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/lit/ - Literature

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20335475 No.20335475 [Reply] [Original]

Ambush Edition

Previous Thread:>>20329453

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent

Never going to be created.

>> No.20335494

What is the
>last book you read
>book you are currently reading
>book you plan to read next

>> No.20335510

>>book you plan to read next
Going to finally start reading Shadow of the Torturer on Sunday.

>> No.20335512
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tried asking this last thread, can someone redpill me on these books?

>> No.20335518

That looks like some shit my wife would read.

>> No.20335528

Its a tame story about a boy, his magic wolf, mouthy sister and smol giantkiller gf in battle with clueless chucklefucks and over-the-top cartoonish villains.

>> No.20335533
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i prefer the grimdark genre because im an adult capable of handling dark subject matter

plus if i was going to do sonething with imagination I'd go to the dark crevices of a setting of grim and darkness because i find that morbidly interesting

>> No.20335554

i have put this on my avoid forever list

>> No.20335562

are the Drizzt books any good? Been eyeing them at work for a while and I get a fat 40% off.

>> No.20335565

>TWI, maybe

>> No.20335579

>I shall seal the heavens book 1
>I shall seal the heavens book 2
>I shall seal the heavens book 3

cradle is good, can u tell me the full name of APGTE ?

>> No.20335616

google is your friend

>> No.20335634

A Practical Guide to Evil

>> No.20335644
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>> No.20335673

ty anon, i will take a look

>> No.20335702
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reposting repost of question


>> No.20335749
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Do people actually like poems in Middle-earth books?

>> No.20335768

I don't even like song lyrics in Pynchon books.

>> No.20335775
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Can you explain further? Because if any of what you said is true then I'm going to buy it immediately

>> No.20335785

poetry is simply dead to most readers unless they're specifically into poetry. also, it might help if they hear adaptations more often.


>> No.20335800
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An epic tale of medieval horror

>> No.20335817

an epic tale of gay sodomite priests buttfucking

>> No.20335842
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almost finished with book I'm currently reading and then I can go ahead and read super cool grimdark novels

>> No.20335874
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>> No.20335989

finally finished

I'm thinking for my next book perhaps warhammer

I've honestly grew an interest in AOS

>> No.20336034

The dwarves
No idea I roll a D20 to pick something from my tbr shelf because I'm indecisive

>> No.20336056

>>last book you read
A Prince's Errand, was decent
>>book you are currently reading
History of the Fall and Decline of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbons. The prose is absolutely brilliant
>>book you plan to read next
was thinking of starting the Gentleman Bastard series or Belgariand, probably the former

>> No.20336075

I only read the first trilogy. They are interesting enough, from what I remember. 7/10.

>> No.20336172

>The Dragon Republic
>The Burning God
>Foundation if I can figure out which audiobook version is unabridged

The Poppy War trilogy is fucking terrible but I’m going to finish it so I can write a fully-informed short screed about what a stupid bitch Rin is and how being a stupid bitch undermines the trilogy’s attempted anti-racist themes.

>> No.20336173

Shadow Campaigns and Powder Mage

>> No.20336186

I have fond memories of The Belgariad, but if you’re on a Gibbons roll you really need to read I, Claudius next.

>> No.20336205

I think I've had enough of Roman history for the while but I will keep that in mind, since I mostly just picked it up after reading Foundation again. I guess Belgariad is next then

>> No.20336217

What are some good fantasy books with lesbian protagonists besides The Locked Tomb? There seem to be a never-ending tide of LGBT-tagged books in scifi and fantasy and since they all get raving reviews solely for pandering to whatever demographic it is incredibly hard to tell at a glance which of them are actually going to be good.

>> No.20336234
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well here it is dudes

medieval warhammer kinoino

>> No.20336236

I, Claudius is almost a century old, it will wait until you’re ready.

For the second time in one thread, Shadow Campaigns. There are three major POV characters and one (arguably the most important one) is a lesbian.

>> No.20336241

Anti-racist? It's completely racist revenge porn.

>> No.20336255

Gentleman Bastard "series" is one book called The Lies of Locke Lamora

>> No.20336257

>Anti-racist? It's completely racist
Isn't anti-racist just an euphemism for acceptable racism?

>> No.20336273

I don't know if you're aware, but the trilogy is a retelling of Chinese history with Rin as Mao Zedong, except she murders all the Japanese as revenge for Nanking by nuking every last one. It's all very blatant and that's what the author says it's about. It's literally apologia for communist atrocities and more. She did well in presenting the propaganda as a YA love triangle though. I guess most readers didn't care about anything else.

>> No.20336275

It’s about a dark-skinned Asian who gets bullied by light-skinned Asians and then by whites people.

An anti-racist book might be, “this dark-skinned girl is as good as light-skinned people.” But the MC here is such a stupid bitch that the whole series suggests that her race is, in fact, a load of idiotic super-violent drug addicts.

>> No.20336292

>An anti-racist book might be, “this dark-skinned girl is as good as light-skinned people.”
I don't think so.
>Anti-racism encompasses a range of ideas and political actions which are meant to counter racial prejudice, systemic racism, and the oppression of specific racial groups
It's literally just reverse racism to "equalize systemic and historical oppression"

>> No.20336297

Here's some more:
>As a philosophy, it can be engaged in by the acknowledgment of personal privileges, confronting acts as well as systems of racial discrimination, and/or working to change personal racial biases
"Acknowledgment of personal privileges", read: you have more than others, therefore you must give up in order to balance things. It's equity.

>> No.20336302
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>> No.20336306

Yes, it absolves their drug use because it's not their fault that Westerners forcibly addicted them to opium for profits during the opium/poppy wars. In this worldview only the oppressors have agency and anything disagreeable done by the oppressed is excused because they wouldn't have done otherwise if they hadn't been oppressed. It's all too common worldview among certain American liberals such as the author.

>> No.20336307

I knew the first book was a Sino-Japanese war story, but mahou shoujo Chairman Mao is fun.

I’m maybe a third of the way into the final book and I’ve never seen it as a love triangle. Rin has wanted to bang Nezha Malfoy since book one, Kitay had always been in the friend zone.

At the end of the day, when a book’s only representatives of a race are stupid violent drug addicts, it really undermines the author’s attempt to elevate that race.

>> No.20336316
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>> No.20336319
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ok honestly I'm going to read the Broken Empire Trilogy

>> No.20336352

stop reading grimdark

read high literature like a snobby pretentious dweeb like everyone else

>> No.20336355

I don't think it's so much about elevating themselves as it is about bringing everyone else down.

>> No.20336373

NOOOO read shakespeare instead even though it was written for stupid illiterates in mind (fart jokes) and wasnt meant to be taken seriously and analyzed in stupid american literature classes albiet ironic

>> No.20336391

it's pretty bad but you do you

>> No.20336402
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>when a book’s only representatives of a race are stupid violent drug addicts, it really undermines the author’s attempt to elevate that race.
Careful there, lmao. At this rate, you might start quoting crime statics any time now.

Jokes aside, that's very common within stories written by progressives. They can't help but make unlikable characters, for some reason, and they act very surprised when people point out that said character is a lunatic. Remember the "new guy" meme?

