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[ERROR] No.2029582 [Reply] [Original]

Lit related greentext stories?

>In a Fiction Writing class.
>Take a chance, write a romance story from a female perspective.
>Don't realize until class begins that he wants us to read them out loud.
>Aw, fuck.
>"Anon did something brave with his story, go ahead and read it."
>Read the story out loud, even saying the flirty stuff that my main character says.
>My face is completely RED the entire time.
>Finish story, its time for reviews.
>Most of the girls liked it a lot, one I was even kinda into said it was sexy.
>Everything turned out better than expected!

>> No.2029587

This is the best reason to take a fiction class.

Well done, anon. You're doing it right.

>> No.2029591

Playful flirting with the girl the rest of the year. I'd ask her out if not for that "In a Relationship" status.

>> No.2029599

I have nothing to contribute, but congrats I'm happy for you.
Just don't start making a new twilight novels

>> No.2029603

I always wondered if I did Vampire Romance how I'd do it.

Probably would be loads of blood, fetish and gore.

>> No.2029606

I'm not happy for you at all. I'm jealous and resentful

I've never ever ha

>> No.2029610

Did candlejack just get y

>> No.2029621

>1st year uni
>join writers collective with a bunch of 3rd years. run by a 30 something blonde hardbody with a doctorate
>read some shitty story about a screaming man i did up in two days
>people are chill, say they enjoyed my story
>go back to hardbody's place with everyone else. drink
>everyone leaves, hardbody is drunk. wants to fuck.
>don't because she was drunk and her exparnter was there and pissed at me and i'm still just a kid. Oh, and a huge pussy
>still pays for my breakfast the next there

uni is weird man.

>> No.2029622

>Bey in third grade
>Supposed to go to clinic for meds
>Too caught up reading Ender's Game
>Teacher reminds me, calls out to room "See, THAT is how much I want y'all to enjoy reading"
>Felt really good about the compliment
>Made me love reading forever.

Silly and childhood era, but it was neat,

>> No.2029627

That's like a motivational poster.

>> No.2029632

>be in kindergarten
>wanna read fucking Clifford
>Walk up to the bookcase and get clifford
>God damn book case falls on me
>Whole class rushing to see if I'm ok.
>Get up, "I'm ok."
>Go read Clifford like a boss

>> No.2029643

Can't greentext on phone but

Be a freshmen with the most gorgeous English teacher I have ever seen. Reading Anna Karenina. She is without a doubt one the the most enthusiastic and sincere teachers I've had. So one day I forget to bring writing utensil, which means you trade in one thing to borrow a pen for the rest of the class. I only had the book. Teachers takes it and gives me a smile. Notice she's clutching it and holding it dearly throughout class.

Turns out Tolstoy was her favorite author and that was her favorite novel. Speak with teacher about Tolstoy and never have to go by the trade in code.

>> No.2029645

>Took freshman logic class.
>Taught by Graduate student.
>Turned out to by the does God exist or not class.
>Both Athiests and Christians in the class.
>Nervous freshman didn't want to offend possible friends; refused to argue.
>Teacher tried to use awkward silence to get people to talk.
>Didn't work.
>Spent most of the class sitting in silence.

>> No.2029648

I have a thing for connecting with teachers on that level.
I'd feel as joyful as you, if not more.

>> No.2029647 [DELETED] 
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>>apply for a job at a fancy bookstore
>>they give me a questionnaire in order to assess my literary culture
>>can't answer like half of those questions
>>mfw I am an uncultured pleb

>> No.2029649

got a sample?

>> No.2029651


Neah, it was a physical copy.

>> No.2029659

Yeah. We still keep in touch and I credit her with much of my academic success simply because as a teaching figure I found her methods inspiring. Its a very cute relationship and I'd have it no other way. Even if I am completely head over heels in love with her.

>> No.2029701

>Neah, it was a physical copy.
I lul'd.

