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20302579 No.20302579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books about world history ?

>> No.20302600

None of these people were influential save maybe Charlemagne , and I'm pretty sure his lasting achievement was unifying the western Germanic tribes and subsuming the pagan Saxons. Not building schools

>> No.20302608

It's weird that christcucks insist on calling Jesus a king like that is still a morally significant title. It's like calling him the CEO of heaven or pimp of heaven those don't have any moral force behind them.

>> No.20302614

Your calendar is literally based on the Lord's birth

>> No.20302618 [DELETED] 

>jesus was not influential

>> No.20302667

We use CE around here :^)

>> No.20302672

And what is the starting point of CE ? :)

>> No.20302698

The machiavellians and human smoke

>> No.20302713

Might as well call him an "authoritarian dictator," to keep current. "The Putin of Heaven"

>> No.20302719
File: 103 KB, 900x442, Womanly+cormorant_ed1508_9509100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus isn't a dictator

>> No.20302750

jesus is a tiktoker fr fr no cap he bussin

>> No.20302755

what the fuck is this?

>> No.20302757


>> No.20302864

Alright fags post your top 5 biggest guys in history

Number one (1): Abraham
Number 2 (two): The Buddha (original)
Number 3 (3): Julius/Agustus Caesar
Number four (four): Mao Zedong
Number V (5): Napoleon Bonipart

>> No.20302883

when does a christian bring the most enlightenment to those around him? when he's being burned alive

>> No.20302897

>Adam and Eve
>most evil people in history
I would love to see the reaction of an actual member of an Abrahamic faith when you tell them this lmao

>> No.20302898

First of all, that's six people.
Next, why have you drawn Putin as a happy-merchant-style Jewish goblin?
Finally, the reason Putin persecutes JWs is the same as the reason Hitler did: they're not pacifists but they refuse to serve in their countries' armed forces, so they're useless to the military-industrial complex and a danger to the establishment.

>> No.20302917
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There have been bigger guys

>> No.20302920
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>calling Jesus a king like that is still a morally significant title
Jesus is King of Heaven, it is the only title and any other title comes from it. Remember that power comes from above
"persecuted JW for no reason"
Being a cult that preaches heresies and that tries to influence the nations medical system is enough
Also, Adam wasn't evil, without him eating the apple there would be no resurrection of man and no ministry of Jesus. If you actually believed that Jesus is God you would know it

>> No.20302922

Oh I'm sorry, by "king" did you mean some sort of ceremonial British wanker?

>> No.20302928

Charlemagne didnt rule "the french empire", the term "French" wasn't even used till Phillip II
He was a Germanic ruler, his capital was in Germany, and his empire included modern-day Germany and France
Its like saying that Caesar, the consul of the Republic of Italy, conquered the tribes of France, or that Diocletian was a Croatian and Attaturk united Phyriga

>> No.20302934
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the "I never read Dante" cringe poster

>> No.20302937

For you

>> No.20302956

You're missing the point. A contemporary (western) audience couldn't care less that "Christ is king." It has no efficacy for converting anyone. The claim has no value. And I doubt our JW friend reads Dante anyway

>> No.20302964

>Louis Pasteur
>Found a cure for rabbies

>> No.20302978

This is retarded. Kys

>> No.20302984

I think you are kinda smooth brained if you cant make the connection between the word King to that of general supremacy in a catagory.
Like if I call someone a king of comedy, or the apple the king of fruits, or Elvis the king of rock.
its a superlative. I wish people tried to understand something before deconstructing it in an illogical way.

>> No.20302994

Lara, been a long time. How have you been doing?

>> No.20302995


In your JW cult you are the weird guy who doesn't get to fuck

>> No.20303004

Did you even read what I wrote? How does general supremacy in a category confer any sort of moral force? The CEO of heaven or the pimp of heaven also imply supremacy

>> No.20303063

...supremacy in moral force. moral force IS a catagory. Heaven, ie the the spiritual domain of morality. A heavenly act is a moral act. The king of the moral sphere.

