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File: 22 KB, 383x362, mad neche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20347200 No.20347200 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people worship this chucklehead?

his philosophy sucks. his mind broke the moment he saw someone beating a horse cruelly.

Wow so tragic, now you know what's going to happen once man is enslaved.

Narcissistic, self-exalting, powerful people brutalizing the poor and defenseless for reasons they rationalize from their ego that are actually disassociated from what is really happening.

Congrats. Wow I'm so glad we can look forward to the malformed post-real-religion secular faith that rises up after the collapse of liberal nihilism. Surely it will be better 8)

Thanks Neitzche. They'll use you to justify their violence against others. "we killed god we are worthy to do this evil thing!" MORON!

>> No.20347210

Rent free

>> No.20347218

Not a single argument, not even the smallest one

>> No.20347242

"why do people worship this chucklehead?"
Why would you assume I need an argument to ask this question? That seems silly to me.

I saw Neitzche threads all over the catalogue a few hours ago, finally decided to ask /lit/, if this amalgamation of people is capable of explaining why they like Neitzche so much

>> No.20347298

Nietzsche is a pure product of the secular humanism, like the subhumans Hegel, Kant, Heidegger, Adorno, Habermas, Arendt, Husserl, Popper, Strauss, Weisse, Carnap, Engels, marx,Feuerbach, Frege, Fitche, [all germans, weird huh? germans can't think, they suck at wars so they fell back on ''''''''''philosophy'''''' who travestied the greek philosophy which was lived, and they turned it into mental masturbation in sterile universities, in order to get a cushy life like a generic girl gets one from her orbiters]. Germans thinkers are vaginas who think they think.
. He is your typical atheist that you find on every street corner nowadays. Those people are torn apart by nihilism and delusion of grandeur where they view themselves as a benevolent despot leading humanity towards a higher life.
Nietzsche is:
-an atheist [there is no god]
-an anti-christian [like any marxist] [Dude dont think long term like the life-denier christians, only the here and now matters OKAY!!]
-a nihilist [there is no truth, only interpretation, FACT!!!]
-an hedonist [Only this life matters!!1 live in the present moment to coom like my dancing vitalist idol, the great dyonisus!! teehee]
-a narcissist [look how I analysed the totally non-judeo-christian-made concept of ''''''human nature''''' , Humanity is will to power!!! LE HECKIN INSIGHT]
-a jew glorifier ["The Jews, however, are beyond any doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe."]
-a postmodernist [values don't exist but reality doesn't matter bro!!! Just become le heckin uberman, sink further into delusion, create your own values and fight for them until you die!!]

You believe you're a woman? You go giiiiiirl, nobody can tell you otherwise, period!! Trannies are the übermensch neech was talking about!

yeah no wonder that lefty/lit/ trannies shill his diarrhea all the fucking time.

yeah no wonder that self righteous NPCs want to identify with his diarrhea all the fucking time.

>> No.20347714

Very good stuff for 1880

>> No.20347784

You have presumably not read his works. I will quote a few passages which directly contradict you, in the hope that you will realise Nietzsche is actually based, and decide to read him.

>Nietzsche is:
>an anti-christian [like any marxist]
Christians: believe in equality before God, blessed are the poor
Marxists: believe in equal human rights, blessed are the proletariat
Nietzsche: "Equality to the equal; inequality to the unequal" -- that would be true justice speaking

>[Dude dont think long term like the life-denier christians, only the here and now matters OKAY!!]
Nietzsche: That which stood there aere perennis, the imperium Romanum, the most magnificent form of organization under difficult conditions that has ever been achieved, and compared to which everything before it and after it appears as patchwork, bungling, dilletantism.

>a nihilist [there is no truth, only interpretation, FACT!!!]
Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil -- at any rate that is not the same as "Beyond Good and Bad."
You will have to read the Genealogy of Morality to understand the distinction.

>an hedonist [Only this life matters!!1 live in the present moment to coom like my dancing vitalist idol, the great dyonisus!! teehee]
Nietzsche: Well-being as you understand it — that is no goal, that seems to us an end, a state that soon makes man ridiculous and contemptible…

>a narcissist
Not relevant to the value of his work

>[look how I analysed the totally non-judeo-christian-made concept of ''''''human nature''''' , Humanity is will to power!!! LE HECKIN INSIGHT]

>a jew glorifier ["The Jews, however, are beyond any doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe."]
He noticed that Jews are powerful. Do you disagree?

>a postmodernist [values don't exist but reality doesn't matter bro!!! Just become le heckin uberman, sink further into delusion, create your own values and fight for them until you die!!]
Nietzsche was not telling you, or any other idiot on this board, to become an overman. Overmen must be bred.

>> No.20347930

Complete and utter brain damage

>> No.20348188

I am a tourist from /fit/. I am just starting to get into Nietzsche. I’ve noticed lots of threads insulting him, but the people who make them always have garbage arguments. It reminds me of all the demoralization and shilling that goes on on /fit/. Are anti Nietzsche threads bait, or are they butt blasted cause they’re Schopenhauer or Greek fags?

>> No.20348216

So that’s why dosto is obsessed with cunts beating their horses

>> No.20349204

>You have presumably not read his works.
I did, but unlike you I also understand what I read.
>Marxists: believe in equal human rights, blessed are the proletariat
Wrong, the just pretend they do. At the end of the day they believe themselves superior to the lumpenproletariat.
>Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil -- at any rate that is not the same as "Beyond Good and Bad." You will have to read the Genealogy of Morality to understand the distinction.
No argument.
>Nietzsche: Well-being as you understand it — that is no goal, that seems to us an end, a state that soon makes man ridiculous and contemptible…
One again no argument. I'm wasting my time it seems like.
>Not relevant to the value of his work
Your reply so far has been very dumb. Of course the shortcomings of an artist are relevant to their art because they limit it.
Yup, you're retarded.
>Nietzsche was not telling you, or any other idiot on this board, to become an overman. Overmen must be bred.
Nothing to do with him not being a postmodernist. You're incredibly dumb and missed the point of every single criticism. This is why you like Nietzsche.

>> No.20349274

>nietzschefag telling others they have brain damage
Nice one lol

>> No.20349314

Reminder that Christcucks are still not over Based Nietzsche declaring their magic wizard dead.

A true Chad if there ever was one

>> No.20349333

Nietzsche got so thoroughly destroyed by David Bentley Hart the only thing his name elicits in Christian circles nowdays is a slight chuckle.

>> No.20349337

>David Bentley Hart
>Politically, he identifies as a Christian socialist[4] as well as a democratic socialist[5][6] and is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.[7]

>> No.20349347

>he fails to realize that master morality is actually about being a good friend, kind to people, and making sure to call your mom and tell her you love her
OP, you are the biggest søyboy beta cuck I've ever seen - did you even call your mother on mother's day? No? Omega-tier behavior.

>> No.20349352

They’re all Christians seething because he was a strong critic of their religion. Not real Christians but the /pol/ trad larpers.

>> No.20349353

Most Nietzschehaters are probably seething tradcath-larpers.

>> No.20349363
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>Nothing to do with him not being a postmodernist.
“NOOOOO I hate postmodernism I wish we could return to the dark ages!”

>> No.20349366
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>> No.20349368

You have not read Nietzsche and we don't owe you shit

>> No.20349376

Christian iq

>> No.20349378

>his philosophy
>Thanks Neitzche. They'll use you to justify their violence against others. "we killed god we are worthy to do this evil thing!" MORON!

Why do people reply to this trash

>> No.20349393

>in Christian circles

Also known as incel forums

>> No.20349402
File: 84 KB, 850x400, 1641815499087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smarter than Nietzsche
>Makes atheists seethe
>Is a committed socialist
The man has it all, God bless him

>> No.20349408


>> No.20349417
File: 493 KB, 1200x1500, 1630806555545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One might even ask if Nietzsche is not engaged throughout The Anti-Christ in a strategy of ressentiment, the interposition of a moral interval between Christ (the agent) and the church (his agency), in order – to use Deleuze’s happy turn of phrase – to separate Christ’s (aesthetic) force from what it can do. A deviousness bred of weakness and a poverty of aesthetic imagination will – so one is reliably informed – inevitably assert itself in this way. In truth, Christ’s cleansing of the temple precincts, his creation of a new and holy space within history, can be conceived quite compatibly together with his “symbolic” pronouncements; his injunction to “render unto Caesar” may be regarded not merely as a dreamer’s recoil from “reality,” but as the active rejection of one order in favor of another, intended to make room for the concrete community of the church and its peculiar practices. For Nietzsche this remains always inconceivable: to allow that the symbolist of the Gospels could be also creative, forceful, imperious, and capable of discrimination and judgment – to allow, that is, that the “idiot” whose rejection of power was final and still free of resentment could genuinely enter into history, or constitute an apprehensible aesthetic form among the many forms cast up by time, or pose against all philosophies of will and power the historical example of a community able to live, however imperfectly and infrequently, by charity rather than by force – would give the lie to Nietzsche’s own narrative of cosmos and history, his own metaphysics and (more importantly) aesthetics.

Again, there is little but force of rhetoric behind Nietzsche’s constant reversion to a pagan vision of the world as perpetual agon, a terrible collusion of chaos and order, which is shaped and controlled through the judicious deployment of various powers, such as “reason” or “the state,” or (as is the case with Nietzsche) merely affirmed as wasteful but indestructible creativity. Nietzsche is a pure metaphysician insofar as he cannot endure the “irrational” idea of a freely creative and utterly transcendent love; he thirsts for the soothing fatalism of “necessity.”