>> No.2029737

>Reading in a engineering grade
>Nobody gives a fuck
>Everybody talks about sports, shitty TV shows or beers
>College is boring

>> No.2030031

>In first theoretical physics lecture
>Lecturer walks in and asks standard special relativity question
>"So there is one boat that goes across a river and back, and another one that goes upstream and then downstream, with total distance travelled the same as the first boat. If the two boats would travel at the same speed in still water, what's the difference in their travel times?"
>Whole class has done first-year physics, works through the problem pretty quickly
>Old lady auditing the class sits and stares at diagram on whiteboard
>Lecturer goes up to her, asks her what she thinks
>"Well, I don't know anything about fluids, but I'm thinking that maybe the water flows more quickly in the middle of the river, because there's less drag there, so it would depend on the starting positions of the boats..."
>Lecturer and girl next to me burst out laughing
>Old lady looks shocked
>Lecture explains that this is exactly the same as a character from Cryptonomicon who was asked this question in the army and derived a bunch of fluid mechanics stuff but was just made to play the triangle in the band because it's not the desired answer.

I have not read Cryptonomicon, but this made me want to. Also the lecturer turned out to be a total bro who would hang out in his office with you for hours talking about quantum mechanics and shit.

>> No.2030076

What are you a bunch of pussies? That's usually where all the Bible-thumpers and angstheists have it.

>> No.2030078

>Also the lecturer turned out to be a total bro who would hang out in his office with you for hours talking about quantum mechanics and shit.

Read: oral sex

>> No.2030085

Whenever I had to read in my writing seminars my voice would crack horribly and my voice would give out as though I had no air in my lungs. It was absolutely horrible.

>> No.2030092

>Read books at lunch in a warehouse full of morons
>Bring in Bhagavad Gita
>Christfag asks why I'm reading it and if I'm Christian
>Bring in the Qur'an and other shit to troll him

>> No.2030103


>> No.2030115


What is this please?

I dont understand, and would like to!

>> No.2030126

What is what, exactly?

>> No.2030178


The greentext.

How can a river be still? It would not be a river.

How can a boat travel both down a river and across a river? A river flows in only one direction.

Why does a river flow more quickly in the middle? A river flows in a helicoidal manner, why would there be less drag?

>> No.2030365

>A-Level English course (aged 16 - 18)
>class is generally decent
>teacher talks one day about the nouns and verbs in something
>student asks what a 'noun' and 'verb' are, please?
>a few other students also want to know
>lose faith in class
>still get B at end of course, like a boss

>> No.2030373

I bet the kids who asked what nouns and verbs are all got an A.

>> No.2030376


>I got an A in general studies and literature in english without knowing what a noun or verb was.

>> No.2030381
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baww baww baww why can't everybody be the same as me

>> No.2030382 [DELETED] 
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>9th grade english
>reading something that has to do with the Sword of Damocles
>reading individually
>dumb black bitch says "What's a sWWWord?"
>Was the day I realized that humanity should be destroyed

>> No.2030386

>Condescending to the rest of the class
>Still only gets a B

A* like a fucking boss.

>> No.2030392


Do you deny that knowing what different types of words are isn't fundamental to understanding language?

And for all I know, those people did get As. I very much doubt it, though. I think a lot of people at my college took English just to do another subject, like a lot of people did with Pyschology (I started off by liking it, then disliked it because my teacher was so bad).

>> No.2030396

I don't wanna greentext it.

Imagine you're a guy who takes lonesome walks around town at midnight hoping he'll meet someone else who takes lonesome walks around town at midnight hoping to meet someone, a guy who lurks around in libraries and reads in public hoping to find someone else who likes to read. That's not me, but I met that guy. I was in my first year of college, sittin' outside readin' books err day, like I do. I would sort of ensconce myself behind a certain planter; unlike the guy I met I don't care to be noticed. At any rate he noticed me, and over a few days we became very friendly, and after a few weeks we became inseparable, and after about six months we became full blown butt-fucking lovers. We've been together for 2 years, now, I think. His whole reason for talking to me, he says, is "because I saw you reading."

hooray for books

>> No.2030399

>Junior year English teacher has irrational hate of me
>Pass with a C- despite being the only one who understood Othello and the only one who got an A on the big book report he had to do (got Farewell to Arms if anyone cares).
>Get stuck in retard English Senior year.
>Coons and spics everywhere
>Only one who offers to read during Hamlet
>Only one who understands anything we're doing.
>Teacher pulls me aside after class in November and asks me why I'm in this English group.
>Everything went okay though because the real English classes were the guinea pigs for senior project so I didn't have to do one.

>> No.2030406


Why do most literary / artfags share this unbearable and obnoxious complex where they think they are superior to everybody else in the room and that they are the only ones who understand something because they disagree with everybody elses point of view and think that their point of view is the only right one.

