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20344384 No.20344384 [Reply] [Original]

My suggestion for a standardised OP edition (Deus Vult).

Bible threads are a non-denominational general on /lit/ dedicated to the study and discussion of the Bible specifically and Christianity more broadly. While some level of inter-denominational bullying is expected, we do try to keep things generally focused on sharing the teachings of Christ, rather then attacking each other. Questions from people new to Christianity and/or Bible study are very much encouraged, no matter how basic. Fedora-Trolls are common in these threads and the best way to deal with them is to just report and ignore, rather then responding to them.

Read the Bible online: https://www.biblegateway.com/
Read (non-Gnostic) apocrypha online: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/apocrypha.html
Read Gnostic apocrypha online: http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhlcodex.html

Bible translations commonly discussed in these threads:
KJV - King James Version - The Classic Bible from 1611, still in common use today.
NKJV - New King James Version - A well received conservative update to the KJV from 1982.
ESV - English Standard Version - Very popular translation and basis for one of the best Study Bibles.
NRSV - New Revised Standard Version - Popular (progressive) Protestant Bible.
NABRE - New American Bible Revised Edition - Popular (progressive) Catholic Bible.
NIV - New International Version - One of the most popular translations but also considered progressive.

Previous thread: >>20329985

Thread question: What value -if any- do you personally put on the Old Testament and why?

>> No.20344385
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>> No.20344411

Great suggestion!

>> No.20344431
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>> No.20344464

Biblehub is better than biblegateway since you can put competing translations alongside each other and search for all uses of a word. It's also less dubiously owned according to some anons.
>including Gnostic texts in the OP
Must we?

>> No.20344543

Have there been any Protestants canonised as Saints in the Catholic Church?

>> No.20344544

Another pagcuck btfo by tradcath anime avi twitter

>> No.20344575

No, it's against their rules.

>> No.20344578
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>holy war
>deus vult
>recommending gnostic shit
I thought we were done with the LARPing

>> No.20344593

This, OP will never be a man.

>> No.20344606

Papists ITT, I understand you have a custom of adopting your patron saint's name as one of your names. So a John James Smith with Saint George as his patron saint might become John James George Smith. But what about more modern saints with longer/multiple names? Eg, Saint John Henry Newman. Would the former person become John James John Henry Newman Smith?

>> No.20344607

Have you ever been to Spain?

>> No.20344627
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The most interesting thing for me about the Bible is its apparent contradictions, especially in justice vs mercy. This is explored most piercingly in Jonah - Jonah is the only prophet that Christ actually compares himself to, by the way.

On the one hand we're supposed to be "perfect" and "exceed the pharisees" in righteousness. On the other hand, it seems like God doesn't distribute his grace evenly (30fold vs 100fold, 5 talents vs 10 talents), and we have to ask for mercy every day. There's also the experience of being in the church and seeing how flawed Christians are (it's easy to see other people's faults after all).

If I try to reconcile these two strains in my own mind it can go one of two dangerous directions:
1.) You're doomed, you'll never live up to these standards, you might as well do whatever :)
2.) God is so good your little sins (gossiping or eating too much or whatever) aren't a big deal, so don't worry about them :)

Jesus told people to give away all their wealth. How many people actually do that? The Dominicans in my town who take vows of "poverty" probably live a better life than any working-class person... I don't mean to be cynical.

But there's always something more I could be doing. We all love ourselves, and virtually all of us draw a line somewhere and take some things for our own comfort. For instance, I live alone and spend extra money for the rent. Should I move in with roommates and give the money saved to charity? Or is that a temptation to overextend - I'd be miserable living that way and end up worse?

Peter said, "How can any man be saved?"

"With man it is impossible but with God all things are possible."

The more I try to fit God into my own mind, the further away from him I get. I am a Catholic but the older I am the more I understand how we really are saved by grace alone. Therese of Lisieux said when we die we go to God with empty hands.

It seems like anything that I say about God, even if only to myself, can be dangerous. That's why the Bible is so special. It's the voice of God. When you read the Bible, you're not in your own mind. It's the only way to be sure you're not creating an idol, even if the experience is sort of like leaping into an abyss.

If you read Therese's autobiography, she seems very spoiled. But she was willing to empty herself and willing to suffer, and she died choking to death on her own blood thanking God for the privilege.

>> No.20344666

Saint Luther

>> No.20344692
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No, but I kinda like the music.

>> No.20344817

>conquered death
Dalai lama did this and better.

>> No.20345292

I’m coming to accept there is no Church or denomination for me, but I’ve also accepted that each denomination is right in their own unique way about something. Except for the Unitarian Church, naturally.
I believe that combined, the Catholic/Protestant/Orthodox/Baptist/Anglican churches hold a lot of truth, and together, they would make the one true church.

>> No.20345307

Does anyone else here not believe in any of Paul's writings? I've come to believe he's a tool of Satan (perhaps unwittingly) who tricked people into going against the Gospels. I just don't see how Jesus preached all that stuff about how hard it is to reach heaven and how we should live and then Paul comes and basically says 'nah ur good just believe in Jesus'. And he makes Jesus so much more important than the Father. It just doesn't check out.

>> No.20345355

>Papists ITT, I understand you have a custom of adopting your patron saint's name as one of your names.
No, genius. Babies are named on birth after the name of their patron saint. So a George would have been born on the day of St. George and a Cecilia would have been born on the day of St. Cecilia. No one takes particular exception with the names of saints showing up multiple times in the calendar, either, so a guy born on the day of St. John or the day of St. John Chrysostom would just be named 'John' unless their parents wanted to be very specific about it.

It's also just that - a custom, not a rule.

>> No.20345403

We can definitely assert that all those denominations have the most important thing; worship of our great God and savior Jesus Christ. But; not every church follows the comments. When we go to John 6 for example; we see Jesus Christ give direct commandments for the Eucharist. “Drink, eat, this is my body which is broken for you for the remission of sins” and If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.”
52 The Jews therefore quarreled among themselves, saying, “How can this Man give us His flesh to eat?”
53 Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For My flesh is food indeed, and My blood is [l]drink indeed. 56 He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him. 57 As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me. 58 This is the bread which came down from heaven—not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead. He who eats this bread will live forever.”
59 These things He said in the synagogue as He taught in Capernaum.
60 Therefore many of His disciples, when they heard this, said, “This is a hard saying; who can understand it?”
61 When Jesus knew in Himself that His disciples [n]complained about this, He said to them, “Does this offend you?

The Baptists, pentecostals, Calvinists, etc. have already missed it.
Those without a bishop are in violation of Acts 20:28, establishing a random church and making oneself overseer without any form of approval is against the commandment. The Anglicans are blatantly not the faith of the apostles, they are in disobedience to the Roman Catholic Church because Henry the 8th wanted a divorce; their current spew of female bishops is beyond concerning; given it’s blatantly banned in the Bible

>> No.20345416


I think that's a misreading of Paul. He is constantly exhorting people to moral perfection, but faith has a priority. It's faith in God that leads to growth in virtue, and that faith itself is sheer grace.

