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/lit/ - Literature

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20342647 No.20342647 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20342657

I exclusively read books about the proto indo europeans

>> No.20342658

I tell them that I don't read (because I don't read)

>> No.20342659

I only read medieval hagiographies.

>> No.20342660 [DELETED] 
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the truth

>> No.20342672
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>Anon what do you read
>"I read occult books"
>oh like Charles Manson cult stuff?
>"yeah sure, why not"

It usually goes like that.

>> No.20342680

I tell them I like philosophy and bestiality erotica

>> No.20342686


I read a lot of PIE lit to, recs?

>> No.20342688

They can usually tell by the cover.

>> No.20342718

>proto indo europeans
>not saying I READ ARYAN STUFF SLUT as loud as possible on a train full of people to show her youre a chad

>> No.20342723



>> No.20342743

I tell them the truth. I mostly read the classics. Greek and Roman philosophy, Enlightenment Philosophy, and the American Canon.

What I don't tell them about is all the far-right literature I've started to collect

>> No.20342747

SS booklets. I then recite several Kurt eggers poems while chewing on raw eggs and slowly reaching for the knife I keep in my boot, in case of a self defense scenario.

>> No.20342752
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I tell people I read more sophisticated stuff from my college courses. Ovid, Shakespeare, Plutarch, Pynchon, etc. In reality, I only read the cliff notes when I was in college. I only read for entertainment. I still got As in most of my courses.

>> No.20342757
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I tell them it's hard to explain and then act very standoffish, because usually it's a Philip K. Dick book or something else that might result in an awkward convo (like Leon Degrelle, Robert Snyder, or William Shirer for example). But I always make sure to act standoffish lol (unless it's an attractive woman – however people rarely ask me what I'm reading anyways nevermind any women whatsoever). Going up to people in public minding their own business and asking them what they're reading is fucking cringe and awkward anyways.
>Captcha is GTGDM O_o

>> No.20342761

>implying i talk to people

>> No.20342794

I just say the Greeks

>> No.20342834


>> No.20342907
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I exclusively read Chinese fantasy novels.

>> No.20342926

You need to be extra standoffish if it's an attractive woman

>> No.20342940

I leave it broad and say I like a bit of everything. My follow up answer depends on what she says. Never describe yourself as a reader. Let it come as a surprise or list it as a hobby after a few other activities. If a girl truly likes you(doubtful for this site), reading is seen as a positive as long as it isn’t the only thing you do

>> No.20342950

I will ramble and lecture at them for as long as possible until they turn away, never bothering me again

>> No.20342967

Based, any recs?

>> No.20342980
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"Science Fiction, Japanese light novels, and history and science non-fiction"
>oh, you read Japanese?
"On occasion"
And I have a safe list of recent reads in each category in case the conversation goes further and I haven't scared them off.
>Hamilton's Saints of Salvation
>Ascendance of a Bookworm
>Mao's Great Famine
>Oil and Gas Production in Non-technical Language

So far exactly zero people have asked me about my taste in books, although I did finally get a couple coworkers to talk fine art with me after putting up a print of a da Vinci's Ginevra de' Benci at my desk.

>> No.20342989

Make chart please.

>> No.20342993

Unfathomably based.

>> No.20342995
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>reading is seen as a positive as long as it isn’t the only thing you do

>> No.20343013

I like classics, specifically those of greco roman origin, then I proceed to shit on the anglosphere and how overrated Shakespeare is.

>> No.20343016

>a safe list of recent reads
wtf are you reading? Evola and Guenon?

>> No.20343020

>Political theory, some philosophy, and some fiction. I love Tolstoy. I'm currently reading [non fiction] and [fiction].
They dont really care. They're just making conversation.

>> No.20343034
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So far this year: Sadly Porn and 90 volumes of light novels, none of which are really good (except Ascendance of a Bookworm). Also Elements of Eloquence and an airport book about burnout. But none of that is really going to lead into any good kind of conversation.

>> No.20343039
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>>oh like Charles Manson cult stuff?
>>"yeah sure, why not"

>> No.20343046

Have you seen what some read on this site? It’s embarrassing to even own radical books. Then they wonder why they are incels. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy and they dig themselves deeper

>> No.20343048


>> No.20343066

No one has ever asked me

>> No.20343073

Poetry and philosophy

>> No.20343127

i really need to read something else. first, all conversations with girls improve when i start talking about books/reading. but then when they ask me what i am currently reading and i answet honestly by saying The Bible ( because i want to at least read it once in my life) they try to get out of there as fast as possible. what book should i ne reading to get the pussy, bros?

