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20322554 No.20322554 [Reply] [Original]

Kraftwerk edition


>> No.20322572


I hate this stupid general and I'm going to see Kraftwerk in a few weeks.

>> No.20322577

Do you consider yourself to be intelligent?

>> No.20322581


>> No.20322643 [DELETED] 

"New" you say. This is still the same thread. The same posts. The same thoughts. The same brain waves. The same letters. The same pixels. The same universe. The same pictures of girls. Again and again and again and again and again . . .

>> No.20322747

Nabokov said he wished he could see 27-year-old Edgar Allen Poe's marriage to his 13-year-old first cousin. What did Nabokov mean by this?

>> No.20322763

People can’t search for this thread stupid OP. Are you a newfag?

>> No.20322766

I forget sometimes all these 60s/70s bands are still alive and touring.

>> No.20322781

jelly, where at?

>> No.20322824


Yes and no. Lots of the key personnel from old-school Boomer acts have been dying off over the past decade or so. Florian Schneider himself died a year or two ago, but he hung it up and left the band much earlier, about a decade-plus ago. The only original member remaining is Ralf Hutter, and Ralf is on record as saying he's going to keep doing the show until he kicks it. I'm honestly surprised they're traveling since they're old men, there's a war on and the world has gone to hell, but then there's the Fuck It, I'm Going To Live My Life mentality, which is healthy.

Today, the Kraftwerk show is very easy: set up a few laptops, push a few buttons, play the old favorites with the visual of a quartet. Still going to enjoy it and worth every pfennig. It's a much easier sort of show to play if you're an old man, as opposed to a rock concert-They're city-hopping every other day as if they were in their prime, which I take as proof of how (relatively) easy it is to do a show. Got it down to a science.

>> No.20322833


Prefer not to say, I was honestly surprised they'd come around this C-list town in Ralf's dotage. They're doing a pretty good coverage of the USA, I would recommend checking tour dates, if you really want to swing it there might be something near you that you could see in time. Might be your only chance.

>> No.20322860

I guess it's a ship of Theseus situation then. I think most big rock bands from back then have overwent almost complete lineup changes already

>> No.20322867

No, just dumb

>> No.20322915

I am the Supreme Midwit

>> No.20322935

Well bros, after a two year hiatus I am finally going back to college. I'm 23 and I'm gonna be in intro level classes with 18 year olds. Not too excited but now that I'm not some awkward and dorky teen anymore, maybe I can snag a gf.
Also need some advice. I can take 5 classes in a six week summer session and transfer to university in fall, or I can break them up over the next two semesters and start university next spring. I really cant imagine pissing around a community college til I'm 24. Is it worth biting the bullet and just overloading on classes this summer?

>> No.20322982

I can't see how you can pull that off if you have a job or a social life. If I remember correctly most community colleges have a limit to how many credit hours you can sign up for per term anyway.

>> No.20322998

>I can't see how you can pull that off if you have a job or a social life.
Haha yeah

>> No.20323003

they're $100 :/

>> No.20323019

Isn't that relatively cheap? Never been to a concert so I wouldn't know.

>> No.20323026

Then how are you paying for school. In my state they only give fee waivers to poorfags who are no longer being claimed on taxes by their parents.

>> No.20323039

I worked for the past two years and I live with my dad so I have no bills. I have lot of money saved up so I can go six weeks without working. I'm sure my dad would even throw me a few bucks because he's desperate for at least one of his children to get a degree

>> No.20323041

Is Japanese Doraemon /lit/ or not?

>> No.20323048

my roommate is asleep and I want to talk to him but he's knocked out. I'm also hungry

>> No.20323058
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I found a catholic girl that is into literature and philosophy, and actually cares about me
Im really happy and full of enthusiasm and motivation. Just completed a painting in one sitting and started writings

>> No.20323075

That's an upper-middle range price. It's not as bad as trying to see the Rolling Stones or a top40 artist by any means, but most artists that I've seen, even at major venues, have been under $50.

>> No.20323084

I'm happy for you brother

>> No.20323135
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>> No.20323153

I hope you make it bro

>> No.20323160
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What am I in for?

>> No.20323197
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>> No.20323261 [DELETED] 

I happen to love God with giddiness and excitement like a small dog for its owner's handbag, a bag that protects me from the weather's elements like rain, snow, and smoke from burning things, and as I crawl in the bag in absolute glee and feel against my body the fabric--as I do I poop in the bag before I can warn God, and I feel sorry for pooping in the bag and leaving a mess to which God cleans.

>> No.20323304


Depends on where you sit in my case, KikeMaster wants to tack on another 40bux for remote service but I live close to the box office so I'm gonna go there. I could do the rearmost nosebleed for 60 bucks or so, thing isn't even close to sold out yet.


