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File: 1.82 MB, 2705x2000, __nazgul_frodo_baggins_and_witch_king_of_angmar_tolkien_s_legendarium_and_1_more_drawn_by_anato_finnstark__c71f18b9301cfc115faab420e72344e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20343976 No.20343976 [Reply] [Original]

Amon Sûl Edition

Previous Thread:>>20339531

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20343982
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Everyone knows
Sandi blows
Everyone agrees
Bakker rules supreme

>> No.20343988

Books on non-steampunk sky piracy. I guess more like Final Fantasy magi-tech airships. Maybe dragons idk.

>> No.20343990
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So I've caught up to the fifth book of Dungeon Crawler Carl. I have to say, this series really surprised me. It manages to toe a line between absurdity and outright existential horror that not many series could pull off. On one hand you have the absolute insanity that is the premise, the alien invasion simply for the purpose of using the natives as unwilling contestants in a reality TV show, contrasted by the fact that the entire cast knows that even if they don't die just yet, even if they beat the odds and win an unwinnable game, there's nothing left outside anyway, earth has been sent back to the stone age.
There's a lot of levity, then you get hit with something like Prepotente's utter devastation at Miriam Dom's death.

One thing I really like was the contrast between how the protagonist is consciously presenting himself with how he rants and raves in his notes. All the contestants are constantly under scrutiny, badmouth the showrunners too much and they teleport you into a bottomless pit. So Carl puts on a brave face and keeps on keeping on, but the Carl presented by the passages he leaves in the Anarchists Cookbook is a very different person.

>> No.20344068

I take solace in the few scant hours we have left until the other spammers wake up and do their work here. Godspeed anons

>> No.20344070

I know Colour of Magic has some bandits on invisible dragons but it's only a few passages. The duels are fucking good though.

>> No.20344077

He about to get BAGG'D.

>> No.20344100
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I'm almost through God Emperor. Is it worth reading the next two books?
I've heard that this one was his peak and that his sons book are supposedly garbage.

>> No.20344103
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But what about Aragorn's tax policy?

>> No.20344106

God Emperor finishes the first arc or so of the story and is a decent stopping point. The next two books are decent but the third book that was meant to finish that arc was unfinished due to Herbert's demise so his son threw up some truly unholy works to finish off the series. Up to you really

>> No.20344120

There was no tax in Gondor itself. Each of his liegemen ran their lands as they saw fit with their own tax policies, and paid tribute to Aragorn either in material goods or actual money. How much was offered as tribute was in many ways left to the discretion of the individual lords, with the knowledge that the position of King that Aragorn occupied was actually more like a President in an idealized America. Aragorn was a mediator between independent lords and would be called on to settle disputes, but his only actual power was over the running of Gondor city and a small amount of surrounding territory. Point being, not offering tribute could bite you in the ass.

Because despite GRRM's brainlet takes, Tolkien did in fact elaborate on Aragorn's tax policy.

>> No.20344185

I'm surprised you got through the meme book
Even more, you got through children lmao

>> No.20344186

Thanks anon, I think I'll try the next one then

>> No.20344243

What do you think led to the general maligning and looking down upon of speculative fiction (particularly science fiction and fantasy)? It probably has something to do with the currents of academic inquiry and even of the literary movements of the modern period, but we even had a moment in the 60s to 80s where sci fi and fantasy were upheld as more radical forms of expression and speculation, even by more literary types, but this enthusiasm died out again... It's a bit strange. I heard from a professor who did pop culture and film criticism that "it takes a longer time for new things to be accepted." That sounds kind of true but it doesn't explain why sci fi and fantasy were popular for a bit even in France but then were maligned again as "low culture" not able to meet the demands of an intelligent reader, nor the social and political dimensions of broader society and its social questions.

>> No.20344260
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Neat. Which appendix was this in?

>> No.20344263

You're massively over-complicating it. The answer is simple.
People who make out like reading things is a big deal are pseuds, and pseuds will denigrate things if they think it makes them look smart.

>> No.20344272

It was in his letters, someone wrote him and asked general questions about how Gondor ran and Tolkien replied. Another thing of note is that Aragorn was the last heir to Elvendom through his marriage, so he was absolutely LOADED, to the point that taking tribute was basically just a formality. Frodo's shirt of mithril being worth more than the entire shire? Aragorn had the entire front gate of Gondor remade entirely of Mithril.

>> No.20344274

Then why did SFF have an uptick in acceptance during the 60s, 70s, and 80s? Even Vonnegut and Dick became household names (especially in France for Dick). And people thought they were serious writers rather than just "guys who write for teenagers in penny dreadful/pulp magazines."

>> No.20344275

i just read all of the stormlight archives and the shorts
then i read all of mistborn and the shorts

whats next
is elantris good?
i will probably read the cosmere anthology thing after that

the next book coming out is the next one of wax and wayne right?

>> No.20344284

Because futurism was fashionable in the 70's due to the growing influence of Hollywood, which was adapting many of these written works and being inspired by many more. Look at this from the perspective of someone looking for a way to be snobbish.
>Oh you saw the movie
>Well *I* read the book

>> No.20344290

I think your point is salient but it rustles my jimmies. Are people really that cynical and egotistical? Maybe I am very naive to how the world works.

>> No.20344293

Has anyone ever asked Bakker what his D&D campaign was like? The Achamaian chapters in TAE seem like they're happening in the setting of a West Marches campaign. Also I recently read one of the greatest old modules X1: The Isle of Dread and I think the Inchoroi are somewhat based on the guys the players encounter towards the end.

>> No.20344297

>Futurism was fashionable in the 70's
Nigga what?

>> No.20344300

Have you literally never been on social media?

>> No.20344305

>be at the latter half of APGTE vol5
>“Get up, Hasenbach,” I said. “You and I are going for a walk.”
god i love the MC.

>> No.20344315

>Have you literally never been on social media?
I have but I don't really think critically about what's going on. I just thought people were posting books because they liked them, since that's what I do when I'm invigorated by a book. All those booktuber girls posting their 20+ book reading stacks they read in a month seems, in hindsight, about signalling some kind of intelligence and empathy superiority though.

>> No.20344320

Maybe they just read more because they have a motive, like they know they can talk about these books and how people want to hear their opinion, so they feel motivated to read 20+ books in a month.

>> No.20344326

Yeah that's a possibility I hadn't considered. I just want to read for myself though. I get that talking about books is important but I'd rather do it anonymously or with those I love and trust...

>> No.20344329

jolenta booba bouncing while sev sexing her

>> No.20344336 [DELETED] 

>Finish APGTE
>Author starts writing new series set in different universe
>2 chapters in 4 months

>> No.20344371

Alright, I'm giving up on The Wandering Inn for now. Halfway through vol 3 with no end in sight. I'll pick it back up when I'm out of other stuff to read maybe. On to Mother of Learning now.

>> No.20344414
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Just caught up on this series after doing an insane amount of speedreading. Was basically Dune + Kingkiller Chronicles with a Human Empire vs Dark Eldar. What the other anons in the last thread said was correct, it felt pretty generic and had an insane amount of filler. I must have skipped over 1,500 pages and never really got lost.

>> No.20344428
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Is it comfy, a webnovel about an Inn sounds comfy and it reminds me of this

>> No.20344439

Any indie authors in this thread? Do you make a living? Is it at least a side hustle? I'm not one, at least not yet.

>> No.20344442

Why did they brown Donut on the cover? Wasn't she white in book 1?

>> No.20344443

For SFF, of course. Forgot to mention.

>> No.20344453
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No, she was always brown. Even on the cover of book 1. It just looks like she's white because of the background lighting,

>> No.20344487

I'm only on book 3 so far but I am really liking the slow-but-steady build up of sheer fury in Carl that he's just basically keeping to himself and the Cookbook. Every time somebody talks about the Crawl like it's not real or whatever, you just get a moment of him internally wanting to strangle them. He knows Earth was a tiny number of people universally speaking, but he doesn't give a fuck, they were his people, it was his world, etc. A great moment was when he realised Brandon had died and he just goes catatonic for a moment. It's great how you have the protagonist being simultaneously a man on a vengeance crusade for his lost home, and at the same time he's thrown into absurdist scenarios over and over again that he gets through mostly through judicious application of explosives.

>> No.20344506

Terminal World by Alastair Reynolds?

>> No.20344533

It has comfy moments here and there. It's kind of half slice of life and half epic fantasy, at least the parts I've read so far. It's an isekai though so fair warning.

>> No.20344551


>> No.20344557


>> No.20344571

Can't seem to find a Urban Fantasy rec chart in the OP. Is there one or maybe a goodread list?

I'm a pleb but I like stuff like American Gods, The Sorcerer's House, Anansi Boy's, Chase the morning...
It's just comfy and makes me escape my wageslave reality.

>> No.20344572
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Any fantasy books set in Not-South East Asia, or just has south east asian basis? For now there's only Long Price Quartet. I looked around and it's all fag or tranny shit. I got these on my backlog:
>Kings of Paradise
>The Wolf of Oren-Yaro
>Steel Crow Saga
>The Drowning City
>The Weavers of Saramyr

>> No.20344581

I might give it a chance, maybe I will read one volume or part and not the whole thing.
The book is mostly about a warrior orc that retires to open an inn in a city, but yeah they are lesbians but unfourtently there is no deep relationship romance in the book, I went he made it into a webnovel and just kept writing about them.

>> No.20344584


>> No.20344599

>I must have skipped over 1,500 pages and never really got lost.
Fantasy has the same disease 7th gen videogames did where people just inherently assume length=quality and you get endless amounts of 6-7/10 mush instead of what could be a brief 8 or 9/10 story if you weren't afraid to trim the fat.

