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20314016 No.20314016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

RIP :(

>> No.20314022

>An injury to one is an injury to all
Do poorfags/leftists really think like this?

>> No.20314032

Do you not? How do you envision solidarity?

>> No.20314082

no, I only care about myself and my pets

>> No.20314094

Not a single other human? Bit dangerous to have no mutual caring relationships desu

>> No.20314108

I don't even get why people would be a leftist. Its clear baskbet ball Americans are poor because of their genetics, not because capitalism is keeping down. You could change the economic system all you want; it wouldn't stop Indians and Africans from being backwards.

>> No.20314136

Decent bait, you still suck though

>> No.20314159

are you for real?

>> No.20314164

Are you? Square up

>> No.20314195

Say less pussy.

>> No.20314199

Say more cock.

>> No.20314216

nta but how was it bait?

>> No.20314228

Back to reddut

>> No.20314230

>not one post about the guy
don't know who he is but F

>> No.20314345

ahahahaha I literally came in here because I had no idea who the fuck he was. Looks like F Gardaner.

>> No.20315554

Class solidarity is almost always very superficial and weak, as is class consciousness. Commies like to yell about 'solidarity' a lot, but it's just empty posturing.

>> No.20315593


>> No.20315606

>Do poorfags/leftists really think like this?
Replace it with "white people" and see.

>> No.20315610

To me he looks like Jello Biafra

>> No.20315613

Is there a school of left thought that treats evopsych with the honesty required?

>> No.20315630

i care about my family, friends and immediate community
not some imagined notion of "class" or even "humanity" as defined by virtue signaling tranny communists whose vision of utopia is some kind of degenerate xeno-furry-coomer-leninist fantasy

>> No.20315664

That's not what class is about you retard, I swear it's always like this.
The slogan is meant to represent that they share a struggle because their class interests align, it doesn't mean that "we're all brothers dude" or some hippie bullshit.
It's the same way that you care about other soldiers in the army because they're on your side, while still being mainly and primarily concerned with your own squad and unit.

>> No.20315877

What does his early life background on Wikipedia say?

>> No.20315896

>Both his parents were Jewish

>> No.20315910

R.I.P. for real.
An actual loss.


>> No.20315916

If it's an actual community we're talking about, then yes.

>> No.20315918

Evopsych is mostly bullshit

>> No.20315920

>i care about my family, friends and immediate community
But.. that's EXACTLY what Graeber is referring to?

>> No.20315925

I agree with you and so would Dave Graeber. I'm not sure if this guy >>20315593 is only retarded or if he hasn't even read anything by Graeber.
The solidarity in question isn't about class, it's about this >>20315630
>family, friends and immediate community

>> No.20315963

>you don't need bureaucracy to colonize mars
Into the trash.

>> No.20315982

One of the funniest shirts a jew can wear

>> No.20316010

>missing the point this much

>> No.20316015

I unironically think Elon Musk would disagree with you.

>> No.20316045

Having money, and enough of a brain not to be preyed upon.

>> No.20316061

It’s more of like, a task than a reality

>> No.20316065

>it should be, but it's not
Hence why it's so weak. Because class just isnt as relevant in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.20316120

>Because class just isnt as relevant in the grand scheme of things
Not that guy, and I'm with you to a certain extend. I'm curious about your thoughts on this though: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/9831737.pdf
I'm sorry it's a pdf, but the original seems to be scrubbed from the web

>> No.20316141

Ive heard the term a lot since Covid, yeah. But even then, i dont think that current material circumstances are dire enough to form something truly cohesive, when they werent able to do that back in the 19th century when working circumstances were basically sweatshops and any compromise between capital and labour seemed impossible.

>> No.20316175

It's not an actual 'class', as he explains in the text (from 2011 btw...) it's at best a 'class in the making'; there isn't anything unifying people but anger, disappointment and fear of the future. He basically says the 'old "classes" are dead; there is only the super rich at this point, useful idiots doing OK and this growing, boiling, heterogenous underbelly of hatred on which radical nationalists and communists are trying to gain influence on.
So I kind of take it you'd agree with his analysis then, yes?

>> No.20316190

Why is it weak?

>> No.20316214

Not him, but because it exists only in virtuality? A 'class' isn't unifying beyond being stuffed into the same bus every morning. People don't have that much in common. The right wing is stronger because it unifies on biological truth like looks and biological sex and is unapologetic; left wing "class consciousness" is always an unintuitive ideal you have to push yourself to and restrain yourself to. Not to say it's 'unnatural', but it is essentially abstract.

>> No.20316344

My class interests don't align. I may be working class but I hope for the working class to be exterminated and replaced with robots ASAP.

>> No.20316455

So you’re suicidal or generally misanthropic. You have zero class interests.
Isn’t this what they call lumpen proletariat?

>> No.20316494

Not him but you are the one eager to put on labels, how about i reject your whole blind, reductionist worldview and i affirm mine?

>> No.20316506

I would agree but leftists do not want the good for common people so it's just good vs evil

>> No.20316517

Leftists do want good for the people. That’s their defining characteristic. You still caught up in the whole liberal narrative? Or do you unironically think fascism is good for the populace?

>> No.20316595

What people? For foreigners maybe.
Marxism has always been a tool to pull away the masses from nationalism and infiltrate groups