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20309314 No.20309314 [Reply] [Original]

WWOYM Hittin’ the Road

Previous >>20300543

>> No.20309321


>> No.20309326

is a new mr. oizo album droppin soon or what? ppl keep posting flat eric

>> No.20309329
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My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like; "It's better than yours"
Damn right it's better than yours, I can teach you but I have to charge.

>> No.20309343

thought i was going to see the outline of a buttplug

>> No.20309344

His eyebags are so large, and he dropped so quickly to sleep. The urge to lightly brush his hair aside consumes and warms the veins, reaching my butterfly-filled heart.. How could I love anyone but him, how do people cause pain to each other once consummated? Where is the vulnerability in my bubble, so I might close it forever? What if I do something wrong? What if I am no exception to the rule and I ravenously destroy the bubble I am in? Why is it a bubble, why not a box made out of stone? Where do I get my stone from? I pray that I find enough stones to create my shelter from the wrath of my future. I lightly move his hair.

>> No.20309345

My desire for sex is ruining my relationship with God

>> No.20309353

It’s just me. I donno why he popped into my head today


>> No.20309368

Self-control is something you have to practice constantly. Keep it up, and don't fall for such easy traps.

>> No.20309369

someone spends too much time on twitch

>> No.20309378

>Not black
Why bother?
White ass = not real
Latina ass = fat that will spread to the rest of their body
Asian ass = their just fat
Black ass = Beautiful, sanguine, staid as a mountain, yet soft as a pillow.
Indian ass = self defense mechanism similar to horned lizard.

>> No.20309386

do they have that on twitch now? can you post some clips? don't want to spend hours over hours on some hoe's channel
last time i did that i was infatuated with someone's face and it got really depressing in the end, it wasn't even a whore in the literal sense

>> No.20309391
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Blacks aren't just about the ass you stupid white boi

>> No.20309405

When the champions of libertinage speak of freedom, they always refer to the freedom of the body and its autonomy, they want to enslave souls and corrupt them by making carnal whims their masters. In this sense they intend to say that love is freedom, the sentimental partner becomes an ornament, a piece that can be exchanged for another as soon as it presents us with the slightest inconvenience and prevents us from exercising this autonomy, it becomes a simple "experience ” more than has been surpassed.

Love is a metaphysical feeling, it is the purest transcendental expression of the soul, it is the most complete surrender to another being, and this is the opposite of self-determined, self-sufficient sexuality, whose only objective is self-realization. It is the union of two beings that form a unique and indivisible unity, because within this perfect union of man and woman one cannot exist without the other. Submission and domination are words that produce aversion in an atomized society whose great white elephant is individual autonomy, but these words are the fundamental principles of all hierarchical organization. Relations between men and women cannot be supported under the transparent cloak of equality, because from the moment that men and women are not by nature equal, one must be above the other.

Existence is shared, not individual, and our relationships with others must set aside our instant whims to subordinate them to a good far greater than ourselves. Infidelity is not bad only because it is a betrayal of that person who has placed his trust in us, but it is worse still a betrayal of ourselves in having failed in our duty and succumbed to lust in the most pathetic way.

>> No.20309407

I’ve been thinking about visceral reactions lately, mostly in regards to political or opinionated statements. I’ve been ruminating on the structure of my own reactions, and the reactions of others. I’ve come to the conclusion that people treat their reactions as more immutable than they really are.

I’ve been reading a lot of stuff on 4chan that makes me immediately jump to a belief, but I’ve been consciously criticizing my gut opinion. I think, admittedly purely theoretically, that such reactions are compounding. People will come to a conclusion and be reminded of it every time they see something relevant. Even if the etiology of the opinion is rational, the continued reminder of their disapproval leads to an intractable cycle of reinforcement. What might start as a dispassionate position will become a learned behavior.

This leads to the conclusion that people are more in control of their opinions than they would like to believe. Often in political circles, ideas are expressed as inherent or instinctual. This idea could be described as a form of moral absolutism. A distinction must be made in that this form of moral absolutism posits that most ideas that are good are intuitive, while others will state that some positions are inherently good, but not necessarily obvious or universally accepted. I believe the former type of moral absolutism is not aligned with reality.

I will plunge my eight inch, lightly Hispanic cock so far down her throat that my cum will leak out of her urethra.

>> No.20309409

>Always forgetting the Armenian and Iranian ass

>> No.20309411

how does someone who's annoyed by people who speak too much, live around people who are annoyed by people who speak too little?

>> No.20309415

Stop being a pissy little bitch and try to live happy and balanced.

>> No.20309418
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What is with the "anime enjoyer to tranny" pipeline? I've loved anime for more than half my life but it's never encouraged me to turn myself into a woman. It just gave me a love of girls with huge tits and colorful hair.

>> No.20309422

Anons need to stop taking themselves so seriously and get out and talk to people, including girls. Guarantee your life will improve and you’ll be happier. Everyone is looking for a connection. Too many love wallowing in their misery and I don’t get it. Lots of resentment. Too many egotistical maniacs with inferiority complexes

>> No.20309423

way too long dude not readin sry

>> No.20309440

>they want to enslave souls and corrupt them by making carnal whims their masters
NO. That isn’t what we mean when we say we want freedom. You backward yapping papist or whatever.

>> No.20309442
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Incels assume tons of strange things

>> No.20309446

If you use the more opinionate boards you'll notice that some people have come to the realization that everyone they don't like form one cohesive group. People will say that all blacked posters are Americans, all Americans are trannys, and that all trannys love anime. It's the epitome of instinctual thinking. They believe that every group they hate is related because it makes insulting them easier.

I will never understand how people can be so confident that everyone they disagree with is an American when they can't even see flags. I think it might be trolling, but I haven't seen enough evidence for that.

>> No.20309451

Incels are nature’s solution for overpopulation. If you can’t get laid you are low value.

>> No.20309452

It's simple, they are uneducated niggers. Just like 90% of 4chan.

>> No.20309454

I have a question about something I did. I have a few laptops that were given to me, just old stuff I was going to fix up and sell but never did.

Recently I needed the CD drive on one, so I booted into it using a linux USB drive.

Temptation overcame me so I started browsing the hard drive a bit, it belonged to some woman, so I searched around for pics and anything spicy, hoping I could find at least some titty pics or something.

I felt really guilty doing it, like I knew if anyone could see me they'd judge me horribly, but I also didn't care, and it was just this huge invasion of privacy into this woman's life.

And honestly, her life told me this image, this narrative, of just a kind of sad lonely woman, and I had alot of complex, weird feelings browsing through all her personal files.

There was no good nudity, but I eventually found a pic of her sucking on a popsicle that was sexual enough to jerk off to.

But there's just so much humanity on that drive. She has a few albums of photos with old boyfriends, phone screenshots of old text conversations with boyfriends, book recommendations on controlling boyfriends, and as she ages and gets uglier in the pics, you see her grow more desperate. Increasing searches for diet books, eventually a photo or two of dildos in a sex store, and a couple definite 'come here and fuck me' but clean photos of her in bed.

Would anyone read it if I typed out as a story the entire emotional complexity of basically witnessing a stranger's whole life from a very detached position, and the dialectic between my desire for jerk material juxtaposed to my weird narcissistic sense of sympathy for her, but also the awareness of the whole disgustingness of this act?

>> No.20309473

not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much content not as much conten not as much content not as much not as much not as much not as much

>> No.20309477

>Would anyone read it if I typed out as a story the entire emotional complexity of basically witnessing a stranger's whole life from a very detached position, and the dialectic between my desire for jerk material juxtaposed to my weird narcissistic sense of sympathy for her, but also the awareness of the whole disgustingness of this act?

I'd read it if it was just a story about you finding her IRL and rubbing her aged milkers like ancient magical gems. Also her pussy is weird looking, but hot. Also she looks Jewish with long, dark, curly hair that accentuates her green eyes. He nose is crooked, but in a way that makes you think she'll suck your dick like an ant-eater.

>> No.20309480


>> No.20309482 [DELETED] 

my sister always used to find loser guys she could dominate, but she finally hit the wall and can't even pick up degenerates at AA meetings anymore

>> No.20309483

based, thanks anon for confirming i shouldn't

>> No.20309500

I think a lot of us are hopelessly alienated and isolated. I know I at least know this and assume most others here do too. Which is where the pain really originates from.

>> No.20309510
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the way the spaces all align at some point is somewhat satisfying.