This notion is not unique to Paul. It's in the OT, and is also very marked in the Johannine literature.

>> No.20345446


I mean seriously read Romans. He says that the life of a believer is a constant warfare between the spirit and the flesh and that we'll be judged by our works ("God will repay each person according to what he has done" 2:6)

I think a lot of the popular misunderstanding of Paul comes down to:
1.) He's hard to read, his style is really obscure
2.) False prophets like to grab onto a couple of Pauline verses to justify their presumptuous "we're all going to heaven no matter what!" bullshit
3.) Paul talks the most about sexual morality (because he was dealing with gentiles whose sexual morals were way further off-base than Jews'). Modern people hate that stuff most of all, so they try to smear Paul.

>> No.20345480

how do i become john jacob jingleheimer schmidt?

>> No.20345500

What are you referencing specifically? We still have to keep in mind
25 “These things I have spoken to you while being present with you. 26 But the [g]Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 28 You have heard Me say to you, ‘I am going away and coming back to you.’ If you loved Me, you would rejoice because [h]I said, ‘I am going to the Father,’ for My Father is greater than I.
As well as 18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18

Imo senpai desu I think it would be good for you to contact a priest (of the orthodox variety) and ask. The gospel can at times be confusing; and we need the testimony of the saints since the revelation of the church (and going back further, the prophets, and even past this to Adam and Eve) to understand what all these things mean

>> No.20345549
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>> No.20345552


I don't even think you have to bring that in, though. The things people hate about Paul are

1.) Salvation by faith
2.) Predestination
3.) Vicarious atonement
4.) Sexual morality

Can those things be found in the words of Jesus? Yes.

1.) "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16, many many other places)
2.) “I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word. 7 Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you. 8 For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. 9 I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours. (John 17, other places as well)
3.) "For even The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and give his life a ransom in the place of the many." (Mark 10:45)
4.) "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh. on a woman to lust after her hath committed. adultery with her already in his heart." (and other places, e.g. in the list of sins that "come from the heart" he includes fornication)

>> No.20345623 [DELETED] 

The dating on this website is so dumb. Here are corrections.
>65-80 Gospel of Mark
80-100 Gospel of Matthew
80-130 Gospel of Luke
90-120 Gospel of John

>> No.20345630

The dating on this website is so dumb. Here are corrections.
>65-80 Gospel of Mark
>80-100 Gospel of Matthew
>80-130 Gospel of Luke
>90-120 Gospel of John

>> No.20345650


This website is very cool and should really be in the OP. It has a collection of patristic quotations for the whole Bible.

>> No.20345691

Is this basically the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, but digitized and adding later commentaries? (in some cases, much later commentaries like George Leo Haydock's which I see on Matthew 1:1)

>> No.20345739

The thing there is, no matter what Bible based doctrinal differences there are among the others, nothing will ever make "ever virgin Mary" factual. They took straight up gnostic sub cult fan fiction from the 2nd century and made it very prominent aspects of their "churches". So even if they are right about other things, they bring with them major heretical fictions that one is expected to accept as dogma and practice, which included praying to beings other than God.

>> No.20345751

Source: It was revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.20345791

Evidence for Exodus as historical event:
Evidence for Moses as historical person:

>> No.20345902

>Saint worship
Nicene creed, they are very open they don’t worship these people and worshipping them as God is strictly prohibited
>Inserted the ever Virgin Mary
One issue, Christ promised us the Holy Spirit who would lead us to all truths, would constantly intervene, the church is the pillar of truth, etc. When can then look at the Montinists, Paulinians, Donatists, and see they’re blatantly heretics. The ever virginity of Mary wasn’t written down, but we are clearly told there is both a written and oral tradition. To then assert that Christians for no reason what so ever picked up a heretical teaching from Gnostics and merged it into their faith for no good reason isn’t consistent with how the early church acted

>> No.20346019

People talk about being "forgiving" and "compassionate". There's a side of me that thinks it's a crock of shit. The people who seem forgiving and compassionate are simply happy. It's very easy to be forgiving when you don't even feel resentful.

That's one reason to never judge anyone. Someone who seems like a prick might be putting way more effort into being forgiving than someone who seems very "nice". I love the story about the poor woman putting a copper into the collection basket. That sort of thing must be possible on a spiritual level too.

Besides, most nice people aren't really all that nice if they're tested even a little bit.

Non-believers think that orthodox Christians are like pharisees. I'd say the people who think of themselves as "nice people" are the truly self-righteous, pharisaical ones.

>> No.20346064

>for no reason what so ever picked up a heretical teaching from Gnostics and merged it into their faith for no good reason isn’t consistent with how the early church acted
>no reason what so ever
It was started and written into pulp fiction by the Encratites in the 2nd century to support their anti marriage and absolute chastity agenda. It was argued into the church by Jerome, who lead his own personal sub cult of chaste women (one of whom died from his dietary orders on her) in the 4th century, and was accepted as dogma in the 5th century. It was not "for no reason".

>> No.20346161
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Why does every larper own this set? Where'd they get the money? I thought only seminaries bought this.

>> No.20346279

Not really: we see it in the OT and apparently goes back prior to the Arian heresy and was picked onto the church way before then.
Are you speaking against voluntary monasticism

>> No.20346311
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Curious about the overlap between those and pic related. How much content do they share?

>> No.20346315

>My suggestion for a standardised OP edition (Deus Vult).
Start with not using an anime you disgusting pedophile

>> No.20346356

>Up until recent centuries, the early church’s teaching that Mary remained a virgin for her entire life was unchallenged
First sentence and already absolute bullshit, as Jerome wrote letters blasting people who challenged it.

>> No.20346405

Welp, I hate responding to these statements but I have to since other people will read it
You do realize that since the OT confirms the evervirginity of Mary, this indicates that since Jerome was blasting people who disagreed (assuming your point is true) this is the faith of the apostles. Jerome is arguing status quo, while the heretics where arguing something else

>> No.20346423

>OT confirms the evervirginity of Mary
Bullshit, I haven't even read the rest of the article but I already know it probably plays the Ezekiel "eastern gate card". Guess what, the prince it speaks of cannot be Christ because he makes a sin offering for himself and for the people. A bunch of Mary obsessed cultists looked for her everywhere and found anything that could possibly be used, but left out any mention of the parts that refute their attempts, and took advantage of ignorant third worlders to spread their crypto Ishtar cult.

>> No.20346449

Oh, and BTW, no, Jerome's argument was *not* "this was the faith of the Apostles", which is a blaring point. He and others had been cooking up heavenly hierarchy schemes and he realized that according to those schemes Mary would be lower than actual lifelong virgins and it upset him.

>> No.20346459

>Ambition seeks honor and glory, whereas only thou shouldst be honored above all, and glorified forever.
Instead of seeking glory, Augustine wrote his Confessions book just about glorifying God, and with that he found eternal glory as his book is one of the most important classics. Interesting how that works when you have genuine faith.

