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20284473 No.20284473 [Reply] [Original]

>think I should better understand where leftists are coming from with their whole gender thing
>"bro you gotta judith butler for that bro"
>if we may be permitted to assume as such, not withstanding all pre-exemplary standards of discusirve practise and representational thought, might it be reasonable to suggest (though not in any overbearing sense) the matter-at-hand, consequentially but not conservatively leading to a cardinal error of which our avoidience may inadvertently, though through no fault of our own, bring about the realisation of which non-disclosure could exacerbate
What the fuck is this? Its just gibberish, which I guess makes sense considering what theories its adherents are pushing.

>> No.20284484

It's called pilpul.

>> No.20284508

Obfuscatory nonsense. You should take that book and use it to beat the person who recommended it to you until he either admits he hasn't read Butler or say she's shit.

>> No.20284659

Are you surprised? Gender doesn't even exist in the first place so of course the discussion around it is retarded. Only sex exists. The real conversation is not gender and sex but sex and aesthetics. It's the antithesis of an accepting discourse because aesthetics dives deeper into differences within the sex itself with a callous disinterest for irrelevant feelings.

>> No.20284677

As you study leftist material/theories on society and so forth, as long as you aren’t bound to their presupposed social stances, as long as their pathos rhetoric and so forth doesn’t get you, you’ll find that their theories work exceptionally well at dismantling themselves and backing the normative and right wing positions as far more inevitable, powerful, natural, and logical. And if they are honest, they will agree to such even as their ideals say to oppose what is the logical.

>> No.20284761
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Butler is the greatest writer of all time, chud.

>> No.20284793

You can contribute to this field too, here's how https://www.elsewhere.org/pomo/

>> No.20284794

>Rightoid is illiterate

>> No.20284799

The irony of an autist like Judith Butler writing about performative social roles. Autistic people like her should have no say on gender/sexuality issues

>> No.20284815

Autists are uniquely suited to see through performative social roles and actually should be the foremost premiers of gender

>> No.20284817

Women cant be if hardly ever, autistic

>> No.20284818
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>> No.20284837

Butler intentionally masks her work to make it inaccessible because she was obsessed with keeping much of her later work in a strictly academic sphere. Her actual positions aren't too terribly convoluted. Performativity theory is well-understood, and I recommend starting with some of her earlier, less obfuscating work if you're looking to dive specifically into her positions on the matter. They aren't very interesting, but if that's what you want to look for, that's what I recommend.
Unless you just wanted a nice, juicy seethe thread because you got filtered too hard and wanted to circlejerk with a bunch of other Shapiro-tier psueds.
The take of a particularly emotional, particularly stupid child.

>> No.20284850

For me its Julia Kristeva. She's the only feminist worth reading just based off the fact that she was a stone cold fox in her day. Almost makes me wish I was born in some commie shithole so I could pump gallons of coom inside her.

>> No.20284900


Chud can't follow along. Shocker.

>> No.20284964

Wow what a coinkidink! A woman who is so ugly she looks like a man happens to "prove" the flaws in traditional gender roles! I'm sure she has no dog in this fight!

>> No.20284967

You know full well this is sophistry BS, the over intellectual posturing of Leftoids doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look hilariously autistic

>> No.20284969

Your worldview is mental illness and your idols are all mentally ill. Like you.
A year working on a farm would solve all this nonsense.

>> No.20284983

Retards love filtering themselves on literature reviews

>> No.20285035
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You've been shrunk.

>> No.20285043

>t. lives in the suburbs

>> No.20285061

>Butler intentionally masks her work to make it inaccessible because she was obsessed with keeping much of her later work in a strictly academic sphere.
So in other words a shallow hack.

>> No.20285064
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there's literally nothing to understand this gender stuff is literally just communist psychological warfare, nothing more or less. serious communists realized during, at the latest, the post ww2 boom, that capitalism was not going to be undone by its supposed contradictions alone like marx had thought, the vast majority of people are too grounded by aspects of their culture to just up and engage in communist violence, so the goal of serious communists then became to compile a bunch of new (and some old) auxiliary cultural ideas to use as psychological/information warfare and destroy things like religion, morality, family, national identity, social norms etc which would theoretically create a society ripe for accepting communist ideas and committing violence in the name of communism.
transvestites and all this gender nonsense is just one idea thats being pushed to undermine religion, morality, family, national identity, social norms etc
I think its safe to say capitalism has also found a way to exploit it by using it to comodify identity and increase support for globalized exploitation (mass immigration, outsourcing of capital, international usury)

>> No.20285072

Non-binaries are uniquely bad at writing

>> No.20285091

Yeah she's writing in a convoluted manner to make her arguments seem more important and intellectually rigorous.
I can follow her sentence but it looks as though you left out the point she's building towards, so I have no idea of the context. Non-disclosure of what?

