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/lit/ - Literature

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20301205 No.20301205 [Reply] [Original]

What books would you give to a suicidal young man?

>> No.20301220
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>> No.20301228

unironically the bible
specifically ecclesiastes

>> No.20301236

this is actually a good pick even as someone who only read the bible once and isn't really religious

>> No.20301242

On Suicide by Arthur Schopenhauer. It will help you feel less guilty about doing it if you go through with it or whatever. He basically argues against religious dogma that says suicide is immoral and makes a good case that it isn’t. You’ll probably be interested in his other essay On Suffering which comes before On Suicide in the collection of essays Studies In Pessimism.

I’d say probably don’t kill yourself and instead do what I did which was re-evaluate your entire life and put an end to the parts of it that bring you misery. You might be tortured by some goals or ideals or perhaps unhappy in a certain job or social environment. Even if it means being a NEET who just watches anime all day it’s probably better than being an hero especially if there are people close to you who you may burden with grief upon taking your own life.

>> No.20301256

i cannot be who i want to be. i cannot have what i want to have.

>> No.20301262

Only good book in the bible. Contradicts a lot of the common Christian beliefs, though, like saying nobody knows what happens after death and that life is meaningless.

2 And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living, who are still alive. (Ecclesiastes 4:2 NIV)

17 So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun was grievous to me. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. (Ecclesiastes 2:17 NIV)

14 The wise have eyes in their heads, while the fool walks in the darkness; but I came to realize that the same fate overtakes them both. (Ecclesiastes 2:14 NIV)

2 It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of everyone; the living should take this to heart. (Ecclesiastes 7:2 NIV)

13 Consider what God has done: Who can straighten what he has made crooked? (Ecclesiastes 7:13 NIV)

15 In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these: the righteous perishing in their righteousness, and the wicked living long in their wickedness. (Ecclesiastes 7:15 NIV)

3 This is the evil in everything that happens under the sun: The same destiny overtakes all. The hearts of people, moreover, are full of evil and there is madness in their hearts while they live, and afterward they join the dead. (Ecclesiastes 9:3 NIV)

12 For who knows what is good for a person in life, during the few and meaningless days they pass through like a shadow? Who can tell them what will happen under the sun after they are gone? (Ecclesiastes 6:12 NIV)

>> No.20301274

Yeah I was in a similar position to. I felt I did not want to play the game of life using the avatar I was loaded in playing as. By committing suicide you are giving up, but you don’t have to commit suicide to give up, you can just give up and hide in your room reading literature.

>> No.20301279

No one does even i can't so what .

>> No.20301282
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>> No.20301294

I am needy. I have anxious attachment disorder and pure OCD. The closer I get to people, the more I want to jump off a bridge. I can't live a life of loneliness and rejection anymore.

>> No.20301305

>can’t deal with loneliness
How long have you tried it for? After a few months of solitude I realised other people are exhausting and annoying and it’s a much more meaningful life to pursue knowledge in solitude.

>> No.20301328

"The wise are not learned, and the learned are not wise." - Lao Tzu

Learning just makes more more disconnected and thus unhappy.

>> No.20301341
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The Confession of a Mask.

He will have no doubts to end his life.

>> No.20301491
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Maybe not the pursuit of knowledge but, rather, the appreciation of art, music, literature, and philosophy. That's what it is for me, could be something different for you. Even if it's watching anime or playing videogames. Surely there is something of value you can find in this life.

>> No.20301656

The Myth of Sisyphus. It actually confronts the problem of suicide directly.

>> No.20301973

Listen to Bach.

>> No.20302006

These and meditation, exercise, and spending time outdoors.

>> No.20302030

your book contradicts itself

>> No.20302037

gtfo you underage turd

>> No.20302069

I really need a job. Not getting it brings some suicidal thoughts to my head for sure.

>> No.20302075
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Ted Kaczynski Industrial Society and Its Future. This is not your fault young man.

>> No.20302091

You will never be a woman. You will never have nice boobs.

>> No.20302115

I can smell the cheeto dust on you fedora through my screen

>> No.20302119

Azumanga Daioh Omnibus

>> No.20302148

The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.20302249

'cause that's when you came to me
and you saved my life girl
I was just a booooooooy

>> No.20302259

Another one filtered by Ecclesiastes. Actually read the entire book you pseud.

>> No.20302284

When I was severely suicidal due to years of a dysfunctional upbringing, my parents divorce, them taking it out on me and trying to sabotage my college performance, etc...

I took a medical leave of absence for three years, where I basically starved myself and wasted my entire life savings, while my family continued to harass me.

I would listen to Thomas Ligotti's Conspiracy Against the Human Race on audiobook, because I heard the book could convince people into killing themselves for how bleak it was.

I was like "might as well see if I can excuse living."

3 hours into the audiobook I just start laughing hysterically, after I realize how much of a nightmare conscious existence is.

Did not make me more suicidal.

It made me find my misfortunes extremely cosmically funny.

I'm better now, but I scare people when bits of my Schopenhauerian worldview seep through in conversation.

The mere concept of predation, excretion, death, and teeth - proves god is fucking hilarious.

The mere existence of depression is a fucking laugh riot.

>> No.20302293

Good post sir but can you stop redditspacing

>> No.20302297


I like it.

>> No.20303950

anything by Emerson

>> No.20304013

The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.20304169

Bronze age mindset really gave me hope and helped me see the world in a more beautiful way. I see it as art. It's not a self help, philosophy or politics book, it doesn't take itself too seriously and any try to criticize it on any of these bases is retarded. Underlying everything in this book is a spirit that it tries to reawaken in the reader. The narrative is concerned with space and freedom that is thratened by modern civilization and showing the aryan attitude towards the world. This book explores one aspect of reality that should be understood by us now as it was by our ancient ancestors.

>> No.20304646


>> No.20304986


>> No.20305083

Does it include BAP's predilection for boy-fucking?

>> No.20305101

>Only good book in the bible.
might as well be illiterate if you seriously consider something like Job to not be good

>> No.20305116
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Pic related should finish the job.

>> No.20305144

>the righteous perishing in their righteousness, and the wicked living long in their wickedness.
>And I declared that the dead, who had already died, are happier than the living

>> No.20305642

I wouldn't give him anything. Fuck weaklings.

>> No.20305909
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My diary desu. I would give him Thus spoke Zarathustra/On the Genealogy of Morality/ etc. and Bronze Age Mindset. I would also give him the Catcher in the Rye and any book from Hermann Hesse, they are written for depressed young men.
I would not recommend Kokoro or no longer hum/Ningen Shikaku unless he is Japanese, it won't help him in any way or change anything. They are mediocre experiences.

>Ted Kaczynski Industrial Society and Its Future
+1. I wish I had read it earlier.

>The Myth of Sisyphus
Nah, it's mediocre. Maybe the last 50 pages aree worth reading.

>> No.20306099
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>> No.20306253

What's so funny about teeth?

>> No.20306307
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>> No.20306403

>That Pic
>tfw ywnba fallen god facing death at the hands of a pagan society
Why even fucking bother

>> No.20306493

it's ok to ask for help, it is not, however, okay to ask for attention
touch grass get a gf or bf w/e

>> No.20306725
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Serious answer: Steppenwolf.
I read it as a suicidal young man and it caused me to go "wow he's literally me" literally every sentence. It gave me a lot of insight and changed my life for the better.
I think everyone on /lit/ should read the book at least once.