>> No.20309515

Well, getting out and talking to people will help that, wouldn’t it? Start small and say an extra line or two to a cashier and gradually become more comfortable. It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy for many here that is easy to fix, yet they choose to divert blame to others instead

>> No.20309521

what do you mean they're the ones who bother me

>> No.20309531

They’re the ones I ignore.

>> No.20309533

I miss the 90's. Much more calm and optimistic.

>> No.20309540

can you ignore chinese water torture
it's just drops of water

>> No.20309543

I do too for some aspects.
Like I wouldn't give up on the internet now (I think), but I miss the times before it dearly.

>> No.20309597

>Like I wouldn't give up on the internet now (I think)

I kind of would. Communication used to be much more personal and local. And the internet being so rare in the 90's is why it was more calm and optimistic.

>> No.20309618
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They arrived bros. I'm not sure which one to read first

>> No.20309627


I was also just listening to(and watching) that video right there. Granted, it wasn't the 90's but I was still surprised to see a music video that looked so simple and innocent for a popular song at the time. You rarely see that these days.

>> No.20309632

clip your toenails and clean your room, filthy cretin

>> No.20309636
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Started taking paxil again. Didn’t work before. Doing it again just because I have them and I don’t know what else to try. I want to give up.

>> No.20309673

i'm completely isolated with no desire for company. I've ignored friends who reach out, allowed those friendships to whither and die out. sometimes i entertain the thought of a relationship, but i don't want to compromise myself or my independence for the sake of another, and it seems like so much work to get to a point of true partnership anyhow. people in love just seem delusional to me. i have no desire for sex or physical intimacy.
I don't know if i should embrace this - if I've pushed myself past the obstructive feelings of loneliness and desire, or if this detachment will ultimately lead to an unfulfilling life. i've dedicated myself to schoolwork and to learning. i feel (currently) like i don't need anything more than that.
at times i feel a sense of 'boredom' where I'll absently think that i want to spend time with someone, but it's more of a want for distraction or escapism than anything else. typically passes in a few hours and then i'm back to contented solitude.
i might be broken

>> No.20309676

It's not the quantity that annoys either, but the content. The solution is: speak about different things, or more specifically investigate what things are more enjoyable to the people who are annoyed with you but will encourage responses of a nature that you won't be annoyed with.

>> No.20309677

Male manipulator music

>> No.20309679
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The English language has become an enemy of this world, its peoples and its cultures. It assimilates, it invades, it subverts. Look at what it has done to Urdu, to Hindi. One cannot engage in a conversation in India or Pakistan without dealing with English words mixed into every sentence. Look at what it has done to Africa, where native languages are replaced by English everywhere from Cairo to the Cape. Look at Europe and Latin America, where people are made to replace their languages' gendered grammar with a mimicry of English's gender-neutral one. It is a great tragedy. Language is the root of culture; when one language comes to erase all others, we lose so many cultures. English, the noble language of Wordsworth and Shakespeare, has become an enemy of culture.

I want to rebel against this, in my own way. I would do so by learning another language and writing in it. But which language? European languages like German or Polish are doomed, they will be destroyed by English or replaced by it fully. I must find a language immune to English's influence. Arabic is such a language. So is Farsi. One of those will do, I suppose.

>> No.20309684

my brain has been amphetamized

>> No.20309685

But anon, I did clip my toe nails. How short are they supposed to be exactly?

>> No.20309689

I'm sure people said the same about Latin.

>> No.20309693
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The other night after doing adderall which I never do I went out to a bar, sat myself by the bar, chatted with everyone who ordered drinks. Totally geeked out with a guy who had the same music taste as me. Felt sick, twice some women escorted me to the bathrooms to vomit, twice! I felt so foolish front of my new clearly very forgiving friends. Then we all went to a nightclub afterwards where I hit on a third woman who was taken but was constantly grabbing my ass. When I said bye to her she gave me a very long squeeze of my hand with a smile.
I've been determined to just 'go out there' and meet new people. Even though I already have tonnes of lovely friends.
Obviously "what the fuck is wrong with me?" is not a useful question to ask. Maybe what I need to ask is "why can't I leverage my social skills and charm into more productive projects instead of alcoholic self-destruction?"

>> No.20309697

>I want to rebel against this
End american hegemony.

>> No.20309702

They were laughing at you, you were their court jester for the night.

>> No.20309709

>i'm completely isolated with no desire for company. I've ignored friends who reach out, allowed those friendships to whither and die out.
This is my life currently. Only I’m disturbingly depressed.

>> No.20309711

Nah, you're implying that I was wielding that much attention from the whole crew

>> No.20309738

just remembered how in high school i'd intentionally drive as recklessly as possible to scare my gf, and i kept doing it even after she got in a car accident and developed a fear of cars. i thought it was the funniest fucking thing ever. am i a bad guy?

>> No.20309742

I find this interesting as a story premise. Everyone is so weirdly fucked into and intertwined with their computers these days that they become reflections of ourselves. Unlike, say, coming across someone's lost diary, a hard drive captures multifaceted details. You could a lot more with the idea if you spiced it up and fictionalized it a bit. Maybe you could go a creepy or a wistful route. Like some loner who has trouble relating to people comes across the old hard drive and falls for the person who once owned it, believing somehow against reason that they were someone who would understand them. The story ends with him gazing solemnly into a pond in a park on a rainy day as he comes to terms with the fact that he will never meet this person and they will never know who they are.

Or maybe the Hunter Biden route and make it a political thriller. Guy comes across some lecherous scion of the power elite and uncovers troves of scandalous kompromat that paints a target on his back.

Or a make it a serial killer . Lots of things you can do.

>> No.20309746

Not to mention waseigo, pure dogshit killing japs and japs don't even realize how shit it looks and sound.

>> No.20309748

I wish I were a corvid or cetacean during a time without man. Being a human being sucks.

>> No.20309787

Nice anon, I just got into Unamuno due to reading The Marquis of Lumbria in an anthology; it was a really compelling story, I don’t understand all the dynamics at play but it certainly made me want to read more of his work. I’d say start with the fiction so that you can form your own impressions of it before delving into his ideas more explicitly.

>> No.20309789

Any other bipolar frens here?

How're you all holding up?

>> No.20309829

Does anyone else cry frequently?

>> No.20309836

As permissive as 4chan is, they will still hand out bans for the n-word. As a result, I have taken to saying "negro" instead.

>> No.20309839

I got a 3 day ban last week for "brown".

>> No.20309843
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>> No.20309846
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Well there's no accounting for mods, it's still a bit of Russian roulette because mods=fags, always.

Like, on /co/, there are sometimes threads explicitly sexualizing underage characters. And yet I once had to eat a monthlong ban from all boards for making a pretty inocuous comment on the size of a character's butt.

>> No.20309850

Oh I remember that video. Innocent? It’s a menage a troi though hah.
Here’s a real couple in the Mike Mills classic for Air
Ratty quality.

>> No.20309866

Which boards...?

>> No.20309867

Ah, good. It’s permitted on /b/ and in polite context. You should know that by now.

>> No.20309874

i've never been banned for saying nigger, but i have been warned for telling anons that i'm going to beat the shit out of them. which seems silly to me, since i obviously can't actually harm an anonymous poster in an undisclosed location

>> No.20309949

>Eternal damnation
>Cursed with no salvation
>A physical emotionally distressing situation
>Indoct' your nation
>Traumatic exploitation
>Doomsday code apoloclayptic revelation
>Sadistic psychopathic mind control manipulations
>To do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
>Sacrifical sermons
>Altars with naked virgins
>Everytime I close my mind I see my family burning
>Plauged with visions and nightmares of bloody murder
>I'm suicidal
>And I'm depressed
>There's evil in my heart
>I feel it manifest
>There's no happiness
>There's no hope
>Go hang yourself from your ceiling with a rope
>Satans got control
>Now he owns our souls
>Secret society illuminati skull and bones
>You don't know how deep this conspiracy goes
>Ancient artifacts and the dead sea scrolls
>The peoples temple and the reverend Jim Jones
>Dead bodies everywhere young and old
>The ghost of Ricky Kasso lives on in this song

>Welcome to this motherfucking nightmare

>We're the knights of the black circle

>> No.20310046

The new RHCP album takes me out of my depression and brings me to some warm nice place

