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20333183 No.20333183 [Reply] [Original]

>Hi, my name's Gilbert Keith Chesterton, a 400lb. snobbish glutton who writes detective fiction and essays about how much I hate the modern world
>Yes, I joined the Romish paedophile priest cult because I'm a contrarian who hates Anglicanism and wanted to be part of something different without actually admitting that I have no respect either for my king or for my country
>Why, indeed, I believe that the highest form of art are humorous novels I read back when I was a young boy, and I consider myself to be perfectly justified in expressing disdain for contemporary works of literature and art.
>My favourite debating tactic? Why, it is making a ridiculous-sounding caricature out of my opponents, asserting with much confidence that what they believe in is preposterous nonsense, and then offering my own views as a much more rational alternative to them, without ever entertaining the possibility that anything I believe in might just be what highly influential groups with political power and social influence decreed that it would be most convenient for the general public to follow for the sake of preserving the rights and privileges of the elite at the expense of those of the masses.
What was it that made him be like this?

>> No.20333216

All of that is extremely based

>> No.20333221

How is high school treating you, little guy?

>> No.20333268

You're a seething teenager and none of what you spent ages vomiting out is true.

>> No.20333285

>>Why, indeed, I believe that the highest form of art are humorous novels I read back when I was a young boy, and I consider myself to be perfectly justified in expressing disdain for contemporary works of literature and art.
Holy based

>> No.20333290

But I do agree, GK Chesterton can be kind of annoying sometimes. Mostly wordplay and little clever paradoxes. Very little substance.

>> No.20333307

The right of the bell-curve English male is an interesting beast, intelligent enough to ask insightful questions but just not quite smart enough to reach illuminating answers. He will read voraciously, but accepts no authority other than his own judgement, and what's more he has an unchanging tendency to make his views the very opposite of what he's told. I place Chesterton in the same camp as Irving, erudite, industrious, but blinded by their own arrogance.

>> No.20333344

Chesterton on paper ckecks every box for me: a jolly old Catholic who destroys atheists with the power of shitposting, but everything of his I've read just comes off as smarmy and masturbatory. His aphorisms are generally mundane shit like "it seems that so-called 'common sense'... isn't all too 'common' these days... oh-ho-ho!"
I read him and CS Lewis around the same time and was surprised at how much more I enjoyed the latter, even though I'd been lead to think he was a gay fence-sitter.

>> No.20333362

I agree he's pretty arrogant but I'd take him over the arrogance of someone like Voltaire. Voltaire really needed to get punched in the face sometimes

>> No.20333378

Waugh has a lot of the same traits, though he was obviously very talented. I read Sword of Honor and it had a lot of merit but like every time he name-dropped some Latin term from Catholic liturgy for no good reason I just wanted to throw the book away.

>> No.20333500

I like chesterton. comfy essay writer with a unique prose style. and has a gift for detective stories.

>> No.20333515

I hate Nabokov for being an arrogant ass that's too clever for his own good, and yet I always enjoy Chesterton whenever I read him. I don't know what that says about me.

>> No.20333519

>>Yes, I joined the Romish paedophile priest cult because I'm a contrarian who hates Anglicanism and wanted to be part of something different without actually admitting that I have no respect either for my king or for my country
Holy shit the anglicoid seethe is real

Now that I think about it there were more relevant 19th/20th century English Catholics and atheists than there were Anglicans

>> No.20333529

Christlarpers truly go way back, don't they?

It's an almost platonic form of hypocrisy and insincerity. Luckily, the contempt for them is also eternal

>> No.20333551

Funny that you made a thread about Chesterton today. I've never read Chesterton, but I watched this video earlier today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mtERIWYxk0
Easily one of the most dishonest dismissals I've ever seen. I'm not even a Nietzsche nigger, but it made seethe. There's also a video about Chesterton's views on Buddhism and it was just as bad, if not worse. Chesterton had absolutely no understanding of Eastern philosophy and just merged all Eastern religions under the banner of Buddhism. He described Buddhism as "pantheistic" and implied Buddhists believe in souls. Just absolutely awful.

>> No.20333563

based chadtolic

>> No.20333583

>Hi, my name's Gilbert Keith Chesterton, a 400lb. snobbish glutton
It’s always hilarious when gluttonous fatties try to moralize because they wear the evidence of their unrepentant sin on their bodies for everyone to plainly see.

>> No.20333679

>Waugh has a lot of the same traits
Yes, their smug upper-class arrogance makes them virtually unreadable.

>> No.20333680

Chesterton is basically an upper-middle-class version of that fat marvelguy at your office.

>> No.20333700


Hello OP, I am the older anon who shat on his stupid aphorisms and I fully validate every rhetorical thrust of your condemnation of him. Keep it up.

With a socially acceptable-at-the-time cape to boot. The catholic network EWTN have been reduced to using this creep as a sympathetic "modern" figure. Pass.