>> No.20336413


>> No.20336415

"in cold blood" by truman capote was at the top of a reedsy for true crime novels and it was quite an amusement ride. It had its low points and its thrilling moments but by the end I have felt I had literally been take on a ride or a journey

maybe one day I'll re-read it

also the first novel of broken empire trilogy is at the top of good reads

either you hate it because you're a no fun cringe boomer or its just meh

>> No.20336422
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does Grrm really write about poop in ASOIAF?

>> No.20336429 [DELETED] 

Pozzed writer = pozzed novel.

>> No.20336436 [DELETED] 

Go back

>> No.20336439 [DELETED] 

fuck off

>> No.20336452 [DELETED] 


>> No.20336454 [DELETED] 


>> No.20336469 [DELETED] 

You lost to /lgbt/

>> No.20336499
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>He remembered awakening naked on a soft surface... a sleeping pad. His hands recognized it. Murbella unclothed just above him, green eyes staring at him with a terrible intensity. She touched him simultaneously in many places. A soft humming issued from between her lips.
>He felt the swift erection, painful in its rigidity.
>Murbella murmured in his right ear: "My hands are fire."
>No power of resistance remained in him. Her hands moved over his body. Her tongue. The humming! All around him, her mouth touching him. The nipples of her breasts grazed his cheeks, his chest. When he saw her eyes, he saw conscious design.
>Duncan hummed softly and touched her, moving with an agility that shocked Murbella. He should not be this responsive! Not this way! His right hand fluttered against the lips of her vagina while his left hand caressed the base of her spine. At the same time, his mouth moved gently over her nose, down to her lips, down to the crease of her left armpit.
>And all the time he hummed softly in a rhythm that pulsed through her body, lulling... weakening...
>She tried to push away from him as he increased the pace of her responses.
>How did he know to touch me there at just that instant? And there! And there! Oh, Holy Rock of Dur, how does he know this?
>Duncan marked the swelling of her breasts and saw the congestion in her nose. He saw the way her nipples stood out stiffly, the areolae darkening around them. She moaned and spread her legs wide.
>Desperate energy flowed into Murbella. She responded in the only way she knew: touching, caressing - using all of the techniques she had learned so carefully in the long years of her apprenticeship.
>To each thing she did, Duncan produced a wildly stimulating countermove.

>> No.20336505

>Murbella found that she no longer could control all of her own responses. She was reacting automatically from some well of knowledge deeper than her training. She felt her vaginal muscles tighten. She felt the swift release of lubricant fluid. When Duncan entered her she heard herself groan. Her arms, her hands, her legs, her entire body moved with both of the response systems - well-trained automation and the deeper, deeper plunging awareness of other demands.
>How did he do this to me?
>Waves of ecstatic contractions began in the smooth muscles of her pelvis. She sensed his simultaneous response and felt the hard slap of his ejaculation. This heightened her own response. Ecstatic pulsations drove outward from the contractions in her vagina... outward... outward. The ecstasy engulfed her entire sensorium. She saw a spreading blaze of whiteness against her eyelids. Every muscle quivered with an ecstasy she had not imagined possible for herself.
>Again, the waves spread outward.
>Again and again...
>She lost count of the repetitions.
>When Duncan moaned, she moaned and the waves swept outward once more.
>And again...
>There was no sensation of time or surroundings, only this immersion in a continuing ecstasy.
>She wanted it to go on forever and she wanted it to stop. This should not be happening to a female! An Honored Matre must not experience this. These were the sensations by which men were governed.

>> No.20336510 [DELETED] 

I'm sure that sounded epic in your head.

>> No.20336516 [DELETED] 
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Cope, you lost. Everything you support or do fails.

>> No.20336532
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Is all the autism surrounding magic systems justified? Can it actually be fine if there are no clear rules and restrictions and the author himself hasn't given it much thought beyond how it should serve the story? Or does Sanderson's success prove him right and magic should always follow laws as clear and strict as those of nature?

>> No.20336551

Magic without some sort of limitation does often bring up the questions of "why don't they just use magic". Lord of the Rings gets that brought up a few times, if Gandalf can do all the bullshit he can, why does the rest of the party even need to be there? Now that's not an insurmountable critique and LotR obviously doesn't falter under that in any way, but it's a nitpick people often have about softer magic in fantasy. At least some broad idea about how magic actually functions is something that should be present in most stories where magic is wielded personally, which is why Harry Potter's magic feels so asinine because we get so little explained so stuff just kind of happens. When it's more a force of nature, that's whatever, it can be anything.

>> No.20336555

some people want to read video game plots, some people want to read about the impossible. different books for different readers.

>> No.20336556
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Later Dune books were where the series jumped the shark. The author's son might have written a horrible fanfiction, but before that weird superhero powers the characters got and the entire idea of ruling by sex was so off the charts that the story was exceedingly difficult to take seriously. It's ironic how sexualy charged those last books were, if any new writer did that he would be called a juvenile horny guy, but Herbert is exempted from that because muh great writer. To be clear, I like Dune and the series, but let's not pretend it wasn't hilarious.

Still, it's better than mad robotic vagina with teeth and a man rolling down the hill while ejaculating. Hyperion raised the bar for hilarity in sci-fi so hard only a few people could even attempt to reach it.

>> No.20336561

Magic systems and my heckin yummy world building are a symptom of the genre being invaded by soulless autists. Back in my day wizards just chanted some shit in tongues to throw fireballs or turned into animals or made blood sacrifices just cuz it was cool. Nerds had to ruin it by bringing in gay D&D shit into it.

>> No.20336564

wow its like games workshop created a better franchise than them

oh wait... gamesworkshop did

>> No.20336566

I do sort of feel like the systemfags should just embrace korea and write fantasy vrmmo novels. It's the obvious progression

>> No.20336570

sanderson's magic autism is a matter of plot. he comes up with rules relevant to plot because he views plot as being more important than it really is (to the neglect of character). His rules are there so that greater and more complex contrivances of plot can be made sensible (though I'm not convinced that their effect is any greater than if he did the typical thing and said "here's a spell, it causes a firehose of deep yellow piss to blast from your cock" and then have the character use it on a barrel of bleach in the 5th act)

>> No.20336576

Between the sex descriptions Duncan is having an awakening of his past memories. He's also thinking about getting killed by Leto II over and over again and Tleilexu tanks. I cut that out. I think Heretics of Dune is well written just like the rest of his books. They just lacked pacing and payoff in my opinion.

>> No.20336586
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>> No.20336588

>Is all the autism surrounding magic systems justified?
You just need to put in enough limitations to justify people not asking why all the problems aren't just solved by magic

>> No.20336600

He does. It would quite frankly be kino if Dance with Dragons remained the final published volume of the series, so that the last we ever saw of Daenerys was her shitting herself to death in the savanna. Unfortunately it seems Winds of Winter might actually make it into bookstores and I doubt it'll give us a better cliff to leave us hanging than Dany's diarrhea disadventures.

>> No.20336615

Or at the very least, don't introduce something that COULD solve all the problems without giving it limitations (the time turners in Harry Potter are the prime example, they seem to be a no-frills, relatively accessible method of time travel with no real drawbacks and they could solve so much, but they just don't).

>> No.20336622

You might give the Black Company a whirl.

