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/lit/ - Literature

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20335044 No.20335044[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Children's books are viewed as literature even though it's for kids. Yea they have illustration too. Most LNs and manga are aimed for teenagers and young adults. There are lots of good stories in this medium. I can even say that some of them are on par with the Western canon. No need to make fun of it if youre a "mature" sweaty fat fuck who enjoys "big boi" books.

>> No.20335073

I wouldn't call them literature because they're actually entertaining

>> No.20335079

/lit/ is a board for people who read for the sake of being seen reading.
Reading for entertainment, reading for emotional catharsis, these are not legitimate reasons to read if you want to project the aura of being an elite /lit/erati. Hence why most of the threads here are about philosophy or theology, you know, stuff that might impress your dad or university lecturer.

Now, all that said, LNs and manga are, for the most part, repetitive, poorly written trash with recycled plots and characters that are written solely to appeal to otaku, who read this stuff not because it's good but because they're an otaku and that's what they do.

>> No.20335080

>Why won't /lit/ consider light novels and manga as literature?
Because they're light novels and manga not literature.

>> No.20335092

Because there is a board dedicated to discussing those things, or should we consider /co/ to also be literature while we're at it?
if manga & LN threads were suddenly tolerated then every faggot who doesn't read actual novels would spam the catalog with manga discussion.
I don't like LNs but when it comes to manga I do enjoy some works and for the most part they are certainly better than some of the shit we talk about here, but I still don't want to see the board flooded with off-topic threads more than it already is

>> No.20335100

Because weebs are disgusting

>> No.20335105

LNs are too intertwined with other Japanese nerd shit. But as you say pretty much all LNs are the equivalent of YA or sometimes pulpy adult fantasy lit. But yeah it's probably not allowed because people would start going off topic really fast.

>> No.20335112

LNs are garbage, there is not a single one worth reading.
as for manga, I consider it more of a visual medium, it doesn't really fit with literature.
even when compared to YA shit LNs are uniquely bad, the fact that you have to read a fan translation most of the time doesn't help either.
fan fictions probably have more literary merit than LNs yet are still banned from /lit/, so I don't really see why LNs should be given a pass

>> No.20335113

Kill yourself you braindead masturbates-to-cartoons faggot.

>> No.20335114
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Why won’t /a/ consider reading grownup books?

>> No.20335119

because faggotry is not literature

>> No.20335125
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u wot m8

>> No.20335130
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>> No.20335133

anime website

>> No.20335136

>not a new ip
Hmm the shitstirrer doth protest too much, methinks

>> No.20335140
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Doesn’t matter. When will /a/ consider reading grownup books?

>> No.20335141

Literature board

>> No.20335146

They are technically literature. Some of them even have decent stories or ideas that have something to contribute. But even those few are buried under several layers of pulp shit and almost none of them fit into the idea of literature this board was meant for. Nobody discusses comics, graphic novels like TWD or the newest children's books here either even if they're also "technically" literature. (which leads me to think how we never get any comic fans in here asking he same recognition, it's always the manga/VN/LN otaku)

Subahibi and Re:Zero are some of my favorite works btw and they come from that medium, but I'm not autistic enough to start threads about them on /lit/.

>> No.20335156

>which leads me to think how we never get any comic fans in here asking he same recognition, it's always the manga/VN/LN otaku
it's often the /a/ type that are so insecure about their medium's quality and seek validation from here as if having your shit labeled as literature is some badge of quality, the other boards enjoy their medium and don't need to annoy us every day

>> No.20335165

Because they forget they're using 4chan

>> No.20335179
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See >>20335141
you forget you’re on the literature board. Like 75% of the posters here

>> No.20335186

manga and LNs are literature and we should be allowed to make manga threads without having to hide behind some meme posts like "books like this?" or some shit.

>> No.20335196
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So classic literature is just manga/LNs so we should be able to make Melville and Pynchon threads on /a/
You know how that would go over, football head.

>> No.20335202

>we should be able to make Melville and Pynchon threads on /a/
that would certainly be an improvement

>> No.20335211
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NOOOO what do you mean hakkofuraudo shittoraita sensei's latest VN isn't literature???!??!?

>> No.20335221

grown ass man watching moving drawings

>> No.20335237

Manga doesn’t belong here, as it’s a visual medium and already has a board, though it could be discussed from a storytelling and characterization perspective.

Light novels, however, belong here just as much as SFF. The worst LNs aren’t any worse than the most pulply fantasy schlock. The best LNs are undoubtedly post-modern literature, more worthy of discussion than, say, Tao Lin (who I think is well worth discussing). Genius writers from Aristophanes to Joyce, to Arno Schmidt have made True Literature out of the blend of high and low culture, and the same is true for a limited number of LN writers.

>> No.20335256
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I love pynchin

>> No.20335460

What's a good LN title?

>> No.20335491
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We can do it, we have the technology.

>> No.20335748

anything by nisioisin

>> No.20335895

They are comic books, that's a separate group, and they relay heavily on the art, visuals, images call them whatever you want
Its not like an illustrated book, since illustrations are created based on the given written descriptions
If you were to strip the drawings from a manga, the story wouldn't make much sense. If you were to fill in the gap by describing the now removed drawings, it would be literature

>> No.20336133

You've got an entire board (hell, multiple boards) for anime shit. Talk about your LNs and mangoes there.