>> No.20310050
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>As we [Borges and di Giovanni] moved through Florida Street, a pedestrian precinct on the way to his mother's, people would open a way, turn round, gape, point.
>One was the five-page story 'The Intruder' that he [Borges] had dictated to his ancient mother three years earlier
>I made us outline the material beforehand, breaking his life down into manageable chunks, chapters, of which we ended up with five. I made him stick to that outline. 'No, no, don't jump ahead to your mother; let's get it all down about your father and his family first and then we'll tackle her.
>Three times we circumnavigated the block in Norman, Oklahoma, where our hotel was located, as I helped him to rehearse. It was just as he describes having once done on a similar occasion years earlier in Adrogue with his mother.
>What was the name of the ship you returned to Buenos Aires on in 1921?' 'It was the beginning of 1921, but I don't remem- ber the ship's name. Ask my mother.' Could I rely on the memory of a woman in her nineties? I questioned dona Leonor about when the ship landed. 'It was the Reina Victoria Eugenia, and it was in March.' Not content with that, I ransacked the smelly old pages of the shipping news in newspapers in the filthy basement of the National Library. Sure enough, at the end of March that year a ship of that name had docked in the port of Buenos Aires.
>Among his guides - to mention only a few - had been his mother, his friend Adolfo Bioy Casares, his housemaid Fanny Uveda, Maria Kodama, and, for several years, me.
>To escape certain death at the hands of the authorities, a man goes into hiding and lives for nine years in the darkness of his own cellar. Borges wrote the story in June, 1969, for his book In Praise of Darkness. He had carried the tale in his head for a long time, having first heard it from his mother, who in turn had heard it from her father.
>We were living out in Adrogue at the time and, because I knew my mother would heartily disapprove of the subject matter, I composed in secret over a period of several months.... But out of shyness, and perhaps a feeling that the story was a bit beneath me, I signed it with a pen-name - the name of one of my great-great grandfathers, Francisco Bustos.
>It was Borges's habit to use the free and paste-down back endpapers of his books on which to make notes. (After the onset of his blindness these were in his mother's hand.) They made up a kind of personal index and sometimes, in the case of poems, consisted of no more than brief quotes.
On top of all this, he lived with his mother until she died at 99, apparently. Do mother's boys just write better?

>> No.20310053

im cooking potatoes in the oven

>> No.20310054

anthony keidis is an admitted pedophile
i like rhcp too tho

>> No.20310068

>anthony keidis is an admitted pedophile
I am too

>> No.20310078

well then i guess there's no problem

>> No.20310098


>> No.20310105


>> No.20310130

I was recently banned for three days here on /lit/ for replying to someone that my 6 years old daughter already takes her bath and washes herself alone (the guy had said that he was washed by his parents until he almost hit puberty). Maybe the mod felt personally called out by my comment.

>> No.20310136

Not that anon. Have you always been cryers when suffering? No matter how miserable or depressed I am I can't manage to cry. The emotion is there, I just don't end up tearing up.

>> No.20310137

What are you gonna put on them once they're cooked, Anon?

>> No.20310147

i don't really cry from grief usually, i cry a lot to music and movies
i think i'm just sentimental and easily moved

>> No.20310156

were you able to truly cry? im only able to cry but silently like my chest is squeezed and constricted.

>> No.20310219

It recently really hit me how many people are just "cheating" their way through life. This isn't a blackpill post but...

The gym I go to has quite a few lean, ripped big guys in their 20s training with light weights. Pretty hard to get that way except with roids or SARMs.
My two buddies got their jobs through nepotism. The only people I know who are employed with college degrees got positions through nepotism. Something like 75% of all new hires are from referrals. Most non entry-level jobs are never even posted.
Most people cheat on their taxes. Something like half of Americans either underreport or don't file required information or even file at all.
The vast majority of women over thirty are on psychiatric drugs, either for work or for "anxiety" or "depression", etc. Birth control to help their skin.
Most university students cheat. Something like 50% of undergrads admit to direct plagiarism, not just like a few words either, I'm talking entire papers. At American universities now 3/4 of all admissions are legacy, athletes, or affirmative action.
Any large company which is profitable engages in essentially legalized tax fraud and nickel-and-dimes consumers every chance they get.

I'm not approaching this from a "moral" perspective but it's obvious most people are cheating, phoning it in, and lying. The vast majority of "successful" people did not get where they are by work but by luck or connection or preference. This kind of realization really makes me want to essentially drop out from society altogether. I hate to take the "game was rigged from the start" fatalism pill but sometimes that's really how it feels. Appearances are deceived of course but I think we've reached a whole different level of just everyday dishonesty in America now, not just from the media but from the basic ways in which people conduct their lives. The way I see it now - get what money I can to live, and that's it. Don't try to compete, don't try to "make it", don't try to "be successful" (in the traditional sense). This is a ranty post but I wonder how many other young men have the same view of general participation in society as I do. Can't be good for the long term health of our country, politically, family-wise, community-wise, etc. And truth be told I really don't even care.

>> No.20310239

yeah, that's a big thing. another uni/college related blackpill is that you're supposed to make as a many connections as possible there.

>> No.20310240

As a corollary to this I've always wanted to teach and help young people but I feel participating in the industrialized schooling system would be enabling more harm that good. Even the ways to "help" are conditioned by the "corrupt" logic of the system (that's very abstract but a good example would be helping poor Central American immigrants who were in fact forced from their homes in the first place by US foreign policy choices and are an active source of cheap labor - by helping them, say, learn English, aren't I essentially enabling this continued state of exploitation?) That's how I feel about participation in general. How am I supposed to work at a company, say Google or something, which is actively evil? How am I supposed to pay taxes to a government which is actively evil? I feel like I'm a slave to the logic of the system. It's very demoralizing.

>> No.20310245

not really, it's mostly quiet and quick crying over sudden bouts of anxiety and anger against myself. sobbing really hard would probably feel liberating, but i never get there. yet.

>> No.20310250
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A tad of disappointment, mixed with a bit of cringe and a sprinkle of dread. I call it "life".

>> No.20310259

Don't forget a whole lot of regrets.

>> No.20310260

I can't read anymore. I only enjoy film. I think film is actually a more expressive medium than text in some ways.

God is dead

>> No.20310269

all I've wanted for so long now is to be alone. I am alone but the feeling is not passing.

>> No.20310279

I look at instagram pictures of girls I used to know. I think about them living their lives, I am a voyeur. I live vicariously. I imagine myself with them, I imagine their skin. I take sick comfort in thinking these pictures aren't indicitive of reality, that they are just as mundane as me, maybe even worse, maybe they have actual problems. Of couse, I will never know because - I am a voyeur. This is what I do: I look. I think about touching myself but the idea seems inauthentic. I see their pictures, I think of how big the wide world is and how I'll never see most of it. I think of how alien my life would likely be to them. Secret honors, secret struggles with just myself, strange battles each day in silence, in my own head, never to be fought on a field, no corpses to be seen. No vultures...
Do they know a strange man is looking at their photos? Do they feel, maybe, unease? Maybe it feel good to show off, to the void. To a online post where anyone can stumble across it, like a booth at a diner with an open seat, a jukebox that doesn't work - you can see but you can't touch. I can see but I can't touch. They will never know my secret honors, my strange flights of fancy triggered by their photographs.

>> No.20310330

Film is better for emotion and experience, language is better for thoughts and ideas. I don't know why film would prevent you from reading though.

>> No.20310364
File: 95 KB, 500x379, Veryintelligent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be glad you realized this. I labored underneath the illusion of 'meritocracy' and 'so good they can't ignore you' all my 20's. And as such wasted probably 10 years of my young adulthood.
Don't use this as a excuse to dismiss working hard at all and please don't give up on it. I just realized this earlier I would have changed how I went about things, wouldn't let pride get in the way.
I agree. I mean we are always complicit in the evil of the system unless you're Uncle Ted off in the woods. This is where the whole systems thinking and complexity potentially obscures the ethical.
We shouldn't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, by educating those Central Americans you are offering them tangible opportunities that are a net benefit to their own life while in a minuscule and intangible way contributing to the very mechanism that fucked up their life in the first place. Is it really possible to place both on a balance and see which act is worth more?
I think we all hate the Well Guy.

>> No.20310407

I feel bad about chasing off butters. Sure, she wrote the same stupid shit over and over but this was probably a positive social outlet for her overall. She could be petty and insulting but hurling insults as if they couldn't have any real effect on her was potentially irresponsible. It's 4chan so hurling shit is to be expected but I don't think that should override the idea you're speaking to an actual person who automatically knows better than to take shit on here seriously.