>> No.20346461

>(assuming your point is true)
I should also point out that you do not even know this history of any of this but yet you are arguing in defense of your pet earthly institution. Anyone can look this up for themselves and not rely on dogma propaganda pieces.

>> No.20346480

>The priest makes a sin offering for himself and the people
The priests are a type of Christ (as in metaphor to Christ). If you’re saying them not being Christ means they aren’t a pointer to him you would need to assert David isn’t a type of Christ, or the arch of the covenant isn’t a metaphor to Jesus Christ, or the arc of Noah isn’t a metaphor for the church. Your argument hinges on the belief that the whole OT isn’t a metaphor to Christ or in some way pointing to him. Which you can argue if you want to, but you should have a bit more historical reference points. Possibly a guy who espoused your beliefs and wasn’t someone who is wildly heretical

Are you Christian? If so; what type?

>> No.20346568

Have you converted someone?

>> No.20346620

Can someone tell me what this sounds like?

God the father is a corporeal substance that begat two distinctions, the son and holy ghost, the son is the word of the father given to the gentiles and the holy ghost is god/consciousness within his children. in order to receive his grace thereforth, people should seek him out in order reconcile the spirit with word.

>> No.20346624

>muh until
Nice scripture twisting but those are entirely different contextual uses being compared. Bill Clinton said that it depends on what your definition of "is" is.

>> No.20346643

What type of Christian are you; if any?
When did the church go apostate? When can you point to a historical figure who agreed with you theologically?

>> No.20346660


>> No.20346702


>> No.20346763

>God doesn't want you to eat the fruit because you will become like him
>let us start praying to omnipresent Mary now
A Christian type Christian.

>> No.20346895
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>karpers buying volume upon volume of books they will never read and don’t need to read
Become Orthodox

>> No.20346920

Out of all of those, the Apostolic Fathers is probably the only one really useful of the stack. Maybe the Holy Gospel/Holy Apostle/Prophetologion if you want the EOB Bible but don't want the paperback or zipper copy. BTW, he also has a Qur'an collection despite admitting he can't read Arabic.

>> No.20346924

I shall criticize!
The Holy Spirit proceeds from the father
I would contact a priest otherwise, something sounds a little off but I’m assuming “reconciling spirit” references reconciling the human spirit with God the word. Am I correct in this assessment?

>> No.20346937

Yes. Any Christology theories similar?

>> No.20346955

I haven’t read too much into it senpai, and I’m not big on speaking on theories lest I fall into heresy. Why do you say the Holy Spirit is the conscious of God?

>> No.20346989

>there is perfect and uniform knowledge and opinion among priests so contact one of them

>> No.20347156
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King James bros…was our guy black? I can’t believe this. I’m shaking


>> No.20347180

No, you misread, the holy spirit exists within people, jesus/god is the word.

>> No.20347220

if the Holy Spirit exists inside you, how did so many receive it in Acts?
also John 14:16.

>> No.20347247

a bit finicky. the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are God, but not each other.
same essence and different "function".
that sounds like the Father brought into existence both the Son and Holy Spirit. also seems to imply the Father is what the Son and Holy Spirit came from, but not Him as a person.

>> No.20347317

also passing on what i saw in another thread, Augustine's De Trinitate goes over a lot of explaining the Trinity. 15 books long.

>> No.20347515

So John Henry Newman would just become John?

>> No.20347543

>Moors were black
Ok, kang.

>> No.20347647

>Jesus: love everyone equally
>Paul: kill all homos and enslave all women

>> No.20347895

Paul was the one who wrote that through Christ there is no man or woman; Jew or Greek; slave or free.

>> No.20347899
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add another to the pile, met this tranny on a his thread. i think hes a mod on there or something.

>> No.20347902
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>> No.20347915
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i say i think hes a mod because whenever i post his picture the thread gets baleted lmao
wish i had more screencaps, some of the things he said were just fucking hilarious, he asked me to pray to mary for him to get pregnant. i honestly felt so disgusted i had been chatting with a tranny that i didnt really bother to cap much. they larp as a right wing trad wife too. how one becomes like this i will never know by the grace of God(uan, the true name of Odin, Lord of Hosts and God of Gods)

>> No.20347956

I just always assume the tradcaths here are troons.

>> No.20348197

Yes we are all equal except when we are homosexual or female or slave.

>> No.20348608
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is the safest option really, theyre either that or homosexuals

>> No.20348753

It's all of that praying to Ishtar disguised as Mary and demons disguised as "patron saints". It warps the psyche and soul. I try to save them but they just dig deeper trenches defending it.

>> No.20348765

More importantly when is someone going to tell them it was translated by Philip Schaff, a Protestant.

>> No.20348878

>actually reading the annotations accompanying the text
Next you'll tell me someone buys the New Oxford Annotated Bible RSV for the secular notes and not because they want a nice RSV with the Orthodox deuterocanon included. Besides, the only other alternative is the still-going "Fathers of the Church" series by CUAP, which is more than 140 volumes instead of 38, and isn't as neatly split into era of Ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post-Nicene.

>> No.20349345

Lol try got kicked off pol now try to make this their new home

>> No.20349358
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I thought it was out of print, I've been looking for a set of these for ages. Personally I own the full Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture set and it's been sufficient for my needs so far, though it's just quotations from the primary material.

>> No.20349407
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It arrived, lads!
I think this is going to be my favourite Bible; the font is excellent, the book feels great, and the centre column references work a treat.
The only thing I can say I don’t like is that there is no ‘Translators to the Reader’ which I think all KJV bibles should have.

>> No.20349469

Equal in Christ, except for homosexuals yeah but what're ya gonna do with people choosing to be sinful?
Note: there is no prohibition against loving your fellow man or being attracted to men, it is the choice of whether you pervert humanity's sexual functiona for purely hedonistic pleasure that is a sin.

>> No.20349673

Could you point out to me where Jesus says this?

>> No.20349779

I made no claims about Jesus saying that. I was following up what I said about what Paul said, and what you said in response to what I said about what Paul said, in response to what you said about what Paul said and what Jesus said.
Can you point out to me when the last time you took any sort of reading comprehension examination was?

>> No.20349885

If the only way to save an objectively ugly woman’s soul from hell was to marry her, would you do it?

>> No.20349944

Probably in primary school where that thing is usually taught. My entire original post was that Paul added persecution to Jesus' message of non-judgment. Seems to me that killing homosexuals is a type of judgment.

>> No.20349958

If a woman could be saved from hell by marriage, she would not be. That concept in itself is a vanity. She would not be saved, her soul as ugly as her body, if she believed that marriage to an Earthly man would grant her passage to the world to come.

>> No.20350018

Blue Letters Bible is also good

>> No.20350099

Unfortunately most small bibles omit the translators to the reader.

>> No.20350300

It is out of print as of just a few years ago, but you can still get the whole thing secondhand, which is probably how those larpers got it themselves.

