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20281838 No.20281838 [Reply] [Original]

It's been over 10 years since the publication of The Shallows, which discussed some of the problems with internet use.

Since then, social media has given permanent brain damage to a whole generation of people. Twitter today is worse than anything we could have imagined in the 2000s - pure, concentrated outrage porn and clickbait that turns people into angry one-dimensional drones. "YouTubers" who dominate entertainment for young people are the worst possible group of people you'd want to influence a young child.

Has anyone written a modern book about the dangers of social media?

>> No.20281922

Anyone have the one where it's Breadtube instead?

>> No.20281954

OP here. I realise the pic is biased towards right wing YouTubers.

I'm guessing the left wing version would be something like Contra Points, Chapo Trap House, Red Scare, Destinity... not really familiar with BreadTube.

>> No.20281966

All those channels are breadtubers

>> No.20282013

Yes... That is what he's saying?

>> No.20282014

4chan has done more damage than those guys together

>> No.20282018

he said 'not really familiar with Breadtube' at the end

>> No.20282024

The person who made this genuinely thinks JRE is a threat to our democracy and closed their Spotify account over him. I can respect him for causing so much butthurt when all he does is just bring on people and interject with "Mmm hmm" or "Yeah.." every few minutes.

>> No.20282116

...yes? What's your point?

>> No.20282123

I was just misunderstanding you I guess

>> No.20282136

Yeah the corperate news oligarchy was so much better. The telecommunications act was great. Boomers don't have the attention spans for a postcast because their brains are blown out by fox news and cnn having 15 second sound bites.

>> No.20282143

Is that Vaush but hairier?

>> No.20282155

>bro did you see those wolves take down that caribou?
>dude they eat them ASS first
Truly a threat to western society. I miss Ted Turner and Rupurt Muurdoch carrying the military industrial complex's lies so we could start 7 fucking wars. God if only the billionares had MORE power.

You should kill yourself OP.

>> No.20282188

4chan is anonymous at least and allows for free expression of idiotic ideas where no single poster has priority in shitposting

>> No.20282193

>rogan triggered all the swj snowflakes! based!
>gets this angry over a picture portraying his surrogate father in a negative light

>> No.20282200

Sjw is blasè. What is this 2016?

>> No.20282202

I've watched like, 5 clips of JRE on YouTube, relax.

>> No.20282226

Hasan's doing more damage than all these dudes combined

>> No.20282238

Hasan is an industry plant as well. I think only Ben Shapiro could stake that claim with these guys.

>> No.20282243

Is he really? He seems to be more of a punching bag for every other streamer in existence.

>> No.20282255

He has subverted young people who should be democratic socialists into just following the corperate democrats talking points. Especially over the intellectual property scandal on the vaccines.

>> No.20282351
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Ecco by Lena Lindgren is the best book on social media ive read

>> No.20282366

echo: an essay on algorithms and desire

>> No.20282803

The Amazing Atheist

>> No.20282835

Dumb graph, but they're pretty right about Leafy ngl. Though I have no idea how he could be considered "right wing," when the dude was just a cryptotard shitposter that bullied people.

>> No.20282849

>the dangers of social media
still better than tv

>> No.20282886

>4chan has done more damage than those guys together
seen my first decapitation on 4chan, also there was a /r/gore in reddit, pretty fucked up shit going on there

>> No.20282891

That's just showing people what the real world is like. Most westerners have never even seen a dead person.

>> No.20282903

bros this isn't even translated into english
what's it about?

>> No.20282921

I only recognize pew, the jew and the podcast man.

>> No.20282940

the title implies modern algorithms are the ultimate weapon at delivering what people really want, and that's why the internet is what it is. there's no rationality, no gatekeeping, it's just what the man desires, man gets

>> No.20282944
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I know all of them but watch none of them. Stat me /tg/

>> No.20282958

Young men dont watch breadtube
>t. Young man

>> No.20282984

troons are still men

>> No.20283002
File: 619 KB, 200x225, 035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I hate that autist on the top left so much, he has such a grating voice to me. I wouldn't care if he just stuck to gotcha journalism or whatever but the fact that he's using Babylon as his aesthetic makes me seethe pretty hard.
>Want to listen to the Epic of Gilgamesh on a run one morning
>Open a vid
>It's this twat on a second account with a shitty "Reading"
Morning ruined desu

>> No.20283074

Where does Nick Fuentes fit on this?