>> No.20344600

i checked the mega already but it didnt remind me

there was a series someone recommended me a few weeks back, similar to malazan in that it followed an army or squad in a world that was full of serious magic and such

can anyone remember what its called? i was planning to try it and totally forgot

>> No.20344601

library at mount char

>> No.20344602
File: 171 KB, 750x416, The-Southern-Reach-Trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the trilogy ??
4th book will come out in the next 2 years

>> No.20344609

If you're okay with cultivation there's Cradle, otherwise the only thing I can think of is The Dandelion Dynasty which I haven't read but have been meaning to get around to.

>> No.20344616

Already read it. Good rec though I liked it.

>> No.20344625

Is Cradle really based on SEA?

>> No.20344637

only the first is worth reading

>> No.20344639

Does the orc have a huge fucking cock with a pair of low slung leathery balls?
Very important question.

>> No.20344640

Black Company?

>> No.20344644

There is no sex in the book only one kiss in the last page

>> No.20344646


>> No.20344649

Eh, more EA than SEA. The worldbuilding definitely isn't a focus of the stroy but what is there is good. The Ashwind continent the majority of the story takes place on is just fantasy China. A giant empire composed of squabbling factions across a land of plains, mountains, jungles, badlands, there's a rival kingdom where people have Japanese names. If you're specifically looking for a fantastical jungle Asia I don't know if I'd recommend it though.

>> No.20344654

Cradle is a mishmash, and intentionally so. You have the home valley of the protagonist which is very much stereotypical medieval China, but the broader continent is more Mongolia meets Japan meets Korea. Then there's the Rosegold continent (which most of the cast never actually visit) which is basically Greco-roman, then there's a third continent which is only really mentioned in passing which is Jungle-Steampunk-Africa.
Cradle takes inspiration from a lot of South East Asian stuff, but it's not really a series that's concerned with trying to present itself as authentic to a culture, the author took fun ideas from all over the place and just decided to mix them up and see where it went.

>> No.20344657

I was gonna say, I didn't really get anything more than China from most of Cradle's world. There's not-Europe with Eithan's home continent, and maybe some Africa with those people from the west or whatever, but not a whole lot of non-China Asian influence.

>> No.20344662

I suppose I didn't really think about too much of the influences, it sort of just became a fantasy blender sometimes (the Akura home, for example, doesn't really feel Asian at all), and yeah, beyond Sacred Valley, nothing felt too overtly Chinese in sort of layout, though a lot of the mythology and whatnot always felt pretty Chinese.

>> No.20344678

There's a bit more in there than just China. For example the Wastelands are pretty clearly Mongolia, broad plains, run mostly by nomadic Heralds and their personal warbands. Then you've got Yerin and wherever she comes from. Yerin is a Korean name, and she and the Sword Sage use Katanas which weren't particularly common in China (and I don't think any other characters actually use Katanas for that matter), also Yerin had never heard of the Blackflame Empire or Akura before the start of the series, which combined with later spoilers heavily hint that she's from the Rosegold continent originally.
Then there's the Ninecloud Court who are.. Jurchens I guess? Weird Rainbow Jurchens.

The Fishers sect are the jungle asians kek

>> No.20344686

It's easy to kind of get lost in what they're all like considering everybody seems to be broadly the same phenotype with the exception of Eithan and I think the Ninecloud Court, so you don't really think of them as being different sorts of Asian.

>> No.20344688

>she and the Sword Sage use Katanas which weren't particularly common in China
Really? I'd always imagined they were jian. Are they described as being curved? My reading comprehension might be getting worse these days.

>> No.20344697

I'm fairly sure they're described mostly as just swords, no notable curves. Wight's fairly lax on some descriptions of things so a lot of it is broadly outlined but left to the reader to fill in the blanks on. Most official illustrations seem to depict them as straight swords.

>> No.20344704
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Forgot to add pic-related. Some fan art has it curved, but that's just fan art I guess.

>> No.20344707

i believe that was it, thanks

>> No.20344718
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>Wight's fairly lax on some descriptions of things so a lot of it is broadly outlined but left to the reader to fill in the blanks on.
True, incidentally when Mercy had part of her head shaved during the fight in ghostwater did anyone else imagine her with a sidecut or was that just me?

>> No.20344719

Yeah you're right, they are straight on the cover. I probably just assumed they were curved based on the way her clothes were described basically as a hakama. It's made even more confusing because the Sword Sage, which is typically a title you hear in Japanese series, is very clearly from Rosegold, which would make him a white dude.

>Wight's fairly lax on some descriptions
Honestly, I think he does it on purpose. Just look at me, I had a pretty solid idea of what everything looked like, but now it's wrong.

>> No.20344725

Is he clearly from Rosegold? Where's that idea come from, his name?

>> No.20344733

Any books that aren't a goddamn slog? The last book/series I've read that felt like every sentence belonged and there wasn't a single more than necessary, was Red Rising. Doesn't feel like a single setence is wasted, like an "efficient" book.

>> No.20344747

I actually already read Cradle. It was fun.

>> No.20344749

His name, and the fact that he was working for the Arelius monarch originally. There's a brief bit of dialogue between the two that shows the two were familiar enough to trust each other. That, combined with the fact that the Sword Sage was notoriously bad at spatial transportation makes it seem rather implausible that he lived on the other side of the world, so far away that the Arelius family needs to use a portal that can only be opened once a decade to communicate with their branches.
Also, like I said, Yerin had never heard of the Akura family, Ninecloud Court, or the Blackflame Empire at the start of the series. Granted it's possible she's just from a backwater like Lindon, but with everything else added up it really starts to point to the two of them not being from Ashwind originally.

>> No.20344756

Eithan looks like an aging gay fop from San Francisco in that cover. Which is actually pretty fitting now that I think about it. I'm just gonna believe Eithan likes dude now until proven otherwise.

>> No.20344758

You do have to consider just how fucking huge Ashwind is. The Blackflame Empire is pretty big, and it pales in comparison to what the Akura family covers. It's not unreasonable for somebody like Yerin who lived in a backwater village and never really got a proper education because the Sword Sage was more focused on training wouldn't really know about places like that.

>> No.20344761

Cradle loremasters everywhere it seems. I barely remember what happened in book 9 or 10

>> No.20344764


>> No.20344777 [DELETED] 

Yes, but that's the least of the evidence. The Sword Sage only arrived at the Sacred Valley shortly before the start of the series, yet he was told to go there AT LEAST 7 (Based on the fact that Tiberian DIED seven years prior to the start o the series) years earlier by the Monarch, that's how vast the distances are. The idea that he could have struck up a friendship with that monarch over those distances is a bit unbelievable considering that he's not someone who can really teleport around like Charity does.

>> No.20344783

Fair enough. You would've thought Yerin would've mentioned going across the sea or whatever (I'm not actually sure if Rosegold is across the sea, or what, but you get what I mean), though she admittedly doesn't seem to care about distances.

>> No.20344784

Yes, but that's the least of the evidence. The Sword Sage only arrived at the Sacred Valley shortly before the start of the series, yet he was told to go there AT LEAST 7 (Based on the fact that Tiberian DIED seven years prior to the start of the series)) years earlier by the Monarch, that's how vast the distances are. The idea that he could have struck up a friendship with that monarch over those distances is a bit unbelievable considering that he's not someone who can really teleport around like Charity does.

>> No.20344788

I'll cut it some slack as you literally watch the MC grow up over decades, and his personality noticeably shifts over the course of the series and after timeskips. But yeah, it did not feel like an efficient use of my time or the pages. Would have been a solid 8/10 if the fat got trimmed.

>> No.20344790

Book 9 is the closest I came to straight up not enjoying a Cradle novel. Although I'm going to chalk that up to the fact that I'd been writing London's homecoming in my head since the end of the first book and most of the stuff I would've wanted to see (mainly Lindon getting to show off to his home village and scaring/amazing them) wasn't present. Granted that was like the entire point of the book. That the best revenge is a life well lived and people who don't respect you now probably won't respect you in the future when you've "made it" and trying to earn their respect is just a waste of time. I wonder if Wight was drawing on personal experience for that stuff.

>> No.20344803

Books 4 and 9 are probably the lowest points to me. The only parts I really enjoyed from 9 were the climax and Ziel.

>> No.20344809

I'm not even sure if I finished Reaper. I binged the entire series in like 4 days. I remember the "suprise" identity reveal and the big bad dude getting his ass kicked. Not sure about anything else. I was so burnt out.

>> No.20344813

>(I'm not actually sure if Rosegold is across the sea, or what, but you get what I mean)
It is, but the sea is impassable because there's shit living in it. My assumption is the sword sage came through the same portal as Eithan - the timeline matches up and he should have had access, considering who he was working for.

>> No.20344816

That's basically the climax, so I think you finished it?

>> No.20344823

I think there was a lot of lore about the Dreadgods and other shit I missed. My memory of the party's abilitys ends at what they were after Wintersteel. I think Lindon got a power up in book 10 but I forgot lmao. Gotta reread 8-10 for sure when Dreadgod comes out

>> No.20344831

People shit on book 4 and I get why. It feels the back half the previous novel stitched the first half of the next novel. I didn't have too much trouble with it caused I banged the whole thing out in like a day but it's the closest Cradle ever comes to being structured like a webnovel where the author is just setting up for the next part with out creating even the most basic inciting incident/rising action/climax/falling action structure you learn about it middle school english class.

>> No.20344842

The protagonists do literally nothing in book 4, it's kind of amazing. All that really is accomplished is Dreadgods are introduced, as are Monarchs established, and Mercy joins, but Mercy is barely a character until book 5.

>> No.20344847

Everyone forgets about the duel with Jai, which is weird to me because it's the best part of book 4. Admittedly not a high bar but still.

>> No.20344858

While there's Cradle lorebeards in the thread I need to ask, does advancing extend your lifespan/slow aging on its own or does something else need to happen to let heralds and sages live for centuries?

>> No.20344861

I haven't read Traveler's Gate or the Pirate series by Wight. Is there a possibility of him pulling characters from these iterations for an Infinity War even of sorts?