>> No.20350319
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>Robert Alter's Hebrew Bible peeking out in the top corner

>> No.20350439

Mighty nice, pay attention to the cross references often enough, they lead to sometimes astounding links and insights.

>> No.20351008

Where does Paul say to persecute and kill anyone? He states that certain behaviors will bar one from entry into heaven.

>> No.20351201

>praying to Ishtar disguised as Mary
How long will this schizophrenic delusion be enabled? Do your fellow Protestants just not care about you?

>> No.20351459

>gets mind and soul warped by praying to Ishtar and demons disguised as Mary and "saints"
>calls others schizo
OK Legion.

>> No.20351605

I just got done using my Bible Background Commentary before coming here.

>> No.20351718

Honestly, I didn't realize how useful the Bible Background Commentary would be until I was watching Dr. David Falk's video rebuttal to Holy Koolaid's video about "Joshua, Judges, and Genocide." Falk zeroed in on the distinction between "destroyed" and "destroyed with fire", and how the former actually is an iffy translation from a Hebrew word that truly means "relocate/exile" (hence why the supposedly slaughtered tribes of people suddenly continue to appear in the later books), which I'd never heard before. Cue me opening the OT volume to the verse in question, and...son of a bitch, Dr. Falk's right! Now, during any YouTube video or discussion about OT verses, I always have the Bible Background Commentary OT open; it's not always helpful, but it's usually more often helpful than not. Alter, too, but his footnotes actually aren't as comprehensive as I'd wish; he also has a bad habit of making very declarative statements about alternate, legitimate interpretations contrary to his own being "reaches" or more improbable than actual scholarship suggests. That said, the real fruit of Alter's translation really is the translation itself, especially regarding retaining the wordplay of the original Hebrew.

>> No.20351765

>the verse in question
Which is?

>> No.20351828

It was a couple, but the specific one I looked up was Deuteronomy 7:1-2. The specific word was "ḥă·rîm."

>> No.20352164

>he doesn’t have it
Not even the pdf? They made this stuff freely available in multiple versions. I got the budget Cosimo paperbacks, an exact facsimile.

>it's just quotations from the primary material
Basically yes, the ACC is an anthology. If you already have he ANF and the NPNF sets, you don’t need the ACC. But the the ACC is incomplete, the ANF and the NPNF were never complete to begin with.

>> No.20352228

Academy of Ideas finally came out as a full throated theist and the NPCs who thought he was talking about the right all this time are not happy.


>> No.20352235
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Must be a coincidence

>> No.20352237

>everybody in the history of Christianity was stupid and never realized this until I came along and started shitposting on the internet to reveal the truth
Prelest check

>> No.20352264

Everything God makes is perfect, all His daughters are beautiful

>> No.20352820

>I am ignorant of the history of this having been called out
>here, have this overworked, precanned gotcha

>> No.20352868

Looks like a clear case of "utterly destroy" to me.

>> No.20352895

okay, tradlarper... What do I type if I want Islam to triumph, and christcuckery to be eradicated in the next Holy War? "Allahu Ackbar"? If so,
Will that do it?

>> No.20353011

The word "utterly" is not there in the Hebrew.

>> No.20353041

What if she was depressed and would khs? I don’t mean as in blackmail which you may have interpreted, but that an observer can see such circumstances arise unspoken. Say - with less ambiguity - that the only thing that would lead her to penitence and then the resulting penitence upon realising her reason for doing so was predicates solely on your marriage thereto.

>> No.20353047

was predicated*

>> No.20353066

It can take more than one word of English to adequately describe one word of Hebrew. It's also ha·ḥă·rêm rather than only ḥă·rêm, btw.

>> No.20353080

>John Chrystotom said Junia was an apostle
>Papists still don't even allow women to be Deacons

>> No.20353258

You know how it’s a sin to take the Lord’s Name in vain?
Do Catholics have a similar view in regard to mentioning Mary when people say “Mother of God!” as a curse word like “Jesus Christ!”?
Not making any accusations, just wondering.

>> No.20353311

You shouldn't have to be a Catholic to see using the name of Jesus' mother in a crude way as something to be avoided.

>> No.20353321

That's not anywhere near what is meant by taking His name in vain.

>> No.20353323

In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

>> No.20353330

>curse word like “Jesus Christ!”
americans were a mistake

>> No.20353409

>as a
Can you read? Do you know a simile is?
People (disin)genuinely use this when they stub their tow

>> No.20353416

Fair enough.
I appreciate that there’re women on this general, but please: don’t be coy. Elaborate in earnest as to what is meant by ‘vain’ without the context of this thread and assuming I am layman.

>> No.20353424

know what a simile is*
4chan’s trying to gaslight me by deleting random words in my posts with an algorithm. No effect.

>> No.20353492


>> No.20353505

Anyone with a male brain can simply read the words and know what they mean. To take His name in vain is to falsely claim to speak for or represent Him.

>> No.20353518

wtf i like anime now

>> No.20353547

wtf, I love you and pray for you now (my enemy).

>> No.20353551

>to represent him
That could mean anything.

>> No.20353578

you just proved my point

>> No.20353588

Paul's letters predate any of the gospels by decades. This position is incoherent.

>> No.20353633

Not really. It's one thing to call a company support line and get a poo, but yet another to call and get someone with no sanctioned affiliation whatsoever.

>> No.20353636

Probably nowhere near that, and Luke was being worked on in his direct presence.

>> No.20353741

The gospels were taught well before Paul wrote his letters, it's just that they were only codified later.

>> No.20353779

You're superstitious, you must be Roman Catholic

>> No.20353800

Orthodox can be even worse. They inherited all kinds of 3rd world paganism. They scramble to fill bottles with dead negro foot bath water.

>> No.20353806


>> No.20353961

Just like how all Protestants do snake taming and speaking in tongues, right?

>> No.20354052

Those are in the Bible. Dead negro foot bath water is not.

>> No.20354061

You're a christcuck, so you're probably a joyless, sexless incel

>> No.20354120

Now that’s projection if I ever saw it. How do trannys always out themselves online? I will tell you; It’s usually a mix of being sex obsessed (fried receptors due to porn addiction) and a heavy disdain for religion (especially Christianity)
Time do dilate, friend.

>> No.20354253

Do you have a father?

>> No.20354265

don't you ever get tired of spamming the same point and burying your head in the sand for any response?

>> No.20354449

Dionysius the Aeropagite. Saint or not?

>> No.20354569

Crucifix or cross and what are your reasons?
I’m new to Christianity and I’m looking to buy a little standing cross/crucifix to put on my table to pray in front of. Which would be best, or does it even matter at all? Is praying to a rendering of our dead Lord worship of graven images?

>> No.20354596

Don't get suckeded into this thread's tradcath v evangelical protestant debate, both are fine. Personally, I use crucifixes in more intimate spaces such as my prayer corner and bedroom, but crosses in my living room.