>> No.20310411

>no career ambitions
>sex skill back to virgin level after long celibacy
>decent looking but starting to age visibly
>longing for intimacy and emotional connection
>women want someone who is out there chasing money and status, comes home to fuck them hard and doesn’t bother them with feelings
I’m going to die alone, bros

>> No.20310413

No matter how hard I try and how few mistakes I make, Hunter Biden will still be more successful than all of us

>> No.20310416

The foul temptresses at work keep distracting me from my lunch break reading sessions

>> No.20310421

true. just be born into right family and your life is basically set.

>> No.20310446

ya that realization kinda sucks, but the next thing you'll realize is it's way easier to retire now. you can buy a super cheap house somewhere obscure and only need like $1000 a month income from investments. real quick back of the napkin calculation for $12000 a year income on something that returns around 5% like UTG you'd need $250,000 worth. and to not have to worry about rent you'll need a house which could be around $100,000 for something in decent shape, so you need $350,000 and you can stop participating in society except picking up your amazon packages on the porch. this is not financial advice and i am not a lawyer or financial analyst. have a nice day.

>> No.20310451
File: 22 KB, 752x241, Screenshot 2022-01-23 at 15-21-27 lit - Write What's On Your Mind - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one's my favorite

>> No.20310456

>/fit/ feels bar
oh shit that sounds sweet gotta peep it

>> No.20310458

Thanks, you too

>> No.20310461

A hero and a role model to us all

>> No.20310462

let me know what you find

>> No.20310478

I wish I'd have a talent in some area so I could devoit my life to perfecting it and completely ignoring other areas. Alas my heart doesnt lean into anything. What a miserable life.

>> No.20310514

I was assaulted by a brief (<10 minute) wave of psychic terror on the freeway home from work. I had to veer over from the farthest lane closer to the emergency stopping bays, almost crashing along the way. It is so strange what subtle forces can do even to the visual field, yet my motor neurons were able to somehow keep me alive and navigate while I faded between worlds, without causing a crash. It was like having a carpet suddenly flipped up from underneath me while trying to remain upright. Imagine ripples like a sheet of water being disturbed by a large boulder dropped into it splashing across your visual field, and even deeper into your awareness and solidity as a being. The single point of focus was my heart beat which became the stabilizing point between ripples of dissociation.

>> No.20310522

i couldn't find it, but wow that whole board is just full of horny dudes working out in an attempt to impress women. but that's actually not a terrible thing, when i was in my 20s i worked out like a maniac to get in shape to compete in boxing, i never even considered chicks would think it looks good. why do i have to have autism?

>> No.20310523

did one of ur coworkers play a joke on u by secretly dosing you with ketamine or something? stuff like that usually only happens on a lot of psychedelic drugs

>> No.20310542

You‘re just too caught up in dopamine addiction for your brain to find pleasure in worthwhile interests anymore.

>> No.20310543

how do I stop being a minimalist? I am not doing it by some conscious choice and it's taking a toll on my social life, every girl I bring to my apartment asks if I just moved in because of how empty it is, all of my clothes look plain and lack any symbols or statement about me, I do not own a single physical copy of any media I like, hell I could probably fit everything I own into a briefcase.
I just don't know how to express myself visually, what should I buy to at least stop looking like someone who's about to leave town at any moment

>> No.20310553

is dopamine fast the only way?

>> No.20310600

I've had similar experiences before when I've been alone for days with only very minimal food and drink, it's something I live with but haven't experienced in an abnormally long time. It is "The Worm", though not an actual worm. I expect it to overcome me when I finally die.

>> No.20310612

Yes absolutely. Whenever i find myself slipping back into feeling like doing nothing or enjoying nothing, procrastinating, eating badly, watch porn, and lay vidya or any of those vices, i immediately intervene and do a dopamine reset. It helps a lot. For example, i had two birthdays to attend this weekend and did not stick to my usuaally very clean diet 100%. Now i‘m fasting today because i could already tell on sunday evening that i was starting to crave sugary and fatty shit because my body had already adapted to more dopamine inducing foods. You need to keep that dopamine in check or you won‘t ever be able to enjoy the simple and constructive things. I know that after today, eating healthy plain food will taste like heaven again.

>> No.20310617

I just fucked some girl and she decided to call her boyfriend during it for the lulz

>> No.20310628

That happened to me once during studying for a really difficult test, it's probably some kind of culmination of stress and fatigue that have been building up, though if you also start to sweat a lot then it might even be first signs of hypoglycemia.

>> No.20310638

Been on both sides of such phone call (the bull and the cuck, not the girl). Also had a 16 yo girl talk to her father while gagging on my cock. I don’t bother with women anymore.

>> No.20310678

Yeah it definitely makes it higher stakes and gives a rush on its own

>> No.20310688
File: 3.86 MB, 4032x3024, 20220502_152613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am drunk sitting on a bench as usual. Years pass but nothing changes.

>> No.20310691

why do you drink?

>> No.20310695

>do a dopamine reset
what does it look like? (aside from food fasting)

>> No.20310699

/lit/ lifestyle. Start writing.

>> No.20310705

You should stop caring about what the rabble do. Be a man in the world but not of the world.

>> No.20310772

Dumb american post.

>> No.20310789

It depends on what your vices are. If you have a serious addiction (like being overweight, masturbating every day, being alcoholic, playing vidya every day,…) then you should do a hard reset on that specific area. Meaning you‘ll abstain from it completely (for food, that would be anything highly dopamine inducing, so anything with lots of sugar or fat and anything refined) for at least a month. That‘s how long your brain needs to recover from the constant dopamine flush you‘ve subjected it to. After you‘ve got rid of substantial addictions, you can do shorter ones, just to readjust when you catch yourself slipping. Like not use your phone for a weekend or fast for a day or two. It‘s also a good idea to try to do a complete dopamine fast every now and then just to get a clean slate again. I‘s recommend going away to a remote place for two to three days. Maybe go camping or so. Take nothing with you you could use to abuse it for instant dopamine hits, what that means differs for every person. Some would even stay away from music or exercise, but definitely all the obvious things like masturbating, sex, highly rewarding food, screens,…
The brain‘s most beloved past time is to solve problems to get dopamine. But if you hijack that mechanism it by giving it too easy access to too much dopamine, it becomes lazy and uncreative. Because it can. If your toddler can bite you and it never leads to any consequences and instead might even get a dopamine kick from the instant attention, he‘ll never stop doing it. Why? Because he can. In rat studies, they have given rats the choice between pushing a button to get a heroine injection (which is out of this world dopamine release all at once) or to eat their favorite food, mate, play, sleep. They would hit the button until they died from sleep deprivation, starvation and dehydration. Because they could. The brain is always on the hunt for the easiest access to the most dopamine. And we‘re basically living in a world surrounded by heroine buttons.

>> No.20310790

the car dealership passage from crying of lot 49 is similar to this

>> No.20310795

>lightly Hispanic
lmao same. Wtf is going on here. I've actually had things in common with people here a bunch of times and it's getting weird. Same wavelength or something.

>> No.20310798

Yes but make it a short story and submit it to &amp. That idea alone (involving 1.5 characters and possibly no dialogue) is hardly enough to write a novel about

>> No.20310802

>being overweight, masturbating every day, being alcoholic, playing vidya every day
every single of these apply to me. even at the price of my life . Although it'd solve the overstimulated brain question but it doesnt bring any clarity into absence of talent.

>> No.20310821

I'm very worried about the state of the world.
1. Russia/Ukraine conflict
>escalation in the conflict itself
>escalation in the Russian rhetoric
>USA/NATO are now sending heavy weapons to Ukraine and Ukrainians are using these to attack inside of Russia
2. China
>TONS of miscellaneous stuff about Taiwan (fighter jets, rhetoric, Chinese navy, etc.)
>Growth stalling hard due to zero Covid
>Public unrest at the highest point in 30 years
>100th anniversary of CCP this summer
>Xi looking to get a third term, looking to shift anger to a foreign power
3. USA
>Insane inflation at ~8.5%
>negative GDP growth ~1.5%
>Using up a large portion of the war chest in arming Ukraine

>> No.20310886

I get you, it's looking pretty badly. I'm from one of the countries that might be next on Russia's list and I genuinely can't stand to see just how hellbent on war both of the sides are. It's like we haven't learned anything from the atrocities from the past. It's just the usual masonry tier shit, politics say stupid shit and regular people have to fight and suffer over it. I don't like Ukraine and USA either and don't believe in fighting to the last man for them.

>> No.20310902

Are you from a Baltic country or are you from Moldova?

>> No.20310916

I'm from Poland actually.

>> No.20310922

your confidence in NATO is this low?

>> No.20310933

>uncontrollable lactose intolerance
Basically just farting and shitted everywhere.