>> No.20343131


Don't worry fren, you'll always be cool to us.

>> No.20343133

I literally never have to tell them about this.

Because I have no friends, and don't talk to people.

>> No.20343136

Why not actually share your interests? If you're not a sperg, most people will find you very interesting and mysterious if you're knowledgeable about something fringe.

>> No.20343139

Anna Karenina

>> No.20343146


>> No.20343148

Vonnegut and Dickens

>> No.20343152

>what are you reading, anon?
>oh, what's it about?
>it's uh, uh, it's about a pedophile
I will never get over this

>> No.20343157


This sounds a lot like me. What kind of reads are you collecting?

>> No.20343199

I'm just honest with people and if they judge me its ok because other people's opinions are gay

>> No.20343211

My experience has told me the opposite. Real occult study and practice takes you very far away from everyday world views and isolates you far, far more than anything else. I only discuss it with people already bridging those gaps, not complete normals.

>> No.20343241

I can’t look at pictures of cute girls anymore

>> No.20343248

I just say literature. it helps me filter 90% of them. if they stick around, we can discuss further.

>> No.20343249

is it actually good? i can't imagine, based on the premise, that it is entertaining for 1200 pages

>> No.20343258

>american canon

>> No.20343264

My area of study is philosophy, particularly nineteenth and early twentieth century German philosophy. I find that people are really interested in hearing about this stuff. Only just starting to get into the occult so I can't say much about it.

>> No.20343278

Yeah, I love The Handmaid's Tale, White Fragility, Ibram X Kendi and Harry Potter. Please don't fire me or report me on the internet

>> No.20343286

The character's are incredibly rich and the deliberation on life, status, relationships, and fulfillment is some of the best I've read.

>> No.20343293

that is the most beautiful woman I've seen in my entire life

>> No.20343302

thanks, then this will be the next doorstopper i am going to read

>> No.20343382

What manga is that?

>> No.20343400
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I have a couple of recommendations that I can personally attest to, but ultimately I recommend Reverend Insanity, which is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting pieces of literature to have come out of China in the last couple hundred of year's. The mythology and political environment are so detailed that sometimes I wonder how much of an autist the author is. China even banned the book partly due to the criticism given towards the government, systems of power, and even collectivism and it's easy to see why this message would go contrary to what the CCPs wants people to think. The world has a unique cultivation system that I have yet to come across since with the introduction of "Gu" which are basically either the direct embodiment of platonic concepts such as Truth, Flames, Perseverance, or even Lifespan or fragments of these embodiments. These "Gu" are usually in the form of insects or small creatures that carry these primordial concepts inside of them. As for the main character, he's a direct embodiment of Machiavellianism, willing to do anything and everything to obtain eternal life. There are certain authors that can build stories that are so vivid that they seem almost lifelike such as the Divine Comedy, and in my opinion, this book is similar in that regard.
One of my favorite aspects of this book is the "Myth of Ren Zu," which reads as if it were an old testament proverb. For example here you have the concept of Freedom talking to the creators of humans.

Freedom Gu sighed: "Freedom of cognition is the greatest freedom. These delirious thoughts can strengthen me. Ren Zu, although you captured me, I will never work for you. Release me now!"

Ren Zu shook his head and grasped even tighter: "Freedom Gu, I will not let you go."

Freedom Gu sneered: "Then prepare yourself, don't collapse from the pressure."

The moment it finished speaking, responsibility Gu flew over, pressing on Ren Zu's shoulder.

"Heavy, so heavy!" Ren Zu almost bent over from the pressure

Cognition Gu sighed: "Freedom and responsibility coexist, oh Ren Zu, you want to obtain freedom so you need to shoulder the responsibility. At least, you need to be responsible for yourself."

>> No.20343474

This is one of the reasons that I haven't started it.