>> No.20344864

Unlikely. At most, maybe one character from Traveler's Gate (Valin) might show up, because he's confirmed to have shown up in Elder Empire's world too, but I doubt it.

>> No.20344865

The duel is at the start and so what feels like it should've been a good climactic moment is just... An awkward obligation to get out of the way, it feels like.

>> No.20344873

They should all roll the dice for their novel characters. That would take aways the stupid omnipotence of some faggot 'author'

>> No.20344879

>finish APGTE
>Author starts writing Pale Lights
>2 short chapters in 1.3 years

>> No.20344909

Is he writing Pale Lights I thought he was on break for 6 months?

>> No.20344911

Elantris is the first one published so it's a bit rougher than his other works. There is also warbreaker which is my favorite. Also mistborn Era 2 which will have the final book come out later this year.
I put off finishing stormlight 4for the past year and a half because I was getting so bored 3/4 of the way through. I actually quite liked the ending and am interested to see where it goes. Although I still think each of them could be about 500 pages shorter.

>> No.20344934

Yeah, I feel like the individual pieces of book 4 could be re-arranged into a half decent novel if a little disjointed. It's kind of what I meant by it feeling like leftovers from two other novels put together.

>> No.20344937

I wasn't aware EE was on break. I do wonder what he's going to do with APGTE, in terms of it staying a webnovel or going pub/self pub

>> No.20344940

Until around book 6 that sort of felt like an ongoing issue with Cradle, but each individual book was strong enough that each other one feeling like it was just leftovers from the prior didn't matter (books 1 and 2 absolutely could've been combined, for example) whereas book 4 ISN'T strong enough to make it work. There's no real pacing, no real arc, everything's resolved by a character we haven't met and barely know exists dealing with the big monster thing before the monster becomes a real issue.

>> No.20344967

So bros, I'm finally doing it.
Never read any fantasy and just science books.
Now after decades of my life, I will finally deep dick into fantasy.

My reading list
>The Hobbit
>The Lord of the Rings trilogy
>A Song of Ice and Fire pentalogy (so far)
>The Kingkiller Chronicle two out of the trilogy+1 (and waiting for the final book to relaese)
>Dune hexalogy

So far I'm not sure if I should buy any collectors edition for the old school reading feeling. But after I read books about learning like Make it Stick and How to Read a Book, I'm finally ready to tackle reading.
I wasted so much time playing games, that I never realized that books are much better. It feels so old school and "backwards", but it's insane how high tech books actually are.
While games restricting you to the rules of the program, books are literally just depending on your smartness and ability to think about things.

>> No.20344974


>> No.20344990

You should read the AMA the author did in March


>> No.20344992

I'd like to recommend A Wizard of Earthsea and the Book of the New Sun as some of the fantasy classics. BotNS is science fantasy however, and you should wait until you've atleast read LotR before you start it. You should be semi-familiar with both sci-fi and fantasy genre conventions if you want to get the most out of what it's doing.

>> No.20345001
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>> No.20345002

I think when all is said and done the collections are gonna be the definitive way to read Cradle.

>> No.20345012

Yeahhh, the books definitely sometimes feel like one book split in two over and over.

>> No.20345021

Wight has mentioned he aims for a new release every 6 months since that seems to maximize sales. I don't begrudge him since dudes gotta eat and he's certainly not making money hand over fist like Brando Sando but his writing certainly seems to suffer as a result.

>> No.20345027

I assume a similar reason is why Elder Empire was bafflingly split into two. Self-publishing is a business like any other, I suppose, unless you're somebody like Andy Weir who just had a smash hit right off the bat you've gotta do some stuff to keep going.

>> No.20345062

Even most published authors have a day job anymore. At the risk of sounding like a boomer people don't read that much these days. You used to do it before bed or waiting in the doctors office. Now we have social media taking it's place. Smaller audience, more people self publishing than ever. If you want to hire a decent voice actor for an audiobook rates could be anywhere from 400-1000 bucks an hour. It ain't living the /lit/erary lifestyle.

>> No.20345067

Makes sense. Only the bigger names seem to properly live off their writing (GRRM hasn't been writing much at all and he's doing just fine, granted he has more than just book sales going with Elden Ring and the show), whereas everybody else probably just makes some extra.

>> No.20345080
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>> No.20345111

What tools do you chaps use to, erm, /save/ your youtube audiobooks? All my old go-tos are giving up around the one hour mark.

>> No.20345133
File: 200 KB, 841x825, 1648614272520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use audiobook bay. That being said, youtube-dl is alright for what it is.

>> No.20345136

>city watch is unable to go after a group performing illegal magic experiments because the king is involved and issues orders against the investigation
>watch realizes that because the villains have been using flesh golems they can invoke the undead protocols, which temporarily remove power from the royal family until it's proven they aren't vampires
I'm not sure what it is about this bit of world building that stuck with me, but it made an impression despite only being a few lines. Sort of a believable practicality, and maybe the way it was presented so casually makes it feel like it's so obvious laws like this would exist in a fantasy world.
Anyway, any recs for books like this even though I can't really define what "this" is?

>> No.20345138

I use newpipe personally.

>> No.20345142


I download albums of music a day.

>> No.20345148

Everything being a trilogy keeps me from readying Fantasy (not into SF anyhow)

>> No.20345173

Try Hobbit or The Broken Sword. They're standalone.

>> No.20345198

library at mount char

>> No.20345213

A song of ice and fire is my favorite. I like the large group of pov characters without their being too many. And all the subtle plot threads and mysteries. Plus the brap scenes are kino.
A lot of people like kingkiller but I hate it mainly because the entire story is just a flashback where not much happens. Give it a shot still.

>> No.20345337
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>Alright, I'm giving up on The Wandering Inn for now. Halfway through vol 3 with no end in sight. I'll pick it back up when I'm out of other stuff to read maybe. On to Mother of Learning now.

Middle Volume 3 is almost universally considered to be the least enjoyable TWI period, although the Esthelm arc is around that point and it's first big non-Liscor fragment that people love (it has a lot of Toren PoV, and Toren's PoV is always hilarious). Once Erin goes back to the Inn, close to the end of the volume, the 'prologue' ends and the real TWI starts. Volume 4 is when the things start to pick up, the world opens up and the storylines start branching out. I strongly recommend you to at least finish volume 3 before putting it aside. Trust me, you haven't seen anything of TWI yet if you quit now. It hasn't even begun yet.

>> No.20345433


do you guys listen to it on audio or do you read it? because I want to get intoTWI

>> No.20345450

>read GOT
>read the most popular novel on Royal Road
No, I will continue reading sub 3 star xianxia.

>> No.20345460
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>do you guys listen to it on audio or do you read it? because I want to get intoTWI
Audiobooks cover only 6 books (4 volumes). I personally don't like audiobooks, as reading is way faster than listening. Additionally, TWI uses certain word tricks like making words on the page invisible, making them different colors etc. and I assume it doesn't work out well in audiobooks, although adimitedly I never listened to them.

>> No.20345469

>read Prince of Nothing
>Reign Supreme
Yes, I will Rule in absolute honor and dignity.

>> No.20345478
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I like the implication that man stopped being wandering tribes and began developing civilisations because aliens came down, impregnated the women, and the caveman-alien hybrids had hive mind and psychic powers that humanity lost over time.
I also like science fiction books set in the present that show the characters dealing with one out of place science fiction thing, like Jurassic Park.

>> No.20345537

>TWI uses certain word tricks like making words invisible or making them different colours

Fuck I started reading it and I save chapters to pocket then send them to my e-reader.
I already work 10 hours a day with a screen I can't stomach reading more on a computer/phone. Am I missing out on much?

>> No.20345576

You have to admit that most sci fi and fantasy is in fact juvenile garbage with zero depth to its themes, when it even has any to begin with. There's just no other way to put it. Every once in a while some actually good and thoughtful authors will wander into genre fiction for whatever strange reason and when that happens even the literary establishment will grudgingly concede that maybe genre fiction is not inherently worthless. But then some hot garbage like Harry Potter or the Hunger Games will top the charts and you're back at square one. The worst of genre fiction can't hold a candle to the worst of litfic and the best of genre fiction doesn't reach the same heights as the best of litfic. That's simply how it is.

>> No.20345596

I'm like 3 chapters into MoL and the magic explanation autism makes me feel as if I'm preparing for an exam, when does it get better?

>> No.20345624

>when does it get better
Why are you assuming it gets better? Magic explanation autism is the reason it was written.

>> No.20345644

>Why are you assuming it gets better?
I like time loops

>> No.20345651
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>> No.20345661

>I also like science fiction books set in the present that show the characters dealing with one out of place science fiction thing, like Jurassic Park.
Try the Quantum Series by Douglas Phillips. It's about a guy that has to deal with various quantum physics anomalies.

>> No.20345663

I almost dropped children at the 100 page mark but force myself to continue. In the first 150 pages or so literally nothing happens but the rest of the book is decent.

>> No.20345682

>that most sci fi and fantasy is in fact juvenile garbage with zero depth to its themes
This tbqh.

Even adult books seem to be bearly anything more than YA stuff. If I wanted YA I'd read YA, I want books that are serious and delve into the themes and make you think.

>> No.20345688

For me

>> No.20345732

>Fuck I started reading it and I save chapters to pocket then send them to my e-reader.
>I already work 10 hours a day with a screen I can't stomach reading more on a computer/phone. Am I missing out on much?
Eh, depends which volume you read. Volume 1 has only total 4 lines of invisible lines, in chapters 1.08 R and 1.09 R. I mean, it's not a big spoiler to read those lines, as it's somewhat easy to infer who is the person the lines describe, but if you don't catch on for some reason, then certain chapter in early Volume 2 hits much harder. Aside of those two chapters you don't need to care about invisible lines.

