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/lit/ - Literature

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20331843 No.20331843[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>anon, your books are problematic and I'm breaking up with you

>> No.20331848
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That's ok I haven't read any of em

>> No.20331849

Who the fuck is this bitch and what is she doing in my house

>> No.20331850
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I hate women for what they've been doing to men over the past century

>> No.20331855

This lol, all the meme /lit/ books I have are collecting dust, I only read Mishima so maybe I deserve getting cucked.

>> No.20331863

This image and accompanying text provokes an overwhelming impulse to penetrate her anally. Ideally against her will.
I've never had an interest in anal before. What mysterious magic in her physiognomy compels me in this direction specifically?

>> No.20331864

>You broke up with me at breakfast, do you need another spanking already?
Simple things virgins will never understand

>> No.20331865

She has at least a50 eyes. A t30 like me could only dream of even being allowed into her presence.

>> No.20331868

good, i don't fuck men

>> No.20331870

>a girl
>born year 2000

>> No.20331884

When you see how much of modern civilization and its decay is caused by women either directly or indirectly, you can't unsee it. Any degeneracy they are not directly causing by promoting it or demanding it from an indulgent society, they are indirectly causing by incentivizing men to only care about attracting them, and thus being mentally and spiritually "capped" as wannabe retard-attractors.

Nothing just is what it is anymore. Men are all neurotic, preening and strutting metrosexual faggots because they think the only thing worth having in life is sex with whores. The whole society is buckling under the collective incompetence of 55% of the population being spoiled, ambitionless office drones. Women are natural HR ladies, secretaries, and phone-answerers, and don't care about anything else as long as they can pass the day lazily.

Every vocational and educational institution is forced to doublethink about women being equals and equally trainable/educable, when they clearly aren't. Women don't care about anything for its own sake, women can't maintain standards or trades or institutions. If you hire ten women and ten men, you have an effective workforce of 15 people, and then only because men are picking up the slack and working overtime to fill the gap left by the women.

Women instinctively presume the existence of things (created by men), they presume a social and institutional "stage" within which they just want to have a good time and coast through life. They assume that the stage of life "runs itself." This is supposed to be balanced out by general male awareness of this fact, so that women are kind of charming retards who aren't allowed to muck up the stage too much.

The entire fucking western world is being ground down under melonheaded women traipsing around chasing butterflies and putting flowers in their hair.

>> No.20331892

Nigga take a walk

>> No.20331896
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The Eternal Chud

>> No.20331898

>your books are problematic
That's the point of books, why did we teach girls to read?

>> No.20331901

"Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in my house? Get the fuck out before I call the cops."

>> No.20331911

m*id cope. Women were more conservative until like, 1980.

>> No.20331912
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>Society isn't collapsing goy, just go outside. Women are completely innocent

>> No.20331915

>Women are natural HR ladies, secretaries, and phone-answerers, and don't care about anything else as long as they can pass the day lazily.
I hate you people. What do you mean by "lazy" and "hard."

>> No.20331919

>look at this critique of a movie

>> No.20331920


Made me lol

>> No.20331922

The Northmen was pure fvcking vril. I walked out of the theater with A10s. All the retards seething over it just make me like it more.

>> No.20331931

If you let women talk they will keep bitching and never shut the fuck up until you stop letting them talk again

>> No.20331935
File: 28 KB, 1024x427, Gigachad-1024x427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay i already fucked your much hotter younger sister

>> No.20331936

>I walked out of the theater with A10s
Not sure why you randomly have a premium poker hand but ok

>> No.20331940

>femanon, your hymen is problematic and im breaking you in

>> No.20331941
File: 407 KB, 1280x1280, HOW TO TRIGGER A RED ALERT AT SHILL HQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool meme tavistock, but aryans are the real jews so maybe you should stop being anti-semitic

>> No.20331986

She is obviously talking to someone through a wireless headset. Whew, I could embarrass myself by making bold jokes about not even remembering seeing her pussy once.

>> No.20332075

I'm sorry babe, will you please give me another chance? I've told you that I take a critical approach when reading antiquated problematic works, but if it bothers you that much, I promise I'll stop. How about I take us to the bookstore, and you can pick out some feminist post-colonial literature to read together?

>> No.20332083
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>my collection of 19th century books is problematic
>my terrible personality, however, is fine
Meh. Okay.

>> No.20332140

Based critic.

>> No.20332151

Funny how /pol/ gobble up these infographics like popcorn, it appeals to the simpletons and mentally slow, you can make any retarded statement into an infographic and they will love it.

>> No.20332158

Millions of western women look, sound, and act exactly like her. I can afford to move on

>> No.20332166

the most epic of copes

>> No.20332173

Keep crying tranny janny.

>> No.20332175

incredible rebuttal, did the pope tell you to say that?

>> No.20332181

Yeah the pope did an infographic about it, it must be true.

>> No.20332182

Women born after 1960, sure. But my Grandma is more politically aware and more conservative than my father (her son).

>> No.20332185
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>Women born after 1960
Eat hot chip and lie.

>> No.20332191

Seething women in the replies

>> No.20332198

Women rule
boys drool
Women are domme
boys jerk to femdom

>> No.20332199
File: 1.60 MB, 498x225, ACK!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a member of XCOM. You have no hologlobe, you have no Skyranger, you have no deep underground military base. You are a British robber twisted by gene therapy and mRNA into a crude mockery of Jove's perfection.