>> No.20283148

Leafy said Jews were responsible for his downfall on Twitter

>> No.20283152


The problems of social media mainly revolve around it's use for conformity and exclusion, it's use for predatory gossip, and the problem of shitty user generated content that normies force upon everyone

>> No.20283155

Who's the kid in the bottom left?

>> No.20283163

Leafy I think

>> No.20283164

>Amazing atheist, joe rogan, sargon of akkad
>Right wing
The fuck you talking about?

>> No.20283166

leafy, a faggot

>> No.20283168

4chan has actually been a positive impact in my life by bullying me into self improvement and knocking me down every time I say something retarded. /lit/ in particular has recommended me books that have had a shaped my view in a healthier direction towards life. Sure it’s full of insane broken psychos but the average four chan sperg seems some how more authentically human and genuine than anyone you would find on Reddit or Twitter. The redditor may make an effort to look wholesome 100 chungus but in my experience they are way more psychologically disgusting.

>> No.20283184

Kek yeah Sargon is pretty annoying.

>> No.20283185
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As bad as these guys are how many people do you think were convinced to cut their cock off by people like contrapoints.

>> No.20283189

Not nearly as many as you imagine

>> No.20283204

Sounds like an algorithmic twist on Ellul's technique

>> No.20283222

do urbanites really?

>> No.20283224

"Right wing" really just means "white guy said something that makes me uncomfortable" or "not enthusiastic enough about trans-rights".

>> No.20283226

Amazing athiest is fine

>> No.20283232

Suffering builds character.

>> No.20283236

I used to go on /fit/ and still work out. Used to know on /fa/ and my wife asks me to coordinate her outfits. Used to go on /mu/, avoid music hipsters who don't know any music history or theory but base their personalities around music consumption. Used to go on /ck/, watched all of A Taste of History and don't buy storebought bread or pizza now, know how to smoke meat texas style with lump charcoal. Used to go on /k/, own seven guns. Used to go on /g/, know basic programming and how to run music off a home server. My parents were basically unpleasable so negativity fuels me.

>> No.20283368

Not even close.

The absurdity that comes from refreshing an anonymous image board to see if there are any acknowledgements to your post, any applause or laughs, hits pretty hard, and quickly demonstrates the shallowness of internet clout, how it is just a drug addiction

Login forums don't allow for this intellectual space. The constant affirmation, and complete history of posts and likes and so on, creates an almost inescapable cycle of dopamine and adrenalin addiction

That is why the most fucked up people post here 24/7 4lyf, because they are trying to own something intangible, any their failure just fuels their hate which justifies their spiralling descent into excommunication, making it harder for the misanthropes to express themselves without being shoved into the same degenerate swill

>> No.20283369

PewDiePie is the best possible influence on a child/teen.

>> No.20283377

Yeah I love PewDiePie

>> No.20283485

Is the fact that i have watched all of these at some point why im so autistic?

>> No.20283491

I still don't think that makes someone right wing. Just edgy and a little tarded.

>> No.20283496

This. But unironicaly

>> No.20283745
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>> No.20283963

>I'm unable to manipulate young men into being useful for me
>These podcasters have ruined a generation of young men.

>> No.20284181


>> No.20284201

It's the shitty retarded tranny parents. Stop blaming everyone else.

>> No.20284757

Fit in some left wingers like Hassanabi and its fine

>> No.20284911


Read Philip Agre's papers. He saw all this coming from the 80's. Like Teddy, he ditched being a part of society as well.

>> No.20284912


Destiny is a liberal. He has severe PTSD from his lefty arcs.

>> No.20284944

What's fucked up about it. We all die. Some in more gruesome ways. No reason to bury your head in the sand.
Learn to eat shit first then all will taste sugar.

>> No.20284998

>the real world
That's not "the real world" unless you're Brazilian. Civilized people haven't really experienced this sort of thing outside of war for centuries now.

>> No.20285057

>Twitter today is worse than anything we could have imagined in the 2000s

I remember visiting Twitter for the first time around 2007. At the time it was a big deal that someone as famous as Stephen Fry was on there, tweeting the mundane details of his day. That seemed to be a common thing at the time; I remember a lot of posts where people just mentioned what they had for lunch. No indication it'd become one of the worst places on the internet.