>> No.20349439

Rent free

>> No.20349453

How much seethe can fit in just a few paragraphs

>> No.20349454
File: 35 KB, 768x433, 1635290360890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, of course, as I have repeatedly insisted, it is taste, rather than historical evidence, that must dictate whether one elects to see Christ as a creator of values or as an impotent decadent. Again, it is Nietzsche’s aesthetic evaluation – I this case his preference for the form and allure of noble values over Christ’s gospel of love – that remains unassailable. The metaphysical aspects of his critique, which continually float to the surface wherever they are denied, are embarrassing if regarded as anything other than facets of an imaginative narrative, an attempt at a more compelling story, whose appeal is rhetorical, whose logic is figurative, and whose foundation is none. Nietzsche’s disdain does not follow from the force of his reasoning; it is that force. Despite which, certain of his postmodern followers all too often allow the metaphysical within Nietzsche to predominate (quite contrary to their intentions) by taking his narrative of being and his distaste together in such a way that the narrative comes to constitute an assumption that functions all the more pervasively for going unacknowledged: the Heracleitean cosmos is taken as, in some sense, as unproblematic and unarguable truth, and the only alternative to totalizing metaphysics (of which, however, it is a very venerable variety).

In fact, Nietzsche may well be right; there is little in the New Testament, given his tastes, that might favorably compare with Homer – or even with Apuleius. One Gospel story that one can assume, from this quotation, earned Nietzsche’s disdain is that of Peter, hearing the cock crow and, remembering his denial of Christ, going apart to weep. Nowhere previously in the literature of antiquity had the tears of a rustic been treated as anything but an object of mirth; certainly to regard them as worthy of attention, as grave or meaningful or tragic or expressive of a profound human grief, could appear only grotesque from the vantage of a classical, noble aesthetic. There was indeed a revolution, a slave revolt, both in those frightfully subversive tears and in the shocking tastelessness of a narrator so indiscreet as to record them, so vulgar as to view them with anything but elevated contempt. And FNinsanethis is where the battle lines, ruefully to say, between Nietzsche’s narrative and the Christian narrative have been irrevocably drawn. The most potent reply a Christian can make to Nietzsche’s critique is to accuse him of a defect of sensibility – of bad taste. And this, in fact, is the last observation that should be made at this point: Nietzsche had atrocious taste.

>> No.20349478

>Why do people worship this chucklehead?
Great writer and poet.
>his philosophy sucks.
He predicted the modern state of things and his philosophy is basically the philosophy of the modern elite.
>his mind broke the moment he saw someone beating a horse cruelly.
Not an argument against his philosophy.
>Narcissistic, self-exalting, powerful people brutalizing the poor and defenseless for reasons they rationalize from their ego that are actually disassociated from what is really happening.
Not an argument against his philosophy.
>Congrats. Wow I'm so glad we can look forward to the malformed post-real-religion secular faith that rises up after the collapse of liberal nihilism. Surely it will be better 8)
Not an argument against his philosophy.
>Thanks Neitzche. They'll use you to justify their violence against others. "we killed god we are worthy to do this evil thing!" MORON!
Not an argument against his philosophy.

The irony of small men bellitering great men.

>> No.20349717

>his philosophy is basically the philosophy of the modern elite.
idk about that, can you tell me how you think about it?

>> No.20349823

>freely creative and utterly transcendent love
You couldn't possibly be pretending that this is "Christianity," that there is anything free or loving about following the orders of liars because they have threatened you that some volcano demon will punish you otherwise; that would be a quite silly thing to defend against Nietzsche

>> No.20349843

>Transhumanism (Man as God)
>Eugenics (more openly in the last century) through trans, abortion etc
>The ruling aristocracy is the western world generally and the western elites particularly. These two layers of "aristocrats" are also the worlds warriors caste (NATO)

>> No.20349878

>Christians: believe in equality before God, blessed are the poor
Didn't he called Christ an ubermensch? A great standard to strive for so you can compare yourself akin to Christ lol, totally not narcissistic and self-defeating by trying to achieve an impossible goal.

>> No.20349883

This. Stay far away from German philosophy and German "people."

>> No.20349888

>replying to a bait thread

>> No.20349898
File: 65 KB, 591x800, large_000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good German philosopher (ie wasn't a destructive nihilist) was Hamann. It's weird how surrounding Scandinavian and Slavic countries don't produce nihilist filth like Germany does. Compare Kierkegaard to Heidegger, the latter just being an atheistic rip-off of Kierkegaard and ends up inventing deconstruction, believing it essential to de-strukt all major beliefs of western civilization because he thought the Germans could replace it with something better. Fuck Germans.

>> No.20349910

>not being able to beat the shit out of gays and women having access to basic healthcare is eugenics

Righttards sure are a crazy bunch

>> No.20349913

What is nietzschean about transhumanism? Where is eugenics being applied today? We are meant to respect weaklings and deformed/mentally ill people, you will go to jail soon for mocking fatsoes. Bodybuilding is badly seem by some researchers today. Trans people will have artificial wombs, faggots can adopt children and pass their buggery forward. Abortion is indeed the only one perhaps having some resemblance to eugenics, but it is still indiscriminate and there will still be healthy people killing their offspring.
> The ruling aristocracy is the western world generally and the western elites particularly. These two layers of "aristocrats" are also the worlds warriors caste (NATO)
There is nothing nietzschean amd warrior like about NATO holy shit. First, NATO is just the product of arms contractors’ lobby for profit. The ruling elite is no aristocracy and does not hold noble values, they are constantly engaging with the masses, manipulating them and lowering themselves to just this enterprise, they are not creating anything, they do not express any artistic spirit at all, they rather express the contrary. But maybe we could discuss about this elite if you cited names, names that are behind the ones I’m aware, hidden.

>> No.20349935

lotta damage control for the fact that Nietzsche's opinions were stupid and had even stupider consequences

>> No.20349937

Nietzsche's work acts as a serious counterbalance to Hegel; the latter takes up historicism as a position that might be rational, and his philosophy sorts out what it might mean if the changes in man's values and ways of thinking over the course of history are rational. Nietzsche plots out the alternative by taking seriously the challenge of relativism.

What's crucial for Nietzsche is that 1) he sees the Enlightenment as a product of Christianity (and Platonism); Christianity's love of truth (understood as love of Jesus /God) exercises that same love of truth upon Enlightenment philosophers, who initially acknowledge their dependency on biblical values. But the move towards science as the proper exercise of the love of truth eventually finds no place for God, and brackets morality formally (since morality won't be found via science), which leads to greater and greater degrees of moral license and room temperature religiosity. This itself leads to only valuing the comforts of technology supplied by science, and so a weakening of spirits and ambitions to do anything great (the great vision of the Enlightenment reduces to some Japanese NEET playing games, collecting comics and cartoons, living to masturbate and eat instant ramen, and Western analogues). Nietzsche's critiques are all about this causal situation. 2) Philosophy, no longer being either skeptical or speculative, has instead become dogmatic again, and the two great questions of philosophy (What is Being? What is the best way of life?) are in danger of being forgotten and replaced with the answers "whatever science says" and "hedonism backed by democracy". So the other part of his project is to inject renewed skepticism and excitement over speculation.

Now, whether he's successful is its own question; his critiques seem to stand on firmer ground then say, his desire to retore an appreciation for the noble and base, which can't really be grounded too strongly in his perspectivism.

Nonetheless, he's a stirring reminder that our tendency to idolize democracy and science isn't coming from a place of having thought through the relevant matters necessarily, and that getting rid of God has consequences for how we're to live if we expect anything better than NEET life or the raging hedonism of serial killers.

>> No.20349951

Tell us one opinion of his that was retarded

>> No.20349955


>> No.20349978

Neechfags will seethe, but this is spot-on

>> No.20349983

I love these kind of threads, most people attacking Nietzsche are smart enough to kinda get an outline, but they dont read so they dont enjoy and understand his written work.

>> No.20349986

DBH is a pseud who writes purple prose and is purposely verbose. He’s full of himself. He’s also a heretic who believes everyone goes to heaven. Into the trash he goes

>> No.20349989

The people who attack Nietzsche are the same one who attack the Bible or Darwin, braindeath religious zealots.

>> No.20349991

Literally everything he wrote. He’s a brain-damaged rhetorician. He never even engaged in actual philosophizing, and his work is a contradictory and self-refuting mess that has had disasterous consequences for humanity.

>> No.20349996

shit OP like everything on this board now

>> No.20350001

>tell me one thing
>doesn’t cite a single thing
Yeah I can already call you a retard and dismiss everything you post from now on

>> No.20350005

Another anon already refuted Nietzsche in this thread: >>20347298

>> No.20350008

What's "actual philosophizing"?

>> No.20350012

Kek, budget Stirner trannies on suicide watch.

>> No.20350024

>lotta damage control for the fact that Nietzsche's opinions were stupid and had even stupider consequences

Christian hands typed this.

>> No.20350042

Just a bunch of lies and badly misunderstood claims.

>> No.20350050

>they turned it into mental masturbation in sterile universities, in order to get a cushy life
Lol Nietzsche left his university position to focus on his philosophy

>-an atheist [there is no god]
Like Hume and Voltaire? Those non-German philosophers? Or Aristotle, whose "gods" are mere causes without personhood or a personal interest in us?

>-an anti-christian [like any marxist] [Dude dont think long term like the life-denier christians, only the here and now matters OKAY!!]
Really gonna ignore his hatred of socialism, eh?

>-a nihilist [there is no truth, only interpretation, FACT!!!]
A guy who thinks aristocratic virtues are awesome doesn't sound like a nihilist but you do you

>-an hedonist [Only this life matters!!1 live in the present moment to coom like my dancing vitalist idol, the great dyonisus!! teehee]
The guy who makes fun of hedonists is a hedonist?

