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20299926 No.20299926 [Reply] [Original]

Why are French people so engrossed with their own literature? I'm currently in a French university to study literature and it's unbelievable.
Most of them hasn't read a single Dickens, James or Joyce and yet read the complete works of some literally who like Bossuet, Fénelon or Vallès. I can understand that they would only study French author in class, but they don't read anything beside them, and sometimes Latin author. I've never seen such a pretentious country. Anytime you talk to them about any author that isn't French they won't be interested.

>> No.20299932

va te faire foutre, je lis pas l'anglais alors c'est pas pour me coltiner une traduction à la noix de tes auteurs américains qui n'ont rien à dire sur rien

>> No.20299934

>people prefer their own literature
Thank you OP, I wasn't aware of that.

>> No.20299939

Finalement, même les Anglais sont plus bilingues et ouverts que les Français. Vous êtes un peuple snob.

>> No.20299944

rien à branler

>> No.20299945

>go to france
>wtf why is everyone here french

>> No.20299976

>même les Anglais sont plus bilingues
Tu te rends compte que les anglophones sont nuls à chier pour apprendre des langues quoi ?

>> No.20299989

Yeah, the average frenchman in 2022 is supposed to be a muslim black trans woman

>> No.20300000

tu projettes

>> No.20300005

cant argue with quints

>> No.20300011

>muh more anglo crap

people already watch enough anglo tv and speak english half the time at work

>> No.20300029

On a la même chose que O Twist en mieux (Hugo, Zola pour ne citer qu'eux).
Même vous les anglos vous vous faites filtrer par vos "classiques".

La lit. frouze baise la lit. anglo ces sales fils de pute porcins qui racontaient la même histoire avec 500 version différentes.
Perfide Albion.

>> No.20300030

Speak the lingua franca, frog

>> No.20300031

J'exagérais mais des amis à moi sont allé en Allemagne et ils sont bien meilleurs et plus curieux des littératures internationales.

>> No.20300037

i understand how you feel. when i was in the states i was horrified to find that americans do not read enough swedish authors.

>> No.20300038

Bien le métèque Italien? les Français de souche savent pas écrire de livre comme ils savent pas jouer au foot.

>> No.20300052

I want all of you frogs to know that I consider you subhuman. None of your 'writers' will ever hold a candle to Shakespeare. Stay mad. Except you, OP, you seem like the exception to the rule when it comes to Frenchtards being arrogant faggots.

>> No.20300080
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>> No.20300085

Wait so German lit is the only worthwhile one?¿

>> No.20300093

French lit is practically worthless in this day and age. German lit too. Really, American and Asian lit is where it's at. Anglo will always be kino though. Cope.

>> No.20300098

IDK but I was just in Paris and the total lack of originality bugged me quite a bit.
It seems like all a french person can do is process and regurgitate american culture. Fashion, music, literature wise, it's all just observations and reflections of the US.
Kids in Paris are dressing and acting the same as they did twenty years ago, from what I've read, and nothing has progressed or changed, except there's more immigrants.
Nice folks though. No living up to their stereotyped rudeness, they were friendly and curious.
Much preferred alsace though. Laid back people, tart flambee, and good wine.

>> No.20300103

You sound 50 IQ kek. What is this observation??
>Most powerful country in the world has a far reach sphere of cultural influence.
Round of applause for this braindead faggot.

>> No.20300115

>Asian lit
Literally who

>> No.20300116

I mean in any country the average person is a retarded american. I'm talking about people that has been 4 years in university and teachers.

>> No.20300118

Aw man, I'm sorry you're upset. Didn't mean it as some kind of value judgment.

>> No.20300126

Attention les potos, ce fil est contrôlé par la la menace angloise.

>> No.20300138

I only met a few academics in a bar, some grad students at sorbonne, who were fairly nice. One of the girls tried to hook up with me and my wife, which was flattering but raunchy and turned us both off. Didn't really talk about their work but they dressed and spoke in a manner indistinguishable from any other philosophy grad I've spent time with. Good english fluency with up to date slang and idioms which I assume comes from spending time on the internet. Everyone wore those classic camel trench coats or zara leather jackets, it was like stepping in to a Godard film. Feels stagnant...

But look, if you were hanging around in some bar in the states you'd probably encounter the same and worse characters, this is not a value judgment and I definitely don't hold my own culture or myself to be some kind of standard

>> No.20300144

jsuis anglais et personne ici ne veut apprendre une autre langue et ils ne liraient jamais un livre étranger

>> No.20300174

This is surprising. I am studying with what they call in France "normaliens", and they are not at all like that. They are quite smart and hard working, wear mocassins and vests, and do not go in bars. It feels more like My night at Maud's than Pierrot le Fou. They are very much boring.
But what you are describing is exactly the kind of person I met in bars studying in Spain.

>> No.20300188

normalien life sounds comfortable
I'm just mad because if I had relaxed a little bit I could've had one chick sucking my balls and the other sucking my dick, but I got up in my head about foreign STDs and my wife was not into the whole situation.

>> No.20300217

>He doesn't know Soseki, Kawabata, Tanizaki, Mishima, Murakami, Akutagawa.