>> No.20333882
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>Christlarpers truly go way back, don't they?

Do you consider everyone who professes the Christian faith to be a LARPer, Anon?

Or even everyone who professes religious faith in general?

Do you think everyone is faking it?

>> No.20333891

>Do you think everyone is faking it?
Unironically yes, I genuinely find it impossible to believe anyone doesn't, on some level, realize it's all nonsense.

>> No.20333907

>Caring this much about a writer's background
Have you considered transitioning?

>> No.20333910

>I've never read Chesterton but I've watched a video and now I have strong opinions

>> No.20333911

If he can't even get basic facts right about the things he discusses, he isn't worth reading.

>> No.20333915
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>> No.20333916

Fuck you, The Man Who Was Thursday is brilliant and the dedication he made for his wife in The Ballad of the White Horse is g shit.

>> No.20333927

Hey, c'mon. I will support you all the way into your transition journey. I know you are brave, you can do it

>> No.20333928

>Unironically yes, I genuinely find it impossible to believe anyone doesn't, on some level, realize it's all nonsense.

I'm actually sorry to hear that, Anon.

I think it would surprise you to know the extent to which many people have sincere, genuine religious beliefs.

>> No.20333935

>I watched a random video and now I'm informed enough for discussion about an author I never read
Anyway are you DTF in London or not?

>> No.20333954

I'm not the person you asked, but no. The people I suspect of faking it are the people like Chesterton and 4chan trad caths who never actually grapple with arguments against God and Christianity and instead just dismiss them with dishonest rhetoric. I would never accuse someone like Dostoevsky, for example, of faking it.

>> No.20333965

>Do you consider everyone who professes the Christian faith to be a LARPer, Anon?
No, the only people I call LARPers are well-off Englishmen who converted to Catholicism when it was in vogue at the tail end of the 19th Century. The only thing they have faith in is the aesthetics of their belief.

>> No.20333969

people who don't think of something higher than this material plane should unironically kill themselves because "hey, it ultimately doesn't matter", right?

>> No.20333979


>> No.20333984

You believe that the only alternative to religious belief is suicide?

>> No.20333988

Materialism is a Christian concept, you turn a bunch of Gods and other forces into Godtm and then seperate Godtm from this world, so you end up with materialism, where you have to look at something "higher" and "outside" of reality to find meaning,

>> No.20333993

>I would never accuse someone like Dostoevsky, for example, of faking it.
His quote about morality and god being the same thing, honestly proves he isnt a Christian but a child of the Enlightenment.

>> No.20334245


>> No.20334575
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Gigabased Chesterton dabbing on chuds like OP.

>> No.20334587

Post your nose, goy.

>> No.20334708

>Do you consider everyone who professes the Christian faith to be a LARPer, Anon?

If they act nothing according to their supposed beliefs? Absolutely

>> No.20334742
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embarrassing post especially on a literature board

>> No.20334770


>> No.20334783

Yes, unironically. I also think they don't deserve rights either
I wouldn't go as far as calling myself Christian, the line of thought I own up to just happens to follow a Catholic train of thought

>> No.20334807

>I wouldn’t call myself a Christian, it just so happens that I’m a Christian
Kill yourself, faggot

>> No.20334815

No that's only reserved for atheists.

>> No.20334819

I honestly think being punched would have made Voltaire smarmier. The only way he would have been changed is if his works were published completely without any response from the French authority. Apathy would have been his defeat.

>> No.20334839

Chesterton is good and I'm not even a Christian...are you some sort of Protestant fag ore something

>> No.20334855

>The Ballad of the White Horse
An incredible poem

>> No.20334863

op is seething manlet

>> No.20334868


>> No.20334885

>he tried to moralize! source: just trust me bro

>> No.20334890
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I used to think like that but then I learned about tulpas and realised prayer actually worked(in a way) and that people aren't just pretending. They are just coping with genuine(in their experience/head) spiritual experience. Pic highly related.

>> No.20334907

And did this result in you giving away all your possessions, like your holy book commands you?

>> No.20334913

you sound dumb

>> No.20334917

>What was it that made him be like this?
His fat desposits. Being fat increases estrogen and makes you think like a woman. Getting fat in the first place requires a lack of discipline. Never trust a fat person.

>> No.20334922

Meanwhile Rich Piana died at 45 over exerting himself

>> No.20334924

Cope isn't actually a real concept, Mr. Ernest Pecker. Its a useful fiction to justify nihilism.

>> No.20334961

I am not a voluntary schizo.

>> No.20334962

>>without ever entertaining the possibility that anything I believe in might just be what highly influential groups with political power and social influence decreed that it would be most convenient for the general public to follow for the sake of preserving the rights and privileges of the elite at the expense of those of the masses.
This ruined an otherwise funny post. It's quite obvious that religious conservatism is *not* what the current elite want which is why they try to stamp it out at all costs.