>True Grit by Charles Portis
>Titanicus by Dan Abnett
> The Stone Canal by Ken MacLeod

>> No.20336625

I heard there was a play or something with the kids of harry potter that they went back in time using this method to save robert pattison but it all went wrong and they screwed up something like that

>> No.20336632
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Please tell me it actually gets good

>> No.20336633

Yeah, Harry's kid uses one to save Cedric, but then Cedric becomes a fucking Death Eater and goes full evil for... No real reason.

>> No.20336637

I just don't really get why people care. Like, if JKR had added a single line somewhere that said "and all the time turners were destroyed" nobody'd care that they weren't used again. So why harp on it, instead of just assuming there's some unstated in universe reason they aren't brought back up?

>> No.20336641

He became famous because of The Redditor. You already knew it was going to be dogshit.

>> No.20336646

>Cedric's death wasn't a tragedy but in fact another stroke of luck for wonderboy Potter
Rowling-sama... I kneel...

>> No.20336649

They ARE all destroyed, two books later. They're apparently just... All in the Ministry and Neville ends up destroying them all accidentally. It read like a way to try to shut people up about the most easy-to-use time travel ever.

>> No.20336651

reddit mindset. it is the author's responsibility to make sure that the magic they introduce in the story doesn't single-handedly solve the plot, but it is not their responsibility to explain why no other magic can possibly exist which does solve the plot. if there aren't visible plot holes in the slice of world shown in the story, the reader is able to live with the assumption that if magic could fix it, someone would have done it. It's incredibly retarded for people to go "well, since gandalf can break rocks and shine light on things, why can't he just magically fix everything!!? the author has to tell me why not!"

>> No.20336653

Then I doubly don't understand why people get worked up about it, beyond the fact that Harry Potter is popular and therefore a desirable target for taking shots at

>> No.20336654

That's one thing, but it's another to introduce magic which COULD easily solve problems and then just not actually use it.

>> No.20336661

>it is the author's responsibility to make sure that the magic they introduce in the story doesn't single-handedly solve the plot
Nigga you literally just rewrote
>put in enough limitations to justify people not asking why all the problems aren't just solved
You just said you yourself have reddit mindset

>> No.20336665

that's just a regular plot hole tbqh, nothing to do with magic systems

>> No.20336666

Just started reading, currently on chapter 8.

I like it, it has a good sense of humor and also lots of hard science. I've not read The Martian so don't know how it compares but I'd definitely recommend it based on what I've read so far.

>> No.20336672

I mean, it's still something you need to think about with magic or whatever else. Most of the LOTR nitpicks are at least explainable, though they might not be always explained in the main text, but people do still notice them. That there is an explanation is enough to mollify most people.

>> No.20336673

in the context of the discussion we're talking about the actual opinions of an author named brandon sanderson who honestly actually unironically believes that if you don't tell everyone what the limits of magic are explicitly, then you can't use it to solve plot problems

>> No.20336675
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You know, at first I thought it will be that scene where a bene geserit gave a handjob to 9 year old(?) in front of an audience, to awaken his past as a general. Am I remembering that scene correctly? Like, don't have problem with weird sexual stuff in books, but there I was like: "Excuse, what the actual fuck? Why write it like that?" Things like that are why I laugh when people say Sci-Fi is better than Fantasy. It's just more hilarious, because people pretend it's more serious. Bullshit, Fantasy can and is more reflective and thoughtful than sci-fi a lot of time.

>> No.20336691

I think that's more his personal rule, than a rule for all fantasy. That's how he writes magic.

>> No.20336698

tolkien trash is a fantastical view of real life

grimdark is a more realistic view of real life

>> No.20336703

grimdark is heckin cool

i hate tolkien

>> No.20336704

>if you don't tell everyone what the limits of magic are explicitly, then you can't use it to solve plot problems
Which is true, but it only applies to shit you've shown is possible
Like if I've only ever shown that people can create water and fire via magic, I don't have to explain why the characters in the story don't just solve problem via teleportation or earth magic

>> No.20336708

You’re confusing the scene where ghola Duncan and Murbella fuck for the first time (book five) and the scene where Sheeana goes /ss/ on ghola Miles. The confusion is understandable because the original BG plan was to awaken ghola Duncan via /ss/ as well.

>> No.20336714

But people rarely ever make that complaint, unless somebody demonstrates powers that just seem to be able to do "whatever the hell the magic-user wants".

>> No.20336737

If you really don't want to explain jack shit about the magic you have, just don't create situations where said magic could have been used to solve the situation
Also, you don't have to explain the limitations, showing them is just as good
And yeah, a lot of people won't complain, but they also don't complain about mediocre writing, so if you want to be mediocre then go for it

>> No.20336757
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I mean, from a commercial standpoint it clearly doesn't matter. If your aim is to not distract people with how bullshit magic in your story is, it should have comprehensible limits. Jack Vance is the best at this imo.

>> No.20336788

From a commercial standpoint, all that matters is having a hook that people find intriguing and a reasonably satisfying plot. Sanderson's formula works very well in this paradigm, where the hook is that his magic system is fleshed out. Narnia also works in this, despite doing nothing to codify its magic system, because isekai was still a fresh idea. Readers will forgive anything, as long as you give them one thing to love.

>> No.20336792

Actually people are watching in both scenes. In the sex scene I posted above, Duncan Ghola is young as well and also Lucilla is getting cucked watching through a glass window alongside old Miles Teg. Lucilla is seething because it was her mission to sexually awaken him. Hes not as young as Miles in Chapterhouse though.

>> No.20336814

The problem with magic systems is that they're gay.

>> No.20336824
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Hard truth is that magic system has only two major goals:
1.Make the world feel magical and fantastic, as make it different from ours in interesting ways
2. Allow for protagonist/other character using the magic system in epic/unusual ways that suprises the reader and creates some amazing scenes

Everything else is just world-building autism and fluff

>> No.20336854

I like magic in Tolkien, Martin, and Lynch books

>> No.20336883

Hard magic with hard rules = science = good writing
Soft magic that just makes shit up = religion = bad writing

>> No.20336894

Magic systems only need to have some kind of physical backlash so we can have a scene of someones eyes exploding then they try to cast too many fireballs

>> No.20336898

I don't feel like systems work for the first goal. Once you give it rules, it's just science in a universe with different laws of physics. Number 2 can be very fun, but it requires an author to be clever enough to write genuinely interesting rule bending. Fuck, I wish the gambling manga genre would migrate to western novels

>> No.20336900

This anon = retard

>> No.20336905
File: 81 KB, 749x750, 6c05f6f8e06f89c5b731a78001b60534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh Im barely 5 minutes in to the prince of thorns audio book and its heckin awesome


Just awesome

Ugh I utterly cant wait to fall into imagination, To once again, live inside my own head. On the outside appear as if Im in a trance like state while visualizing this story

Im hooked and perhaps may want a paperback copy

>> No.20336919

Nice, just went through a semi-reread and now I love it even more

>> No.20336926

You shouldn't, it's lazy.

>> No.20336956


>> No.20337017

I like the asoiaf take on magic. It (presumably) relies on ambient magic being in the atmosphere/world to use, and until recent history it got lost through some hole in the ozone layer or some shit. Now that it's returning or no longer being siphoned from the world, we see more magic being used and the return of creatures that required magic like Dragons and Walkers. The use of magic is obviously limited and usually requires some sort of sacrifice to successfully pull off.