>-a narcissist [look how I analysed the totally non-judeo-christian-made concept of ''''''human nature''''' , Humanity is will to power!!! LE HECKIN INSIGHT]
I mean, sounds like Plato with his Eros in Symposium, guess Plato's not a philosopher too

>-a jew glorifier ["The Jews, however, are beyond any doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe."]
Lol imagine buying into Jew propaganda about based Nazi Neetsch

>-a postmodernist [values don't exist but reality doesn't matter bro!!! Just become le heckin uberman, sink further into delusion, create your own values and fight for them until you die!!]
Literally his whole shtick is about believing in values

>> No.20350069

Many hands could have typed this. Germans hate Plato because he mogged on them thousands of years before.

>> No.20350081

Interestingly, Nietzsche criticizes Germans harshly. Atheist: was he? It depends. Were the pre-socratics atheists? Was someone like Heraclitus an atheist? Was Spinoza, Schopenhauer? Against Christianity: yeah he was, but not against Christ, the retard spammer poster (that’s a pasta in case you dont know) equaled him to marxists, this is so dumb when Marxism is a christian gnostic heresy, they base themselves on the same principle and consciousness. Nietzsche as a nihilist: this is commonly asserted by superficial readers (or non-readers), this assertion is based on idealistic dogmatism and utter lack of tragic consciousness.
Anyway, you need to depend on others or you are able to hold a discussion on Nietzsche?

>> No.20350129

I think we can all agree that writing primarily in aphoristic style is a terrible way to get well thought out points across and actually have them understood by your readership. The proof is in these threads. nietzsche's true crime was one of style.

>> No.20350131

>Christian hands typed this.

Literally any non-German hands could have typed that, since Germans have been always been against human beings.

>> No.20350135

It's not really. Nietzsche was just trying to be edgy.

>Interestingly, Nietzsche criticizes Germans harshly.

Even the German LARPing as a Pole is still incredibly German (ie destructive to humanity).

>> No.20350144

>Narcissistic, self-exalting, powerful people brutalizing the poor and defenseless for reasons they rationalize from their ego that are actually disassociated from what is really happening
Were you trying to describe punching nazis or "the knockout game"?

>> No.20350149

>nietsche was just trying to be edgy
looks like the shit style got you too. if you believe this you didnt understand.

>> No.20350157

How is it destructive? Is destruction only negative? Didn’t Christianity destroy in order to create anew?
Anyway, youre fleeing again from a serious discussion about Nietzsche.

>> No.20350162

His style was his defense.

>> No.20350170

Nietzsche cannot be blamed for low minded people’s lack of intellectual integrity. These people shouldn’t even have access to his writings. You are blaming the author based on lower standards. Aphorisms are good for what Nietzsche’s philosophy expresses. And you can see many writers who wrote in aphorisms are not attacked as Nietzsche is, it is not a matter of style.

>> No.20350173

>Lol imagine buying into Jew propaganda about based Nazi Neetsch
What ?

>> No.20350178

>Nietzsche cannot be blamed for low minded people’s lack of intellectual integrity. These people shouldn’t even have access to his writings.
On just how many levels of cope are you ? Is Neech the new Rick and Morty of /lit/ ?

>> No.20350218

How’s that cope? You are barely literate. What’s the relation with Rick and whatever the cattle is fed with from mass industry?

>> No.20350249

Im sure thats the reason. its definitely not that fragmenting your thoughts into multiple points on the same subject over long periods of then tapping them all together into a collection of aphorism leads to contradictions due to evolution of your thoughts over said period. It definitly couldn't be that. (even though the fact that the birth of tragedy is infinitely more coherent than the gay science or the genealogy of morals is evidence of this being the case).

>> No.20350252


>> No.20350317

Lol, the genealogy of morals is the easiest and most coherent of Nietzsche’s works, together with the Birth of Tragedy. They are even quite systematic for a non-systematic, anti-systematic actually, philosopher like Nietzsche. This was the same case with Heraclitus, who did not want the masses to understand him. I agree it is difficult but it converged with what he intended to do and with what his philosophy expresses. No need to give your frustration a sense of objective critique.

>> No.20350354

okay nigger, I can't believe I'm falling for this but in the extreme case some retard on /lit/ never heard of Rick and Morty it's a tv show that got popular and became a meme because of some post.
This is your argument. This is how you cope.

>> No.20350400

No, my argument is not that you are only dumb in the discursive, logical way, but in the profoundest way, bordering on illiteracy. For if you have read Nietzsche you would know that he was against rationalism. My point is that you just can’t understand what you criticize fiercely. And this is a sign of utmost stupidity.

>> No.20350429

>hard to grasp / incoherent
Filtered brainlets.

>> No.20350450

if a work can be classified as "anti rational" then there is nothing to understand. it is not rational and this can not be understood. Is this really a defense. "uh you just didnt understand his irrational fragments, but this is the true interpretation and you are dumb for not knowing that." what a joke.

>> No.20350459

Nietzsche along with Heidegger invented post-modernism. They invented deconstruction. They created a metaphysical aporia and had nothing to fill the void they created, so now you have techno-capitalism with 2SLGBTQIA+ characteristics and mass immigration that helps neither side. Yes, this is all the fault of Germans.

>> No.20350473

Walter Kaufman, on CIA payroll too.

>> No.20350475

its the fourth reich

>> No.20350490

>To be fair, you have to have a very high intellectual integrity to understand Nietzsche.
>no you're not dumb in a discursive logical way but you are dumb in a what I consider to be profound, similar to illiteracy but you're not illiterate, therefore my point is if you can't simp for the most popular incel of all time then you're just stupid, ok ?
bro come on

>> No.20350501

I'm not even using complicated words, just reply to me like you do on reddit.

>> No.20350526

I know you are baiting now, but I’ll address it nevertheless. Rationalism is not what is simply rational, have you read any philosophy book in your life before? He is against rationalism, not against reason. Besides, there is aesthetic inquiries and principles that conduct his philosophy. You don’t understand poetry, music, painting, art in general, solely on the basis of discursivity, logical investigations. And his style, the matter here, has nothing to do with what you posted, his style is not “irrational” or against reason or against rationalism, it is simply non-systematic. You could have rationalistic philosophy written in aphoristic style.

>> No.20350537

Intellectual integrity implies honesty and is totally alien from dogmatism. It has nothing to do with logicism and rational onto-epistemology.

>> No.20350559

Define deconstruction. How did it differ from Xenophanes and Greek/Ionian Enlightenment? Plato and Socrates? Hebrews and Christians? What is a metaphysical aporia? Does it have anything to do with apophatic theology? Nietzsche did not have anything to fill the void? Really? Did he also destroyed art instead of pointing toward it?

>> No.20350574

shut the fuck up lol

>> No.20350581

> Can I tie my shoes? Can I wipe my own ass?

>> No.20350583

Even if I'm not trying to shitpost you still don't make sense, you didn't build upon your initial argument at all.
>Nietzsche cannot be blamed for low minded people’s lack of intellectual integrity. These people shouldn’t even have access to his writings. You are blaming the author based on lower standards. Aphorisms are good for what Nietzsche’s philosophy expresses. And you can see many writers who wrote in aphorisms are not attacked as Nietzsche is, it is not a matter of style.
You're just bloatin it up and no matter what I say you'll just derail, because of your obscurantist intellectual dishonesty. You just brought dogmatism, logicism, rationalism, ontology, epistemology into a shit flinging argument on 4chan about Neech's style. The only person who lacks intellectual integrity here is you. Just like Nietzsche's style betrays him to people like me, so does yours.
It's a matter of fact that people are just too stupid to understand Neecie for you and that's that. Allow other the courtesy to call your retarded and move on instead of wasting their time.

>> No.20350637

Christian on damage control.

>> No.20350655

Lol this is so silly, its like watching a creationist talk about evolution or an atheist about ancient literature.

>> No.20350691
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There's nothing to defend. He literally wasn't able to talk with women, like most people who venerate this dude.

>> No.20350705

oh shit you are right. I read that as anti rational not anti rationalist. my bad. I definitely dont think nothing rational can be put forth im aphoristic style. And I would agree that genealogy of morals is better formatted when it comes to keeping the line of thought between aphorisms similar in each section but its still a mess and I still hold that the style is at lear partially to blame for his perceived self contradiction (probably another part is the irony not always translating in text). I dont think anyone can disprove this.

>> No.20350799

Christcucks are always in damage control.

That's what apolegetics is, them apologizing for being retarded enough to pick such a shitty religion

>> No.20350811

>genius writer, academic and thinker wasn't subtle when dealing with women

>> No.20350868

Some things may seem contradictory when in reality they are not. I understand it seems messy, I would say labyrinthine though, just as Mino’s Labyrinth (remember how importent the myth of Ariadne and Dionysus is for Nietzsche). And I have the same feeling from Plato’s dialogues. Have people not misinterpreted Plato’s philosophy because of his elliptic style too? Contradictions are natural, I think is where Heraclitus as an influence comes in

>> No.20350883
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>hack unsecure 1.7m book nerd doesn't even have the balls to deliver a letter to some woman, let alone talk to her
yeah sounds about right

>> No.20350964

The most talented geniuses humanity has produced were spergs with women and suffered from unrequited love.

>> No.20350971

during this conversation I have become convinced that I need to read the gay science again and try to organize the aphorisms according to like content because I very much remember being frustrated about trying to follow lines of thought while also sifting through the irony and attempting to understand the context of each fragment with GS more than I did with genealogy. I would say that platos dialogues are slightly better in this instance since the thread of thought are clearly outlined and the reasoning can be followed well enough through the questions being asked. Like plato follows the structure [ask question->get answer->followup question->get answer->expand on original question with new information->statement] then move on to next topic. Where nietzsche is more like [expound on topic a->formulate really good reason for inquiry->question to start inquiry] then 6 aphorisms that are remotely related but not interlinked later [expand even further on direct line of thought with topic a and the question that was asked-> come to answer for question->pose new question]. I can see how that is definitely a kind of labyrinthine way of writing that is not inherent necessarily to aphoristic style (though I do think it is unique to it and possibly an easy accident to be explained in hindsight). I guess what I dont get is that, if you want only a select few to understand your message, why publish a book at all? why not lecture to the types of people you want as your audience? why not start an occult society based on your ideas? what is the point of occulting your ideas if your goal is to spread the truth about how to be happy (like he says is his goal in the gay science. unless that was also just irony that I didnt get)?