I hate people like you. You give the rest of us a bad name.

>> No.2030407

> be bored in class
> read a book
> get caught by teacher
> teacher kicks me out
> not a single fuck was given


>> No.2030409
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>> No.2030411 [DELETED] 

>Class on Wuthering Heights
>Teach misinterprets text, cannot identify her own flawed logic
>Point it out
>Teach agrees with me
>Happens again and again
>mfw I realise I'm not learning anything from the hopeless teach or other retard students
>Stop attending lit classes
>Get an A for the finals

>> No.2030417


1) Despite how it's spelt, sword is not pronounced with the W. Its pronunciation is closer to "SORD".

2) Not knowing what a sword is is a serious offence.

>> No.2030419

English was always my strong subject, I remember my teacher complaining that I wasn't reading along with the class to which I responded I was already 100 pages ahead so didn't see the point. Soon the other smarter kids caught on and didn't bother. Looking back it must have been rather dickish to those who had more difficulty with the subject.

In the same class I remember coming in one day and a kid brought in a newspaper with a picture of the teacher judging a penis contest. It was shown to almost every kid in school and he never came back after that week.

>> No.2030420

I can see why the teacher didn't like you.
But I don't blame you, we all go through some phase like that.
I dropped mine in 8th grade though.

>> No.2030426



What are you talking about?

Speak! Only a fool posing a wise dismisses without explanation for himself.

>> No.2030429

I feel for you, but nouns/verbs are technical labels for writing. You don't need to know the labels if you're already doing it right. Good writing has been around long before the labels.

>> No.2030430


how does anyone over the age of i dunno...6 not know what a sword is...


>> No.2030431

>be year 12, studying Enduring Love
>analysing a page in groups
>Clarissa quotes Paradise Lost
>"Is it because they're losing their paradise to Jed Parry?"
>Teacher: "But she's not religious."
>To this day I still think that's dodgy reasoning

>> No.2030432


Dats why he only got a B, Bro

>> No.2030434

You should tell them that "verb" is a noun

>> No.2030437

I think some people, especially girls, like to play dumb for the attention/to get a laugh. I knew a girl who made out that she thought we only had one lung. It's just not possible to be that ignorant.

>> No.2030438


No its perfectly fine.

What is your issue with it.

>> No.2030440


Well some of us do only have one lung you insensitive prick.

>> No.2030451

Well, Joe and Clarissa had an idyllic life before the hot air balloon accident in the first chapter. Clarissa thinks of lines from Paradise Lost when she sees the accident happening - the point at which they lose their paradise. It doesn't matter whether Joe and Clarissa are atheists or not - their paradise is lost. And plus, given that the novel pushes atheistic ideas, it would make sense to equate atheism with paradise.

>> No.2030454


What? Of course paradise would refer to religious paradise (heaven etc)

What on earth is an atheist paradise???????????????????

If she didnt have a religion, she would not have believed in paradise. Its simple!

>> No.2030460

One atheist paradise would be the world after a successful communist revolution.

There are many others. Boy u dum.

>> No.2030462
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>a kid brought in a newspaper with a picture of the teacher judging a penis contest.


>> No.2030463

immanentizing the eschaton itt (eric voegelin was a poopiehead tho for real)

>> No.2030464

>first day of class
>required composition/writing class
>teacher starts off with "Everyone calls me a bitch. Anyone who says that just doesn't like an honest woman."
>various absurd class rules
>I dislike her already
>Have to write a page long paper on our "what we want to achieve in this class"
>I write an entirely passive aggressive paper
>Asks us to analyze what we just wrote and write it on the other side
>Be even more passive aggressive.
>Turn in papers

I'll see the results Thursday. Probably shouldn't have been so passive aggressive. Oh well, I'm quite proficient at setting myself up for failure.

>> No.2030465

Paradise doesn't only refer to religion you know:

4. a place of extreme beauty, delight, or happiness.
5. a state of supreme happiness; bliss.

They enjoyed an idyllic life without religion, which was then shattered by a religious maniac.

>> No.2030468

A Russian Socialist Workers' paradise?

>> No.2030472

can't wait to see your score.

>> No.2030475

As far as I can tell, Socialism doesn't really come into Enduring Love. It was just the personal paradise of Joe and Clarissa, as a couple not married in the eyes of God, making money as a science writer, and so on.