>> No.20310943

Dude you’re fine.
1. In NATO
2. You’re at worst third in line. Ukraine => Baltic NATO/Finland => Poland
Also NATO would absolutely demolish Russia in a straight up fight

>> No.20310957

My throat hurts when I swallow.

>> No.20311024

I think a lot of people like that we're in NATO, but they still have that doubt in the back of their heads that Western allies betrayed us in September '39 and in Yalta, gave us away to Stalin and his cronies. I don't blame them personally, we should blame ourselves and our moronic politicians who can't into realpolitik. All I'm seeing is these two sides on a crash course and it seems like there's nothing that can stop it. And people like gullible NPCs eat it up and yell that they want the other sides' heads on spikes. When in fact, this conflict is very petty and both of the sides are unconvincing. What is it gonna bring? Some shift in geopolitics for some time, until another war? Poland was independent for 20 years until WWII, now it's been a postcommunist shithole for like 32 years. And it's going to happen again, we're going out of line, take Westerners' side, get totally ruined and annihilated and we're gonna make hymns to Hail Mary and God, asking them to make our enemies BTFO us less. It's all so tiresome and I can already see it. It's like we haven't learned anything ever.

>> No.20311026

I don't think there's anything in my heart but malice.

>> No.20311030

Ugh youre saying this now right after I ate my banana split and coca cola with ice. But there’s still time to work…

>> No.20311032

Did you ever loved somebody?

>> No.20311040

No or at least i don't know since i'am not sure what it should feel like.

>> No.20311060

Based. Internet is just another controlled space designed to keep the demos satisfied with panem et circenses, and the number one obstacle to forming effective counter-hegemonic political associations.

>> No.20311073

My same thought reading that lol

>> No.20311095

>doesnt bring any clarity into absence of talent
It does though. We live in a time now where kids have had access to extreme dopamine traps since early childhood. Think mcdonalds, sweets, cartoons, vidya, early and easy access to porn, etc. Never before have we been so flooded with such concentrated and easy access dopamine ever before. This makes kids lose all ambitions. Why would an 8yo go to soccer practice when he could also play mario cart at home? Sure, some parents might force their kids to join the swim team and limit their access to dopamine traps, but the damage is already done. Even if they are only allowed to watch cartoons on sunday morning for two hours, their brain is now preoccupied with finding ways to get more cartoon time, not with doing soccer drills to get an edge on the team. This way, all their potential goes to waste. Instead of thinking about which after school activity to try out, they think about how to steal the candy without mom noticing. Those kids never get to experience the joy of having earned being proud of themselves and they never get a sense of where they have their strengths and weaknesses because they‘ve been dopamine addiction zombies since they were toddlers. Most of us have grown up this way and that‘s exactly why we have such a hard time choosing a career or finding a hobby, it‘s why we‘re so empty and try to fill that void with the next netflix show or the next book. It‘s why we have no personality and no originality. We‘ve been preoccupied with chasing the next big dopamine hit since we can remember and we gained nothing of value on the way. Humans used to have to put in a lot of work, effort and time into getting the same levels of dopamine as we can now get with opening a bag of chips or clicking on porn. The amount of calories condensed in a pack of chips would have been at least a day‘s worth if labour. Getting to see naked girls would have taken a man a lot more effort no matter which way he would have tried to get into that situation compared to opening one‘s browser. Tl;dr if you get good at avoiding the unnatural dopamine traps, your brain will readjust to chasing dopamine buttons that actually advance you in life and you‘ll have actual interest in finding out what you‘re good at and hone those skills.

>> No.20311118

I realize now that the problem is us and that moving sites to foster better quality discussion only leads to inactivity because of two facts; 1) the variety of topics covered in literature leads to individuals being specializing in some subcategory of lit which means you need are large sample of people in order to have sufficient overlap of interest for general discussion 2)none of us have any depth or insight when it comes to discussing literature. I am absolutely demoralized by this realization. its over.

>> No.20311135

>its over
have sex

>> No.20311142


>> No.20311160


>> No.20311162

Thanks for informative reply. Do you have recs on books which deal with? I've seen dopamine nation being recommended here.

>> No.20311174

saying in a paragraph what self-help books water down over 200 pages. good take anon.

>> No.20311191

I think everyone here overestimates their intelligence. Few can articulate beyond their beliefs, and they find literature that fits those beliefs

>> No.20311209

It's always been that way. Social skills > merit. Which isn't to say you only need to be good at making friends, but that you actually need both and the former is more important. Every year a halfway-good author becomes a star through a good agent and literary friends, while a genius dies in obscurity.

Sam Hyde talks about exactly this in one of his videos: https://youtu.be/aaaVmvS3j2g

>> No.20311211

Yeah that was probably me. I think it‘s a good intro to the neuroscience and studies done on dopamine as well as the psychological implications and how to escape it. Another good books i‘ve read on the topic is the pleasure trap. Ofc those books are made up as self help books and some anons would reject them based on that, but one has to understand that the stoics were right all along, but humanity has changed the game since then. We also have had new scientific insights on why being straight edge and abstinence from hedonism are so crucial to one‘s character development. The greeks already moaned over how the youth is only interested in seeking pleasure anymore. This has only compounded up until today. We have gotten exponentially better at producing high concentrated dopamine bombs. Thus, i‘d say most philosophical texts that advocate for a careful approach to the worldly pleasures would be a good read. I just also like some new literature on the topic since it takes into account how we have changed the world we live in (just think about the insane difference of being alive before or after the industrial revolution…) and what we found out about how humans function since then.

>> No.20311251

If you mixed /lit/ and r/askliterarystudies you'd have the perfect forum

>> No.20311367


>> No.20311377

I want to be pegged bros...

>> No.20311386

Soon to be 25 years old virgin, I promised to myself at 20 that i'll let things flow as they're with no pressure (and no active attempts to change) and if nothing change by 25 i'll just hire escort and get over with

>> No.20311406

don't put so much pressure on yourself, when it'll happen it'll happen, age is just a number

>> No.20311409

Is there a libgen equivalent for audiobooks?

>> No.20311411

A genetic dead end won‘t stop being one without putting in considerable effort for natural selection to change her mind.

>> No.20311436

It can't happen with my lifestyle tho, I barely leave the house, I make money trading forex and shitcoins, I sleep in the morning, My passions/hobbies don't require me to be around other people,

I can count on my hands the times i've been near strangers for more than 1 minute

I'm good looking

>> No.20311442

Natural selection is very skilled. It‘s mot deceived by good looks. It knows if a human being is fit for breeding as a whole or not. This includes social skills and mental health for example.

>> No.20311444

Well, how can you change that?

>> No.20311455

Gotta solve the overpopulation problem somehow, and that is ensuring undesirable people don’t breed

>> No.20311457
File: 39 KB, 180x250, kierkegaard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A fire broke out backstage in a theatre. The clown came out to warn the public; they thought it was a joke and applauded. He repeated it; the acclaim was even greater. I think that's just how the world will come to an end: to general applause from wits who believe it's a joke.

>> No.20311468

Wer einmal lügt, dem glaubt man nicht.
Auch wenn er dann die Wahrheit spricht.

>> No.20311495

that only works if you meet them occasionally
not in a 24/7 setting

>> No.20311499
File: 2.62 MB, 1528x1662, 67871055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no better feeling than speeding on the highway with plasterbrain in the background

>> No.20311512

that's a lot of money

>> No.20311581

I've been catching racism bans on /lit/ lately. It's fucking annoying.

>> No.20311587

>go buy groceries
>eat them all
>they run out
truly all things are fleeting.

>> No.20311598

What did happen to Butters? Surely she didnt just quit 4chan because people were mean to her.

>> No.20311616

Me too. I blame watching porn at a young age

>> No.20311620

Some boards have extremely reactionary mods who global ban for stuff that isn't even rule breaking. Remember, the whole thing is structured around a literal tranny discord channel, and the old mod IRC channel that got leaked 5~ years ago showed that they were 80% reddit progressives and had some literal trannies in there. The people who "run" this website don't like you and don't know you. Which raises the question of why they do this and what's in it for them. It should never be totally counted out that 4chan is sustained by just enough dark money to maintain it as a long term honeypot/self-incrimination zone (just need to keep IP + text logs of posts).

My bet is that most mods are absentee, doing the bare minimum, while a few are glorified redditors who want to remake some board (one revolving around their favorite hobby probably) in their image. Likely they hated the "/pol/ era" of that board, where they never fit in and didn't like anybody to begin with.