>> No.20343490
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The occult is similar to alchemy in that regard that the ultimate magick is the ability to harness the capabilities of one's sexuality, concentration, or carnal desire. After all, what is magick besides the ability to control energy, and this ability is what is held in such secrecy that proverbs and distractions have to be used to hide this very concept from the uninitiated. After all, what would happen if every person was able to harness their full capabilities to the utmost? Who would it be disadvantageous to?

The consciousness can do things that even seem magical. The mind can take advantage of its energies to even topple mountains. Technology can be seen as spells, and its users as magicians. And with these proverbial spells, one can raze mountains, overturn oceans, and even fly like the birds of old. Through our consciousness, we can harness energies in order to accomplish feats that, in retrospect, would have been strictly reserved for the gods, such as the creation of life.

Unlike the lowly beasts of old, our ancestors developed the ability to harness this magic. Imagine there are still people looking for the philosopher's stone to turn lead into gold when the "real philosopher stone," the scientific method, has long been able to do that. After all, imagine the wombs of the mother cosmos herself; the stars themselves can transform hydrogen to helium and helium to carbon, and from carbon, all is given birth. What our technologies or spells are capable of doing at the moment is still nothing compared to the abilities of the mother cosmos herself. To learn of the macroscopic, one must first look down at the microscopic and vice versa.

To learn the true occult, you must create the prima materia or the fusion of religion, science, and philosophy. Only then can you harness the full capabilities of your consciousness to develop feats that are deemed the territories of god. For those wishing to learn more of the Cult of the Mother Cosmos, my advice is to start with psychology and then branch yourself into the three arts to create your own philosopher stone eventually.

The genuine philosopher stone can't be taught; it can only be learned.

>> No.20343494

>90 volumes of light novels
Why would you do that to yourself?

>> No.20343515

I don't talk to normies and vice versa.

>> No.20343525
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I would ask what books in particular

>> No.20343669

>socially retarded
>”anon, I see you like reading”

>> No.20343860

>What books should I be reading to get pussy
Anon don't do this. I'll blogpost as a warning.
There are a lot of youth commie groups and youth's political parties in my town and the towns around me. I live in a fancy tourist town and the only pussy I got in my life was from foreigners, so I decided to go after the locals this time. I can already look like a faggoty bohemien so I had that part covered, to keep up with the conversation side instead I decided to read Engel's entire works and Das Kapital (I read the other two parts as well, which I found out most commies have not read at all). I not only studied but also wrote notes and my own abstracts like it was an assignment.
To cut things short I found out that:
These girls did NOT want to have in depth discussion (or a discussion at all) with those they wanted to fuck.
If we did have a discussion they either caught on my dislike for the material, or they got very irritated I knew it better than them even though I was especially careful not to patronize or correct them in a self-important way.
Not worth it. I'm back to reading old genre fiction and textbooks/technical manuals with the occasional history book I steal from my father, If they ask I answer truthfully, some are put off (cunts) the rest already forgot a minute after.

>> No.20343882

I just say "the boring stuff you had to read in school"

>> No.20343896

i meant fiction, i don't enjoy non fiction

>> No.20343928

I don't think he's cool

>> No.20343941

Anything from yurop and NA past 1850

>> No.20343947

Stick to the classics then, modern fiction for women by women is unbearable

>> No.20343979

I don't talk to normies. Hardly talk to anyone. Do they actually ask about your taste in books?

>> No.20343983

Well you're reading the most popular and influential philosophy, so it makes sense your experience would be different. Occultists are a little too out there for most normies.

>> No.20343992

No, they absolutely do not find you interesting or mysterious talking about esotericism. Maybe German idealism, sure. That's pedestrian tier for philosophy 101 students

At best they're going to make fun of you when you aren't around. At worst the entire group will make an example out of you

>> No.20344168

people don't ask me what I read because I look like a caveman

>> No.20344268

I had a conversation about books with a girl in my class last week. I told her my favorite book was Anna Karenina, but once she found out it was from the 1800s she just started talking over me about how she loves the hunger games.

>> No.20344979

>Occultists are a little too out there for most normies.
Oh, and Heidegger and Scheler aren't?

>> No.20344991
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Just tell people you're a wizard.

>> No.20344999

>Sadly Porn
Is this, like, a real book that's worth anyone's time, or did you just get memed?

>> No.20345052

Mostly fantasy.