>> No.20350980

lol keep coping, like I said, nearly anyone who is sane and loves life has a stake in criticizing Nietzsche

if you don't like feminist epistemologies you owe it to yourself to criticize Nietzsche harshly (inb4 he hated women - it doesn't matter since his philosophy is po-mo cuck shit that enables the worst forms of feminism)

>> No.20350987

Nietzsche only did that indirectly. The postmodernists / post-structuralists all get him wrong in one way or another. Heidegger and Derrida's sous rature for example is a fundamentally anti-Nietzsche concept.

>> No.20351002

Last time I checked Einstein was pimpin, actually I can't think of a single other popular autist in the same spectrum as Nietzsche that had problems with women this bad except maybe Schopenhauer but at least he could talk to them.

>> No.20351003
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Too much thinking is bad for you. Ultimately, you just gotta live life. Decades spent bitterly ruminating on the futility of human existence? Or just taking it slow and enjoying the little things in life, trying your best to not be the bad guy too much?

>> No.20351005

lol implying Nietzsche didn't literally advocate for people to misread him

it's po-mo degeneracy, all of German philosophy has been extremely destructive to the European man

>> No.20351009
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What did I tell ya ?

>> No.20351024

>implying Nietzsche didn't literally advocate for people to misread him
Sure, but postmodernism is still as related to Nietzsche as Protestantism is to Catholicism

>> No.20351032
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Retroactively refuted by De Tocqueville.

>> No.20351050

>nobody reads Tocqueville
>everybody reads Nietzsche
So much for refutations, guess Nietzsche was on to something after all.

>> No.20351075

Based. Houellebecq knew this.

>> No.20351125

>reddit author everyone knows is just better, ok ?

>> No.20351145

>m-muh reddit

>> No.20351159

>talented genius
But you know Petrarca, Leopardi, Dante, many troubadours, probably, Spinoza, Newton, Kant, etc.

>> No.20351165

Can you expand a bit on this?

>> No.20351204

>what I dont get is that, if you want only a select few to understand your message, why publish a book at all? why not lecture to the types of people you want as your audience? why not start an occult society based on your ideas? what is the point of occulting your ideas if your goal is to spread the truth about how to be happy (like he says is his goal in the gay science. unless that was also just irony that I didnt get)?
Ideas work like waves dispersing themselves through time. Nietzsche knew there would be misinterpretations, but he also knew someone would gain power, strength from it, either as cause effect relation, or a confirmation of a latent strength. He was not worried with some secret spiritual knowledge to be preserved, but with a noble creation in its universal potency, just like art, which unites the subjective and the universal, total reality. Also, remember Nietzsche said his readers must work hard, must suffer and read him correctly (exercising themselves in a way), add to that ''To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities... the wretchedness of the vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not—that one endures.”

>> No.20351211

>social sciences nerd baited and detected
none of them as bad as the guy who was so afraid to talk to women that he asked a friend to deliver the letter where he manifested his love to some foid he mega simped for, a day after seeing her for the FUCKING first time;

But yeah go ahead, tell me Nietzsche would still be Nietzsche if that chick said "holy shit incel bro, yes, I like your deformed head and your complicated words that sound like donkeys giving themselves aneurysms, we marry tomorrow"
He's the Elliot Rodger of his generation, but instead of going on a light shooting spree he ruined generations by making taking the best from Stirner Mainlander and Schopenhauer , pooing it up and releasing it.

>> No.20351228

No I don't, and he was completely correct in viewing Christianity as nihilistic

Don't project your own failings unto other

>> No.20351229

You sound resentful.

>> No.20351242

Yes, I keep searching for a old porn start while shitposting in this thread and I can't find her.
Am I wrong tho ?

>> No.20351260

You literally said you couldn't think of ''a single other popular autist'' you retard, that's why I cited those authors.

>none of them as bad as the guy
lmao you really know nothing about the ones I cited.

You don't sound only resentful as the other anon said, you sound pretty dumb too.

>> No.20351278
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>> No.20351282

>Nietzsche knew there would be misinterpretations, but he also knew someone would gain power, strength from it, either as cause effect relation, or a confirmation of a latent strength.
fair enough if true. I guess that just means that debating about what Nietzsche meant is beside the point. either you get something useful out of him (most likely requiring engaging with the material a but deeper than you would with other stuff) or you dont and move on to find something you do get something from. I think I will try reading GS again and really engage with it (I still hate aphoristic writing though).

>> No.20351295

>Am I wrong tho ?

>> No.20351307

I'm not tho. And you fags just keeps tumbling around. Give me an example worse than what I presented, related tho those authors and I concede. From what I know there is none.

>> No.20351319

Anyone resentful is wrong by default.

>> No.20351324
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>> No.20351399

You realize that he had health problems most of his life, right? And that he eventually succumbed to some neurodegenerative disease like brain cancer? And that he even expected it, because his father died of a similar brain disease? 3 years after writing that letter, he resigned from his professorship because of those health problems. He only even became professor because he wasn't physically fit to remain in the military. In that same year he also flirted with Louise Ott, who was actually receptive to Nietzsche in letters, but Nietzsche didn't push on it because she was already married with kids. In the last years of his life he was so physically ill on a daily basis that he could barely sit up at a desk for longer than several minutes at a time, yet he still produced hundreds of pages of work. You're not talking about someone who had a normal life.

>> No.20351429
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ahh yes the flirting, she was receptive...

>> No.20351456
File: 83 KB, 595x434, 2022-05-10 15_05_29-Monographien und Texte zur Nietzsche-Forschung _ Nietzsche's Women _ Beyond the .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were trying to avoid suspicion from her husband.

>> No.20351461

He was such a physically infirm and sickly man but from his writings you would imagine him an Achilles.

>> No.20351513

So he was sending letters to this walled broad while she was getting railed by some other retard and he was dying of cancer or something, all while pretending to be her brother ? This is even worse than I imagined.

>> No.20351552

Your shitpost was ignorant, get over it.

>> No.20351567

No, being the ( probably, still not convinced ) temporary fantasy of a desperate housewive and pretending to be her brother in order to talk with her while larping as a 10/10 chad philosopher king is ignorant.
I probably would have had more respect if he killed himself.

>> No.20351576

This bait is terrible.

>> No.20351601

Yes, but it doesn't change the facts. My retardation blissfully blemishes the protective shell you placed upon N-man. The only reason people think this guy ever fucked something is because he got syphilis.

>> No.20351637
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Women fell in love with him and he even dismissed them. But it is great how those who don’t like Nietzsche must resort to his private life in order to delude themselves with any sort of argument. You people are low.

>> No.20351643

All of the retards in this thread seething and pissing their pants as they desperately try to defend Nietzsche is hilarious

>> No.20351655

He never had syphilis. And again, the greatest geniuses died as virgins.

>> No.20351663

look nigga this is not wizardchan.
I know, we should have weekly threads.

>> No.20351666

Oh yeah, seething and pissing themselves to defend him against arguments like: “he never had a gf!”

>> No.20351670

Don't respond, he's a terrible troll.

>> No.20351677

Nietzsche is literally the best philosopher and thinker of all time, i would even compare him to Christ in terms of a prophet, his thinking is not even concluded in our age and will probably still resonate like a hammer hundreds of years from now, we havent even begun to act what this man thought, history will never abandon his name for eternity

>> No.20351679

Christcucks refrain from reading Nietzsche.He'll hurt your feelings,.Just stop. There are better books like The Bible or whatever you guys read

>> No.20351681

t. womanly mental retard who will never understand nor produce anything worth for humanity

>> No.20351701

I just need to spawn as many retards as possible and they need to survive to do the same.
yes, because his real life betrays his writing and his style, would you read Das Kapital if it was written today by Bill Gates ?

>> No.20351713

So you think that having as many children as possible = success and greatest human expression?

>> No.20351721

>I would like to suggest, that during August/September 1878, literally who fell in love with N-man..bla bla 13 years older than him
what's this another old married woman, that may or may not have had the hots for the N-man ?

>> No.20351748

Hypocrisy fags are the worst kid of faggot they never tackle any of these philophers arguments just point how they fail to live up to what they want to achieve and move on.

>> No.20351757

>put penis in vagina
>feel like you achieved the greatest thing possible
Hmm who's the real simp here

>> No.20351776

kek im absolutely roflcoptering if this is serious

>> No.20351798

Worked and confirmed pussy-free.
> just point how they fail to live up to what they want to achieve and move on
Yes, and this is hypocrisy because ? If N-man was a pussy slayer I would have icons in my house and pray to him.

>> No.20351807

Point being my attack on N-man was "bruv this guy got no pussy" and most replies were "no, but you don't get it, he had ligma, etc, some menopausing womeme sent him a letter once" instead of "yes, he got no pussy, he might have larped but his writing is important because X, you retard".
All you niggas are venerating this dude.

>> No.20351831

funny how N-fags call Christians life deniers but then they defend Nietzsche for being an incel AHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.20351839

He's literally the example of do what the preacher says not does.

>> No.20351847

If you had his health problems you would have just killed yourself since you're weak.