>> No.20285103

Fucking retard hahahaha

>> No.20285112

>We have starting viewing structure as changing with time

>> No.20285115

>Although it's not entirely consistent with the typical practice, it might be reasonable to suggest that the matter at hand [whatever the fuck that is] - because by avoiding this suggestion it might inadvertently exacerbate the realisation [whatever the fuck that means in this context] -
...and we need the rest of it to complete the thought. But that's literally all she says there.

>> No.20285116

>Because she was obsessed with,,, keeping it in the academic sphere
Why? Sounds interesting

>> No.20285145

>I think its safe to say capitalism has also found a way to exploit it by using it to comodify identity and increase support for globalized exploitation
Partially agree, though with advent of the internet it's less expensive now, flags only go so far

>> No.20285529

>looking to a woman for intellectual insight

Any group that does this immediately outs themselves as intellectually barren.

>> No.20285555


>> No.20285619

>"let me guess, bland anti-essentialism"
>Opens link
Not surprised
>unitary gender notions fail to take differences amongst women into account thus failing to recognise “the multiplicity of cultural, social, and political intersections in which the concrete array of ‘women’ are constructed”
This is the dumbest misunderstanding of essentialism I've ever read. It reads like a high school essay trying to argue against something it doesn't comprehend.
>X isn't a valid genus because there are variations within the genus
Read literally the oldest western philosophers in existence (see: bigoted white men) and you'll see why this assertion is on-its-face stupid.
>Butler’s second claim is based on her view that“[i]dentity categories [like that of women] are never merely descriptive, but always normative, and as such, exclusionary”
Bitch just figured out that things are better when they approximate health and form, and worse when they deteriorate and lose their intrinsic form. And she goes on to erroneously argue that nothing is naturally anything, everything can be anything else because nothing has any intrinsic essence, which is blatantly wrong. Another mixing up of social customs (accidents) predicated of essential differences with essential differences themselves.

>> No.20285735

All that propaganda is just to distract the lower classes and keep them fighting each other over complete nonissues. Meanwhile the rich fuck everyone over again and again and again and again. Anybody who takes critical theory seriously on either side has been duped.

>> No.20285752

Lol we can agree feminist = ugly right?

>> No.20285768

Commie circle jerk she didn’t want the public to know

>> No.20285775

Autists are more trust worthy than normies imo, those fuckers speak from the heart.

>> No.20285853

Pilpul is different
>the jews never declared war on Germany
>okay they did declare war on Germany but it was only economic war, economic war isn't war
>besides that's a tabloid anyway
OP posted "academia speak," which is the opposite of clarity. Those people learned to stretch word count in school, take credit where they can get it, and not much else.

>> No.20286073

Where can I read more about propaganda like this? In particular I am curious about who is responsible for the propaganda and how aware they are of what they are doing (as opposed to a lot of useful idiots).

>> No.20286084

fuck off back to /pol/, retard

>> No.20286097
File: 36 KB, 420x392, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to sound smart using gibberish
>manface emphasized with haircut
>obsessed with gender
she might be compensating for (the lack of) something

>> No.20286104

holy based
care to elaborate?

>> No.20286109

Frankfurt school in the Weimar Republic

>> No.20286112

How do ideas like this become popular? The average person doesnt read this shit, I doubt politicians read it, I doubt anyone but sexless academic freaks read this. How did it becime mainstream?

>> No.20286135

she might be hysterical
probably diddled by her uncle (i.e. father)
requires psychoanalysis sessions to check if she ends up wanting to fuck her therapist

>> No.20286138

I read a section of Gender Trouble for college and it honestly gave me a headache. I would re-read sentences multiple times and still have no clue what the fuck she was on about.

>> No.20286168

coomer thinking is just feminism from the POV of men, since it puts women on a pedestal

>> No.20286171

For starters google the telecommunications act of 1996. All of mainstre am media is owned by a trust of 6 corperations. They brought in the social media corperations forcibly during public trials in 2017. Schools are publically funded. Enough said.

