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[ERROR] No.2028356 [Reply] [Original]

George Orwell died 1 year after Christopher Hitchens was born. Is Hitchens the (symbolic) reincarnation of Orwell?

If so, and in view of Hitchen's impending death who will the great polemic oversoul choose next?

>> No.2028357
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>> No.2028365
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lol nice try, Johan.

The Orchens oversoul is many things, but it's not a plagiarizer.

>> No.2028366
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It's me.

I was born October 2012 and I'm here from the future

>> No.2028370

truman you write well but you write shit.

>> No.2028372
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Seeing as it will have to adjust its guise for the hipster age, it's obviously D&E.

>> No.2028373
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are "you mad" /lit/?

>> No.2028379
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>> No.2028387

I think Hitchens is a pretty cool guy.

>> No.2028397 [SPOILER] 
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eh dies of cancer and rots in the dirt

>> No.2028398


>i think Hitchens WAS a pretty cool guy

>> No.2028401
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He's still writing articles regularly, although he can't even speak anymore.

>> No.2028407

I wanna get into Hitchens, whats the best book to start with?
I'm not so interested in stuff like "God is not Great"

>> No.2028417
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He's written so fucking much, I guess you should just choose a book with a subject which most interests you.

But if you like Orwell you need to read this.

>> No.2028425

Just pick something and read it you pansy. If it turns out shitty then either try again or give up. I'm not holding your faggot hand either way.

>> No.2028426
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I'm an Orwell fanboy truth be told.
I read Homage to Catalonia and Down and Out maybe twice a year. When I have nothing else to read they are what I go to.

>> No.2028431

Be calm now. I only asked for advice on how to get into an author. Kinda what this board was made for. It wasn't even off topic.

>> No.2028434
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Definitely one of my favourite books of all time.

His essays and autobiographical stuff are often tragically overlooked.

I'd definitely check out Hitchens then man, he's just as anti-authoritarian and honest as Orwell.

>> No.2028436

Yeah and I'm just saying that's a pussy way to get into an author. You Liszt.

>> No.2028441
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>you Liszt


>> No.2028447
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>> No.2028457

>christopher hitchens

i hate this cunt. and im an aethiest. militant aethiests like him dont seem to realise religion isnt the porblem. extremism is.

>> No.2028461
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He likes it when people are angry at him.

>Pic related

>> No.2028465
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>> No.2028469

>He likes it when people are angry at him.

isnt that a sign of meglomania

>> No.2028470

cool comeback bro

>> No.2028472

I'd rather have meglomania like Hitchens than narcissistic personality disorder like you do.

>> No.2028473


1. pants him/her.

2. whip out your dick.

3. put dick in author.

>> No.2028476

everybody just stop being so mad. can't we all just be peaceful?

>> No.2028477
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Comeback at what? If you don't like him, that's fine.

It's just funny to me that you think his thinking is so simplistic like that. His view is that religion poisons everything, but not everything that poisons is religion.

>> No.2028481


but then i wont have interesting dialogue to copy down into the preliminaries of my novel!

>> No.2028484

That's generally his point, only he feels religion breeds extremism, and, unlike you, he gives a decent and well written argument to back himself up
Prostrate Provoked christian pretending to be an "aetheist" detected.

>> No.2028498

Let me see an essay by Hitchens that it is on par with Orwell.

>> No.2028500


>Argues religion breeds extremism
>while being an extremist atheist

>> No.2028503

>extremist atheist
What the fuck are you yapping about now?

>> No.2028504


Hitchens is an atheist extremist. Are you going to argue otherwise?

>> No.2028510

What the fuck is your definition of an extremist, exactly?
He doesn't want to see atheism ruling or religion eradicated, he doesn't want an atheist state or darwinian state, he doesn't hate people because they believe in god.
I think you just hate the man and have decided to use terms you think will make you sound less like a gobbshite

>> No.2028512


>He doesn't want to see religion eradicated

Yeah he does.

>> No.2028515

Bertrand Russel once said that most of the great men in history have been megalomaniacs.

>> No.2028516

how the fuck am i a narcissist

also i completely disagree that religion poisons everything. i would say this is a simplistic argument. many religious people use it to find comfort and understanding. its a vocal minority who cause problems

>> No.2028517

Prove it.
And no, "I'd rather see religion die out" is not the same as "I want it stomped out and killed"

>> No.2028519


Yes it is.