Concerts generally range between 30-300 USD per person in my experience depending on the popularity/"up-and-coming" status of the act, and I've never bought a ticket near that upper range. As the other anon said, if you're going to see some established Boomer act the kikes will milk you for 200bux or so if you want a decent view and I have a smaller case of that going on in my own ticket decision. Kraftwerk will be a nice addition to other electronic acts I've seen (usually in smaller shows on the lower range):

-Autechre (twice in two different cities)
-Squarepusher (best concert I've been to, AMA)
-DJ Shadow (with his rapper collective)

Last show I went to was Zakir Hussain maybe two years before covid, sat up in a nosebleed and had a lovely time. He did two pieces together with a guy on a sit-down stringed instrument. Lots of well-dressed, nice Indian people, there was even a woman sitting next to me and she could tell I was digging it. She even whispered to me when they would do the bendy-things with the notes, "Isn't that nice?", I muttered "Uh huh...", paying attention.

>> No.20323316

fuck israel

>> No.20323331

Just finished book 7 of the History of the Peloponnesian War
Jesus Christ that was grim

>> No.20323340

>DJ Shadow
Man that brings up some bittersweet memories. I first saw him at one of the best underground hip hop spots in my city. You never knew who the fuck would show up unannounced and do a set. Shame it got shut down because of #metoo bullshit.

>> No.20323398
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Let the good times roll!
I have a theory that for these old actors and musicians performing and having the routine of touring/film-shoots provides just enough mental and physical stimulation to keep them healthy for their age, but not enough stress or stimulation to cause them to have debilitating injury.
Deep Purple is the ultimate Ship of Theseus

>> No.20323424

Boutta masturbate. See you guys in 5 minutes

>> No.20323432

I'll be counting the seconds until you return...

>> No.20323453

I'm back

>> No.20323457
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I hate couples so much. I feel like I would still hate couples even if I got a girlfriend since at this point I'm so bitter and spiteful it has become a core part of my personality.

>> No.20323462
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I was supposed to do things today and all I did was read 20 pages of picrel and spend 30 minutes drawing. I fucked up some accounting and agonized over having to admit to it all afternoon but I did finally get it taken care of.

>> No.20323489


>> No.20323505
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>> No.20323524
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> Any Lithuanians in Vilnius want to be frens?
Do you have a spare room?

>> No.20323529

Well you acknowledged it, that's a start.
I can't find the "just stop caring" pepe but you know what you need to do. I'm not saying this to be a moral fag, I'm saying this because my deeply ingrained belief is that anything that makes you angry or spiteful passively is counterproductive. If anything I'm advocating for a kind of apathetic egocentrism. You dig?

>> No.20323673
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Sorry bro but I'm not gonna stop caring. I think that people have emotions for a reason and there's a good reason for me to be angry at couples, and that's because I'm jealous of them and upset at my own sexual and romantic failures. If I become apathetic then there's no motivating force to make me finally have sex and stop being such an incel. Maybe any possible girlfriend I get will be into ryona and let me take it out on her.

>> No.20323703

Just because emotions exist for a good reason does not mean every felt emotion is reasonable or justified.

>> No.20323706

Motivation is not a useful way to think of things, any moron can work harder, but if you want to succeed at something or at least make consistent progress you want to do it effortlessly. That doesn't just apply to dating but almost any possible ambition you have in life.
Work smarter > work harder
But then again maybe it is the right approach for you. Good luck with it.

>> No.20323715


>> No.20323720
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I can save her

>> No.20323725
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>> No.20323728

I donno. Looks nice. Would consider relocating.
Sorry, I should have indicated that I’m not from Lithuania

>> No.20323733

>"Hates" life
>Still makes the effort to do her makeup and mask up
Femoids are fucking clowns.

>> No.20323738

>"hates" life
>still eats and drinks rather than simply dying
Moids are fucking clowns.

>> No.20323746

What’s the fucking malfunction in your brain?
She’s bitter and scared with a dark sense of humor. Just aching to be a part of something meaningful, and can’t even make a relevant sign for this shitshow the libs have walked her and her friends into.
She’s a female version of you clowns, is what I’m saying.

>> No.20323759

I'm familiar even as a metal head. I have a thing for electronic music that started way back in 1997. That's when 'Entroducing " came out

>> No.20323763

She never said she hates life

>> No.20323764

But I don't hate life or women. It's just hilarious that these roasties get worked into a shoot over the dumbest things. Fucking marionettes for globohomo and it works because simps like you will make excuses for them all the live long day.

>> No.20323775

Wow. Touchy.
>I don’t hate roasties!

>> No.20323792

Isn't Squarepusher loosely associated with q-Ziq and all that stuff?

As far as electronic music goes I'm into EBM, rhythmic noise, ritual ambient, experimental industrial, harsh noise, neofolk and power electronics mainly.