>> No.20286246

>>if we may be permitted to assume as such, not withstanding all pre-exemplary standards of discusirve practise and representational thought, might it be reasonable to suggest (though not in any overbearing sense) the matter-at-hand, consequentially but not conservatively leading to a cardinal error of which our avoidience may inadvertently, though through no fault of our own, bring about the realisation of which non-disclosure could exacerbate
If we can put down our assumptions and imagine this to be true, it might be reasonable to think (but not buy into it as unfalsifiable dogma), we might fix something that we otherwise would make worse by ignoring the possibility.

She just says it in the dumbest, most bombastic way possible.

>> No.20286254

atheists have been pushing the intellectual hype since their meme of enlightenment, hence why according to them all the poor should go to college
atheists have no critical thinking so they think if they dont understand something, it means it's deep and true, and they just parrot the dumb down version of thing over and over.
THis was all academics before 2021, but in 2012 occupywall street happened and it's the first time that socialists knew they have a better market to tap than the proletariat after the commies killed themselves (and thus leaving socialists standing like morons, since according to socialists, socialism was a bridge from the classical liberal republic by bourgeois to communism).
The market is the young yuppies educated and completely fucking lost in life, doing retarded master like psychology, who will end up in a meaningless bureaucratic job and of course those ppl will be mostly roasties. So it's the perfect recipe
-women have no critical thinking and spend their lives spreading their legs, 10 years of casual sex, then they end up pregnant, so 10 years of raising some kids, then they get bored and they go back to the cock carousel. This makes women desperate to feel virtuous, and they will always embrace what the ruling & entertaining class is telling them (no matter in what kind o society they live in)
-the intellectuals in the bourgeois republic want to secure their republic, so the poor who vote really need to think there is an alternative to classical liberalism, and that's jut new liberalism, but the proletariat is just fucked over since the communists themselves were unmasked as just another society full of atheist bureaucrats who have fuck all idea on what to do, and they heavily despise any
-there is also the jewish trend of pushing for self depreciation on whatever atheists was still living after ww2
-socialists mixed that with the infatuation of the atheists for (fake) introspection
atheists fucking love ''meta'' things, like in their cartoons (atheists love to watch cartoons) so like a cartoon talking directly to the audience knowing he is a cartoon (stuff like rick an morty and so on)

so there you have it, the desperate need of the atheists for public posturing, applying especially the roasties, and huge control of the ruling over entertainment (ie holywood and the academia).
The fantasy of the atheist is to mix, in their republic, 3 things
-the bureaucracy
-the education
-the entertainment
so for instance when you get an education you become a better citizen, and when you watch the news you get an education, and when you vote you push for more education. In their minds all those 3 fields are the same.

>> No.20286258

Gotta get that word count up. Pure useless academia hack.

>> No.20286262

2012 lol

>> No.20286272

>If we can put down our assumptions and imagine this to be true, it might be reasonable to think (but not buy into it as unfalsifiable dogma), we might fix something that we otherwise would make worse by ignoring the possibility.
Further reduction:
This might be true. If we act as if it were it may make things better. If we ignore the possibility, it might make things wose.

So flip a coin I guess. This sounds like what happens when you get waaaaaaaaaay too into epistomology.

>> No.20286309
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>girlfriend tells me I just don't understand Butler and should admit it
>give her a knowing look and explain 'Of course I don't understand Butler, there's nothing there to understand'
>she smiles and says I'm horrible as she unzips my pants with a mischievous smile
It's that easy OP.

>> No.20286331

Bros why are femoids like this. My gf is a commie feminist with a degree in sociology but she still gets on her knees for me even though I'm a misogynistic racist.

>> No.20286357

Because they want to lose. They want to have ben taken.

>> No.20286358
File: 72 KB, 660x856, 115766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only women take women seriously which is why today the average man in America is a lesbian

masculine individuation and agency is quite literally pic related

>> No.20286792

Right-wing ideology is how society is, left-wing ideology is how society should be. We must control our human nature in order to create a better world. So far left-wing ideology is winning ever since the age of enlightenment but ofc a retarded schizo like you is too stupid to understand that. Fuck off back to /x/

>> No.20287747

yes, we have heard.

>> No.20287828

>Right-wing ideology is how society is,
>left-wing ideology is how society should be.