>> No.20334972

>Hrrm hrrm my good boys, it seems as though the leftists haven't considered that if they are leftists, they're not conservatives!
*Laughs himself to death after his arteries clog up from too much fish and chips*

>> No.20335016

>How is high school treating you, little guy?
How is high school?*
At least learn to write prose if you don't have Christ.

>> No.20335025

>Laughs himself to death after his arteries clog up from too much fish and chips
I literally cant think of a better way to go

>> No.20335052

>Being a religious conservative means fighting the ‘elite’!
Holy cope…

>> No.20335099

>Get tired of the boomer schizos that populate American conservatism
>Decide to see if High Toryism is more interesting
>Read people like GK Chesterton and Carlyle
>They're only slightly more intellectual than American conservatives, most of it is still "old man yells at cloud-tier"
I've come to the conclusion that I'm not a conservative, might as well just go straight to fascism and continue reading Evola and Marinetti.

>> No.20335691

You haven't read him.

>> No.20335708

Again, not a concept

>> No.20336026
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>mfw leftoids are unironically left in a permanent state of seething from any ideas which contradict their psychosis and delusion

>> No.20336049
File: 52 KB, 683x899, Jmaistre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Too modern. You must become a reactionary monarchist. Read de Maistre.

>> No.20336074

I was thinking about him recently because I've been reading Gene Wolfe. Chesterton was one of his favorite authors, but I have no interest in Chesterton while I'm reading everything by Wolfe. Except The Man Who was Thursday, I'd like to read that eventually.
Authors you like might like authors you don't. Is this an interesting observation? Probably not.

>> No.20336080

>You come home one day and find this guy plowing your gf
What do you do?

>> No.20336081

Well at least you finally admit that "larper" is the new atheist nonsense buzzword like "sky daddy" was in 2007. At least sky daddy was just a dumb non-sequitur instead of a non-sequitur wrapped up in an attempt at gaslighting.

>> No.20336122

that's just the difference between british and french arrogance

>> No.20336128
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>mfw this embodiment of gluttony and sloth presumes to moralize to me

>> No.20336137

why must you insult based marinetti like that

>> No.20336164
File: 351 KB, 601x353, ThePlatonicIdeaOfFat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind you, to perceive his girth and rotundity in the right proportions, the man was 6'4. He managed a massive, engorged gut like that on a freakishly large frame. The man is grotesquely, obscenely obese, TLC daytime television show levels of porky. A conservative estimate of a gut like that on a 6'4 frame would put him somewhere around 180-190 kilograms, the weight of a medium sized male tiger.

>> No.20336170

Imagine him rolling down a hill at you like a boulder.

>> No.20336189

Absolute unit. His wife must have been a hell of a cook.

>> No.20336196

You need to really wise up and realize that adopting artificial faction labels is useless and you should just directly seek whatever your actual aims are rather than needing to pick a team to be a cheerleader for.

>> No.20336242
File: 55 KB, 644x362, chestertonnorffc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ate profestan's
'ate anglicanism
'ate modernity
Ate me misses pork pie
luv me misses
luv pork pies
luv jesus
simple as

>> No.20336267

Oh yeah Ive read his essays & they're complete shit. Most of his criticism of buddhism is unironically "circle bad and like Buddhism is like snake which is like Satan". He clearly made no genuine attempt to understand the religion.

>> No.20336276

wait does he hate his misses pork pie or is he saying he ate his misses pork pie

>> No.20336390

Didn't realise he was that tall; christ.

>> No.20336501

Why not just become a Classical Liberal instead, and advocate for free speech, meritocracy, reason etc. instead of hitching your wagon to some random Continentals to justify your worldview

>> No.20336547

Probably the only way she could get him to come home. He was a notorius drunk who would spend all day in the pub if left to his own devices. IIRC she convinced him to move to the countryside because the London drinking scene was quite literally killing him.

>> No.20336554

he wasn't snobbish in the slightest

>> No.20336562

luv drinkin wit me mates

>> No.20336565

never read shakespeare? no? don't know sir john falstaff?

>> No.20336575

>Classical Liberal
Different anon here, but that's basically slow motion suicide. Supporting free speech and meritocracy for people who hate you is about as effective as fighting by Marquess of Queensbury rules against a gang of muggers who are in the process of kicking you to death. If you don't believe me just look out the window.
The one area where Liberalism excels is in economics, because free markets are the most efficent mode of production yet developed. Wealth will only protect you from subversion and violence for so long though.

>> No.20336581

>notorious drunk
Damn it makes his works all the more impressive. I knew he was my nigger for a reason. Based as well that he loved his wife enough to leave London just because she asked him to.

>> No.20336584

>highly influential groups with political power and social influence decreed that it would be most convenient for the general public to follow for the sake of preserving the rights and privileges of the elite at the expense of those of the masses
Any proof for this?