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/lit/ - Literature

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20313900 No.20313900 [Reply] [Original]

I am a middle school English teacher in a small midwestern town. I think it goes without saying that my students don't care about Shakespeare or Homer, and this doesn't surprise me in the least, but what I find weird is that these kids don't seem to care about anything whatsoever. I try and get their interest by referencing things like sports and contemporary music and they have no idea what I'm talking about. Maybe they simply aren't comfortable talking about their interests to a teacher but they genuinely seem so ignorant not only of literature and history but of modern day current events. I know literature isn't interesting to everyone but you'd think they would be interested in SOMETHING. Has anyone else noticed this as well?

>> No.20313909

>my students don't care about Shakespeare or Homer,
No one here cares about them either.

>> No.20313920

>I try and get their interest by referencing things like sports and contemporary music and they have no idea what I'm talking about.
Could you give an example? Also I hope you're aware your students are just reading the sparknotes of the books you assign.

>> No.20313931

They are interested in Tiktok and Youtube streamers, gender identity and self-diagnosed mental illness, social media and consoomption. Most of them are heavily medicated. An entire generation raised on social media, more propagandized and atomized than any before.
You have a front-row seat to the fall of an empire, good luck.

>> No.20313934

>inb4 another 300 reply thread trying to fix a system that can only be fixed by getting rid of the humans in the equation
No but in reality its because most of them spend their free time disconnecting their brain from reality through algorithms that have long ago conquered human synapses. At most some will say music or any other hobby that disinclines engagement.

>> No.20313935

Young anon here, what music do you mention? Also i dont think kids like sports that much anymore desu

>> No.20313940

Again, that's not the point. My students don't seem to care about music, art, politics, sports or anything else other than TV and videogames. They don't know who Bill Clinton or Elvis or Sean Connery are. They don't know anything about Greece or Japan or New York or anywhere that isn't the midwest or Florida. It is so weird. I am not expecting middle school kids to be Blaise Pascals but these kids seem far dumber than my siblings and I were when we were their age.

>> No.20313956

Kanye and Taylor Swift.

>> No.20313959

Our best days as a nation are behind us. Soon we'll experience a correction.

What do I mean by correction?

Most people already can't move out of their parents' house. Soon a good part of the population will be raising children in their parents' home. This means kids are going to be raised in the same home as their grandparents.

All that money and playtime boomers had is over. The return of the extended family is inevitable.

Good luck playing Fortnite when granny wants to read you Harry Potter.

But we'll be really fucking old when that happens. Poor too.

>> No.20313969

I'm trying to get a house but everything I try to get gets bought up by boomers.

>> No.20313981

>small midwestern town
>don't know anything but the midwest
This is just heartland mentality. I guarantee you their parents, grandparents, and so on were the same. They'll grow up, get married, have kids, and settle in the same town they're in now. This is unironically why "misinformation" is such a problem. This is like 60% of the US and these people are suddenly supposed to have opinions on culture, medicine, science, telecommunications, etc. because the media brought the whole world to their doorstep.

>> No.20313986

I love kanye but he is, as people say, "problematic" maybe that's why they dont like him, taylor is good tho. Maybe your students like some Netflix show that you could use to get them into books with related themes. Maybe try to make the books seem more "woke" if your class is leftist. Speak of feminism or legbutt stuff. From what i can tell the tik tok book scene loves that so it could work.

>> No.20313992

It's middle school, guys are too busy looking online why their ball hairs haven't grown out yet.

>> No.20313995

I'm a highschool teacher and I feel the same way.
My students are almost adults as far as the law is concerned, and many of them lack basic knowledge about human history and civilization.
Great titans of history that defined entire eras like Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Queen Victoria and FDR are unknowns in my classroom or are thought to be fictional. In my cohort of around 60 students, many of them thought Julius Caesar and the events in the Shakespeare play were simply made up by Shakespeare.
I know every generation likes to complain about the succeeding ones, but I am genuinely worried about the zoomers.

>> No.20313997

Ty for the blackpills. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

>> No.20313998

Yeah you’re at least a decade behind, try mentioning which ever lil’ mumble rapper is relevant. Another fall back is appeal to their egos or their sense of self, a few should at least pipe up

>> No.20314002

Read gender matters by Leonard sax and stolen focus by Johann hari

>> No.20314011
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It's basically impossible for a modern westerner to feel happiness. The computer means the children are ultimately raised in a manner that is psychologically akin to shooting up heroin all day. Pleasure on demand, without any sort of contingency that they work to attain the pleasure.

You're basically asking "Why don't the heroin addicts care? Why don't they have interests? Why don't they desire a future? Why don't they want to be successful?"

Well, champ, they have heroin. Heroin ruthlessly removes the desire for anything other than heroin. Just because they're shooting up electric heroin doesn't change the fact that you should expect the children to be psychologically and behaviorally identical to heroin addicts.

>> No.20314026

Really we're sliding back into feudalism which is frankly appropriate. Centuries of evolutionary pressure on nobility and peasants isn't easily erased by giving people rights and equality beyond the stature of their souls.

Soon we'll have inheritable jobs, just like we have inheritable education opportunities (legacy applicants to ivy leagues feeding into the upper levels of government and corporate bureaucracies).

>> No.20314029

Absolutely, how crazy is it that all these midwesterners think Biden has full on dimentia?

>> No.20314030

It's your fault.

>> No.20314035

> many of them lack basic knowledge about human history and civilization.
Great titans of history that defined entire eras like Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Queen Victoria and FDR are unknowns in my classroom or are thought to be fictional. In my cohort of around 60 students, many of them thought Julius Caesar and the events in the Shakespeare play were simply made up by Shakespeare.

Is it their fault they don’t know these things? When the sports team is doing bad they fire the coach not the players.

>> No.20314046

This. If you only knew how bad things really are...

>> No.20314050

Yeah I agree with this

>> No.20314068

talk about videos games and tv shiiiit.
be like othelo was a black dude and all the black student would be like aww sheieiii n**ga

>> No.20314071
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Episode 6 of My So-Called Life. Watch it. Notice how he kills the uv's and turns on a bunch of lamps instead

>> No.20314085


I am trying to become an art teacher, and just did student teaching. Some students seem to care for grades and to appease their annoying parents. Others seems to be involved and like to get attention. But a strong portion of the students just scroll tiktok for the whole class doing absolutely nothing. I think smartphones are just incredibly addictive and they see no reason to do anything else because school is so gamified. I'm not going to Harvard = scroll tiktok all class for a C. That being said, it's not my fault since I just got started, it's definetly the spineless admin not willing to let kids fail classes for doing nothing, and parents who defend their child when someone outside their family bubble tells them their kid sucks

>> No.20314098
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Comfy blackpill thread.

>> No.20314105

I've noticed people tend think more highly of their young selves than is warranted. People seem to forget how they too were once dumb, ignorant, or interesting in trivial things. Maybe thats just how kids always have been.

>> No.20314111

If the teacher sees your phone it gets taken away, to be given back at the end of class.
You're an authority figure; act like it.

>> No.20314115

Lmao they were popular when I was in middle school. You're way behind bro.

>> No.20314120

My brother in Christ, these are 12 year olds you're talking about. What the fuck do you expect? I'd be considered about the kids who follow politics and watch far outdated movies.

>> No.20314123

Kids don't like donda? What do they listen to? Am i old now wtf?

>> No.20314130

>sees your phone it gets taken away, to be given back at the end of class.
No balls. Mail it to the address on file for the student.
t. veteran phone confiscator, though not in education

>> No.20314137

The Zoomers are the first generation in the last 50 years who significantly regressed.
My school board is actually really panicking about it now, to make things worse we also have a significant teacher shortage that is only going to get worse.
The school I work for has kept meticulous undoctored records of test scores, truancy rates, graduation rates, literacy rates, disciplinary rates since the mid 1970s. We are one of the few schools to do this and the district has recently taken an interest in the information we have.
There is a very notable decline across all statistical categories among students born after 1997. It was implied to us that this was a trend that is present across all schools in the district, but most schools do not have the records to back up their observations.
From 1975 - 2014 the senior classes had roughly the same distribution of A, B, C,D and F students. Some years were overachievers and produced more A and B students than other years.
Off the top of my head the classes of 1976, 1981, 1988, 1991, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2007 and 2013 (born 1995) produced significantly more A and B students than usual.
Since 2013, the percentage of A and B students has declined every year, and the percentage of D and F students has increased sharply. This became much worse during the pandemic. Even though teachers were forced to pass everyone nearly 50% of the students in the classes of 2021 and 2022 would have gotten a D or an F. In 2016-2019 this was "only" around 20-25% while 2013 it was fucking 3%.
Also that 9 year gap from 2013-today is the biggest gap between overachieving graduating classes, and it's really unlikely 2023 is going to break this trend.
The literacy rates among the student population have also declined significantly, and we have a number of seniors who read at an elementary school level. As a result English and Social Studies teachers are being forced to assign materials that are more appropriate for younger students (stuff like Hatchet or a Tale of Two Cities).
The school went from having almost the entire graduating class typing at over 80 WPM in 2013 while now less than 10% of the student body can type that fast. Before teachers used to give students essay tests on locked down laptops, but because of poor typing skills many teachers have gone back to pencil and paper testing.
Teachers in 2013 could go the entire year without sending a student to the office for behavioral issues, but now teachers are lucky if they can go even a single week without sending a student to the office.
In this school a "valedictorian" was anyone who graduated with at least a 90% average. Previously in any given year we could expect around 6-10 of them, our last standout year, 2013, produced 22 valedictorians.
2022 will produce none, 2021 only produced two.

>> No.20314139

Meant to say concerned about the kids. This is what I get for phoneposting
I have no idea who donda is. I also have no fucking idea what kids listen to these days. Yes, we are old.

>> No.20314142

Colleges and technical schools have noticed the drop in quality of their new students and they have complained to a lot of people which is why this is getting reviewed. Admin for a long time was content to brush this issue under the rug but now it's about to explode in their faces.
Colleges are saying they may have to offer 5 year degrees instead of 4 because graduating high school students are missing so much pre-requisite information.
I know highschool level math is one of the most popular courses at the local college now.

