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20336209 No.20336209 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20336212

I unironically don't give a fuck

>> No.20336220

Imagine believing that this was unironically posted.

>> No.20336221

>'In most cases, the meaning of a word is its use', Wittgenstein claimed.

>> No.20336222
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Unironically kinda retarded tho

>> No.20336238

I didn't ask sweetheart

>> No.20336240


>> No.20336247
File: 198 KB, 1280x720, 0Tf2UMF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's in most dictionaries.

A Google Books search for unironically finds a small swarm of early occurrences in the period 1921-1923. From Arnold Bennett, "Mr. Prohack," in The Delineator (November 1921):
>"You will get used to it, Arthur," said Sir Paul indulgently but not unironically. "You're in a nervous state and your judgment's warped. Now, I never even heard your famous clock strike ten."
From Edmund Blunden, The Bonadventure: A Random Journal of an Atlantic Holiday (1923):
>the keynote of which was in the unironically meant remark: "He was darned religious, but he was a darned good man."
And from Richard Curle, Into the East: Notes on Burma and Malaya (1923):
>The town [Singapore], like a camel in the desert, was living on its hump, was living on hope. Its huge fabric reminded one unironically of a whited sepulchre;

Unironically go read more books dumbass.

>> No.20336253

the OP is literally a question you retard

>> No.20336256
File: 203 KB, 368x396, dfw1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP goes full autist with literally retarded prescriptive grammer and shitty etymology instead of understanding what the use of the term "unironically" unironically ironically says about the zeitgeist

>> No.20336262

>"Make America Great Again" is an ironic statement
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.20336266

this but unironically

>> No.20336268


>> No.20336271



>> No.20336272
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>> No.20336281

yet post-sincerity non-meta-ironically not this

>> No.20336286

Unironically, who unironically even gives a fuck? There are unironically worse examples that people unironically use every day.


>> No.20336291

this nigga is way behind on the meta

>> No.20336300
File: 459 KB, 1280x854, 1647917768010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>20336209 (OP)
>Unironically kinda retarded tho

>> No.20336305

your image violates the law of the excluded middle though

>> No.20336311
File: 515 KB, 674x1072, 1631374603850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's in most dictionaries.
>A Google Books search for unironically finds a small swarm of early occurrences in the period 1921-1923. From Arnold Bennett, "Mr. Prohack," in The Delineator (November 1921):
>>"You will get used to it, Arthur," said Sir Paul indulgently but not unironically. "You're in a nervous state and your judgment's warped. Now, I never even heard your famous clock strike ten."
>From Edmund Blunden, The Bonadventure: A Random Journal of an Atlantic Holiday (1923):
>>the keynote of which was in the unironically meant remark: "He was darned religious, but he was a darned good man."
>And from Richard Curle, Into the East: Notes on Burma and Malaya (1923):
>>The town [Singapore], like a camel in the desert, was living on its hump, was living on hope. Its huge fabric reminded one unironically of a whited sepulchre;
>Unironically go read more books dumbass.

>> No.20336327

huh whats wrong

>> No.20336330

Metasincerely ironically this

>> No.20336339

Same. Why are they like this?

>> No.20336340

this so much this truly this is this this this

>> No.20336345
File: 770 KB, 622x622, 1651430633808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your prescriptions

>> No.20336351

I add prefixes and suffixes whenever I feel like it, honestly. It's no concern of mine whether or not it has an established meaning. It is ultimately inconsequential to me whether that word has been used before by another.

>> No.20336357
File: 171 KB, 616x674, inside is yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inside is unyellow :)

>> No.20336382


The posts definition is embarrassingly limited.

"Unironically" is a post modern term used in a specific cultural context. It's use implies a requirement to rebuke what may be perceived as use of irony in statement without it as a qualifier.

We invent words to suit our needs all the time. In these incredulous times, "unironically" is apt. Stop pretending the dictionary is a holy book.

>> No.20336401
File: 1.07 MB, 1550x943, 1627580641133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real on God? No cap.

>> No.20336427

I'd rather not be nagged about word choice, thanks. As if years of english classes that would've been better spent just reading weren't already enough.