>> No.20345209


I'm often seen reading in public or wearing shirts that suggest my bibiliophilia, so in my case, I get asked quite a bit. YMMV.

>> No.20345291

I kneel.

>> No.20345321

I can't tell if she's reading Tokyo Ghoul or not

>> No.20345335

Worst normie book interaction was when I first started in this job, 15 or so years ago:

Girl: "What u reading?"
Me: "Oh... Paradise Lost"
Girl: What's it about?
Me: Oh it's uhh. Basically a very long poem about the Devil

She gave me a look of pure "wtfdie"and turned on her heel and left

>> No.20345350


>> No.20345374

Stop replying to your own posts

>> No.20345432

That's just a zoomer male lol

>> No.20345439

"Oh, mostly classic scifi."

>> No.20345442

i see some titties like baby fawns eager to get out

>> No.20345444
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>What am I reading? Well, to understand that, we have to go back to 19th century Merovingian historiography...

>> No.20345479

This shit is so obviously photoshopped but simps here will still drool over it. Just look at "her" neck.

>> No.20345490

>t. femoid seething in envy over a jpeg

>> No.20345503

You're right, I am seething. But I'm being berated for existing on the internet, so I think I have the right to be a litte angry.

>> No.20345571

Yeah, the book is great. It's an excellent filter for midwits. Lots of great literary criticism and ranting about the insanity typical of normalfags.

>> No.20345608

I am not familiar with Scheler. I certainly don't read any modern philosophy, but tons of normies know Heidegger. He's hardly esoteric. I'm not talking about Heidegger milk pussy memes. I've been familiar with him since high school.

>> No.20345716

Lol I just tell them what I read, but not the most obscure shit. Just like anyone describing their hobby to a general audience. Reading isn’t as niche as you think, and even the non-readers know the big names and have aspirational shelves.
I guess sometimes you’re really around morons in which case you can say “I like old school detective novels.”

>> No.20345868

>They ask me what I'm reading.
>They don't know what it is, even if it's not particularly obscure.

>> No.20346366

Nobody has ever asked me this. Is it normal?

>> No.20346389

Ishmael because they always like the part about the talking gorilla

>> No.20346512

Used to be, you could just buy a toy. Now you have to buy the whole happy meal, damn them.

>> No.20346518

Normies don't read or care about books.

>> No.20346520

huh, that actually sounds really interesting. thanks for the rec

>> No.20346525

>all sorts of stuff, what about you?
Then I just find something related to what they say.

>> No.20346633

>At best they're going to make fun of you when you aren't around.
Maybe if you're spending time around fedora tippers and you don't do a good job of explaining yourself, but if you're likeable and have basic social skills, I can't imagine why a person wouldn't be able to simplify this stuff and present it in a way that's interesting to most people.
Sure, their level of engagement might be very superficial, but tons of women feel drawn to things like "witchcraft" or w/e. I honestly don't believe that these women would feel put off by someone who has significant knowledge of the occult and can present that information in an interesting and accessible way.
>At worst the entire group will make an example out of you
I honestly just think this is a you problem.

>> No.20346641

The late Heidegger is too out there for even a lot of continentalists. I've had nothing but positive experiences explaining the Bremen lectures to people.

>> No.20346647
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>> No.20346693

How in the everloving fuck you guys even function in society if you cant even win the hypothetical situations in your head?
Just answer in a broad term, if they are still curious get a bit more specific and thats all they'll care about

>> No.20346718

>but tons of normies know Heidegger
kek. what sort of normies are you hanging out with? The people I went to school/university with have probably never even heard of Plato or Nietzsche. That said I am a British zoomer so that might be why, still though.

>> No.20346727
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>Sure, their level of engagement might be very superficial, but tons of women feel drawn to things like "witchcraft" or w/e.
Those women (generally) aren't interested in legitimate occultism and it's mostly just aesthetic to them. Introduce the real shit to them and you'll just get standard feminist anti-patriarchal rhetoric thrown back in your face. They love lukewarm, "feelgood" paganism with no real standard of conduct whatsoever, and are notably against anything with a hint of Judeo-Christian doctrine, which makes them unsuitable for the depths of the Western mysteries.