>> No.20314147
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>Also that 9 year gap from 2013-today
>2013 was 9 years ago

>> No.20314157


>> No.20314168

Psyche would be more appropriate than soul. Unless you mean soul in a very old fashioned sense.

>> No.20314171

I was researching back in 2017 and found that more than half of students in the California State University system take more than 4 years to graduate anyway. Bachelors degrees are not 4 year degrees anymore and havent been for quite a while.

>> No.20314178

2007 would line up with the spread of internet enabled phones, which as posted above are like crack for dopamine receptors. I'm happy to see that there's still capacity for panic in at least one corner of the education system, however. I assumed that it was all mindless tax leeches just waiting to be eligible for a pension.

>> No.20314191

Certainly I don't mean it so much in a theological sense. But it seems undeniable to me that some people are born peasants and will never rise above that level on their own efforts, and if placed above that level will race as quickly as they can back down; and some people are born noble and even when pushed beneath that level, will work and rise above. A dozen or so centuries (at most 30) really isn't enough for speciation but I'd say it's certainly enough to see lingering effects in a population. I suspect that's where the political authoritarian-libertarian split comes from. It's the presentation of a noble-peasant phenotype within a liberal democratic environment.

>> No.20314192

>What do I mean by correction?
Rhetorical question, immediately stopped reading and left the thread right there. And nice Reddit spacing too nerd.

>> No.20314193

Students are definitely dumber and failing more often, leading to longer than necessary degree times, but there's also an absurd amount of bloat with garbage general education requirements that unduly burden some majors more than others, forcing you to take an extra quarter or summer school courses if you don't want to end up taking 19 units per quarter.

>> No.20314203

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.20314211

What videogames? They probably have trash taste in those too.

>> No.20314215

I think theres also a serious lack of motivation. University was just about the biggest disappointment of my life. I was paying a ton of money to take the most retarded classes for a degree that would not employ me. It was extremely demoralizing. I remember everyone telling me to just "play the game." That was even worse. A lot of young people, guys especially, just dont care to play the game. So I dont think people dumbing down is the only reason for the decline in education. It's also people realizing it's all bullshit and choosing to disengage.

>> No.20314222

Is it okay if I roleplay as your student over email? I want to revisit Shakespeare and Homer and write essays on them which you can grade.

>> No.20314226

The point is my life has more value than zoomer trash, and people should help me out more. A single moment from me is worth a lifetime of pain from all of the students in OP's class.

>> No.20314231

>A single moment from me
A single moment of distress from me*
Even aristocrats like me make typos.

>> No.20314241

The ones interested in history probably just don't want to get too much attention. Us zoomers are interesting in the sense that we're either completely apathetic, or utterly obsessed with politics and history. I would guess that roughly 30 % of them are super into Roman history. You just hear the most apathetic ones the most.

>> No.20314247

>Us zoomers are interesting in the sense that we're
not sentient beings*
Sorry for typo. As a zoomer, I have no qualia.

>> No.20314250

My family works in entertainment so I'd be happy with this.

>> No.20314258

Entertainment is so nepotistic you're basically 90% of the way there. I can't even imagine what could stop you if you're even remotely interested.

>> No.20314261

Why is any of this a problem exactly? They are all likely poor and will continue to work in jobs where poor people are needed and they will procreate as is required. All this talk about culture, art, politics and science has no use to these people or a majority of people.

>> No.20314262

Not being trans.

>> No.20314264

Are you sure that you aren't reading too much into how the lockdowns have affected learning? How was year 2019?

>> No.20314269

Seething. Who do you think is watching dovahatty videos and shitposting about ea-nasir?

>> No.20314273

There is no culture anymore, we live in post-culture. All media has to be made for women and niggers, therefore nobody cares about it. Nobody can tell you what music is popular because nobody listens to popular music and it’s all astroturfed online with fake numbers, this is proven fact. The social contract has been broken—there’s no future or investment in children, we don’t give them homes or jobs or even good movies or books. There’s nothing, therefore what you’re seeing is a reflection of that. I know it sounds dramatic but seriously, what reason do they have to be excited? Anything that could be interesting is censored, they’ve grown up their entire lives with zero intellectual challenge.

Mass genocide.

>> No.20314279

>Why is any of this a problem exactly?
The neoliberal project is the elevation of peasants to the level of nobility by the expenditure of public funds. Some of them are utopists, some of them are communists, all of them are fools.

You can get some idea of their mindset by reading The Managerial State. A most prescient work.

>> No.20314281
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>> No.20314285
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>> No.20314287

There is a quick fix to that

>> No.20314291

Kanye West is very popular with high schoolers these days, and donda was relevant when it was released, however it doesnt have enough bass or cuss words to still be relevant right now. Swift is kind of irrelevant but people still joke about being swifties and whatnot. Ignore the retards trying to shit on you, you are doing a great deed trying to save this coming generation :)

>> No.20314314

That's the wages of being Bri'ish

>> No.20314317

Pop music has always been trash, but now it's getting to a critical degree. I aactually wonder do any zoomies listen to the garbage that is now supposedly popular.

>> No.20314333

pop music turning so deeply unpleasant is one of the big mysteries of our age. at least as recently as in the eighties you had songs with nice melodies and lyrics that have endured and are still being played today. but what will survive from the 2010s?

>> No.20314339

I'm a filthy millennial* but from what I've seen of my peers, they listen mainly to whatever comes on spotify or some other streaming platform's autoplay. I haven't seen anyone listen to an entire album or even make their own playlist in quite some time. So I would guess that many entrust the selection to... algorithms.

*I'm only marginally better in that I listen to nightcore mixes on youtube when I'm not listening to an album from my high school days or an audiobook.

>> No.20314359

I think it started with the incredibly inorganic promotion of hiphop in the 90's. It's interesting to look at a graph of the popularity of different genres, and see how hiphop just appeared out of nowhere.

>> No.20314368

Zoomer here. I think people listen to stuff they hear on tik tok or get an aesthetic they want and oick music for it. That's why there are so many playlist made for one aesthetic or a mood.

>> No.20314397

Petition to change the name of this board to Literature and Intellectualism because actually I like these topics and none of the other boards have the same love of learning that /lit/ does.

>> No.20314407


>> No.20314413

No, think about it for five seconds. What kind of posters from other boards would be attracted to that name change? And then what shills and bot programs would follow them here?

>> No.20314428


>> No.20314454

You all are so hysterical it's funny.

>> No.20314465

dog when I was in middle school like 13+ years ago kids didn't know about those people either. kids are in their own bubble and some fucking boomer going "shaken not shtirred" is gonna illicit an apathetic response no matter what year it is

>> No.20314470

>the same love of learning that /lit/ does.
oh brother

>> No.20314493

>heh im so much smarter than my 12yr old students

>> No.20314500

It's not about being smart, it's about wanting to learn. Even if they wanted to learn about I subject I have no interest in I'd understand but they don't want to learn anything. They knows they are ignorant and simply don't care.

>> No.20314503

not trying to be a dick but teachers complaining about students being stupid is analogous to parents complaining about their children misbehaving. At what point does it cease to be your responsibility? Yeah, I know you can't do X because they won't let you. When do you start collectively fighting back? Rhetorical question -- I already know the answer.

I really want to sympathize but I'm surrounded by friends and family who became teachers and it's exhausting to hear the same stories over and over again. I'm almost convinced they chose this profession just so they can steal some the teacher-of-children sainthood and have an unlimited supply of things complain about. On the off chance you really are trying to make a difference just get out while you can. If you want to help the children get a job with the department of education and work on fixing the system.

>> No.20314513

>They knows they are ignorant and simply don't care
Sounds about normal to me. I didn't give a shit about learning either when I was in middle school. Genuine interests were always outside of school cause school just sucks.

>> No.20314556

I remember being in middle school and english being one of the highlights of my days because I felt like I had to actually think about it, not just regurgitate formulas and dates

>> No.20314625
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125 iq tested zoomer here (that numbers based on a test i took as a kid i was always considered "gifted" by schools or any adult who talked to me for a while)

I was an f student in highschool despite being 'smarter' then a few people i knew that graduated early. Its a miracle i graduated in 4 years at all, in fact I'm all but certain a few teachers took pity on me and bumped up my grades to allow me to get the fuck out of there.

I can clearly tell you why that is now. God, i could have told you with absolute lucidity then but the problems young people face now aren't solved in the slightest by just acknowledging them. Often these problems cant be fixed by these poor kids themselves, the issues are structural, and individuals stand no chance against a system like ours.

Forgive what may be irrelevant or personal but ill spell out what fucked me up, and you can connect the dots for why this system grinds up kids into malfunctional adults the way it does. You'll also probably come to agree with the prediction that its going to get a LOT worse

>> No.20314638

Are you gonna follow up with a list of grievances

>> No.20314644

I know your type.
Let me guess, you didn't have many friends, have an analytical or inquisitive personalty, may have smoked pot a lot, skipped a lot of school so you could stay home and game, suffered from undiagnosed social anxiety?
I know that type, I always feel sad for these students as they never reach their full potential in school. You'll see a flash of brilliance here and there but ultimately whatever undiagnosed problems that have will act as an albatross around their neck.
Really their only hope is to figure themselves out after school, but by then they've missed so much socialization time they're going to be playing catch up well into their adult lives.
Actually some of us used to give our students MBTI tests at the start of the year. Not because we believed in MBTI, we just used it as a conversation starter. Whenever I saw a student get an INTP type I would just think "oh fuck, poor kid".

>> No.20314652
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Plz delet this

>> No.20314675

Are you also an INTP?
I'm quite curious because every single INTP student I've ever taught was like that.
Some performed better academically than others but none of them lived up to their full potential.
All of them were also social rejects, even the one INTP female I taught had almost no friends.
I realize MBTI isn't supposed to be an ironclad indicator for anything but I always thought it was an interesting coincidence that all my INTP students were like that without fail.
It might also be small sample size, INTPs are quite rare.

>> No.20314681
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I'm INTP and I'm like that too. I guess we really are cliches.

