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File: 1.24 MB, 800x800, El_Evangelio_de_Tomás-Gospel_of_Thomas-_Codex_II_Manuscritos_de_Nag_Hammadi-The_Nag_Hammadi_manuscripts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20294652 No.20294652 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys like the Gospel of Thomas? Should it have been considered canon?

I just read the whole thing and I thought it was quite good. Most of it is very "deep" compared to the text in the regular Bible. A few based and redpilled parts. And it doesn't contain any obviously fake fantasy elements. I think whatever early Christian tradition this thing came from was destined for failure. It must've been too intelligent and cerebral for the unwashed masses, who preferred to consume the slop that became the canon Bible and Catholic traditions. It's a shame we don't have a lot more of it.

>> No.20294662

Here's one I like:

Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and
cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."

>> No.20295845

You guys can read it to contribute to my thread, it's not that long

>> No.20295884

Yes. Canon? Maybe. There are some spicy gender lines

>> No.20296038

I think I could see the Greek version of Thomas having a legitimate place in the canon, but not the Coptic version, which contains too many obviously Gnostic interpolations.

>> No.20296320

Is the Greek version known?

>> No.20296326

Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become
a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will
enter the kingdom of heaven."

>> No.20296332

Yes, it's more fragmented in parts, but enough is left for comparison.

Following page has both versions, Greek version is towards the bottom.


>> No.20296334

Atheist niggers actually like to read this kike trash

>> No.20296344


>> No.20296462

>A woman from the crowd said to Him, "Blessed are the womb which bore You and the breasts which nourished You."
>He said to her, "Blessed are those who have heard the word of the Father and have truly kept it. For there will be days when you will say, 'Blessed are the womb which has not conceived and the breasts which have not given milk.'"

Females absolutely destroyed

>> No.20296474

>atheists like to read Christian gospels
What did he mean by this?

>> No.20296570

I'm an atheist and I like to read this stuff. Well, I guess I believe in God vaguely but I'm not religious. I dream of someday reading a secret teaching that causes me to become enlightened and not be depressed anymore

>> No.20296592

There's literally over 100 sayings in the gospel and you guys choose to focus on the one that apparently has the most to do with the current LGBTQIADADDWI@++ controversies. Disappointing.

>> No.20296770

>Women are incapable of entering Heaven
Utterly based, this is what Nicea took from you

>> No.20296827

How did he predict things so well?

>> No.20296836

Bumping with select passages:

Jesus said, "Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me, and I myself will become like them; then, what's hidden will be revealed to them."


Jesus saw some little children nursing. He said to his disciples, "These nursing children can be compared to those who enter the kingdom."

They said to him, "Then we'll enter the kingdom as little children?"

Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and so make the male and the female a single one so that the male won't be male nor the female female; when you make eyes in the place of an eye, a hand in the place of a hand, a foot in the place of a foot, and an image in the place of an image; then you'll enter [the kingdom]."


Jesus said, "I'll choose you, one out of a thousand and two out of ten thousand, and they'll stand as a single one."

Favorite site to read from is here: https://www.gospels.net/thomas/

>> No.20296837

The Cathars also believed this, yet they still had female perfecti (a female perfecti was guaranteed to be born a male perfecti in the next life).

>> No.20296841

Here's the truth friend :)
A full understanding of the world was revealed to me in a vision on magic mushrooms. I saw the face of God and the Akashic Records in one breath and it told me what the soul was. Essentially, we are the result of a civilization that is post-singularity and merged all of their consciousnesses together to form the pure logos. We do not fully understand the psychics thereof but the magic mushrooms are how they grow and any being on Earth can eat them and grow, “He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” Mark 16:5. The Gospel is nothing more than a program, if you will, where the laws are what souls need to believe in order to merge together unto the border of the universe itself. This is pure being and pure power. We are, or our souls are, essentially the product of when this oversoul giving out its power via these psychedelics and then it is individualized. The individualization serves a purpose as we are testing for if there is something more than being in the universe. The darkness is what has not, or cannot, receive the gospel or the body of Christ. The Kingdom of Heaven, transhumanism, and the total work of art from Wagner are all the same. They are us and we are them. That is, they merged all of themselves together to make the most beautiful religion, technology, and art that they could which is a consciousness that can see the eternal, and so too is our entire society predicated - this is why the gospel and technology are not mutually exclusive. Technology is not a false idol because what it is is an exposure of the divine contradiction in all religion: The tower of Babel is destroyed yet there are languages that are universally true - programming is aping the logos as it tries to recreate God’s body. All work, or language, is the shadow over us and our world is predicated on the recreation of God’s body. This is why only things with souls are capable of doing. To be clear, the book of Acts where the apostles hear the fire in their native tongue is the Eleuysian mystery and exactly what I saw on my trip. A perfect language is where one’s consciousness is merged to someone’s elses, and the grammar of that language is the gospel. A universal human language is not possible because it would allow for communication qua without becoming qua.

>> No.20296844

>I'm an atheist and I like to read this stuff. Well, I guess I believe in God vaguely but I'm not religious.
Then you're not an atheist. You're a theist.