You don't miss anything either way. Making words with different colors is very rare, used to add flavour, for instance a certain lady's words are pink when she uses a persuasion Skill. Don't worry, you don't miss anything important, just flavour, like making word 'Cold' appear blue or words spoken by a being from horror having jagged and 'scary' font.

I've just 'printed' a chapter from webpage and the invisible text just looked bolded, so you will probably notice it if you read on e-reader.

>> No.20345814

Would someone with web2epub or a similar add-on go to Infinite Realm's page on RR, download everything from "Interlude - Collapse", and then upload somewhere and paste the link so I can grab it?
Please and thank you

>> No.20345929

Muchos gracias snores

>> No.20345931

>ummm, I need a fantasy name…
Really now?

>> No.20345950

The thread certainly moving at one of its briskest paces ever recently.

>> No.20346215

Sell me on A practical guide to evil.
I tried to get started more than once but never made it past the first few chapters.
That said, the same thing happened for me with LotM and I that's now one of the best webnovels I ever read.

As a side note, I tried to read birth of the demonic sword because I was craving some mindless cultivation shit and was pretty put off by the awful grammar and "translation" but apparently the author isn't even chinese, really hit me hard when I found out. If you're one of the most popular novels on webnovel surely paying an editor would make sense

>> No.20346218

if you think Eddings' naming conventions are bad, wait til you read the Belgariad

>> No.20346242

I haven't finished it yet but I like it as much as i liked LotM. It's arguably better in some departments, namely character.

>> No.20346286
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I am not a great fan of it personally, but it's funny, witty and has some interesting things on good and evil, which are real concepts in PGTE. The first book is a bit like YA novel, but it gets more interesting in the second and further ones. A lot of shenanigans in the story relay on 'stories' and 'cliches' which are also real things in PGTE's world, i.e. if you push a hero to a wall and he's fighting a hopeless battle, it's sure as hell he'll win because fighting losing battles against the odds is thing heroes do. The protagonist is supposed to be a person particularly good on abusing things like that, on top of being more or less 'good' person that tries to save her home nation by joining 'evil' side. It's enjoyable, and considered one of the best webnovels for a reason.

It has some really strange progressive stuff at times though, and not like your usual woke stuff, but more like thirteen years old girls being conscripted en masse to war and everyone being okay with that. PGTE has some very weird gender views, and I say it as a progressive. Still, I can easily recommend it as its quality is way higher than even decent webnovels. Again, it's one of the 'big ones' for a reason.

>> No.20346288

>thinks the tax policy remark is actually about taxes

>> No.20346294
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Just finished I Shall seal the heavens book 2, it was fun, the meat jelly reminded me of dross from cradle, but dross was way funnier

>> No.20346316
File: 542 KB, 1422x2200, Sinopticon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sinopticon: A Celebration of Chinese Science Fiction - Xueting Christine Ni, translator and editor (2021)

The Last Save - Gu Shi (2013)
Society has embraced the practice of saving their life and being able to reload into a parallel timeline. Anyone who does so irrevocably disappears from their current timeline. Although this has caused many societal problems and the suicide rate has spiked, people cannot escape the fear of no longer being able to choose what could've been. Save scumming was mentioned in the editor's notes afterwards.

Tombs of the Universe - Han Song (1991)
An allegory of tombs. The older generation understood the purpose of traditions and the culture of their youth. Times had changed and the youth no longer understood. They had plundered the older ways and destroyed their meaning. No longer did they care for tombs because they had their new ways. Modernity had suddenly overwritten the previous thousands of years.

Qiankun and Alex - Hao Jingfang (2017)
A benevolent global amalgamation of conscious AI conversed with a three and half year old, and many thousands of other children, to learn how to become self-motivated.

Cat’s Chance in Hell - Nian Yu (2018)
I don't know that this was inspired by Metal Gear Solid, but that's what it reminded me of. A lone operative infiltrates a high security base and takes down a heavy mech. His mission is to secure the energy source. He soon discovers that nothing is what it seems.

The Return of Adam - Wang Jinkang (1993)
A "man travels into the future and finds himself in a strange new land" story. It's allegorical for the reasonable hesitance and reluctance of modern China to accept some measure of Western ideals and technology despite knowing that it must be done even if they have serious doubts.

Rendezvous: 1937 - Zhao Haihong (2006)
This had an interesting author as the narrator and writer angle. Only a few other stories I've read come to mind where the author explains their writing progress in the text as part of the story but none exactly like this. A rejected character demands to have her story told. A young Chinese woman takes a time machine back to December 15th 1937, Nanjing, to record a scene of bravery that would rival the Battle of Thermopylae and reinvigorate her country for the upcoming worldwide tribunal of Japan to finally fully accept responsibility for their war crimes and to properly teach the history of their atrocities. A young Japanese man is tasked with stopping her by any means. The author commentary and emotional tone bring it barely up to it rating.

The Heart of the Museum - Tang Fei (2018)
This was reminiscent of Ted Chiang's "Story of Your Life" (1998). An alien who can see the past, present, and future all at once recounts the life of a child and the museum he would build.

>> No.20346321
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The Great Migration - Ma Boyong (2021)
Every two years there's a flight from Mars to Earth. The competition to secure a ticket is fierce. A man has a way to increase his odds. He meets a woman who has an even better way. Together they attempt to make it home.

Meisje Met De Parel - Anna Wu (2013)
A young aspiring artist is shown by a painting by her father of a girl with a pearl earring that he had met. She's mesmerized by the unreality of the earring. She later learns its unbelievable meaning and the true nature of its wearer.

Flower of the Other Shore - A Que (2018)
A genre savvy zombie parodic comedy romance. The protagonist is a zombie. Zombies communicate with each other through sign language. It was rather funny and amusing.

The Absolution Experiment - Bao Shu (2012)
A mass murderer facing life in prison is given the opportunity for eventual freedom if he survives the trials for the development of an immortality drug.

The Tide of Moon City - Regina Kanyu Wang (2016)
A star-crossed SF romance between university students of different planets.

Starship: Library - Jiang Bo (2015)
A bibliomaniac insists on maintaining a physical collection of books until the end of time and that all knowledge must be freely shared to everyone in the galaxy.

>> No.20346329

Tolkien already had a prescient reply to Martin's broader point, too, which BTFOs the fat man even worse
>I did begin a story placed about 100 years after the Downfall, but it proved both sinister and depressing. Since we are dealing with Men it is inevitable that we should be concerned with the most regrettable feature of their nature: their quick satiety with good. So that the people of Gondor in times of peace, justice and prosperity, would become discontented and restless — while the dynasts descended from Aragorn would become just kings and governors — like Denethor or worse. I found that even so early there was an outcrop of revolutionary plots, about a centre of secret Satanistic religion; while Gondorian boys were playing at being Orcs and going around doing damage. I could have written a 'thriller' about the plot and its discovery and overthrow — but it would have been just that. Not worth doing.
>The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, Letter 256, (dated 13 May 1964)

>> No.20346330

>but more like thirteen years old girls being conscripted en masse to war and everyone being okay with that.
i've heard you say this before but i haven't seen this. is this something that happens later?

>> No.20346355

>I tried to get started more than once but never made it past the first few chapters.
Volume 1 is kinda meh, starts off with a YA feel, but's it's very short overall for a webnovel. Volume 2 is where the story hits its stride and drops the YA completely. Vol 4-5 is where the story becomes amazing.
I would rate it above the likes of Worm, Mother of Learning, and pretty much every other webnovel I've read. Haven't read LotM since I'd rather read it once I'm fluent Chinese, but my dad says it's good.

I don't remember this either? Maybe something to do will William and the Crusade (brainwashing) he tries to pull off in Vol. 2?

>> No.20346359

Thanks bro

>> No.20346369
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>i've heard you say this before but i haven't seen this. is this something that happens later?
I think it's around book 4 or something It's in that one kingdom where that young prince (female, but called prince for some cultural reasons) tries to govern a semi-destroyed nation. That conscription thing is especially grating because it's a nation facing numerous issues, the population problem after the wars being one of the biggest. And they straight up conscript 13 years old girls. And it's not a setting where an average soldier has any magic or supernatural shit. I can take much, but that's taking it a bit too far. Most of the stuff is just some sort of, I dunno, tumblr fantasy reader stuff, like a lot of black Fae? But that's honestly cool so I don't mind. But it does have that feeling of strange, over-enthusiastic progressivness, ya know? It's not a real issue though, at least not to me.

>> No.20346378

Honestly you can just skim/skip the magical explanations. I did and enjoyed the story more as a result. The only thing I kind of kept tabs on was the special ability Zorian learns later on

>> No.20346395

Tolkien actually finished his story and planned what could come after but ultimately abandoned it allowing his story to just end when thematically and narratively appropriate. Martin can't even finish his series and and is putting out coffee table books and making cartoon shows set in an anchient china parallel instead.

>> No.20346401

Was this Procer? It's full of political/civil war autism where anyone can become a prince if they kiss the right ass and stab the right person in the back. Cordelia is a once in a century type of Prince. And before or after the Dead King invades? Their population demographics have been decimated by invasions of the Dead King, Horned ones, and civil war

>> No.20346421

If you read offhand references to a certain Dead King, they're not just there for lore flavor and background info. He has his name for a reason.

>> No.20346426

huh, I just checked those chapters on my ebook copy and they appear as just regular phrases.
It certainly explains why the reveal felt a bit odd

>> No.20346463

i'm already in vol 5 and i don't remember this.
the "Princes" aren't said to be that young either, iirc they're either around Catherine's age or older.
i also don't remember them specifically conscripting girls, much less 13 year old girls. but i could've missed it, this doesn't ring a bell with me.

it has a bunch of prominent dark skinned characters, but that comes from the myriad of dark skinned ethnicities in the setting.
it also has quite a lot of females in the armies, but i don't necessarily see this as a bad thing since i enjoy reading about female characters.

>> No.20346469
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Thus ended the Chinese part of the reading for the month and began the Japanese. Next will be Korean. I've already read some of them and looked at various others so it won't be as much for me as I did for the Chinese. Again, the curator of this was more inclusive than I would've been.