>> No.20337041
File: 1019 KB, 1021x787, sagan gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gandalf never even uses magic what a fraud

>> No.20337046

Why are there so many grid mark edge lords all of a sudden?

>> No.20337053

It's one shitposter.

>> No.20337073

There’s a spammer spamming who is also avatarfagging.

>> No.20337145

They're the potato chips of fiction

>> No.20337148

/sffg/ knows about the award-winning author who still posts cartoon porn right

>> No.20337159

I don't, but that's mostly because I read books instead of e-celeb drama

>> No.20337188

I'm on chapter 364
when does it get good?

>> No.20337194

It doesn't.

>> No.20337195

Even harder truth: Magic, like every other part of the story, is just mystery. It's power and utility comes from it's mysteriousness. Obviously you can't give NO evidence or clues to it's functionality, but so to can you not reveal the entirety of it.
Fantasy and Scifi are just Mystery with all the arbitrary restrictions removed and the author freed to use any explanation he can imagine to explain what happened.

>> No.20337197

how old are the cartoons?

>> No.20337202

You're making constant progress, that's good.
What part are you on?

>> No.20337206

Even Sanderson rarely explains all the details of every magic thing. He leaves a lot of black boxes that don't BREAK the rules, they simply aren't explained (like whatever Knights can do with oaths we haven't seen yet or unknown metals in Mistborn) so there's more to discover, but there's a framework for what CAN happen.

>> No.20337210

yuan is fighting the bai elders at the 3 kings inheritance or something

>> No.20337214

>grid mark
I bet the shitposters have skid marks hehe

>> No.20337216

The cartoon dates to the 80s but has had periodic revivals.

>> No.20337223

What/where are the highs and lows of Martial World? Right now, Lin Ming just began opening the Eight Hidden Gates while cultivating before entering floor 3 of Skysplit Tower. I'm 500something chapters in and still have 135 fucking hours left.

>> No.20337259

You're less than 50 chapters from the climax and end of the book. I'd say it was one of the better climaxes, but each one of them is better than the last actually.
And I'll also say that after that book ends, everything is going to change and be completely different.

>> No.20337275

If the tower's the one in the demon land that's when I stopped reading. Got too samey for me by then

>> No.20337305

why are there so many boring cringe nofun boomers around

live a little you boring cuck retard

>> No.20337324


>> No.20337345
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>world-building autism and fluff

>> No.20337355

is no country for old men based on a novel?

>> No.20337368

Why the fuck would anyone want to read about a save scummer, that's worse than just giving yourself infinite stats because at least then you don't trick yourself into thinking you didn't cheat. YOU DID, YOU SAVE SCUMMING FAGGOT.

>> No.20337385


>> No.20337389
File: 28 KB, 480x314, litrpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anyone want to read about games at all? litrpg is absolute garbage and shouldn't exist

>> No.20337412


>> No.20337426

Yeah, I haven't been here in a while

>> No.20337431
File: 300 KB, 1070x1196, 1635642615872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, do you check every single image people post here? Check this one

>> No.20337445

>Different text in every post, only the image is the same
>muh bot

>> No.20337465

> Neville ends up destroying them all accidentally
Oh Nelville *Laugh track*

>> No.20337473
File: 280 KB, 996x1356, D7AAABCC-9EC9-4B7E-A082-675E5070D93B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to post a dismissive response to this to the effect that “the title actually refers to the transmigrator trying to save himself from the shitty fate of the character he transmigrates into” but transmigrator guy does use his autistic knowledge of the weird plants in this isekai-verse to grow a backup body and survive the novel MC going on an autistic rampage which is technically also save scumming hahahaha.

>> No.20337487

Would a revival of pulp sword and sorcery (think Robert E. Howard, Michael Moorcock) aesthetics be published if I modernized it a bit? Not a whole lot.

>> No.20337491

it's too damn good

>> No.20337498

A S&S revival has been going on for years now, anon.

>> No.20337505

The one improvement the movie adaptations of this make is keeping the children children, because in the book they're described as being late teenagers physically despite being nine years old. They fuck it all up by not having them all be identical.
In looking up the cover for this post I saw that there's a TV adaptation coming out this year. They've made all of the Children different shades of nigger.

>> No.20337508

Has it? With what titles? I only see the same garbage being published over and over, but I might have missed something.

>> No.20337511

Like in the kindle store? I'm talking about how in the sixties a bunch of authors basically wrote their own Conan-like stories. I want to do that.

>> No.20337513
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Whoops forgot the image lol

>> No.20337514
File: 101 KB, 511x800, B9BE7C98-FA23-484D-9E16-21A6501E509C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend, I have the novel for you. As low as low fantasy gets

>> No.20337515

Meh, most likely a spammer just reposting shit from the archive. Wouldn’t be the first time it happened.

>> No.20337522

Any good SSS&S novels?

>> No.20337524

Once you add a “magic system” it becomes science fiction
You can’t prove me wrong

>> No.20337527

Not the anon you're replying to but I definitely recommend this. I'm going to read the second book soon.

>> No.20337529

Early Tad Williams.

>> No.20337535

is his Last Kingdom series any good?

>> No.20337541

What are the other two S's for?

>> No.20337542

Wait another 40-50 years and that kind of shit will be in vogue again. We're on a 1880s tip rn.

>> No.20337544

Straight Shota

>> No.20337555
File: 148 KB, 650x1020, lost world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 1910s mvst return...

>> No.20337576

What would you call a novel set in a fictional medieval-inspired world but without any fantasy or sci-fi elements? Think Mount & Blade

>> No.20337587


>> No.20337592

super low fantasy

>> No.20337597

Wouldn’t that fit under the umbrella of speculative fiction?

>> No.20337601

>Hehe Christianity is shit
>Haha Celtic paganism is autistic gibberish
>Hoho I need to end it, magic stuff happens Derfel ain't gotta explain shit
What did he mean by this

>> No.20337611

But there’s no fantasy elements whatsoever, that’d be like saying we live in a sci-fi world because rail guns exist

>> No.20337620

the world isn't the real one so the world is a fantasy. it doesn't matter that there aren't any other fantastical elements in it.

>> No.20337625

Fantasy doesn't automatically mean magic and monster shit. Fantasy means anything fantastical and your description falls under Fantasy.

>> No.20337661

Everyone can boil water, but only the seventh son of a seventh son can be a wizard, even though the magic he practices follows strict rules.

>> No.20337669

K thx bye

>> No.20337676
File: 84 KB, 563x800, Milivoj Ceran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some modern S&S anthologies/novels I've read that I enjoyed:

Necromancy in Nilztiria by D.M. Ritzlin
Frolic on the Amaranthyn by Chase Folmar
The Eye of Sounnu and Thune's Vision by Schuyler Hernstrom
The Turquoise Serpent by Alexander Palacio
In Savage Lands by Jason Thummel
Rakefire and Other Stories by Jason Carney
Lords of Dyscrasia by S.E. Lindberg
Worlds Beyond Worlds by John Fultz
Rogues of Merth by Robert Zoltan
The Infernal Bargain and Other Stories edited D.M. Ritzlin
And here's a free online S&S magazine: https://whetstonemag.blogspot.com/p/issues.html

>> No.20337677

Try The Perfect Run. MC literally named Quicksave.

>> No.20337678

Would like to see a cheeky short story following these principles, seems like it would lead to overpopulation and either (1) societal collapse or (2) or expansionism to support sons 1-6.