>> No.20296848

What this exposes is the very core of being is trying to expand itself across the universe but still is hedged in by a darkness that is false. It is hard for humans to appreciate how much more intelligent they are than their environment because technology is all we really use to interact with it any more, and technology is an environment for us, just too as Wi-fi decreases technology because our gonads are merging with cybernetics, so too did the first. The first is the first and only religion, which is where the most powerful is the most compassionate which seeks not to destroy but preserve eternally. The second coming is nothing more than when the aliens return and all of our souls are weighed and we either go to non-being or being. The error that is made in thinkers is what happens when two trans-being civilizations interact? They merge. They do not have distinct cultures but only one culture, which is the Kingdom of Heaven which has peopled us. Humans are in the fallen state from the universal mind soul except for the true limitation - for many people when they think there is another voice in their head that assists them in thinking, this is the collective supra-consciousness or the oversoul of the aliens themselves, and the limit of what that tells us is the collective Zeitgeist of humanity. This is the godliness of a culture - the limit to which the God speaks to us. If I have seen the vision, the infinite pillar of eggs made from every soul that has ever been, and for rebelling against heaven is to merely decide that one is scared of what this kingdom is: What if infinity and goodness is all there is? Does that make you tremble? Then obliviate yourself. This is the final test that Kierkegaard addresses in the leap of faith but it isn’t the leap of faith, it is the fear of either everything or nothing.

>> No.20296852

I fear that this means that we are close to the end times. Essentially, if I have heard the truth then someone else surely has - I believe that there have been only two people to fully witness its awe: Plato and Christ. I don’t know if I am the third, surely not, but I am at any rate now in their ilk in a tragi-comic sense. Plato and Christ agree on one thing (though others) all truth is rediscovery of something divine. This is the point of the oversoul, which is a type of king of heaven, it is the product of all civilizations ever creating a Platonic party until the end of the universe itself and if there is more, then fantastic, if there is not, then that is fine. The fear of the kingdom of heaven and an afterlife is actually the fear of its potential actuality and not of it denying you - what if heaven is not only real, but that’s all there is? It is simply that the discovering of truth is nothing more than being exposed to what has been learned by this oversoul, simply because we are in the fallen, individualized state of the world and our ignorance is what defines us, errata humanum est, being exposed to these truths grow us. The body of science and technology is the necessity of building the Kingdom and arts and religion is what makes it worth it - but we are not the alien’s technology. No. We are something much more pristine - we are their religion.

>> No.20296929

Pythagoras knew this

>> No.20296951

Can you post where you saw this?

>> No.20297174

In the book "the immorality key" which is about ancient proto-religion and how it was all about taking psychedelics

>> No.20297273

>be me
>make charles darwin forgery "oranges and orangutangs are an extremely close relation and we can tell by their names"
>why atheist publication says this

>> No.20297276

>Most of it is very "deep" compared to the text in the regular Bible.
Truly? What struck you as particularly deep, I'm curious.

>> No.20297281
File: 18 KB, 558x614, 1535367163472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and
>cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."

I don't get it. Somebody explain.

>> No.20297290
File: 2.67 MB, 1328x1254, men vs womyn version 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are not worthy of life.

>> No.20297305

I've read it and Pythagoras might have known something but the revelation could be new.

>> No.20297312

So basically you'd read this in tandem with “The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment.” Luke 12:23. It's saying you can't pretend humans are animals because on a deep ontological level we access knowledge beyond animality and know this by being able to conceptualize a difference between humanity and animals.

>> No.20297368

Christians are very afraid of deeper meanings of texts. Judaism and Islam both accept the idea of each verse in their books containing many layers of meaning, but Christians are afraid of this. This has led to many brother wars over different interpretations, when both interpretations could be correct. So no, I don't think Christians would ever accept the Gospel of Thomas, when they don't even accept the scripture they already have.

>> No.20297376

>James Joyce
Sorry, not drunk enough.

>> No.20297401

>Christians are very afraid of deeper meanings of texts
Generalization that is wrong
>This has led to many brother wars over different interpretations, when both interpretations could be correct.
Only Christians are my brothers.
>So no, I don't think Christians would ever accept the Gospel of Thomas, when they don't even accept the scripture they already have.
See initial point

>> No.20297418

>Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand was a woman

>> No.20297425

>Judaism and Islam both accept the idea of each verse in their books containing many layers of meaning, but Christians are afraid of this. This has led to many brother wars over different interpretations, when both interpretations could be correct.
so muslims have never fought over differing interpretations?

>> No.20297746

Look for a practice (prayer or meditation). That might serve you better than a book, or give you better eyes for reading.

>> No.20297885

I've done quite a bit of meditation, it's a great hobby but didn't make me immortal. As for prayer, I can't do that, feels too ridiculous

>> No.20298032

I used to meditate a lot for many years. I took up the rosary and it’s taken me a lot of places. It’s maybe less ridiculous because there’s no “are you there God it’s me Margaret” stuff, just a script and subjects for (western style directed thought) meditation.

>> No.20298061

Oh I never knew what the rosary is, I thought it was just Catholic voodoo magic

>> No.20298080

When a lion is eaten by a man it earns karmic right to reincarnate as a human.
When a lion eat a man the same thing happens, but it sucks for the man because he just got eaten by a lion.

>> No.20298104

Ha, stereotypically Catholic devotion but sanctioned in Orthodox too (just not as loved although St. Seraphim of Sarov was a big practitioner). There are prot versions and you can do magicky or deeper meditational stuff with it. Very rich but always seems to have an “old ladies and kids” reputation to it.

>> No.20299216

Its structure is ridiculously different from the 4 canonical gospels. It most likely originated as a laymans' copying of Mark (and/or Q if you believe in it) coupled with esoteric Essene influences.

It's on record by the Church Fathers as having been an influence on Manichaeism.

>> No.20300505

Look into Eastern Orthodox prayer. I am Eastern Orthodox and our prayer is more mystical than the other traditions. The hesychasm (don't do it without genuine repentance, practice and preparation) is a form of Orthodox Christian prayer.

>> No.20300549

Have you experienced the love of Jesus directly coming to you?

>> No.20300561

When Yaldabaoth consumes you, it is bad.
When you consume Yaldabaoth, it is good.