Your left wing ideologies in general have no grounding, no origin for their axioms, no rationale, neither from nature, nor from God, nor can Will be used since Will can be used equally against, thus there is no model by which generic “left wing” valuation has pull, for the left wing and right wing are constructs for a multitude of differing ideologies banding together over the presupposed value of economic growth and usually quality of life and usually military power, of which it will never explain nor justify, for fundamentally these are all rooted in either elder conceptions of reality that these systems oppose, or in not much more than circumstance and emotion which has told them this is how things ought be.

>We must control our human nature in order to create a better world.

The so called right and left both argue this, the elder regimes of society are defined by order and control such as the history of china.

>So far left-wing ideology is winning ever since the age of enlightenment

No such thing as left wing ideology, nor is it “winning” for left wing ideology is not monolithic but rather used to refer to a divergent bunch of contemporary ideals and political arrangements and policies of which, may be right wing in other nations. Enlightenment onwards the winner, and if you study prior to the enlightenment, the dominant force is money, it is capital and it is money which is dominating society and will dominate society. Your ideals have little to do with it, America grew on account of oil and gold and imperial force, and on account of not having a destroyed industrial base, Asia grows in power due to its worship of capital, the only thing which has won in the past, today, and the future will be the economic drivers, movers and shakers.

>but ofc a retarded schizo like you is too stupid to understand that. Fuck off back to /x/

Seethe, sneed, cope, dilate, go back to plebbig, go back to twiter, etc etc.

>> No.20287889

That's when you bring up biology and how men and women have different bodies + brains

>> No.20288701

Atheists are full of contradictions and insecurities. Yet they spend their lives viewing themselves as the smartest people ever lol.

>> No.20288950

>We must control our human nature in order to create a better world.
the foremost way you control your human nature is by not breeding and instead buying your furbabies like the ultimate consumerized faggot serf you are

>> No.20288959

how its that /pol/? seems like an accurate description of the quote, is it inaccurate or are you just a triggered retard because who wrote it?

>> No.20290010

>implying Althusser couldn't think of time in his theory
>implying she invented the concept of the Emperor's Clothes

>> No.20290712

i bet judith butler is hot in a bikini

>> No.20290722

She isn’t that’s why she’s a feminist

>> No.20291812

Ofc the /x/ schizo is too dense to understand what I meant and resorts to text walls of mumbo jumbo and bad syntax such as
>and usually quality of life and usually military

I'm might be partially responsible for your mistunderstanding however. I should have said that right-wing ideology is how we humans operate on a fundamental level rather than saying that's how society is. We are a tribalistic, prejudice and irrational species but we must surpress the vile elements of our human nature which leads to the claim that left-wing ideology is how humans should be: fair, moral, objective, cooperative, open-minded, etc.

And, yes, left-wing ideology is winning. It puts emphasis on "freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism". None of this has ground on nature indeed (or from God but he is a mere human concept so that's irrelevant) but it is part of modern Western society regardless thanks to reason. The happiest and most developed countries encompasse all of that whereas authoritarians shitholes like Russia and China do not.
We are progressing into a new era of humanity, distant from the tribalistic mindset of our ancestors.
Money does play an important role but it's a mere tool to be used in the transitional era towards an utopian society. I admit that such society will probably never happen unless we get rid of morons like you.

>> No.20291876

the absolute state of this imbecile

>> No.20292735
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It is gibberish on purpose, because they are bullshitting us.
Short version: blank slate theory that humans are 100% nurture with no inborn preferences, wishes or traits (wrong) and therefore can be formed by anything society does applied to their sex. So its wrong to tell a fat, bearded man that he is not a woman, because his nuture influences made him "realize he is something different."

To understand lefties you have to understand that they regard the communist manifesto as a bible to be believed in. Thats why they dont care and just get angry when you point out the many flaws in its reasoning.
Anything they spearhead is just what their peer group says is relevant now without questioning.

>> No.20292773

>We are a tribalistic, prejudice and irrational species but >we must surpress the vile

You presuppose to know the nature of man, you presuppose such things are vile, yet you have no grounded your reasoning nor morality in anything, your consideration of vile is based on nothing but your emotional prejudice.
>elements of our human nature which leads to


According to who? What standard? None? Your own? Why not another’s? Who has the more will?


See above.


No such thing as an objective opinion, if it’s objective it’s knowledge and is not debatable, as such there is no objective morality you can appeal to, simply your own subjective beliefs staining all.


Always good because???


See above.

>And, yes, left-wing ideology is winning.

No such thing as left wing ideology, it’s an aggregate.