>> No.20300228

your wife should watch more french film

>> No.20300236

>Japanese authors
Weeb burger. Opinion disregarded.

>> No.20300241

>thinks there are ‘foreign’ STDs
Stay in your wooden house and watch tv, my American fren, leave the degeneracy to us Yuropeans, you are not culturally prepared for it.

>> No.20300242

Those authors are either dead or cringe

>> No.20300253

>He doesn't know about regional gonorrhea and chlamydia variants

>> No.20300303

Anybody have reccomendstions for any french literature published in the last 30 years that is good?

Je peux lire en francais si il n’ya pas un traducition

>> No.20300317

I think Chevillard is very fun. L'auteur et moi got me laughing out loud multiple times. You already know about Houellebecq, but Plateforme is very underrated IMO. But other than that French lit is completely dead.

>> No.20300378

>French culture is horrible
fixed it fot you

>> No.20300385

why the fuck would they read that?

>> No.20300389

what do you think "franca" means, bro?

>> No.20300483

C'est quand même signe d'une intelligence terriblement mesquine que de considérer Zola comme supérieur à Dickens. Quant à Victor Hugo, ces romans ne sont pas ce qui devrait le rendre singulier a vos yeux, mais plutôt sa poésie.

>> No.20300508

Zola pue la merde, Marguerite Duras aussi

>> No.20300514

J'aime pas Zola ni le toiletteur Sartre, cependant j'admets que leurs oeuvres sont importantes dans le canon littéraire.

>les frouzes savent pas écrire de livre
Houellebecq est le seul auteur contemporain européen qui brille à l'international, et l'entièreté des peuples nous pompe le dard pour notre patrimoine culturel - littérature incluse.

Bouillonne, écope, dilate.

>points de comparaison
>les deux sont issus du XIXème siècle
>les deux sont journalistes et écrivains majeurs
>un écrivain français moyen surclasse "le plus grand" écrivain de l'époque victorienne britoïde

Absolument d'accord, Rousseau Voltaire Hugo et lui sont les individus qui ont fait le plus de mal à la France avec leurs idéaux.
Restent toujours des classiques dans le canon lit frouze (malheureusement).

>> No.20300529

>>un écrivain français moyen surclasse "le plus grand" écrivain de l'époque victorienne britoïde
Ce n'est pas en répétant une sottise qu'elle s'anoblit en sagesse

>> No.20300532

french lit is shit. balzac and zola suck arse. hugo and dumas suck. flaubert is fine. i like stendhal.

>> No.20300545

We should make a French/Francophone lit discord server but where instead of fetishing one canon we're capable of loving all that is quality

>> No.20300678

Most university students don't really read. This applies for ever continent and every language. Academicism is death in the West.

>> No.20300683


>> No.20300690

Just say Japanese Lit. No case in bringing up the whole of East Asia.

>> No.20300699

I know exactly what you mean OP I see these people all the time online. I studied English Literature in London and we did a fair few french novels as well as some German. Hell I think one of the favourite novels I studied was Madame Bovary, yet the French almost never remark on any works in English. I'm sure I'll get some snide remark about it not being worth reading from some French anon but that only cements my view that the French are culturally chauvanisitic to the extreme. No doubt they have some really great authors and I love to read them, but it's just never reciprocated. Part of me think it stems from English ousting French as lingua franca and hurt feelings regarding that.

>> No.20300714

Jonathan Littell

>> No.20300738

Which univerisity? How's studying in France in general? I was going to study there as an international student via Erasmus, is it worthy?

>> No.20300747

They are just jealous and insecure from the English supreme tradition

>> No.20300814
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>> No.20300843

how do i learn french

>> No.20300860

>Camus est trop facile et Celine trop difficile.
Dites moi que je peux lire.

>> No.20300872

According to the UN, it is english since they forsook the frog language for the superior language.

>> No.20300881

C'est pourtant vrai.

>> No.20300884

>Literally whos

End your fucking life immediately you little cunt.

>> No.20300889

Qu'est-ce que le maniéré vite pour moi d’apprendre de lire français? J’ai apprend un peu de français dans l’école mais je ne suis pas très fort. Je voudrais pouvoir écouter et parler aussi.

>> No.20300924

> Throwing the hitlerian salute to the dead corpse of a decapitated woman over a hundred years before Hitler is born.
The French were so much in advance to their time its insane. Antisemitism, gassing indesirables, the Infernal Columns, state propaganda/police, targeted inception of suicidal tendencies through media (Mayerling incident was caused by Mary Vetsera being obsessed with French newspapers which were memeing every cases of suicide-pacts they could find).
They also invented both concepts of Cherchez la femme and Folie a deux, correctly diagnosing women as the source of men's psychological distress.
Truly a civilization ahead of its time.

>> No.20300935

They probably haven't read Proust completely and can't into Eluard or Claudel though, they desecrate their own culture with their pretention.
Any resceptable Frenchman from the 19th and early 20th century held in high regard foreign litterature, including that of the English. Do they not know that Gide said that English poetry was richer than French? Are they unaware that he considered the novels of other nations far superior to the novels of France? And yet who is more quintessentially French, who can be considered more of a prime example of the French homme des lettres than André Gide.
These people are philistines and you shouldn't be put off by them. You counter them by reading better books from their own language, and at the end of the day you'll be much wiser and better read than them all.

