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20289341 No.20289341 [Reply] [Original]

what am I in for?

>> No.20289395


>> No.20289428

"The fourth political theory can't be Liberalism, Communism, or Fascism. Left vs Right thinking is a trap that only serves to strengthen the position of Western Universalist/Liberal Hegemony, instead we should begin to conceive politics on Fringe vs Center axis, at least in the short term for strategic expediency. No I don't know what the Fourth theory will actually be, only want it can't be, please stop asking me what the Fourth theory is because the Fourth Theory can only begin the be articulated positively after the breaking of American/Western global unipolarity in favour of a multipolar world so please please please stop asking about it."

It's this repeated over and over, and never in more depth than that.

>> No.20289469


>> No.20289510

counter initiation

>> No.20289519

the death rattle of the russian

>> No.20289543

A book

>> No.20289554

>Left vs Right thinking is a trap that only serves to strengthen the position of Western Universalist/Libera
Well I agree. It’s already a thing and it can be arrived at anytime you put a people into a room to make decisions for themselves. Stirner, Tolkien, Lasch, Öcalan, the IWW. Tolstoy, Kaczynski, Graeber.

>> No.20289589

It's basically just the third position, except afraid to be associated with fascism or national socialism, so call it fourth instead

>> No.20289610

Dugin is too much of a coward to actually advocate for anything tangible. His fourth political theory is just vague anti Americanism, and pro multiculturalism (calling it "eurasianism" In a pathetic attempt to bring about a intelectuall veneer to the pursuit of the geopolitical intrests of the Russian state.

>> No.20289731

It’s the most pants-on-head, mercurial, unsustainable bullshit way of life

>> No.20289740
File: 696 KB, 1080x1367, Screenshot_20220404-184538_ReadEra Premium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a false trichotomy. Hitler acknowledged that there were phases to what was happening. Eventually, the Totalitarian element would give way to the True Socialism.

>> No.20289745
File: 1.28 MB, 2048x2560, Endstate-Hitler-Economics-474839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20289768

>First a hundred years of murderous imperialism!
>Then we’ll let socialists have a crack at — oh we killed them all a hundred years ago
Bakunin. Bakunin was always right.

>> No.20289773

>t. doesn't understand fascism
If anything, it should be self evident that what you said is more applicable to liberalism and communism than fascism. Fascism had to be destroyed through military action, while liberal and communist regimes are retarded enough to collapse under their own weight.

>> No.20289790

Liberalism is a slower burn, more based on deception. We see the mask slipping off now.
“Communism” was not practiced by the Leninist state
Again, Bakunin was right

>> No.20289796 [DELETED] 
File: 310 KB, 1360x1191, follow.your.leader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrdurr if germany had won the war it was for sure gonna last for 1000 guys!!!!

>> No.20289800

I read about half and couldn't get into it. Perhaps because I lack info about Heidegger. It had a few good insights but wasn't as logical and careful as my philosophical tasted prefer.

>> No.20289805

I give zero fucks about the cope of some retarded communist faggot. In practice, communism always turns into a state capitalist oligarchy. Your theories don't hold up to reality, fascist theories do. The Germans and Italians were the only revolutionaries in the past 200 years to actually create the societies that they advocated for during the revolutionary phase.

>> No.20289847

There has never existed for more than a couple of years a fascist state. It’s simply liberalism in crisis mode.
Bakunin didn’t found the Leninist state and see it fall to “state capitalist oligarchy”. Your zero fucks are a cope.

>> No.20289851
File: 3.48 MB, 2048x2340, Poland-Hitler-Sosnkowski-Rydz-Smigly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are historically illiterate. Poland was not Imperialism.

>> No.20289862
File: 1.88 MB, 2048x1277, PolandWW2Hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20289866

>He thought his info graph was going to refute something I said
Stop bring pol tardation in here.

>> No.20289869

>It’s simply liberalism in crisis mode.
Most braindead communist critic of fascism that has ever existed. Your idol doesn't determine how history actually went "True communism" as you envision it will never actually exist, because your ideology and worldview is fundamentally flawed. Fascism actually has existed, and I wouldn't call 23 years "a couple of years"

>> No.20289871

This is a lie

>> No.20289872

You are a deaf dumb and blind fool. Shut up now.

>> No.20289874
File: 61 KB, 678x678, 1551621030846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, why do commies who larp as intellectuals always eventually resort to childish name calling?

>> No.20289879

I think there are some revelations to be had in Dugin if you are trapped in western unipolar thinking, but the book doesn't give that many concrete ideas. Dugin was heavily inspired by Traditionalism, so having a good grasp on Evola and Guenon is a good idea.

This is somewhat right.

>> No.20289884 [DELETED] 

You kikes are worthless. This is an imageboard and you brought your feelings.

>> No.20289940

Good theory ruined by russian imperialist bias. Obviously Russia won't be getting rid of teaching kids physics instead of mongolian dark astrology.

>> No.20289946

>liberalism in crisis mode
bro that one statement is enough to destroy any persuasive power you thought you might've had

>> No.20289998

>braindead communist
I was stating a fact. It was to help you out.
You resorted to name calling and strawmaning. You resort to ahistorical and close minded fallacies. Ah, Mussolini took over in ‘22, rightfully a couple of decades before it was shut down. Did my dismissal scare you? Your dismissals don’t scare me.

>He doesn’t know
Bro. You are living in a total bubble right now

>> No.20290027
File: 825 KB, 1440x1080, Bakunin-7583845783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, you are mentally ill 100%. Find Jesus.

>> No.20290038

>A fact
No, it isn't a "fact" Fascism arises when liberalism fails, but is isn't a continuation of liberalism, Communist regimes almost exclusively arise in corrupt oligarchies, and they always end up as corrupt oligarchies little different to the regimes they replace. So if anything your critique of fascism is projection as usual. Fascist Italy by the end of WW2 had 40% of it's industry nationalized, the bourgeois all preferred reactionary and conservative parties rather than scary and radical fascists. Repeating a lie for 80 years doesn't make it true.

>> No.20290048

This sounds more like Tolstoy. The picture isn’t Bakunin either. Did you k ow this though?
Bakunin didn’t believe in gods.
Find your anus

>> No.20290054

Mentally ill.