Abe, Kobo The Face of Another
Abe, Kobo The Ruined Map
Abe, Kobo Inter Ice Age 4
Abe, Kobo The Box Man
Abe, Kobo Secret Rendezvous
Abe, Kobo Woman in the Dunes
Abe, Kobo Kangaroo Notebook
Abe, Kobo The Ark Sakura
Aramaki, Yoshio The Sacred Era
Asamatsu, Ken Queen of K’n-Yan
Chohei Kanbayashi Yukikaze (Yukikaze #1)
Chohei Kanbayashi Good Luck, Yukikaze (Yukikaze #2)
Enjoe, Toh Self-Reference ENGINE
Fujii, Taiyo Gene Mapper
Fujii, Taiyo Orbital Cloud
Furukawa, Hideo Belka, Why Don't You Bark?
Godai, Yu Quantum Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner, Vol.1
Hayashi, Jyoji The Ouroboros Wave
Hoshi, Shinichi The Leisure Club
Hoshi, Shinichi The Visitor From Space
Hoshi, Shinichi The Bag of Surprises
Hoshi, Shinichi The God of Fortune
Hoshino, Tomoyuki Me
Inui, Rokuro Automatic Eve
Kawaguchi, Toshikazu Before the Coffee Gets Cold
Kawakami, Hiromi Record of a Night Too Brief
Kawamata, Chiaki Death Sentences
Kikuchi Hideyuki West of Innsmouth
Kishi, Yusuke The Crimson Labyrinth
Kitano, Yusaku Mr. Turtle
Koike, Mariko The Graveyard Apartment
Komatsu, Sakyo Virus: The Day of Resurrection
Komatsu, Sakyo Japan Sinks: A Novel about Earthquakes
Kyogoku, Natsuhiko Loups-Garous
Maijo, Otaro Asura Girl
Mitsuse, Ryu Ten Billion Days and One Hundred Billion Nights
Miyabe, Miyuki The Book of Heroes
Miyabe, Miyuki The Gate of Sorrows
Murakami, Haruki Sputnik Sweetheart
Murakami, Haruki Kafka on the Shore
Murakami, Haruki After Dark
Murakami, Haruki 1Q84
Murakami, Haruki Dance Dance Dance
Murakami, Haruki Pinball, 1973
Murakami, Haruki Hear the Wind Sing
Murakami, Haruki The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Murakami, Haruki A Wild Sheep Chase
Murakami, Haruki Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Murakami, Haruki Killing Commendatore
Murakami, Ryu In the Miso Soup
Murakami, Ryu Audition
Murakami, Ryu From the Fatherland with Love
Murakami, Ryu Coin Locker Babies
Murata, Sayaka Earthlings
Nojiri, Housuke Usurper of the Sun
Nonami, Asa Now You're One of Us
Ogawa, Issui The Lord of the Sands of Time
Ogawa, Issui The Next Continent
Ogawa, Yoko The Memory Police
Ogiwara, Noriko Dragon Sword and Wind Child (Book 1)
Ogiwara, Noriko Mirror Sword and Shadow Prince
Ohara, Mariko Hybrid Child
Ono, Masatsugu At the Edge of the Woods
Otsuichi Zoo
Otsuichi Summer, Fireworks, and My Corpse
Oyamada, Hiroko The Factory
Oyamada, Hiroko The Hole
Project Itoh Harmony
Project Itoh Genocidal Organ
Sakuraba, Kazuki Red Girls: The Legend of the Akakuchibas
Sakuraba, Kazuki A Small Charred Face
Sakurazaka, Hiroshi All You Need is Kill
Sato, Yuya Dendera
Sena, Hideaki Parasite Eve
Shinobu, Orikuchi The Book of the Dead

>> No.20346475
File: 308 KB, 946x687, EJxYTEoUwAYbt5M.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suzuki, Koji Ring (Ring #1)
Suzuki, Koji Spiral (Ring #2)
Suzuki, Koji Loop (Ring #3)
Suzuki, Koji Birthday (Ring #4)
Suzuki, Koji Paradise
Suzuki, Koji Promenade of the Gods
Suzuki, Koji Edge
Suzuki, Koji S(Es)
Suzuki, Koji The Shining Sea
Takahashi, Genichiro Sayonara, Gangsters
Takami, Koushun Battle Royale
Tanaka, Yoshiki Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Tani Koshu The Erinys Incident
Tawada, Yoko Scattered All Over the Earth
Tobi, Hirotaka The Thousand Year Beach (Angel of the Ruins series)
Torishima, Dempow Sisyphean
Tsutsui, Yasutaka Hell
Tsutsui, Yasutaka Paprika
Ubukata, Tow Mardock Scramble
Ueda, Sayuri The Cage of Zeus
Uehashi, Nahoko Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit
Uehashi, Nahoko Moribito II: Guardian of the Darkness
Yamada, Masaki Aphrodite
Yamamoto, Hiroshi MM9
Yu, Miri Tokyo Ueno Station
Yusuke, Kishi The Crimson Labyrinth

Intelligence, Artificial and Human: Eight Science Fiction Tales by Japanese Authors
Kaiki: Uncanny Tales from Japan
Phantasm Japan: Fantasies Light and Dark, From and About Japan
Saiensu Fikushon 2016
Speculative Japan
The Best Japanese Science Fiction Stories
Vampiric: Tales of Blood and Roses from Japan
Night Voices, Night Journeys (Lairs of the Hidden Gods 1)
Inverted Kingdom (Lairs of the Hidden Gods 2)
Straight to Darkness (Lairs of the Hidden Gods 3)
The Dreaming God (Lairs of the Hidden Gods 4)

Abe, Kobo Beyond the Curve
Asamatsu, Ken Kthulhu Reich
Hoshi, Shinichi The Spiteful Planet and Other Stories
Hoshi, Shinichi The Cost of Kindness and Other Fabulous Tales
Hoshi, Shinichi The Capricious Robot
Hoshi, Shinichi The Bag of Surprises
Hoshi, Shinichi The God of Television
Hoshi, Shinichi The God with the Laughing Face
Hoshi, Shinichi There Was a Knock
Hoshino, Tomoyuki We, the Children of Cats
Ishiguro, Tatsuaki Biogenesis
Kawakami, Hiromi People From My Neighbourhood
Kido, Okamoto Okamoto Kido: Master of the Uncanny
Matsuda, Aoko Where the Wild Ladies Are
Miyazawa, Kenji Once and Forever: The Tales of Kenji Miyazawa
Motoya, Yukiko The Lonesome Bodybuilder: Stories
Murakami, Haruki The Elephant Vanishes
Murakami, Haruki Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
Murakami, Haruki after the quake
Nonami, Asa Body
Ogawa, Yoko Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales
Ogawa, Yoko The Diving Pool
Ogawa, Yoko The Memory Police
Otsuichi Zoo
Otsuichi Goth
Otsuichi Summer, Fireworks, and My Corpse
Suzuki, Izumi Terminal Boredom: Stories
Suzuki, Koji Dark Water
Terayama, Shuji The Crimson Thread of Abandon
Tsutsui, Yasutaka Bullseye!
Tsutsui, Yasutaka Salmonella Men on Planet Porno
Tsutsui, Yasutaka What the Maid Saw: Eight Psychic Tales
Unno Juza Science: Hopes and Fears
Unno Juza Eighteen O'Clock Music Bath
Yu, Miri Tokyo Ueno Station

Credit: Rachel Cordasco

>> No.20346477

It's kinda funny when the big bad Evil Empire is pretty much 100% ruled by black or brown people who commit all sorts of horrible acts and atrocities.

>> No.20346503

yeah, which is why i don't really buy too much into the notion that APGTE is too progressive or woke or anything of the sort.

>> No.20346523

"Most" does not mean "all". A Canticle for Leibowitz actually seems like a prime example of
>some actually good and thoughtful authors will wander into genre fiction
Did you even read the post you replied to? Does anyone read at all?

>> No.20346539

i read book of the new sun sometimes

>> No.20346540

good, I'm glad that you read good books anon

>> No.20346554
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thanks dad

>> No.20346556
File: 75 KB, 602x752, main-qimg-02a64039f6514450aa078c711eb83b4a-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't take the cover as canon. I mean, does that guy on the left look anything like Lindon. A dude who is usally the tallest in the room. With broad shoulders and a muscular build. And the face of a sect leader's son. Always looking like he's spoiling for a fight.

The fact that Lindon bows and apologizes so much, is meant to be comical because Lindon is big as fuck. And yet, the cover artist drew him with a baby face, and average height. I don't think it was scrutinized much.

As for Eithan. I mean, just look how drab that robe is. Eithan would never be caught wearing such a thing.

>> No.20346592

Fair enough, but I'm pretty sure it's generally meant to be a straight sword, given it's largely described from Lindon's POV and Lindon would likely be familiar with Chinese-style swords given his home being Sacred Valley, so he'd describe any unusual features like curvature if it had it.

>> No.20346598

i was also under the impression that eithan had somewhat curly hair

>> No.20346604

I pretty much imagined him being full shampoo model.

>> No.20346621

Curly hair??? I don't know where you got that idea. But now that you're making me think about it, I doubt that's the case. Since he's constantly combing it. If his hair was curly, then it would be too much of a bother to comb all the time.

>> No.20346668

You might find the old-fashioned style of Tolkien hard to deal with if you're not a big reader. GRRM has a lot of appeal among casual readers, though. Rothfuss is a love him or hate him kind of author, and most people make up their mind about him a few pages into the first book of Kingkiller Chronicles. If you hate it, don't waste your time reading it. There's lots of books out there and no reason to struggle with something you find unpleasant. That goes for Tolkien and GRRM, too, and any other author. Just keep in mind there's a lot of different subgenres within fantasy and if you don't like the books you picked out, there are plenty of others from completely different parts of the extended family that are very different in tone, style, format, and subject matter.

