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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2033077 [Reply] [Original]

A bit specific but, can anyone recommend a Norwegian Author?

I just read some stuff by this guy called Ake Fen, was hoping to read some more Norwegian stuff. Not genre specific, anything will do.

Pic related.

>> No.2033081

Knut Hamsun <3

>> No.2033082

Knut Hamsun, Hunger is his most famous novel. He's a very influential novelist.

>> No.2033084

This was in fact the inspiration for Kafka's the hunger artist! ;3 want to suck me off?

>> No.2033090
File: 85 KB, 363x365, Ibsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erlend Loe is a reasonably good contemporary writer, but nothing earth-shattering. I've compiled a list of Scandinavian writers that I'm interested in. I have not read most of them though, so I can't comment.

Knut Hamsun - Hunger
Henrik Ibsen (playwright)
Erland Loe Naiv.Super + Gone with the woman
Jo Nesbø - crime writer - Rødstrupe
Johan Harstad
Karl Ove Knausgård

>> No.2033092

I should have clarified: this part of the list is all Norwegians.

>> No.2033095

That's very interesting, but no, I do not want to suck your cock. Thanks though.

>> No.2033097

Me again, sorry. You might be interested in Sigrid Undset, but I was put off by the fact that her books are mega long. They won her the Nobel Prize though.

>> No.2033102
File: 25 KB, 478x468, brofist3536544_113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Here, thank you my fellow c/lit/s. You deliver as always.

>> No.2033105

I have started a list of people whose throats I will slit:

1. You
2. You
3. You
4. You
5. You
6. You
7. tbd
8. >>2033095
9. You

>> No.2033114

I was confised for a second as to why VeiL wasn't on the list, then I looked up and saw it was VeiL that wrote it.

You really are a terrible poster.