>I honestly don't believe that these women would feel put off by someone who has significant knowledge of the occult and can present that information in an interesting and accessible way.
Occultism was never meant to be watered down for (mental) children. That's exactly how traditions become diluted and die out, by trying to be "palatable" to people who don't even know what real taste actually is. The aspirant is to adapt themselves to the truth, not the other way around.

>muh women will like me??
gynocentricism is the soft road to spiritual death, my dude.

>> No.20346738

>How in the everloving fuck you guys even function in society
Every day's a struggle, my friend.

>> No.20346749

You guys act like all of you are just one moment away from completely spilling the spaghetti, and somehow have to create all these elaborate scenarios where people MIGHT ask you about your interest.

>> No.20346753

>Those women (generally) aren't interested in legitimate occultism and it's mostly just aesthetic to them.
If you're charming and "handle yourself" well, it's so damn easy to mould these chicks. As I said, don't be a sperg.

>> No.20346756

>You guys act like all of you are just one moment away from completely spilling the spaghetti

>> No.20346761

To non readers i say Dostoevsky in a serious way but for people who read i say Dostoevsky in a seriousness and joking way
It makes me look like a serious person to non readers and a person in the know how in literature subjects.
Great way to filter friends.

>> No.20346766

it is not a book about a pedophile its about a suave and smooth literary man with very eclectic tastes and the girl that accompanies him on a vacation

it's literally live laugh love airport woman novel tier

>> No.20346778

Nobody is fooled by your fake chad talk. If you want to spend your life struggling for women's approval that's fine but keep that out of, and far away from, the serious work of occultism. There's no time for that.

.t already have a gf and am cringing at u

>> No.20346780

I study crime

>> No.20346803

You're the one talking about being made fun of and made an example of by entire groups of people because you can't talk about the things you're interested in without being a sperg.

>.t already have a gf and am cringing at u


>> No.20346817

oh your beef is with some other anon who is scared of people, i'm the original occult poster and was breaking down to you why there's a reason it's said "don't cast pearls before swine"

>> No.20346820

American zoomer here, and I can tell you're exaggerating. Everyone knows Plato, so we can table that. Jordan Peterson is normie tier, and he can't stop talking about Nietzche, so normies definitely are familiar. I bet more people know about Nietzche than Hobbes, even though Hobbes is discussed many times in middle school and high school in America.

>> No.20347104

Look man I don't think you're gonna fit in here if you don't learn to play along in these threads. Now make up a scenario and post it.

>> No.20347270

Well, if you wanna be super secret about it, then go ahead. I just see no reason to avoid giving people an interesting Cliff Notes version of whatever you're interested in.
It's like a movie. If someone asks me what a movie's about and if it's good, it's not a strict binary between completely ignoring them or delivering a three hour, shot-by-shot lecture on the movie with slides and everything. I can just give them a quick gloss and if the other party is interested, I can go a bit deeper.
This is literally how it is with everything. I can talk about programming to a normie without getting into the higher mysteries. If they're interested, why not indulge them.
Who knows, if you're willing to talk to them, you might just run into someone worthy of inducting into whatever arts you study.

>> No.20347400

I always answer questions if asked, and even recommend books if they'd like to learn more. I just don't waste my time discussing it with people that I can tell won't get anything meaningful out of it. There's a big difference between being secretive and simply being judicious. Some people are genuinely better off having never heard of occultism, because they can easily fall into delusion and be a danger to themselves and others, while other types can actually thrive.

This isn't mere secular philosophy were talking about, where the only thing at stake is possibly wasting time with some guys rambling theses, but serious and proven practices to accelerate human evolution, which can be dangerous if not approached with respect and absolute clarity. I'm not talking out of my ass here, as I've burnt my fingers more than once due to impatience and having no idea what I was actually doing.

>> No.20347442 [SPOILER] 
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>What do you tell normies when they ask about your taste in books?
i've got news for you anon
you are a normie
your attempts to deny it only make it more true

>> No.20347460

I get stunned whenever the question comes up so I just tell them my favorite book is 'No Longer Human'

>> No.20347481

Looks like Tokyo Ghoul.