>> No.20336468

>ironically is the opposite of literally
figuratively go fuck yourself

>> No.20336484

That cringes, unununununironically

>> No.20336487

this is the most autistic thread on this board

>> No.20336520

This is the best thread UNIRONICALLY

>> No.20336618
File: 138 KB, 1024x699, R (49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically no.

>> No.20336648

>nothing can be uninside, just as something can't be unincongruous.
Uh, outside. Congruous. Pretty simple concept, really (and yellow has nothing to do with either).
This can't be serious.

>> No.20336921

As predictable as Reddit.

>> No.20336925
File: 174 KB, 600x966, 1631548652902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As predictable as Reddit.

>> No.20337118
File: 271 KB, 800x1333, French_Institute,_Paris_2014_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The English "language" is a joke. At least other languages like French set actual standards for what is and isn't a word.

>> No.20337163

OP is not an unfaggot

>> No.20337306

very reddit, all this

>> No.20337320

It means although it sounds like an irony, it's not. Not only you should take the assertion literally, you're stressing the fact that although you might be tempted to take it ironically, you really should not.

Also fuck off, imaginable is of latin origin and we say unimaginable. That's just one example off the top of my head, I came up with it in 0.25 seconds.

Don't @ at me

>> No.20337336

Layers of unironic irony.

>> No.20337354

Both of your examples aren't ironic
1/10 bait

>> No.20337360
File: 286 KB, 2518x1304, ivotrfhnr3g01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is unironically the greatest language in the history of mankind.

>> No.20337384
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>> No.20337405

Language is a spook.

>> No.20337414

>English: extremely diverse dialects
>French: barely any dialects
Are you retarded?
Confirmed for knowing absolutely nothing about French. How fucking embarassing.

>> No.20337415

Didn't ask

>> No.20337418

so embarrassing knowing nothing about french!

>> No.20337641

This but post-ironically

>> No.20337993

Unironically false. The idea is to imply that the audience anticipates that you are so full of shit, they will automatically assume whatever you say is complete bullshit. To affirm that you are serious, you tell them "unironically". But that's where the irony comes in, because in actual fact, you ARE full of shit and trying to get them to fall for it regardless of their original suspicions. Unironically

>> No.20338010

Unironically yes.

>> No.20338023

Whoever made that is unironically less than 100IQ

>> No.20338030
File: 169 KB, 1400x933, 1_CIjxfX_1Xk_ts763BA39MQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask any prescriptivist to prove the ultimate authority of whatever semantic/grammatical rules they're advocating for, and watch them shit their pants

>> No.20338042

>the ultimate authority of whatever semantic/grammatical rules they're advocating for

My own personal taste and aesthetic sense.

>> No.20338054

That's not capable of being a rule for all though, because anyone can oppose their own personal taste and aesthetic sense.

>> No.20338056

although I agree, >>20338042 is still based

>> No.20338062

They can, but they're wrong.

>> No.20338069
File: 21 KB, 720x671, 1650833026424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely bodied.

>> No.20338070


English has a retarded grammatical structure and a million loan words that clash aesthetically. The lack of subtlety, ambiguity, wordplay, and efficient communication makes the language shit tier for writing literature and philosophy

>> No.20338090

French is nice but their standards and shit are retarded, fuck l'academie

>> No.20338093
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1621482736686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope not being unironic right now anon

>> No.20338137

Unironically is a word that makes perfect sense when we're surrounded by nonstop irony these days, everything is so layered in it that unironically is a useful word. I don't see the problem.

>> No.20338269

asatirically agree

>> No.20338307


>> No.20338309

Whoever wrote that needs to get some pussy ASAP

>> No.20338310

Latin is far better, objectively.