>> No.2030476

so true.

>> No.2030478

Just joking about how the most common use of atheist and paradise was in old soviet propaganda

>> No.2030480 [DELETED] 


Nono , paradise was referring to paradise.

But the paradise of the religious nut, of which because of the consequences of his actions, will no longer be accepted into paradise.

It refers to the fall from grace and all that. Paradise lost is like the loss of ones virtue and righteousness etc etc. The perversion of religion to justify misdeeds. Guh.

>> No.2030485


>> No.2030491

Not everyone grew up in a privilaged family where people's attention can be given toward your mental and cultural well-being, bro. Poverty is a bitch, I personally don't blame dude for not knowing what a sword is, or being confused by non-phonetic words. Non-phonetic languages are illogical on their face, it takes time and effort (not all of which is yours) to become familiar with hidden rules in languages like English and French.

>> No.2030498

This one isn't graded.
I just hope she doesn't get pissy enough to try to kick me of out the class. I mean, I'd get a full refund, first day, but still I need the credits.

Oh well.

>> No.2030500


I agree.

I am embarrassed for my comments earlier.

It was thoughtless of me.

>> No.2030509

>high school English class discussing a book we've been assigned to read
>the teacher's parts of the discussion seem somehow off
>I and the couple of other students realise she missed that one part happened 10 years before the time in the book, not during the period of the plot
>we point this out
>that look of it all finally making sense on her face

She was a very intelligent and nice teacher overall, though, this was just an individual mistake.

>> No.2030511

could be bad, but turned out well op, you're a fucking skilled and luck bastard

>> No.2030514


Shes going to menstruate all over your paper, it will be soaked crimson with the hue of a camellia. It will drip blood and uterus lining for 40 years and 40 nights, a seemingly endless supply of blood that if left in the grand canyon would soon become the eighth sea.

>> No.2030520


You are such an insensitive bastard.

Can you imagine what if YOU were the teacher?

What would you do?

Its not easy.

You get your small ego boost and kicks from your snide cynicism, but its really very hurtful and trying on the teacher.

I hope you fail your course.

>> No.2030527

Actually, the teacher seems to be power-tripping.

>> No.2030535


Even so.

Where are your manners.

You were way out of line to have done what you had.

The worst part is that you have the obnoxious gall to takeaway thinking you were justified.

>> No.2030539

Oh you.
It's more the entire package.
Like two of the punctuality rules.
If you are 5 minutes late, the door will be locked.
If you are on time for class three days in a row you will be kicked out until you can come at the proper time, which is 10 minutes before it says the class starts.

It's just her demeanor in general really.

Or the, if you miss more than two days for any reason, you should expect your grade to be severely penalized.

Various other punishing rules.

>> No.2030547

The person you are responding to isn't the person who originally posted.

I never said it was justified. It wasn't. It just something stupid I did at the time.

It is what it is.

>> No.2030551

>Be in nursery (Brit kindergarten)
>Group reading time, where some big-boobed blonde bitch reads a shitty story aloud
>Stealth-read Fantastic Mr. Fox at back of class
>"Anon, what you doing?! Put that away and pay attention!"
>Managed to read the entire book during group reading time thing
Sad thing is I'd choose the blonde over the book nowadays. Even though the book is awesome

>> No.2030561

>In a high school creative writing class
>Write shitty generic fantasy stories
>teacher writes positive comments about them
>Years later look over them again, wonder what the fuck I was thinking and feel ashamed for not realizing I was being patronized.

>> No.2030564


There are proper channels and other avenues of reproach. You should have confronted her directly instead of writing your passive aggressive criticism like a coward and bully.

Passive aggression like that is a form of bullying. Its a type of abuse.

If you have realised what you have done, have at least the sense and humility to apologize.

Even good people can get taken by the spur of the moment, but the mark of your integrity is in doing whats right when you realise it.