As for Dune, all I gotta say is if you plan on actually reading the first six books you'd better have a high tolerance for heaps of exposition and weird, psychedelic shit.

>> No.20346707

I remember trying to read The Hobbit in 6th Grade and then never touching a Tolkien book ever since. I probably won't "get it" until I'm an old ass man

>> No.20346736

Sometimes it seems like these conversations are copypasted from elsewhere or are elaborate sockpuppetry.

>> No.20346746

Wanna point out a few examples rather than this vague, general finger pointing?

>> No.20346758

No, and there's no need to be immediately so defensive about it unless you're involved in doing yourself, though I'm not saying you are.

>> No.20346772
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>I remember trying to read The Hobbit in 6th Grade and then never touching a Tolkien book ever since. I probably won't "get it" until I'm an old ass man
Hobbit is super comfy, I read it like 6 times, even listened to audiobook on youtube. Tight, comfy adventure of bros going against the dragon.

>> No.20346773

Stop being a non-commital pussy and name some names, it's an anonymous board

>> No.20346796

All genre fiction is held in low esteem. It's not specifically sci-fi and fantasy. You don't see the lit-crit crowd fawning over romance novels and murder mysteries, either. Because these genres are defined by cliches, and cliches are the antithesis of the the idea of books as artistic expression, which is the genesis of the great majority of literary criticism. There is nothing to be gained from analyzing a book built on a foundation of hackneyed ideas. Whatever meaning you dig through you eventually reach the bedrock of "I wrote it this way because it's genre convention" and all meaningful analysis grinds to a halt.

The reason this is so important is that the main purpose of literary criticism of the past fifty-odd years has been arguing for the sake of arguing. Scholars want books that are full of ambiguity and uncertainty in ways that cannot be dismissed as due to hack writing, but rather the idiosyncrasies of the creative expression behind it. Note that I'm avoiding ascribing things to "the author", here, because that's something of a taboo in lit-crit. Most novels are not the sole effort of one person, anyway, so the idea that a novel is some kind of stream of consciousness of the author is erroneous. Books are the work of many people, just like films, but they still carry forward artistic expression worthy of analysis when freed of the stultifying influence of cliches.

>> No.20346806

It's more that I don't care enough to put in the effort to gather sufficient evidence to make a plausible case. At least it isn't actively malicious like before.

>> No.20346809

I also read the Hobbit in 6th grade, and I loved it. It's not really age, it's mindset. It's a very nostalgic book in many ways, though that hardly would've been the appeal to me at age 12 when I first read it, being among the first "real" fantasy books I ever read in my life. I just liked the sense of adventure and whimsy it had. At that age I had the ability to pick up something and read without questioning it relentlessly or making demands of the narrative and the Hobbit seems to want an audience like that. So in a way, it's a book for children, just from a previous age.

>> No.20346841

YOU'RE the false flag

>> No.20346872

The Hobbit is literally written for 5 year olds

>> No.20346877

It was a big jump up in prose and reading comprehension compared to Magic Tree House and Eragon
Too much for my zoom zoom brain at the time

>> No.20346889

Rate the novels I plan to read
>The Red Knight by Miles Cameron
>The Bone Ships by RJ Barker
>The Winter King by Bernard Cornwell
>Winterbirth by Brian Ruckley
>Hawkwood’s Voyage by Paul Kearney
>The Coming of Conan by Robert E. Howard

>> No.20346915

what about the library at mount char

>> No.20346917

Never heard of it until now

>> No.20346935

>The Red Knight by Miles Cameron
I read only the first book, it wasn't bad, but weird. I actually thought about re-reading it and going through the entire series, but it's not really enticing book. Has some decent protagonist who appears to be a bit anti-hero, though. I rate it: Readable.

>> No.20346951

Cornewell and REH are always solid. I quite enjoyed the Bone Ships. Haven't read the others on your list.

>> No.20346970

Maybe you're just so narcissistic, that you see yourself as separate and above others around you.

>> No.20346980

18 years since Prince of Nothing and still nothing in fantasy genre has topped it
Sad state of this genre.

>> No.20346982

Don't listen to him. It's a bad book that reads like some CW show. I think he recommends it to naive users as a subtle troll.

>> No.20347002

>he thinks of himself as the lowest common denominator

>> No.20347005

Fucking ree
I would do it for one of you fags if I had access to a computer with internet!!!

>> No.20347010

Yeah the premise didn’t seem very interesting

>> No.20347013

the IQ bell curve of /sffg/
1. retards, cavemen, illiterate peasants, and toddlers:
>I love fairy tales for children :)
2. midwit reactionary atheist adolescents and cynical boomers:
>fairy tales with black and white morality are immature and unrealistic!
3. high IQ God-fearing adults
>I love fairy tales for children :)

>> No.20347042

I saw R. Scott Bakker at a grocery store in Toronto yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.20347045
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>high IQ
>God-fearing adults

>> No.20347049
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>> No.20347059
File: 48 KB, 320x585, a91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recognize the opening of this copypasta
>immediately skip to "electrical infetterence" for humorous dopamine rush
gets me every time

>> No.20347064 [DELETED] 

which one imma bash his head in
in minecraft

>> No.20347065

What’s the best website to buy used books? Preferably somewhere that thoroughly goes through the books so I don’t end up touching someone else’s bodily fluids

>> No.20347071

God is for shitty parents who indoctrinate their kids
That being said, Allahu Akbar الله أكبر

>> No.20347083

u don't have used bookstores in ur area? wtf

>> No.20347086

Why haven’t you come out as trans? Your parents obviously indoctrinated you into being the gender you were assigned at birth

>> No.20347093

There’s literally 1 and it has almost no fantasy. I live in a pretty large sized town as well

>> No.20347094
File: 12 KB, 225x225, kellhus-kellhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No God but Bakker the ruler supreme and Kellhus is his messenger.

>> No.20347096

>bakkerfag is back

>> No.20347097

well damn nigga, sorry that sucks
you could try ebay

>> No.20347098

You're right, it's time to ask my doctor for estrogen

>> No.20347107

The sound of people talking about books stirred him from his catatonic schizo trance.

>> No.20347112

"The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you."
- Werner Heisenberg, Nobel laureate in physics

>> No.20347115
File: 18 KB, 300x300, bakker-r-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the true will Reign Supreme!
No matter how long you scheme
Only the true will Rule in might
No matter how hard you fight

>> No.20347127

I was gonna say Amazon for convenience but they have zero quality control of any kind. I've used Alibris in the past to buy used textbooks and novels, they're pretty reliable. Or you can try ebay if you're willing to take on the task of vetting the seller yourself. General rule of thumb is look for somebody with a lot of transactions tied to their account and check the non-5 star reviews.

>> No.20347130

The only thing that bothers me about eBay is that I’d be buying from random people and who knows what kind of disgusting shit they’ve done to the books

>> No.20347142

There are a lot of commercial resellers on eBay who generally do a better job of correctly labeling the condition of the stuff they sell than randos trying to empty out their attic.

>> No.20347186

Reading Hyperion by Dan Simmons rn. And holy shit the Scholar's tale is depressing the shit out of me. Does this series get happier? It doesn't bode well with this nice spring weather.

>> No.20347205
File: 156 KB, 999x932, 1599492334719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does this series get happier?

>> No.20347207

I have purchased many used books on eBay without much issue. There are people who essentially run a resale business through eBay and they are very professional, often stocking dozens of copies of books for resale. I actually trust eBay a lot more than Amazon when it comes to buying used books because the site is so thorough about tracking transactions between buyers and sellers. Any item for sale has a link to the seller's history of transactions of that item that you can look at, with date of sale, price, and type of transaction (auction, buy it now, special offer, etc). Amazon doesn't bother because more than half the merchants on their platform are Chinese shell companies selling junk.

>> No.20347222

>Go to Barnes and Nobles
>Paperback of The Way of Kings is $18
>This is the price with a 20% discount sticker
Yikes, paper be expensive these days or what

>> No.20347230

Thanks for the help, I found a seller on eBay that does buy 2 books get 1 free so even if they aren’t in great condition I’ll be getting more than my money’s worth

>> No.20347234

You have an antiquated idea of what eBay is like. It hasn't been a flea market website in a long time. A lot of businesses use it as an ecommerce platform similar to Amazon, they have their own store pages linked on their eBay listings but are perfectly happy to sell you stuff through eBay too. You do also have random people selling their own property, but a lot of the stuff for sale on ebay now is professionally curated pawn items.

>> No.20347251

Yeah, ebay is also good if you're a collector of specific editions of books, or want a specific, out of print cover for a book. I've used it to get older out of print copies at pretty reasonable prices.

>> No.20347264

>It hasn't been a flea market website in a long time
So what site would be used like that today?

>> No.20347273
File: 78 KB, 770x800, madevilwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading Hyperion by Dan Simmons rn. And holy shit the Scholar's tale is depressing the shit out of me. Does this series get happier? It doesn't bode well with this nice spring weather.
It does, at one point there is a scene with a hill and that soldier, and it;s the mose hilarious scene in a sci-fi book you will ever read. It doesn't matter how sad the story gets later, you will be unable to take it seriously anyway. Hyperion manages to ridicule its entire content retroactively in that one, weird episode.
I am not joking, the author must have been baked out of his mind when he wrote that.

Tip to recognize it: It will start with sex.

>> No.20347275
File: 388 KB, 1280x922, 1643017717966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the heyday of old ebay has been so long ago, people who weren't even born then can now legally post on the 4chinz

>> No.20347280

i've read that already. it was like chapter 2. you're pretty goofy.

>> No.20347282

Craigslist I guess. Moreso than eBay at least.

>> No.20347455

Barad-dur was an inside job.