>> No.20300958

André Gide was a faggot and a pedophile and a B-tier writer at best and nobody gives a shit about him today.

>> No.20300969

>Anytime you talk to them about any author that isn't French they won't be interested.
Based frogs, fighting the JEWAnglo.

>> No.20301026

>nobody gives a shit about him today.
nah, YOU don't give a shit about him.
>B-tier writer at best
Joyce considered the pastorale a "masterpiece" and Beckett saw him as a precursor to the modernist novel. He held a life long relationship with Paul Valery(another french who held in high esteem the English, is he a pedophile b tier writer too?) who held him in the highest regard, and helped found one of the single most important literary reviews
Your talk is arrogant and unendurable.

>> No.20301035

>même les Anglais sont plus bilingues et ouverts que les Français
lmao, an average french guy can have a conversaton in english, an average american or brit can't do the same in french

>> No.20301040

>practically worthless
Too the bugmen underclass.

>> No.20301043

>Feels stagnant...
Jesus christ can you sound more bugmen.

>> No.20301044

>lmao, an average french guy can have a conversaton in english, an average american or brit can't do the same in french
because english is the global language. don't pretend like if that wasn't the case you'd speak english or if french was the global language the exact same thing would be true in reverse.

>> No.20301048

>asian lit
Post chin, weeb

>> No.20301054

absolutely untrue and anyone who has visited outside of a major French city can attest to this. The French on average have one of the worst fluency rates in English out of all of Europe

>> No.20301055

giving free sex to french whores is not a good idea

>> No.20301058

they can by pure accident - it's not because they spent time reading shakespeare or browning, it's because they are ultimately AS american as Americans, and so it is natural that they know their language. The only thing saving the french from total collapse is that the French language, to be properly used, genuinely requires a change in character(learning french creates a wall of resitance between them and the violence which society tries to strip away any such safety). But it is only an accident of luck that they find safe harbor in a language they learned contingently. From a standpoint of duty and ethics, they are no more or less to be valued than the tiktok zoomer who is shamelessly contemporary. More noble is the American who recognizes the destitution of his existence and fights to undo the brutality

>> No.20301062

can someone give me pointers on how to fix my french speaking voice

>> No.20301063

Nobody gives a shit about Gide or Valery or Beckett, and Joyce is strictly for pseuds, don't pretend like anybody actually reads this shit,

>> No.20301068

bugman is when you larp as a movie character from the 1960's, not when you require intellectual probity.

>> No.20301076

>Nobody gives a shit about Gide or Valery or Beckett
How can you possibly believe this? Why do you think that everyone who reads in French only reads your favorite Houellebecq and Celine?

>> No.20301081

Start be re-recording and speaking way less quickly

>> No.20301084

Learn how to pronounce letters first. Then learn how to pronounce combined letters like "oi" "au", etc...
It should be fine afterwards.

>> No.20301086

What is it like being a retarded pleb? Genuinely curious.

>> No.20301144

>possibly believe this? Why do you think that everyone who reads in French only reads your favorite Houellebecq and Celine?
Why wouldn't you think that I think that everybody reads Stendhal and Flaubert instead?
Houellebecq is fucking scat that will leave no trace once this disgusting coomer dies.

>> No.20301170

Thank you, this is helpful

>> No.20301174

Shakespeare has neither the poetic power of Hugo, nor the finesse of expression of Racine nor the imagination of Rimbaud. If Shakespeare had been French he would have been considered good but not exceptional.
The most important authors of the English canon are mediocre before those of the French canon because English has never been a language of rigor, clarity and poetry as French has always been since Ronsard.

>> No.20301570

True half of non-French books read that are more than 50 years old are Ancient Greeks and Romans, which are actually read in France, but I don't see how that's an issue. Chinese and especially Japanese classics are also typically better known in France, but the country has always been weeb central. There are of course the usual suspects of other European languages. I still remember some Bongistani Oxford philosophy phd that had never heard the names Suarez and Soloviev, but then probably half of French phil phd would fail that test.
Curiously, on the topic on non-fiction it seems that the only modern foreigners that Anglos read are French, but they make sure to have the most absolutely terrible taste at that. They hype up retards like Foucault to a status they never had in their country. Meanwhile Georges Dumezil is still barely translated (somewhat specific example but it came up a week ago irl when I recommended him to an English only peasant). There would be little difficulty multiplying such contrasting examples.
Imagine thinking Dickens, James and Joyce are important to literature, and having the audacity of putting them above Bossuet. At least pick good English language writers for your bait.

>> No.20301583

I have my B2, but reading your posts is too much effort. Regardless, I just wanted to let you know that French literature mostly went to shit with post-modernism

>> No.20301609

Modernism was already a mistake.

>Imagine thinking Dickens, James and Joyce are important to literature, and having the audacity of putting them above Bossuet.
A fellow man of culture.

>> No.20301614
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Tu te prends pour qui, enfant de putain ?!

