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/lit/ - Literature

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20304290 No.20304290 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books you've read that have helped you or improved your life in some way?

>> No.20304840


>> No.20304845

John Cowper Powys and Llewelyn Powys's essays re: how to read and how to approach life.

>> No.20304866

Go to hell you disingenuous cunt

>> No.20304889

Calm down Satan, why are you so angry?

>> No.20304897

Nicomachean ethics really helped ground my perspective on things, helped me realise my anxieties and self-depreciation was preventing myself from living my life to the full potential of happiness and virtue.

Thank you Aristotle, very cool!

>> No.20305532

Mason and Dixon.
I had a new found appreciation for family and friendship

>> No.20307915

I can't find them, where are those essays?

>> No.20307926

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Colossus of Maroussi
Van Gogh’s Letters
Tao Te Ching
Bhagavad Gita

>> No.20308207

Yes me too. The part about stoning to death any non-virgin bride on her father's doorstep really spoke to me on another level. I've never been the same.

>> No.20308217
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This book legitimately gives you the cheat codes for a successful relationship, assuming your partner is somewhat committed to the relationship. In any case, it gives perfect insight into relationship and the troubles that can derail them

>> No.20308272

It really depends what you mean by "improve pove your life". Reading the Bible and Nietzsche improved my life in one way and made it worse in another. I know a few things more now, but I am even more incapable of relating to the average member of society. Being unrelatable and not a fully convinced participant in the social structure has a high price to be paid. I am still not sure whether it is not best to be a fully integrated member of society who has only modest amounts of curiosity.

>> No.20308280

no book has ever improved my life in any way.

>> No.20308294

Now to live a life that is "rewarding", it is best to unquestionably bend the knee to the dominant forces in society. Indeed, anyone who is "rewarded" has managed to align his own will with the said dominant force better than others did or got there by chance. In the opposite sense, to be truly "authentic" means that you will be extracted from that mass of people who are aligned to the dominant ideology. I think the only time one can more or less really experience "improvement" is when his own will and the dominant ideology co-align by accident. Otherwise improvement in one thing is almost always a loss in another thing.