Man I was bummed when Lemmy died.

>> No.20323831

Me too. I was actually researching for a role based on him at the time he died, which was fucking weird.

>> No.20323883 [DELETED] 
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I'm not sure what she meant by this. I've been training my fiancée to be pliable to me in all ways and this last week she's agreed that I am the boss of the relationship from now on, my decisions being final. I've also trained her to be my fetish slave, a position she's been all too happy to fill. When I show displeasure, she's broken up to be out of my approval and seeks it back hard. On the other hand, she's intensely jealous, hence my not bringing up any such scenario prior to the progress I've made in crafting her into the ride-or-die wife material I require. Her one rule is that I don't cheat, though we've had conversations into nuances of what men, certain men, are emotionally equipped for and that they can step out but not be "cheating." I think the solution is to continue to form associations in her between my dominance and her pleasure and happiness for an extended time, hold the ground I've gained and take more, then force the idea on her in a moment I have her in full submission. Even if she's into it now, feeding me girls from time to time, she could question herself and resent me for it if she isn't 100%. I think it's smartest to keep on task for now, not relent, and enjoy the fruits of my labors later.

>> No.20324263

I'm Christian because I hope for an eternal life, an infinite exploration of things like in my escapist fantasy, rewards for doing good, to be loved, a rational grounding of faith against the uncertainty of a complex universe.

>> No.20324391

The mark of a good movie is that on top of a great movie it also provide you good music to listen to when outside the movie

>> No.20324494

Schizos will fail to form a coherent sentence or show any contextual awareness for a thread their posting in.
Yet still somehow correctly enter in the captcha.

>> No.20324653

Seriously. A film about the making of Trans Europa Express. Cast it.

>> No.20324792
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There was this highschool kid from Chicago whom I met in a ward
He took 3g from his parents account, bought a one-way ticket to Tokyo and tried to hang himself in Aokigahara but failed
I don't know if you're still alive but you earned my respect dude, godspeed

>> No.20324958
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No matter how I'm doing or what I'm feeling it will always seem like I'm purposely excluding my dead father. Any success has me believing that he thinks I'm excluding him. I am not. I wish he was around for everything I do.
I miss him popping in and his paternal advice gifted from a time I could not experience. I miss his seemingly endless catalogue of facts and memories as well as his genuine curiosity at anything new.
I miss him more every day. It doesn't get easier, it just becomes a new normal. A permanent minus one to life.

>> No.20325437

>tried to hang himself in Aokigahara but failed
How do you know?

>> No.20325625

I'm scared of girls

>> No.20325872


>> No.20326131

They met in a psych ward, read between the lines. Kid probably got caught and his parents tracked him down somehow

>> No.20326416
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I sent a 60 page chapter to my dissertation advisor when she was expecting only ~20. The good news is, she likes it a lot. We already agreed to turn a different part of it into a separately published article and I will likely this chapter as well (once I cut it to size and I actually graduated). If I'm honest, the fact that despite having a reputation for being a hardass she likes my work and seems genuinely excited to see my research makes me feel good.

>> No.20326440

Is there any path from starting in a community college to finishing my 4-year in an Ivy League

>> No.20326455

Yeah I know a dude who did it

>> No.20326457

Francis of Assisi: Praised be You, my Lord, through Brother Devil. Praised be You, my Lord, through Sister Extermination.

>> No.20326461

Don't know about ivy but one of my boys finessed his way from cc to Berkeley.

>> No.20326474

They are alien to me

>> No.20326477

That really isnt as hard as it sounds. Cal States and UCs are dumping grounds for cc's

>> No.20326600

and your fellow man is less so?
that makes sense, but from a certain point of view aren't all people alien to one another?

>> No.20326632

I mean females as a species. You can be reductionist, but the only conclusion of that is to say I'd have to treat an individual man the same as I would a bear since each of them is merely an individual. There are qualities had by women as a species which make them alien to me. The uncertainty of what they are causes anxiety in me.

>> No.20326717

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo by eating Taco Bell.

>> No.20326719

Watching your parents continue to make bad decisions well into their old age is despairing.

>> No.20326756

Guys, I think I'm starting to lose it.

The last few months I have basically been reading nothing but Cartesian "only can be proved in the mind" books, like epistemology, metaphysics, logic, mathematics. I probably now have a borderline PhD in philosophy, and am slowly starting to see the hand of God, but at the same time, I am starting to feel my sanity slip.
Is the way to fix this to read a book of fart jokes or something?

>> No.20326772

Celebrating Victory Day (Russian) on the throne ;)

>> No.20326781

RIP 79 89 99 menu. Zoomers will never know how good it felt to roll in to Taco Bell at 11:30 PM and order 40 burritos for like $17.