>It puts emphasis on "freedom,

Freedom can be and is defined over a Thailand ways, almost all political groups shill freedom, especially the ones you oppose in your current political system.


Valuable why?


As if almost all political positions do not shill this.


See freedom.


Presupposing a direction to history thus a teleological causation force, thus presupposing a hidden ontology pervaded by ultimate platonic moral ideals, this is simply the hidden religious sentiment in you which you do not even know you have.

>Western society regardless thanks to reason.

It’s rhetoric, empty rhetoric.

>Money does play an important role but it's a mere tool to be used in the transitional era towards an utopian society. I admit that such society will probably never happen unless we get rid of morons like you.

There we go! There’s the abandoning of your cries for freedom! There’s the desire for authoritarian slaughtering, such slaughtering will never occur, and money will be your concerns all the days of your life, it is the concern of your politicians, your friends, families, it will be the sole material determinant of all of history until you die and beyond.

>> No.20292775
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its all a rationalization for pedophilia and the imposition of a totalitarian regime based on an alliance of financial capital and their attack dogs in the mentally ill lgbtsjwtfnpc lumpenproletariat

>> No.20292779

Marginalized folks have every reason to trust progressive bourgeoisie and managerial strata over fascist white settlers who want them dead.we have every right to deplatform fascists and reactionaries and class reductionists and science deniers and ensure safety for marginalized and vulnerable members of our communities. We have every right to demand the destigmatization and normalization of sex work, mental health, fat positivity, pornography, drug use, decolonization prison abolition police abolition family abolition the sexual enmancipation of children and an end to white supremacy and the gender binary.

Instead of pandering to the most backward secrors of the working class we should lead the way along with the most advanced ones, black and indigenous people, and queer/ trans sex workers. Sex workers not the straight male labour aristokkkracy who are at the vanguard of the proletarian movement, women and queer people taking the means of production into their own hands by refusing to perform unpaid sexual and emotional labor for white men. The real class struggle is not in factories but in womens bodies. Sexwork is a threat to patriarchy the capitalist system itself it is radically queer because it goes against the idea that sex is for the reproduction of the nuclear family and the patriarchal ideology of romantic love. Its a means for workers to take the means of production into their own hands here and now to abolish the distinction between the private sphere and the public, between work and pleasure and self expression. To break down the walls of lily white christian suburbia into a brave new world of pleasure rebellion and freedom. Yes it is true what they say about us queer postmodern neomarxists We are gonna groom all your daughters to be whores and your sons to be nympho trans sex workers.

>> No.20292789

seethe normie

>> No.20292807


new genders just dropped but they all look like poorly groomed androgynous people who are like a walking bingo board of traits associated with aspergers syndrome

>> No.20292816

Leftists are mentally ill. Don't waste time or energy on them.

>> No.20292822

bait, also ywnbaw

>> No.20292828

still amazing copypasta

>> No.20292843

Read orwells short essay "politics and the english language". Its about 8 pages.

>> No.20292883

This is what happens when the writer has a high verbal IQ but is absolutely retarded otherwise.

>> No.20293057

>gender shit, judith butler
what you are describing is simply western liberalism, anon. It is not a leftist position, it is merely the hedonistic branch of the right wing, which has been allowed to grow, unchecked, into a terminal case. I weep for the damage this path for society has wrought, and fear the untold suffering it has in store for us, but it does not serve anyone to be either in denial or in a state of inadequate education on how we got here - and certainly, blaming the non-existent apparition of some sort of actual 'western left' does nobody any good.

>> No.20293074

>Women are supposedly oppressed by the patriarchy. The gender role of women is supposedly cruel and oppressive.

>men demand to be called women and be part of the class they claim is oppressed.

What else is there to understand.

>> No.20293086

The truth is that the modern Western liberalism is the insidious combination of the left and the right. It is the liberals of the French revolutions yearning for 'freedom' and 'equality' compromise with the aristocrats so they have the freedom to enforce and maintain their power over the people

>> No.20293096

Modern Western liberalism is a reaction to fascism. The easiest way to understand modern Western Liberal political positions is by treating them as the negation of National Socialist positions.

>> No.20293112

Sounds based. So the right should bargain harder to keep trannies with dildos glued to thier heads out of story book hournat the library?

>> No.20293118

The Right is not going to succeed at anything until WW2 starts to fade from the collective memory.

>> No.20293130

So just wait until WW3 and people remember the good of strength and remember indulgence with disgust.