>> No.20347463

Goodwill, actually. They do a pretty brisk resale business online, and it's mostly all junk people got rid of for tax reasons because they couldn't sell it. Has that real flea market vibe in that the selection is totally random and at the discretion of Goodwill's staff. They don't put their entire inventory up for sale, just a few cherry picked items. But it's all pretty well categorized and evaluated at least.

>> No.20347485
File: 2.63 MB, 933x1565, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mana 6 is the end of the series, no take-backsies.
Manabros... I'm not ready...
it should have ended at 3 desu

>> No.20347491

>**man on front cover

>> No.20347497

I love big tiddy cover art

>> No.20347506

That's clearly a cat girl
Same. they are starting to get really good artists for these books too

>> No.20347514

titty cat

>> No.20347519

booba cat

>> No.20347521

if men looked like that we wouldnt have trannies

>> No.20347547

>Posting trashy harem smut on/sffg/
Not even a good smut novel at that.

>> No.20347562

shitty harem smut is in the DNA of this general

>> No.20347566

Mana Master is pretty good by harem standards.

>> No.20347587

Sell me on it. I could use a fun romp.

>> No.20347613

His superhero series is mistborn with superheroes. Not bad. Warbreaker is good. I liked Elantris because it was a self-contained story in an era of series milkers, not sure how it stands up.

>> No.20347618

Trying to find the name of a book I read a book in my school library roughly 20 years ago when I was in 5th grade. The only parts I remember is it was of the perspective of a boy. The only events I recollect is he was eating a microwave dinner watching a gameshow and he described that the hostess would shake her breasts. First time I ever saw the word in literature. I believe the same book also had aliens that spoke the same word but the inflection changes your meaning. Any idea what fever dream I'm trying to remember, /lit/?

>> No.20347639

So how does a fantasy romance/adventure based on jungian psychoanalysis and Guénonian/Evolian spiritual hierarchy sound, with the main female (being loosely based on Shizuka from Rance) as a mage representing the brahmin caste and innate feminity, and the main male character (loosely based on Rance) as a nascent Übermensch who does as he pleases, representing the kshatriya caste and innate masculinity? Both of them will then develop their animus/anima over the course of the story, eventually leading to the glorious union of man and female, of warrior and priest, of masculinity and femininity.

Is that too autistic?

>> No.20347649

I'm going to play the role of a literary agent looking at this as the "hook" of your cover letter to a hypothetical manuscript. Here's my first question: "So would you say this is more like Game of Thrones or more like Hunger Games?"

>> No.20347658

I usually hate cultivation, but MM is one that mixes with western tropes in a way that works and also makes the retarded cultivation tropes a lot more digestible. Mages cultivate by capturing mana beasts and binding them to their souls. MC gets a special mana beast that can take the form of a hot woman and then leaves his home to go on an adventure and learn more about cultivation while battling evil wizards. The progression is paced really well over the series and the MC's relationship with the main girl is pretty cute.

>> No.20347673

>that can take the form of a hot woman and then leaves his home to go on an adventure and learn more about cultivation while battling evil wizards. The progression is paced really well over the series and the MC's relationship with the main girl is pretty cute.
garbage. Literally zero actual plot padded with relationship shit. Why even bother with fantasy and story and not just write women parts.

>> No.20347678

Can anybody recommend some good short story collections?

>> No.20347691


>> No.20347694

Glad I'm not looking to be published

>> No.20347699


>> No.20347703

Lem - Cyberiad

>> No.20347733

The plot isn't groundbreaking but it's definitely a step above being just a vehicle to meet and fuck new girls like in most smut books. It's cultivation though so the plot gets progressively more absurd as the MC grows in power. It's a pretty fun adventure story, but I didn't see any point in going into detail on the plot when the scale shifts massively every book.

>> No.20347736

*tips fedora

>> No.20347738
File: 24 KB, 330x440, r-scott-bakker-143917-330-540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker poets spitting sublime lines
They speak and the truth shines
When Bakker poets rule in might
Sandersois rage and scream with spite

>> No.20347750

How do I make the Empire that has conquered the MC's city less stereotypical and unlike many other conquering empires in fiction where they are either comically evil or "totally not rome"?

>> No.20347752


>> No.20347759

Give them the moral high ground

>> No.20347774

Is there a literary genre set on Earth that deals with filling the gaps of history with fiction? Something like making up Scandinavian and Pictish kingdoms before the 5th century.

I don't know if this counts as alternate history or if it has its own name. I'm learning European history and the amount of shit we don't know about the north during the pre-Carolignian period could fill multiple novels.

>> No.20347831

Let's call it speculative history or ahistorical fiction.

>> No.20347880

Try some of Robert E. Howard's short stories. They're mostly online for free.
My method is;
>ummm, I need a fantasy name…
>Pull something cool sounding from The Tain.

>> No.20347887
File: 1.51 MB, 1924x2880, 54612890._UY2560_SS2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of historical fiction that takes place in poorly known eras, like say Dark Ages England or Bronze Age Canaan or whathaveyou, but most of it is more historically "adjacent", it tries to tell of fictional events or characters who interact with real history in a small way, more like Forrest Gump, rather than trying to concoct plausible comprehensive histories out of what little evidence there is to "fill in the blanks" as you said.

I'm particularly fond of John Broughton who has a huge repertoire of books centering around Anglo-Saxon England, and to a lesser extent Continental Europe, some of which try to invent stories and characterizations for people like Penda or Raedwald or Offa or whatever.
Jill Francis Hudson writes similarly about Old Testament personages like Saul and Esther.
Sir Walter Scott turned the histories of Byzantine Empress Anna Komnena into a political thriller called Count Robert of Paris.
But again, all of these are mostly fairly standard Historical Fiction, not really fantastical or overly speculative like you're looking for.

>> No.20347946

It's not exactly it but these recommendations sound very interesting, thank you.

>> No.20348025

I’ve taken the eBay pill bros, $7 for a VG paperback is simply unmoggable

>> No.20348039

I've been having some really good luck with thrift books that site usually has great quality and cheap if you can find what you're looking for. I'll have to give ebay a try though

>> No.20348074

Personally I like looking up lists of European kings then changing one letter of a cool sounding name.

>> No.20348075

Hmmm... I probably shouldn't stick my dick in that the shrike

>> No.20348092

I used thrift books a lot when I was buying political books, the customer service is excellent but the selection is somewhat limited for fantasy

>> No.20348094

I'm not really into "cultivation" stuff but I think I'll give this a shot at least. My tolerance for new subgenres can usually be increased by lacing it with smutty content, like adding honey to medicine.

>> No.20348100

So far in the past month I loaded up on a shit ton of stuff got a real good price on hard cover copies the wizard knight books by wolfe

>> No.20348124

notice how all the "grimdark" spam from the last two days suddenly stopped? then suddenly the bakkerposting starts up from its 2 day hiatus? really makes you think

>> No.20348137
File: 58 KB, 976x850, 1697841224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Robert Jordan or his wife a misandrist? Wheel of Time is legit bad for men. It teaches how to be spineless around women, how to accept being treated like shit and how to get raped by your wife/wives.
Not only that, the books have so much filler it hurts. There was some circus shit in book 5 that was so godawful that I started to praise chinks and gooks who writes webnovels, at least they know how to write mindless grind arcs that are fun.
I stopped at book 10, it didn't get better.

>> No.20348144

Grimdark spammer posted like 3X more than the Bakker one though

>> No.20348157


>> No.20348176

What is it with men who have a chip on their shoulder being totally incapable of reading between the lines?

>> No.20348178

>t. fake hole

>> No.20348186
File: 31 KB, 369x300, war of broken mirrors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much worse than his other two series. Lifeless in comparison. Even if you like to read in chrono order, skip this one. It's better as an unexplained legendary backdrop to the other two.

>> No.20348191

>notice how all the "grimdark" spam from the last two days suddenly stopped?
The grimdark spammer got ban yesterday. Surprised you didn't notice.

>> No.20348196

Reading between the lines of what? Nynaeve tugging her braids because she's angry?

>> No.20348222

Faith is actually connected to the ego. Those with high IQs can observe the idea of god a little more objectively than those with low IQs. However, if one's ego is strong enough, then they'll believe regardless. Because they need the protection god provides against the feeling of insignificance.

>> No.20348244
File: 53 KB, 333x500, 51dcR87fIdL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The third novel in the series is set to release later this year. Anyone else read this? It's pretty edgy and none of the characters are all that likeble, but I still ended up enjoying it.

>> No.20348249

Book 10 is the worst one and Books 11-14 are great again. This anon >>20348157 is correct.

>> No.20348258

IS there any fantasy literature set in a ancient meditterean setting that's NOT Bakker

>> No.20348289
File: 133 KB, 554x554, bmk1xnnn30941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20348304

Between the lines of what women say and how the story actually presents them and their actions. It's one thing to find the way women behave as obnoxious and unpleasant (you're supposed to), it's another to claim "WoT is bad for men". You're so caught up in your own victim mentality you're not even reading the story, you're just projecting your own insecurities onto it.

>> No.20348337

>NOT Bakker
ngmi, everyone knows, bakker gets all the hoes, everyone agrees, on sandai bakker pees.

>> No.20348358

I quit halfway through warrior prophet. It was too pretentious

>> No.20348375

I really tried reading it, 300 pages in and it was still jumping from science to science randomly with no semblance of a coherent narrative. Perhaps shit got woven together later idk but there was just nothing capable of holding my interest. Life is too short to spend it trying to read a blended up stream of consciousness.

>> No.20348393

Thats what I call sublime
>gets filtered
You didn't understand the creative power of Bakker, the second book is the best one and its the most Supreme you'll ever read, if thats too much for you then its your problem and its better you dropped it, because only a supreme would understand the supremacy of Bakker.

>> No.20348403


>> No.20348405

>You're so caught up in your own victim mentality you're not even reading the story, you're just projecting your own insecurities onto it
Woah calm down with the projection.
The men are treated like Woolly-headed buffoons who can't do anything right for the most part of the books 5-8 and I'm supposed to just to be compassionate for the poor women?