>> No.20326817

I'm gonna go get fish tacos

>> No.20326824

Read critiques of the rationalists. I reccomend The Unity of Philosophical Experience by Gilson.

>> No.20326954

How do you write the past carrying on into the present as its happening now?

Like: He was holding and then dropping.
It looks weird if you make it like this: He held and then dropping.

>> No.20326964

Have you tried not being a little bitch?

>> No.20326970

don't put wwoym in the subject instead of the body cuz then u can't search for it jackass op, i don't want to have to scroll past 20 guenons and some pictures of dragons to find the wwoym u feel me

>> No.20326993

first, why are you doing that?
>He held and then was dropping.
Seems closer to what you want, but maybe,
>He held but now is dropping
seems slightly neater grammatically, but again, why?

>> No.20327001

Well bros I'm fucked. I fucked up my first year of university. I tried to make up for it, but then the pandemic slapped me down. I'm back to college after two years. Academic advisor basically told me it doesnt look too good. I might never acquire a bachelor's. I think it's hard labor with the mexicans for me. I finally understand the despair of ngmi.

>> No.20327003

Some anon was cynical about my response to a femanon in another thread.

>> No.20327014

Because I want to say this was his state before, and here is how it has changed and this last state has still been going on and will be going in in the future. I think the second example all I needed to do was put that 'was' before dropping, so then it stays a lot more simple.

I could have said: He was holding and then he started to drop. But I wanted to see how you can say it without the 'started'.

>> No.20327024

lol i'm one of the shittiest students known to man idk how i passed my bachelor's lol how can u not finish a bachelors are you trying to be a hero doing some stem shit u don't like? just do a fucking english degree or someshit so at least u have it

>> No.20327034

You're gonna make it, Anon. Just keep showing up and try to build some sort of positive relationship with professors, they'll cover for you if you fuck up. I spent the whole uni blackout drunk but got my master's, no memories and no pussy though.

>> No.20327037

How does that even work? Can't you just do it with an extra year?

>> No.20327047

i think some schools will kick u out if u like fail every single class, of course u could go somewhere else, but good luck transferring when ur transcript is all 'f's

>> No.20327078

Basically this >>20327047
Transcript looks like shit. I'm trying to claw my way back into a university, but I have to show my entire academic history. I dont know if I can get back into a university. Im in my mid 20s now. I dont have time for all this bullshit anymore. I thought about joining the forest service and being some hermit ranger, but even that requires a university education.

>> No.20327115

Can't you do a year or two at some community college of sorts then transfer to a university after you get some good grades there? Maybe if you are in the humanities try to publish a paper or two in some small academic publication to show them some initiative? Kind of a way to show you are not useless and want to turn things around. I'm not sure how much human input goes into these decisions, but something like that might be enough to get back in.

>> No.20327134

Or if you just want a degree so jobs that require a degree for no goddamn reason won't be closed to you by default, finish the whole thing at some community college or other small uni with lower standards.

>> No.20327143

Right so thats the point I'm at. I'm at the community college. I have 18 units left to complete. Academic advisor really emphasized that I need to get like all As to compensate for my first fuck up and said it doesnt look good even with that. I had a shitty year when I was 18 and my whole life is a wreck because of it.

>> No.20327268

Need all As to get back into a good uni or just to finish at the community college? Or did you start at this community college? It's weird if you can't even stay there because of one bad year.

If you don't need to do it all in one year, you could do them 6 at a time per term over 3 terms (or spread out over 4) and get all As.

Also consider not going the college route. Your main problem would be that lots of jobs require a degree for no reason, but not all of them do and you can always learn a trade or start your own business, even if you start very small.

There is always a way forward anon. It might be tough and filled with hard work for years, but there is one.

>> No.20327367

I should have been more clear with what happened. I was in university in 2017/18 and totally fucked it up. The dean told me to make up a few classes at a CC and he'd lift my academic probation. But I was so bitter about my experience that I'd rather just restart at the CC. I was there until 2020 at which point the pandemic fucked my life up and I worked a construction job full time. I'm just going back to college now. I'm only 6 classes away from completing my associates/transfer degree.
Today is the first day anyone told me that I can't run away from my university's transcript. So even best case scenario I can't transfer until fall 2023. But thats assuming I can transfer at all. Turns out most universities have no respect for community college philosophy degrees. Especially those held by students with a shit gpa.

Anyway you're right about work. There are a lot of opportunities in the construction industry for me. None of them require a degree. It just hit me really hard to realize that all those miserable years in college would amount to nothing. I hated the whole experience and have literally zero happy memories of the time. I'm just tired of it all. I'm so bitter about it.

>> No.20327392

You're a model, all right.
Just not a good looking one.