>> No.20285212

That picture needs Jordan Peterson, Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins.

>> No.20285222

Was pretty good for the internet, youtube was actually fun, facebook hadn't taken off just yet, and every anime website spammed lolicon like it was candy. Now you're pedo. I miss the old edgy 00s internet, where everyone was racist.

Zoomers will never know the thrill of pretending to be black and having race wars in youtube comment section.

>> No.20285235

Breadtube have a pretty limited reach. Same with the overtly political people in the OP. You all forget rogan and pewdiepie are the only remotely relevant talking heads. Leafy, bananaman and sargon are dead. Shapiro gets only 1m views per month (not a lot in the grand scheme of things)

>> No.20285260


All the other influencers are vain, stupid, fake or just straight up pedophiles/degenerates that get exposed sooner or later

Curent day Pewdiepie is successful, honest with himself, deals well with drama and doesn't let others bring him down, and has a healthy relationship with his wife (with "influencers" that's very rare)

>> No.20285261

I miss the edgy 2000's in general. I was hanging out with a buddy the other day who had The Hangover on in background, and our other friend's zoomer gf looked horrified when the "Paging Dr. Faggot" scene was on. Going back to the internet, a lot of Smosh comedy from the late 2000's would be considered sexist or transiphobic today. Now the only YouTuber I know who makes content that's compatable is Ryan Long, and his audience is overwhelmingly boo.er conservatives as opposed to young edgelords. It's genuinely baffling to me how puritan progressives gained so much political capital in a decade when almost no one likes them.

>> No.20285292

t. fell for the "i'm not right wing dude, i'm actually very liberal" meme

>> No.20285295
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>bullying me into self improvement and knocking me down every time I say something retarded
Exactly. On Reddit you get downvoted and someone will post some dumb fucking comment refusing to actually engage with anything you say.

>> No.20285300

The last sentence seems to contradict the rest of the post?

>> No.20285307

Smosh is what got me addicted to youtube lmao. Them and the atheist debates (CapnOAwesome, The Amazin Atheist etc)

>> No.20285316

pass me the benzo

>> No.20285369

What I don't get is how did "folks" and "y'all" went from being good-ole-boy lingo to being signs of the Twitter hivemind. Was it cultural appropriation?

>> No.20285390

Redditors, being masters of cringe and dad-tier humor, basically made it their gimmick to take phrases far outside of their vernacular, and use them in a self-deprecating way, as if to say "I know I am not cool but I'm going to use this cool phrase on purpose to make everyone feel awkward, and that in turn will make me seem endearing and thus will be accepted by others", like that one loser at every family BBQ saying "Word" and "Senpai" with a smirk on his face.

>> No.20285397

Caleb maupin wrote a book about these grifters

>> No.20285401

>"Word" and "Senpai" with a smirk on his face.
Okay the wordfilter got me there lmao.

>> No.20285408


I can't avoid thinking of this whenever Sargon is mentioned.


>> No.20285589

Is it any good? He just seems like a grifter from a competing group to me.

>> No.20285606

Into the Shallows by Carr
Human, Forever by Poulos
You Are not a Gadget by Lanier
Into the Swarm by Byung-Chul Han

>> No.20285608

Also Jonathan Haidt has turned this are into his speciality but he's just highly intelligent and not a genius. Chul-Han is the closest we have to a genius taking it on but otherwise you'll just need highly intelligent people for now.

>> No.20285648

Haidt was one of my favourite authors a few years ago but he's an embarrassment now. He went from doing real social research into political reasoning, to being just another conservative commentator bitching about wokeism and other American culture war shit. I think his influences in Silicon Valley have not done him well.

>> No.20285654

can you tl;dr his views on mental health and adhd? not really interested in another boring take on why mental health is a capitalist plight without offering any solutions

>> No.20285674

Return to monkey.

>> No.20285806

They want to seem down to Earth

>> No.20285808

>antifeminist basement dweller
>literally the host of the largest platform for right wing thinkers on the internet
>guy who ran for parliament as a member of the most right wing mainstream party in the UK

>> No.20286023
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, happy times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.20286045

You could just read Burnout Society. It's not that long.

>> No.20286060

you get one free punch to anyone sitting at that table
who do you choose?