>> No.20301621

Out if all the major European powers, the French are easily the most nationalistic.
They are very proud of French history and culture. And really, why shouldn’t they? The literature is just one example of their sustained civilizational excellence through the centuries. Even though their country has been overwhelmed by violence and destruction probably more frequently than any Western European country in the last 500 years they have continued to pump out global cultural exports. Literature is just one of their most widespread exports

>> No.20301644

french arrogance and narccisim really knows no bounds, your post is disgusting as is your face. please take it out of your own ass

>> No.20301653

>continued to pump out global cultural exports.
french culture has largely been irrelavent since the war on the global stage.

>> No.20301711

I'm not saying Joyce, James or Dickens are better than Bossuet, I'm just asking who is Bossuet and why everyone is reading him here? People in Ireland at most know his name, and those people are very few, but no one has read anything of him, even the most knowledgeable.
Also you're the one baiting saying Dickens, James and Joyce are not important. To English literature, they are some of the most important names from the XIX and XX century. Or else you are just like any French person around me, considering the whole English canon is not important.

>> No.20301723

thank science we now have the glorious and lofty exports of American culture

>> No.20301729

Their obsession with their own language is precisely what allowed their tradition to become what it is. Most great French writers didn't bother learning other languages.

Anyone shitting on Dickens though doesn't know shit. His character's are second only to Dosto and Spear.
I haven't read Balzac yet so

>> No.20301738

Votre fameuse "école normale supérieure" est remplie d'homosexuels. Comme votre président.

>> No.20301759

why are we going with dickens, james and joyce here?
what about bronte, shakespeare, austin, eliot, blake, orwell, caroll, lawrence, huxley, shelley, milton, keats, donne and on and on and on?
what about britains long short story tradition? what about maugham, no one ever talks about him but he's one of the greatest authors of short stories in the english language. what about more modern writers, such as john le carre? what about tolkien? what about science fiction with arthur c clarke, douglas adams etc? and this is just england, there's a lot more writing in the english language is vast and very varied, it's completely ignorant to dismiss it and reeks of nothing more than arrogance.

>> No.20301769

>here's my undergrad syllabus bro

>> No.20301795

Je confirme, la rue d'Ulm en particulier est pleine de dégénérés à la sexualité ambiguë.

>> No.20301817

>he said in English
We win

>> No.20301823

>j'aime pas zola ouin ouin
Absolument tous filtrés
Les Rougon-Macquarts sont un chef d'œuvre

>> No.20301841

I want to study in France for a year via Erasmus

Is that a good idea?

>> No.20301873
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>he hasn't read the world diaper

>> No.20301874

In fairness France has the largest populations in Europe of blacks, Muslims, Chinese, Jews and gypsies (Romania apart), so it's not actually that French at all in many ways.

Somebody should write a book about the topic.

>> No.20302103
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That’s the thing they aren’t

>> No.20302141

Is that real? Why does it look so homoerotic?

>> No.20302187

Nerd get a taste of some Balzac

>> No.20302199

Yeah modern day France is shit because of the abundance of non-french people, so trying to find modern France literature is gonna be difficult. Although "The Stranger" is great and made by a french lad.

>> No.20302230

>and sometimes Latin author.
Latin? what do you mean?

>> No.20302236

I mean, Americans read mostly Americans as well.

>> No.20302242

Just like French writers.

>> No.20302245

>one guy had an opinion, therefore, everything he said is true

>> No.20302269

Because Macron likes big nigger cock up his ass, what else. His "wife" is a dude.

>Also you're the one baiting saying Dickens, James and Joyce are not important.
They're absolutely not, trust me. A 19 year old girl wrote something of more impact and significance in a summer in Switzerland than their whole corpus combined.

>> No.20302279

It's called appeal to authority. Too bad his "authority" is a fucking pedophile faggot who will rot in the gutters of history.

>> No.20302306

World famous in France.

>> No.20302311

Notre président est rempli d'homosexuels ? Quelles sont tes sources ?

>> No.20302333

People in ENS have impressive Latin skills. They read a lot of Virgil, Ovid and Horace for some reason.
Depends on what you are doing. If stem then it will be like any other country, if literature then be ready to learn about tons of people you never heard of and that aren't even translated for some, for example Georges Darien.
Balzac, Sand and Zola are the most exhausting.
>oh lemme tell you about the history of this door for 15 pages
Fucking christ woman I don't care.

>> No.20302341

Zola is oddly comfy.

>> No.20302365

I remember a part in La Curée where he described a plant for 20 pages, I believe it's at the end of chapter 2. If you're not native and do not know all the words like me, no it's not comfy at the first reading. The second is kind of, though.

>> No.20302370

>Although "The Stranger" is great
The level of the critics of France...

>> No.20302375

>They're absolutely not, trust me. A 19 year old girl wrote something of more impact and significance in a summer in Switzerland than their whole corpus combined.
Absolutely not the case for Joyce. Other two are debatable.

>> No.20302378

Quoi? La poésie de Hugo est littéralement de la prose rimée, il y a beaucoup de déchet dedans!

>> No.20302380

Are you retarded? It was obvious bait. He took an Algerian after criticizing non-french people writing in French.

>> No.20302424

If anything, Joyce will be the first and quickest to end up in the gutters of history. Nobody reads this shit except pseuds.