>> No.20351849

>Scientific studies show that being obese is bad for your health.
>Therefore I think obesity is bad and people should work to lose weight.
>Uhh anon have you considered that you are obese get BTFO'd.
Ingenious why do you even bother with trying to discuses with philosophy? you are clearly to retarder to engage with it.
>If N-man was a pussy slayer I would have icons in my house and pray to him
Hey anon what's next your gonna tell me I have to disregard Kant because he didn't have enough sex to be taken seriously.

>> No.20351869

>Nietzsche suffered from migraine without aura which started in his childhood. In the second half of his life he suffered from a psychiatric illness with depression. During his last years, a progressive cognitive decline evolved and ended in a profound dementia with stroke. He died from pneumonia in 1900
if I had meme illnesses I would have killed myself ?
When's the last time you've seen an obese person preaching that obesity is bad ?
>Ingenious why do you even bother with trying to discuses with philosophy? you are clearly to retarder to engage with it.
Mind your spelling please, I'm the heel.
>Hey anon what's next your (it's you're) gonna tell me I have to disregard Kant because he didn't have enough sex to be taken seriously.
Never read Kant, I'm not shitposting about fags I didn't read.

>> No.20351880

>muh Christcuck muh Christcuck muh Christcuck

broken record, like I said nearly anyone who isn't a retard will see Nietzsche for what he was: an edgelord midwit who opened pandora's box of post-modern relativism and nihilism

I feel like I'm arguing with 15 year olds

>> No.20351883
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>if I had meme illnesses I would have killed myself ?
Yes. Not that Nietzsche had "meme illnesses" though.

>> No.20351884

he did drugs, that's why

he spent his life doing a ton of drugs but hated alcohol because he was a contrarian loser

>> No.20351886

Would just like to say that this anon is correct. Nietzsche validates all the meaningless relativism in the world through his garbage philosophy. Plenty of trannies and gender nihilists actually cite Nietzsche as an inspiration. I don't know how he could possibly think that a world that no longer believes in truth could work

>> No.20351887

He destroyed his brain doing drugs and then the realization that his entire philosophical project was wrong sent him over the edge and he went insane.


>> No.20351899

Drugs didn't cause his condition, it was hereditary. His father died of a similar thing.

>> No.20351911

I could probably gestate two of those with all the drugs he had access to.
Did he even work other than "writing" ?

>> No.20351924

>muh genes

fat people say the same thing

>> No.20351928

>Did he even work other than "writing" ?
Yes. What difference does it make?

>> No.20351938

Because I work. I'm measuring if I had killed myself.

>> No.20351941

You use sarcasm, point disregarded. YWNBAW

>> No.20351949

*if I would've killed myself

>> No.20351951


Not if I apply Nietzsche's philosophy.

>> No.20351988

Nah, I wouldn't have killed myself. I've already worked more years in my life than N-man plus I've had a harder life than him but there's nothing I can do to prove that so just consider me stupid or retarded, w/e I'm tired and tomorrow I have to go wageslave.

Have a lovely evening and a nice life fellow N-man venerating anon.

>> No.20352017

Work is nothing. Try creating something historically significant in the grandest sense possible that you get no recognition for in your lifetime.

>> No.20352034

bro your so cool. you're so badass and mentally strong, bro

>> No.20352273

>no u r dumb lol

>> No.20352684

He likely had a brain tumor that effected him since youth, as his conditioned worsened he simply felt bad for the lil horse.

>> No.20352805

One of the best series of threads ever.

>> No.20353098

Thanks, anon. I have been very interested in Tocqueville lately, intending to read him soon, but the most posts of the Tocquevilleanon were just repetitions of how Nietzsche was weak, lacked power, building his ramblings on his very frustrations, whereas Tocqueville was serein and thought as one who has power under his reins. There were interesting questions concerning Nietzsche's positions indeed, but nothing of the sort of a cogent dilemma for Nietzsche's part.

>> No.20353114

I laughed so hard at this I got stomach cramps.

Thank you and fuck you.

>> No.20353316

>Fate is the simplest argument against Nietzsche. Where fate intervenes one can be certain that something greater than power has taken hold - as in the strong character up against forces greater than this world. Will always falls short in these situations.

>> No.20353563
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Prescience, on the Great War in particular, and the trajectory of socialist and anarchist movements and core motivations in general. Outlining the demystificaiton of the world and runaway technological hive minded historical trajectories, and the imperative of a Promethean - not 'Faustian' - counterweight to this on the values scales.

>> No.20353589

>Nietzsche: "Equality to the equal; inequality to the unequal" -- that would be true justice speaking
Wow, Nietzsche is basically Aristotle. I've read the Ethics too. Aristotle calls this geometrical justice.
>hat which stood there aere perennis, the imperium Romanum, the most magnificent form of organization under difficult conditions that has ever been achieved, and compared to which everything before it and after it appears as patchwork, bungling, dilletantism.
Wow, Nietzsche is basically Cicero.
>Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil -- at any rate that is not the same as "Beyond Good and Bad."
Wow, Nietzsche is basically Socrates.
>Nietzsche: Well-being as you understand it — that is no goal, that seems to us an end, a state that soon makes man ridiculous and contemptible…
Wow, Nietzsche is basically Plato.
>Nietzsche was not telling you, or any other idiot on this board, to become an overman. Overmen must be bred.
Wow, Nietzsche is basically rehashing Plato's Republic

>> No.20354104

Based and correct

>> No.20354144

t. a neet and one that never experienced suffering

>> No.20354419

Nietzscucks blasted to the abyss

>> No.20354443

A supreme gentleman indeed.

>> No.20354588

Power itself is not something entirely free, as if it were a source of free will. Heraclitus says: ethos anthropoi daimon. And he also says nothing can escape Fate. There is no gotcha here for both Nietzsche and Heraclitus. This is the tragic understanding of life, that we will always be a fragment in totality, that power, like a river, will always flow and run. The tragic separation of the gods and man and the inevitability of strugge, polemos. I really don’t understand how this is a dilemma, seriously.

>> No.20354616

If power is not what Nietzsche says isn't that a problem?

>> No.20354805

What does Nietzsche say Power is and what Power actually is?

>> No.20354853

If you don't know you shouldn't be saying it's not a critique.

>> No.20354859

This is just dumb. You don't have to prove someone isn't human to prove them wrong. And you're supposing that every aligned philosopher has to fall with them.

>> No.20354953

I want to know what you understand by the concepts to assess your response and give a reply accordingly.

>> No.20354962

I’m not saying any of what you think I am. I don’t even understand how you could have thought it. I’m saying that what seems dilemmatic, simply isn’t when things are properly seen.

>> No.20354981

So answer the question in that thread. Oh right you can't because you haven't read them.

>> No.20355010

There must be clarifications before a proper response. What does total mobilisation even mean? By total he means general in the sense I’m thinking of? As I told you, I haven’t read Tocqueville, then I ask you, how does he understand the relation between this mobilisation of power and equality?

>> No.20355097

Does the question posited in the OP have anything to do with this later response:
>if the total mobilisation for power is entirely a reactionary force following the leveling process, or the will to equality, then Nietzsche's entire philosophy is grounded in that of his most prominent enemy. Beyond this, it is limited in time, which may explain his pathological relation to the Greeks and all of the great men who came before him, and who he would turn against
Does this explain his relation between Nietzsche’s understanding of power and equality and democracy? If so this conclusion is crass and could only be misguided by superficial interpretation or lack of genuine contact with Nietzsche’s writings. First of all, this is not grounded on Greeks, but the Greeks express very well the active power of affirmation and creation. In the Genealogy he gives example of such primeval men, and today we could refer back to the Yamnaya. Secondly, the “reaction” is not its motive force, but as he says, it is the reaction against a reactive obstacle. Deleuze does an excellent job in explaining how reactive forces (resentful and thus negative will, turning against those affirmative wills) make those affirmative wills also reactive.
Anyway, this gives an idea about how things are a bit more intricate than you and that anon of the thread think.

>> No.20355135

He's talking about democracy and that Nietzsche has a democratic idea of power. I have no idea what you're trying to say about the Greeks,

>> No.20355194

I asked you if that renders the relation between N’s conception of power and democracy. Can you answer? For that response points to Nietzsche’s idea against democracy as depending on it, as merely reactive and thus linking Nietzsche to the Greeks as reaction. This I just addressed as misguidrd. Anyway, the “critique” of the Tocquevilleanon is very cofusing, badly exposed and I hope you help us to understand better his points.

>> No.20355205

I’m still waiting for your understanding of power, both in itself and in Nietzsche, anon.

>> No.20355226

>I asked you if that renders the relation between N’s conception of power and democracy.
Huh? You can't say an argument is bad when you can't even form sentences anon.

>> No.20355241

>t. read 10 books total

>> No.20355292

Are you retarded or being one purposefully not to address anything in my posts?

>> No.20355425

This. Only subwits dismiss Nietzsche. I'm rather against him overall, but he'll continue to be relevant for a long time.

>> No.20355433

You have no idea what a refutation is, subwit. And I don't even like Nietzsche.

>> No.20355529
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I have no respect for Nihilism other than that it is consistent and logical from the standpoint that God does not exist. So it's no surprise he was so influential.

Which is more than most atheists can claim.

>also I found secular philosophies really interesting to learn about even if I completely reject all of them

>> No.20356758

So no response.

>> No.20356804

I responded and raised questions several times and you didn’t address a single one of them. It’s really surprising this behavior coming from someone supporting Tocqueville.

>> No.20356824

>Why do people worship this chucklehead?
He's been idolized by edgy teens since the turn of the 20th century. Many of them aren't particularly well-read and don't have much life experience.... a bit like /lit/

>> No.20357013


>> No.20357039

DBH is a heretic but damn that is such a good quote

>> No.20357068

>passive aggressive fag
You got btfo last time and were disrespectful to the anon who effortposted. Not going to waste my time with nulit

>> No.20357126

Where did I get btfo? And what effortpost of his are you referring to? All he did was to reply to me copy and pasting a passage out of context from the other thread without any argumentation, saying I didn't read the other thread, that he had no idea what I was talking about; all of these in the same sneering and laconic replies following my paragraphs. My reference to Tocqueville was due to the fact that he himself was very cautious and impartial in his writings. The guy attacking Nietzsche in the other thread, barely addressing things tangently, at least wrote more than one sentence in his replies.