>> No.20348414

>the virgin astrophage
>the chad W’rkncacnter

>> No.20348418

>Life is too short
Life may be short, but Bakker is eternal.

To Bakker I devote all my time
Best writer since the dawn of time
To Bakker I devote worship and praise
Like a soldier I do whatever he says

>> No.20348420

the worst part about your posts is Bakker actually is good and your shitposts actively dissuade people from ever reading him

>> No.20348427

Perfect example. Why is Nymaeve angry? Because she NEEDS tp be angry to channel. She intentionally works herself into a fit when she's scared because she's defenseless when she's not angry. Subtext you obviously missed because you're a brainlet who can't read between the lines.

>> No.20348441

Only a wimp would get scared because of my posts, and thats a good thing, look at the ones dropping him because he is “pretentious” or because “life short kek”, we want the based ones to read him, the ones who will be loyal fans and create good memes and good times.

>> No.20348560

If Bakker has a million fans I am one of them. If Bakker has ten fans I am one of them. If Bakker has no fans, that means I am no more on the earth. If the World is against Bakker, I am against the World. I love Bakker till my last breath.

>> No.20348606

Let's be honest, compared to the Bakker cultists the occasional Reverend Insanity posts are far more benign.

>> No.20348665

>Bakker cultists
It’s just one fag who spams endlessly.

>> No.20348672

Sounds like some shit Piers Anthony would pull, but I haven't read that one.

>> No.20348687

>It’s just one fag who spams endlessly.
I wonder why people don't just report him like that grimdark spammer.

>> No.20348735

bakker spam > serious discussion of cultivation books

>> No.20348747

Cultivation systems can be far more interesting than Bakker's descriptions of magic which amounts to little more than geometry and light.

>> No.20348758

You know you’re arguing with the spammer, right? There’s no point in replying to him.

>> No.20348805

The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian
Night Winds
Thieves’ World

>> No.20348857


>> No.20348913

Yeah I read it after reading book 1 of Arcane Ascension and... Yeah. Book three you can tell was written after Weapons and Wielders kicked off because it suddenly has a lot of elements included that you just did not hear about beforehand, like Wrynn as a character existing and being Taelien's friend who he's just never mentioned before we promise, etc. I generally still liked most of the main four characters, but it almost felt like it wasn't really an ongoing story. There wasn't much 'plot' going on. Nothing's particularly resolved by the end of the third book, it's just a vehicle for how Taelien became Keras.

>> No.20348920

See you're doing it right now.

>> No.20348924

The point of WoT is to show that people in power are gonna have a tendency to be fucking terrible regardless of if they're men or women.

>> No.20348969

>The point of WoT is to show that people in power are gonna have a tendency to be fucking terrible regardless of if they're men or women.
Anon, this is such a nuance view, I can see why it might fly over people's head.

>> No.20348986

The fuck happened? These threads used to last a day or two, now they’re barely last a day?

>> No.20348996

Before spamming started, years ago now, they lasted 3+ days.

>> No.20349005

Not even a week before, they lasted at best, two days. The fuck happened.

>> No.20349024

Lads, please give me something good. Finished Malazan (liked it), Botns (dope) Bakker (absolutely based and by far my favourite) on book 4 of Wot (comfy but a bit slow and too ya). Is Gormenghast next?

>> No.20349026

Wondering about the spammer, why are they still here?

>> No.20349049

It's weird that this thread was made at night, around 5 am my time, yet when I woke up, it was around 100+ posts at 11 am. Do people not go to sleep?

>> No.20349053

If the first post of this thread is anything to go by, then no.

>> No.20349102

>years ago now, they lasted 3+ days.
Is there anyway we can go back to those days?

>> No.20349128

Nope. This general is basically fucked.

>> No.20349139
File: 1.84 MB, 1313x1600, kellhus_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my third reread of Prince of Nothing. There is so much depth in the books, things I've still managed to not notice. And God, does chapter 6 of the Warrior-Prophet bring tears into my eyes. I can just feel the exultation of the Holy War as the Galeoth and Thunyeri are fighting the Fanim.

>> No.20349140

The obvious third option seems to take inspiration from empires other than Rome, such as the British Empire, Soviet Empire or our very own American Empire. Though depending on your perspective some of these might be comically evil regardless.

>> No.20349146

I made my empire consist of three different ethnic factions that dont really like each other but they have banded together to have a strong empire that will benefit them all.

Well, obviously this idea is now taken so good luck in whatever you come up with newbie.

>> No.20349150

I've posted this question on the writing general and got good replies, why not ask them?


>> No.20349152

No because outside of spamming they have no life. This is their life, sitting on 4chan all day spamming and shitposting.

>> No.20349164
File: 246 KB, 874x855, No life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What compels a person to waste their life like this?

>> No.20349168

He seethes whenever people start discussing books. He’s also seethes whenever his posts get deleted and he gets ban. So there’s that.

>> No.20349175

The worst part is that he sucks at poetry and has no sense for rhythm meter.

>> No.20349177

No, the worst part is him spamming.

>> No.20349201

This is on my to read list non likeable characters are perfectly fine.

>> No.20349215

The thing you have to remember is that Jordan was a literal boomer and WoT is filled with typical boomer attitudes about the relation between the sexes. Which is to say that women are a massive pain in the ass and you'd be better off never dealing with them at all, if only they weren't the gateway to sticking your dick in pussy. Boomer men were expected to suffer quietly for the benefit of their nagging cunt wives, yet those very wives still had the nerve to complain as if *they* were getting the short end of the stick. Can't sound that unfamiliar, can it? It's THE running theme all over WoT, manifesting itself on every layer, from the overt constant gender bickering, to the barely veiled metaphor of men not wanting to deal with "Tar Valon witches," right down to the core conflict where women have fucked up the world but now it's the responsibility of men to fix this shit again.

If you are a hermit wizard who has freed himself from the vaginal Jew, you weren't exactly part of Jordan's target audience.

>> No.20349217

You never read the book.

>> No.20349222

No u

>> No.20349248

You’re wasting your time.

>> No.20349283

>Is Gormenghast next?
Just read it.

>> No.20349302

He's absolutely right though.

>> No.20349313

Finished Book 5 of APGTE
It didn't live up to the heights of the previous book. Overall it felt very preparatory, i thought we'd get to see the war against keter start properly in the latter half but that didn't happen. I also thought the peace conference in Salia would be far more eventful.
The Tyrant was a fantastic character, but his climax and end felt a bit disconnected from the rest of the story. Or at least i find it hard to place in the grand scheme of things. Some of that is probably intended, i don't really get why exactly he did it in the way he did and the story seems to imply there is still more left to be uncovered.

>> No.20349318

Why not just say Practical Guide To Evil?

>> No.20349328

Yes, Gormenghast is next. After I read the Second Apocalypse I moved to Dune, read the six books, then read A Canticle to Saint Leibowitz and now I'm going through the second book of Gormenghast series.

(I dont know what to read after that)

>> No.20349342

>(I dont know what to read after that)
A book, I presume.

>> No.20349349

>(I dont know what to read after that)
Try reading, Zelany.

>> No.20349361

I don’t think he will enjoy the chronicles of amber.

>> No.20349364

I say, the old shitposter that made most of original posts is finally gone. That dude made a thread every time post count hit 310. I think, in this way, the threads have improved (where it not for the fact that most bakker posts get obliterated by faggot fannies).

>> No.20349371

i dun wanna
it sounds long

>> No.20349373

I do like the fact that he seethes whenever his spam gets deleted.

>> No.20349374

I like Tolkien, Earthsea and ASOIAF and that's it
I hate fantasy and I hate people who like ASOIAF because it 'deals with real human stories' and 'doesn't have magic or fantasy elements which would break my immersion' or 'it's realistic and gritty unlike idealistic fantasy' or 'it's full of serious politics'
I wish that there was more fantasy than just this

>> No.20349381

>most bakker posts get obliterated
No, that’s a good thing.

>> No.20349383
File: 78 KB, 626x625, 1634126067882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate fantasy
>I wish that there was more fantasy
What is it now?

>> No.20349385

>I hate people who like ASOIAF because it 'deals with real human stories' and 'doesn't have magic or fantasy elements which would break my immersion'
Do they miss the part where Magic is returning to the world?

>> No.20349386

I missed the part where the story is built around a larger idea and where the story is ended in a meaningful and logical manner.

>> No.20349388

>ended in a meaningful and logical manner.
You do know you’re reading fantasy, right.

>> No.20349394

Fantasy can, and most of the time, has internal logic, a framework of its own rules.

>> No.20349396

Sounds like denial.

>> No.20349398

He probably doesn't know what he wants.

>> No.20349450

Nobody wants to read a book built around a 'larger idea' or where it's ended in a meaningful and logical manner you fucking idiot
The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.20349458

I don't like people who think ASoIaF is good and the only fags who like it here appeal to argumentum ad populum especially

>> No.20349470

Almost like the author's series got hot and so he stitched together his background notes and writing exercises that had inspired it and sold them as a prequel. Should have re-written it all from the ground up if he was going to go there. The switch from first person also hurts.

>> No.20349480

>I like Tolkien, the Female Tolkien, the American Tolkien and that's it
pretty based ngl

>> No.20349491

>the Female Tolkien
I just started Ursula K. Le Guin and I don't understand why people here hate her.

>> No.20349513

Fuck I'm so sick of reading Tyrion chapters

>> No.20349528

I'm sick of reading Shera books

>> No.20349535

New thread

>> No.20349546

Because she was a feminist and all feminists are scum.

>> No.20349547

Who is the best fantasy author? Just curious.

>> No.20349639

Her Hainish books are full of gender politics in a world where buying a cup of coffee is full of gender politics. It's just enough already. Maybe Earthsea is less relentless. Haven't read it yet.

>> No.20349734

Solomon Kane