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/lit/ - Literature

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20298191 No.20298191 [Reply] [Original]

The debate that divided /lit/

>> No.20298211

is the one on the right about a nigger?

>> No.20298229

The scintillating proses of The Learned Disguise never fail to absolve me from moods bizarre.

>> No.20298248

Am I alone in thinking "The Learned Disguise" is a kino title? I've never read either book.

>> No.20298296

They’re shit

>> No.20298335

It's a fine title, shame it's wasted on such a shit book. But I feel privileged to have witnessed both these literary efforts, and it makes me glad I wasn't able to self-publish my own poorly edited crap at his age.

>> No.20298355

I just found this guy on Youtube last night.

Are they really that bad?

>> No.20298400
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>> No.20298655

lol kdbooks stans are so desperate. just admit he'll never have the impact of waldun.

>> No.20298715

I aint readin that gay shit nigga I read Neem oil panini's Populist Delusion and STEFAN MOLYNEUX

>> No.20299432

underrated prose post

>> No.20299907
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>The real debate that divided /lit/

>> No.20299917

I think Card has gone off to other pastures. He was never very /lit/ to begin with.

>> No.20299921

>guy with English sounding name
>guy with Asian sounding name
Card and Gardner are also obviously the same person and extremely Jewish looking

Is this all an elaborate psyop

>> No.20299927
File: 914 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_2022-04-04-01-43-39-095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mean to alarm you but there might be a Card or Cards in the thread right now.

>> No.20299930

No bu seriously, what are your thoughts on this well of a man?

>> No.20299971

I'm mostly acquainted with his well of an anus.

>> No.20299978

What happened to the Youtube channel and the reissue of People Mover from earlier in the year?

>> No.20299986

It's weird how much /lit/ cries about young men not being published anymore while shitting uncritically on those that are.

>> No.20299991

These men you speak of are all SELF published.

>> No.20299994

Yes, so?

>> No.20299997

keep an eye on my insta, big stuff coming soon - especially with the book

>> No.20300319

That Welsh faggot is unbearable. He's how I imagine every /lit/ pseud to look.

>> No.20301070

>I'm not Jewish! I swear!

>> No.20301075

He is forgotten

>> No.20301090

Hey dumb faggot. Explain why you keep deleting the videos you upload. Are you that embarrassed by your retardation?

>> No.20301203

Waldun gave up on being a writer and became a Warhol ripoff instead, all because of those reviews

>> No.20301606

>became a Warhol ripoff instead
He's already given up on that and has come full circle. He's now back to giving education advice and blogging about how to be "smart and cultured". This is the phase Waldun was at before becoming a writer. He'll be announcing a new writing project within a year not by the end of 2022.

>> No.20301619

Card gave up becoming a writer to become a ... political stunt guy?

>> No.20301632

Gardner > Card > Ma >>>> Waldun

>> No.20301651
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Ma > Card >>>> Waldun >>>> dogshit >>> Gardner >>> [powergap] >>> Kaur

>> No.20301705

I wish I had the shamelessness to shill my own book on 4chan to the extent Waldun shills his

>> No.20301710
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>> No.20301838
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They are all has-beens /lit/ is a Woolston board now

>> No.20301848
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This is Woolston's board now

>> No.20301898
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Hey, 'ston.
Can you please stop anon-samefagging, and while you're at it, stop emailing me to give ya Goodreads upvotes.

-JDC and co.

>> No.20302522

Do you lurk /lit/ or did you search your name? I see you on /fa/ every odd time I decide to tour it--sometimes specifically wondering if I'll catch you.

>> No.20302810

Sir..., you... you write, like Thoreau sir,!

>> No.20303451

Answer the question you dysgenic goblin. Why are you deleting your videos? Are you that embarrassed by your retardation?

>> No.20303497
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Zulu Alitspa loves you all so very much

>> No.20303671

i have same phenotype but not fat

>> No.20303856
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I browse /lit/, /tv/ /ck/, and sometimes /lgbt/ - and I've also shown my gf stuff on those boards when it's stuff they'll enjoy.
Used to browse /mu/ before the massive post-2017 downturn and /v/ when I played PC games during high-school.
I troll and/or angle for attention on /fa/, /pol/, /x/.
And I usually buy people stuff in /b/ Steam Sale threads around xmas.

>> No.20303873

>my gf
tranny fucker. you're fucking disgusting

>> No.20303884

You look like the trollface guy shouting I HATE THE ANTICHRIST

Therefore I kneel

>> No.20303890
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They're a open and confident afab enbie and you're just jealous I get they/them pussy and you don't


>> No.20303920

They all look like they're one bad epiphany away from transitioning. Which makes sense.
I really wish /lit/ had better taste. I know the rest are lolcows, but there are people on this board who legitimately think trash like Gardner's (a reminder, you Jewish fuck, to actually profundize your thought on the pop culture you write of) is good, and the thought alone is very worrying.

>> No.20303936

Still deleting your videos? Care to explain why they embarrass you?

>> No.20303978
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no idea ("no-eye-deer", gettit?) what you're talking about.

>They all look like they're one bad epiphany away from transitioning.
eh. honestly think you're overstating how fembrained that quartet of us looks. - although I am admittedly bi.
That being said, the whole softboi uWu sensitive thing does absolutely do the numbers with crowds of progressive artsy 19 - 25 year old chicks at any folk/punk/indie gig in any major city. something to keep in mind

>> No.20305263

You've uploaded two trailers for Interpellation and then deleted both of them

>> No.20305313

He also uploaded Episode 1 and deleted that too.

>> No.20305993

not true.
here's a link, etc.

>> No.20306020
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>> No.20306137
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not deleted tho.

>> No.20306219

Yes. You're obviously ashamed of it. Otherwise it would be publicly listed.

>> No.20307321

>posting frogs