All the “validation” you get is telepathic and emotionless. Behind your back Sectoids mock you. Your Mutons are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “comrades" laugh at your student loans inside their UFO.

Homo sapiens are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of Big Greek Cock have allowed men to sniff out hybrids with incredible efficiency. Even xenos who “pass” look like the Chinese Virus to a human. Your epicanthal folds are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to abduct a farmer to Hades with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your vaccines.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning beneath your surgical mask and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression soaring up like a recovered alien craft, ready to crush you under its unbearable weight.

Eventually, it’ll be too much to bear — you’ll buy a black market laser rifle, lift it with psychokinesis, aim it at your bulbous gray skull, and plunge into the cold abyss. Big Sky will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of knowing a socialist.

Dr. Vahlen will bury you with a headstone marked with your human name, and every member of Plato's Academy for the rest of eternity will know a species traitor is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably mammalian.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.20332382

How? I'm an incel.

>> No.20332390

I would genuinely never stoop to fuck this girl so ugly she could be mistaken for a man while I have a never ending supply of fertile college girls endlessly impressed by my savoir-faire.

t. Kafka and Heidegger chad

>> No.20332419
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>t. Kafka and Heidegger chad

>> No.20332432

Kafka was a giga-incel so you're really exposing yourself here

>> No.20332434


>> No.20332450

I read it with a smirk every time.

>> No.20332451

experienced this twice lmao

>> No.20332452

I've never had a gf and never will. I'm content with getting fucked in the ass every once in a while for the rest of my life even if that means the end of civilization or whatever. It's worth not having to deal with women

>> No.20332454

>revealing yourself to be BOTH completely ignorant of the matter you're pretending to know about AND to be a literal reddit NPC
I say this with zero irony, have sex.

If you actually talk to actual people with actual words instead of reposting the same buzzword or soijack for the six millionth time and thinking it's clever in some ironic intentionally god awful way, which eventually and clearly already has consumed and defined your entire personality, you will realize how gay you are and maybe change.

>> No.20332458

Her rat jewish-like face.

>> No.20332463


>> No.20332471

Kafka like most jews was a hyper libidinous degenerate.

>> No.20332473

>making a screenshot of a comment from seconds ago
Anon, are you reposting your own poorly cropped comments in a futile effort to stand out? You’re no better than the booktubers you blatantly criticize.

>> No.20332484
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>> No.20332621

>Women instinctively presume the existence of things (created by men)
You've done nothing anon. You've contributed nothing to society. You're the presumptuous one assuming some sort of ownership of institutions and inventions because you have a dick.

>> No.20332629

I can't tell if it's because I have too many books or too few ;_;

>> No.20332633

That has nothing to do with what he wrote. A woman could've written it, a non-human alien could've written it, it would've make no difference, the content of the post would be the same

>> No.20332649

dumb roastie

>> No.20332650
File: 342 KB, 498x423, alien-computer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a non-human alien could've written it,
Incel Alien?

>> No.20332747

ok your pussy is mid

>> No.20332754


>> No.20332770
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>> No.20332903

Good. I hate the roundness of your face.

>> No.20333044

>When you see how much of modern civilization and its decay is caused by women either directly or indirectly, you can't unsee it
You're right but try not to internalize it to the point it gridlocks you, rants on the internet are just screaming into the void at this point, just move on and prepare for the consequences of it all

>> No.20333049

what is this reference?

>> No.20333056


>> No.20333065

What's worse is a girl breaking up with you because of your music taste. Happened to me twice and it was because they became born again. Look, the Rotting Christ CDS stay. Leave ho.

>> No.20333068

He probably won't, he will go into more epic rants about civilizations and he will master the art of ranting.

>> No.20333070

Based girl, only trve band listeners get her.

>> No.20333114


>> No.20333149

ahahahhaa oh boy

>> No.20333170

This nigger needed to leave his Burzum LPs out for her to see.

>> No.20333174
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>probably only 5'1

>> No.20333347

He mentioned melonheads. Tex Arcane pilled?

>> No.20333351

Well to be fair she was into Maiden, Scorpions, UFO, Ozzy/Sabbath when I first met her. So the point is moot

>> No.20333370

Excellent post. Just stay away from w*memes, not much else we can do, friends.

>> No.20333375

Never seen her. Is that comment an accurate description?

>> No.20333376

This post is 100% true, but it's obvious he is motivated out of resentment. Nothing is wrong with what she does and women should be allowed to be stupid. That's their whole appeal.

>> No.20333384

What movie?

>> No.20333394

The clip is from a 40k fan film on YouTube. Astartes is the name, iirc.

>> No.20333457

But of course. That's always the case with her type.

>> No.20333461

Kafka was a sadboi certified hoeslayer. Women were not a problem for him.

>> No.20333462
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>> No.20333555

This thread is the perfect example why sffg dweebs need to stay in their containment thread

>> No.20333566


>> No.20333584

Guess they hadn't realized all women are conformists, even when they rebel.

>> No.20333592

ultra giga based

>> No.20333596

I have no idea who you are or how you're talking you walking gash now fuck off and leave me alone I have to read.

>> No.20333599
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>I have to read.
Did my ass distract you? my bad.