>> No.20302429

obv. bait indeed

>> No.20302472

Hahahahah wtf. I actually thought the guy was French. Well shit that's embarrassing. Also I just criticized the modern country as a whole with it's great amount of non-french people shitting up the place. If I can defend what I said. I would like to think that that France provided Camus with an proper education to write such good work, still doesn't change the fact that he wasn't born in France. Although putting modern day immigrants on the same field as Camus would be ridiculous.

>> No.20302821

Albert Camus is a pied-noir you dumb fucking retard, he's French.

>> No.20302836

Are you guys stuck in a parallel dimension where Wikipedia doesn't exist?

>Albert Camus was born on 7 November 1913 in a working-class neighbourhood in Mondovi (present-day Dréan), in French Algeria. His mother, Catherine Hélène Camus (née Sintès), was French with Balearic Spanish ancestry. His father, Lucien Camus, a poor French agricultural worker, died in the Battle of the Marne in 1914 during World War I. Camus never knew him. Camus, his mother and other relatives lived without many basic material possessions during his childhood in the Belcourt section of Algiers. He was a second-generation French in Algeria, a French territory from 1830 until 1962. His paternal grandfather, along with many others of his generation, had moved to Algeria for a better life during the first decades of the 19th century. Hence, he was called pied-noir, ''black foot''—a slang term for French who were born in Algeria—and his identity and his poor background had a substantial effect on his later life.[2] Nevertheless, Camus was a French citizen and enjoyed more rights than Arab and Berber Algerians under indigénat.[3]

>> No.20302846

>spent his youth in Algeria, had a spanish mother
Yeah sure, """"French""""". No wonder your population is in identity crisis.

>> No.20302879

Toute la littérature française post-revolution a été ecrite par les juifs et les franc-macs. Lis Bernanos et les autres cathos contre-revolutionnaires. C'est tout ce qui est bien. Molière et Racine c'est kino aussi.

>> No.20302910

>Toute la littérature française post-revolution a été ecrite par les juifs et les franc-macs.
Does someone still have that pasta of some far-right schizo guy insulting every single French author calling them Jews and faggots?

>> No.20302944

L'Algérie était un département français, c'est à dire littéralement la France, espèce d'attardé

>> No.20302993

Oh damn. Guess I was right after all.

>> No.20303002

Algeria is a free country, you French pig.

>> No.20303026

Tu comprends rien à ce qui fait la culture toi. Vous avez jamais assimilé l'Algérie, sinon vous vous seriez pas tapé le FLN. Vous pouvez prétendre que ce que vous voulez est un département français que ça ne le sera pas pour autant, espèce d'attardé.

>> No.20303046

Juif homosexuel. Inintéressant, racontars de la vie de la bourgeoisie juive.

Racontars de la vie bourgeoise d'une vieille fille mal baisée. Inintéressant.

Excellent, thématiquement profond, langue riche et vivante.

De la merde gauchiste, il suffit d'ajouter une seule phrase au Dernier jour d'un condamné pour se rendre compte de la supercherie : "Il s'appelait Marc Dutroux". Durant tout le roman jamais son crime n'a été évoqué, peut-il avait-il sodomisé et ouvert en deux depuis l'anus des nourrissons de deux mois?
Tout Hugo est de la manipulation pleurnicharde gauchiste de ce genre, à vomir.


Excellent, le plus grand esprit français à mon sens, il est en plein dans le doute ce qui n'est pas forcément pour me plaire, mais son doute voir grand, couvre un large spectre de la pensée, et n'a pas pour autre objectif que de sonder la vérité vraie, à l'inverse du doute des athées dont l'objectif est systématiquement de s'opposer à la vérité révélée par tous les moyens.

>Chrétien de Troyes (learn to fucking write Jesus)
Légendes amusantes.

De la merde, impossible de trouver le moindre intérêt à la vie des mineurs. Le travail manuel est difficile, woop dee lai.

Concurrent du code civil, ses chroniques de la vie bourgeoise sont amères et touchent du doigt l'âpre vérité sur les grandes fortunes et les manipulations politico-finanicères. Dénonce le complot juif. Beaucoup plus intéressant que les autres auteurs qui ne relatent que des états d'âme sentimentalisants, chose dont se rendent largement coupables Flaubert et Proust.

Belle poésie, mais on ne fait pas une grande nation avec ça. Dépravé.

Homosexuel et dépravé. Inférieur à Baudelaire. Surestimé sur tous les plans. Son seul "intérêt" c'est qu'il a compris que la poésie et la littérature étaient des loisirs d'adolescents et qu'arrivé à l'âge adulte il fallait plutôt faire trafiquant d'arme et négrier. Rachète presque son homosexualité

Homosexuel et encore moins intéressant que Rimbaud.

Littérature sous hallucinogènes, aucun intérêt.

Homosexuel, obsédé par le sujet. Inintéressant.

Poésie mielleuse sans intérêt.

Excellents récits d'aventure pour la tranche d'âge des six à onze ans.

Très inégal, employait des nègres donc impossible de savoir ce qui était réellement de lui, Le Comte de Monte-Cristo présente une plume, une structure et une profondeur thématique certaines, tandis que Les Trois Mousquetaires fait office d'oeuvre de jeunesse à côté.

