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20286717 No.20286717 [Reply] [Original]

I am thinking of coming back to posting my stories on public forums after years of not doing it.

My old handle of 7 years includes all the embarrassing shit I outgrew, the personal journal entries, bad old writing. But I am pretty attached. There's also a shit ton of content I still post under it that's related to my stories but not specifically pertaining to writing.

Knowing the online environment today, I'll probably get cancelled if I go back into public forum. I have a lot of content that will definitely get me accused of being alt right, tradcath, nationalist, and "hate women" even though I know I am not but people like being victims or self righteous these days.

For example, I know that someone somewhere is going to get triggered because I write about the bible and mention Jordan Peterson's lectures on mythology. Or someone is going to see my posts about why it's great to be a patriot and how globalization and big government destroyed rural communities in America, and someone's gonna think i am a white nationalist.

But then who knows, maybe it will bring me the right audience if they knew what I was about.

Should I just own it and take the flak, let my stories be associated with being "written by a neonazi"? I don't rely on my writing for a living. I am independently wealthy and have a non-writing career I am very happy with. It might negatively affect my chances of getting my stories published with a reputable publisher in the future, but that's about it.

>> No.20286764

Just elaborate when you say something “controversial” and distance yourself from labels

>> No.20286769

If you post stuff on your old account and somehow get bigger than 5 readers a year, you WILL get your shit cancelled and banned

>> No.20286788

start a new one who

I hope you succeed/crash and burn based on how willing you were to name (((them)))

>> No.20286798

Sounds tailor made for the grifter groomed audience

>> No.20286867

you mean JP?

>> No.20286947

You are, always were and always will remain a fucking embarassing retard

>> No.20286977

only people that matter get 'cancelled', bro. people who criticize about you are probably just pointing out that you're a dumbass. stop victimizing yourself.

>> No.20287111

>mentally retarded cartoonist thinks "america first" means supporting the british confederacy

>> No.20287200

>For example, I know that someone somewhere is going to get triggered because I write about the bible and mention Jordan Peterson's lectures on mythology. Or someone is going to see my posts about why it's great to be a patriot and how globalization and big government destroyed rural communities in America, and someone's gonna think i am a white nationalist.

Very normiecon opinions. I don't see you getting cancelled.

>> No.20287214

>Very normiecon opinions. I don't see you getting cancelled.

yeah I hope so because I got cancelled on facebook for talking about mythology and happened to reference Jordan Peterson's video. I didn't even know he had a reputation as "alt right" or was even known.

>> No.20287230

>how globalization and big government destroyed rural communities in America, and someone's gonna think i am a white nationalist

there's thousand of ways to write about that without sounding like a white nationalist. the fact that you think """someone""" is going to misinterpret it as white nationalism says a lot about the type of content you're writing.

but of course, the problem is other people, never you, right?

>> No.20287235

Which handle?

>> No.20287255

those are facebook normies who were deranged by the culture war

"alt right" hasn't had descriptive relevance in years

Nobody even remembers Peterson now. As long as you aren't a nazbol or a nazi then you should be fine

>> No.20287256


>> No.20287296

I think you're a massive faggot who should stop posting immediately. Your stories probably suck. And this is off-topic. Delete your post turdlit.

>> No.20287298

You were never right wing then..

>> No.20287359

op, your cousin replying 'omg peterson is stinky' is not "getting cancelled", sorry to break it for you

>> No.20287369

tiny faggot
you were never
your cousin. woof! sorry to break it to you

>> No.20287382

>tiny faggot
for you

>> No.20287399
File: 82 KB, 640x659, 1599192549458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought it for you though
oh well
perhaps a re-gift in the making
(please alert me to your next post so that i can make it so)

>> No.20287403

use the same old one who cares if you get canceled

>> No.20287415

Anyone going into the coming one or two decades with public proof that they said verboten things is painting a target on themselves for no reason. Shit is about to get so crazy it will make tranny SJW woke culture look like nothing. You should purge all evidence of your political and ideological affiliations.

Watch this from 2:36

>> No.20287421
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Your terms are acceptable

>> No.20287436

TSJW woke culture is dying and has been dying for the last 5 years.
Why do you think its gonna suddenly see a Renaissance?

>> No.20287451

'cause they're losing their proxy war and have no choice but to double down? just spitballin' here

>> No.20287490

Nah I feel like the extremists are losing and we're going back to the centrism of the obamna years

>> No.20287501

Because it's about to become the official ideology of the deep state's external sockpuppet institutions to justify ruling over a "multiracial state" (anarcho-tyranny with no homogeneity and no effective community organizing or autonomy allowed)

Intellectually vibrant communism was a dead letter in Russia by the 1930s, which is exactly when it became the official state religion of the totalitarian Stalinist nightmare

>> No.20287527
File: 127 KB, 595x627, cbaa9652a0b964c37d522449d22aa887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger please get a life

>> No.20287576

Trump was just a cuck of Jews.

>> No.20288223

take your meds

>> No.20288233

why are you posting this here? fuck off faggot

>> No.20288291

never what? finish the sentence

>> No.20288572

This nigger >>20287527
should finish the what?
Jews of cuck was just a trump.
Thank you

>> No.20289952

>should I continue using my old handle with some right-wing shit on it?

Of course not. You might see yourself as separate from the culture war, but anyone seeing that stuff is either going to instantly regard you as yet another chud (instant block) or assume you want to join their Klan larp.

>> No.20290984 [DELETED] 


>> No.20291084

yes, own up to it and let it rip