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File: 903 KB, 1618x1154, suttreep1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20284874 No.20284874 [Reply] [Original]

Wait... This sucks... What the hell?

>> No.20285032

Explain how it sucks and why.

>> No.20285253


>> No.20285272

post your favorite passage from suttree

"In the summer of his second year in the city Harrogate began to tunnel toward the vaults underground where the city’s wealth was kept. By day in the dark of dripping caverns, stone bowels whereon was founded the city itself, holding his lantern before him, a bloodcolored troglodyte stooped and muttering down foul corridors, assaying vectors by a stolen scout compass that spun inanely in this nether region so gravid with seam and lode. Coming from his day’s labors slavered over with a gray paste that on contact with the outer air began to cure up and flake away leaving on his skin and on his clothing a dull cast of claydust so that he looked like something that had been smoked, his eyes collared up in cups of grime, the red rims raw as wounds."

basically anything with harrogate tunneling underneath the city is hilarious + beautifully written

>> No.20285280

also the part where suttree basically goes insane looking at a family photo album

"The old musty album with its foxed and crumbling paper seemed to breathe a reek of the vault, turning up one by one these dead faces with their wan and loveless gaze out toward the spinning world, masks of incertitude before the cold glass eye of the camera or recoiling before this celluloid immortality or faces simply staggered into gaga by the sheer velocity of time. Old distaff kin coughed up out of the vortex, thin and cracked and macled and a bit redundant. The landscapes, old backdrops, redundant too, recurring unchanged as if they inhabited another medium than the dry pilgrims shored up on them. Blind moil in the earth’s nap cast up in an eyeblink between becoming and done."

>> No.20285301
File: 7 KB, 472x437, 1645293080201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's uhhhhhhhhhhh ummmmmmm it's well it's uhhhhhhhh... heh... yeah i got it...