>> No.2028520

No he doesn't, only its more extreme forms. If you watch the Four Horsemen roundtable discussion he states this point of view, and again in "In Christianity Good for the World?" He says he wouldn't want it to be completely eradicated because then we wouldn't be able to remember why we don't believe, and the reasons for it.

>> No.2028522

Yep, u a trol a'ight
Or just very fucking stupid

>> No.2028524


He wants Christianity around so he can have something to hate. That's a whole lot better than wanting it to go away!

>> No.2028525

so he still wants it gone though. he only wants a shell to remain as some sort of warning. thats not wanting religion to stay

>> No.2028527

>misinterpreting on purpose
>not providing evidence of his own claims
And wanting religion not to stay is not extreme atheism, its atheism where you think atheism is the better choice

>> No.2028530

>so he still wants it gone though
...and the problem is?

>> No.2028531


How is that a misinterpretation

>> No.2028532


Usually when people want an entire culture to be eradicated we regard them as genocidal lunatics.

>> No.2028533

Ah Christopher, how I love you.

I'll wear my Hitchens shirt on the day he passes.

>> No.2028535

he wants the core of christianity to go and just leave an emty shell of it. thats basically wanting to to go awayand that is extremism. like i said before i am an aethiet but i hate the stupid, arrogant, teenage like attitude that religion is evil and must go because i dont believe in god

>> No.2028536

He wants us to remember christianity so we don't repeat the mistakes it caused
That's probably the stupidest thing you've said yet

>> No.2028541

Hitchens spends almost 10 minutes refuting what you just said.

>> No.2028543


Wrong. He's said numerous times that if he had the choice to wipe religion off the planet, he would not.

>> No.2028546


Like I'm watching your propaganda.

>> No.2028547

teenagers - christopher hitchens is a legend, yeah fuck religion all the evils of the world will be solved if we get rid of religion

adults - if youre not hurting anyone believe whatever the fuck you want its none of my business

>> No.2028548

You can even spell the fucking word and you expect us to give you the time of day?
He thinks religion does more harm than good and the world would be a better place if people adopted atheism or at least a more humanist form of religion, how you can be so fucking stupid as to compare that to some kind of genocide is so far beyond me that by the time I got to it we'd have died from heat death

>> No.2028549

do you think the lot of you have dabbled in faggotry enough, would you say, to enlighten me as to why a dick in the mouth is so appealing?

can you talk with your mouths full?

>> No.2028552

I think you're confusing hitchens with dawkins

>> No.2028554

Orwell wasn't a genius, Hitchens isn't a genius.

What makes them so great are their courage and intellectual honesty.

>> No.2028555


Spelling has nothing to do with whether he's correct or not.

>> No.2028556

yeah but thats not refuting my point. he wants it to remain but only as a scarecrow not as a functioning belief system

>> No.2028557


You obviously don't know much about Hitchens, or his accomplishments. Good luck in your ignorance.

>> No.2028558

Do the hurp a durp*, how embarrassing for me

>> No.2028561

>he genocidal!
He has said he would never just wipe religion of the face of the earth, and has never said anything about killing the religious

>> No.2028566 [DELETED] 
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>Truman Capote thread

>> No.2028565

its a different guy that made the genocide comparison

and seriously youre picking up on typos as a rebutall? seriously?

look religion is not the al encompassing evil. people have done horrible things in the name of religion, but they have also done horrible things in the name of country, family, love etc

the majority of people who are religious are not extremist nutters theyre normal people who find solace in thier beliefs what fucking business of ours or christopher hitchens is what the do

>> No.2028569

im not the same guy who said it was genocidal for fucks sake

>> No.2028572
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Hitchens himself would disagree with you.


>> No.2028573

>look religion is not the al encompassing evil.

>> No.2028576

Hitchens disagrees with everyone.

>> No.2028577
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Paradoxically, I would be more convinced that I was wrong if he agreed with me.