>> No.2030571
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>Be in organic chemistry my sophomore year of college.
>Not paying attention because I'm more interested in reading Spinoza.
>Teacher kicks me out of class when I fail to respond to a question.
>Dropped class for a W and switched majors to philosophy.
>Teach tells me I'm making a bad decision and throwing my future away
>Says I should pursue medicine as planned
>Says there is no future in Philosophy unless I want to teach.
>Graduate magna cum laude BA Philosophy
>Go to Law School
>Fucking bitches and gettin that money now.
>Former Chem Professor's husband (unknowingly) becomes a client when he files for divorce.
>We have leg up because he recorder her being verbally abusive. (big surprise...)
>See former chem professor's facial expression during proceedings.
>Everything went better than (she) expected.
>Currently I'm still hittin them corners in them low lows, girl

>> No.2030578

You seem to be confused/misunderstand.
It wasn't passive aggressive towards the teacher.
It was passive aggressive towards the subject matter/class.
Not much better, but still.

>> No.2030582


I agree with anon. Real life is not 4chan. Don't let the two cross over or you become a fucked up member of society (as how you would imagine a /b/tard to be in real life). You can offend people over the net all you want, but when you're in real life, its becomes personal.

>> No.2030584

Not the person from before, but...

>If you are 5 minutes late, the door will be locked.
If this has been said beforehand, I find nothing wrong with this. It's your own fault for being late, the teacher has more important things to do in his or her job than to look at students trudging in in the middle of the class.

>If you are on time for class three days in a row you will be kicked out until you can come at the proper time, which is 10 minutes before it says the class starts.
Err, do you really come to class the exact minute it's about to begin? Shouldn't you come at least 5 minutes early in any case?

I suppose not everyone is so strict about punctuality and it might be a cultural thing, but it seems weird to me that you feel you have the right to be excused for tardiness and that you don't take the time of the class beginning seriously. If behaviour like that is excused, the class can turn into a horrible mess of lateness drama instead of focusing on the education.

We had a rule like the first one in high school for every single class ever, but it was 15 instead of 5 because the high school was well known for having many students commuting long distances (some had to travel several hours, so the delays could be much larger). No one threw tantrums about it.

>> No.2030593

Did you go to high school in Edison, NJ?

>> No.2030596


>Litfags: the moral arbiters of society

>> No.2030610


Yup, we can write fantasy stories too you know.

>> No.2030615

>its becomes personal
>implying you should bend over backwards to cater to the whims of whoever just so you don't offend them
>don't point out the mistakes someone has made, it will offend them!
>everyone has eggshells for skin, don't offend them
>political correction is the epitome of society

>travel several hours to go to high school
Are you in Japan? I've talked to people there who've done that. It's fucking stupid.

>> No.2030623


Listen shithead, its not about protecting people's feelings.

Its about being goddamn civil.

Theres a hierachy you need to follow for society to function.

There are proper channels for everything.

If we dont follow them, we'd might as well fling our shit at each other.

>> No.2030633

I agree with this.

You do realize class start time is class START time. It's not get-to-the-room-and-settle-for-five-minutes time. Ideally, you are there and you have all your shit ready and you have done some review of your notes. People don't do this and then they bitch and moan when the teacher wants to keep lecturing over the end time.

Your pissing about over her demeanor is just an excuse for not taking the class seriously.

>> No.2030634

>Are you in Japan?

>I've talked to people there who've done that. It's fucking stupid.
It was a very nice school. Many found ways to spend the time productively.

Why does it trouble you that other people do this, anyway? If some people find it tolerable or even comfortable, I don't see how that would inconvenience others.

>> No.2030636

Sounds like a rather fragile society then.
Maybe it should be destroyed and rebuilt as something more resilient.

>> No.2030641

lol, yes, let's just tear down the entire edifice of civilization and rebuild it as something different, ignoring the constancy of human nature. great idea bruv.

>> No.2030645

No, she starts the class 10 minutes before the schedule says it does.

It doesn't trouble me.
I just think commuting somewhere hours every day is inefficient and stupid.Probably costly as well. Just move closer.

>> No.2030650

>constancy of human nature
>implying people are the same the world over and there have no changes to humanity ever

You are just trying to rationalize to yourself why you are the slave to your masters in your hierarchy.


>> No.2030651

Not that poster, but what you're saying sounds essentially like this:
>society should be rebuilt to suit me taking out my anger on others

The thing is that with cooperation and hierarchy, we can achieve civilisation. The society in which high levels of aggression are tolerated inside the community is that of cavemen and brutes, not one that is based on technology, science and information like ours. In our advanced society, the people who can't control themselves and follow the rules are those who fall to the bottom.

>> No.2030652

>bitch and moan when the teacher wants to keep lecturing over the end time.