>> No.20293135

By the 100 year anniversary or so it'll happen naturally.

>> No.20293144

Sounds good. See you there.

>> No.20293221


fascism is just saying the bureaucrats should be listened to by the plebs, because bureaucrats somehow have a vision for society. Fascism is the deification of the bureaucracy lol, exactly like when the atheists were doing their revolutions.

Since the first energy crisis, the bureaucrats have no fucking clue what to do when energy is no cheap.
and when energy is cheap, they are not needed because private people will develop society by themselves.

>> No.20293224

Even the right is now gay men doing camp and gender performativity. The bronze age pervert is more transgender than so called transgender people

>> No.20293261

I mean,bros,have you tried bringing up any books around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating, screeching and snivelling hysterically as if begging to be put out of their misery"wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been deboonked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been watching CNN reading the NYT streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneyplus? your daily mandatory dose of ''ethically sourced'' child pornography? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your daily recomended dose of high fructuouse corn syrup your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.20293269

Globalism needs to create a dependent and homogenous biopolitical clientele of victim patient consumer units who are psychiatrically and medically dependent on the managerial state. Lgbt is a program to engineer the perfect consumer.

>> No.20293299

Can someone translate this fucking shit

>> No.20293323
File: 48 KB, 554x554, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perhaps one of the most disturbing attempts to undermine families can be seen in a slick video produced by LGBT in the City, a multi-media organization that produces talk shows and videos related to LGBT issues and is sponsored by such monster corporations as Telus and TD Bank. To say LGBT in the City has a hedonistic focus would be a grotesque understatement and it might be argued that at least one of their videos encourages the sexualization of children, specifically in the form of an eight year old boy mockingly named “Lactacia.”

>In a slick video released on Facebook with over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. Professional quality video and editing made this call to young children to the queer lifestyle all the more appealing. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

This would have been unimaginable only 10 years ago, now people are afraid to speak out against it for fear of loosing their jobs and livelihoods. i shudder to think about were the next 10 years of "progress" will take us if no action is taken to stop them. Reminder This is cultural marxism this is the future they want for our children. if you support "queer theory" "gay rights" or "trans rights" this is what you are supporting.

>> No.20293341

Old accounts of capitalism, like Althusser's, described the Marx-y ways in which capitalism shapes social relations (the base-superstructure thing) in relatively simple, one-to-one ways: economic relations structure culture, e.g. Recent accounts of capitalism have shifted focus to how the process of the economic base shaping the social/cultural superstructure is not singular or monolithic, but dynamic: the thing being shaped has a dynamic, participatory relationship with the thing shaping it, and with all the other things being shaped concurrently.

This dynamic or "temporal" perspective is different from the old ones like Althusser's, which tended to portray the process as an abstract, theoretical one. It is different because it enables us to see better the "contingent," that is highly particular and messy and everyday, aspects of how capitalism reifies itself in society/culture, and re-reifies itself - not as an abstract "total" fact, but as the messy, contingent, dynamic process it is, for example with different levels of agency and intent in the imposition of conformity from above, and different levels of cooperation and self-awareness in participation and "interpellation" from below.

Hegemony or "power" is not monolithic but dynamic. It isn't a single "bloc" of power but is something that recapitulates itself in necessarily dynamic interaction with the things and people it dominates and structures.

>> No.20293361

Hence the dominant bloc is now a bioleninist alliance of globalist finantial capital and its mentally ill lgbtsjwtfnpc attack dogs and merely refusing to apologize for being white and straight amounts to a revolutionary act

>> No.20293363

>word salad
In english my guy.

>> No.20293371


>> No.20293380

I have decided that academia is bullshit and I shall no longer read books, I will learn plumbing instead

>> No.20293389

One of my friends from high school is a plumber and he's better off than most of our other college educated classmates. Even funnier because he did four years in the pen and he's still coasting through life.

>> No.20293393

Waifu pillows are just like that I guess

>> No.20293415

>hurr dure right wing left wing herpa derp

i hate how resentment driven attitudes poison the possibility of any actual discussion, holy shit no one wants to hear your smarmy wisecracks about le left or right, that shit is cringy as fuck

>> No.20293422

Its not left v right but the totalitarian gender ideology against anyone who dares disagree with it on the slightest

>> No.20294266

Imagine blaming everything on people who aren't retarded enough to believe in your sky daddy lol.

>> No.20294322

quite ironic considering Butler's books are 90% psychoanalytic critique.