>> No.20347617

once I was asked at a jerb interview what I read. at the time I was going trough blood meridian, I instead said lord of the rings. I bet if I told the truth I wouldn't have been hired

>> No.20347701

Honestly sounds no different than any other practice. You can describe computer programming the same way (or even automotive mainenance). I've certainly gotten burnt (literally and figuratively) resoldering points on my computer's motherboard's before to mod in different cpus or when doing other dangerous things. I don't think that you can say that learning how to control digitial computers is not engaging in "proven practices to accelerate human evolution". Same with statements such as "they can easily fall into delusion and be a danger to themselves and others, while other types can actually thrive."

I'm not dismissing the possible legitimacy of the occult; I honestly just think that a lot of people into it are needlessly self-seriosus, pretentious dorks.

>> No.20347709

DAE too edgy for normies??? updoots to da left! :D

>> No.20347730

For anyone wondering, it's Alisa Grandova.

>> No.20347754
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based and wisdom gu pilled

>> No.20348435

Like what?

>> No.20348458

Pynchon, DFW and Ulysses are super popular books, if you say you read anything Bloom liked, you are just a normal reader, it's not like Blood Meridian hasn't made Mccarthy rich alongisde the movies.

>> No.20348732

You're basically proving my point. The risks of improper occult practice range from mere delusions of grandeur, to full on schizophrenia, or conditions that no medical doctor or psychologist on this planet can properly address within their materialist framework. Again, this is a far different game than computers or secular philosophy. I may sound dramatic, pretentous or whatever, but my opinions are consistent with all legitimate occultists from centuries past to present times, and are backed by my own lived experience. My day job is cybersecurity btw.

>> No.20348772
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See this is the thing - if it wasn't for *the aspect* of the novel, it would genuinely be a mid tier romance that normies would fucking slobber over on goodreads

>> No.20348892


s-sumimasen, where can I read it?

I'm tired of reading poorly translated trashy isekai manga and would like something of substance...

>> No.20348931
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How get white woman?

>> No.20349256


>> No.20349272

I tell them I like weird and depressing things and relate how recently an alarming number of books I read seem to feature distressing scenes of cats being killed.

>> No.20349280


>> No.20349284

imagine reading the bible out of choice
Literally every other people have a better mythology

>> No.20349346

Normies dont read so they dont care about what i read

>> No.20349596

trying a bit too hard

>> No.20349632

The horse, the wheel, and language is the standard starter text

>> No.20349650

princess diaries

>> No.20349659

Never been asked so idk
I think the likeliest thing would be for me to not mention that I read books or to deny reading books if someone asks me so I can avoid having to be asked
If someone somehow sees me reading a book or sees the piles of books in my room I'd just mumble something about liking a lot of books
I'm extremely shy at least irl and with non anon strangers

>> No.20349836
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>> No.20349906

No one asked what I read in general but people did ask me “do you read” and when that’s the case I just say yes and tell them what I’m reading at the moment.

>> No.20349912

I’m reading the Bible rn

>> No.20349916

Stop now before you lose your soul or some shit

>> No.20350078

my diary desu

>> No.20350111

They're all over to place, but in general contemporary lit, 20th century classics, and left theory, with the occasional computer science textbook thrown in. I'm also into graphic novels and manga.

The far right literature didn't come as a surprise at all

>> No.20350790
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Search up reverend insanity chapter 423 or something and choose out of the plenty of sights that's UI you prefer. Then just start out at the beginning, and you should be set.

>> No.20350832
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Nobody cares

>> No.20351487

based anon
it is also my fav book

>> No.20352049
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There are far simpler ways to lose your soul, like participating in modern society.

>> No.20352081


>> No.20352342


Sweet, I've read that already.

>> No.20352794
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Arigatou gozaimasu... can you also recommend other pieces of reading that would be helpful to enrich and detox my mind from the thousands of pages of trashy isekai mangas I've forced myself to read???

>> No.20353719


>> No.20353830

Yo hit me up with some bestiality recommendations.

>> No.20354055
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Some good ones off the top of my head include. You can search up these on novelupdates to read their synopsis.

The Lord of Mysteries: (10/10) Victorian setting very Lovecraftian and amazing character building. You follow a system based on the tarot cards.

I shall seal the heavens: (10/10) funny and a good place for people starting out with the genre. Even to this day, I still remember Situ Nan the OG.

I will eternal: (8.5/10)some people hate the ending saying that it was rushed, but Imo this is more on the light-hearted side.

Renegade Immortal: (9.5/10) unlike he later works, this is more on the darker side of things. Lots of blood, gore, and death. Extremely good read.