I would. The next class only has about 10 minutes to the next class and it takes that long just to walk to a different building.

It's a big campus.

No, I couldn't take classes all in the same building.

>> No.2030661

Yeah, because people at the top of the hierarchy always make the best decisions for the people lower in the hierarchy and not for themselves.

>The society in which high levels of aggression are tolerated
Well, there goes the military!

>In our advanced society, the people who can't control themselves and follow the rules are those who fall to the bottom.
That, or they rise to the top by exploiting the rules or blatantly ignoring them due to the connections. They rewrite them to suit themselves as well.

>> No.2030673
File: 30 KB, 600x449, l_ff2fae15662a48d2a31f8bdd7cd0f484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading Animal Farm in year 8 (12 years old)
>"George Orwell was a strong capitalist who hated communism".
>Read up on George Orwell years later

>> No.2030674

>Yeah, because people at the top of the hierarchy always make the best decisions for the people lower in the hierarchy and not for themselves.
Of course not. That isn't the point to begin with. You seem to be thinking that the people who are defending this kind of a society against the one you envision think this society is just and the best of all, when no one has said it is: people are simply arguing that the one you are talking about is even worse.

>Well, there goes the military!
>The society in which high levels of aggression are tolerated inside the community
You should read the posts you answer to.

I get the feeling you are purposefully misinterpreting the posts. Either that, or you're too emotional about the matter to read them without putting words into others' mouths. In any case, an argument won't be productive if you cannot accurately read and understand other people's posts.

>> No.2030677

>English teacher is pretty old and forgetful
>Reading a couple of books; Great Expectations; Macbeth, Lord of The Flies
>Always has a phrase or line in the book he loves
>Have to write essays on it
>Mention in great detail his favourite line
>Get an A*

Feels good man even though I completely dropped English and instead went into Economics. Still read for my own enjoyment though.

>> No.2030683

>you are talking about is even worse
What one I am talking about? I was joking when I said it needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. I simply don't think it's so fragile that everything needs to be controlled and people can't be trusted.

>You should read the posts you answer to.
I did. Want a better example of aggression? Lawyers and businesspeople. Running roughshod over all in search of a profit. That is aggressive. It's just a socially acceptable form of aggression.

>> No.2030691

>hooray for book

>> No.2030692

At school and college, we never really did any creative writing, and when we did, it was too limited. Kind of like how in school art class, we never actually got to, you know, draw or paint. I think education is designed to make you hate very enjoyable things. We should probably think about that. Not today, though, I have stuff to do.

>> No.2030703
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>In a 20th-century theatre history class
>prof thinks discussing German expressionism means listening to Spring Awakening broadway selections
>never ever ever go to lecture again
>show up to exam 8 months later, thinking i am completely unprepared
>realise I read all the course materials in high school
>ace exam
>all the other retarded try-hard theatre students fail

>> No.2030713

>be year 12
>library gets refurbished
>English department no longer has space for all its books
>Teacher: "Year 12, help yourself."
*takes 1000 books*
>be year 13
>library gets replaced entirely by computers
>"Year 13: help yourself"
*takes 1000 books*

It was awesome.

>> No.2030718 [DELETED] 
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>Visiting my gran
>We're chatting and she asks me what books I'm reading at the moment
>Tell her I'm reading American Psycho
>She looks at me as though I've just shat in her fireplace
>She starts panicking and asks me if I read Stephen King, I say he's got some decent work
>She then tells me some story about a guy she knew that read Stephen King and hung himself, warns me not to get involved with "that kind of stuff"
>mfw my gran thinks I'm going to become a serial killer / kill myself because of a book.

>> No.2030723

It's because people fear what they don't know about.

Why would you want to read, let alone, watch something about murderers unless you wanted to be a murderer?

>> No.2030730


I tried to explain that I wasn't reading it for the murders, then I just lied and said that none of the murders are described, just referenced; but she wasn't having any of it.

>> No.2030734

Better not read anything about a gay protagonist doing gay things then. She'll think you are a homosexual.

>> No.2030735

Only thematically related, but fuck what y'all think:

>talking to my grandad
>somehow the topic of Eastwood's Unforgiven pops up
>giving the film some due praise
>interrupts me to declare that he, "hates the movie, and likes the old spaghetti westerns because he likes to just be bland 'good guy' and 'bad guy' archetypes
>lose vast amounts of respect for him

What the fuck. How can you resent moral ambiguity and call yourself a smart man? Then again, he's a fucking neo-con.

