to non-human organisms to speciate and inherit this Earth.
I've shot a nignog before, and I wouldn't hesitate to shoot anyone else. I've experimented on rats in my neurobiology lab, which traumatized me, but I would enjoy doing it on human beings. I'm much more evil than a negro in a more traditional sense because I don't have a single shred of humanism. I'd disembowel your beloved Jew and force you to eat his heart.

>> No.20347510
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>tavistock telling people magic isn't real
>compares everything to harry potter

>> No.20347512

What's the context here? Why would the older fat lady even approach someone in that state lol

>> No.20347539

do you need context? it's a crazy groid viscously attacking anyone who comes near him.

the thread was already derailed hours ago, jannies didn't bother deleting any of the obvious off topic troll posts, and this is what happens.

white people have ruled the world for most of history, you utter retard

>> No.20347541
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>> No.20347551

The only tranny here is Evola and his delusional cucks, same mental illness.

>> No.20347552
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>> No.20347558
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Is everyone retarded? Black people and whites have never been enemies. Even historically slavery was more like the student loan system than wanton murder. It's the Chinese who consider black people gorillas and want to replace them with Han sectoid clones

>> No.20347563

Ryan Gosling looking off into the distance dreaming of warrior castes after getting cucked IRL.

>> No.20347590

>projecting this hard



>> No.20347599

>white people have ruled the world for most of history, you utter retard
Europe has an impressive cultural legacy. You don't need to go around spreading lies like this when you've got Beethoven, Mozart, Goethe, or whatever.

>> No.20347600
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>> No.20347607

lel how stupid is that nog? it's funny how knocked out he is at the end though, dumb chimp, what did he expect?

>> No.20347620
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>Ryan Gosling looking off into the distance dreaming of warrior castes after getting cucked IRL.

>> No.20347632
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bbc bros...

>> No.20347638

Holy shit. Dis nigga finna be watching spongebob in a care home da rest of his life

>> No.20347685

Evola seems to be an inconsistent thinker. Why would he suck up to Arab Muslims, talking to them fondly, and then say all ancient rulers were white?
I don't think there's any internal consistency to Evola's "philosophy" unlike other far-right figures.
Also, the dumb Christcuck posting here doesn't understand Evola held a lot of contempt towards his tradition.

>> No.20347689
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White trannies being pathetic, only Africans rule supreme, while whites cope on the internet and scream.

>> No.20347692

Which books by Evola have you read?

>> No.20347700
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>n-no u
hahaha JUST

>> No.20347705

Nice projection

>> No.20347713

I'm thinking about the record I read about him meeting an Arabic Muslim where he was speaking to him fondly, also speaking positively about Islam. A lot of people have shared it here before. You're just a knuckle-headed zoomer LARPER if you don't know about it.
Evola is an inconsistent thinkers. His actions don't align with his views, and to be honest, his views seemed to evolve or change rapidly.

>> No.20347721
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Everyone knows
Aryans blows
Everyone agrees
Aryans belong on their knees

>> No.20347722

>those shoes

>> No.20347726

So you haven't actually read any books by him?

>> No.20347729

Kill yourself jew.

>> No.20347739

I've attended lectures about his views.
I don't find him worth reading. My time is limited.
If you're so interested in paganism, then read the pagan myths and literature.
I came across many of the same conclusions as Evola when studying them: the importance of virility, valor, strength, virtue, protecting lineage and ethos, persevere when climbing the mountain, etc. You're not a genius for creating a worldview based on the commonalities of heroic myths. It doesn't take a genius to see the importance of heroes and poets in maintaining the "soul" of a culture.
I'm more interested in actual literature (e.g., the actual myths) or real metaphysical works (e.g., solving hard problem of consciousness).
I don't have time for your second-rate thinkers who jump all over the place. Even a baboon's jumping has more sense to it.

>> No.20347748

To make my point clearer: Reading Irish Celtic myths like The Tain and other folklore are more valuable than Evola in my view. Even if they are not 100% accurate, it's still more valuable. This is especially true if you're Irish.

>> No.20347753

>are not 100% accurate
are not 100% accurate to pre-Christian times*

>> No.20347763

>I've attended lectures
So you listened to someone share their opinion about his works, and view it as the same as reading his works for yourself?
Imagine being this stupid Lmao
>I read a greentext about evola
>it's the same as reading his books

>> No.20347764

>the importance of virility, valor, strength, virtue, protecting lineage and ethos, persevere when climbing the mountain, etc.
And of course the importance of social hierarchy for well-functioning society*
I forgot to mention that.
I figured all that out from reading a few ancient epics and not wasting time with your inconsistent trashy thinker.