>> No.20286088

Yeah I mean he's not a Christian so at some point he'll fall off the true path but he's made valuable contributions to understanding it.
This it's 70 pages
TL;DR is that our society is all about adding more instead of doing less. So if you're depressed then you do something like meditate versus stop working so much and it leads to Burnout. It's a great thesis and he spells it out with lovely German philosophers.

>> No.20286094

Shapiro or the atheist fag to the right (forget his name)

>> No.20286139

Why Peterson always look like he is larping?

>> No.20286600
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i'd fuck joe rogan up

>> No.20286840

You’re evil for making me only chose one anon. Either Shapiro, Peterson, or Sam Harris. Joe Rogan is like punching a 4 year old, and the other two are literal whos.

>> No.20286855

Dave Rubin. I'm a right winger and the mainstream conservative crowd supporting his purchasing a baby from a pregnant woman so he and his 'partner' can larp as a family proved once and for all to me that there is no popular right wing movement in the United States.

>> No.20286868

>you used youtube in 2013-2015

>> No.20287562

Isn't the Amazing atheist kind of part of breadtube though. Though the guy was basically just in support of all kinds of degeneracy

>> No.20287607

he was a libertarian now he's an ancom

>> No.20287634

pewdiepie. I'd imagine he would be a good sport about it. Seems like a cool guy nowadays. The only context I have of him since 2013 is that one video where he shaved his ass for hair to put in papa franku's cake.

>> No.20287639

I actually do this for a lot of things to be honest and so far it has worked.

>> No.20287688

>knocking me down every time I say something retarded
>/lit/ in particular h
pick one

>> No.20287705

i used to do this when I was in middleschool and you retards all together could come up with things I couldn't

>> No.20288195

which one of those people do you think pewdiepie is lmao?

>> No.20288657
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>> No.20288948

All but one of these men did I watch regularly at one or another point in my adolescence.

>> No.20288971

I watched 3 of them, I moved on, I think pewdiepie is the least harmful one.

>> No.20288982

Peterson looks like he is having a PTSD flash back in every photo.

>> No.20289910

wtf I can't even believe that post is real.

>> No.20290396

I like Sargon and I'm tired of pretending I don't. IDGAF what anybody thinks, I like the guy.

>> No.20290399

Yeah I found his reading when I was looking up Pericles Funeral Oration and found it pretty shit. Kek

>> No.20290404

As much as I dislike people in this pic, none of them ruined a generation of teenage boys by turning them into women

>> No.20290435

Who did then? Contra?

>> No.20290551

Shapiro or Rubin. No idea who the guy is next to Peterson though.

>> No.20290716
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>> No.20290789

Eric Weinstein. Harvard mathematics PhD turned quantum mechanics crank who whines on twitter about the left.

>> No.20291405

Joseph Proudhon said that Jews should be removed from France or be exterminated, that they should be barred from employment and that their synagogues should be burnt to the ground. Was he right-wing?

>> No.20292904

I'm going to test this. What's the best way to read Plato and actually find it interesting? Every time I read him it just doesn't seem that profound to me.

>what is justice???
>"It's when everyone gets what they deserve!"
>wow Plato is a GENIUS!

>> No.20292917


>> No.20292926

Of course the school, government, and media system is doing incredible irreparable damage but everyone is a fucking fish in water so they think anyone who says anything slightly unorthodox is the real propaganda threat

>> No.20292945

>What's the best way to read Plato
To understand that his ideas were dumb. But by speaking his dumb ideas, smarter people rebutted them and proposed better ones. You can contribute to a conversation by getting the ball rolling
>actually find it interesting?
I'm only human, Anon

>> No.20292964

>One of his secondary side project of reciting the Epic of Gilgamesh has over 1million views and will be more impactful than anything you will ever do in your lifetime
I love how he makes people seethe

>> No.20292976

opinion discarded

>> No.20292982


>> No.20293079
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At least post the real version

>> No.20293109

The internet went to shit c. 2013 when smartphones enabled women and third-worlders to use it en masse

>> No.20293502

Amazing athiest is full blown tranny loving establishment cuck now.

>> No.20293541


>> No.20294753

The Bible.