>> No.2030738

It's so much simpler to think in terms of us vs them.
You are with you with us, or you are against us,
You are either part of the problem or part of the sultion.

It's hard for an unknown amount of people to feel good about an ambiguous protagonist doing ambiguous things. You need a a clearly good protagonist doing clearly good things to feel good about it.

>> No.2030740


People don't like having to think when they watch a movie.

>> No.2030742

And I think that's fine, if only for the purpose of pure entertainment and escapism. Hell, I love senseless 90's action movies. There's a clearly distinct "us vs them" scenario up front and obvious in all of those films.

For storytelling purposes though. It's ridiculous for anyone to think that pure black and white holds up to grey.

>> No.2030751

Almost all popular (read as: sells well) works are black & white.

Look at Lord of the Rings, utterly black and white.

>> No.2030753

Thinking in terms of grey doesn't mix well with protestantism.

>> No.2030759

Just becaue it's popular, it holds great storytelling merit in tandemn?

Although he's not a protestant, I don't think he sould be excused on religious grounds.

>> No.2030763

Welcome to big school, you baby.

You probably don't know this, but teachers tend to hate passive aggressiveness. She knows more than you, has more training than you, has probably read more than you, and is a better writer than you.

You'll probably get a worse grade than the less skilled students who actually take assignments seriously.

I'd give you zero credit if you did something like that in my class.

>> No.2030775

>10th grade
>be in spanish class (I'm Chilean, so that's like American english class)
>class asked to write a poem about their childhood
>everybody writes about being happy and playing all day, with shitty metric and horrible rhymes
>my poem is a nicely written fucking bawfest, ranting about how my childhood sucked
>all class silent, teacher says I should consider writing in my future

a few months later
>take depression pills, be happy
>life is good
>never write again

>> No.2030785

I can't be an orthodox person.
You are making assumptions about what I wrote.
I said it was passive-aggressive.
Did you see my earlier response?
It has nothing to do with her, or the rules she makes, or the class itself.

It went like this: Statement of goals, separate paragraphs detailing each goal, and a conclusion referencing each goal.

The passive-aggressiveness I'm referring to was against wanting to too deeply analyze something.

I realize that a significant part of /lit/ is the people who love nothing more to analyze a work for its "literary merit" over its enjoyment.

I argued against that.
Was it stupid and passive-aggressive, yes.

I can't and won't write bullshit to appease anyone.
It was a terrible prompt in any case.
What do you expect people to write a full page of "what I hope to achieve from this class" without writing superficial bullshit or being sycophantic?

>> No.2030837
File: 7 KB, 151x179, Oh God What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9th grade (American high school)
>Teacher asks us to write a short story using certain words chosen from a list
>Write a story about some king having to meet an ancient-as-fuck vampire for some favor
>Use Hebrew and other such names
>Oh fuck its some kind of Mesopotamian nightmare in ltierary form
>Teacher fucking loved it and called my parents raving about it
>He reads it to the class
>Many new friends
>Mormon girl avoids me like the plague

I guess King Enkidu wasn't wearing his magic underpants when he went to see the vampire Rahab.

>> No.2030841


Summer, summer everywhere,

>> No.2030860

>Be in advanced english in high school
>teacher requires us to read 6 books a semester and any books past that equals extra credit
>do very little classwork all year
>my grade should be a C or lower
>end up with a B+ because I read 20+ books a semester

>> No.2030883

>be fourteen
>reading Merchant of Venice outloud in class
>because it's shakespeare half the people are confused as fuck
>be the only kid who laughs when there's a penis joke
>teacher gives me a nod of approval for paying attention
>everyone else is wtfing

lol penises

>> No.2030889

>be in first year lit class
>sexy ass professor
>go to office hour
>ask about henry miller's tropic of cancer
>fast forward 6 months
>fucking vigorously in office

>> No.2031544

>be in 12th (american) grade.
>hot blonde english teacher.
>ask to go to restroom one day.
>she tells me i have beautiful eyes, and sure.
>we have 8 page book report that CANT BE A SYNOPSIS!!!
>write a 2 and a half cleverly worded synopsis anyway.
>got an A somehow