Birth of the demonic sword (8/10)Excellent world-building with great fleshed-out characters haven't finished this book in particular, so I'm basing my judgment on what I have read.

Coiling Dragon: (8/10) if youre barely getting started in this genre, this is a good choice as well.

Desolate Era: (9.5/10) Personally adore this book, even if the world-building can get a little out of hand.

Release that witch: (9/10) Very scientific and logic-based. You see the main character introducing nitrocellulose to create guns, for example. Also, shit ton of waifus if that's your thing.

>> No.20354062

So you read Mishima recently too

>> No.20354092

Arigatou very much! I will be bookmarking these titles!

>> No.20354131

Go to the Pound

>> No.20354580

I like dragonball.

>> No.20354766


>> No.20354992

very indo european

>> No.20355076
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I don't really go outside, seems to work pretty well.

>> No.20355102
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The definition for occult involves "mystical, secret" or hidden knowledge. It's an auto-logical phrase. It refers back to itself. The only reasons someone would talk about it:

1. They haven't studied it
2. They are pretending or lying to people
3. They are unable to understand it, thus they talk about it with others

And no. The adept doesn't risk social exclusion or crazy witch hunts. He would know an angry crowd is always looking for scapegoats

>> No.20355937

>I mostly stick to history and archaeology, and maybe fictions set in space or in the future. I also had a Lovecraft phase. I read some other genres sometimes if the setting or theme interest me
Thank you. I only have Indo-European Poetry and Myth in my shelf and needed more recs

>> No.20356196

I am totally upfront and brutally honest.

>> No.20357266
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books by internet racists mainly

>> No.20357883

i am

>> No.20357897

It's about a simple man that gets raped and abused by the girl he thinks loves.

>> No.20358453

I would say something funny but the sad truth is that I've stopped talking about my interests because the conversation is literally never worth it. I never bring up reading and avoid the topic. Most people don't read anyway so it's plausible.

>> No.20358457

Almost saved this image until I realized the girl was reading Tokyo Ghoul. Then suddenly I lost all interest in her.

>> No.20358472

>implying the photo is candid and not something staged for e-simps
everything on the internet is fake

>> No.20358482

You are not fake.

>> No.20358590

you can't even tell who the fuck is who on this site

>> No.20358715

but you're real, right?

>> No.20358719

I tell them I enjoy books on history, spirituality, and metaphysics.

>> No.20358741

not me, i am extremely fake around everybody, been for so long that i legit don't know who i really am and what my personality is.

>> No.20358937

H.P. Lovecraft
Robert E. Howard
Clark Ashton Smith

>> No.20358968

There is an idea of anon. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real poster. Only an entity. Something illusory.

>> No.20358975


>> No.20358976

doesnt matter they wont care enough to look into it let them keep their noses in ya fiction

>> No.20359281
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where and what should i be reading in public to attract a boyfriend-free /lit/ girlfriend?

>> No.20359549

the anon I know and love is real, in my opinion

>> No.20359582

haha, amongst others, yes. sailor is probably in my top three cat death books

>> No.20359612

Every time I've been asked about books in the past 5-10 years it went the same way. They ask what I read or am reading, I tell them, and they clearly don't recognize the title or author and change the subject.

>> No.20359622

Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?

>> No.20359951
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I pause and look at them while I build up some saliva in my mouth.
Just when they're getting uncomfortable I spring forward, screaming like a banshee with spit flying everywhere: "I FUCKING KILL NIGGERS RAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH"

>> No.20360582

I don't. My wife tells them and then I have to awkwardly fucking defend myself. I feel like Iago when Emilia spills the beans.

>> No.20360601

Underage hands wrote this

>> No.20360609

I say that I read some historical fiction and leave it at that. The genre still seems poorly defined and they make confused eyeballs and stop talking.

>> No.20360613

I say "oh I read all kinds of shit/stuff really." and if they ask for more I give examples

>> No.20360620

I remain in total silence because nobody ever speaks to me. I am a borderline mute.

>> No.20360629

this person looks 13

>> No.20361121

Never happens. But if it did I would probably be autistically honest. 'I read philosophy, history, politics and literature.'

>> No.20361137

comedy fiction, preferably satire
medical research articles, but that's for work
comedy manga