Bon nouvelliste, capable de toucher certaines vérités dérangeantes de la vie bourgeoise sordide avec de simples anecdotes.

Plagieur sans vergogne, autant lire les originaux.

>> No.20303048

Opinion personnelle : contrairement à beaucoup de gens, je trouve son style insupportable, mais le fond très intéressant. Dénonce le complot judéo-maçonnique donc automatiquement intéressant.

Insupportable. Théoriste de l'absurde, plume dépouillée. Autant lire des jugements de la cour de cassation.

Homosexuel sous hallucinogènes, aucun intérêt.

Hérétique chrétien. Aucun religieux ne prend sa théorie du pari au sérieux.

Auteur de seconde zone, n'a rien produit d'intéressant

De la grosse merde, mais vraiment de la pure chiasse. Rien d'autre à dire, impossible de trouver le moindre intérêt à ce faiseur.

>Did you fucking mean Rousseau?
Théoriste du contrat social source de la décadence moderne déconstructionniste de l'ordre naturel et légaliste. Responsable de la vie insupportable que nous menons aujourd'hui.

Victime de son époque inintéressant, n'a rien à raconter

Alors là franchement mec va te faire foutre, la littérature "nouvelle vague" calquée sur le cinéma de la même prétention, tout juste bon à se torcher le cul avec, franchement.

Grand esprit mais pleutre.

Poète mielleux comme la plupart des poètes. Les poètes sont soit mielleux soit dépravés. Art secondaire.

Balzac avec un style plus relevé, intéressant, raconte les mécanismes sociaux du pouvoir comme Balzac et ne s'attarde pas sur des états d'âme, digne d'intérêt.

Tu l'as cité deux fois fils de pute.





>Levinas holy shit dude
De la merde, de la merde, de la merde, cent fois de la merde, de la chiasse déconstructionniste insupportable, à la mode dans les facultés de philosophie sous marijuana des années 60-70, à mettre en intégralité à la poubelle.

Si tu parles de Simone Weil, c'est le seul philosophe un minimum digne d'intérêt du 20e siècle. Dommage qu'elle ait rejoint la raclure communiste qu'était de Gaulle.

>> No.20303057

En résumé, il doit y avoir cinq ou six auteurs un peu intéressants dans le lot, tout le reste ne vaut rien.

Où sont Saint Thomas d'Aquin, Theophile Gauthier qui est beaucoup plus amusant que tous les autres, Alphonse Daudet et Jules Vallès qui sonnent mille fois plus juste que tous tes poètes et tes chroniqueurs de la sentimentalité petite-bourgeoise dégoulinants de mièvrerie, René Barjavel, Barbey d'Aurevilly qui vient qu'étant dépravé a commis des contes chrétiens hallucinés beaucoup plus intéressants que les enfumages des poètes tel Baudelaire, où sont La Rochefoucauld qui résume parfois en une phrase ce que des """philosophes""" écrivent sur dix tomes, La Bruyère, etc. Les meilleurs auteurs sont chrétiens, ou militaires, ou d'extrême-droite (citons Drieu La Rochelle, Rebatet, Brasillach, qui sont de très grands auteurs...), pratiquement toute la littérature "officielle" passé le 19e siècle n'est que de l'apologie du régime maçonnique. Tu viens nous faire chier avec Émile Zola et Victor Hugo, mais casse-toi.

>> No.20303086

It's a funny but dumb pasta. Barjavel lived at the same time as Perec, Vallès was far-left. The OP was a larper. Still worth keeping and posting from time to time.

>> No.20303094
File: 33 KB, 303x298, pepe-tuxedo-holding-whiskey-bar-glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically. Based.

>> No.20303117

WTF are you me? I don't remember having published this post.
I wrote this pasta 6 or 7 years ago btw.

>> No.20303122

My bad I forgot that it was part of the pasta lol
I indeed wrote this shit

>> No.20303167

What girl?

>> No.20303287

I agree on both accounts. Also, as if anglos truly give a shit about literature in other languages other than English. At most, they would bother with some russian lit.

>> No.20303392

Mary Shelley you illiterate ape, who perceived how transhumanism will make creatures with such an existential void within that they will turn against their creators because they literally do not know why they exist and why did the creator make such a freak. This is where we're heading.

>> No.20305139

Dickens is just discount Zola/Hugo and Shakespeare is merely a wannabe greek.
The best part of french literature is the comedy of Molière, the wit/sarcasm of Voltaire and the adventure with Dumas/Verne. Books are to be enjoyed.

>> No.20305155

completely filtered.

>> No.20305171

no u

>completely filtered.
Not out of enjoyment

>> No.20305210

>French lit culture is horrible

This statement has one too many words in it

>> No.20305220

Indeed, it's "French".

>> No.20305276

ah d'accord. et?

>> No.20305377

It’s funny how he doesn’t recognize Roussel (thinks it’s Rousseau)

>> No.20305380

>he puts Dickens over Fénelon
Anglos do the same thing with their lit anon. This very board is proof enough of that.

>> No.20305635

Proust is not a Jew, retard.

>> No.20305637

wait.. Genet was gay?!

>> No.20305641

>leftism is le BAD!

