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File: 13 KB, 298x298, chain-wine-bottle-holder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2030938 [Reply] [Original]

How come whenever I read an old book the characters seem to be able to consume ungodly amounts of alcohol? Most of them seem to have 2-4 whole fucking bottles of wine just with their evening meals.

Were they all major alcoholics or were they just drinking pissweak 2% wine that might as well have been grape juice?

>> No.2031001

The latter. This is a serious response.

>> No.2031019

They had a higher resistance because they drank more.

>> No.2031034

If American probably the later. You guys drink pisswater.

If European, probably Alcoholics. If you consume alcohol enough the effects become lessened.

>> No.2031041

My parents drink two or three bottles of wine with dinner.

We are English which explains some of it. I don't get why Americans have such strict views towards alcohol.

>> No.2031044

Stop reading Henry Miller.

>> No.2031047

One bottle of wine split between two people is about two glasses each, not that much really.

It's not hard for me to drink a bottle to myself over a period of a couple hours, so that doesnt seem too hard to me.

>> No.2031050

Be fair, Europeans, it was in America that fortified wine was invented, which combines the best aspects of wine, rubbing alcohol and Coca-Cola. They took drinking to the next level, even if they did have to pathologise it.

>> No.2031055

Vermouth and Port are both fortified wines, and both predate the existence of american colonization.

>> No.2031057


No, two bottles each.

>> No.2031061


This is quite true, I meant stuff like Thunderbird. The best term might be 'outdoor wine'.

>> No.2031060 [DELETED] 

>mfw characters in Dostoevsky novels seem to smash back about 3/4 glasses of vodka every 20 minutes

>> No.2031064

So each of your parents is consuming eight glasses of wine with dinner? A little bit more extreme, but still not that bad. Makes for an expensive dinner though, unless they drink shit wine.

>> No.2031072


All I know is that it is Bordeaux which, I've tried and can't say I like.

Anyway, i imagine this board is populated with people from the ages of 18-25, I thought frequent nights out of heavy drinking would be considered the norm.

>> No.2031077

Well, at least it's from a bottle and not carton wine. I remember my first day in college and seeing some girl drink that shit, I was in awe at how common she was.

>> No.2031081

Ah yes, bum wine. Thunderbird, Night-train, Mad-Dog 20/20...

Having lived on both sides of the atlantic, I can say that neither group has any special claim to being more alchoholic, except that the european attitude about drinking tends to be a bit more lax and drinking throughout the day is much less of a social stigma than it is in the states. I'd like to say that binge drinking might be less of an issue, but I suppose it depends on where you are in europe... there are some drunk fucking europeans.

Really, the only ones who can't handle their liquor are native americans, since its only recently (the last couple hundred years or so) that its been part of their culture, so their tolerences tend to be lower on a physiological level.

Modern civilization throughout the rest of the world was essentially founded on booze, throughout the dark ages it was essentially the only safe thing to drink, sea voyages would have been difficult without it, and without beer we wouldn't have the pyramids.

>> No.2031085

I like a good Bordeux, but its been more difficult to get in the states as of late. I cant testify to the cost in england, but in the U.S. that dinner would be at least $150 for the wine alone.

>> No.2031086
File: 73 KB, 635x423, ladysovwoah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>board of literates
>expecting anything but spending 7 nights a week alone with a bottle of Morgans or other hard liquor wondering where they fucked up.

>> No.2031089
File: 37 KB, 500x274, tumblr_lq5mldCVjL1qgwmslo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not spending quality time with Mister Jack Danels

>> No.2031095


>> No.2031098 [DELETED] 


>mfw you have no face
>I have no face

Russian people actually do that. Like, vodka for breakfast, vodka for tea, vodka for lunch, vodka for dinner. And in between the aforementioned.

>> No.2031100
File: 46 KB, 630x390, kele_corona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Jamesons when it comes to "whisky".

Also, not mixing your spirits with Corona.

>> No.2031110

I like Jameson, too, but it's expensive and I'm not exactly exuding money. I usually wind up with something Canadian.

>> No.2031127 [DELETED] 

That feel when I'm crying and masturbating to this.