>> No.20357255

They can relate to his inceldom and that's pretty much what it all boils down to.

>> No.20357306

>Are anti Nietzsche threads bait, or are they butt blasted cause they’re Schopenhauer or Greek fags?
Nietzsche is literally a Dionysian avatar, perpetually being torn to pieces in a Macabre carnival of shitposting cruelty.

The Fire Rises.

>> No.20357310


>> No.20357332

>The Eternal Anglo use of Capital to control and violate human beings, who's culture is founded on Protestantism, is totally following everything Nietzsche has stated because all the forces that were destroying Una Republica Christiana and giving birth to "The Market" were unironically conjured up by N and sole he is resposible for everything that happens and has happened to us.
Go back.

>> No.20357346
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>> No.20357355


N was basically a weakling who was dreaming of becoming big and strong. That's the gist of his "philosophy". No wonder lefties and schizos ADORE him (Freud, Derrida, Foucault, Benjamin, Adorno, Deleuze etc).

Judge a philosopher by its fruit and in the case of N they're just too rotten to not notice.

>> No.20357515

tfw you look at memes on /lit/ in an attempt to understand philosophy

>> No.20358200

Just read Kierkegaard and Emerson.

>> No.20358548

Should be Tocqueville.

>> No.20358563

>couldn't overcome nihilism
people should actually read before making these images

>> No.20359046

I honestly did not expect this thread to last like 3 days. N-chuds are still coping.
That being said I still think N-man is valuable, I just dislike all the basedboys that suck his cock like he's the second incarnation of Muhhamad.
I wonder how things have changed so much. If you made a thread like this a few years ago you'd basically have all of the board shitting in your mouth while defending Nietzche. Now it's been kinda 50/50.

>> No.20359055

Are you one of the people who think he didn't want to overcome nihilism, or that he actually did overcome nihilism?

>> No.20359080

Neetzchee is the quintessential poseur.

>> No.20359085

Based post, unironically. Fuck Neetzshitche. He was a fucking pseud. No wonder pseuds like him.

>> No.20359092

You're so dumb it's hilarious lmao. Pseud brainlet. Stay dilettante, my faggot. Much brain, so thought.

>> No.20359097

>I am a tourist from /fit/.
I see, so you too are a low IQ ape who mistakes machismo for brains.

>> No.20359103

>t. has no idea how derivative Nietzsche is

>> No.20359108

Shitty obvious bait. Of course /lit/ would fall for it, hook line and sinker.

>> No.20359112

If Christians are incels how do you explain the fact that practising Christians have above replacement fertility while edgy Neetzcherinos are quirting their jizz in a tissue every day? Did you even think before you wrote something that retarded? Neetzshit was a loser, and his fans take after him.

>> No.20359130

It's even funnier when you realize religious people actually reproduce, while Nietzsche dilettantes had vasectomies and are probably wasting their days smoking weed and watching Rick and Morty, or something. His whole work is an irony of cosmic proportions. The biggest refutation of his "work" was the mere passage of time.

>> No.20359151

I did read him. Problem is his writing is witty but fundamentally risible. He had a poor grasp of reality, and everything he ideated about was fueled by, ironically, resentment and self-hatred/ He had blinders on the whole time. Imagine thinking Christianity is life-denying while literally exalting an EXTINCT culture as a worthy example to be followed (and a culture that may in fact have never even existed, since his understanding of the ancients was coloured by the anachronisms and misunderstandings of his time). I really can't fathom how anyone can seriously defend Nietzsche's writing. You'd have to not believe your lying eyes to read him seriously. He was basically wrong about everything. Just a clever silly who wrote stupid quips that sound good until you start to pull at the seams and see he's waxing poetic about a universe that just doesn't and has never in fact existed. He really is the archetype for moronic continental philosophy that has no basis in reality -- a mere mesh of fine words that sound good and mean nothing (except by accident, or, even less often, as a 'cryptic' in-joke). The Lacan of the 19th century. Making fun of Nietzsche is the correct way to refute Nietzsche because his writings are not fit for a serious critique. His whole being and all his output are a dead-pan joke.

>> No.20359161

I hate the GERM""""Man"""" """""people""""they""" should all be """""geno"""""cided or as I think of it pest control

>> No.20359170

The principal tools in his rhetoric arsenal are equivocation and thinly veiled redefinitions of words, which is an all-too-common pattern with continental philosophy since and after Nietzsche. If you grant him his imaginary framework, you might read an intelligible just-so story from his writing. Problem is, there's no reason whatsoever to grant him his framework. Because he made it up wholesale out of the cloth of his deranged mind, and reality begs to differ.

>> No.20359263

Can you give an example of a misunderstanding he vouches for caused by the historiographical mistakes of his tome? In my opinion the Middle Ages was a splendid period of human history and many christers think likewise. Anyhow, you said he was wrong about everything. Tell me one of them and we will discuss.

>> No.20359273

George from Seinfeld phenotype

>> No.20359302

>basically wrong about everything
>stupid quips that sound good until you start to pull at the seams
>waxing poetic about a universe that just doesn't and has never in fact existed.
>philosophy that has no basis in reality
>words that sound good and mean nothing (except by accident, or, even less often, as a 'cryptic' in-joke).
Well he was raised Christian and what that affects upon you can be difficult to escape, which was somewhat of the grand point he wanted to make

>> No.20359709

Germany is the nation that produces nothing but false prophets.

>> No.20360071
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This is gold

>> No.20360111

If Nietzsche wasn't making valid points, you would just ignore him. But you can't. You know he has a point, and it itches, and you can't help but scratch at that itch.

The behavior of OP speaks so much louder than his words.

>> No.20360143


>> No.20360145

>There was indeed a revolution, a slave revolt, both in those frightfully subversive tears and in the shocking tastelessness
Not interested

>> No.20360166

Well put. One of the few people in the thread who gets anything at all.

>> No.20361071

>Thanks Neitzche. They'll use you to justify their violence against others. "we killed god we are worthy to do this evil thing!" MORON!
You don't seem to understand anything about Nietzsche. He wasn't happy about it. He was seriously depressed, supposedly on the brink of suicide.

> And lately, did I hear him say these words: “God is dead: of his pity for man hath God died.”—
> So be ye warned against pity: FROM THENCE there yet cometh unto men a heavy cloud! Verily, I understand weather-signs!
> But attend also to this word: All great love is above all its pity: for it seeketh—to create what is loved!
> “Myself do I offer unto my love, AND MY NEIGHBOUR AS MYSELF”—such is the language of all creators.
> All creators, however, are hard.—
> Thus spake Zarathustra.

You are upset people blindly praise Nietzsche -- yet you blindly hate him. Which one is worse?

>> No.20361076

I don't know where this started from, if our public schools are teaching this maybe, but many sources seem to portray it now that Nietzsche was somehow TRIUMPHANT when he said "God is dead!" Where did this idiotic slander start? It's nowhere near reality. Can people stop this meme already?

>> No.20361078

/lit/ restores my faith in humanity

>> No.20361091

>Nietzsche was not telling you, or any other idiot on this board, to become an overman.
No, I think he was. He even seems to say that it's a necessity. And I think he was right. After your entire moral system collapses, as I think he meant to say with this famous "god is dead!", you better have something to replace it with or you will have hell on earth. That must be the next evolution of men and it is yet to have been accomplished. We are still in that limbo. The Übermensch is necessary and until then we will suffer in agony among increasing moral relativism.

>> No.20361135

>yes I'm an incel but statistically I don't have to be!

>> No.20361136

>until then we will suffer in agony among increasing moral relativism.
Objective moral died with god and wont come back, the ubermensch is about the ability of an individual to make it's own values and be able to overcome then when needed, when they stop making sense or become detrimental

>> No.20361193

You haven’t even read him. Maybe you should take a trip to self reflection land.

>> No.20361194

"One's own values" does not necessitate that they are arbitrary or not objective. That's a naive understanding. "I make my own morals! I do what I want! Catch me ousside!"

>> No.20361209
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In fact, the more we understand about neurology, psychology, and science, the more it seems that morality is not something that is arbitrary by deeply ingrained, in its inception even in animals. For example, that is what people like Jordan Peterson bring up when he talks about mice and a basic sense of "fairness" in play.

>> No.20361229
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>to overcome then when needed,
Also, that is precisely NOT what Nietzsche means by "overcoming". You affixed the term precisely at the wrong place. That way, what you imply is that people can just put aside their morals as it's convenient, that this should be the Übermensch. No, I do not think that is what Nietzsche means, first of all because it would be a regression in moral reasoning, people who only follow their morals as far as it is convenient to them, roughly speaking. A sound moral system is precisely one that does NOT need exceptions everywhere, or you should reflect how solid your moral foundations actually are, if you need to break your rules everywhere. Morally corrupt people will make excuses, but moral people break their rules at their peril, and not simply because they fear punishment.

It's like a caricature of Nietzsche:

> Haha! God is dead! Stupid god. Now I do whatever I want!
Immoral people would have done so either way. And people who only act morally out of fear of punishment are not moral at all. That is the core of the metaphor of the Garden of Eden, that people are in an infantilized state before they know of the difference between good and evil. A child is not evil when he tears the wings from a butterfly, because it doesn't know any better. Part of growing up is to know of good and evil. Inability to tell the difference, even in our society, is relegated to children and the mentally retarded - the fool, as in Zarathustra.