>> No.20294420

they're just hypocrites, OP. all of them.

>> No.20294423

i outright refuse to read butler

>> No.20294892

Sexy care; how much would one cost?

God, it'd be good to be an eccentric retired billionaire.

>> No.20294896

That doesn't take high verbal iq.

>> No.20294906

So nothing of value unless you love mental masturbation. Leftism is truly worthless.

>> No.20294989

>suburbia in which personal information flows faster than cum out of your ass creates gender roles
You are ironically on the same page as far-left gender abolitionists. Congratulations.

>> No.20295000
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they recommend judith butler because she's a notorious word salad monger so much so that even her fellow neoliberal upper to middle class postmodern aristocrat buddies find her to be incomprehensible and schizo tier. you start to understand her if you have a decent grasp on the english language but even with good reading comprehension it just drops off into obscurity by the end of the paragraph. if someone tells you to read judith butler they're trolling you.

>> No.20295007

judith hates psychiatry IIRC, which is pretty based given how psychiatry is in fact a jewish quack woo woo science that regularly abuses innocent people, drugs them without consent and locks them in cages at the behest of midwitted sociopathic neurotics who did the bare minimum to acquire a degree and use it to lord power over marginalised people.

>> No.20295015

>before it was suburban necon soccer moms kvetching and moral panicking
>now it's utter nobodies on the internet telling you what you should be huffy puffy and terrified about and what new thing is coming for your kids
how FUCKING tiresome

>> No.20295030

funny how our fellow Right Wing™©® gentlemen are clueless. imagine being so cucked by your ideology and the semiotic net you were born into that you can't get through fucking butler. all of your dick veins should be mandatory injected with gnosticism and basic epistemology (with estrogen mixed in ofc)

btw, OP, do you have physiological sensations of "my penis is really small" when you open a Heidegger book?

>> No.20295412

When was the last time you went outside and talked to anyone

>> No.20295964

the soccer moms are transing their kids for social capital now

>> No.20295973

t. purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for big pharma, psychiatry, the democratic parry

>> No.20295989

leftists and queers defacto love psychiatry since the civil rights act, as long as it is used to stamp out 'prejudices' and 'fascist' ideas and enforce the 'scientific' worldview. they are attack dogs for the managerial state

>> No.20296013

its an alliance of finantial capitalism with cultural marxism, ameans to create a compliant and homogenous base of atomized and demoralized patient-victim-consumer units who are loyal to the walt disney corporation and the DNC and who will rat themselves out for an y minor infraction

>> No.20296237 [DELETED] 

The problem with all books about leftist stuff has one common thing. They simply don't know how to make something readable. It feels like they don't understand what they say at all and just stretch the world count with ambiguity words.

For example the simple question of "What is a woman?"
You can always easily summarize your findings and then explain it in a logical way. But all sjw writing is not capable of making a point.

For example a normal smart writer would write "What is a woman can't be defined". And then you would read a very structed logical reason why this is.

As a sjw you write like this
"Under the white male opressic system of racial and sexual inequality of the social cantract of infinitives there is a struggle of thought in the bahavior of a social group that...."
The shit goes on and on and on. Sjw Speak is literally just having a bunch of trigger worlds and just putting them together in an endless loop. The biggest problem is that sjw don't understand that they have to explain those trigger words and rather insult you for being a sexist than explaining what the definition of those words are. Sjw ideology is just saying random semantical ambiguity stuff and then insulting you based on this ambiguity.

This is why you should stay away from anything written by sjw because they just write like retards. The secret is that they use the 1984 tactics and just call retardness "academical writing". Btw any good professor would throw trash out that is written in sjw Speak. It's just that they don't want to deal with sjw at all and just either give them top tier grades, or create a trash degree like Gender Studies where all those screeching sjw are thrown into as a literal safe space (the safe space is everything outside the Gender Studies area. It's literally a contamination degree).

The sad thing is that this is just and objective fact. All sjw literature I have seen uses the same trigger words list and the same worthless sentence "structure".
You know how you can prove that this sjw Speak is bullshit? Just let them create anything in reality to test if their "smartness" actually exists and the only thing you get are "bridges" that crash and kill people and other stuff where you can see it just doesn't work and that sjw studies are not science and just a propaganda hug box hidden behind trigger words.

I really tried to get into Gender Studies to understand the basics, but no matter how far I read, there was literally only trigger words, oxymorons, and fallacies.