>> No.20347771

I don't have time to read every single thinker. I have to pinpoint my interests. The last thread was mostly people just chimping out because I disagreed with one thing Evola said. You're retarded ideologues of a second-rate thinker.
You can learn about the importance of these themes from most ancient epics: the importance of virility, valor, strength, virtue, protecting lineage and ethos, persevere when climbing the mountain, the importance of social hierarchy for well-functioning society, and etc.

>> No.20347779

Honor* is pretty important too*, something you lying duplicitous pieces of shit lack.
You disgrace your entire lineage of ancestors, you lying sacks of shit. There's nothing Aryan about any of you.

>> No.20347816

If you read Evola you would understand those myths at a much deeper level, the initiatic/esoteric spiritual meaning behind them. I studied Evola and appreciate mythology much more now, and can see the sacred meaning hidden in folklore.

>> No.20347834

But you have time to make posts itt as if anyone gives a shit about what you think. Protip, no one gives a fuck.
>ehm excuse me i dont need to read evola, i know everything there is to know because i attended a lecture!
Just top fucking kek lmfao

>You can learn about the importance of these themes from most ancient epics
Have you read a short blurb of ride the tiger and meditations on the peak?

Kek look how mad you are bro.

>> No.20347835


I'm going to keep shilling The Fall of Spirituality/Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism. It's almost never discussed anywhere, yet it's one of the most insightful books Evola wrote on the modern spiritual condition.

>> No.20347845

My time is limited, and I don't have time to read every single second-rate thinker out there.
I said one MINOR thing I disagreed with Evola in the last thread, yet people chimped out. If people just ignored it, I would have left. I'm not going to give faggots like you the final word when I know I'm right.

>> No.20347874

If your time is limited then why spend it in a thread concerning an author who you have zero interest in?

>I'm not going to give faggots like you the final word when I know I'm right
You have some serious issues to sort out to be honest bro. All that talk about honor and virtue but youre acting like a literal fucking child. Maybe read some more irish myths you fucking clown lmfao.

>> No.20347884

I made a claim and people kept claiming I am promoting positions that I am not. I respond back defending my integrity and justifying my arguments while people hurl false accusations at me. I'm right, you're wrong. I will have the final world. Period.
I am more honest than the average man here, and a single moment of pain from me is worth lifetime of blood from devious ingrates like you.

>> No.20347906

I agree, great book and not talked about much. Easy to get into if you don't know much about Evola either, arguably a good intro to his spiritual side. I shilled it on here a few months ago.

>> No.20347910

The destruction of the vulgar ego is the presupposition of all initiatic doctrines.

>> No.20347916
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The Prussian spirit

>> No.20347924
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nice twitter tranny screenshot making fun of a 14 year old

>> No.20347958

Cuchulainn killed his own son because he insulted the honor of his tribe.
Rostam likewise killed his own son.
I would kill you for claiming you are closer to my ancestors than myself. Why not? Do you realize how insulting you are?
If you're unwilling to kill for what you strongly believe in, then it means nothing.

>> No.20347960

Most supreme Aryan on twitter, the supra vaccinated becky, belongs to the warrior caste and has an Aryan spirit.

>> No.20347971

>making fun of a 14 year old
That got groomed by Evola readers, they are the ones turning him into a joke.

>> No.20347977
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you are too stupid and bluepilled to understand Evola, stop trying.

>> No.20347990
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if that's what helps you cope

>> No.20347998

Left wing weirdos abusing children is nothing new. You're all pedophiles.

>> No.20348012
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>> No.20348018
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>Evola argued that the fabricated antisemitic text The Protocols of the Elders of Zion—whether or not a forgery—accurately reflect the conditions of modernity.[85] He believed that the Protocols "contain the plan for an occult war, whose objective is the utter destruction, in the non-Jewish peoples, of all tradition, class, aristocracy, and hierarchy, and of all moral, religious, and spiritual values."[86] He wrote the foreword to the second Italian edition of the Protocols, which was published by the Fascist Giovanni Preziosi in 1938.[86][87]

>Following the murder of his friend Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, the leader of the Fascist Romanian Iron Guard, Evola expressed anticipation of a "Talmudic, Israelite tyranny."[88] However, Evola believed that Jews had this "power" only because of European "decadence" in modernity.[47]

>> No.20348378

He's right, you know.

>> No.20348622

I have the last word btw

>> No.20348674

Of course


>> No.20348677

You'll have the last word in hell. Slit your throat, peudo-Jew soulless faggot.

>> No.20348685
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>> No.20348696

Ehm, still having the last word

>> No.20348699

You'll have the last word only in hell.
Eat shit. You're devoid of any light. In fact, I would claim you have no Buddha nature as an icchantika of the highest order. Genuinely kill yourself.

>> No.20348703

>kill yourself
you must be a very enlightened individual. just kidding.

>> No.20348708

Stfu and kill yourself. Stop turning /lit/ into fucking /pol/ with your WE WUZ Nordicist bullshit.

>> No.20348714
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sir this is a wendys

>> No.20348861