>> No.20336471


>> No.20336928

One weird thing about light novels is that they often don't really stand on their own. They assume you also watch a lot of anime, so everything relies on anime tropes, and you kinda have to imagine it as an anime in your mind or it won't make sense. And some are just blatantly written as scripts/promotional materials for anime.

That said, there are some good ones that can be read like other book and discussed here. It's just hard to find enough people that have read the same one to discuss it.

>> No.20337066

Great song

>> No.20337116
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who knows?

>> No.20337953

I liked the light novel "The Tatami Galaxy".

>> No.20337980

>The chad imagining Monogatari with real Japanese people and not cartoons
Don't look at the pictures when you read LNs. Is your imagination that weak, you need a picture book? Who cares how they're "meant" to be read

>> No.20338000

I never understood where the term comes from. Why is it "light"? Is it because the stories are meant to be seen as entertainment which isn't as serious as regular novels?

>> No.20338019

Light as in easily read, for babies, kanji aren't as ahrd. Because they are Japanese YA.

>> No.20338033

LNs are novels marketed and published in a particular style so as to be approachable to weebs. they’re usually short, dialogue-focused because they can rely on established tropes for setting, have a couple anime-style illustrations. volumes in a series are usually published within a few months of one another, and written with the intent to continue publishing for as long as they remain popular, or until the writer exhausts the premise.

>> No.20338044

With Monogatari Series the true chad move is to imagine the story with the hyperbole dispelled.

>> No.20338139
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Any recommendations to someone that likes KonoSuba or Re:Zero? [LN/WN respectively]

>> No.20338165

Short Young Adult novels that uses a simpler modern kanji
>John: Man this fantasy book "I can't believe it is not Butter or how a butter churn rebuilt the fantasy kingdoms cuisine for the king's daughters 16th birthday!!" it sure is far easier to read than these traditional novels that use much harder to read kanji!

>> No.20338176

In the case of manga, it's a different artform. A different medium.
basically the same question.

LNs should be considered literature, and I do see threads here. I'm not super knowledgeable about which LNs are considered good, but monogatari series is good and certainly gives you a lot to chew on. I don't see why it couldn't be discussed here.

>> No.20338597
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>> No.20338602

fuck off

>> No.20338621

if we accept japanese literature we might as well accept those books for women

>> No.20338678

its just like you never being a woman op

>> No.20338728

Fuck off, cum-stained incels. So this is the intelligence of people reading big.brain books huh. I expect them to be more sophisticated and articulate

>> No.20338748
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Here we see the avid anime fan, ironically enough, calling gentlemen of fine repute and esteem "cum-stained incels". Despite the fact that his ilk are more likely to fit that category.

>> No.20338845
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>4chan user
>gentlemen of fine repute and esteem

>> No.20338905

I have no idea how this is supposed to relate to what I wrote.

>> No.20339086

this is a common misconception btw
youjo senki and overlord are lns and are way more difficult to read than let's say a "normal" contemporary japanese crime or romance novel
the term light novel has little to do with difficulty, in fact there is no universally agreed on definition, if the publisher adds a few anime illustrations and calls it a light novel it's a light novel

source in case you know japanese (and if you don't know japanese what are you doing here because j-e translations are dog shit):

>> No.20339103
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>this is a common misconception btw
>youjo senki and overlord are lns and are way more difficult to read than let's say a "normal" contemporary japanese crime or romance novel
the term light novel has little to do with difficulty, in fact there is no universally agreed on definition, if the publisher adds a few anime illustrations and calls it a light novel it's a light novel

>source in case you know japanese (and if you don't know japanese what are you doing here because j-e translations are dog shit):

>> No.20339116


>> No.20339175

>youjo senki and overlord are lns and are way more difficult to read than let's say a "normal" contemporary japanese crime or romance novel
so all japanese literature sucks?

>> No.20339186

Because this is board is actually fun and you weebs ruin everything you’re allowed to touch.

>> No.20339237


>> No.20339435

>Reading for entertainment, reading for emotional catharsis
Ok, here's a question, what books could actually fit this description? I want to read something "kino"

>> No.20339456

sóyjak is so kawaii!

>> No.20339485

If you unironically ask this question, I don't think you belong on this board. LN are worse then most fan fiction I read as a kid, I like the medium (mushoku tensei is fun), but fuck me- to put it against any serious book is just a fucking insult.

>> No.20339684

Light novels like Konosuba and Classroom of the Elite is what youre looking for. Read this 2. thank me later

>> No.20339734

juvenile isekaishit
>Classroom of the elite
Garbage about kids competing for brownie points, not sure how anyone past the age of 20 can actually enjoy this shit
Just go back to your board you tasteless fucks

>> No.20339765

>mushoku tensei
I like LNs but that one makes me uncomfortable because of how the protagonist sexually harass the little girls in it while hes actually a fat otaku shut-in grown man mentally.
Try ReZero. It's an epic story about determination.
Devil is a part timer - funny shit about demon lord working in mcdonalds lmao