>> No.20327436

My autism has caught up with me bros necking myself or becoming hardcore Christian is my only escape. Converting to islam is like gun roulette you enter all drunk tipsy then all the guys in the room are deranged and not pleasant seeming. They all worship the arabic language and if you don't learn it the guilt in your soul pervades as you'll be punished by not learning it. Its just not a fun language to learn as every bit of progress means more memorization of the holy book. Yet what makes these people deranged is the religion offers nothing but polygamy. I'll say it bros.

Now I'm a xenophile so I can excuse strange culture. But when theres food poison on the table (indian muslims) and the governments of muslim countries will kill you I don't see the point. But the most unpleasant seeming part is they say western women are to blame for rape or the virginity obsession thats built into the holy book. I can excuse this as fine but when they make their books look like contraband and they tell you to cut off connections with all your friends I feel like a Stephen Molyneux cult.

In the end I'm going to be all alone for following this religion with people who are deranged there is even a report if you have unspeakable thoughts you have faith. I'm going to be honest you can pray 20 times a day or wear a fist length beard with no moustache but If you for one second want to send anybody to hell all this love you have is fake. Allah is a materialist he may be called the most loving but it actually means most loving in giving gifts. So if you don't believe in him you don't get any gifts and if you do your in debt and will be punished. I can't stand this religion anymore.

>> No.20327444

Wonder what he did outside of murdering the SAT and ACT.

>> No.20327449

Being bitter won't help anon, concentrate on what's coming. Construction isn't easy, worked in it myself for a bit, but there are opportunities there if you can work your way up from the lowest rungs of the ladder and from what I've seen, good tradesmen are happier (and better off) than embittered academics and office workers. And if you manage to start your own business, nobody will ever ask you if you've got a degree or not.

As for the university stuff, sleep on it for a few days and try asking someone else on the matter. If there is a professor who likes you, it's worth a shot candidly telling him what shit you are in and ask for advice/help in how to move on. These academic advisors usually provide you with the most basic/worst case scenario so the situation might not be that grim. A proff who's been around might know his way around shit situations like that.

>> No.20327488

happy cinco de mayo to all mexican-americans. im eating some tacos. cheers

>> No.20327499

I dont expect any good advice from anyone I know. The only reason I am at this point is because I was consistently given bad advice. I'm doing the math and it looks like I won't get my bachelors degree until I'm 27. That's a very late bloomer. I just wish I could have lived normally. Made friends and had all the fun I see other people having. I see people who are 22 or 23 starting careers or working on Masters degrees. I just feel like such a wreck.
Anyway, I'm just doomer posting at this point. I'll stop indulging that crap and just bite the bullet. I appreciate your advice and encouragement. It isn't totally over yet. It's just a bigger hurdle than I expected, so it was kind of daunting.

>> No.20327506

You know, us gringos celebrate sinko day mayo too

>> No.20327564 [DELETED] 

i met a dude who did it, it helped that he was undocumented and gay so every white lib on the planet doted on him

>> No.20327626 [DELETED] 

i know a dude who transferred from cc to a ivy and got smoked, had to drop out lol believe or not ivy schools are actually very rigorous

>> No.20327643

i thought hithertoo was pronounced hitero tho

>> No.20328095

when come home from work i like to grab a coffee and watch oldtimeycomputershow on twitch. it's so comfy.

>> No.20328392

I had Taquitos for a night time snack

Anyways according to some people I know I hold substance dualist philosophy of mind views

>> No.20328410

I don't know what the fuck these colleges want out of transfer applicants. Rejected from UVA, waitlisted by Boston College. 1540 SAT, 3.9 GPA (both solidly above the supposed average), community service, work experience. Genuinely poured my heart out into my essay talking about my Dad's schizophrenia and mental descent. I don't want to fucking tell some nerd admissions officer about meaningful life experiences to me, but I bent the knee like a faggot and did. What the fuck more do they want? BC isn't even really elite, it's like top 40. Least I got into Virginia Tech so I can leave this shithole university.

>> No.20328454

Going to UCLA/Berkeley is a joke if you transfer from a CC. I didn't know them personally, but I went to an overachieving asian high school and there were a handful of people who went to the local CC for two years and ended up at Yale/Stanford, but you have to do something exceptional to stand out.

>> No.20328467
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>Virginia Tech

>> No.20328476

Also was thinking of applying Aristotle's logic to Hobbes' proto-legal positivism, sort of going against natural law with this one

>> No.20328780

It's not prestigious but its nice and its sure as fuck better than GMU

>> No.20328787

Bruh you don't even know bout them cheap burger and cheeseburger Wednesdays and Thursdays at McDonald's. 29 and 39 centavos. We were eating fucking good in the 90s. The fries were fucking fire because they still used beef tallow.

>> No.20328860
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Where do old people hang out?

>> No.20328862
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Have sex. Women like sex. You'll never hold on to one unless you get good at sex.