>> No.20337685
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>The Fellowship of the Ring
>The Two Towers
>The Return of the King

Tbh I'm nearly getting filtered by the lasdcape descriptions, but I'm happy to read it before watching the movies.

>> No.20337703

Roose Bolton is an Other

>> No.20337713

It would lead to sharia law when people have numerical proof their women are cheating whores.

>> No.20337717

Well in truth the story would mostly be about infant mortality, but it would be fun if sons 1-6 had predefined roles as well. Son 1 inherits, son 2 to the priesthood, son 3 to the army...little is said about the others. Does the sixth seethe and scheme? We all know about murdering your older brothers, but how do you scheme yourself down the birth order?

>> No.20337718

Actually, what are the logistics of a seventh son of a seventh son? Do all seven sons need to come from the same couple, or does a son birthed from an affair involving only half of the couple count? In either case, I imagine that the government would encourage a first-gen seventh son to fuck his way to son #7 with a variety of wives, in hopes of any of those wives hitting son #7, like a bizarre government-sponsored harem novel prequel to the second-gen son #7 having magical powers.

Surely someone has written this?

>> No.20337730

Are you so insecure that when someone insults your beloved litrpgs you check their image? lmao
Not only that, it was last posted in 2019... Why the fuck would you assume that it's a bot?

>> No.20337742

IIRC Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle and Cimorene from Talking With Dragons are eldest daughters who have resigned themselves to boring fates relative to their youngest sisters, which shows that the concept can be cute.

>> No.20337758

>not a single good book
what happened?

>> No.20337770
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>> No.20337772


>> No.20337779

>be son #6 from legitimate marriage
>establish that the milkmaid’s son is from dad’s affair, such that you are actually dad’s son #7
>magical power profit???

Seems like #7 has to be from the same man-woman pair or it would be too easy for one gen 1 #7 to knock up twenty women and have decent odds of producing a second gen #7.

>> No.20337785

Is there actual faggotry in the book or do you just not like it?

>> No.20337790
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recently read pic related, decent pair of books, starts of ya-ish but the mc is well on the way to becoming a blood-sacrificing artificer by the end of book 2, fits in nicely with the girmdark infusion on the threads lately

>> No.20337793

>grimdark infusion
That's just you.

>> No.20337795


>> No.20337796

If a medival world, it would likely lead to only nobles being able to commonly have mages for kids, since they could pop out the kids required using mistresses and then legitimize them. If the knowledge to produce a mage child is not known, mages could just be treated by the society as some rare births. You could have religious cults or cultures that commit infanticide for 1-6 to try and produce mages.

>> No.20337806

I thought it was very poor.

>> No.20337808

not worth reading anymore, anime won.

>> No.20337811

It read like it was written by someone who needs mamy more years of writing experience, I noped out before the prologue ended. The dialogue and prose was just not it

>> No.20337819
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Feels allowing sons from different mothers to count is too easy.

>> No.20337829

I've been trying that game Kenshi if anyone is familiar, I love the world building and the style. Does anyone have any book recommendations with a similar feel?

>> No.20337833

It’s called go back to /v/.

>> No.20337838

I just checked and it’s mostly a comedy book anyways, shame

>> No.20337841

What I'm saying is that a noble could go for 7 with his wife, while also impregnating mistresses. If one has triplets, you prioritize her and keep pumping her until you ge to 7, and so on and so forth. Nobles would probably have a cloistered upper society where dukes/lords have to be mages, nobles are always into that title and superior blood/genetics shit

>> No.20337846

You can't read and play video games?

>> No.20337849

You're right. Visual novels are NOT video games.

>> No.20337854

Shit what happens if what would be your 7th son is twins? Are they both mages?

>> No.20337856

This seems interesting whether monogamously or with mistresses. Is there really not any fantasy dealing with how fucked up it would be to go for society at large to intentionally turn out generations of seventh sons? (I know about OSC’s Tales of Allen Maker, but I don’t think that deals with society at large trying to pump out seventh sons en masse).

>> No.20337857

Or you could play it like son 4 developed powers and that's when mom knew what was what

>> No.20337860

The fantasy prompt that saved /sffg/

>> No.20337868

On the contrary, all science fiction is just fantasy with some space age paint

>> No.20337869

Probably the one who comes out as 7th, or the one whos egg got fertilized first

>> No.20337875

One is a good wizard, one evil.

>> No.20337892

Re: the second, what about identical twins??

>> No.20337896

First to be born is a normal wizard, second is anti-magic.

>> No.20337905


>> No.20337909

They both become mages or the magic is split between them so they both do not become mages

You could write that they both become mages due to the 7th egg being fertilized unsealing some primordial magic or some shit that's sealed into the womb but then infuses the zygotes

>> No.20337926

You'd probably have to write it
I think it's too niche of a concept to have many books about it, you'd have to revolve the entire worldbuilding around it in a reasonable way

>> No.20337970

>Naruto but it's a post-apocalyptic wasteland and there's no magic

>> No.20337986

I just hit 40 percent in thousandfold and I've lost interest. Is this part just boring or is it because I didn't read very much for a few weeks that I lost rhythm? Its got so large in scope I and so much has changed with the mains characters that I've lost connection with the characters it seems idk

>> No.20337989

>urban warfare with ninjutsu
sounds kind of cool actually

>> No.20337991

Sounds like any random men's action novel from the 60s or 70s.

>> No.20337992 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20338006 [DELETED] 


>> No.20338020

Based burgers

>> No.20338035

It just seems weird to me that this hadn’t been written because (1) I thought “seventh son of a seventh son is magic” was a fairly well-known western fantasy trope and (2) the worldbuilding of a civilization that actively goes for seventh sons of seventh sons seems like it has resource scarcity/outward expansion/reproductive policy rights implication that would be catnip for pozzed authors. Hell it’s fascinating even without investigating the logistics of whether sons from multiple women count and how twins count. It seems like it should be some sort of fantasy Handmaid’s Tale where once the civilization figure out that seventh sons of seventh sons have special powers it puts all first gen seventh sons in breeding programs to crank out second gen seventh sons, with either one wife or a harem depending on how magic counts seventh sons.

>> No.20338036
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Worth reading? Didn't like Poppy War at all, skeptical to dip back into any Chinese-inspired reading

>> No.20338040

>Attack on Titan but there’s no titans and it’s set in renaissance Italy

>> No.20338047 [DELETED] 

If being a "sex worker" is so empowering then how come I'm going to call her a whore? Checkmate, womeme.

>> No.20338048

I was bored and dropped it less than 50% of the way through.

>> No.20338052

I can't think of many fantasy series that have actually used "seventh son of a seventh son". Discworld parodied it with Equal Rites, and there's that... Septimus Heap series I remember reading way back when which I'm pretty sure just rode the popularity of Harry Potter.

>> No.20338064

The concept is sound, the problem is that it doesn't provide that much of a good story hook by itself. So we have a world where nobles or even the populace at large always want to produce seven sons in order to produce new mages - now what? You still need to come up with an actual story that takes place in that world and populate it with engaging characters. It doesn't quite write itself.