>> No.20296509

Oh man that is a name I forgot for quite some time. I remember him and Amazing Atheist racing for 10k subscriber number.
I really miss 2006-2009 youtube. The video responses the amateur vloggers. It is really hard to find people debating back and forth or sharing their opinions on anything without being totally corporate or sponsored about it.
you could find general libertarian schizos or leftist schizos back then, now every leftist is a streamer with sponsorships, ever libertarian gets funding from obscure thinktanks and have a very slick presentation. I miss cropperb regardless of how much of an annoying cunt he was.. or lorax2013.

>> No.20296593
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Yeah the CapnOAwesome drama with his girlfriend, the revenge porn vid, the guy that cheated on him... one of the first internet dramas I got emotionally invested in.
I think the appeal of 2006-2009 YouTube was that the community consisted of a bunch of nerds that had found this website where you could upload videos, and decided that they'd turn into a turn-based game where each move was a video of yourself arguing against someone else. There were also comedy videos which were made for the sole purpose of making people laugh.
Nobody ever did anything for views or subscribers or as you described for sponsors. It was actually a form of socialising for most of the regulars, since I'm pretty sure most of us had no friends and this was a proxy for being part of a community.

>> No.20296612

you guys remember this


>> No.20296625

Why do they call it bread tube?

>> No.20296739

All three of them describe themselves as libertarians, which whether you like it or not puts them on the right wing of the spectrum.

>> No.20296748

Mental illness, as expected from someone who is 'agender'.

>> No.20296799

people only care about money, a prime exampe is h3h3. he is not right wing or left wing, he just does what is popular to make money

>> No.20296957

Reddit, Twitter, Liberals in general

>> No.20296972

Replace those pics with MSM logos, capeshit franchises, and porn site logos and it'd be more accurate.

>> No.20296998

i must say i thankfully went to 4chan first when i was 20 years old, already when i had a independent mind of my own,

>> No.20297936

she relates modern social media culture to the myth of echo and narcissus. really good book, i hope it will be translated soon

>> No.20297952

Wasnt the amazing atheist well before the other guys?

>> No.20298034

TJ has always been a lefty

>> No.20298058

Do you mean passé? you're really not using that word correctly.

>> No.20298718

And that big fat faggot with the thing on his ear

>> No.20298816

Are people still using "classical liberal" to avoid saying they're a right-wing libertarian? For a while there it was the phrase used by people who wanted to seem above the fray (when in fact they were balls-deep in the culture war).

>> No.20298968

the amazing atheist became a wannabe breadtuber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw6u0C6vTr4

>> No.20298999

>Has anyone written a modern book about the dangers of social media?
The Harry Potter series is a big one. Also the Hunger Games books sticks out too. It literally started the annoying shtick about a adolescent group that rebels against a futuristic totalitarian society where the lead is a female protagonist inside of a love triangle between two orbiting teenage boys that only serve to be in love with the protagonist while not make significant contributions in advancing the rebellion's efforts.

>> No.20299004

Poster too this here. Sorry, I am retarded. I misread the post. I thought you were talking about books that have made as much damage to people as social media.

>> No.20299211


I rekommend you Le Reddit by Doxtorightskii. It's a great book for le generation. Keeping using that word, brother, keeping using it

>> No.20299327

The whole idea of a culture war is absurd. As if it will affect how people actually conduct themselves in their personal life. Ridiculous.

>> No.20299982

what the absolute fuck is this post?

>> No.20299998

this. twitch and youtube generated an army of midwits on both sides

>> No.20300104

Yeah, he is just a generic radlib but for the terminally online (+ twitch) generation. If you look at his Twitch chat it is genuinely so sad hahaha, his fans think they will form the vanguard of some revolutionary leftist movement when in fact they have just been subverted to generic, radlib points. Borders aren't real, white people bad, now dude lets react to this youtube video!

>> No.20300114

Y'all went from a word used in the dialect of the South (very bad and rasis place) to something used by cosmopolitan liberals who who have set foot outside their shithole city

>> No.20300117

Average terminally online retard

>> No.20300123

The military industrial complex is based, and is the necessary to the function of any superpower with close to world hegemony. The Chinese are next to use it

>> No.20300132

I don't know, but it all feeds into the greater narrative that has been (and is still currently) social engineering a large proportion of the up and coming generations.