>> No.20354601

I’m Catholic but I don’t out of personal preference. Whatever helps, man.
I like to close my eyes when I pray even at Mass because it removes distracting visual input (even if a static image) from my conversation with God. Compare reading in a library compared to a construction site.
However, I do keep (any) Christian symbolic depictions in front of my computer screen as a reminder as to what I mustn’t ever lose track of in the face of temptation.

>> No.20354774

Thanks for your reply lads.
You’re right, I shouldn’t get worked up about it and just do what feels right, as long as I’m praying to the Lord that’s what counts.

>> No.20354978


So sad

>> No.20354999

>You will never have sin
I fucking wish.

>> No.20355050

>Confirmed as Catholic over Easter.
>Knights of Columbus gift us with Bibles.
>Pages are so thin that you can see letters from several pages behind whatever page you're on.
Why? Why would publishers do this? It's so obnoxious to read like this.

>> No.20355085

It keeps it small and cheap. The Bible is longer than Lord of the Rings, if printed in 12pt font on thick novel paper it'd weigh a ton.

>> No.20355112

Sex. You can't 'have' sin, just like seething incel larpers can't have sex

>> No.20355131

[31] Because he hath appointed a day wherein he will judge the world in equity, by the man whom he hath appointed; giving faith to all, by raising him up from the dead. [32] And when they had heard of the resurrection of the dead, some indeed mocked, but others said: We will hear thee again concerning this matter. [33] So Paul went out from among them. [34] But certain men adhering to him, did believe; among whom was also Dionysius, the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.

>Dionysius the Bishop of Athens
Long been officially sainted

>> No.20355132

Why are you so obsessed with sex, friend? You’re starting to sound like either a modern woman (puts all importance in life down to sex) or porn addicted male (soon to be sissy)
Being this obsessed with sex is not healthy.

>> No.20355133

Fornicators get the rope. Sex is sacred, it is about procreation.

>> No.20355811

Why would I get tired of exposing Satan's coup attempt to divert prayers from God to his proxies? That is a critical matter if I have ever seen one. The real question is why would (You) defend it or just let it slide right by?

>> No.20355938

There seem to be like three different versions of "The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible" translation. Which is actually the right one?

>> No.20356016

hello r*ddit

>> No.20356705

>2.) God is so good your little sins (gossiping or eating too much or whatever) aren't a big deal, so don't worry about them :)

Thats what you are meant to take from it. Remember also that Jesus called out the jews for being liars - his arguement is that the pagans acted more like the jews said they acted than the jews did act (helped fellow man for no reason, charity when they had abundance, etc) and thus christians must be both accepting of peoples failures (and their own) and either accept that your sins are forgiven thanks to the death of liberal jews who self-sacrifice for the greater good (not control, but out of love for humans).

It was a really smart work of philosophy and it is no wonder it is still strongly effecting us all today.

>> No.20357139
File: 450 KB, 750x983, 59C872B0-88E9-43F4-8EDF-F2A869B721C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you use a prayer book and could maybe recommend one to someone enquiring into Catholicism?
I was thinking about getting this one but I’m not sure if it’s too much to start with or if it even matters.

>> No.20357433

1664 Book of Common Prayer

>> No.20357522
File: 277 KB, 816x1164, D6E07B67-DC7F-477B-BDFE-00FCF5D7ED89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m bouta ride the train along with pic rel. I am looking foward to getting know pic rel

>> No.20357583
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>> No.20357587


>> No.20357729

I don't want to be that guy but Arius might have been onto something

>> No.20357746

Bible bros, someone mentioned in an earlier thread that Cambridge might be releasing a Catholic ESV? Any source on this so I can keep track? I want a nice bible but the Catholic versions seem like they won’t last

>> No.20357829

>Catholics can't Bible
This should tell you everything you need to know, but there is far, far more where that came from. Notice they are even having to rely on Protestant translations these days. Just get a KJV and stay far away from the Satanic Babylonian pagans.

>> No.20357910
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David consulted an Ephod in 1 Samuel 30. False Teachers like Steven Anderson say a crucifix is an idol. Is he right about that? Or can a crucifix be an Ephod? Thoughts?
>And David said to Abi´athar the priest, Ahim´elech's son, I pray thee, bring me hither the ephod. And Abi´athar brought thither the ephod to David. And David inquired at the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.
>1 Samuel 30:7-8 KJVAAE

>> No.20357913

Yes, it was posted on their Facebook page in reply to a comment asking for it. Don't listen to the pro-abortionist from RuthSentUs above me. 4chan's spam filter rejects FB links, so I'll just post the comment.
Cambridge Bibles, March 14, 2022:
>Yes! We will be publishing a text Bible using the ESV-CE this year, in bonded leather and cowhide. It will be called the ESV-CE Cornerstone Edition. We will announce more details when we can!

>> No.20357918

I should rephrase that, he did not consult the Ephod. He consulted the Lord, but still incorporated the Ephod somehow.

>> No.20357939

Or is this a linen ephod.

>> No.20357945

Nothing is an idol unless you literally worship the object itself as God. The pagan idolatry in the OT was people who literally thought the statues or objects themselves were the literal bodies of their gods, had to be fed, washed, etc. So the fringe JW or whoever you speak of hasn't actually read the Bible or Ancient Near East cultural history. Probably some American who believes the Bible didn't exist until he read it.

>> No.20357971

>Nothing is an idol unless you literally worship the object itself as God

>> No.20357972


>> No.20357983

Read the Bible.

>> No.20358003

No u

>> No.20358054

Read the Bible. The whole Bible, with whole books. I'd recommend starting with Philippians 1:1 and Colossians 1:1, while you're there.

>> No.20358073

I've done that, keep digging in to being wrong and leading others astray trying to tell them that idolatry is not idolatry.

>> No.20358074

>I've done that
I doubt it. The NWT isn't the Bible.

>> No.20358098
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Yeah, no shit, thanks for the paradigm shattering revelation. Neither is anything based on "saint" Jerome's "translation" work.

>> No.20358132

>ESV has its study Bible mentioned
>NRSV, which has the best study Bible, doesn't have the NOA mentioned

>> No.20358140

>anything based on the RSV or from Oxford is good

>> No.20358160

I don't give a shit about your saints lol.

>> No.20358170

The bulk of good bible translations are based on the RSV. The NOA is a great study Bible. I actually prefer the ESV footnotes but the NOA's are still pretty good and the extrabiblical literature in the NOA is far better

>> No.20358195

>The bulk of good bible translations are based on the RSV
OK Bart

>> No.20358251

Mormons showed up at my house today. They were very robotic and didn't get my sarcasm about a non theological topic. I told em I had no desire to convert. They tried to make small talk by asking about my life and then left.

Any of you all met em before? I really didn't know what to say to em and didn't want to be mean.

>> No.20358288

Oh yes, met them many times. It got to the point I just had to start shooing them off with my hat like chickens, going "cht cht cht, git, cht cht cht, git on". One yelled at me dramatically under a light misting rain "WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS". I had already told them multiple times to stop coming here, and I had put a sign on the door that said "NO", but every few weeks, here they would come again. I had to do the chicken thing about 3 or 4 times, and finally told them something that has stopped it cold for maybe 7 years running now.

