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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 358 KB, 1280x1279, eeesdjfjsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20319216 No.20319216 [Reply] [Original]

For a literature board filled with consumers of art and literature most of you guys seem really fine with the current situation going in the world right now. Do you guys not read the diaries and the history books of the writers in the past and feel like something is missing in the modern world? You read these diaries of the writers in the 19th century and there is this huge lively feeling. There are art movements going on. Certain cities become art centers where all the best artists of the world are interacting with each other. Composers, philosophers, writers, painters all the best artists of the world interacting in these communities but nothing like this goes on anymore in any capacity. There is no community. It just feels like empty individualism. Soulless. Are there any modern books that talk about this?

>> No.20319223

If you realize all that why the fuck would you want to read a "modern book".

>> No.20319227

To explain why this happened and what can be done to fix it?. I'm not a great thinker

>> No.20319228
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>> No.20319310

No one who understands it is 'fine' with it, but we have to wait it out.

>> No.20319315
File: 140 KB, 800x593, Venice_-_The_Dogana_and_San_Giorgio_Maggiore_by_Joseph_Mallord_William_Turner,_1834,_oil_on_canvas,_view_2_-_National_Gallery_of_Art,_Washington_-_DSC00005.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a romantic painting, THIS is a romantic painting!

>> No.20319322

This is supposed to be our society today

>> No.20319332

What you've described still happens anon, it's just that now the Internet is that lively city and it is happening in real time. Artists can DM one another in relative privacy. Good writing programs encourage students to band together into social groups so that they can improve as a collective rather than struggling along as an individual (The writing program Brandon Sanderson teaches comes to mind — Many successful authors graduated from it in the past). There just isn't a paper trail for these things the way that there is for past writers with letters and diaries, but you can find evidence if you look carefully. I know I was a bit surprised when I read deeper into some of my favorite musicians lives and found they were friends with other artists who worked at Berghain because they themselves had residency at Berghain at one point or another. All international people too who couldn't have met another way and each one varied in their successes elsewhere.

>> No.20319349

>Brandon Sanderson
It's over.

>> No.20319350
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>You read these diaries of the writers in the 19th century and there is this huge lively feeling. Certain cities become art centers where all the best artists of the world are interacting with each other. Composers, philosophers, writers, painters all the best artists of the world interacting in these communities but nothing like this goes on anymore in any capacity
anon, where do you are? that's us.

>> No.20319368

You really made me laugh anon but the mormon robot program is real. I don't like all the books that came from it but the list is somewhat extensive. Sanderson's books, Ender's Game, Twilight, etc. Whatever they're teaching there works. Would you have preferred I said Youtube'd or Instagrammed or Netflix'd instead of DM?

>> No.20319388
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Unfortunately I believe that the two world wars irreversibly damaged society and culture, and our civilisation today, after a two brief moments of prosperity after WWII and the Cold War, is in a downward spiral to inevitable collapse, or at least to something as devastating as the world wars were.

>> No.20319421

It’s all so uninspired and bereft of romance… it’s no wonder all art is in a catatonic state incapable of anything other than genuflecting to niggers

>> No.20319452

I can relate to how you're feeling about art. I felt the same way about games in the last year or so. The best decision I made this year was to focus more on creative hobbies instead. I find exploring the limits of my own potential more fun now than modern gaming.

>> No.20319469
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Aww look everyone! Baby's first intimation of the death of God.

>> No.20319471

I’m tired of turning inward, I want to expand outward

>> No.20319484

Gaming music visual arts film it’s all dead what’s the point of creating anything anything worthwhile has been done all beauty articulated every nuance throughly expounded on why bother I’m just gonna smoke meth and flash attractive women on the street who cares anymore it’s all over

>> No.20319563

WW1 marked the fall of monarchism and nationalism and the rise of capitalism and globalism.

>> No.20319570

I mean I've seen the exact opposite and I tend to scroll past those threads because I want to retain my sanity, the little I have

>> No.20319575

Made me think of ginyu force for some reason

>> No.20320734

>Do you guys not read the diaries and the history books of the writers in the past
I have. Which made me realize that humans, throughout the ages - all of them - have been really complainy bitches. They will always find something to nag about. It's one of the defining features of high culture and civilization.

>> No.20320740

can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now?