I read what you wrote, I just found it dumb. CEO and pimp are more particular in connotation. seems circuitous to use them unless that is your intention, to be circuitous. Ike if someone was to use colored near synonyms for their rhetorical purpose. like saying these people where manipulated vs these people where convinced, because the former has a more nefarious tone. If you varied your selection some more to also being the president of heaven or the elect of heaven I might not think this.

>> No.20303068

why Mao tho?

>> No.20303079

>CEO and pimp are more particular in connotation.
Exactly what I was getting at. King has a definite connotation. If someone told me to do something because the king said to I would laugh at them.
>Heaven, ie the the spiritual domain of morality. A heavenly act is a moral act. The king of the moral sphere.
This is goofy it's just might makes right. I declare myself king of the moral sphere. What you gonna do about it?

>> No.20303082

charlenigger only came to power because the papacy allowed it. literally all of yurop has christ and christ alone to thank for its existence

>> No.20303108

Other way around. Jesus is based on Charlemagne

>> No.20303112

Mostly bait, but I figure he's probably the most important figure on the road to modern China. That being said, I know Jack shit about most eastern history

>> No.20303147

genghis khan

in that exact order

>> No.20303169
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>King has a definite connotation.
If I am not mistaken I gave multiple examples of king being used to simply imply the superlative nature of something. As far as titles of supremacy, its one of the least specifc. along with prince (literally first), head (as it sounds), pen (as in penultimate).
>This is goofy it's just might makes right. I declare myself king of the moral sphere. What you gonna do about it?
ok then, you just described the arbitrary nature of words then, and proposed a conception outside that of christianity, you happy? you kinda made a moot point since your premise is different from a christians.

If we give that in the christian conception that morality is the realm of spirituality, refered to as heaven, then it stands to reason the title king of heaven is the one of superlative moral force. Thus it internally makes sense

I draw a fine line between understanding something and believing something. I ant even christian, but within that system of belief that particular clause is consistent. If given x and y (this particular belief) then z is implied.

>> No.20303178

ok I was retarded on that one Penultimate in that cause is latinate and means almost, but pen in welsh as in pendragon is head.

>> No.20303354

Hitler was a Christian.

>> No.20303365

Only Jesus has notable influence on that list.

>> No.20303376

the other four seem fairly legit, but Mao seems too much of an assumption from a spenglerian perspective and even that is just a pseudomorph,
idk I'll take it as bait despite the fair accuracy of the others

>> No.20303408

>invented photography

>> No.20303434

Jesus, Plato, Marx, Newton, Aristotle (the east is not significant to world history)

>> No.20303482

Mine are
>Alexander III of Macedon
>Jesus of Nazareth the Christ
>Genghis the Great Khan of the Mongols
>Napoleone I di Buonaparte the Emperor of the French
>Adolf Hitler of the Third German Realm

>> No.20303488
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>French Empire

>> No.20303509

>Number 3 (3): Julius/A(u)gustus Caesar
Two people. Rank them separately.
>Number four (four): Mao Zedong
Lenin and Stalin were both more influential and so was arguably Sun Yat-sen, the founder of modern China.

>> No.20303536

>Adam and Eve
Two people, not one, and both of which never existed
Latin people are rarely blond. Far more likely had black or brown hair.
Had brown hair, and the armband was on his left with the hook cross being oriented clockwise by the corners
Mafia boss type, not a merchant type

>> No.20303540

Based fellow charlenigger hater. It baffles me how this kike loving fraud is loved outside of gaymany.