>> No.20328874

the xi jinping of

>> No.20328877

Parks, doctors' waiting rooms and public transportation during busiest times.

>> No.20328878
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Ausfag here.
How old are we talking?
Obviously you have the Grey Nomads who are part of the reason RVs are so expensive. Here in Australia they are the ones who will insit on going to every outback town, and see all the hokey kitsch 'Big' tourist monuments. The Big Banana, the Big Pinapple, the Big Lobster, and some more sentimental things like the Dog on the Tuckerbox.
You can find oldies either at the Pokies (Video Poker venues dotted around attached to sports bars/pubs), on 'Pension Day' you'll find them at the Shopping Mall. They also are big on Lawn Bowls.
In Italy old men are infamous for standing around roadworks sites, giving instructions. Sounds pretty chad to me. They call them "Umarell" though.

>> No.20328901

Sucking cock

>> No.20328951

sucking cock

>> No.20328960

cock sucking

>> No.20328967

where do women who want to have sex with me hang out?

>> No.20328978
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>> No.20328980


>> No.20329006

I dont care about sex.

>> No.20329009

Spend time in nature.

>> No.20329024

And where can I meet them IRL?

>> No.20329033

They won't meet up until you get some clout
Clout -> bitches

>> No.20329037

I'm going to regret asking this. But how does a non-tokker like me get some clout? Talking shit about Versace and Rodarte? Doing imitations of 90's cartoon characters?

>> No.20329041

It's over

>> No.20329049
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brownnose someone with clout until he lends you some

>> No.20329051 [DELETED] 

what it was like in the 90s

>> No.20329069

"Excuse me, sir, but may I have one Clout please?"

>> No.20329378

Its so different being in a capital city if you're from a small town.

>> No.20329388

I really wish I was NEET.

>> No.20329422

I am one. Not that great.

>> No.20329424

>go on libgen
>a lot of books I want aren't there
>6 months later
>all the books have been uploaded
is there a better feeling?

>> No.20329433
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Yeah, enjoyed it for a couple of years but I'm just depressed now. Gonna start looking for night security job or something similar, wage doesn't matter as long as I can read/write there. NEETing has its pitfalls but I'd unironically prefer suicide to corporate office job among normies.

>> No.20329465

Drank a lot of cheap beer last night and now I'm passing the most poisonous wind you could imagine. It's like bovine carcass covered with rotten eggs on top of it.

>> No.20329537
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I'd only want to be NEET for, like, a year or so. However, I can see how it'd get depressing, much like everything else in life.
I worked as a night receptionist at a hotel before entering the shallow world of corporate copywriting. Comfiest job I ever had, though it did get a bit sketchy when crackheads would wander in. You're right about having a corporate job; I came home at 7 PM yesterday, lay on my bed and burst out crying.

>> No.20329582

>a night receptionist at a hotel
That would be perfect. Can you describe the experience a bit more?
>lay on my bed and burst out crying
Can't you just drop the hellish corporate job? Financial obligations or something? I had a video editing internship in ad agency back during college years and what I've seen there is why I've dropped out of career rat race completely. Talented, creative people on the verge of burnout and depression, plus the soul-crushing office evniroment and forced small talk.

>> No.20329634

>That would be perfect. Can you describe the experience a bit more?
Sure, it was at a chain hotel in my country. Shift pattern 11 PM to 7 AM. There would be two of us on shift for security reasons, but usually, only one person would "work" while the other slept. Work typically involved:
>checking in, at most, two people in a night
>doing hourly rounds to check for noise, usually we'd stop around 2AM
>ushering the odd crackhead/drunk out
>cleaning the lobby and emptying the bins, which usually took 20 minutes
>running end of day procedures, putting the day's cash in the safe
Overall, we probably did around 90 minutes of work a shift, with the rest of the time spent reading, surfing the internet, shooting the shit or playing video games. However, I will warn you: working nights is terrible for your health.
>Can't you just drop the hellish corporate job?
Not really. I'm in a settled relationship now, and I want to get in the position to own land soon, which is getting extremely difficult. I started at an agency which wasn't as bad as this, but the pay here is insane. It is bad here, though. People have looked me square in the face and declared that their "passion is insurance and financial services". I got reprimanded the other day for not using enough "people of colour" in the stock imagery I was choosing for my articles. Absolute hell.

>> No.20329695 [DELETED] 

get an office job as a college bureaucrat, colleges are always hiring more useless excel twiddlers to fill up their webex meetings. it'll pay less than corporate but you don't really have to do anything.

>> No.20329754

Thanks Anon, the receptionist job sounds very good indeed. Wishing you some relief in your current torment, it's good that you have something pleasing to work towards.

>> No.20329798

there we go again

>> No.20329800

I think I want to do acid again, by myself.
I'll test it this time.