>> No.20320815

ugh shut the fuck up I really hate people in denial of our current cultural bankruptcy.
feel free to be optimistic but citing online writing courses by sanderson... come on, anon

>> No.20320828
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That's extremely arrogant to say

>> No.20320837

go to /pol/ or else some tranny janny will give you a 3 day off topic ban for saying masks are atomizing and antihuman or whatever

>> No.20320889

We are exactly one Great Depression away from a fascist takeover.
History doesn’t repeat but it does rhyme.
Libshits don’t understand the appeal of fascism, it’s what people resort to when the other options prove to be shit.

The Nazis were elected into power because Weimar Germany was a cesspool of corruption, degeneracy and hyperinflation.
Germans voted for them because Hitler promised or get rid of all the problems, and he did.
Our institutions are completed rotten, the social fabric is torn to shreds.
The only thing keeping this democracy from turning into a fascist state is the economic prosperity, and seeing how gas and food prices are rising making it increasingly unaffordable for people to live, a party like the Nazis, lead by a charismatic figure, is bound to rise any moment now.
And these guys will be nastier than the Nazis.
Due to the moral nihilism caused by the destruction of Christian values, it’s going to be a lot easier to get the population to accept a genocide carried out domestically,
We’re definitely getting Holocaust 2.0 (for real this time), and because the first time it’s a ready, second time a farce (thanks Marx) people won’t be horrified by the pictures coming out, they’ll laugh and zoomers will make tiktoks of the footage coming out of Neo-Dachau.
I’m so glad these kikes have been pushing for this.
If they had been a bit smarter and a bit less greedy they could have ruled indefinitely.
As it is I am salivating at the current state of things.
Kino is back in the menu in the coming decades boys.

>> No.20320900

Spoiler, it's gonna be woke fascism and neo-dachau will be full of white christians and nazis

>> No.20320923

Okay. Where's the results of all this then?

>> No.20320932

Slow your roll, bud. 21st century fascism won't be a grassroots uprising, it'll just be decadence preserved in amber when the elites decide the freedom and democracy meme is unsustainable for their wealth

>> No.20321213

i want to believe but conservatives are too retarded to support a proper fascist movement and liberals are too degenerate

>> No.20321236

I want to do lewd things to this genius Senshado tactician and tank commander.

>> No.20321276

Use of light in this is incredible.

>> No.20321291
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>Do you guys not read the diaries and the history books of the writers in the past and feel like something is missing in the modern world?

No I have xbox

>> No.20321310
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>> No.20321317

Nobody here reads a fucking thing. As soon as you start actually reading books, and not just forcing yourself through the first 50 pages of one or two from some Top 100 Books for Disaffected Internet-Addled Youths list, you will realize the latter is what everybody here has done (if even that).

/lit/ is 95% people regurgitating talking points, summaries, and soundbites they heard on podcasts or read in infographics, 5% people who actually read, and the people who actually read do so for a variety of reasons and often can't find common ground for a good thread, so their threads fizzle and the disaffected youths go on talking about their grand plan to some day read a 130 page large print book they heard about in a podcast.

>> No.20321323

The End of History and the Last Man by Francis Fukuyama, that should give you your answer

>> No.20321331

>There is no community. It just feels like empty individualism. Soulless. Are there any modern books that talk about this?
Unlikely. Check out the Lonely City. But the idea that a human being can be not only lonely but without a community and alone is a result of technological advancement and has little to do with culture per se.

>> No.20321350



>> No.20321448

OP was delusional enough to believe artists aren't communicating and collaborating in groups and talking to one another, what exactly do you want me to write back in reply to that? I don't think Sanderson is some book jesus but he's a good example of a famous author who... talks to other authors who happen to be his friends. Should I just pretend his way of life doesn't exist like OP wants to think? No, of course not, lmao.

I do think some aspects of modern culture are bankrupt but not all of them. I listen to lots of new music and I know for a fact I've heard fresh albums that will be remembered outward many years into the future. So no, I'm not going to sit here and sing Doomer Kumbaya with any of you about the state of modern culture. I'm still capable of finding novel things within it and you would be too if you could keep an open mind beyond your own portrait of outer doom and experience things for what they are rather than what you wish they would be.