>> No.20358327

Oh, and something else to try, I got the Jehovah's Witnesses to never return by answering the door in my underwear and telling them that yes they did indeed disturb me. That was their second and final visit so far, about 5 year ago.

>> No.20358333

>best at anything
Its own translators shat on it in 1989 because the publisher fucked up their work with the gender stuff.

>> No.20358360

That's still happening. The woman who translated 1 Corinthians for the NRSVue said that the board edited her work and changed whatever she had submitted for arsenokoitai to "men who practice sexual immorality", thus removing any reference to homosexuality.

>> No.20358396

Yeesh. Anyway, this was the article on the 1989 complaints:
In summary:
>The editorial committee made thousands of changes, some quite substantive, to the translation of the Old Testament made by the full committee, and when members of the full committee became aware of the extent of these changes, many were outraged, feeling that much of their own work on the translation over the years had been irresponsibly gutted.

>> No.20358542

Yeah it's shit I agree, maybe you could try reading my original post.

>> No.20358588

Stop swearing in the Bible thread.

>> No.20358990

>points out how OT practices are rebrands of those of other religions
>tries to use it to argue that christianity is legit
is he not seeing it? or am I an idiot for seeing it?

>> No.20360074

almost done with Acts. what happened to the jews that cursed themselves to not eat anything until paul dies? seems like they got rekt

>> No.20360105

I personally use the Jordansville prayer book; but it’s orthodox. I think it’s done by St Tikhon’s publishing. 10/10 would recommend you check into the Orthodox Church

>> No.20360154

I have a cross similar to this, also check Etsy. They have some really neat stuff. Check into orthodox iconography, you might like it

>> No.20360178

Sounds like they weren’t expecting sarcasm and where trying to be nice. It happens occasionally

>> No.20360227

As a pagan this whole thing always confused me. The ot bible says that idolaters thought that statues were gods, but then most paganism like Hinduism and euro paganism says that idols or images act as a kind of antennae to strengthen your connection to a god during ritual and prayer, and that the god itself is a higher being that can't be truly seen. Is the biblical idea of living idols just propaganda or is this wrongly translated ? There are other parts of the bible where they seem to understand the true nature of idols and they come up with other reasons to not worship those gods. Not looking for a shitfest just genuinely curious since I study many religions.

>> No.20360246

Biblical speaking in tongues was described as a singular event where the apostles were divinely inspired and learned all languages from the holy spirit. Protestant speaking in tongues is just a bunch of retards going into a demonic trance as they babble about fucking nonsense. Maybe Americans are just that stupid they think babblespeak is actually Italian or something.

>> No.20360355

>muh that's just foreign earthly languages bro

>> No.20360364


>> No.20360391

You know that "strange" in those times basically just means foreign, alien, not from your lands. Right ? Which further supports what I said about speaking in tongues meaning speaking different languages. No, spazzing out and gurgling like a downie is not a strange and foreign tongue. It's larping as an idiot to impress even dumber faggots like you

>> No.20360397

>Wordless groaning
No connection at all to speaking in tongues. That's a separate episode. I and groaning is different from speaking you fucking baboon.

>> No.20360410

Also speaking in tongues is not a form of prayer. God gave the gift of speaking in tongues to the apostles specifically so they could go out and preach to the world.who are you preaching to with your fucking bonobo faggot babble ? Nobody, you only stroke your egos

>> No.20360447
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>t. never experienced adamic communications with the LORD God Almighty

>> No.20360459

>dude ADAMIC, no i dont know what that words means or how it applies here but DUDE ADAMIC
if you had any genuine faith you would take the time to study your bible and the meanings of certain words and phrases, but alas you are no better than a nigger christian screaming HAIR LIEK WOOOOOOOOL at the top of his lungs, ignorant of the true meaning of that passage. keep basking in your piss light you faggot zoomer memer.

>> No.20360499

>I am uneducated but will still lash out at others as if they are uneducated

>> No.20360625

Do you believe in Hell? If so, why are you wrong?

>> No.20360909


>> No.20360979

>the divine language that God spoke to Adam
the arrogance of protestant dogs

>> No.20361025
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Anyone here read this? Had no idea he was a Christian, wondering if I should bother.

>> No.20361036

I just meant that the books themselves didn't seem as nice as some non-catholic versions. Are you ok bro?

>> No.20361058

>this person doing something on video for a large crowd has any relation to the actual legitimate phenomenon which usually occurs only in private
So Catholics do not value God's word enough to flood the world with a wide variety of nicely produced formats, accurately translated, that honor Scripture for the sacred treasure that it is.

>> No.20361061
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Is this sewn or glued?

>> No.20361099

perfect bound i.e. both

>> No.20361171

Sewn because the signatures are clearly visible.

>> No.20361250
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>> No.20361303

Except literally everyone gets reincarnated without even doing anything and in fact consciousness has a separate non linear time that distributes over physical time meaning the entire doctrine of “reincarnation” is only a statement that all consciousness is the same but conceived in a way that fits within our limited understanding of time. In fact, I am the dalai lama and everyone else and you are me, or at least I will be or was you

>> No.20361457

Are you drawing that conclusion from my offhand observation?

>> No.20361547

How could your takeaway from reading the Bible possibly be that God and Jesus would go into hiding for 2000 years, and do no more miracles, etc?

>> No.20361555

I have deeply studied the Holy Bible and witnessed firsthand on my own "saint" Jerome's intentional mistranslation work, which lasted all the way through the Douay-Rheims which is based on it, and have spent ample time/effort seeking a Catholic version that's as well produced as Protestant ones without having to literally spend well over $100 at the least. I base all of my conclusions on direct personal knowledge, son, not the "offhand observations" of others. They even blew their last attempt with the NABRE, which is even worse than the NIV.

>> No.20361557

Yeah, no shit. What's your point?

>> No.20361767

So what version is good over $100? I don’t mind spending a bit more for quality

>> No.20361784

Just read in daylight rather than with an artificial light. That is unless you live in Sweden: get an LED light with a dimmer.

>> No.20361794

He still does miracles all the time so I don't know.
No Catholic version is good no matter how much you spend.

>> No.20361798

>If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin; but now they have no cloak for their sin.
>John 15:22 KJVAAE

>> No.20361807

But you said above “ spent ample time/effort seeking a Catholic version that's as well produced as Protestant ones without having to literally spend well over $100 at the least.” That suggests to me that you did find one, but at a higher price point. So which is it?

>> No.20361811

No, cessationism is true. The Bible is a closed canon.

>> No.20361814
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I just lied in bed for 4 hours daydreaming sinful thoughts whilst being hypnotised by my erection, even without masturbating. A 1/6 of my day: gone.
How do I fix this?
Actually lold.
>and finally told them something that has stopped it cold for maybe 7 years running now.
The moment of suspense…

>> No.20361822

Define canon.