>> No.20314687

I was an INTP (INFP now :^) ) who fit those descriptions perfectly and I had undiagnosed ADHD. I'm fine now.

>> No.20314698

INTP here, didn't describe me. I was an honors student with a decent amount of friends even after being homeschooled until high school.

What utter nonsense the entire fields of psychology and psychiatry are. Could you possibly cast a wider net? Sometimes X, but also sometimes not X, repeat for 20 variables, and if you have 6 boom that's a diagnosis then give them these $400 pills that destroy their brain.

Throw them all into the sea.

>> No.20314711

I agree that psychiatry is fake but there's definitely something wrong with me.

>> No.20314731

You're ovesocialized and technology is driving you insane. Literally everyone is suffering from this. Read uncle Ted's books.

>> No.20314736

You are probably a homosexual.

>> No.20314743
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Yes, i will try not to make a worthless sobstory blogpost because i dont wanna write it, and you don't wanna read it, but i hope i can share a bit of insight on what fucks up kids today so whatever little anons you fellas raise in the future don't have to
meet the same fate

Yeah, you've got me pegged pretty well. Down to the INTP / INTJ myer briggs autismo test and becoming a weedlmao despite being a stringently antidrug little /pol/yp at the time.

I cant really even give you advice on how to help kids like me, by then theres a whole 14-18 years of fuck ups being repeated. I'll say that if you show them any kindness, they'll probably remember it for the rest of their lives. I know that's the case with me and the few moments during my formative years when i ever really felt halfway safe around anybody.


Ill start with the obvious elephant in the room. Technological media. From TV and iPad games as a kid, to proper console vidya, and finally the all encompassing all consuming dopamine harvesting machine that is the modern internet, the reason the kids in OP's example don't give a shit about anything is because their daily supply of neurotransmitters has been fully squeezed watching tiktok and instagram memes in the morning before they even make it into their first class. I dont need to quote stats to chanfags about how tech has taken over human consciousness, most of you already know the truth of the matter, but some of you oldfags probably don't know just how INTENSELY zoomers consume media. For me, and now for more and more turning out like me, it is 24/7 scrolling on their phones from the moment they wake up to the moment they lapse into unconsciousness. Its a level of technological addiction that brings you face to face with the question of whether human free will really exists at all, or if our brains really are just deterministic data processors, no more "free" then an abacus or the reactive brain of an insect.

This spectative state of mind is like opium for a generation of people who are deeply uncomfortable doing almost anything. Kids these days increasingly dont even PLAY vidya any more, or post on social media they just watch other people streams and consume the memes. This over consumption of media will at first supplant the need for social interaction, and then later render you so unable to communicate with other PEOPLE that your screen becomes your only friend.


>> No.20314744
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>even the one INTP female I taught had almost no friends

Tell us about her anon

>> No.20314753

I agree with everything you said so far. Go on. I have two sons myself, one is aged 11 and you‘re spot ok that the media addiction is absolutely rampant amongst kids. Everyone in his class already has a smartphone, ticktock accounts, and is glued to their phone 24/7. He used to play vidya excessively until i realized wtf was happening and i threw all the damn screens out. He‘s slowly coming back to feeling like he‘s an actual human being. It‘s been two months. That shit is insanely destructive even in tiny doses.

>> No.20314769

Good on you for that. Smart phones and games are seriously destructive when kids are on them young and often

>> No.20314775

In my experience, the issue is that parents are told to restrict and monitor screen time but nobody ever tells you to cut it out completely, and more importantly, nobody ever tells you why it‘s so important. Which led to me assuming the people who make up parenting advice don‘t know either and i don‘t really take advice that nobody can explain. Either you give me a good reason to do what you tell me to do or i won‘t do it. That‘s why i got screens in the first place. But once you get even the smallest insight into how addictive and destructive they are, you really can not justify even the tiniest amount of media use for your kids and also claim to love them and care about their wellbeing and future.

>> No.20314784

How are you allowing smartphones in your class, wtf...

>> No.20314821

>the issue is that parents are told to restrict and monitor screen time but nobody ever tells you to cut it out completely
This is on purpose, of course. On the one hand, giving vague advice allows you to blame any negative consequence on the advisee (oh, you restricted them too little/much, it's your fault), and on the other hand the powers that be (anyone with an interest in brainwashing the populace, like advertisers) don't want kids kept from their brainwashing. It's like asking a tobacco company how many cigs a 12 year old should be permitted to smoke. Uh, three a day? Not a chance the tobacco company would come back with zero cigs.

John Taylor Gatto writes about the intrusion of advertising into schools very well in his books.

>> No.20314833

Yeah i‘ve come to realize that it‘s no mistake people do not get good advice on how to raise healthy children. Thanks for the rec. i‘ll definitely look into it.

>> No.20314854

Yeah I'm intp and it described me exactly, but I had just moved at the beginning of high school under major family problems. So it could have been that.

>> No.20314857

>i dont wanna write it, and you don't wanna read it,
But I do wanna read it anon.

>> No.20314868

>This spectative state of mind is like opium for a generation of people who are deeply uncomfortable doing almost anything
It has been said to me by Gen Xers and Boomers that young people today have a ton of anxiety doing anytning. Even making phone calls. Why is this?

>> No.20314871

>Even making phone calls. Why is this?
Phone calls terrify me because it's usually my boss calling to say I did something wrong at work.

>> No.20314882

>Sits back on chair
>Hey kids, did you know Shakespeare wrote rhymes
>You might even call him a rapper
>Like... Kanye West
Kids are right to hate their teachers.

>> No.20314891

I understand your reasoning but the system won't be fixed. The administrators of the education system only care about pushing kids out with a literacy rate high enough to flip burgers; anything else is a bonus. It's horrible, but it's the truth. And kids behave much worse because a lot of kids (most in rural areas) have split parents or were raised by a TV/phone. This is generally why teacher's prattle on about work, because the problems inside and outside of school are so widespread that there's little they can do without a societal schism and nothing changes. I agree that teachers should collaborate to fix something, but it's ultimately not a priority for the government.

>> No.20314906
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Kanye is probably one of the greatest artist of our generation, mental illness and all

>> No.20314907

Same. I‘ve come to loath phone calls because it‘s usually bad news and i can‘t prepare for how i react to it compared to receiving an email.

>> No.20314913

It's hardly a new thing, I went to a shit school. Didn't learn a damn thing. Teachers spent all their time trying to control the chimps. All resources were directed to getting them to sit still for minutes at a time. The rest of us just talked among ourselves and doodled. The smarter of my friends at least had the brains to study for the final exams, I played Elder Scrolls instead. In hindsight, a point of some regret!

>> No.20314937


>> No.20314938

Most of 4chan is INTP, it's real sad. This is where overly aware social rejects come to die

>> No.20314952
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>wake up at 5 am
>eat processed corn syrup and saw dust for breakfast
>shuffle barely conscious ass to bus stop
>go through the daily gauntlet of every seat being full and no one letting you sit with them
>be forced to waste time waiting for classes to start
>can't listen to music or play with phone or goof off because that's all against the rules and security will swoop down on you if they see you having fun so you sit in a chair and wait
>all the girls are overweight bitches
>all your classmates are obsessed with stupid pop culture bullshit like dabbing and fortnite dances and flappy bird and tiktok challenges
>this is your life until you're 18
>add masks because its 2022
>first class is English
>hungry, sleepy, depressed
>think about how there are currently no jobs and wonder what you'll do after high school. Become homeless maybe?
>think about how expensive health care is and wonder how you'll ever afford it
>think about the most recent horrific news story of the day and how powerless you are as a non-voter in your own country
>think about if the next economic disaster will happen before or after graduation
>English teacher asks a question about the tone of chapter 1 to a book about being gay in an Islamic country
>this question is worth exactly 0.003 participation points of my meaningless GPA
>don't raise hand

>> No.20314966
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It's over.

>> No.20314968

You people in lit are playing video games? Tahnk u for the notice. Now you all can die by fire. Don get me wrong. I like computers too, yesterday i spend all the day and the night setting a fucking nginx. Like, i know that shit a little and i have some <<Gamers PC>> bc they came with nice video cards. But some of you play video games. Yeah. Same sensation when I realized at some wannabes writers' Discord that they dont know who was Conrad. But who I am to judging anyone. I like to read, is something I do bc I can,effortless and in needing. Nothing like a duty or thinking about saving Western Civ. Nobody can do shit about it. Maybe we can try to fall down gracely.

>> No.20314971

Then eat a proper breakfast ya dunce.

>> No.20314992

Amen. MBDTF was one of the greatest works of art of the last decade. Sadly his bipolar mania reached its peak, and he's spiraled into smaller ebbs and peaks professionally while publicly going full on manic.

Watch his JRE appearance. It's a master class in the performance of a mildly stable yet borderline hypomanic mind at work.

>> No.20315002

Well done on putting a stop to it before all of your kid's neural pathways were destroyed and his attention span shot.

The absolutely horrific and long lasting, if not permanent, effects of screens and social media on developing minds is not yet fully understood. The studies done on it are limited because no one wants to fund research which makes the tech giants look like the predatory, manipulative overlords that they are.

There should be mass awareness movements and campaigns at the community and school level to cut tech out of kids lives. But there won't be because they like us dumb and placid.

>> No.20315006
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>> No.20315054

I think my mind was made up when i read somewhere that china plans to make laws that require game developers to have a built in daily time limit for playing. It hit me how deeply destructive it must be for them to see a need to pass such strict laws.
There‘s an event in my local library for experts and parents to discuss media use and it‘s effects on kids later this week. I plan on going. It could be interesting to see what they recommend and how other parents handle this.
I‘ve been rather Laisser-faire until recently but i‘ve made up my mind and there‘s no debate for me anymore on what‘s the right thing to do.
You‘re also right that research to show the truth will be hard to come by any time soon. Time will probably tell. People just love good news about their bad habits too much.

>> No.20315062

What did you accomplish after graduating? I'm not implying anything towards you but INTPs can make friends if they can detect fellow autists and gain a fair bit of self-awareness (usually it's too late though) whereas the structured post-college life is where the "great filter" lies for us. Yes I'm projecting.