>> No.20305651

>yet the French almost never remark on any works in English
why would they

>> No.20305671

>bugman is when you larp as a movie character from the 1960's, not when you require intellectual probity.
Right mate, everyone not into rick and morty and rap music is automatically larping.

kill self.

>> No.20305765

Fuck off, American Golem. Just openly say that you want every culture to be Americanized nigger carnival.

>> No.20305775

You write like a fag

>> No.20306038

>Sa mère, néeJeanne Clémence Weil(Paris,1849-id.,1905), fille de Nathé Weil (Paris,1814-id.,1896), unagent de changed'originejuivealsacienneetlorrainedeMetz[1]et d'Adèle Berncastel (Paris,1824-id.,1890)

Yes he is.

Shut the fuck up nigger almost all his work is about faggotry.

>> No.20306065

Le gravitas faiseur de nation visage

>> No.20306147

Dickens and James are shit compared to Flaubert or Stendhal. Second rate imitators.
French people do most definitely read Joyce, and specially Samuel Beckett.

>> No.20306160

Mishima, Murakami and Akutagawa are shit. Haven't read the others. Oe is shit too.

>> No.20306212

it's not gonorrhea unless it's from the Gonorrhe region of France. Otherwise it's just sparkling syphillis

>> No.20306553

proust or flaubert. the arabian nights as translated by Galland

>> No.20306631

sont allés*

>> No.20306640

No, he isn't. He was raised Catholic and later became an atheist.

>> No.20306781

>"do you speak english?"
>"little bit"
this is the full extent of an average conversation with a frenchman

>> No.20306845

>Même vous les anglos vous vous faites filtrer par vos "classiques".
kek true

>> No.20307473
File: 753 KB, 498x249, 1635640071846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I'm French and it's been so long since I read anything that I have no idea what I could enjoy now that I want to get back into reading. I already get recommended novels in English, so what are some French novels I could enjoy? I'm in the mood for urban fantasy or more realistic romcoms with working women as protagonists because I remember liking the Devil Wears Prada a lot as a teenager. I'm open-minded as long as the books are fun, but don't recommend super long series that don't have a conclusion yet. No need to recommend classics, I read enough of that stuff in school to know what's available and what I'd like and dislike.

>> No.20307505
File: 54 KB, 735x837, darksignchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't speak French but I can feel the coping and seething emanating from this thread. I sensed it in the catalog and had to investigate.

>> No.20307549

Darrieussecq, Truismes

>> No.20307566

Ah oui. Merci. Ecrire en français est terriblement dur cependant. On doit écrire "Elle a mangé" mais "Elle est mangée", et "Elle a bu la bouteille" mais "La bouteille qu'elle a bue". Bien qu'habitant en France pendant un an ça reste du travail compliqué d'écrire. Je remarque en revanche que la plupart des français eux-même ne savent pas écrire leur propre langue sur les réseaux sociaux.

>> No.20307585

>Je remarque en revanche que la plupart des français eux-même ne savent pas écrire leur propre langue sur les réseaux sociaux.
C'est volontaire, les gens considèrent les réseaux sociaux comme des milieux et contextes informels donc ils se permettent d'écrire n'importe comment par pur flemme pour pour donner une impression en particulier. Personnellement j'écris n'importe quoi et n'importe comment sur les réseaux sociaux parce que j'écris de la merde dessus juste pour passer le temps, mais j'ai un français impeccable dans le milieu professionnel parce que je dois avoir l'air formel avec mes clients et managers. Mes amis font la même chose.

>> No.20307603

>Chaque fête du sang délègue un beau garçon
>Pour soutenir l'enfant dans sa première épreuve
>Apaise ta frayeur et ton angoisse neuve
>Suce mon membre dur comme on suce un glaçon

>Mordille tendrement le paf qui bat ta joue
>Baise ma queue enflée, enfonce dans ton cou
>Le paquet de ma bite avalé d'un seul coup
>Etrangle toi d'amour, dégorge, et fait ta moue

>Adore à deux genoux, comme un poteau sacré
>Mon torse tatoué, adore jusqu'au larme
>Mon sexe qui se rompt, te frappe mieux qu'une arme
>Adore mon bâton qui va te pénétrer

>Il bondit sur tes yeux, il enfile ton âme
>Penches un peu la tête et le voit se dresser
>L'apercevant si noble, et si propre au baiser
>Tu t'inclines très bas, en lui disant :"Madame !

>> No.20307619

Little bite!

>> No.20307659
File: 211 KB, 1884x1024, ouiche lorraine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tu parles espagnol ?
>Un poquito...

>> No.20307691

Ah. Jeuh meuh fé chié pourre rient alort.

>> No.20307699

Hon hon yes, I ave a leetol « bite », but zat wasn’t a problème for yor gueurlfriend, n’est-ce pas ?

>> No.20307710

Ca dépend, tu veux travailler dans la traduction ou dans un pays francophone? Ou tu veux juste faire du shitpost sur twitter?

>> No.20307728

De toute façon tu seras toujours une merde en français.