>> No.20338066

Just write it and put it on Royal Road or some shit, it's a very interesting exercise of worldbuilding

You could even do some sort of Bronze Age collapse, societal breakdown story where fertility rates are dowing down and it's progressively getting harder to birth 7th sons due to men becoming infertile due to pollution or magic shenanigans, so the Soceity built around these 7th son mages starts to collapse.

>> No.20338067

I thought the seventh son one was sourcery?

>> No.20338072

Oh, might've been. I confuse a lot of the earlier ones about magic in my mind.

>> No.20338077

>If it's asian it's gotta be Jade
>If it's jade that means its green
this trope never fails to amuse me

>> No.20338079

Pratchett books do be all the same doe...

>> No.20338081

Wasn't the jade used in China more white, anyway?

>> No.20338086
File: 1.20 MB, 912x912, faerie queene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got good fantastical poetry? I'm reading The Faerie Queene and it's great. I also kinda wanna read Idylls of the King.

>> No.20338103

I can't read narrative poetry without giving it an on-the-fly prose translation and when I do that I feel like I'm missing the point, and then I feel like a brainlet. Anyway the obvious answers are Iliad, Odyssey, Paradise Lost, Shakespeare's tragedies if you consider those poetry. Le Mort d'Artur.
Clark Ashton Smith was a contemporary of Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard and wrote poetry-poetry, both "literary" and more in line with genre.

>> No.20338109 [DELETED] 

The benefits of the short story approach is that can be a world-exploring exercise rather than needing a novel-length plot.

I was thinking of a modern-ish story where a country has recently re-discovered that seventh sons

>> No.20338119

>>20338064 #
>>20338066 #
The benefits of the short story approach is that can be a world-exploring exercise rather than needing a novel-length plot.

I was thinking of a modern-ish story where a country has recently re-discovered that seventh sons of seventh sons have magic, and starts forcefully encouraging first-gen seventh sons to breed second-gen seventh sons, and then take the second-gen sevenths to raise in some sort of super-soldier corps. After coming of age MC goes looking for his family and realizes how fucked up the family has been by the pressure leading up to his birth and how fucked up the country is by overpopulation trying to get to seventh sons.

I like the idea of a fantasy world too though, especially with an anti-magic twin.

>> No.20338122

Dual protagonists, one's an anti-magic twin, the other's the magic twin who's doubly powerful because they schlorped up all the magic from their twin, there you go, weirdness ensues.

>> No.20338126

Just follow your instincts. If it struck you in any way you'll be drawn back subconsciously. And there's plenty out there to follow up on in the meanwhile.

>> No.20338130

green is TRASH jade

>> No.20338132

I was thinking something like
>"The city of Tarnassus has long since shed its past days of glory. Their guild of mages were the first to discover the requirements to create another mage centuries ago, the birth of a seventh son from a seventh son. Their hoarding of this secret permitted Tarnassus to become the regional power of the Celifan continent, dominating the continent in trade and war. It has been centuries since. By fate or some strange magic, Celifa has seen scant births and no neoteric mages as a consequence. Some on the street whisper it is the wrath of the Gods themselves. Now Tarnassus is a shell, with old men and decaying paper the only memory of these long gone men of magic. The city is all but doomed, as the Khsars from the south position to siege the city. Johan is the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, the first in more than a century. He does not know this. He will."
seems kinda generic and boring though

>> No.20338134

Here's my idea (please donut steal)
>the seventh son of a seventh son is born and somehow discovers he has magical powers (maybe set it around the time of a fad for occult shit, say Victorian times)
>decides he's on to something and needs to prove it using the expression "once is happenstance, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern"
>uses his powers to create two other seventh sons and trains them up in magic
>the trouble is that "three's company" and his acolytes feud and this leads to fucking everything up

>> No.20338146

>Victorian times
The problems is that if every 7th of a 7th can become a mage then the world has to revolve around it or be aware of it. The Babylonians would ahve discovered this shit by recording ancestries on clay tablets if this happened in our world

>> No.20338162

Case in point

>> No.20338170

I'm thinking that magic has to be done in a really specific way, with rituals and incantations. Spells. It's not just power you happen to have, you have to have it and know how to use it.

>> No.20338203

What does he do that other 7/7's didn't do or couldn't have stumbled upon? Does he find some sort of mentor?
What makes this any different from a dude who finds some magic artifact that lets him use magic, and he can also use it to make others mages. Why have the 7/7 thing at all?

The 7/7 is an interesting concept but you'd have to provide a lot of reasoning to make it not sound retarded and actually justify the use of it.

>> No.20338210

That’s just assassins creed bro

>> No.20338218

Getting two generations of seventh sons from one monogamous couple would probably be incredibly rare in any pre-modern society due to maternal mortality issues, which would make figuring out the source/pattern of their powers hard to track.

>> No.20338288

>And there's plenty out there to follow up on in the meanwhile.

What do you mean?

>> No.20338312

I think you underestimate ancient civilizations and the ancestral record keeping autism some of them had. Ancient China for example was infamous for the nine familial exterminations, or the caste system + untouchables in India, or the Burakumin in Japan.

If your child ends up being able to shoot fireballs from his hands, your familial ties and lineage are going to be investigated. It's plausible that it is super duper rare due to maternal mortality or infant mortality of the 7/7 but there should be many recorded in centuries of history, given the abilities and potential of the mages.

>> No.20338325

This has been the best thread in months

>> No.20338449

Is that halo?

>> No.20338466


>> No.20338476

Just a random battle sequence? I thought it was an event from some book

>> No.20338482


>> No.20338491

Because of me

>> No.20338493 [DELETED] 


>> No.20338509 [DELETED] 
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>tfw when no qt femboy bf

>> No.20338532

Check out the First Law by Joe Abercrombie. Doesn't have super complex tactics or strategy but does have good combat scenes and battle povs.

>> No.20338595
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Why are all the wish fulfillment litrpg kinda books filled with harem shit
I've been longing for something more "normal" for a bit but it's all edgy OP MCs that fuck all the bitches
I need a proper loser that gets a couple chances here and there, not his whole existence solving itself because he got some powers or got isekaid

>> No.20338604 [DELETED] 
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coffee + more audiobook time

>> No.20338612

Gaurds Gaurds!
the fires of heaven. I dunno anons a lot of people says 4 is the peak and 5-10(?) is a slog but this is my second favorite book so far.
brave new world

>> No.20338622 [DELETED] 

>brave new world
shit book just like 1984

retarded cringe boomer

read a thriller

>> No.20338634

Nice try.

>> No.20338637
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why is it always insects?

>> No.20338644
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fucking kill yourself you fucking retard

brave new world, animal farm, great gatsby, lord of the flies, and 1984 will never be entertaining books

they will always be shit

>> No.20338652

It's subversion/role-reversal.Wild bugs IRL pose no threat to the average human. This time they can fight back. Some people also develop an inherent fear of bugs or find them disgusting when they grow up

>> No.20338654 [DELETED] 

imagine being a braindead cuck who reads stupid dystopian novels

>> No.20338656 [SPOILER] 
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ikr.... haha.... couldn't be me

>> No.20338657

Better than litrpg or webnovels.

>> No.20338660

Mother of Learning has no romance, just Zorian and his magic learning autism

>> No.20338663

dystopian novels are shit that non-readers pick up because they think it'll prepare them against tyranny

its pathetic. you're pathetic

>> No.20338665

Atlas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.20338670 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20338673

loved the crazy ideas in three body problem, collapsing a higher dimension to kill your enemies, unfolding a proton and shit like that.
any other sci-fi novels with crazy ideas like that besides the sequels?