Every single time Taleb makes fun of straight A students in Bed of Procrustes it seems like a gun pointed directly at INTPs:
>There is no clearer sign of failure than a middle-aged man boasting of his performance in college.
>Never hire an A student unless it is to take exams.
>Decomposition, for most, starts when they leave the free, social, and uncorrupted college life for the solitary confinement of professions and nuclear families.

>> No.20315079

Almost nothing since has come close to it. The combination of soul and megalomania of bipolar captured in one of the best albums of all time.

>it's popular among the masses therefore Reddit
Yeah okay. This is why people seethe when they see the r/truelit and /lit/ top 100 charts are 90% identical.

>> No.20315102

>There is a very notable decline across all statistical categories among students born after 1997.

People born in 1997 would have been 10 when the iPhone was released, and by the time they were teenagers smartphones were fully entrenched in society. That's the main factor that's changed compared with previous decades.

>> No.20315135

>Good luck playing Fortnite when granny wants to read you Harry Potter.
Fucking nightmare of a picture.

>> No.20315136

>many of them thought Julius Caesar and the events in the Shakespeare play were simply made up by Shakespeare.

>> No.20315141
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The only historical event kids know about anymore is the Holocaust.

>> No.20315145

you speak only for yourself

>> No.20315149

>it's popular among the masses
I'm sure it sold well enough, but MBDTF as all-time classic album is exclusively a white hipster thing.

>> No.20315150

>have opinions on culture
why would their opinions on culture be any less relevant than anyone else's?

>> No.20315151

a truly boschian vista

>> No.20315152
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both those people are old af to 15-year-ols

>> No.20315153

Too close to home.

>> No.20315157

Really? Do you somehow check the real estate transactions or just drop by every house that's sold and ask to speak with the owner?
chances are those houses are bought by millennials -- the ones who work and save, rather than just whine.

you're falling behind your own peers because you bought into the bullshit the media sold you.
you've been tricked so others could benefit.

>> No.20315158

the country is in a state of decline, the country is only going to get worse in our lifetime. With that said, beyond our lifetimes I'm a bit more optimistic, those that do care will eventually rise to the top and usher in a new age of culture, hopefully, all the nogs will be dead by then by some race war or something.

>> No.20315221

I didn't care about anything before turning 19, some of you forget what highschool is, It's about fucking while not ending up like a social retard, that's it, education only matters once you get either to college or trade school, "buh muh Homer, muh Shakespeare" chill, it will take time but at the end everyone finds their interests and develops them, some of the older people screaming about social media I can understand, but most of the people who make huge amounts of money on them are between 30 and 16 years old, so no, fuck off with that, If you found out that there is an unexploited industry that will only grow in revenue and popularity, you would have to be pretty dumb to not jump on it, that's why they want to be influencers. That being said, some are insufferable, but maybe this way I'll stop seeing old dudes dating girls in their 20s, as even with money they won't shut up.

>> No.20315276

Middle schoolers don't know dick from shit. It's still too soon. Maybe they've heard some of those names before but they aren't going to be invested at all. Kanye and tswift are also kind of old now.

>> No.20315304

One of the things I've seen work in my own school experience: Read one of Kafka's more mystifying short stories together. This can be done in 5-15 minutes, depending on the story. Then only ask (simple) questions, creating a path to interpreting the text, basically in the Socratic style.

>> No.20315314

flyover resident here, its not so much misinformation as much as its who controls the information provided.

>> No.20315324

how do you know that? I'm ENTJ from what I've observed. though I'm not sure. could be INTJ. every test gives me different results. should I go professional?

>> No.20315388

You're on the thing they're interested in. It's the internet. Shit's addictive. I'd say you're a dumbass of a teacher if you couldn't puzzle that out on your own before posting, but I've known far dumber people in education at higher levels.

>> No.20315395

Also, your job's to fucking TEACH them why they should care about this shit. Children are retarded, and they get briefly more retarded in middle school and high school when they become aware of social structures and then hit by puberty. Do your fucking job and teach them instead of complaining about them not being pre-taught you corn shucking faggot.

>> No.20315400

I'm overgeneralizing but whenever there are threads (on boards that I browse) about anons posting their myers briggs results, INTP is clearly represented more than others.

A more accurate statement would probably be, "there is a sizable amount of people posting on 4chan that self identify as INTP." Which is interesting because the percentage of people polled as INTP by personality quiz sites hovers at around 1 to 5 percent. I personally think INTPs are overrepresented here, this thread even shows that.

Here is a source for the 1 to 5 percent: https://personalitymax.com/personality-types/population-gender/

If I had the time, I would go through the archives and get the data on 4chan myself so I could give you a more concrete answer, sorry anon.

>> No.20315404
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Yes I am INTP

>> No.20315429
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>> No.20315472

Look into the original Jungian functions rather than MBTI. The four letters refer to a specific order of psychological 'functions' rather than just a sequence of dichotomies. For example, ENTJ is Extroverted Thinking -> Introverted Intuition -> Extraverted Sensing -> Introverted Feeling. The order of these functions and the way they relate to each other is very important. The usual explanation of extraversion vs introversion, thinking vs feeling etc, is a huge oversimplification.

>> No.20315474
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>hate to say I told you so...

>> No.20315504

Is everyone on this board INTP? I'm INFJ

>> No.20315510

good job anon, i plan on doing the same thing when i have kids. my niece and nephew have been raised on ipads and they act like zombies. i know a 3 year old whose parents allow absolutely no screen time and she's incredibly intelligent and sociable for her age. it's frightening how few people bother to do anything about this

>> No.20315567

It is true that these children suffer from a lack of almost considered as common knowledge. But I believe it's we as students have never asked for more than what's given by the teachers. Students also have to blame themselves for not questioning what's given. It's almost a must to comply with what's given by an instructor, and if that's a lousy teacher giving mediocre or even nothing of substance, we still accept it because we do not know more than what's given. Unless we are genuinely interested in the subject, then and only then will we pursue and seek further truth. But if initially given something of no substance all the time, then I assume it's natural not to partake in any of the activities in class and stick with what you know is interesting, i.e., TikTok, youtube streamers.. etc.

I don't think it's fair to blame the students for not showing any interest in class when nothing of substance is presented early on. I don't think they are completely dumb but children are still growing and have room for improvement and realization. And I think here; an instructor must do his utmost best to make it more interesting than social media, which is difficult. Still, once a child is hooked on an interest other than social media, it becomes natural that they will seek knowledge much further than any of our ancestors. I think teachers' new duty isn't just to deliver knowledge but to make it interesting in an age where interesting is the norm.

>> No.20315571

According to that website my personality is rare among females, I'm a guy but will this impede my love life?
I have some Jung books what do I need to look for specifically?

>> No.20315588


>> No.20315591

who gives a fuck. this is the literature board, and true lit has always been a niche interest. the first zoomer lit critics should be entering the workforce by now, it’d be interesting to hear how they avoided all the shit itt

>> No.20315598

Fellow INFJ Chad here.

>> No.20315599

Every teacher knows this.

>> No.20315602

>think it goes without saying that my students don't care about Shakespeare or Homer, and this doesn't surprise me in the least, but what I find weird is that these kids don't seem to care about anything whatsoever.
this has been the case for many countries for many years
especially after 2008

>> No.20315603
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hello fren

>> No.20315604

>I'm a guy but will this impede my love life?

You could check the 16personalities site, they say something about relationships. But honestly, that's just horoscopes at that point.

>> No.20315618

I also never cared about anything in school and didnt engage with teachers (largely because I didnt like being forced to be there and saw the teachers as the authority that kept me in the cycle of my miserable day to day). It is nothing new or novel. the novelty is when students actually give a shit, which is why there are so many movies about it (like in ops pick related).

>> No.20315628

>>Since 2013, the percentage of A and B students has declined every year, and the percentage of D and F students has increased sharply.
again a normal thing. mobile internet became widely available to 10 yo in 2008-2012 to mold the kids into super atheist zombies living to coom on mobile

>> No.20315656

This is quite bizarre to me. Very recently I met a bunch of 16 yos that were well versed in history, philosphy, classic literature, the arts and even occultism. I seethed inside because the little shits mogged me, but at the same time I felt very hopeful for the future and felt that I could connect with them, which made me sad because I'm an old boomer to them so I had no choice but to get away from them, which I did.

>> No.20315665

pop music is ''popular music'' and it's whatever normies like. and now it is a made by computers and normies dont give much of a shit about quality. And music is specifically made for women, who just prefer quantity and repetitive themes, ie sex-romance.

>> No.20315691
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>> No.20315693


>> No.20315711

>I have some Jung books what do I need to look for specifically?
As far as I know, Jung was the first person to seriously deal with the idea of personality types, so any mention of personality in his work should be relevant. Other than that, it depends on what you are looking for. If you want specific advice then you'll probably have to look for something more recent since I don't know if Jung himself ever gave any specific method for figuring out your own type or how to use that knowledge in your day to day life. If you're okay with general, theoretical ideas then look for anything that mentions the conscious versus the unconscious mind. The first two functions in the stack I mentioned are the conscious functions that you will have to figure out, the second two are unconscious and are a consequence of the conscious ones. The main point of type theory is to develop and balance your personality by figuring out how each function relates to the others.

>> No.20315719

If you asked Biden what 7 x 9 is do you think he would know the answer?

He's not full on, but he's not all there as well.

>> No.20315723

Are you living in a big city by any chance? I’ve had experiences similar to yours where I was impressed with how knowledgeable and mature zoomers appeared, especially in comparison to myself at that age. I’m a transplant that grew up in the country, but I now live in one of the biggest and culturally significant cities in Europe, where a lot of people work in art or entertainment, so I figured that it’s possible that their parents had some hand in introducing them to these subjects and the internet allowed them to become very knowledgeable in a short amount of time. Maybe it’s the country-city divide at play, or possibly Europe vs. US.

>> No.20315734

It may be related to the way kids are raised nowadays.
An uncle of mine has 2 kids, and he has lots of time to spend for them. Regardless of that, these kids are raised not by their parents, but by the following things.