>> No.2028580

im talking about the people that idolize him not him

>> No.2028582

Spelling it completely wrong twice or more isn't a fucking typo, and when you can't so much as spell the position you hold, it makes it very difficult to believe you hold it.
As for the rest of your shit, if you read a single one of his books, watched any of his debates or eyed over any of his articles you'd know that he says ALL of those things on multiple occasions. He gives his opinion on the matter, because he's a fucking writer, and thinks, and I paraphrase a quote "Religion is not the only source of evil, just another one we could do without".
Seems to me like you're attacking the wrong guy with your "omg so angsty teen aetseiest", go shit on dawkins, then you'll have a valid point

>> No.2028587

you do understand that destroying the core of something and killing it is the same thing dont you

>> No.2028590

Most people who idolize him are people like me. Who like his works and his writing
Your average "angsty teen atheist"hasn't heard of Hitchens. Or even dawkins for that matter.

>> No.2028599

All christians are genocidal. We should have allowed to mayans to prosper, who are we to say they can't sacrifice their men to the gods? Not ALL of them do it!
And wanting a world where people have adopted secularism is so far gone from "wanting to destroy the core of the religion/destroy the religion" that I don't know are you a troll or just fucking thick

>> No.2028602

my point is that religion should not be eradicated because of a minority. it serves an important purpose in many good peoples lives

fuck you and hitchens arrogance to think it should be done without. and that very belief is extremism because its wanting to get rid of something that they dont agree with

>> No.2028603

Love, Poverty and War (collected journals), or why not Hitch 22, its got all his basic beliefs etc

>> No.2028604


this x1000

>> No.2028605

I worded my metaphor poorly there. Mayan religion is what I should have said

>> No.2028607

He doesn't want it eradicated you fucking clown, we've proven this to you multiple times. Christ

>> No.2028609

except he does...

He doesnt care if people keep it to themselves, but he does want it gone, just not by force

>> No.2028611

>All christians are genocidal

stopped reading right here. finally we get to the surface of your immature and badly informed argument

>> No.2028615

no you havent. youve shown that he wants religion to remain as nothing more than a warning. that is the same as eradication

>> No.2028616

You're wrong. First 15 seconds of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGvT8j411mk

>> No.2028617

You should have kept reading, because I was throwing your own stupid argument back at you.
Good job on showing your maturity and subjectivism though "HURR YOU SAID IT, YOU SAID IT, LOOK IM TAKIN IT OOT UF CONTUXT!"

>> No.2028621

He wants people to adopt secular humanism, christ by your logic we eradicated the romans you fucking nipple

>> No.2028622
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stop fighting everybody

>> No.2028626 [DELETED] 
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>mfw he won't respond because he's been shown to be a fucking idiot so many times now it's not even funny

>> No.2028646


>> No.2028648

>on the slowest board on 4chan, if not the internet

>> No.2028676


Just seems to me as though the young still care.

>> No.2028677

He also seems to be ignoring the republicans who want atheists removed from the army, sounds pretty angtsy to me

>> No.2028678
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>the slowest board on 4chan, if not the internet
You're wrong and you're a grotesquely ugly freak.


>> No.2028681

I probably just blanked that out from horror, forgive me

>> No.2028685


Coincidentally the nicest board too. Or at least most civil.

>> No.2028737

orwell never got piss drunk


>> No.2028738


the right man for the right time.

>> No.2028747

And he was a worse man for it

>> No.2028749

You've never read Down and Out in Paris and London have you?
He describes getting drunk off his balls several times.

>> No.2028762

wrong on both counts. or one if you replace an with trv

>> No.2030839
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>> No.2030859

Hanging out with Hitchens would be so much fun. I love the pictures and videos of his apartment in DC (basically nothing in the place but books and alcohol).

>> No.2030870

>Christopher Hitchens

People here actually read babby-tier crap like Hitchens?

>> No.2030928

You're absolutely right. Now go shimmy off to a mirror somewhere and tell yourself how superior you are to everyone else.

>> No.2032931


>> No.2032941


>Babby Tier

quite the opposite actually, most of his stuff is comprised of dry political and historical essays.

>> No.2032943

yeah people only say that because he's one of those obnoxious atheists like Richard Dawkins. He's not "babby-tier" by any means but that doesn't mean he's any good

>> No.2032951
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Obnoxious to retards, maybe.

But I get the feeling that's the point.

>> No.2032952

What's bad about him, exactly?
He writes very well.

>> No.2032956

His politics.

>> No.2032957

He's a handsome guy.
How he ended up married to jack skeleton is beyond me

>> No.2032958

Would you like to go into detail or should I just accept "he bad" as a valid answer?

>> No.2032962


The hyperemotional, moralistic, UNESCO bullshitters and Saddam apologists tend to disagree with him, it's true.

>> No.2032975