>> No.20303558

Butthurt frenchfrogs like to pretend he was a fellow crapaud to mask the fact that they were named after their German conquerors

>> No.20303567

jesus, julius caesar, hitler, churchill, xi jinping

>> No.20303577

Jesus of Nazareth
Sir Isaac Newton
Nikola Tesla

>> No.20303599

Not Jesus' birthday, not even the gospels agree on that

>> No.20303601

>No Pithagoras
>No Euler
>No Galileo
>No Archimedes
/lit/ please

>> No.20303632

>Two people. Rank them separately.
Both are dependant on each other for their historical relevancy. Without Julius, old auggie would never have been able to take power and become the defining roman emperor for half a century. Without Augustus to secure his legacy and therefore his legitimacy, Julie would have gone down as just another failed warlord who reached to far in his bid for power.
>Lenin and Stalin were both more influential and so was arguably Sun Yat-sen, the founder of modern China.
I see you didn't read my other comment. Also you are a nigger

>> No.20303648

Brother these words mean nothing and I'm not going to look them up, fuck you

>> No.20303651

My picks would be:
>Octavian Augustus
Kickstarted the Roman empire, conquered the most land out of all the Roman emperors, spread monogamy throughout the western world thus shaping the family unit, built some of the first roads leading to Rome, basically destroyed Egypt and was quite probably the greatest political mastermind the world has ever seen.
>Adolf Hitler
Most important figure of the 20th century, shaped the map of Europe on a scale never seen since the fall of Rome, kick-started the greatest war in history to date, basically offered the world to the jews on a silver platter, his legacy shaped all western constitutions, singlehandedly destroyed all ideologies and political discourse.
>Christopher Columbus
You all know what this nigger did. He laid the groundwork for a future apocalypse.
>Alexander the Great
Helped his father end the Peloponnesian war, irreparably destroyed the Persians, hijacked Egypt, civilized the East, innovated siege weapons, left behind an empire that lasted 300 years.
>Jesus Christ

>> No.20303726

>The east is not relevant to world history
Certified r-e-t-a-r-d

>> No.20303965


>> No.20303988
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Not all of world history, but obviously relevant

>> No.20303997

Not at all relevant a book.

>> No.20304047

>not even the gospels agree on that
The gospels don't say anything about what year Jesus died.

>> No.20304082

Top kek

>> No.20304295

>Not Jesus' birthday
You are retarded.
Even if it isn't his actual birth date it REPRESENTS his birthdate.

>> No.20304407
File: 942 KB, 999x3158, suicide note condensed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide Note by Mitchell Heisman

Here's the link to the text:

TL;DR: https://www.scribd.com/document/198985140/Mitchell-Heisman-s-suicide-note-overview

Alternatively you can listen to it while gaming: https://youtu.be/BiMZi5P7WJA

Part 2:

>> No.20304582
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No he was not. Hitler tried to kill Christians (JWs).

the true victims of the holocaust were Jehovah's Witnesses.

For starters, Satan is the one behind the holocaust.

Secondly, he tried, as many times before, to have all of God's people killed. That's why he really wanted to get rid of JWs.


1,500 of Jehovah’s Witnesses died during the time of the Holocaust.

Close to 400 Witnesses were executed in Germany and in Nazi-occupied countries.

We were persecuted because they adhered to the Bible’s teachings. When the Nazis demanded that we do what the Bible forbids, we refused to comply. We chose to “obey God as ruler rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)

As are Witnesses in all countries today, JWs living under Nazi rule were neutral in political issues. (John 18:36) Therefore, they refused to serve in the military or support war efforts.—Isaiah 2:4; Matthew 26:52.

But Hitler/Satan failed, because God always protects his loyal worshippers. Just like he brought down Pharaoh and liberated the Hebrews from slavery, our Lord has out an end to Nazi persecution so that my brothers can once again worship in peace

>> No.20304653

Christian Era, good choice.

>> No.20304681

And your weekdays are based on Germanic gods, what's your point?

>> No.20304748


kek, easy to tell this was created by an American: naming someone who's meaningless outside the USA

>> No.20304786

If you don't fight for your country you're not a citizen and you're not entitled to any rights

>> No.20304818
File: 1.55 MB, 4435x3029, 1636642923294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am are loyal to GOD’S KINGDOM, which Jesus spoke of when he said: “This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth.” (Matthew 24:14)

As a representative of GOD’S KINGDOM, I am commissioned to proclaim its coming, and I remain neutral in the political affairs of all countries, including the one where I live !!
—2 Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 6:20.