And that's pretty much it. Not their fault though, whenever their parents want to do anything or are too bored of their own kids, they simply give them phones so they will leave them alone.
Then the kids watch retard clickbait autogenerated content and braindead youtubers for hours at a time.
The ones truly at fault are not the zoomers themselves but the millenials and gen Xers that decided to have kids and then proceed to not even make the faintest attempt at raising them.

Another story. The other day I took the bus for a dentist appointment. A little family hopped in: mom, dad and kid.
Long story short, the kid kept wanting to talk to his dad. He went on and on about slenderman and creepypastas. Nothing wrong about this, really, and It was endearing to me that the kid's dad was actually very glad to talk to his kid, even though he clearly was clueless about slenderman and all that stuff. Problem was that the mom was a cunt, and wanted the kid to shut the fuck up. So she simply interrupted the father and son awkward yet cute convo and gave the kid a phone. Now you could be wondering how I know she wanted her kid to shut up. I know it because she kept saying it out loud, complaining about how annoyed she was, and about how much she wanted her kid to shut up. The dad said nothing about this and allowed this little bonding moment with his kid to be cut short because his wife(or girfriend, whatever) decided that she didn't want her son to keep talking. Needless to say, the kid instantenously started to blast youtube and fill his brain with stupid shit. I remember that I started to pay attention to what he was watching and at one point the youtuber started referrencing sex and drugs, but the parents didn't care at all, they weren't paying attention, or supervising anything. Kid could've blasted pornhub and they wouldn't have noticed.

Imagine an entire generation raised like that.

>> No.20315761

I live in a big city, but in South America. I'm Chilean. These kids aren't even in private schools I think, they apparently are a minority of zoomers that use the internet to devour as much information on as many topics as possible, rather than to be entertained with stupid bullshit like endless social media scrolling, surfing through youtube recommended videos for hours or imageboard dwelling. Woe is me, I'm wasting my life.

>> No.20315791

How's it going, orph?

>> No.20316104

Class of 2016 here. This matches my experience as well — I watched, in real time, as the 2016 election melted everyone's brains and people who were friends since elementary school said they never wanted to talk to each other again. That is not me saying that modern electoral politics are the source of all our woes (they're cancer, but this is a society wide problem), but that I talk to people two years younger than me and the amount of skills they know falls off a cliff. And I myself know much less physical skills like repairing a car (I always feel mortified to even ask) then people merely two years older than me — people two years younger than me are only just getting their license now, and two more years younger don't drive.

>> No.20316110

Honestly not sure if having 4-6 years of memory without phones is good or bad. I think I am probably better off than the 1990s kids who seem to be on literal suicide watch on how much better things were than merely having an inkling over it, but who knows?

>> No.20316116

they see no value in education because their parents do not value education. You cannot break this cycle, don't beat yourself up.

>> No.20316133

I've found that education has been growing increasingly schizophrenic the more I got older.
>I was taught cursive until suddenly that was cancelled because the future did not need it (I ended up needed it in college when I studied history).
>Students were told to go into STEM and now there is an oversupply of STEM students who have no prospects
>Smart Students got tricked into going into low Math Classes, everyone was told to take advanced Math Classes or they were failures
Ultimately I started ignoring the school's recommendations and used nepotism to get my job out of college (and don't get me started on what a clusterfuck online schooling was); I'm certain many other 'successful' zoomers did the same thing.
Actually, I have never bothers with the application process, every job I have had is because I asked a friend or relative, and now I return the favor when I can (i.e. I gave my best friend an opening on my job as he got me my first part time job).

>> No.20316254

I'm not reading all that shit

>> No.20316281

Read Joseph Tainter's The Collapse of Complex Civilizations. The correction is what Tainter calls a societal simplification, the system will grow too complex to govern and will eventually collapse under its own weight.

>> No.20316349

Hang all women.

>> No.20316355

is summing up the results really the correct way to process this data? I feel like if anyone, INTP's would definitely browse chans more often and repost their type in every other thread, thus inflating the sum of results.

>> No.20316381

Harry styles, Olivia Rodriguez, Kpop, and uhhh??? I honestly don't know what zoomer males listen to, I just have the female side because I have a little sis.

>> No.20316412

For the same reason their opinions on anything are irrelevant. A person who can't point to the middle east on a map has no worthwhile opinions on foreign policy. A person whose notion of culture is the gospel and late night tv has no worthwhile opinions on architecture. Simple as. It doesn't help that they just parrot whatever they hear, either. They're not fooling anyone.

>> No.20316427

The irony in your post is palpable. It is you who have swallowed a narrative about midwesterners peddled by the same sources sowing misinformation you claim effect midwesterners to an outsized degree. The whole fucking country is full of old people who sit in front of their tvs turned up to max volume. That isn't a midwestern exclusive phenomenon, it is universal because Boomers dissolved the nuclear family and now old fucks have no one in their elderly years. Same shit different day all the way down this atomized bitch. Do you think youtubers, twitch streamers, and tik tokers are any less isolating of an experience to consume? It's easy to fall for misinformation when the communication to your flesh and blood community is completely severed and replaced by misinformation entities.

Most midwesterners are conservative for a based but incredibly stupid reason. It's their form of racism. They know that if they display conservative behavior then it will repel the libs. It's that stupidly simple although you will hear them earnestly say stuff like "religion, small government, or taxes." In reality it's conservation of a certain type of lifestyle that is 4/5 race and 1/5 drug fueled shenanigans in wide open spaces.

>> No.20316482

I was speaking from experience, I grew up in the heartland. It has nothing to do with the kind of media you consume, it has everything to do with not ever being exposed to a vista outside your small town and all of a sudden being told you had to take a stand on large-scale issues like your life depends on it. I guarantee you the average small-town midwesterner didn't even know what a virus really is before the pandemic, now they're trying to retool however many years of lost education in their 50s. Having more family around changes nothing in that respect.

>> No.20316484

There is no fixing the system, retard. The kids themselves are broken by their phone addiction to not have any motivation to learn in the first place. You want a systemic fix? You're going to have to snatch kids from parents by age 3 and send them to camps until 18. The internet is that subversive of a drug on the developing mind. No amount of good teaching tactics can outcompete the stimulus stream these kids are addicted to.

>> No.20316509

Fuck off with the horoscope nonsense. I'm an INFP who can correctly type anyone I meet with over 95% accuracy within 2 minutes of conversation. It fucking means nothing. It's just a collection of traits and the bottom line is that your traits are malleable. If you would let me I could condition you into a different set of traits within a month and you would test as something else. There's no value in identifying traits like this when the true value is understanding all traits can be gained or lost through willed behavior. If you misunderstand the role of your own agency you ascribe to the mbti structure an authority it does not possess.

>> No.20316569

I do not believe you at all. I've never met s single person who did not know what a virus was. Also many of these people are connected to farming and have to deal with livestock disease outbreaks. If not in person then they know someone who does and the way gossip works that extends their network much farther than you would expect. How am I supposed to believe you that you grew up in the midwest when you are this ignorant and openly parroting stereotypes? Also, no one calls it the "heartland".

>> No.20316609

Donda literally did insane numbers, it's culturally relevant whether people like it or not.

>> No.20316616
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>graduated from highschool in 2019
Is it over for me?

>> No.20316626

Yes, have a government institution raise my children. That must be the best solution. Schools need to punish failure again. If you're fucking around on your phone and don't pay attention and can't pass a math test then you fail the class. If your child keeps failing or is being disruptive then start fining the parents. I guarantee if you start hitting the irresponsible parents in their bank account they'll start paying attention (no pun intended) . Also, start finding ways to attract men into the field and not fat, lazy women. Make industry experience a requirement before you can teach. Do something. Use your 3 months off in summer to do something besides watch Netflix.

>> No.20316639

Not that I am not a fairly young person myself - being 30 - but I have also wondered at how the young generations seem to be extremely conformist. Isn't youth supposed to by the time of rebellion and willingess to do things differently, before we all inevitably succumb to creeping Conservatism as we age?

>> No.20316662

>My brother in Christ
It’s time for you to return to reddit

>> No.20316665

>Capitalism dissolved the nuclear family

>> No.20316675

This. It's a spiral, perhaps even a downward one.

>> No.20316681

conservatism is the new punk rock

>> No.20316693

>This is where overly aware social rejects come to die
used to just be
>This is where social rejects come

>> No.20316695


>> No.20316725

Go back to Dr. Steve Turly and 2017 Alt Lite nigger. I always hated the crowder shapiro conservative types. It’s always been so cringe.
>guys look, I’m cool but am simultaneously intellectually barren and a giant pussy! My beliefs are all bullshit!
Conservatism is dead. The only true way to defeat leftism (of which “conservatism” is a facet) is through reaction.

>> No.20316732
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shut up nerd

>> No.20316738


>> No.20316741

This but genuinely. It's by design, of course, that parents are too busy working to raise their children and their children are being programmed by dopamine feedback loops that turn them docile

>> No.20316752

I hated English, and was a terrible student. You would've hated me. Im 33. The only two things I remember from English classes are Master and Commander and Catcher In the Rye. Our teacher would reach us Catcher in the Rye and then go through and explain it to us. I loved how dark and strange it was. Especially when he's on the train or talking to that hooker in the hotel room. The hardest part for me was understanding the tone or theme of things. It helped when the teacher broke it down like, "yes, this is supposed to be demented and strange."

Master and Commander was like taking a trip, and the teacher would explain all the intricacies of sailing because that was his passion. We also watched the movie, didn't read the book which was a plus.
Homer and Shakespear are boring, let them read that shit in college.
I was the person you are trying to reach. AMA.

>> No.20316771

Is self-awareness a curse?

>> No.20316776

>Homer and Shakespear are boring, let them read that shit in college.
The later they read it, the more boring they will find it. And I wish my teacher had given me a lecture on Homer when I was in high school.

>> No.20316780
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A lower literacy rate and collective IQ is a good thing for literature, writing and culture in general.

If devolution is the inevitable course I say get on with it, the general quality of what humanity could produce in writing was much higher when fewer of us could produce at all.
With a small, densely concentrated intellectual elite at the helm humanity might actually have a chance of progression before our inevitable self-caused extinction.