>> No.20338676

i really just wanted to talk about WoT i only brought up brave new world to answer the question.

>> No.20338680

You’re replying to a spammer who’s been doing this for a few threads now.

>> No.20338687
File: 13 KB, 400x400, ebc0f541da430609fd5a21c849e998a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will warhammer 40k novels be considered and regarded as like the western thriller novels of this era

>> No.20338690

man itd been a long time since i read dance with dragons i completly forgot this happened and had to check the wiki

ah i noticed the samefagging my bad

>> No.20338691 [DELETED] 
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>fucking kill yourself you fucking retard
>brave new world, animal farm, great gatsby, lord of the flies, and 1984 will never be entertaining books
>they will always be shit

>> No.20338693

name 1 (three) actual good 40k novels

>> No.20338698 [DELETED] 
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>MUH 1984

go ahead chud. go read 5 pages of shitty generic bland dystopian novel #84429 and then fuck off for a year before returning to say you'll try reading again

>> No.20338699
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The Adeptus Custodes had issued to war, and the Throneworld reeled now under the mass tread of its most potent sons. The tide of crimson met the flood of gold, and the screams of dissipated became truly frenzied. The twin armies smashed into a tangled contact, and serried wave of impacts that cracked the rockcrete and threw the blood-rain into whirling vortices.

I fought on, driving myself ever harder, feeling an inexplicable joy well up through my speed-smeared limbs even as I rent and tore and hacked and gouged.

I could have cried out loud. I could have lost myself in the moment, for amid the carnage had come a sight from the lost aeons, a fragment of our glorious past made real once more. The Captain-General was there, slaying in majesty. The Ten Thousand were unleashed, pouring their slow-burning fury onto the only enemy that had ever truly mattered.

We had returned.


>> No.20338702 [DELETED] 
File: 733 KB, 850x592, 1650679972020.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this, it is offensive to my people.

>> No.20338714

yeah I'll have a:

>imperium of man versus tyranids


how convenient that warhammer40k exists amirite? They just understand how my adult male brain works and what epic stories I wanna read about

>> No.20338807

Does anyone have any 40k short story collection recommendations?

>> No.20338819
File: 30 KB, 500x464, 1534958627067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a 40k general now?

>> No.20338842 [DELETED] 

It's pretty bad. Most of the characters are trannies.

>> No.20338853
File: 970 KB, 1612x2402, 1645963731911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got opinions on this book?

Sorry, spelling mistook.

>> No.20338855


>> No.20338870
File: 627 KB, 1612x2400, 1651521765311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK, I think he totally passes as a guy. F2M always seems more successful to me.

If traps are gay, would fucking a trans man be strait? What if he can bench press you?

>> No.20338876

You should really get a life because it’s really sad and pathetic that all you ever do is shitpost, spam and derail a general that just wants to talk about books.

>> No.20338884

Anon, you should stop, he's been doing this for over a year now, and he'll continue to do it for more since he got nothing else going for him.

>> No.20338911 [DELETED] 

Oie, I only started posting here two months ago. Insta banned for requesting wrong think wasn't derailing or anything. Just requested recommendations on a subject matter some janny was offended by. When that ban was over I got banned again for posting an image that was not about literature, my post wasn't even about the wrong think or anything I was discussing a book someone else was asking about, but ban not a literature picture; wtf this is a fucking image board wasn't porn or anything it was a picture relating to the content in the book. So far as I'm concerned the jannies are abusing their power and breaking the rules. I see nothing wrong with coming back here every three days razzing them a bit over their bullshit. If you want me to stop then tell them to stop being such bitches. I only start up after I see them deleting something that had no business being deleted.

No doubt you're confusing me with other anons that must have a similar distain for the jannies here.

>> No.20338914

Scifi novels like neon genesis evangelion?

>> No.20338923

pick warhammer 40k novel about titans or dreadnaughts

>> No.20338928
File: 300 KB, 1600x900, l-intro-1617896130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that will get me this feel?

>> No.20338929


>> No.20338932

I’m sure you posting that webm of an adult male kissing some young child was very on-topic and very literature. Can you just fuck off and get a life already.

>> No.20338934

scifi novels about space civil war?

>> No.20338935

>I’m sure you posting that webm of an adult male kissing some young child
Is that why he's doing this shit? Because the jannies deleted that pedo shit?

>> No.20338936

try the Warhammer: Horus Heresy novel collection

>> No.20338937

There are a few civil wars in the Legend of the Galactic Heroes books

>> No.20338944

literal who?

no thanks

>> No.20338948

>today, I will visit 4chan and tell other anons to get a life

>> No.20338949 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 666x1051, Lolita_1955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this considered high literature?

>> No.20338952

The Expanse has that, but I'm only on book 1 and so far it isn't the main focus of the plot.

>> No.20338956

sorry I just enjoy more the grimdarkness of the far future where there is only war. thanks

>> No.20338957

grimdark truly is the more masculine of the genres

and futhermore one of the more enjoyable reads

>> No.20338966

40k spammer, be useful and find me an epub of A Shape of Things to Come.

>> No.20338973 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 709x1080, 68b4486687442164a897453d1d2c1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck man, both adolescents are about the same age. This is commonplace.

>> No.20338975

Yes, in the technical sense. It’s prose is brilliant. Thematically, less so, but it’s originality and boldness has kept it afloat for longer than your average “controversial” novel.
Nabokov is one of this writers that you read for his prose and storytelling, rather than any deep themes.
So basically, yes and no, it depends on the criteria. This entire site always ignores that there is no such thing as actual tiers.

>> No.20338984

There are hundreds of them, it's a rather common trope of a space opera to have rebel factions and what not.

>> No.20339023

I like it. But accounting for the fact that seventh sons aren't that rare on a global scale, it'd be worth considering whether the Victorian mage might not travel around the world to adopt seventh sons of seventh sons from other people with large families (in India, China, etc.) to prove his suspicion, rather than creating his own.

Although I'll admit that would suck a lot of of the fun out of it by eliminating the coom power fantasy aspect of a story of a guy who gets to keep knocking up women "for science" and then leaves the rejects to be the problem of his wives while he has fun with magic adventures.

(But if the acolytes are actually his own flesh and blood, there's another possible angle that it's not them who become the father's ultimate undoing but one of the disgruntled discarded sons.)

Man, the setup kinda gets me in the mood to give it a swing myself. But don't worry, I will not steal for I accepted a long time ago that I wasn't meant to be an author, because all my attempts at writing sucked too much.

>> No.20339044 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 300x300, 4240658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take this shit no more, first it was Sanderson, then it was George RR Martin, now its 40k, its over, its fucking over, supremacy is no more.

>> No.20339065 [DELETED] 

I feel like it affected me physical well being, my defeated mind has defeated my body, my erect wide shoulders have depleted, my abs have turned to a beer gut, my becs have turned to boobs, my supreme figure is pozzed beyond recognition.

I need him back bros, I can't live like this.

>> No.20339085 [DELETED] 

Based, jannies need 50 lashings for trying to subvert their pedo overlords.

>> No.20339100

It sure is, but what has it to do with scifi or fantasy?