>> No.20296422
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>> No.20296431
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This kind of mentality I'm noticing more and more to the point of parody. Some subliminal urbanite psyop. Year zero can't come soon enough.

>> No.20296682

>you’ll find that their theories work exceptionally well at dismantling themselves and backing the normative and right wing positions as far more inevitable, powerful, natural, and logical. And if they are honest, they will agree to such even as their ideals say to oppose what is the logical.
Can you elaborate frater?

>> No.20297101

One day when you are older you will laugh at yourself for believing that.

>> No.20297193

Nah some actually never grow out of that phase

>> No.20297741

There is not a single intelligent left winger or right who takes judith butler seriously she is a complete charlatan and was used recently in thecosmicskeptics book on word salad and pseudo intellectual infiltration of universities.

She is a sham her work is bunk and no one who takes seeking truth seriously would recommend you her writing.

>> No.20299182


She wrote clear as water, clear as a summer sky, bro.

>> No.20299194



>> No.20299609

>6 characters
>2 mistakes
Ah the leftist intellectual is here to explain le propaganda conspiracy

>> No.20299647

I recall reading Judith Butler out of interest, out of the belief that it would be some partially reasonable claim that there is a difference between sex and gender, and while sex is biological, gender expression is culturally defined to some degree, and that we should not mistake the two, but allow gender expression some freedom from oppression out of basic liberal political principles.

As far as I remember, that wasn't it at all - rather, it was that sex is a social construct rather than a natural kind, which is bona fide retarded.

Out of context it does not make all that much sense, but this really isn't proof that what Gay Michael Douglas said was obfuscatory.

Much of what gets published as critiques of literally universal human behavior (marriage, monogamy, gender roles to some degree) is explained by the autism of those who critique it. Not kidding. Concerning practitioners of polyamory in particular, there is something like 8x the incidence of autism. I got the suspicion after discussions with polyamorous people who would get flustered and angry at any interjections that jealousy is a powerful emotion, and they would insist that emotions are irrational.
It is transparently just autists getting angry about the human behavior that is not a good fit for them, and that's fine that they're like that, I don't give a fuck, but when they try to convince me that everyone should live in their autistic manner, it gets tiresome.

>> No.20299659

I would agree that it works well for both, one eliminates all identity leaving nothing but faith in the dictatorship of the proletariat, the other eliminates all identity leaving nothing but CONSOOM PRODUCT

>> No.20299748
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it's not just the fear of speaking out at play, there's also the intersection of naïveté and ego.

most Lefties honestly believe that other people, other cultures even, are just like them, believing, for example:
>"if you are nice to them, they'll be nice to you"
and "Muslims might throw gays off biildings in the Middle East and Africa, but if we welcome them to our countries they'll chill out and love gays as much as we do."

this kind of thinking is only possible if
1. you truly believe you are in the superior position of power and will not lose that position
2. you've been so incredibly blessed that you've led so sheltered a life that you have not yet learned that the world isn't like this and that people are looking out for their best interests, not yours or "ours"

so they see what you've described and think
"Well it must be good for everyone involved or TD Bank and other corporate sponsors wouldn't be involved"

This last point shows how closely aligned their thinking structures are to the far right tinfoil conspiracists: underlying it all is a belief that there's someone or something "in charge" behind the scenes.
this is a mental defense that shields them from the realization that 'civilization' is actually tenuous and chaotic and separated from full chaos by the most gossamer veneer of the manners and ritual that bind our society

>> No.20299755

Leftists lack empathy. Simple nothing more.

>> No.20299759

The undermining of gender is partly a symptom of academia. There is big pressure to push out papers, and they figured out that there is a lot to write about. Trying to understand leftist notion of gender from inside is doomed from the beginning, because of the nature of the fields writing about it. Read some firsthand books, and then start looking for patterns that are not explicitly written about.

>> No.20299766
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>They aren't very interesting,
who do you recommend as the best thinkers on these matters?

>> No.20300059

It doesn't exist, none of it does.

>> No.20300067

Right wing ideology is how society should be given the restraints of reality, left wing ideology is how society should not be when practical constraints are put on fantastical idealizations. Centrist ideology is how society is.

>> No.20300092

Pilpul just means “I lost an argument and I’m mad about it”

>> No.20301368

my issue is the idea that gender is in anyway different from biological sex. who the fuck cares how you act, as long as its more positive then negative?

and beyond that, the idea inherent in it is that gender (culture) is more important than sex (biology)