>> No.20361234

In another universe you would have sucked Nietzsche’s dick because you would have heralded his reevaluation of all values which would have lead to a neopagan society ala the third reich, eurasia dominating.
Instead we live in a world where his ideas were taken and used by people from all points, from degenerates to Spengler. Anarchists and so on.
Nietzsche was considered a precursor to nazism and then his image was changed.
>muh christianityyyy
Nobody genuinely believes in it. You don’t. Nobody with serious thought doesn’t, because it bases its validity on claims which are bullshit, and that requires you to create mental gymnastics. You only like its cultural, sociological functions and political functions, among others, not the believability in God.
There is no real christian today, and if there were one which I would have believed in, I wouldn’t have my hand at wearing mixed fabrics. Either you believe it or you bullshit the world into your puppet show.
Christianity is unbelievable. It is a fossil. That’s the point ultimately.
Whatever Nietzsche’s attitude towards it is irrelevant because the point was what we do with this fact that the cat is out of the bag.
Spengler introduced the term second religiousness for a reason. But whatever, if you want to hang someone on the cross for things you dislike about modernity then you do you.
IMO he wanted a society based on ancient Roman values.

>> No.20361247

Kohlberg, Lawrence. Essays on Moral Development: The Psychology of Moral Development. Vol. 2. San Francisco: harper & row, 1981.
———. Stage and Sequence; The Cognitive-Developmental Approach to Socialization, 1969.
———. The Philosophy of Moral Development: Moral Stages and the Idea of Justice. Vol. 1. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1931.
Kohlberg, Lawrence, and Richard H. Hersh. “Moral Development: A Review of the Theory.” Theory Into Practice 16, no. 2 (April 1, 1977): 53–59. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405847709542675..
Reimer, Joseph, Diana Pritchard Paolitto, and Richard H. Hersh. Promoting Moral Growth: From Piaget to Kohlberg. Longman New York, 1983.

I think 90% of you do not understand anything about Nietzsche at all. It's like a bunch of caricatures. Read Zarathustra again. And god damn it, face some evil in your life. Go and fight evil, for once in your life, and then in those moments of dread read Nietzsche again. THAT is the frame of mind in which it needs to be read. In god damn abject despair.

All you people who think morals can just be set aside when no parental figure is watching are CHILDREN. You are the mocking towns folk that mock Zarathustra.

>> No.20361267

Subjective, relative and arbitrary are three different things, the same studies that show biological bases for any form of morality also show that the underline values that lead to said moralities also vary from individual to individual and can change due environmental condition and even put aside when convenient

>That's a naive understanding. "I make my own morals! I do what I want! Catch me ousside!"
that's how the real world works, there is no morality outside an individual head and each individual will have different set/hierarchy of values on with his moral are based

>basic sense of "fairness" in play
that is just peterson projecting his own world view in neurological and behavioral research he barely understand

>> No.20361276

>the more we understand about neurology, psychology, and science, the more it seems that morality is not something that is arbitrary
Hmm I wonder if he will be able to cite any literature on this or if it is just going to be pop-psych
>For example, that is what people like Jordan Peterson bring up when he talks about mice
Never mind.

>> No.20361280

>when no parental figure is watching
no, a moral system should be discarded when it is no longer useful and continuing to follow it will bring more negative consequences than positive ones
morality is just a tool and nothing else, it should be treated as such

>> No.20361283

You are absolutely wrong. It is not just something made up. We are of this universe and the universe, god, is within us. We are not a bunch of alien robots who have been places into this world from the outside. You think it's just fine, because there is evil in the world, so you just stopped caring. It's another caricature, something we often justify with slogans like "the strongest will survive". It is not arbitrary.
Read up on psychology. Go confront real evil, go out find it, talk to people who have faced it. Visit a prison and talk to people who have murdered, taken lives and how that disconnects them from something fundamental in their soul.

It's so dismissive, do bloodless, as Nietzsche would say, how you people talk. You do not know a DAMN thing. What you describe is not the Übermensch - what you describe is a psychopath.

>> No.20361288

>should be discarded when it is no longer useful
Useful for what? What is this utilitarian nonsense and what does it have to do with morals?

>> No.20361297

You people are children.
Read Nietzsche again on your death bed.

>> No.20361307

>psychological trauma is proof of absolute ontological evil AND god
care to elaborate? is this an evil god perchance?

>> No.20361315

All that most people get out of Nietzsche's discussion of morals is:

"God is dead! Finally. That old geezer isn't breathing down our necks all the time. Now we don't have to take it so seriously with those morals anymore. We can make some exceptions when they are not useful anymore."

If that superficial surface level understanding is what you got out of HUNDREDS of pages of Nietzsche's writing, then it's no surprise there are so many misconceptions about Nietzsche.

>> No.20361320

maybe hundreds of tradcath tweets but I doubt they've read hundreds of pages

>> No.20361332

Morals are not just arbitrary, they do not fall from the sky. We are not robots who will do whatever is "useful" to them, but psychopaths probably come close to that. It's clear that moral values are not arbitrary or we wouldn't find so many examples that virtually universal and we wouldn't be able to speak about them logically, just like the laws of Physics do not just fall from the sky. You can "make your own mathematics", invent your own symbols, your own axioms, but in the end you will be describing the same thing with other words.

And it's not just about psychological trauma. There are things in this world that can deeply sever you from humanity. You will feel then that morality is not something you just "make up". It's not something you simply do for convenience or for it to "be useful".

>> No.20361400

So morality is relative to one's standing among humanity, and evil is to become "deeply severed" from that humanity? Certainly, it does sound useful to be moral as one would have a very hard time living as an outlaw. But different clusters of humanity have outlawed different things, and sometimes they condone murder and other times not. So what are these "virtually universal examples" which operate? The taboo against violating corpses? Unfortunately, we know of cannibals, and not just from Italian exploitation cinema!

>> No.20361580

He wasn't triumphant, but he wasn't depressed about it either. Both these takes are wrong.

In the 20th century Nietzsche would have been into rock music, drugs, and gambling. He would have loved Hollywood and Las Vegas. He would have loved much more about the era than these things, but these things would have definitely been close to him. What would not have been close to him is shit like getting old and retiring, because that's for people who either don't live true to themselves or who have nothing special to live true to. Living loud and dying young is the Nietzschean way.

His Zarathustra is a dancer and a gambler. Nietzsche saw opportunity where others (Schopenhauer) saw misery and ruin. His books are a positive message. Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist are his "glad tidings." There's nothing depressing. His seriousness is so that future generations can be carefree.

>> No.20361592

Still no mention

>> No.20361593

Holy cope

>> No.20361599

Here the youth was silent. And Zarathustra contemplated the tree beside which they stood, and spake thus:

“This tree standeth lonely here on the hills; it hath grown up high above man and beast.

And if it wanted to speak, it would have none who could understand it: so high hath it grown.

Now it waiteth and waiteth,—for what doth it wait? It dwelleth too close to the seat of the clouds; it waiteth perhaps for the first lightning?”

When Zarathustra had said this, the youth called out with violent gestures: “Yea, Zarathustra, thou speakest the truth. My destruction I longed for, when I desired to be on the height, and thou art the lightning for which I waited! Lo! what have I been since thou hast appeared amongst us? It is mine envy of thee that hath destroyed me!”—Thus spake the youth, and wept bitterly. Zarathustra, however, put his arm about him, and led the youth away with him.

>> No.20361604

And when they had walked a while together, Zarathustra began to speak thus:

It rendeth my heart. Better than thy words express it, thine eyes tell me all thy danger.

As yet thou art not free; thou still SEEKEST freedom. Too unslept hath thy seeking made thee, and too wakeful.

On the open height wouldst thou be; for the stars thirsteth thy soul. But thy bad impulses also thirst for freedom.

Thy wild dogs want liberty; they bark for joy in their cellar when thy spirit endeavoureth to open all prison doors.

Still art thou a prisoner—it seemeth to me—who deviseth liberty for himself: ah! sharp becometh the soul of such prisoners, but also deceitful and wicked.

To purify himself, is still necessary for the freedman of the spirit. Much of the prison and the mould still remaineth in him: pure hath his eye still to become.

Yea, I know thy danger. But by my love and hope I conjure thee: cast not thy love and hope away!

Noble thou feelest thyself still, and noble others also feel thee still, though they bear thee a grudge and cast evil looks. Know this, that to everybody a noble one standeth in the way.

Also to the good, a noble one standeth in the way: and even when they call him a good man, they want thereby to put him aside.

The new, would the noble man create, and a new virtue. The old, wanteth the good man, and that the old should be conserved.

But it is not the danger of the noble man to turn a good man, but lest he should become a blusterer, a scoffer, or a destroyer.

Ah! I have known noble ones who lost their highest hope. And then they disparaged all high hopes.

Then lived they shamelessly in temporary pleasures, and beyond the day had hardly an aim.

“Spirit is also voluptuousness,”—said they. Then broke the wings of their spirit; and now it creepeth about, and defileth where it gnaweth.

Once they thought of becoming heroes; but sensualists are they now. A trouble and a terror is the hero to them.

But by my love and hope I conjure thee: cast not away the hero in thy soul! Maintain holy thy highest hope!—

Thus spake Zarathustra.

>> No.20361620
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That is our condition.

>> No.20361637


>> No.20361731

I said refrain, you retard

>> No.20362657

Consider the following: I, a Nietzsche enjoyer, have multiple healthy white children, and a happy marriage. You, a Christian incel, cling to your own forebearance, and some statistical fact that has come about largely due to Hispanic proliferation. Why do you needlessly trap yourself in the shackles or morals that only seem to harm you, and why do you cope with this by arguing 'at least the catholic beaners are breeding like crazy, even if I cant'?

