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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 815x310, deus-ex-human-revolution..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2031661 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /lit/, this just came out. /v/ is all excited about it and i think that it is a great game..really interesting story and setting. I was wondering if /lit/ has any recommendations of other books/movies/games like it? (cyberpunk/transhumanism) Thanks in advance!

>> No.2031668
File: 19 KB, 400x303, gibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2033329
File: 83 KB, 405x500, deus ex original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I could be of service, anon.

>> No.2033336

early pics of Gibson are always wonderful to see

>> No.2033342

Read fuckng Altered Carbon for your Nerd Fantasy Camp Cyberpunk.

>> No.2033353
File: 2.29 MB, 2200x5000, Scifilit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deus Ex, a great story. HAHA, this is why no one takes video gamers seriously.

It was okay but nothing special.

If it's your kind of thing, just read the "cyberpunk" books on this list.

>> No.2033367

Deus Ex does have a great story. Don't be a stereotypical litfag.

>> No.2033387


Seconded. I've read all the cyberpunk books on that recommendation list except for Software and Permutation City, and I would completely understand someone preferring the story of Deus Ex to any of them (personally I would put Snow Crash above it, but that's the only one). Deus Ex is really damn good, and the story is part of the reason why.

>> No.2033405

i am also from /v/ but I always visit /lit/

the vast majority of thread here are by wanna-be try-hard pseudo-realistic writers that post their shitty writing to get acknowledgement on the internet and maybe trip up or namefag

dont listen to anyone not anonymous and even then keep your doubts

they also bash people that enjoy fantasy or sci-fi because LOL ITS MADE UP

>> No.2033409


> they also bash people that enjoy fantasy or sci-fi because LOL ITS MADE UP

No, they don't. They talk calmly, like adults, and eventually the genre mavens burst into tears. There's a difference between imagination and fantasizing.

>> No.2033415

>calmly and like adults
Tripfag detected

>> No.2033423
File: 67 KB, 640x480, Ladysovnotseeingit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr namefags and tripfags are bad.
It's like I'm really on /v/ and other boards made up of kids.

In all seriousness, I'm not being pretentious, I like video games adn would even consider games like Ico artistic, but seriously Deus Ex is just a mediocre Conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy story.

I will even admit to enjoying some Sci-fi novels. Hell I own Ubik, Do androids... etc.

>> No.2033424

>anyone not anonymous
Tripfags. Or namefags from time to time

>> No.2033421


The guy didn't specify tripfags, and nor did I.

>> No.2033425

>seeking attention on a website based around anonymity
>calling others kids
I don't even mind tripfags or even avatar fags that much, but y'all are attention whores

>> No.2033427

>anonymous hatingt namebros and tripfriends

i never asked for this

>> No.2033430

>Conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy story.
I see you either missed the point of the whole story or played the first five minutes of it. Human Revolution especially is a lot more philosphical that "conspiracy". The entire game(s) (excluding invisible war, I think) revolve around a future where augmentations are becoming feasible, the food for thought is whether or not that's a good thing. Do you think people should be moving towards transhumanism, is it for the betterment for mankind, or is it a way for companies to control the masses, the rich get ahead with superior bodies while the poor are left behind, or can't afford the medications necessary to stop their bodies rejecting their augmentations.
If you don't know the story, don't comment on it

>> No.2033441

god i hate science fiction. (don't HURR DURR VONNEGUT. i fucking love vonnegut.) the sci-fi fallacy: "nobody's ever thought of this technology before, therefore these themes are new and interesting."

>> No.2033445

What? Nobodies claiming originality.

I think you have the downs if you think every genre isn't full of old concepts reused in some new way or another

>> No.2033447

Metal Gear Solid 2.

>> No.2033449


>> No.2033450

>Thinks people come here for the fact it's anonymous.
Seriously most people come here because it's a good place to discuss music, video games, books or whatever. If you don't expect a community of users to grow out of it, then you sir are a fool. Especially on a board like lit where it is easier to recognise certain posters, even without trips.

Maybe Human Revolution was like that, but Deus Ex wasn't. I will admit it was years since I played, but it was just something along the lines of soem government giving cures to rich people, and the terrorists were fighting against this evil.

>> No.2033454

You're putting words in my mouth.
I never said that.
As for the rest, you proved my point. It was less about that than human revolution is but instead followed a different line of "what would make for a better world order". You're looking at the overarching plot and willingly choosing to ignore the rest. I'm not saying it was super deep or original, but you're dumbing it done far more than I'm willing to put down to "opinions"

>> No.2033467

>Human Revolution especially is a lot more philosphical that "conspiracy". The entire game(s) (excluding invisible war, I think) revolve around a future where augmentations are becoming feasible, the food for thought is whether or not that's a good thing. Do you think people should be moving towards transhumanism, is it for the betterment for mankind, or is it a way for companies to control the masses, the rich get ahead with superior bodies while the poor are left behind, or can't afford the medications necessary to stop their bodies rejecting their augmentations.

sounds about as "philosophical" as the debate over free healthcare (lol) in america last year

>> No.2033469

Go on then, whats your opinion on transhumanism

>> No.2033470

The whole MGS series is great for transhumanist stuff. 2 is your best choice if you want some weird postmodern cyberpunk transhumanist stuff though.

>> No.2033485

>Go on then, whats your opinion on transhumanism
a dramatic shift from

>"here are some problems we have"


>"beep boop here are some problems we have beep boop"

>> No.2033490
File: 49 KB, 331x319, wnghhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D&E is godtier tripdude

>> No.2033493

it can be difficult to hate D&E sometimes

>> No.2033502
File: 49 KB, 320x240, he say you brade runna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he say you brade runna

and yes, as an american i agree that we're retarded over our healthcare.

>> No.2033501

I like you sir, I'll give you this round

>> No.2033507

We don't care if you agree, you're still retarded.

>> No.2033508

You sound like a buttfrustrated United Kidom fag

>> No.2033514
File: 54 KB, 400x400, wahahahah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah man, u america, u fat

>> No.2033516 [DELETED] 

who do you mean by "we"? and why do you think i need validation from you, anon?

anyways, i would've liked to suggest a book for op but i've never read anything "cyberpunk" before. and i don't read a lot of sci fi. maybe i could look into this list here: >>2033353

>> No.2033522

>implying I'm not irish masterrace
Go back to your rioting so I can go back to my potatoes and poteen

>> No.2033546
File: 237 KB, 1280x1024, age_of_austerity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no master race. No race on earth yet has conquered capitalism.

>> No.2033563
File: 7 KB, 179x200, 1304210823638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn I love this guy


You sci-fi faggots are insufferable. What a totally relevant philosophical dilemma. It's a game, it's not a great story and it's not on par with literature.

>inb4 you cry, accuse me of pseudo-something and tell me you weren't saying that

>> No.2033646

>implying transhumanism isn't perfectly viable as far as sci fi is concerned
I don't even like sci fi that much, but to say something like human augmentation is irrelevant when there is already research being done on it and 1 in 5 people who've lost limbs in war are going back thanks to it is silly and naive.