The average simpleton is just not equipped for the vigor of intellectual pursuits, let him coast along in sublime ignorance, in honesty it is a gift given the turbulence of current year.

>> No.20316783


>> No.20316789
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>A lower literacy rate and collective IQ is a good thing for literature, writing and culture in general.

>If devolution is the inevitable course I say get on with it, the general quality of what humanity could produce in writing was much higher when fewer of us could produce at all.
>With a small, densely concentrated intellectual elite at the helm humanity might actually have a chance of progression before our inevitable self-caused extinction.

>The average simpleton is just not equipped for the vigor of intellectual pursuits, let him coast along in sublime ignorance, in honesty it is a gift given the turbulence of current year.

>> No.20316791

Why do you believe this?

>> No.20316798

He just explained why in his post.

>> No.20316799

You didn't prove him wrong

>> No.20316800
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I don't care man I just live in my own little world and listen to music and read philosophy and play sodoku and stuff, yeah yeah I know society is going down the shitter, but what are you gonna do? If you can't change it then there is no point getting stressed out over it.

>> No.20316815

Based. Why does David the guy at autozone need to know any of the shit he’s taught past 6th grade? People are retarded. My mid twenties girlfriend doesn’t even know who Julius Caesar was, she was a straight A student and super involved in school. There needs to be an aristocracy to produce high culture. The masses no matter how “enlightened” or “educated” will never produce anything of value, and their shit voices will drown out all good you can find. The talented and intelligent rise up regardless of class, it’s not like peasants or farmhands with an Einstein level IQ didn’t do great shit because their “opportunities were limited”. Truly intelligent and deserving people succeed regardless.

>> No.20316829
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I own a bookstore. The complexity of what is considered germane and easily digestible by the general public is in rapid decline. I imagine the bell curve would be like something like this: As each medium of easy to transmit, market, and sell media is popularized and integrated into our social hierarchy the overall ability to re-examine and utilize previous mediums is denigrated. From Radio to Tik-Tok, a straight line of intellectual rot that corresponds perfectly to the development of aggressive globohomo marketing campaigns.

>He doesn't believe in the western moral imperative of eternal intellectual progress and mandatory education for all, he must be a neckbeard.
Well-stated. I'm not quite sure what the qualifications of being a fedora wearing Katana wielder is. I don't own either I'm afraid.

>> No.20316868

My brother in Christ, you are literally a homosexual

>> No.20316912

>stuck in modern college during lockdowns
You're going to have a hard time, being perfectly honest

>> No.20316916

Yeah I'm not a fan that most seem to just be saying it sarcastically. The "people" I see saying it the most are libtard twitterfaggots who are probably atheists

>> No.20316971

as an aristocrat of the soul you should forge your own path
read Nietzsche and ego an hero

>> No.20316978

reading shakespeares late plays are some of the only time I truly enjoy myself

>> No.20316992

>All media has to be made for women and niggers
what is the endgame of this?

>> No.20317015

My brother in Christ, go back to Twitter.

>> No.20317020

I tested at 141 on the WAIS-IV and scored in the gifted category for math on a test for academic achievement as apart of an ADHD evaluation. I got tested after failing a semester of community college.

I too did terribly in high school. I graduated with a low C average having even to take a few summer courses to graduate on time, had average SAT scores because I didn't care, and started to heavily use drugs my senior year, which made me a truant. I got arrested a few times - all for public intoxication. My older brother, in contrast, who was born in '96, was well-adjusted and an exceptional student.

Technology is obviously a major culprit in helping explain part of the problem with people our age, but I think one overlooked factor is fatherless-ness or lack of a proper father figure. All of my friends who either come from a divorced household or are estranged from their father are doing measurably worse in life than my friends who have both of their parents present.

That's just one of the things I've noticed. I'm sure that's not the only problem and that someone more well-read than me has already clarified the major points ITT, but the corrosive effects of internet addiction cannot be underestimated.

Problems like these are unbelievably complicated, and nothing is at it seems.

>> No.20317031
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>My older brother
>born in '96
How old are you

>> No.20317050


>> No.20317072

Good but extremely blackpilling observations

>> No.20317080
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it's not a mystery

>> No.20317085

>You're going to have to snatch kids from parents by age 3 and send them to camps until 18.
Spartan style? Cool.

>> No.20317091

Boomer moron

>> No.20317114

back in my day, rap was a jock thing, if you liked any form of rock or metal or punk, you were likely a guy who dealt dope, smoked behind the school and had divorced parents. I was one of the latter who lucked out, never cared for rap. I didn't belong to one particular group, kind of middled between the guys with pocket protectors and the afformentioned dirtbags. rap was a genre for guys who got laid a lot. I didn't, so I gravitated towards bands like Slayer and Helmet

>> No.20317217

Intp here. Was not very social but i made friends with other guys who were not totally out there but also not popular. Didnt get much girls (1 or 2 were interested). Later worked as a bartender for 5 years and that fixed whatever social anxiety I had, but I still hate people. Most of people appear to me as banal competitors in money, social status and sex ladders. Every interaction seems to be clouded by these issues in the background, almost nobody offers anything they actually think, any odd hobbies they might have etc. because every social interaction is hyper-optimized so as to procure the most social status/money/sex or other benefits. Once you are aware of these dynamics behind social interactions, socializing becomes boring because any display of real personality that is not aimed at optimizing one's social status is like loudly proclaiming you have a deadly contagious disease.

>> No.20317224

Yeah in myself

>> No.20317232
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You anons realize that article is WEF great reset propaganda, right? Some good points are made in it regarding the current state of society, which they themselves designed to be that way, so that their NWO plans seem "justified". Cuckservatives and shitlibs alike are both walking right into this trap. They appeal to both sides by telling each side what they want to hear and mixing truth with lies. When you see libshits promoting their "austerity" and environmentalist propaganda, that is all part of this agenda for global depopulation and the NWO, and meanwhile conservatives are being duped as well because they correctly recognize that modern men are ina bad state, but they don't see the greater plan at work here.

>> No.20317233

>reading NNT
okay, understandable
>quoting NNT
cringe, unironically kys

>> No.20317238

Its Malthusian in character. Reminds me of that one feminist I argued with basically admitting to wanting a K-selected society

>> No.20317259

Kek this.

School is retarded and being forced to go to it is retarded.

>go to school in a bleak Kafkaesque gray building with minimal windows
>no clocks
>fluorescent lighting to throw off students' conception of time
>be forced to learn about gay faggy shit that young men don't care about, like what it means to be a young latina girl on the south side of Chicago
>people have the audacity to wonder why students don't give a shit

>> No.20317271
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It was so insidious and treacherous how the last few paragraphs of that article, he is basically telling you that if you have ANY criticism of what he said, it is because you are just a spoiled little babby who doesn't know what is best for him, and you should go find an adult who can recognize his brilliance.
These people are literally demonic.
The most dangerous and effective liars are the ones who mix lies with truth.

>> No.20317274

>I am a middle school English teacher
English is a collection of barbaric clicks, truly fitting for the semantic third world that it is.

>> No.20317300

You sound like an angry and resentful person.

>> No.20317359

Go on some teenager subreddits if you want to confirm that the blackpilling anons are in fact right.
Didn't see anyone mention juul pods and vaping in general, some kids seem to have an interest in that.

>> No.20317377

2013 grad chads, where we at?

>> No.20317391

Homer is based

>> No.20317424

>is monolingual

>> No.20317436

esos pendejos no son deep ni nada. avant-teen es el termino. mas que nada son el producto de vivir en una epoca en donde todo esta en todas partes y ya no hay filtros que determinen qué vas a saber y qué no. en tiktok hay referencias a objetos como musique concrète y peliculas de stan brakhage todo el tiempo. tienen la misma cercania con todo esto que con cualquier otra cosa - esta frente de su pantalla. en santiago si es mas heavy las veces que he ido para alla porque puedes usar el concepto en persona (como hay mas lugares fisicos en donde puedes demostrarlo)

>> No.20317601

Hey fucktard. Did it cross your mind at all that the illiterate are not being gatekept and in fact have the same access to the grounds as everyone else? This isn't the feudal ages where no one could read, this is current year where all the peasants have a Twitter or Facebook account and are relentlessly posting. They drown out any other discourse with their idiocy and they are the only market worth pandering to.

>> No.20317614

how the fuck did you make it onto /lit/ of all places if you're this braindead and spiritually rotten

>> No.20317622

No, of course you don't want any powerful entity in custody of your children. The only point I was making is that it is stupid to believe teachers could have any ability to undo the harms of technology use. There's no way to insure the child does not have access to technology at home even if you lock down the school. It's a hopeless situation.

>> No.20317662
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Anyone remember this?

>> No.20317673

I remember I had geometry right after weight lifting class and lunch. The geometry teacher was korean and barely spoke English. Geometry was also boring as fuck. I was tired from weigh lifting and had a full stomach from lunch so I would nap. I remember my dad bitching at me about sleeping in class. I failed and made up the class in summer. Still got accepted into a pretty good university anyway. The whole system is a joke

>> No.20317675
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>> No.20317683

You guys know that Myers-Briggs is
Astrology tier made up bullshit right?

>> No.20317688

No it isn't and you're not smart for being one of the many people who have heard this and uncritically decided it was a comparison that made sense and was intelligent.

>> No.20317694


>"Wow it says I have the same personality as Julius Caesar and Napoleon! Based!"
>meanwhile, has left room half a dozen times in the last 5 years and has never made a single assertive leadership decision in their life
Kek, so scientific.

>> No.20317704

>deciding your personality based on irrelevant data about the solar system is literally the same as taking a test and then being assigned a series of letters that describe the data you put in
Unironic midwit and it hurts to watch.

>> No.20317708

It actually is the same lmao.

>> No.20317713

No, it isn't.

>> No.20317723

I bet you walk around with a "I Heckin Love Science" shirt on when your wife's bull comes over.

>> No.20317725

You realize it's confirmation bias right? If you see yourself as a cool introverted loner like an anime character or Ryan Gosling's character in Drive, you will answer the questions based on that perception of yourself and get the result that is tailored to your perception of itself.
The test is literally Jew bullshit designed to tell you what you want to hear.