>> No.20330412


>> No.20330567

This is the most dead wwoym has been in a long time

>> No.20330666

Maybe it’s because of all the troll bans passed out recently.

>> No.20330671

Good. This place is about to be infested with summerfags

>> No.20330672

I should really stop telling myself next few days will be chill, life has tendency to prove me wrong.

>> No.20330683

My life has been too chill. I need the excitement. Reignited passions.
But do enjoy some downtime anon.

>> No.20330705
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Thanks. And I wish plenty of excitement to you.

>> No.20330744

Are there any worthy /lit/ adjenct discords? I avoided it for a while but I joined a few discord servers and found that I like the format but the people are generally retarded.

>> No.20330752


>> No.20330800

My brother was on a ton of discord servers pertaining to books, religion, philosophy, occultism, and jungian psychology. He's in some roleplaying servers now.
I'm not exaggerating when I say this, but it's literally all trannies. Discord is like catnip to trannies. Especially faux and pseudo intellectual servers. ESPECIALLY occult and jungian psychology servers.

>> No.20330822

My brain is fried. I used to be able to read a philosophy book, take notes, and then come here and defend the arguments. Now I read philosophy, I take notes, I internalize what Ive read, but then restating the arguments feels near impossible. I think I know why. Ive overloaded my brain on phone time. I wake up and check a hundred notifications before I go to bed. I've watched three youtube videos before breakfast. And then I check all my (You)'s here. I'm making myself retarded

>> No.20330836

dopamine fasting anon

>> No.20330855

Ive been trying. I feel like everytning I do is a break between phone time

>> No.20330973

I just hate myself so fucking much. Life feels like an endurance run at this point.

>> No.20331059

That makes two of us.

>> No.20331808

Bumping to remind you this is still here.
Got nothing on your mind? Why post a second thread?

>> No.20331822

The subject is missing so people can't find it in the catalog

>> No.20331851

Seems for the best

>> No.20331873 [DELETED] 

It literally says write what’s on your mind in the title

>> No.20331881


>> No.20331914

It literally says write what’s on your mind in the title

>> No.20331930

That's the name field you dunce

>> No.20332398

Just download them from the internet for free

>> No.20332410

based croatia bro

>> No.20332593

I'm one, albeit I'm a bit old, the main issue is the availability of money

>> No.20332599

nah I was thinking of Cho when I wrote that post with the doge

>> No.20332609

My best friend in high school turned out to have hated my guts the whole time and was only hanging out with me because he liked laughing at me and telling other people about times I sperged out or dropped my spaghetti, and right after we graduated he cut contact with me. I never saw him again.
Recently I found out that my boss and several of my coworkers hate me and hate working with me, even though they act friendly while we're at work.
I think there's something seriously wrong with my personality that causes people who I initially get along with to start to dislike spending time with me. The best course of action would be to just avoid other people as much as possible since obviously I'm a burden and an annoyance to them. I'm tired of being a fuckup who causes problems for other people.
Now that I've typed it all out like this I seem very self-obsessed and narcissistic, which is probably one of the reasons behind all of this.

>> No.20332856

>People can’t use their own eyes
>therefore you ar dunce

Hahahah. I see your problem now. Goddamn you people are stupid.
I miss old lit. This bunch are just illiterate qa-tards

>> No.20332894

not only does god make it hard to hide from evil but he also makes it hard to do real good. like if you wanted to help autistic brethren out, those not related but see them struggling, you might catch onto a weirdo who can even assault your wife. maybe thats why monks never get a wife

>> No.20332914

I have a lot of writing that I like to read at open mics and workshops and places like that, but I don't want to publish anything online because I have an irrational fear that someone will steal it. Anyone else feel me?

>> No.20332962

being accredited but it being misinterpreted or distorted scares me more than it being stolen. I feel like if I have talent I don't need to worry about it being stolen because I can always make more.

>> No.20333206
File: 124 KB, 671x893, 0B8EC667-65AD-4ACC-9D0D-0D3B3A3872A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like this painting?

>> No.20333209

Yeah, it's pretty cool; but don't you think it's unfortunate that this style is like the height of Mexican art?

>> No.20333223
File: 198 KB, 819x1024, 4DC4850E-8594-4BBB-88C8-B2D9397D8462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s it taste like?

>> No.20333226

I wanna be a mildly-successful author. The kinda mild-successful that doesn't have to worry about money too much. The kind that can say "Yeah I've written a couple books that you've probably heard of." The kind that my friends can brag about knowing. The kind that has a dedicated following, eagerly anticipating my next work, but not being ravenous if it doesn't meet their desired timeframe. The kind that doesn't have to deal with the pressures of fame.