>> No.20362688

Not an incel. And the "statistics" are more important here, since a religion is reflected in its mass of followers, not some random dude on the internet. You're just retarded.

>Hispanic proliferation
Oh no, I am not, God forbid, an American. Anyway, keep grasping at straws loser.

>> No.20362693

Only midwits read him.

>> No.20362722
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I will explain it to you again, slowly. Maybe you'll get it.

>NEETZchuh claims Christianity is life-denying while his views are life-affirming
>back in the real world, Christians are actually reproducing, i.e. affirming life in the most raw, unassailable, forceful way - by creating more of it
>meanwhile, the average NEETzchump either smokes his bong and watches Rick and Morty all day, or writes retarded essays in some washed up literature department of XYZ university, thus affirming life by dead words on dead papers, contraception, and masturbation (mental and otherwise)
>somehow you being the rare exception of a NEETbecile with children (alleged children, but I'll believe it since it's immaterial anyway) disproves anything
Man, the Dyonisihahahahahans loved live so much they're all extinct and all that's left of them is NOTHING. Just a bunch of LITERAL LIVE ACTION ROLE PLAYERS who pretend they're pagan or someshit. So overman, much wow.

Big yikes my dude. You don't have to be a Christian (let alone some tradcatch LARPer) to see just how fucking wrecked this guy's philosophy got.

>> No.20362760

>Can you give an example of a misunderstanding he vouches for caused by the historiographical mistakes of his tome?
Here's one: that the early Christian converts were slaves or generally from the lower wrongs of society. This is the kind of 18th century ahistorical mythology peddled by the likes of Gibbons that has long been viewed as grossly mistaken, but which Nietzsche inherited and took for granted. Maybe this (Christian converts being lower class) was true in the first century, especially in Palestine (conforming for example with accounts from the gospels, to the extent that we may view them as historical documents) but by the second century this was clearly no longer the case, and by the 4th century it was pretty much a religion of the Roman elite, which is why Constantine was forced to adopt it. And this has largely been the case ever since. One thing notable about the lower classes is how they always clang to old, non-Christian beliefs, either as such or in a syncretized form. And this is a sociological phenomenon that we got to see over and over again, and still see today, with lower class Africans practising some weird mix of Christianity and local pagan religion, while the upper classes practise the "pure" form of the religion. It's not even a uniquely Christian thing. The same is true of Islam (also clearly evidenced in contemporary Africa), and whatever else.

Christianity actually percolated from the top, by downwards mobility, which was one of the principal phenomena of pre-industrial revolution Europe. Lots and lots of downward mobility, due to the elite outbreeding the rabble and there not being enough elite 'positions' to go around. So the sons of the higher class either started to pick up blacksmithing, or, you know: joined the church.

>> No.20362767

You should write less about Christians making babies, and go out and make your own babies instead. Everything else is just cope. Live your values.

>> No.20362774

What makes this view even more preposterous is the fact that Christianity tolerated slavery and serfdom for over one thousand years. So much for Christianity being a religion of the slaves that want to "invert the values of their betters". Nietzsche's understanding of the phenomenon is comically bad, and his cognitive dissonance is bursting at the seems every time he touches the subject.

I regret ever wasting my time reading this imbecile.

>> No.20362782
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Sorry, I don't take loaded advice from losers. I know how to live a good life, and am doing just that. One of the joys of life is spitting on losers like you, so I'll gladly continue doing just that.

>> No.20362793

>I’ve noticed lots of threads insulting him, but the people who make them always have garbage arguments.
It's mainly christians who become agitated and nervous when they contemplate Nietzsche.

>> No.20362813

>So much for Christianity being a religion of the slaves
Not really - Christianity is specifically designed to pacify, by allowing the adherent to imagine a glorious future.

>> No.20362820

You don't seem very happy. You seem defensive because someone told you to act on your beliefs. I hope you eventually realize that this sort of behavior brings nothing but trouble.

>> No.20362823


>> No.20362832

"God is dead" isn't a lament, that's a misreading just as much as calling it a triumph. It's just a declaration.

There's something clearly good to Nietzsche about the Christian moral system decaying and dying, but it's also dangerous because Europeans are so sedimented into Christian morals they knows no other way.

It's like chopping off the anchor of your civilization, there's a chance your ship will crash into the rocks. It's a danger. However it is also freedom.

>> No.20362836

That is neither here nor there. And there's nothing uniquely Christian about pacification of society. It's been a perpetual goal of any elite, anywhere. No one wants to rule of uppity trouble makers. You even see that in contemporary non-Christian elite with pacifying (in their intent, if not effect) slogans like "diversity is our strength" and such. Confucianism, the various Hinduisms, even a relatively conquest driven religion like Islam have "pacifying" values. This goes all the way back to pre-history. Richard Wrangham wrote a great book about this, The Goodness Paradox, which has (in my estimation) a pretty cogent hypothesis of human self-domestication through proactive (premeditated and organized) violence. Humans grouping to take out the "big guy" is a phenomenon as old as humanity, and has nothing to do with Christianity per say, let alone moronic made-up dualities like "slave and master morality" propped-up on just-so stories that don't really make any sense.

>> No.20362840

>o one wants to rule of uppity trouble makers
Over* uppity trouble makers.

>> No.20362843

>You even see that in contemporary non-Christian elite
Hell you even see it in shitholes like China. Is Christian slave-morality to blame for that too? This whole discussion is so dumb by brain is starting to hurt.

>> No.20362845

Christ is King.

>> No.20362853

But I am acting on my beliefs. Are loaded statements all you got?

>"have you stopped beating your wife" in other forms
Keep repeating that. Maybe someone will bite, eventually.

>> No.20362870

Underrated. Good read.

>> No.20362948

>As Schmitt said of Nietzsche, 'a deformed visage who penetrates the private priesthood of romanticism, but who, in the end, becomes its sacrificial victim.' One should not confuse this with a willed sacrifice, but of one who is willless and seeks to be destroyed by ever greater power where his being is forever lost. This can be seen in Nietzsche's perpetual polemic, a critical pantheism which begins with a formalistic alliance with the sophists against Socrates, but then progresses to his own friends, his influences, the greats, and finally the Greek masters themselves. All signs of not just a bad character, but one who would be resigned to evil if he were not so weak.
Brutal, and true.

>> No.20362967

I could also give you another giant blunder of his. which is his thoroughly ahistorical understanding of pre-Homeric Greece and straight up inane speculation based on reinterpretations of various myths or later Greek literature. If I didn't know better I'd say he was a 19th century 4chan schizo who's making things up as he goes along, except he was just impotent and stupid... not unlike the 4chan schizo, so their common ancestor can be found much farther back in time, in the dark pits of forgotten history. Alas, the fools will always be with us.

>> No.20363088

>you seem to be defensive someone told you to act on your beliefs
replace you with N-man and you have the entire N-man fanbase, "no but you don't get it he was cursed by Allah, had unknown illnesses, he felt the pain of a thousand molested children when busting a nut"

>> No.20363114

Yes, it was in the very beginning and became more spread progressively, like Basil and Gregory Nyssa were from relatively noble families. But it was in the beginning, and it was absolutely never a religion of elite (in the first centuries, since later everyone will be christian). Constantine wasn’t forced to adopt the religion, he literally wanted to adopt it for political reasons mainly.

> and still see today, with lower class Africans practising some weird mix of Christianity and local pagan religion, while the upper classes practise the "pure" form of the religion
This is false. In Brazil and South America the majority is poor and christian. I don’t think you are right about Africa either, in an interview Chimamanda Ngozi said Africans were just plain christians and didn’t practice african religions.
But cite, besides Basil and Gregory, some other patrician, noble early christians (between the first to the fourth century)

>> No.20363124

I really don’t remember anything about Nietzsche’s speculations on mythology. Can you give an example? Also what about the pre-homeroc age? Go on dude.

>> No.20363125

I don't think anyone has a thorough understanding of pre-Homeric Greece because that information isn't available.

>> No.20363138

Also, you just conceded it being true: “in the beginning it was true”. But that’s the whole point. It was not created by and for the masters, but the slave. It will be adopted progressively as degeneration will also take place progressively in an organism. On slavery being allowed, this is the social institution that is accepted as marriage is today, imagine in the future a council condemning marriage in an age where marriage is regarded as oppressive. Christianity is fundamentally a gnostic and revolutionary religion. Read Assmann and Girard.

>> No.20363144

How does one stay sane while believing in the eternal return ? Seems impossible to me.

>> No.20364442

Damn. Nietzsche wrecked

>> No.20364536
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>> No.20364563

I can literally smell this post

>> No.20364590

insanely based pasta

>> No.20364596

Read more. This was addressed by Klossowski. And honestly, if Nietzsche was read closely by you, you should know the nature of power and its relations with nihilism, this relation I suspect is one of apophatism and self-negation, which is convenient for the kind of pantheistic metaphysics he proposes, or at least is implicated.

>> No.20364737

Cringe. Your post says nothing.

>> No.20364762
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Based Assmann reader

>> No.20364772

Marxism comes from the same spring as Christian slave morality, and was on full display for what it really was during the Cultural Revolution, an iconoclastic orgy that dwarfed the anti-Gentile violence of the late Roman empire and the post-Islamic war on art in the Byzantine empire

>> No.20364788

>[that] early Christian converts were slaves or generally from the lower wrongs of society [... was] true in the first century, especially in Palestine (conforming for example with accounts from the gospels
typical self-owned christer; do you understand what the "genealogy" means, as in "On the Genealogy of Morality"?

>> No.20364835
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote-the-anarchist-and-the-christian-have-a-common-origin-friedrich-nietzsche-83-58-74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20364853

You understood nothing therefore my post says nothing.

>> No.20365224

Define sane

>> No.20365801

>You understood nothing therefore my post says nothing.