It's like when girls take sorting hat quizzes for Harry Potter. If you want to get placed in Slytherin, you just say you like black and mysterious things.

>> No.20317757

>what I find weird is that these kids don't seem to care about anything whatsoever.
>they genuinely seem so ignorant not only of literature and history but of modern day current events
Do you honestly not realize how incredibly grim any potential future has become? I'm 37 and this shit doesn't surprise me at all. What reason do they have to care? They were born in a period where even the dumbest among them can clearly tell that the entire civilization surrounding them is undergoing a rapid decline.

It is a virtual guarantee that they will be less prosperous than their parents, who were themselves less prosperous than their parents. Every piece of incessant media surrounding them was painstakingly crafted by corporate psychologists in order to control them as efficiently as possible, just as their food and drink are what was selected after 100 different slight variations of a single soda flavor were intensely focus tested to select the most profitable flavor.

Every inch of their lives is fake manufactured garbage and at the end of it, most of them have a lower middle class life as their best outcome with a very good chance of a massive depression or world war in the near future. Are you actually surprised that they choose escapism over engaging with the hellscape their parents created for them?

>> No.20317759

Take me back

>> No.20317765

Myers and Briggs are just a couple of cunts that misread Jung. It's now just a corporate product that gets sold to companies whose HR departments want to make it seem like they're doing something. I guess it could be a useful tool just to make you self reflect, bit cmon read the official personality descriptions. They're absolutely full of dick sucking about how each one is special and cool and interesting. Any real personality test would be able to say if someone is a cunt.

>> No.20317859

they're probably on some level of internet memery we can't even imagine

>> No.20317908

Ive actually found more use in astrology

>> No.20318014

my dad was an educator, which is why it was one of only 2 constraints placed on me re: university.

Rule #1 - no Boise State.
Rule #2 - no majoring in education

But I don't think we really have a surplus of STEM right yet. There's still a shortage of medical professionals, and I haven't heard anyone saying we have too many scientists and engineers. I'm hiring right now and have a healthy talent pool.

>> No.20318028

I see no reason to denigrate apathy in this current age. Everything that the media is pushing is dire, near-apocalyptic sensationalism and most people have realized the idea of one person changing the world is incredibly far fetched without incredible amounts of luck or inherited wealth. Fucks sake, half this board was stroking themselves for having heard of Cioran and Zappfe little over a year ago, pessimism and decay is the obvious zeitgeist of the west. Why bother truly caring for anything when we all die eventually, voting is a farce, systemic change is an improbability, and a spirit of atheistic materialism has made any hope all but impossible? Why pursue anything save pleasure and distraction?

>> No.20318045

I can literally name pretty much all the /lit/ topics on Homer
>which translatioh should I use, guyz??
>bruh the catalogue of ships
>insert parody of Homer's style of speech

>> No.20318050

No, he's right, Shakespeare threads are notorious for their low level of engagement. Don't believe? Check the archives.

>> No.20318051
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>Every piece of incessant media surrounding them was painstakingly crafted by corporate psychologists in order to control them as efficiently as possible, just as their food and drink are what was selected after 100 different slight variations of a single soda flavor were intensely focus tested to select the most profitable flavor.

>> No.20318057

That's because Anglo lit is soulless

>> No.20318069

I dont think zoomers were the audience for that particular failure. I can't even imagine CNN or any of the big "news" giants engaging any demographic older than 35.

>> No.20318070

lmao you are talking out of your ass on flavors. Stay in your lane kid.

>> No.20318073

Shakespeare is quite soulful. He's an honorary continental.

>> No.20318111
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I believe that many of the issues described are just Americans being histrionic and hyperbolic as always. Yes, sometimes children have bad parents who fail to teach them that some of their activities should be moderated and that others should be completely abandoned. I frankly didn't care about anything /lit/ related in my freshman year of highschool. That completely changed in the middle of my schooling and now I'm here. You have to realize that people often have different interests throughout their life and that what they're seemingly obsessed with today may simply be viewed as a stepping block by their future self. And if you have a habit of calling apparently superficial strangers as "NPCs", try to get rid of that. It's cringe and ignores the nuance of other individualities.

>> No.20318123

>/lit/ - People Are Heckin NPCs Who Don't Care About Serious Things Like Classic Literature, Also Widespread Literacy Was a Mistake

>> No.20318147

Kek literally me. Spooky

>> No.20318201

>two centuries of people trying to socially engineer progress
>followed by half a century of people trying to socially engineer their way out of the problems caused by the social engineering of progress
>tfw the time is coming when the west collectively realizes that "what is the best form of social engineering, how do i socially engineer a normal human, help, what am i doing wrong here, everyone keeps getting more retarded!" is a question mal posée
>tfw the time is coming when the west collectively remembers that functional states are downstream of healthy cultures
>tfw the time is coming when the west collectively remembers that healthy cultures are downstream of healthy citizens
>tfw the time is coming when the west realizes the basic truths Ezra Pound tried to convey:
London stank of decay back before 1914 and I have recorded the feel of it in a poem here and there. The live man in a modern city feels this sort of thing or perceives it as the savage perceives in the forest. I don’t know how many men keep alive in modern civilization but when one has the frankness to compare notes one finds that the intuition is confirmed just as neatly or almost as neatly as if the other man saw a shop sign.

Thus London going mouldy back in say 1912 or 1911. After the War death was all over it.

Italy was, on the other hand, full of bounce. I said all of this to a Lombard writer. I said: London is dead, Paris is tired, but here the place is alive. What they don’t know is plenty, but there is some sort of animal life here. If you put an idea into these people they would DO something.

The Lombard writer said yes ... and looked across the hotel lobby; finally he said: “And you know it is terrible to be surrounded by all this energy and ... and ... not to have an idea to put into it.”

Jefferson thought the formal features of the American system would work, and they did work till the time of general Grant but the condition of their working was that inside them there should be a de facto government composed of sincere men willing the national good. When the men of their understanding, and when the nucleus of the national mind hasn’t the moral force to translate knowledge into action I don’t believe it matters a damn what legal forms or what administrative forms there are in a government. The nation will get the staggers.

And any means are the right means which will remagnetize the will and the knowledge.

I think the American system de jure is probably quite good enough, if there were only 500 men with guts and the sense to USE it, or even with the capacity for answering letters, or printing a paper.

Jefferson thought the live men would beat out the cat’s-paws. The fascist hate of demi-liberal governments is based on the empiric observation that in many cases they don’t and have not.

>> No.20318205

Yes. This is also nowhere near a new trend, the pneumatic/psychic/hylic, "those who see, see when they are shown, and don't see", etc. distinction is timeless.

>> No.20318213

For a older zoomer here (25) it was because my parents, and all of my classmates parents literally beat the shit out of us and scared them half to death by screaming at the top of their lungs at the slightest inconvenience or wrong doing. My parents mellowed out and became reciprocative to talking when I reached 15/16 but I was too terrified to do anything for fear of having the shit beaten out of me. Most people in my age range were literally paralyzed by the fear of failure and it manifested itself by making them not really want to do anything.

>> No.20318260

It wasn't suddenly created but now moralism and 'social responsibility', no matter how fleeting and schizophrenic, is the dominant ideology for zoomies. Social relations are also very much eroded down to belligerent shaming and self-righteousness. People don't understand how to accept the existence of differing views and that everything isn't always a polarised struggle that is a threat to one's ego or some big crime of not conforming well enough. The whole aesthetic of tolerance and freedom or whatever has never been stronger and more unlike reality.

I'm used to it by now, but the thing about keeping the social peace and appeasing people is that it does change your own mind no matter what. You end up thinking in their terms and conceding some things, when you want to reject their prejudiced framing altogether.

>> No.20318273

You're a millennial

>> No.20318286

'95 is the cutoff. He barely missed it.

>> No.20318288

I recently graduated high school and I've always felt this 100%

>> No.20318293

I'm a high school lit teacher - 6 years exp under my belt. There is a definite gap in the level of care from even 4 years ago to now. I think the lockdown of everything coupled with crippling cell phone addictions definitely induced a kind of apathy in the kids. One of my goals is always "how do I get kids to see the value in this?" Rather than focusing on whether or not they care. Right now, we're doing romeo and juliet, and we're focusing primarily on character analysis and jow motivation develops themes, and the work I've designed for them has made them think about like "wow there are a lot of romeos/juliets in my life." And things like "maybe family doesn't always have my best interests at heart" and so on. The unfortunate reality that we have as educators is we have to give 150%, and frame these things in ways that they see as useful. For my kids, it's really been about making them not so much focus on cultural literacy as it is can you use a text as a mechanism to close read and think critically about society and humanity. Shakespeare doesn't matter just because he's Shakespeare; it's what the stories have to say about the human experience.

>> No.20318299

I'm wrapping up a career as a military officer and made it in crypto so I'm retired. MBTI has zero predictive capacity, anything you see in a description of "INTPs" is just a conman trick using vague wording that 90% of people would identify with at least somewhat.

OCEAN seems to be where it's at for personality metrics that actually have predictive power. But it won't stop me from throwing "psychologists" into the sea long with the psychiatrists.

>> No.20318302

I'm a college teacher and I swear to god the zoomers lost 10 IQ points during COVID. Things were already bad but I'm starting to notice a lot of downright weird shit, like a total lack of ability to focus, basic social skills missing when previously their oversocialization at least kept them "sociable."

They seem a lot more sullen and retarded. It's like they became a parody of their 2016 selves, or went from 3D to 2D versions of themselves.

This is the most "maybe I'm just schizo" thing I can think to mention, but I also notice they try to get on the elevator without waiting to see if someone is getting off. But the really odd part is that even when they realize people are in the elevator and are departing, they don't go "oh, excuse me" and back up, they just.. keep standing there, or even moving further into the elevator, while people are streaming off around them. It's such a small thing but in years of being here I never saw that once, and it's every few times I ride the elevators in a student heavy area now.

