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/lit/ - Literature

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20311063 No.20311063 [Reply] [Original]

When I was a teenager living in a deprived part of rural Russia, a friend and I decided to start our own gentleman's club. Not from scratch, we were given a two story dacha by a departing resident, on condition we clean and take care of it, but without any money we wanted to turn it into a kind of classy, English style hideaway, doubtlessly influenced by the adventure books we were reading.
It was tastefully built: old wood, traditional decoration with a Russian stove in the middle as well as various ‘borrowed’, and as we thought, tasteful, furniture from the abandoned villages next door. Over the next few month’s we had hulled so many bookshelves and chairs and even one time a couch, that people noticed and, in good humor, begun donating to our little project.

What we didn't have was books. There was no library, except, we were told, in the next town over. Ones a steelworks, long closed and the neighborhood so dilapidated ,with only two tower blocks receiving heat and electricity, that we didn’t expect to find anything, but went anyway, and ,shock of all socks, the rumors turned out to be true. In the palace of culture, while someone had bothered to steal the wooden furniture and rip out all the copper wires, the old books had been left, crumbling and dusty, but untouched. We took multiple boxes worth of Russian classics and soviet translations of approved literature and now had what was beginning look reasonably like a study.

Here I read through the entirety of Russian translated Wodehouse, Kipling, Hemingway and Lawrence Durrell. Later I read Hesse and thought how he was the only writer who understood poor, poor 15 yearold me. I tried learning Italian and later French and my friend, who was from a Jewish family, taught me Yiddish and what Hebrew he was learning for his bar mitzvah. The ‘study’ was often too dark, but be had garden and with no electricity I remember unironically reading Turgenev by candlelight. We had set up beds and would sometimes stay there overnight – how I manged that with my asthma I still dont know – with our folks trusting us to take care of our selves.

We would have gone further except that 2 years later a turf war broke out and the kids from the next town over burned down the house. The cops caught them, but they were young – 14 or thereabouts – and the matter was dropped.

Things didn't much improve afterwords; my friends parents were quite ill, mentally as well as physically, and didint let him to finish schooling – though there is a requirement for that in Russia. Hew grew up, clever but technologically illiterate and I remember trying to show him, at 18, how to use a web browser and realizing it was hopeless. He had read Schopenhauer but couldn't use a smartphone. He later joined the army, and today I found out he died. Probably in Ukraine. Hence this blog, which I hope is lit enough to stay.

RIP Sasha. I miss you so much man.

>> No.20311096

O Captain, My Captain ;_;

>> No.20311107

I wish you the best in these hard times anon. It was a wonderful story.

>> No.20311298

Чecтнo гoвopя, я нe вepю, чтo ты pyccкий.

>> No.20311319

Thank you for the story. I'll remember your bro for as I can.

>> No.20311358

I am sorry for your loss.

>> No.20311366
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I'm sorry anon. I will pour one out for him.

>> No.20311456


>> No.20311463

Great image.

>> No.20311566

a ты? pyccкий?

>> No.20311600
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I'm sorry anon
At the very least you had some fun and deep moments with him, that's all that matters

>> No.20311607


>> No.20311632

Sorry for your loss anon. You're an excellent writer for what its worth.

>> No.20311636


Think of all the unique and good people out there whose lives fall between the cracks of today's shit world. You should take the dacha as symbolic and remake it on a bigger scale so more kids like you and your friend can benefit, this time protected from nihilistic arsonists.

>> No.20311643
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that's an interesting and touching story anon. vaguely brings to mind a Russian movie I watched recently called My Joy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C45v9ffd3OI
just something in your casual description of you and your friends precocious industriousness amongst the context of contemporary Russia's deterioration. Reminds me of birch tree growing on the third floor of a WWI chemical factory not far from here

>> No.20311738

I hope you the best anon, I can't stress this enough, I will hug you if I were there

>> No.20311749

Aw yeah this one is going to do numbers on reddit.

>> No.20311804

Sorry for your fren anon I hope you hunted down those arsonists like dogs

>> No.20311818

Did you love him?

>> No.20311862
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It's been said a million times before but war is so pointless and stupid and tragic. Young men being forced to fight and kill other young men they would likely be friends with otherwise. I hope your friend's soul finds peace and I hope you are doing alright OP.

>> No.20311945

>a Jew
>fighting for a military other than Israel's
Is this the new walk the dinosaur? Because in case you forgot, Jews don't fight in wars, they get the Goyim to do that for them.

>> No.20311979


>Young men being forced to fight and kill other young men

Not being forced if they volunteer. Armies are a good way to contain your society's psychopaths

>> No.20312673

thats what you got from this.
Dont look now but there is a jew standing behind you.

>> No.20312811

Heт, тoлькo yчycь, читaю. Tы OP?

I've really seen similar stories on reddit. They're very obviously fake most of the time, but they satisfy some desire among people to hear horrible stories about life in strange countries, so they end up very popular.

>> No.20312823

What a nice story, I'm sorry for your fr...
>was from a Jewish family

>> No.20313624

>except that 2 years later a turf war broke out
i want details on this
sounds the most juicy element (as you didn't have Manly P Hall lol) and it's the shortest paragraf of the 5...

>> No.20313693

Hundreds of years ago, moments like these would've been honored as the tragedies that they are. I'm not saying this to make you feel better, but I have to say this is one of the most touching things I have ever read. I am sorry.

>> No.20313694

>Jewish family
>muh Ukraine war
Come on now. Only redditors fall for this shilling.

>> No.20313857

I got that from this because that part of the story is so absurd. Seriously, how often do Jews willingly join some country's military to fight and die unless it's Israel? And even then they still kvetch that their western golems aren't dying for them and their causes fast enough.
I can only suspend my disbelief so much.

>> No.20313898

go back

>> No.20313990

Not them, but do you seriously think the story isn't fake?

>> No.20314435

tragic. rest in piece

>> No.20315467

i like how the pol people stand out for just how spergy they are.

Good post OP

>> No.20317421

bump ! want to post something when i get home

>> No.20317821

Okay but did you explore each other's bodies

>> No.20318539

>the truth hurts my feelings!

>> No.20318565

volunteering is a meme, once a war is large enough in scale no one is left with a choice