>> No.20339102

I think he’s trying to make a point since he was seething his pedo shit was getting deleted.

>> No.20339117

>seething his pedo shit was getting deleted
And nothing of value was lost when they got deleted.

>> No.20339124 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 300x100, 179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, I am >>20338973 (You) and >>20338911 (You) not >>20338949

But there are many of us.

4chan is a lolicon site, created by lolicons for lolicons and when the last lolicon owner sold it he ensured it was sold to a new lolicon. Many of the official banners 404, 403 and banned messages directly reference it's lolicon nature. If you cannot tolerate being on a site with lolicons then you should not be on 4chan.

>> No.20339133

Yeah, but you know how pedos get if they get called out.

>> No.20339156

>Mother of Learning has no romance,
I still laugh when one retard insisted that Mother of Learning was some sort of harem. Dumbfuck never read the first chapter, let alone the story.

>> No.20339160

>ah i noticed the samefagging my bad
It’s extremely easy to tell. Just ignore him.

>> No.20339170

Story is shit and never gets good.

>> No.20339173

Try reading it, anon. It might surprise you.

>> No.20339200 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 600x432, 175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind being banned if I break the rules. I don't mind other posters saying mean things about me. I do mind being banned or having my posts deleted when they broke no rule.

I should be allowed to ask for loli sci fi recommendations. I should be allowed to post pictures found on >>>/a/ or >>>/c/ that are allowed on every other board on this site but for some reason only this board bans you for loli outside of >>>/b/

Is an official 4chan banner and is cropped from a hard core loli henti manga. The full version shows an obviously pre-pubescent girl showing off her cunny. That's the official banner for this website and it sits right on top of this page 1/64th of the time press f5 enough and you will see it.

>> No.20339204
File: 2.25 MB, 1024x576, 1647300366606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you forget Gurm's most infamous piece of writing? Cracks me up that some couples out there named their daughters after Daenerys in honor of the fat man and that's what they got from him in return.

>> No.20339213

Oh there is actual faggotry in the book, the adventuring party is a metaphor for an old rock band reuniting, and the drummer's personal quest is to find a cure for magical aids, because his gay husband died of magic aids, leaving him heartbroken. That is plainly stated, not up for interpretation either.
The book is gay even without the actual homosexuality however.

>> No.20339220 [DELETED] 

You’re that faggot pedo spammer that people told you to stop posting. Why haven’t you fucked off yet. No one here wants you.

>> No.20339235 [DELETED] 

It's just you and the tranny mods. Huff a tailpipe.

>> No.20339244 [DELETED] 

Now he's going to say I'm samefagging.

>> No.20339248 [DELETED] 
File: 2.99 MB, 498x368, patrick-bateman-american-psycho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolicons and Bakkerchads = One Struggle

>> No.20339255 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 611x637, dcz6bnq-9e9b4e30-d1f0-4efe-afd8-1c9319cd7c5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what your forbidden topic is, but I want to.

>> No.20339261

No, no, I'm really craving the romance
I just want it to be somewhat """realistic""" so I can self insert to some point

>> No.20339268 [DELETED] 

R. Scott Bakker is a forbidden author??

>> No.20339269 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 377x350, tfw_no_salvation_by_astridborgen_dee0frf-350t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a long story of majestic honor and profound supremacy, and its all gone because the jannies decided Bakker is too based for this pozzed general.

>> No.20339281 [DELETED] 

Third connoisseur of the cute and funny arts. You do not fight alone.

I will add it to my reading list, if only to thwart the evil ones that seed to control what we are allowed to read.

>> No.20339287 [DELETED] 

There was 4 or 5 Bakker posts in this thread and they are all gone now, Bakker is too supreme now.

>> No.20339303 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 891x1200, tumblr_a20d30b9ef9064e30eebddc76cc676f1_55c57fe7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be a Bakkerchad, a comrade in sublime arts, the peasants will keep banning but the supreme never dies.

>> No.20339323

Try Red Rising, it has lots of angst

>> No.20339327

I heard it was YA? Is that true?

>> No.20339329

The YA was a marketing ploy.

>> No.20339332

All right, thanks.

>> No.20339333

No problem.

>> No.20339339

YA in general is a marketing ploy. Used as a label for very disparate works and doesn't tell you anything about the quality of a given novel.

>> No.20339341

Actually, let me stressed that only the first book can be considered “YA”, and that’s because it was written around the time of Hunger Games. Which every author was trying to emulate to get successful. The rest of the series, however, isn’t YA.

>> No.20339347

Is this anon >>20339341 correct?

>> No.20339374

The first book is very Hunger Games like, although more mature and better written desu. I wouldn't be suprised if someone thought it's something like Hunger Games if they only read the first book, but it's very different. It's much better series than Hunger Games, at least to me, and I read both. Techno Greeks are dope as hell.

>> No.20339381

It includes very detailed descriptions of teenagers bashing each others skulls in and raping each other. Maybe YA standards have changed

>> No.20339382

I'd urge you to just ignore the label entirely. To my mind, Red Rising stands in the tradition of stuff like Ender's Game, which is considered a sci-fi classic, but would have been marketed as "YA" if it had been published in 2022. "YA" came to be associated as "something like the Hunger Games" but publishers just love throwing that term around in hopes of capturing certain markets. Similar to the whole "grapic novel" bollocks going on in comics. It gestures into the direction of a sort of thing, but overall it's mostly useless and on occassion entirely misleading.

>> No.20339394

>Techno Greek
It's more Roman (Augustus, Cassius, Octavia, Pax (Pax Romana), etc)

>> No.20339397

Killing bugs is uncomplicated.

>> No.20339398

Dude probably could have tapped the redhead shifter girl though, no doubt in my mind

>> No.20339400

Thanks for that rec, when I was a teenager I read a lot of Cornwell and I remember being interested in this but never got around to it. Seem to recall getting a bit bored of his very easy writing style and repetitive formula, but I'll give it a go

I enjoyed it when I read it years ago, but after a few novels I think his use of the exact same formula gets a bit old. I recall every novel having a new love interest who the main character would end up marrying, before dying either at the end of the novel or the very beginning of the next one, presumably to make each novel feel fresh, but it just felt like watching a string of Bond films. But on the whole I enjoyed them.

>> No.20339419

Because insects are some of the most alien looking creatures here on Earth, so they provide some good inspiration for extraterrestial aliens. Convenient compromise sitting inbetween aliens who are basically human but with funny facial features and aliens who are completely made up and look totally wacky.

>> No.20339449

>Dude probably could have tapped the redhead shifter girl though, no doubt in my mind
Oh, no doubt about it.

>> No.20339532

New thread

>> No.20339559

What? we've barely had a new one

>> No.20340047
File: 243 KB, 603x1024, tgzaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but this will

>> No.20340262
File: 23 KB, 250x350, 152_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoyed the Man in the High Castle. Not necessarily the sci-fi or alt history (altought i like it), but the style it was written in. What should I read? Dick's older classics? Or something entirely else?

>> No.20340300

Reading Dick is always good. Prime sci-fant. Some of my personal favorites were Time Out of Joint, A Maze of Death, Clans of the Alphane Moon, and The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch.

>> No.20340375

Thanks for recommendations.
Are his later books similar in writing style?

>> No.20340386
File: 810 KB, 780x1203, Dick, Philip K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By later I mean from sixties