>> No.20311628

the culture has always been, since the mid 00s, that the mods fuck people. it adds to the charm.

>> No.20311647

Sniping Nazis in the Donbass

>> No.20311658

Maybe if you have some kind of Stockholm syndrome love for power tripping redditors. I remember SA's personalized ban messages, where every 36 year old cat lady would take the opportunity to chide you for wrongthink in a format where you can't reply. It's a creepy dynamic. The perennial paradox of moderation is that the only people who actively seek to be "content moderators" online are people who hate the community and are hated by it in return.

Anarchy isn't ideal and I actually respect jannies who stick to the "better to let ten guilty men go free than condemn one innocent men" style of justice. But for every one of those, there are probably a hundred who just want an opportunity to vent their grudges.

More like asking for more money from family so she can buy more dispensary edibles.

>> No.20311668

Based negrito

>> No.20311701

Well take your racism to /b/. It’s allowed there.
Racism is annoying

>> No.20311713

"Dating" means being unilaterally rejected by strangers for any false move, for any reason including no reason. I don't think I've experienced anything in life so disappointing and maddening.

>> No.20311737

>unironically linking to Sam Hyde for """life insight"""
it's over for this board.

>> No.20311744

I haven’t always been a cryer. It’s only since my “mental illness” came along.

>> No.20311745

Why should I give blind loyalty to a girl ive known for a few weeks? Dating is testing the waters to see who you want to be with

>> No.20311748

its just a number counting up to the day you die. the window for getting laid is finite. you have make moves friendo.

>> No.20311776

I don't want to be caught in a struggle to be good enough for you. It's well enough to be good enough for me, and if I'm not good enough for me then how can I be good enough for you?

>> No.20311783

Shut up nigger

>> No.20311793
File: 47 KB, 639x603, 67eaca8885a7ac54e54665aeb45840291fa9ecb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't know

>> No.20311811

You can be racist on /lit/. Just not going around screaming nigger and shitskin. Learn to professionally convey your views without screaming racial slurs.

>> No.20311825

yes unironically, his advice is good

>> No.20311832

what do you do when fear of failure doesn't work

>> No.20311837

fail so you might be reminded why it should be feared

>> No.20311861

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20311864

was buddha_wisdom.pdf guy from these threads?

>> No.20311896

Stop pretending like you know what I was banned for you dumb tranny nigger

>> No.20311935

>you dumb tranny nigger
This is the kind of stuff that get you banned. You can argue for racist worldview without the use of actual racial slurs. For example, look how professional Jared Taylor remains in debates.
By using racial slurs like that, you are unironically low IQ trash.

>> No.20312009


>> No.20312038

there is nothing to blame anon, just indulge in it

>> No.20312060

No. My brother likes butt stuff and indulged in it. He's now living with an abusive homosexual man. He also discovered that he's not gay. He has nowhere to go. He's basically a battered housewife.
I might pay an escort to pound my ass once, but then i will forever bury and repress it.

>> No.20312139

it's like our brand of dysfunction is the only thing either of us could ever want. we never loved eachother like healthy people would. we were horrible. and now it's all we want. I can't even really imagine wanting what I imagine a normal woman is. You're my kind of weirdo, perhaps the only gal that ever could be. But we were horrible. Why wouldn't it all go to shit again?

>> No.20312167

I don't care if you say it or not. I'm just claiming you're going to get banned if you do. It's still better than other forums because you can at least argue for your racist views in a civil manner without being banned.

>> No.20312177
File: 24 KB, 500x373, 1651359664447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally no point in arguing or worrying about politics. Nothing that you say will change anything. You can preach all day long about your perfect ideology of national post-conservative monarcho-capitalist feudalism with Yugoslav characteristics and that's fine if you have those opinions, but look, you are never going to change anything anyway, it's all just in your head, so why get worked up over it?
The news and social media has put everyone in this state of constant anxiety and despair and all it does is suck away your energy and life.

>> No.20312178

>yes you can say blacks are inferior, stupid, violent, and subhuman

>> No.20312183

good advice for a 16 yo

>> No.20312184

You are more likely to be banned by a tranny janny for off topic posting than rascism.

>> No.20312205

Some people just want to hear themselves emit opinions. Their opinions are all they got

>> No.20312218

I feel like I've been cursed or smth

>> No.20312237

Living in a forreign land far from a dream I thought I had but every step I take to get closer to it is pain. I don't use english as much as I used to and I feel like words are just pourig out of my head. How do you describe things? What does "obtuse"? Why can I feel a hole in my head where a word used to be but not be able to describe it.

Why can't I be naturally good at the things that stimulate me? I could easily get a well paying job in a number of fields, be the wonderkind I was throughout school but I know the second I'd start anything, I'd be waiting for the day it would end.

And I say all this yet I feel like I'm getting older and worse at everything I do no matter how hard I try to improve.

>> No.20312251

that's his problem for being a weak beta cuck. If somebody did that to me I would just leave.
>I might pay an escort to pound my ass once, but then i will forever bury and repress it
if you really want to repress it then don't do anything, once you got a taste it's over

>> No.20312272


>> No.20312276

it's pretty simple really, we are all you

>> No.20312294

I was crying yesterday.
Now I'm drinking.

>> No.20312362

The new age teacher known as Sadhguru supports the global depopulation agenda.

>> No.20312370

has it not been happening for the past 20 years?

>> No.20312390

You'll be fine dude. Worst comes to worst a Russian rocket will blow you and your commie block to pieces and your sister will have a better life by becoming a refugee and working as a whore.

>> No.20312401

Same. I'm going to make a grand effort to force myself back into society so that I don't end up as the underground man

>> No.20312402

booked a trip
you're coming in my trunk hold on tight to my basketballs

>> No.20312410

Dude looked like he could barely lift his dildo into his ass let alone lift a rifle.

>> No.20312417

I suspect every man does this, I drive diabolically with everyone that enters into my car. Except my mum of course

>> No.20312423

You fucked up if you haven't moved into a relationship after dating a bitch after a week. That's all it takes to know if you want to waste your time on a broad

>> No.20312426

maybe you have higher standards than I do. thats how this shit works.

>> No.20312428

I really think she always thought I was strong, which is just so very, very deluded. Now, however, I could want her back. The question is if I want to play the strong man again or if I admit the weakness. Probably some kind of middle way.

>> No.20312441

It's over. You know it and stop deluding yourself. Never show weakness in front of your woman. She'll lose respect for you and never see you the same way again.

>> No.20312445

if I really am good enough you really gotta get a lot better at letting me know

>> No.20312450

this is how the world stays shit. Not because you think that arguing is a waste of time (because it is) but because you think that making your ideas known is the only thing there is to do about it (as if it was ever a thing to do about it).

>> No.20312453

am i really supposed to handle my emotional life by drinking with other men at some campfire somewhere? for some reason I really don't want to.

>> No.20312457

what political action do you suggest? the only political act I can somewhat imagine does anything is unionizing.

>> No.20312458

Silent Hill 2 is probably the best game out the franchise. Atleast to me. It's personal hell.

>> No.20312462

communication is hard. especially when Ive been trained to bury that kind of intimacy under several layers of irony in fear of being considered cringe or worse, needy.

>> No.20312463

>for some reason I really don't want to.
I think it's because most men are either soft in a way that makes them very boring, or they're uninspired. it's extremes: either they're manly, in which case they don't care about anything interesting, or they're not in which case they're bland.

>> No.20312466

it helps to know we're trying.
I'm gonna stop larping as your wife now if that's ok.

>> No.20312470

If we're looking at east asian collectivistic countries it feels so natural to see masses of those people. Imagine 1 billion german, french or english people. We perceive them as individuals, we can tell their social class and their personalities just by looking at them. It feels unnatural and insane to have
10s of millions of them in several giant megacities. Yet that's exactly what's happening in China we just don't perceive them as individuals because we're not used to them and they are seemingly more like each other. But so many people we like just took a placeholder not necessarily belonging to them. There are so many talented people and legends who don't know they are individuals.. legends in another world

>> No.20312478
File: 430 KB, 1167x890, 58BA953E-4CB1-401A-976B-7D1D9C1971C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unionizing doesnt do anything if the union doesnt do anything. what do unions do that makes them effective in your mind? start there but instead of a union join a movement or better yet start one. I think of pic related whenever someone talks to me about things like this. You might go to jail. you might not get what you want where you are at. but if enough of us do it they have to listen. If for no other reason than because they will have no flock to harvest.

