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[ERROR] No.2028507 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, /mu/ here.

The Decemberists have a new video inspired by the Eschaton scene from Infinite Jest. Thought you might like to see it.


>> No.2028526

I sure with I didn't hate the Decemberists. I might actually want to see this video.

>> No.2028528



>> No.2028564

I like Infinite Jest, I don't like the Decemberists, and I hate that this video will appeal to the subculture often to be found in Williamsburg and the rest of this thread will be about aforementioned subculture.

>> No.2028563

Watch it with the sound off, the music adds nothing.

It's an OK recreation.

>> No.2028578


Hold up, bro. I got you.


>> No.2028591

Watch it without the sound. The song is awful. The video is amusing and how I imagined Eschaton.

>> No.2028610

Nice video.

I'm gonna join in the anguish that it's The Decemberists that have done this and not, y'know... A good band.

>> No.2028630

People don' like the Decemberists? They're nothing special (and the song in the video isn't too good) but they have a few decent pieces. That said, the video is really well done.

>> No.2028698

the video is awful. it completely misses the point of the eschaton in the novel. the video is like: some tennis kids play a game about the end of the world, then beat each other up. the video misses everything but the "lord of the flies" aspect of the scene.

the scene in the book had that giant footnote before it (HALSADICK), and pemulis' commentary. it had the history of the game to set it up. it had the context of the novel.

the video is a nice representation of the plot of that chapter. but WHO THE FUCK READ INFINITE JEST FOR PLOT?

>> No.2028710

Could Colin Melloy be any more obvious with the pop intellectual lit? It's almost as bad as naming your band Walden.

>> No.2028718

Alright, so I'm a fan of both Infinite Jest and The Decemberists. But seriously now:
>obscure references to David Foster Wallace's magnum opus
>acting out a scene exactly as it is described in a bestselling, critically acclaimed book
>obscure references

>> No.2028719


are you guys joking

>> No.2028733

it might be bestselling doesn't mean the general populace knows what the fuck an infinite jest is

ain't obscure in literary world

but no one reads anyway

>> No.2028744
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I liked this better.

>> No.2028750

I like The Decemberists...

>> No.2028754


i mean

i like them too i listen to them sometimes


you gotta acknowledge that they're terrible

>> No.2028756
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>> No.2028758

the video adds nothing whatsoever to anything. there is no clue in the video to why the girl gets hit with a tennis ball, or why this causes such chaos in the game. without that it is basically just a bunch of kids deciding to beat each other up for no reason while playing a tennis game. Colin shouldn't have been Pemulis at least. what was meant to be an angry and passionate rant (which, in the video, has no particular reasoning behind it, unless he just doesn't like girls getting hit by tennis balls) kinda loses it's impact when he's lip-syncing to "ahoooooooooo" over the top of it. As a method of broadcasting to the world that Colin Meloy has read Infinite Jest this video is very effective but as an actual interesting thing to watch it's not so great.

>> No.2028763

That precious little article makes it sound like it took scads of effort to get some kids to hit a few tennis balls around and then pretend to fight. Honestly the video itself was really underwhelming in light of how DIFFICULT and COMPLEX they made it sound.

All Decemberists songs sound the same and make me feel vaguely ill/ashamed.

>> No.2028766

I liked the little touches (Yachting cap, Pink wig, white ball bucket, C://windows/pink2 etc.) But recreating something like the eschaton match is a bit too much to ask from a music video. But it does recreate the match events pretty well.

Some snow would have been nice.

>> No.2028777

don't worry i like them too

>> No.2028781

This thread reminded me, someone made a version of Infinite Jest V


Let's just say I didn't become comatose from delight.

>> No.2028814

this this this this this

>> No.2028849


That was the most pretentious shit I have ever seen...

>> No.2028856

i could not finish it

>> No.2028861
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>> No.2029049
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>> No.2029089

>The Decemberists have a new video inspired by the Eschaton scene from Infinite Jest

this sounds like something that would be the basis for one of those short newswire pieces in the onion

but nope

real life

>> No.2029105

it is my wish that someone irl would write a downloadable program for eschaton.

>> No.2029112

good god, fucking awful song

sage for advertising, even though i use adblock so none of the adverts appear

>> No.2029120


>> No.2029124

the lead singer of the decembrists has an MFA in creative writing

in case you're wondering how or why this abortion happened

>> No.2030335
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i love infinite jest but i'm starting to think that 80% of people who like it only like it because it's relatively obscure (in general cultural terms) and he says "fuck" alot

>> No.2030364

So /lit/ is this book actually worth my time?

>> No.2030367


>> No.2030383

>everybody must like only lit they can find at the book section of their local supermarket

>> No.2031403
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I didn't think the song was that bad. The video was pretty weak though. I guess they just made it because IJ is the sort of thing that gives hipsters boners because they can talk about reading it and be seen reading it and appear smart because of it's size and because it's not really about anything. There, i said it.