Like the cultures of any other generation, people will experience and discuss the works of today and then canonize the ones that were worth the time. And anyone can make a canon, especially now. So you too can decide a very small brick of culture right now that people you know could one day consider, if they so choose.

>b-but they won't!
The journey is still more rewarding than singing doomer kumbaya. Curating music for my own little canon even refreshed my enjoyment of music I'd already heard and gave me a deeper appreciation for what made it unique.

>> No.20321488

any fiction written in the last 25-30 years is total dogshit. its just "orange man bad", "capitalism bad", "black lives matter", "white people bad". no point reading any of that shit, better to read dostoevsky, nick land, the greeks, nietzsche, etc. than read some mfa retard talking about slavery and white guilt

>> No.20321531

I remember when /lit was good ;_;

>> No.20321549

Though a Turner, that is a bit too Canalettesque. Friedrich’s a romantick tho’.

>> No.20321578
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Speak for yourself, faggot I read on the bus, and to relax sometimes

>> No.20321622

You are an idiot. It’s true that you still have artists and intellectual movements and whatever, but they aren’t impactful. That’s the point. They accomplish nothing. It’s not like you have the all great artists, writers, theorists and philosophers working off of each other like they did in the past.

>> No.20321754

You're unironically too educated to be here.

>> No.20321847

>Let us face ourselves. We are Hyperboreans; we know very well how far off we live. 'Neither by land nor by sea will you find the way to the Hyperboreans'—Pindar already knew this about us. Beyond the north, ice, and death—our life, our happiness. We have discovered happiness, we know the way, we have found the exit out of the labyrinth of thousands of years.

>> No.20322361

It can't be fixed. You can only brace yourself for what's coming.

>> No.20322423
File: 39 KB, 700x700, 1995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears that those who were born in year nineteen ninetyfive, or in close proximity to it, are generationally the most in syncord with the phases of death of the worldspirit, which is also one of the reasons why they are the most poetical of the Millennial generation.

Increasingly lacking in life; needing less and less to die.


>> No.20322424

I hate that book. The guy came across as an annoying, name dropping dilettante. I read Stefan Zeigs's "beware of pity" and it was rubbish. Mitteleuropea was definitely a kino place though.

>> No.20322485

What I notice when I read the diaries of old-school literati is how fucking rich they all were. Read A Time For Gifts and see how dirt poor most of Europe was between the wars, and here's this public school dandy just wandering around hanging out with Countesses. Read In the Light of India and see how everywhere Paz goes, from Mexico to Paris to Delhi, he's immediately invited to dinner with the Who's Who of intellectual society. Do you think their work survived merely because it was good? Whatever survives of our age will be what is made and enjoyed by the top 0.001%, as always in history. You read these diaries and have the illusion that you could have participated in this great artistic culture, but in reality you would emphatically not have been invited, just like you're not invited today. Nobody who works to eat has a chance of being remembered.

>> No.20322490

You’re basically mourning the fact that art lost its function as a catalyst for social change.

>> No.20322493

Liberalism is anti culture. The West is founded on liberal values. There goes your community, and any art, culture, music, etc that is dependent upon it. Any further questions?

>> No.20322507

Dumb nazi

>> No.20322509

>current situation going in the world right now
What current situation? It's all a distraction from the vaccine side effects being found (by the scientists, not by governments, as Chile already introduced a law to protect the genetic freaks)


>> No.20322518

Nazis were the good guys and should have won

>> No.20322527

Is it ok to take drugs to help with this?

>> No.20322536

Nice argument, fronthole. Show me on the doll where I'm wrong.

>> No.20322544
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>Show me on the doll where I'm wrong.
Hope this helps!

>> No.20322638

This is the only life I was destined to live, this era I was born into is the only one I will ever truly know. And so I’ll try to make the most of it. Alas, if I was born a century ago I’d have been a God-fearing farmer tending to his livestock and raising a loving family, instead I numb the pangs of despair with cheap narcotics and cheap entertainment, and even cheaper intimacy from time to time.