>> No.20307781
File: 21 KB, 333x500, 41qaPVkVkjL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why on Earth did you go to a french university to study french litterature, what did you expect exactly?
Concerning the anglo littérature, Voltaire considered Shakespeare worthy enough that he translated him - an honor Shakespeare shared with Newton. So any modern frog dissing the anglo is narrow minded.
On the other side the anglo philosophy is so Alien that they called real philosophy 'continental' to distinguish it from their quest for teapots orbiting Uranus.

>> No.20308029

Non je suis un rentier. Je veux juste lire en français et être confortable. J'ai déjà pas de problèmes à parler et être compris, même avec mes r dégueulasses.

>> No.20308150

Nigger, in social media they write fewer letters because they're lazy.
If anything they'd write "ah jme fé chié pour rien alor" or something like that, and even then, that was mostly 15 years ago during the MySpace/MSN era. Most people tend to write correctly nowadays, with few exceptions like using a participe passé instead of an infinitif for verbs or vice-versa.
Try to write correctly if only for self-respect reasons for fuck's sake.

Shakespeare is superior to almost any French author, but get the fuck outta here with those Dickens, James, Joyce, or whatever other disgusting shit that'll end up in the gutters of history that has been namedropped in this fucking thread.

>> No.20308189

mé jne sui pa nègr. Pui sété mieu avan. Aussi Shakespeare est mieux que absolument tous les auteurs français sans exceptions. Pas almost. Aussi Joyce est mieux que votre juif homo.

>> No.20308288

still not convinced

>> No.20308544

I kneel. Great post. Thank you.

>> No.20308709

Every country is like this. Reading foreign literature is just some extra homework you can do if you really want to, but it should not be necessary for anyone to read outside of their national canon unless they live in some shithole without a culture of its own.

>> No.20309113

Because the French are the most pretentious pieces of shit on the planet. This is made doubly egregious by the fact that their culture isn't even good enough to brag about. Gerard Prunier gives a perfect explanation for this phenomenon in his history of the Rwandan Genocide.

>> No.20309195

Can’t argue with you about Dickens at least froggy. He doesn’t come up to Hugo’s knees, and the fact that some people compare a tepid work like Tale of Two Cities to Les Miserables is laughable

>> No.20309257

A Tale of Two Cities is by far his best work too, and still that weights next to any second tier French writer of the 19th century like Mérimée.

>> No.20309491

There is literally nothing wrong with this. France has a great literary tradition. Anglo-Saxons and Franks are the only people who don't need to learn foreign literature.

>> No.20309535

>One of the girls tried to hook up with me and my wife, which was flattering but raunchy and turned us both off.

What a faggot lmao

>> No.20309579

It's funny that you mentioned Voltaire, who was one of the biggest Anglophiles that France has ever given birth to. He would've been perfectly at home together with Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, and David Hume.
Also, the British Isles were the ones that gave us Captain Cook and the the steam engine, both of which were what inspired Verne's novels like Voyage Around the World in 80 Days. French culture isn't really opposed to British culture. I'd say it's complementary if anything.

>> No.20309602

>real philosophy 'continental
French and German social and literary criticism is not real philosophy. Medieval scholastic theology has more logical rigor in it which makes it worthy of the name of "philosophy" than anything written by the likes of Foucault, Deleuze, and Derrida.

>> No.20309641

The Camp of the Saints exists anon

>> No.20309646

Even though I read both A Tale of Two Cities and Les Miserables about 10 years ago, I scarcely remember anything about Les Miserables even though I more or less remember the plot of A Tale of Two Cities. I just remember LM was a really thick book and that it had a girl named Cossette (?) and a man named Jean Valjean.

>> No.20309655

Germany, Russia, Italy, and Spain also have extremely rich literary traditions that should be enough, each on their own, to provide a person with material to read for the rest of their life.

>> No.20309954

I don't see the point in learning Italian
They haven't been relevant since Dante

>> No.20309992

Where are you studying? I have a master's degree in french lit and seem to remember pretty much everyone being pretty open-minded about foreign lit.
Comparative litterature being the most popular choice, the bulk of optional courses include foreign works anyway. That being said, can you really blame a man for preferring to read the books of his own country? I can more or less read in three languages and it's great, but reading in my native tongue obviously feels different.
On a side note, I'd be very surprised if you actually met more than a single person having read the complete works of fucking Bossuet.

>> No.20310160

All I'm getting from this thread is that frogs are more based than I thought

>> No.20310350

Nah. The Dutch basically only read Anglo lit

>> No.20310550

No. The only counter culture the angloscum is french.

>> No.20311254

>No. The only counter culture the angloscum is french.
This. Vive le France!

>> No.20312668

Les populations dépendant du code de l'indigénat algérien n'ont effectivement pas été intégrées, mais il est ici question des populations n'en dépendant pas, comme Camus. Elles étaient bel et bien françaises culturellement, d'où les Pieds Noirs

>> No.20312905

I know it's hard for anglos and americans to understand but the reason you think authors like Dickens and Joyce are the end all be all of literature is because your anglo schools and universities teach you that, whereas universities from other non-english speaking countries teach their own country or language authors are more important. Use your brain a little.

>> No.20312920

Lol pied noirs hated algerians more than anyone. Westoids are fucking stupid.

>> No.20313804

Pieds noirs hating the indigènes is absolutely not contradictory with pieds noirs being culturally french and not indigènes, what is your point