>> No.20361823

Seems like if you’re going to waste that much time you’d be better off firing a quick load and getting on with your day

>> No.20361841

I do not assist others in finding Satanic Babylonian counterfeits of holy Scripture. Get a King James Bible.

>> No.20361849

So why did you reply to me at all? I feel I should ask again: you ok bro?

>> No.20361851

Whatver the bishop of Rome says it is

>> No.20361858

>How do I fix this?
we cant give you a magic solution anon, we cant go over there and force you out of bed, and I wouldnt go near that erection even if you paid me
but what helped me is changing my perspective: instead of seeing my lust as a desire, something to be satisfied, I've begun seeing it as a pain. something that is sending me to my death. so I deal with it, how I would any other chronic pain. I just do my best to ignore it and move my day on. it becomes a lot easier out of bed, once you start doing things, but only you can build that muscle.

>> No.20361876

Barring a rebind, wait for the Cambridge ESV-CE coming out later this year. Ignore the "pastor" Chick Tracts. He's never read the Bible, so he just spouts prewritten talking points from the Scofield Reference edition.

>> No.20361909

I tend to think of it as the heartbreaking choice between Jesus Christ himself and the flesh upon realisation, but still, the ‘hypnosis’ leaves me without thought at all other than that aforementioned.

>> No.20361913

yeah I've gone into trancelike states too from that
but like I said, you gotta slap yourself or something. only you can really force yourself out of bed. remember, once you're out of bed, its a lot easier

>> No.20361926
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>Biblehub is better than biblegateway
While I personally prefer gateway, I will include hub in the next OP.
>Must we?
In the name of ecumenicalism. Yes.
I agree with you about the earlier dates. However it is worth remembering that there is some level of disagreement over the exact dates of composition.
I will include it in the next OP.
He posts this stuff on /x/ all of the time. Just pray for him and move on.
In fairness, there are a large amount of conflicting positions on women in religious positions in both the bible proper, the apocrypha and the writings of church fathers/saints/theologians. It is something that I am personally very conflicted on.
There is nothing worse then tissue paper pages in books. I live in the tropics and I cannot take any of my books that have those sorts of pages outside or else they just suck up all of the moisture out of the humid air and start curling up. If it is an issue of thickness, I would prefer if they just split the book into two, if it meant that it could have pages that were actually worth a damn.
When I get around to attempting to learn Greek, the interlinear will be at the top of my list as a learning aid.
I don't agree with him. But I think he was more correct relatively, compared to the trinitarians.
Christianity has suffered from bouts of iconoclasm a number of times in the past. Each time it has weakened all of Christendom with zero gain to be had (indeed, it can be blamed for putting the Byzantines into a terminal decline, and thus the eventual loss of Constantinople).
Let the people have their icons, crucifixes, statues and the like. As long as they are not worshipping them, it is not idolatry by any reasonable measure.
The ESV study bible is objectively the best study bible. If there is a demand for it, I would be willing to put a section in the next OP on study bibles. But I would need posters here to contribute short summaries of each study bible. I have not read everything out there after all.
I have never read that. But I do know that Asimov was a Gnostic.

>> No.20361953

To tell you to get a Bible instead of a "bible", are you dense?

>> No.20361958

>Barring a rebind, wait for the very slightly modified Protestant translation coming out later this year
Thanks for the back up, partner.

>> No.20361963

I barely ever browse /x/, much less post on it.

>> No.20361993

>Barring a rebind, wait for the very slightly modified Protestant translation coming out later this year
I mean, the KJV is taken from a slightly modified Catholic translation, so it all comes full circle.

>> No.20362001

>How do I fix this?
By getting out of bed and doing something else.

>> No.20362005

There's a slightly modified amount of touche to that, but there are vast differences between the woman defeating the serpent, and her seed, which is Christ, defeating the serpent.

>> No.20362031

Listen to this senpai desu; also try your best to get good at saying the Jesus Prayer all throughout the day (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have Mercy on me, a sinner).
Like the other anon said; getting out of bed is important. But it’s a struggle and you’re at war with Satan and the demonic principalities; he won’t let go easily. Given he knows he will loose, the evil one attacks those that God loves. Turn to Christ and pray, you can pray your lust away with the Jesus prayer (or in my case I can)

>> No.20362050

Ew, anime

>> No.20362188
File: 860 KB, 515x818, 1592926353640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek that perfectly describes how pentecostal tongue speakers sound

>> No.20362203

I have this set, but I bought it right before it went out of print.
I paid $400, now it's worth about $2000.
I keep it mainly for reference, along with my encyclopedia sets, though I do read it from time to time.

>> No.20362209

The one's here use the World English Bible as a base. For any criticisms there may be of it it's probably the most convenient public domain translation in non-archaic English.

>> No.20362216

The ACCS draws a lot of excerpts from the Fathers series, but also includes other writers not included there.
The big advantage of this series is that it's organized by scripture reference rather than author.

>> No.20362226

Jesus didn't need to speak against homosexuality because He was speaking to the Jews, who already had the Law.
They knew it was a sin, and what the punishment was (death).

St. Paul had to reiterate this more explicitly to the Greeks, who were brought up in a pagan cultural context, where homosexuality was more common.

>> No.20362282

Not him, but I'd recommend the ACCS to anyone who can afford it, even if you just buy a volume a month for 2 1/2 years, or two a month to speed up the process if you can manage, using the secondary market to get each discounted a fair bit. As you said, it's organized by Scripture passage which makes it very easy to find the material you want to focus on, and the commentary eclipses anything modern writers have to say.

The Hendrickson Nicene Fathers are honestly something you should just read online. Actually owning the full physical set, especially now that it's OOP, should only be if you actually have a ministry or something. No layperson actually needs that whole set.

>> No.20362319

ACCS doesn't even use the translation from the Hendrickson. It follows the translation from the "Fathers of the Church" series by Catholic University of America Press, supplemented by other smaller collections. That series is currently over 140 volumes (listed only as 86 in the ACCS), so good luck with that.

>> No.20362321
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>> No.20362355

This sounds like a fun project to work on, though I doubt I would get even halfway in 2 1/2 years. What book do you recommend starting with for someone who is new and wants to get into commentary?

>> No.20362361

no one know the answer to this?

>> No.20362370

>What book do you recommend starting with for someone who is new and wants to get into commentary?
Mark or Luke.

>> No.20362413

Personally, I think Pentecostals are good as long as they've been baptized and receive the Eucharist at least once a year.

>> No.20362420

Any tips on where to source individual copies? Used even better.

>> No.20362434

eBay and AbeBooks probably. Right now, I see three hardcover copies of Mark on eBay for just over $10. Significantly less than IVP's $75 price tag for buying directly from them.

>> No.20362441

You can find volumes on ebay, or you can subscribe for $30 per month at ivpress website.

>> No.20362475

I just realized according to the bible the jews genocided entire nations

>> No.20362528
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All (You) need is a King James Bible and the Holy Ghost. Use the rest of that book money to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, tend the widows, orphans, prisoners, the least. The church has one Father, God.