>> No.20322653

>There is no community
just because you're not admitted into a circle of intellectuals and philosophers, doesnt mean they dont exist, shithead.
try to actually connect with the "community" instead of babbling about it being non existent

>> No.20322671


>> No.20322711
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>> No.20322723

Nazi killed himself in his bunker like a trannie, he didn't even have the courage to face his enemies and fight like a man

>> No.20322738

Shut up Nazi tranny spammer, go back to defending Israel on /tv/ and /pol/ simultaneously

>> No.20322804

If only Nietszche was always this based

>> No.20322812

I have strong feelings against nazis. I will always oppose them and it's really foolish to support that kind of mentality

>> No.20322837

I'm cool with Nazis. When I was a kid in the socal punk scene one of my best friends was a red laced skinhead who always looked out for me. In YA my ride or die homie was a racist ass white kid from San Fagcisco who earned all his Nazi tattoos.

>> No.20322850

Rich hipsters are like this now, nothing has changed

>> No.20322873


>> No.20322880

The word you're looking for is "heart".

>> No.20322884

Works fine for me, try unplugging your machine for a bit if you know what I mean

>> No.20322887

it actually does. been doing it for decades.

>> No.20322900

No one knows why.

I tried to figure it out, but I didn't get the right answer.

I'm trying to write something beautiful. Just poems. I feel so lost. I've been lost for so long.

We're all just waiting.

>> No.20322904

Won't happen because conservatives have done nothing but bolster state-side federalism in all issues of government, so that there is no longer apparatus for centralized takeover. People just want to not have to be wrong about what works in their own backyard, only incels on here scream fall of society because they aren't getting a chastity guarantee.

>> No.20322906

>hey starving African kid
>sad about your dad dying from ebola?
>just imagine a green frog
>smiling, holding a cup of crazy-water
>and now you can't feel
>no I don't have any lentils or yams what the fuck are those?

>> No.20322942

you're talking real problems there. the point of the meme is that problems in modern western civilization are not real problems, you can literally just stop caring.

>> No.20322977

Theres so many posts about that here and it's obnoxious because it's not /lit/

>> No.20323006

Yes and that’s why classic lit will always be the best. It was written by people invigorated by life, untainted by porn and the bullshit of our day.

>> No.20323027

what is the name of this book?

>> No.20323030

It's not just art. Humanity in general is not a catalyst for social change. At this stage in history, everything feels completely purgatorial. Even the most significant events that take place in the world are just retreads of things that have already happened before or revivals of ideologies that were already confronted. That is what OP means and I completely agree. Most people don't feel it, but I do as well. There's an all-consuming mood of impotence where we no longer have great leaders or revolutions or higher values to fight and die for. The absence of literature in making any sort of profound change in the world is just one component of this stagnation.

>> No.20323034

It's clear that very few on this board are educated in Xi Jinping Thought.

>> No.20323038

hes making a jaden smith joke, but i don't blame you for not getting it because you probably don't waste your life on the digital bird shithole

>> No.20323047

The trip fag?

>> No.20323248

>You read these diaries of the writers in the 19th century and there is this huge lively feeling
>Be me
>Open 19th c diary of world travelling writer artist living in community of artists and writers and exotic animals
>"Polidori can't jump"
>"I fucked my sister and can't go back to England now"
>"Boipussi best pussi"
>"Imagine ancient Greece is the corpse of a young dead girl: would the body being cold arouse your dick more or less? I say more, but we should get more votes"
>Are there any modern books that talk about this?
On a good day, /lit/ talks like Byron, yes.

>> No.20323987

I don't care if it isn't cannonical, I just want a single piece of well-crafted, genuine and insightful literature written by someone under 40.

>> No.20324089

Dilate and take your meds

>> No.20324092

>a tranny talking about being a man

>> No.20324489

Please refrain from using upspeak in written language? It's already bad enough having to hear it in real life? Thank you for your consideration?

>> No.20324492

is this bait? Friedrich is as romantic as it gets.

>> No.20324502

Nah the west will just go the way of brazil and south africa. No one is coming to save the west, no one could save it. It's proper fucked.

>> No.20324533

There is this thing called post-modernism, I think you should have heard of it. It affects all narratives, all political positions, everything. And guess what. We are still too close to the part in human history where even the rich were living like primatives compared to the average euro, nip, chink or anglo person today. The mega increase of human standards of living in the middle 20th century is still too close for us to consider that things are OVER.

>> No.20325230

jmw turner was so talented, sweet Lord that painting is beautiful