>> No.20333254

I am erect

>> No.20333310

Holy shit man Charlie Rose is such a fucking retard

>> No.20333335
File: 131 KB, 1000x1000, 0EA727FE-EE3E-40BF-8BCC-723C5B3ED0FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparison is the thief of joy. Mexico clearly did not go down the journeys that Europe did, neither for so long, but I'll be goddamned damn if this ain't real shit.

>> No.20333422
File: 70 KB, 868x496, 111F3DD8-ACD3-44B8-B2AA-7821E75CBCD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's honestly crazy how prolific he was while still being a moron and possibly glowie.

>> No.20333617 [DELETED] 

>I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself.
>I want to love myself.
So do so

>> No.20333619

>I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself.
>I want to love myself.
So do so.

And don’t let that guy call you names

>> No.20333641


That is because comparison reveals truth.

>> No.20333808

Ive got some cutting scars that have persisted for 6 months. How the fuck can I make them go away? Is there some kind of lotion or cream?

>> No.20333828

I'm confused too anon, most of the ones I saw on net had theirs like little scratches which just faded out but mine are really purple and bumpy and I even cut that deep

>> No.20333832

*I didn't even cut that deep

>> No.20333836

Vitamin e and aloe vera. My ex was a cutter and that helped fade the scars but they were still obvious. Didn't really care since I have freckles and scars all over my face.

>> No.20333841

how much time did it take tho?, I've heard that coconut oil works pretty good too

>> No.20333848

Yeah thats why I'm pissed. Its like a big pink bump on my skin and its so fucking obvious. The rest just faded.
Thanks I'll give it a go

>> No.20333980


>Deep Purple is the ultimate Ship of Theseus
Nah. Ian Paice has been with them since the very start. Yes is an actual Ship of Theseus. All the original members are either dead or retired, it's a band consisted entirely of replacements. They also suck balls nowadays. It's a shame.

>> No.20333995

I was under the impression he hung up the sticks a couple of years ago. True about Yes though, even better example because not only has the lineup totally changed, the sound has too. Neither Hyle nor Morphe remains of the original.

>> No.20334101
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Sometimes I feel like falling victim to videogames and their easy injections of dopamine. And I spend hours on those yet I feel unfulfilled. I honestly can't say I "love" videogames. I don't feel like there is any intimate need of mine that videogames satisfy, it's more of a "mechanical" satisfaction that I get when I play them, if that makes any sense. Then I open /lit/ and I remember what I actually love. I look at chart threads and threads where there's actual discussions on writing and philosophy (whatever few there are), and I remember what actually brings me genuine existential joy. And then I pick up my books again and I spend a couple hours reading and although it requires much more effort than the somewhat automated activity of playing vidya, I'm much happier. So, I don't know how to say it, but thanks /lit/ for being there for me and reminding me of what love looks like.

>> No.20334131

sell your computer and buy one that can play less games

>> No.20334202

It's like drugs, you play vidya just to feel normal. Also videogames are a reward mechanism and you should never play them without a good cause. Published your new book? You should play some, let's say, casual games like borderlands to reward yourself.

He should buy an M1 mac, the notebook not the mini computer.

>> No.20334334

my parents always refused buying me a console or gaming PC from a young age, I can't thank them enough for that
I'd never get into video games today, even when I tried I just didn't enjoy them at all, it's all repetitive and a waste of time

>> No.20334411

Another aimless walking in the city

>> No.20334795

I've decided not to renew my subscription to AVG and now it keeps harassing me with notifications as the deadline approaches.
The stupid thing even interrupted my game.

>> No.20334810

Video games are fine in moderation

>> No.20334871

It is only aimless if you think of nothing and feel nothing. But even then, it’s just exercise.

>> No.20335128

I guess I walking around and hoping for a miracle to happen.

>> No.20335147

I sometimes feel like that. But we have to direct our own lives nine times out of ten. Make your own miracles happen.

>> No.20335232

I dont know anon. I might be not have that much of a willpower for it.

>> No.20335246

I fucked up and didn't write the title in the subject, but in the name
dumb mistake, I'm sorry

>> No.20335308

It’s a dumb excuse squatting off boarders use.

And the stupid Jannies aren’t going to clean the other one off?

>> No.20335382

Losing weight is wonderful honestly

>> No.20335425

I'm fat

>> No.20335500

me too.
fat and a chinlet lol

>> No.20335753

Well bros I did it again. I had a 12 pack of beer and a bottle of wine last night. My hangover is immense

>> No.20335938
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>> No.20336178

i dont think youre narcissistic for venting, this is what the thread is for

>> No.20336184

This is too realistic. Delete.

>> No.20336387

The passing of time is driving me insane

>> No.20336461

The longer I stay celibate the more attractive cartoon characters start to appear

>> No.20336552

Why not real women?

>> No.20336563

Ive given up on those

>> No.20336582

but you can still find them attractive

>> No.20336612

Thats not mutually exclusive to finding cartoons attractive