There are a lot of other little things like this, basic etiquette being lost, that are more intangible so I won't bother trying to describe them. Overall it seems like getting on a post-COVID zoomer's "radar" is harder? They treat other human beings like furniture unless they have some reason for engaging with them in a stereotyped social way.

I don't notice it with people who are 25+ but everyone under 20 seems like another species to me.

>> No.20318307

I dunno I like Hume, Berkeley, Blake, Paine, Burke, More, Shelley, Dickens.

>> No.20318308

It's not even just zoomoids. I know millennials in their 30s and 40s who have this fucking gayass, reddity, moralizing, social responsibility, "being a decent human being" mentality. They're so boring and gay. They are the liberal atheist version of old church ladies in the 80s freaking out about heavy metal bands and Dungeons and Dragons. And they think they're so smart and enlightened.
Being a moralfaggot is this generation's equivalent of people in the 1950s keeping up with the Joneses and buying the latest Chevy car and a new fridge and a white picket house and all that stuff.

>> No.20318313

Jesus Christ, this reads like one of those disaster movies where they're just starting to uncover the impending shit storm.

>> No.20318325

Graduated HS in 2013, we learned about the Holocaust but just as part of our regular coursework in history plus a few survivor's works in English class. I've worked as a sub across a bunch of different schools in my area and I've never heard the Holocaust mentioned.

However, I did some international work and ended up befriending a guy from Austria that was a few years older than me. We were talking about the differences between our countries approaches to history and apparently he had to take a multi-year course on it in high school and went on class trips to Auschwitz multiple times. It wasn't until he said all this out loud to me that he realized it was kinda weird.

>> No.20318326

High school teacher here. My debate kids are fine. My English kids are worthless.

>> No.20318338

This is by design. Mission Accomplished. Forever Serfs.

>> No.20318341

I dont accept that scale. I was born in 99. My brother was born in 94. I witnessed the transition. There was a very big shift in culture. Zoomers came of age around 2016. anyone older than that is just a millenial with social media

>> No.20318352

The lack of socialization was my biggest challenge at the beginning of this year. My 9th graders were acting almost alien for a while, as if things like accountability did not exist for them.

Also, other high school teachers here, I'm just curious - what texts do you teach and for what grade levels? For 9th I use romeo and juliet, lord of the flies, murder of Roger Aykroyd, and mockingbird, plus some short stories like lamb to the slaughter and gift of the magi
For 10s I use Fahrenheit 451, Oedipus and Antigone, Great Gatsby, and Julius Caesar.

>> No.20318359

The transition started slowly around 2007, went into high gear around 2013 and then everything went completely insane in 2016

>> No.20318361

It's honestly kind of comical how fucking 'off' they are, socially and morally.

I'm having to lecture kids I work with (I work Fast Food, so lots of teens) about why it's a dick move to try to fuck your friend's gf and they look at me like I'm nuts.

It's bad. Half the kids I talk to have drug histories that make me, a recovering heroin addict, go "Christ, dude. That's a lot."

To be fair, were English kids ever intelligent?

>> No.20318362

>what texts do you teach and for what grade levels?
Holy shit, you're serious? No joke? Where do you teach?

No one does whole novels at my school. Every time I've tried the kids completely shut themselves down. I dragged them through Things Fall Apart; at one point one of my students asked when we were going to read a book by a black author.

Bless you for trying and I hope you succeed, but my district and zone are full of morons.

>> No.20318364


>> No.20318370

I teach in a blue collar city in Colorado that still has a lot of teachers who still believe in using full novels and lit to teach

>> No.20318373
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>> No.20318374

>at one point one of my students asked when we were going to read a book by a black author.

>> No.20318376

Tell me you don't know Zoomers without telling me you don't know Zoomers.

>> No.20318378

I will say this though; we do all our reading in class, and sometimes I have to cut stuff for time by doing "assigned reading" (usually unimportant sections that it doesn't matter to the focus of study), so we spend a lot of time in class reading and discussing, which helps me ensure that even the kids who sparknotes get some of it. Some districts look down on that

>> No.20318381

I AM a zoomer

>> No.20318382

I felt a big change in the late summer of 2007. I was only in middle school at the time and I didn't really know what exactly I was sensing but I felt instinctively that the world was going through a great shift. A lot of people say it was the release of the first iPhone and the year that fagbook became really mainstream. That was probably a big part of it. It got much more intense in 2013 and of course in 2016 normies became utterly retarded. People I know who used to be reasonable, level headed people turned into mind controlled, hysterical, shrieking globohomo bots in 2016.

>> No.20318383

It's because for 50 years the culture was "you can basically trust what's on the TV" and most of what was on the TV was bland pap, so they were bland pap-heads and even had some room left over to become individuals if they were lucky, but then someone replaced the bland pap with insanity.

They were already primed to accept whatever the TV told them, it's their real parental figure. Post-2010 internet is just an extension of TV.

>> No.20318384

Then you're above average, because the average Zoomer is Dunning-Kruger personified.

>> No.20318396

Is Colorado comfy?
I heard that it is one of those states that actually is mostly conservative in most counties but is cucked by a very liberal big city, sort of like Georgia and Wisconsin

>> No.20318403

It's getting pricy as fuck to live here cuz all the stupid Californians and Texans keep fucking moving here and jacking up prices. Stay away

But that read is right. I'd say I work/live in. A blue collar conservative city but is also pro union because of the factories. I'd describe myself as socially liberal but fiscally conservative and teacher-ly conservative i.e. I still believe in the concept of great works of literature and the lit as record of the human experience. A lot of my school is blue collar whites and hard working, conservative hispanics

The more North you go the more left leaning it gets

>> No.20318423

You know what just hit me? None of these people seem to be enjoying it. There's one girl smiling but she's looking straight to the camera, as if she just started smiling because she noticed there was a picture being taken.
In front of her there's another girl looking at the camera but she, like everyone else, doesn't seem to be there for the show, just for what they might encounter there, same way a man goes to the bar not for the bar but for the booze and booty. They don't seem to want to be there.

>> No.20318431

The gender identity and mental illness points are Internet memes. No one irl thinks of that stuff. They are consumed by YouTube and shit though which is sad

>> No.20318437

Old man behavior lol. Get with the times sir!

>> No.20318453

Do you know what that picture is, anon? That was a rap concert last year where they literally, I am not joking, LITERALLY performed a Satanic ritual and sacrificed people to the devil. This is the kind of thing that is just normal pop culture for zoomers. Also the rapper kept on singing while the medics carried the bodies away.
I think some people who were there later said that the whole thing felt like they were in hell.

>> No.20318474

It had 300 million dollars poured into, only to be cancelled a week later. These big corporations are run by humans, they fuck up all the time.

>> No.20318500
File: 189 KB, 1242x1216, photo_2022-04-07 08.30.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers born after 2005 can't think, all they know is browse tiktok then browse instagram then browse tiktok then browse instagram then browse tiktok then browse instagram ad infinitum

>> No.20318506

I go to McGill and we have student discord servers and I saw students discussion the topic of they/them pronouns. Trust me, it is a lot worse than you think. I recently had the trauma of learning that my school sells sex toys. I want to die.

>> No.20318533

The best part of zoomers being gimped for oldfags (30+) is that zoomers are incompetent with computers. With boomers retiring zoomers aren't able to fill the jobs that pay well with little effort but require computer competency. Find a comfy job and read all day and you'll never have to worry about zoomers competing with you. The only annoying part is zoomers actually need a lot of tech support so you will still have to do actual work occasionally.

>> No.20318562
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>> No.20318575

Also, if kids nowadays were interested in literature, you fags would be complaining about how kids lack the insufficient life experience to understand the classics, which is precisely the reason they don't give a shit about them. Let kids be kids.

>> No.20318617

i taught at a school for autistic children and i can absolutely guarantee you they loved gender fluidity and talking about their mental illnesses non stop. also heard a teacher at my old high school got fired - they were reported by a student for allegedly making 'transphobic' comments

>> No.20318639

I read all that shit. TL;DR is that happiness is determined by comparison of one's current situation to the baseline established in childhood, which means that being raised in decadence produces adults who have zero motivation.

>> No.20318650


lol are they university branded

"proud mcgill mom"

>> No.20318669

This genuinely makes me feel like dying. I feel extreme shame at this knowledge. I want whoever is responsible for this to be crucified and burned.

>> No.20318684

*lack the sufficient life experience

>> No.20318807

That guy said "didn't even know what a virus really is before the pandemic" which is completely accurate. We're talking about people who think going outside when it's cold literally gives you a cold. I had a teacher who said that she wears a coral bracelet because it helps with her blood pressure. It's not like they've never heard the word virus before but it's obvious they have no idea how they work. Hell most people don't, if you're not studying biology then your opinion on it is about as valuable as crystal grandma's.

>> No.20318818

Shut up old man, mumble rap has been dead for 4 years

>> No.20319017

There is no way my fellow spergs are that far gone

>> No.20319263

>Maybe they simply aren't comfortable talking about their interests to a teacher
This is the case

>> No.20319517

good observation

>> No.20319518
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>> No.20319814

While I don't necessarily disagree with your statement, I see the following problem.
Back in the "olden days", universities were a place where someone genuinely interested in their subject would congregate. Nowadays, a degree is practically a requirement for getting any job, so practically anyone ought to have it. So they're filled with people with desire to "pull themselves by their bootstraps", i.e. land a job after they graduate rather than being passionate about what they study. Besides, being passionate about your subject plays a negligible role in getting in these days. Your CV has to have all sorts of thing not really linked to your studies: extracurriculars, volunteering, all that. So a lot of people who get in, while they're not stupid, get in not because of their intellectual merit, but other factors, like that kid who wrote BLM 100 times on his application. And I remember, he still had good SAT scores and rich parents, but it makes me question, where do people genuinely interested in their subject would congregate in real life nowadays?

>> No.20319913

Close enough as IIRC the cut off is 96 or 95. My point still stands though, at least for my age group and I fear its going to cause them to raise children with even less backbone and fewer social manners.

>> No.20320013

>The Zoomers are the first generation in the last 50 years who significantly regressed.

>> No.20320037

Entp master race here, suck my dick mental midgets