>> No.20312482

Agreeing with other anon, its over. I remember a friend telling me about a trip he went on with a girlfriend (of nearly 2 years at that point) where he got frightened driving through the mountains to the point where she took over and drove. He said that it caused their first ever 'fight' and since that event it continued until they broke up nearly 2 years later. He hasn't straight up told me this due to my reputation as being the redpiller of the group but I'm pretty sure she cheated with him during their relationship and I will bet it was after that trip.

>> No.20312486

damn. I was hopping I could keep up this charade long enough for you to take out a life insurance policy, kill you slowly with poison and then make off like a bandit. oh well.

>> No.20312503

no the scenario is that I genuinely still believes that I am strong, which I personally never thought I was but apparently faked well enough. It's just that it gets very fucking taxing taking care of a baby forever, and the idea would be to find a more balanced give-and-take in the ol affection there. She's great in every conceivable way, except that she did not at all provide the least necessary emotional support. I don't know if it would have taken much, maybe even just proof of intent would have gone a long way. It's to the point where I wonder if she has some massive trauma stopping her from having real empathy. I really don't know. I do know that I'm insanely attracted to her, and it's plausible she is to me too. I'm just ruminating on how I should go about it, should it happen.

>> No.20312506

No your bros don't want to hear that shit either. You are a man you have to bear that shit alone. My grandfather was one of the strongest roughest men I've ever known. Before he died he confessed to me that when his favorite daughter died he always remained stoic in public. He never shed a tear at her wake or funeral and acted like she never existed after her burial. He told me that he would ride his horse into the hills at night, he was a drunkard so the family assumed he was at a bar, and he would weep like a babe and curse God until there was nothing left inside him. All because he knew he couldn't show weakness in front of his wife and kids.

>> No.20312507

>is that I genuinely still believes

>> No.20312514


>> No.20312523
File: 77 KB, 337x302, 1651442401629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have pretty bad acne problem as a teenager
>dad constantly pops pimples on my face and back
>pain is sometimes so unbearable I weep and beg him to stop, never succeed
>constantly tell him the dermatologist says that's unhealthy, he doesn't even listen
>in late 20s now, have line of pimples permantely etched in my forehead despite all my efforts to get rid of them
>randomly get pimples in and around my ear, lips and nose
>eat anything with even a little sugar, have a break out
I was/am a total pussy but I desperately wish I stood up for myself. Sometimes I fantasize about getting a knife from the kitchen and telling him if he wants to pop another pimple, he's gonna have to thrown down with me. I'm bigger and stronger then he is now and I could easily beat the shit out of him if I ever saw him again

>> No.20312533

Id commiserate with you anon

>> No.20312535

>eat anything with even a little sugar, have a break out
try to isolate the groups. maybe it's meat or diary.

>> No.20312536

I don’t chase women, I have them chase me. I keep my standards high, and have a quick trigger finger. Girls want to be along for the ride, not doted on

>> No.20312537

they only care about themselves and their babies anon. the quicker you realize this, the less pain you will experience when you look for them to reciprocate anything without guilt-tripping or gaslighting involved.

>> No.20312538

china provinces have massive differences in socioeconomic factors, culture and language it's as if they are different countries
and they lump europeans as one blob, it's the same thing

>> No.20312541

have you thought about giving your life for your country?

>> No.20312559

this is the thing though. I was basically raised by women. There are enormous holes in my knowledge of what it should mean to be a man. But I was always Very popular with the girls. I was able to give them something the manly types couldn't. I'd spent so much time with women. I knew how to make them laugh, how to talk to them, just how to have a good, unpretentious, not trying to get in anyones panties-time. It turns out they fucking love that shit. They want to be in a relationship with a guy like that, at least if he isn't overtly feminine. I can testify to this. Now I have a lot to learn in this life, but I can't help but feel like it should be possible to strike some balance between "peg me" and "strong silent type". I have had so much fucking fun with women, just for their company.

>> No.20312562

Military is prostitution for men

>> No.20312567

None of my friends allow me to give them rides anymore. On long trips I am barred from being one kf the drivers. Feels bad since driving is one of my favorite activities

>> No.20312583

"The F word" is the worst South Park episode I've watched so far.

>> No.20312586

Drinking with the bros at a campfire is one of the finest pleasures in life.
There's a balance. The whole lone cowboy thing is romantic and all, but you need to have some bros you can lean on.

>> No.20312602

dying for your country is also one of the best legal ways to kill your father. If you want to avoid jail time, instead of disappearing him and burying him in the woods, bury him in your accolades. If you die for your country the people in his life will regard you as a hero. And not just any hero, a hero that your father could neither tear down nor emulate. since tearing down a fallen soldier is considered cunty behavior in our society your father will not be able to make remarks like "well he never won x award" or "he never really made it" without being shunned. And he cant emulate because he is surely to old to volunteer. In you reaching such a state of acclaim, leaving you undoubtably mundane father in the proverbial dust, you will have emasculated him in a way that he has no recourse for recovery. so join up today and go be a meat shield for special interest groups for your country today, And put that pimple popping cum waffle in his place!

>> No.20312604
File: 107 KB, 588x800, disgusted-cat-592af6ec2de91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hanging out with w*men
Normalfags are so gross.

>> No.20312618

ate a comically sized poutine earlier. i dont feel so good bros...

>> No.20312632

Gargle warm salt water. Take cold and sinus advil.

>> No.20312664

Cuck jannie mods just deleted my thread on medieval philosophy even though it's completely on topic and I made it to understand medieval philosophy. I don't understand how a topic so innocuous can trigger you, but I'm making it again, and you aren't deleting it or banning me, because it is completely 100% on topic.

>> No.20312675

do it legend

>> No.20312676

Stop letting your father live rent free in your head. His time as a parent has long passed. Any exchange between the two of you is on your for not being able to detach yourself from him.

>> No.20312702

the secret to south park is that it really went downhill from season _2. Up until that point the show actually has a point.

>> No.20312715

>i dont feel so good bros
no shit

>> No.20312721

This. The other anon is obviously trying to please women which never works. See yourself as the better and she’s the one on trial

>> No.20312731

I think she's still posting without the trip sometimes.

>> No.20312751

Some homosexual who thinks philosophy belongs only on /his/ took up a janny position

>> No.20312775

Imagine having enough millennial fag sensibilities to think South Park was ever funny.

>> No.20312862

but its also because i ate a bunch of quesadillas at 4am last night and drank a bunch of milk this morning.
dont know what i was thinking

>> No.20312913

I made a thread about importance of reading kant in 21st century and was intetested why i should read him and jannies deleted the thread. Neck yourselves you retarded trannies. How was that question not related to lit?

>> No.20312943

I actually just read my warning and they said it was deleted on the grounds that it was promoting fan fiction. You can't make this shit up.

>> No.20312998

what the fuck. this place is dead in the water. here is a link to a discord server I run. feel free to post it there and maybe the discussion can continue. https://discord.gg/jemgs4uX

>> No.20313001

season 1 is like 7/10 tv. it's quaint, they haven't found their satirical style at all at that point.

>> No.20313006


>> No.20313008

Well, thread got deleted again.

If /lit/ stays controlled by tranny gender studies majors, you will just see a slow depressing decline and less emphasis on debate, discourse and god forbid politics. Being afraid of discussing controversial things is the complete antithesis of what a literature board should be. But hey, better leave up the umpteenth Cormac McCarthy meme thread. That's real important!

/lit/ is a microcosm of why civilization is collapsing and society is falling apart, and this sad pathetic excuse of a board deserves to die a slow death.

>> No.20313015


>> No.20313017


>> No.20313018

Corncob Mccarthy threads are better than your meme philosotard garbage. Cope.

>> No.20313021
File: 133 KB, 640x480, i-are-serious-cat-internet-is-srs-bsns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is a microcosm of why civilization is collapsing

>> No.20313030

what was it a thread about how u can't find a tradwife with a guenon jpeg for the op? nothing of value was lost i assure u

>> No.20313036

Yeah it's bad. Some tranny is at the wheels today and is getting a power trip by deleting threads.

>> No.20313037

holy shit this bread is so fucking good. you realize you get to a point as a country where even the shitty shelf-fillers are really mid-range culinary masterpieces. Maybe it wasn't all for nothing, maybe Teddy K had it wrong.

>> No.20313044


>> No.20313057

I had a line of thought that went:

What is considered 'evil' is just disregard for the future consequence of actions or actions which benefit the actor(s) in the short-term. We can only know the direct consequences of our actions up to a point because we have to at some point bind our decision to reality and act but nonetheless the further down you can see the more Good your actions tend to be. So if evil is about prioritizing the short-term and women's lives follow a much shorter arch due to the window of reproduction being smaller than we can safely conclude that the root of all evil is women.