>> No.20304831

george washington
genghis khan

>> No.20304853

Wow, I wonder if they can ever recover from.such a huge loss.

>> No.20304921

Jesus Christ unites both principles of Priesthood and Kingship. He is the "Eternal Priest-King" as proclaimed in the liturgy. This is acknowledged even by perennialists like Guénon and Coomaraswamy:

>Ksatriya is the Kingly caste, Brahman the priestly; ksatra the temporal, brahma the spiritual power—originally united in the priest-king as also in the Messiah.

>For it is declared: “You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek."
Hebrews 7:17

Melchizedek's name means "king of righteousness"

>> No.20304925

Well, you're supposed to be loyal to the state if you want protection and rights, so stop complaining.

>> No.20304929

>As a representative of GOD’S KINGDOM, I am commissioned to proclaim its coming, and I remain neutral in the political affairs of all countries, including the one where I live !!
Where does it say that? I looked up those two verses and they don't say that

>> No.20304931

Reminder that OP is JW girl Lara who spams everyday on /int/

>> No.20304956

Russia presecutes JW mostly because theyre State Departement assets.

>> No.20305058
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We follow the example of Jesus, who refused to accept political office. (John 6:15) He taught his disciples to be “no part of the world” and made it clear that they should not take sides in political issues.—John 17:14, 16; 18:36; Mark 12:13-17.

By remaining neutral, we are able to speak freely to people of all political persuasions about the good news of God’s Kingdom. We try to show by our words and practices that we rely on God’s Kingdom to solve the world’s problems.—Psalm 56:11.

Since we avoid political divisions, we are united as an international brotherhood. (Colossians 3:14; 1 Peter 2:17) In contrast, religions that meddle in politics divide their members.—1 Corinthians 1:10.

>> No.20305111

Post ONE quote from the Bible that says you're not allowed to fight for the country. Stop spamming references. Copy paste one verse that says it.

>> No.20305121
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Christians are not authorized to fight against their enemies.

Instead of sending his followers to war, Jesus told them:
“Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens.” (Matthew 5:44, 45)
Even when the nation in which they live goes to war, Christians should remain neutral, “no part of the world.” (John 15:19)

If God wants his worshippers in all nations to love their enemies and to remain separate from the world, how could he support either side of a violent conflict today ?

>> No.20305165

>charlenigger only came to power because the papacy allowed it
Charlemagne inherited his kingdom though. The Pope was meaningless.

>> No.20305180

the first one doesn't say what I asked you and the second one you edited. So there's no verse in the Bible that supports your position.

>> No.20305187

>a woman, a frenchman and an arab who isnt even mohammed
im laughing so hard rn lol

>> No.20305196

What the fuck is this inane memeshit?

>> No.20305207
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What is it that you don't understand in the phrase "love your ennemies" ?

>> No.20305360
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>Adam and Eve
I'm an atheist but from my understanding of Genesis, they didn't disobey God out of any ill will, and were in fact manipulated into doing so. Sure, the consequences were disastrous to humanity but at the same time that punishment is an integral part of humanity in the Abrahamic faiths. Who the fuck made this and why are they claiming to be Christian?

>> No.20305414

loving your enemies doesn't mean you can't fight them if they're wrong. A father can love their son and still punish him.

>> No.20305461

a christcuck made this

>> No.20305465

>best books about world history
They all suck if they are that broad. General history sucks ass.

>> No.20305471

>taugh Europe how to read

>> No.20305491

This is some very interesting and sophisticated baiting. Next level shit.

>> No.20305497

BCE and CE is the dumbest shit.

>> No.20305502

All good parents I know never needed to punish their children and parented entirely with endowing of knowledge.

>> No.20305512
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>> No.20305526

Don't care about the parents you know. punishment doesn't contradict love. God punishes people despite loving them.

>> No.20305526,1 [INTERNAL] 

On suicide watch