Think of the 'millennial' generation, the worst they'd do would be cut their wrists when larping as an emo. Look at this generation.... well it needs no further explanation really

>> No.20300135

lmao no does anybody actually believe this?

>> No.20300288

>Joseph Proudhon said that Jews should be removed from France or be exterminated, that they should be barred from employment and that their synagogues should be burnt to the ground. Was he right-wing?
No, but he was right.

>> No.20301453

>As if it will affect how people actually conduct themselves in their personal
it does tho

>> No.20301483

i assume because of kropotkin but those people are all retarded so who knows

>> No.20301522

You say that like it makes it better
Though honestly I would take 4chan any day
Anyone know any good books about social media platforms, not necessarily their dangers, but how the different site designs lead to different cultures? Inclusion of the effect of the phone on platforms as a whole, and how we got here from Myspace, gets bonus points.
My hunch is, people aren't themselves one dimensional, it's just there is not proper discussion going on.

>> No.20301541

Did you even read the post, or just the image?

>> No.20301544

>liberals aren't left

>> No.20301558

>how the different site designs lead to different cultures
180 char limit = simplistic, divisive opinions preferred

>> No.20301596

Counterpoint: many people on 4chan are miserable and criticism often falls on the side of being overly negative, rather than objective.

>> No.20301625

He was too based an anarchist foe this world.

>> No.20301639

Joe Rogan is Green party if anything at all.

>> No.20301654

Yes yes, serve the corperation above all.

>> No.20301768

>banana ass man
>right wing

>> No.20301779

the average 2014-2017 era immigrant that makes up the core userbase of this website right now comes straight from the fanbases of late 00's/early 10's youtube faggots like those

>> No.20301808

Criticism should be negative. Also, redditors just dress up criticism in "polite" language or downright mislead you into thinking there's nothing to criticise.

>> No.20301846

Ruined? They've (apart from banana man) kept alive common sense and goodness in the youth. If it weren't for them then the whole generation would be rabid Red Guards who worship Marx and Black Trans Women. A large part of the youth do that, but a good part don't, thanks to these good influencers. They gave the most coolheaded, milktoast liberal-conservative takes, and even that is enough to the leftists, who thought themselves unhindered in the indoctrination of the youth, into a blind seething rage about the "alt right pipeline".

>> No.20301855

this is your brain on social media
thanks for proving op's point

>> No.20301856

Again, I disagree.
1. i'm not talking about reddit. Just 4chan.
2. Like I said, I think critisism on 4chan leans toward the excessively negative on a scale of too cynical/objective/too happy go lucky.
I submit that this is partially backed up by the fact that so many people here just straight out post about how miserable they are. Combine that with the temptation to let out frustration on an *anonymous board*, the thrill of being a jerk that some people feel, etc.

>> No.20301884

I once got my gf to ask for advice in /fa/ and she literally cried when she read the responses. She had no idea that 4chan was a website where people were brutally honest to the point of being purposely nasty. If you know this though you can take it into account when posting here and realise that you're talking to a group of very angry people out to insult you, and just take what's useful and ignore the rest.

>> No.20301896

>brutally honest to the point of being purposely nasty
two different things
which is my point

>> No.20301905

talmudic jews

genderpedoshit is from the talmud

>> No.20301917

you know, when every single thing is blamed on the jews it starts to sound like the boy who cried jew

>> No.20301988


>> No.20302054

I used to think this to until I started checking the names.

>> No.20302074

I just had a converstion here the other day where a guy claimed america had slaves because of the jews. I pointed out that the people buying slaves from these jews and others were 99 percent white, and he just stopped responding.

Point being, you can blame the jews for everything, but you're leaving out a lot of blame, an often the majority of it.

>> No.20302127

I take it you haven't seen what actually gets taught in American public schools now, they would unironically be better off listening to Sargon or Pewdiepie

>> No.20302169

this but unironically, these people only exist because our education system is so fucking dogshit, I'm in collage right now and I'd say half the people in my class are more clueless about these things than them

>> No.20302210

Treat Plato as literature. Socrates is a character.

>> No.20302227

I think he's arguing that it's a worse drug but harder to get addicted to? That's how I read the analogy. It's like if cigarettes had an aftertaste of piss, you would realize how retarded it was to smoke. But then you'd know that the people who continue to smoke anyway were truly broken individuals.