>> No.20362529

1 John 5:7-8 isn't real, papist.

>> No.20362532

Any chance you could start using a tripcode so I can filter you? You add nothing to these threads whatsoever.

>> No.20362537
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Just take my filter list.

>> No.20362543

It's more real than Jesus' half blood siblings being cousins or steps.

>> No.20362548

Don't care, papist. Back to blowing the vulgate with (You).

>> No.20362556
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>fucks up replying 3 times, doesnt reply in one post

>> No.20362561
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>> No.20362564

>that list
lmao butthurt tranny christcuck Ishtar worshiping Satanist

>> No.20362566

so who is this thread for? its full of abhorrent discussion that is not worth my time

>> No.20362568

Checked dubs of 66 for God's true number of canonical books in His Holy Bible.

>> No.20362572

>Checked dubs of 66 for God's true number of canonical books in His Holy Bible.
But there are 81, nigga.

>> No.20362613

Is reading the Japanese Bible a good way to grow your reading? I am studying Japanese and I have considered reading the Japanese Bible to try and improve my reading.

>> No.20362616

Reading the Bible is always a good way to grow your reading. Period.

>> No.20362625

I've had similar experiences. I found that thinking of the Lord when erotic thoughts start occurring is enough to dispel them. Maybe get something in your room like a cross or a crucifix or something similar to remind you of the Lord at all times when the thoughts start appearing.

>> No.20362902

“Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;” (Exo 20:5)
What did He mean by this?

>> No.20362915

that he doesnt want you worshipping other gods

>> No.20362971

Nice Ignatius Bible

>> No.20362976

>just lied in bed for 4 hours daydreaming sinful thoughts whilst being hypnotised by my erection
everytime i think pagan communities are a horrid joke and become disillusioned with it all, i come back to christian communities to find them somehow worse
should just be an ascetic and fuck off from all of you at this rate

>> No.20363111

How did Judas die?

>> No.20363118

Hanged himself. Then the rope snapped, he fell and his guts spilled out

>> No.20363446

We’re more open with our faults than most.
Have you ever been to AA?

>> No.20363867

>80 IQ-tier pic made with Paint

>> No.20363899

>defending Satanic Babylonian paganism disguised as Christianity
Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.20363903

I'm reading an annotated Jerusalem's Bible this summer. Wish me luck

>> No.20363906

>Many such cases. Sad!
Lol. Shitposting at its finest

>> No.20363994

did Jesus die before or after Passover

>> No.20364000


>> No.20364274
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>> No.20364313

Checkmate cristcucks!!!
[Puts on sunglasses. Rock music in the background]

>> No.20364339
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>> No.20364359

Le heckin twitter screencap!! Catholicucks eternally btfo'd!

>> No.20364389
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There is no reference to Catholics there but there is here.

>> No.20364503

Which Bible translation do I use if I’m interested in Orthodox Christianity? I’ve seen the OSB uses the KJV but is that good enough? I’ve got the KJV with Apocrypha but I’m not sure if there are more books in the Orthodox tradition.

>> No.20364559

There’s the Orthodox study Bible if you’re interested in that, but the NT is NKJV. It’s nice though cause they do the notes; but sometimes the notes are missing or not copious enough

>> No.20364560

orthodox Christianity > "Orthodox™"


You already have a Holy Bible with bonus materials. Pray only to God. Mary had other children after Jesus.

>> No.20364587

Ezekiel 44:1-2
Then He brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary which faces toward the east, but it was shut. 2 And the Lord said to me, “This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter by it, because the Lord God of Israel has entered by it; therefore it shall be shut.
What denomination are you? Find me a single individual who agreed with you from the early church, and post all of his theology (no citing Gnostics)

>> No.20364593

If these were idols, they wouldn't sell them and be destroyed as normal statues

>> No.20364627

>Find me a single individual who agreed with you from the early church
Here's 5: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul. Galatians 1:19

>> No.20364690


>> No.20364700

>so who is this thread for?
not for you in particular, icarus
>its full of abhorrent discussion that is not worth my time
feel free to start a fresh discussion that interests you and is relevant to the subject

>> No.20364711

replace nrsv in the OP with rsv or NASB1995
no serious christian would use the nrsv over either of those. the oxford study bible uses the nrsv for contractual reasons, and like 10% of the notes are just explaining how the translation is bad

>> No.20364725

>feel free to start a fresh discussion that interests you and is relevant to the subject
i did, and no one replied. its just the same stupid argument about catholics vs protestants

>> No.20364733

>i did
link your reply

>> No.20364740

>utter retard logic
There's nothing chad about being ignorant of Holy Scripture and buying into things that are absent from and counter to it. Protestantism is the reason Holy Scripture is available to everyone in accurate translations and printed in myriads of formats from cheap to premium and compact to massive, with countless commentaries to accompany.

>> No.20364747


>> No.20364761

yeah I don't think that information is given to us

>> No.20364766

Any answer you get will be mere guesses or outright made up bullshit so I'm not sure what you expect.

>> No.20364768

This doesn't necessarily mean biological brother. There are 2 Apostles named James:

1) James ghe Great, whose mother was apparently Salome

2) James, the Lesser. Son of another Mary (as in Mark 15, 40), brother of Joses

>> No.20364774

>there's a word for cousin but we will just repeatedly not use it and use the one for brother instead, spanning 5 authors

>> No.20364781

>Hurr, you are a retard, hurrr
Then how come there is no problem to displace a statue when it is too old. Man, I live in a village where Mary has veen honored in the local annual feasts for 300 years without the need of any statue. No statues needed

>> No.20364783

i assumed the story would be retold later in the bible with more answers

>> No.20364789

Cousin, close friend, non biological brother... Anyway, which James is it then?

>> No.20364802

Jesus' biological half brother.

>> No.20364819

Come on, one option. It's not that hard. The synoptics give you 3 lists, all of them naming 2 Apostle James. Which one is it?

>> No.20364822

I feel like 40% of you are schizos
I cant even follow some of these conversations

>> No.20364847

>like 40% of you are schizos
for example?

>> No.20364850

Also, we are still waiting for >>20364587

>> No.20364885

>Galatians 1:19
where is the Trinity mentioned, btw?

>> No.20364896
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Why would I need to waste time writing extended essays and providing (You) with straw for nothing when a single verse already destroyed the bullshit fables made up to support desired doctrines and divert prayers from God?

>> No.20364915

>refuses to elaborate further
>low quality Paint image
spotted the schizo

Good night brothers. Hope the next Bible thread is less confrontational.

>> No.20364927

There's zero need to elaborate further. The demon has been fed yet is still hungry.

>> No.20364986
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>> No.20365157


>> No.20365218
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>> No.20365226
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>> No.20365346

Joseph had children from a previous marriage

>> No.20365365

>bullshit from the gnostic fan fiction Gospel of James

>> No.20365905




>> No.20365969

Not even a towm?
Is this in Eastern Europe?