>> No.20338340

say that in latin now

>> No.20338410

Latīna multō melior est, aequē

>> No.20338416

This but proto-ironically

>> No.20338460

Dictionary.com is a low quality dictionary company run by uneducated women who spend a good portion of their time publishing blog posts for the purpose of weaponizing speech for political ends, while also participating in the obnoxious practice of claiming that words incorrectly used are legitimized in their erroneous usage through repetition. (This second practice I've always found especially annoying. It's an odd kind of person or organization who, rather than admitting they're been using a phrase incorrectly, instead engages in the much more strenuous practice of dubiously claiming the error is in fact not an error. Why not just admit that you've used terms like "data," "travesty," and "irony" incorrectly instead of writing shitty articles about why your mistake is not actually a mistake? I'm not sure what the answer to this is, but it seems to reflect the larger recent phenomenon that it's preferable to attempt to change the world's opinion on something you've been doing wrong rather than simply correct it on your end.)

From a practical standpoint, Dictionary.com is not great for much unless you only need very surface level explanation of a word, and even for that it's not particularly precise. Also a large portion of the site's word entries are missing origin information.

>> No.20339109

My dictionary of choice

>> No.20339518


>> No.20339576

>something can not be uninside
Then where do I get my pearl oil from

>> No.20339591

>let alone, is it a legitimate word.
who wrote this, a child?

>> No.20339668

This, and words like "genuinely" don't cut it anymore under those circumstances. "Unironically" is needed to make the reader aware that the writer is aware that it could be interpreted as an ironic statement, thus attempting to break free from the irony assumedly perceived by the reader.

>> No.20339690

No not really
"Unironically" clearly has a use in the case of writing where you think the reader might naturally assume you are being ironic
It has a similar effect as prefacing whatever you're saying with a phrase like "I know this might sound stupid but..."

>> No.20339716
File: 52 KB, 755x775, unironic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in the premier descriptivist English dictionary, so it is a word, and it's almost a century old now. Whether you think it "should" be a word is irrelevant.

>> No.20339728


>> No.20339730

merriam webster? not the OED?

>> No.20339736 [DELETED] 

OED is prescriptivist.

>> No.20339748

of course it isn't.

>> No.20339753

Most people can't access that so it's not relevant

>> No.20339781


>> No.20339788

me too, but unliterally; unfiguratively i actually read it all

>> No.20339795

websters cemented itself as the ultimate in descriptivism in the 60s when they inadvertently came up with the term in the intro to the 3rd edition. They had the GALL to include words like "OK" in it I mean can you imagine the outrage

>> No.20339799

"Unironically" is unironically an useful word in itself though - it's mere existence and disseminated use, uniquely bound to the internet era, is a testimony that human communication is almost taken by default to be ironic, so the "unironic", the sincere, is what needs to be pointed out.

>> No.20339950

don't care, go play in traffic

>> No.20340232

I unironically can say that this is bullshit and the person who wrote it has unironically no idea about linguistics.

Linguistics is very clear that LANGUAGE IS UNIRONICALLY NOT A SCIENCE!

This means linguistics is unironically changeable all the time and there is not unchangeable law in linguistics.

Writing English is fluent and it simply and unironically just depends on parties agreeing to something.

So no, unironically just means that you are SERIOUS ABOUT SOMETHING. and that's it. It's NOT literally.

A simple example:
>The Hobbit is literally a gnome
This sentence is wrong, because neither Hobbits or gnomes exist and therefore can be defined as each other in a literal sense (also gnomes and Hobbits are unironically not 100 % the same, so literally would be wrong even if you disregard the fictional definition)
>The Hobbit is unironically a gnome
Now we are talking. This is just your personal view of what you think about Hobbits. It's NOT literally, it's unironically.

Of course a lot of people are retarded and hide behind archaic word definitions because they are too stupid to understand what a language is. This is also why so many so called "gifted language learners" suck at languages because they just remember certain phrases without understand the language usage.

>> No.20341548

And you still have to learn English

>> No.20341624

>>The Hobbit is literally a gnome
>This sentence is wrong
"Literally" can mean "in effect" or "virtually" though.

>> No.20341686

>un- is used mostly for German origin words
>irony has origins in Latin and Greek
>therefore its ackshully inironically!!!
This is a low tier gotcha, since when did prefixes and suffixes have to align in etymological origin together? Does this retard reject other words like "functioning" as it is made from functio (Latin) + -ing (Germanic)?