>> No.20313067

>tfw my room mate is listening to music through his speaker at maximum volume in the middle of the night

>> No.20313070

I feel like much of my brain power has been shaved off by a bunch of shit. my language is deteriorating I think. I'm not sure I'm gonna miss it.

>> No.20313076

wait until he's out, shit in his drawer and admit nothing.

>> No.20313087

Mad because your mommy kicked you out at 18 and doesn't pay all your bills. Do whit*oids really?

>> No.20313096
File: 58 KB, 976x850, 1618508447153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see nothing positive in the future, and i havent felt joy or happiness for a decade, at least. I'm seriously at my wit's end

>> No.20313108

Have you read Augustine's confessions?

>> No.20313109

I hate people with their stupid water cans covered in stickers. They always put them in a spot for everyone to see their gay little stickers. Its the cheapest form of self expression.

>> No.20313118

I have. I marvel at how Augustine could overcome his fleshly desires through Grace. I often agonize over the thought that Grace is withheld from me because I am predestined to hell.

>> No.20313123

exactly what use would your religion be to you then? you get to feel right as you go?

>> No.20313145

Well, it took him over a decade. So there is still time for you.

>> No.20313154

Naw. That’s also annoying see >>20311896

>> No.20313155

How do I stop being unlikable? at work I talk to people but come off as abrasive and rude sometimes despite me trying. I genuinely don’t care much about others and find it hard to fake interest. im self aware too, i know i’m just a misanthrope who is difficult to get on with, But i don’t find a lot of people relatable.

>> No.20313161

Whatever you do, don’t let go of those pepe pictures, and don’t leave fourchan.

>> No.20313188
File: 22 KB, 399x400, 1521430257904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont, anon. Dont worry

>> No.20313211

Why did the Pentagon "disclose" the UFO?

>> No.20313238

Well since we're on the subject of Augustine, all acts are directed to the apprehension of a good. True and ultimate goodness is God and therefore all behavior is motivated for a desire of God, either knowingly or not. Since God is therefore the final end of Man, there is nothing useful outside of my religion.

>> No.20313251
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, 1612980243329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gf left her diary open and turns out she has a rape fetish or at least fantasizes about me raping her. unsure how to process this.

>> No.20313256

>I genuinely don’t care much about others
>How do I stop being unlikable?
>im self aware too
first you need to work out these contradictions in your self. if you genuinely didnt care about people you wouldnt care about how you come off to them. If you were self aware you would know this to be true. If you mean you dont care about what they care about and that makes you come off as abrasive or dismissive then the answer is clear; pretend to care. That probably isnt a very satisfying answer so I will tell you what I do (its seems to work out ok). Identify your own interests and find parts of other peoples interests that tangentially coincide and try to get them to expand on that aspect of their interest. for example I dont give a shit about sports but I do like strategy so I try to steer talk about sports in the direction of game mechanics and how people have exploited aspects of games. Its not the most stimulating conversation but it makes me seem engaging and interested in their opinions (which everyone loves) and it allows me to interject into a subject (sports) that I know very little about while still making an interesting point (sometimes) and coming off as endearing instead of annoying.

>> No.20313295

Well.. it’s the context of my career. I have issues and don’t think I’m better than normies or whatever but Im just not into what they are. I guess deep down a part of me disdains them and it’s me being pretentious and thinking they’re immature and shallow but that’s just me being a bad person kind of.

Truthfully I only care about what they think in the context of making my life easier and my career smoother. It sounds sociopathic but I really don’t see myself valuing a relationship with them too much. I have thought of your answer before and it’s definitely right, just seems exhausting to me. I realize i’m difficult and this isn’t me trying to be superior or thinking i’m super special and unique or something, I think I just have mild autism and don’t value people too much unless they fit some vague criteria or scratch some itch for me

>> No.20313307

Banning has gotten worse over the last year. I chalked it up to trannies/libtard zoomers flooding in and overreporting posts which offend them personally, even when they just slightly hint at being against the rules. /tv seems worse than /lit in this regard--/tv has more crying faggots and /lit has more libtards. Attacking wrongthink through censorship is a fully normalized behavior in zoomers and it's like they were raised without the concept that being a rat is a character flaw and being a snitch is a sign of personal weakness. For millenials, that behavior was mostly just came from a fringe (albeit a loud one) and I think 4chan is going to get a lot shittier as more oldfags leave and zoomers take over--it will basically just become Reddit with the occasional wannabe Nazi faggot.

>> No.20313314

/lit/ has gotten better for the past few days thanks to the jannies doing their job.

>> No.20313317

It's better than other forums where you're not even allowed to argue certain races are inferior, stupid, violent, subhuman, or whatever.

I actually view modern Westerners as inferior due to the worship of Geist. The lower the IQ, the better. Industrialization was the biggest mistake in all of history. Leben is superior to Geist as Ludwig Klages argues*.

* Note: Leben refers to the vitalistic spirit of nature underlying biodiversity. Klages also refers to it as soul/seele. Geist refers to the discursive mind that led to industrialization, which invades Leben. Klages calls it spirit.

I don't need to yell "snow nigger" or "cumskin" to make these points because I am professional gentleman, much like the cold and calculating hitmen that snap people's necks without "reeing".

>> No.20313320

bump till the next thread

>> No.20313329

>I think I just have mild autism and don’t value people too much unless they fit some vague criteria or scratch some itch for me
this sounds like just finding your people, but your previous post made it sound like you treat them with open disdain which is not the same as not valuing them, it is valuing them less. If you need it for work then just learn to plaster on a smile, be a yes man and be competent.

>> No.20313342

If you reply to someone's story on Instagram and they don't follow you, will your message go to their DM inbox or to their message request inbox? I want to get in touch with someone who gave me the greelight to dm them but they don't follow me back and no one ever notices the request inbox

>> No.20313348

I have a girl that adores me. And I hate it, its a feeling I can't reciprocate at all. She doesn't even look all that bad. How to show love??

>> No.20313349

new thread

>> No.20313362

message request inbox. if she didn't follow back, believe me she checks the message request inbox. idk what the fuck goes on in girls heads when it comes to instagram but its truly another world full of rules and roads.

>> No.20313364

Still page 1, retard.

>> No.20313429

Can you explain more? I like little slivers of sociology like this and I dislike women

>> No.20313443

dude it's friggen freezing even tho it's literally may

>> No.20313481

me watching my neighbor in the building across the alley

>> No.20313617

Yeah but they notice that. I’m nice and cordial but they all go for drinks after and are noticeably closer with each other than me due to their aligned interests. I’m not mean spirited so I don’t think they talk shit about me in that way (more like i’m prob anti social or weird way, which i’m ok with) but I know it’s terrible for my career to be this distant from my teammates. And isolation at work is dangerous.

>> No.20313695

i've been on it for maybe a year and since i go out a lot I use it often. this isn't true with all girls but for the most part if you don't get them to follow you back in person, they'll never follow you back because they want to up their follower count. they all have 10+ DM's going at one time. most will randomly just stop relying at some point. there's a lot more to this including how long a girl waits sometimes to answer a DM from you despite her definitely seeing it the second you sent it but this isn't really particular to Instagram but just has to do with dating culture in general etc.

One unrelated point is I was on the train once and saw a women scrolling through insta and watching the ads that came up between stories in full. It left me with a faint feeling of terror.

>> No.20313698

I feel for you brother. best of luck. I hope you manage to get what you want without having to compromise too much socially.

>> No.20313807

Thanks, I truly appreciate you listening to me.

>> No.20313881

What do you mean by "sex" exactly?

>> No.20313929

Penis in vagina and penis in mouth

>> No.20313952

I thought you meant maturbation at first, you are indeed that same poster right?

>> No.20313971

Yes. I am also a chronic masturbator which definitely doesnt help

>> No.20314096

Cut out the sex first then the masturbation, premarital sex is a much greater sin, one that would be punished heavily in times past. It is possible, temperance can be slowly built up and thus acquired, I lack temperance as well and plan to ask The One God for this virtue as well as trying on my own end.

>> No.20314510

I am slothful and hate work lord deliver me

>> No.20314576

youre a midwit. leave /lit/.

>> No.20314593

His advice is spot on and hilarious if you've ever lived in a small town/city and had to be around white trash and/or wiggers.

>> No.20314657


>> No.20314703

>I am slothful and hate work lord deliver me a pizza
