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/lit/ - Literature

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20280074 No.20280074 [Reply] [Original]

How much information do you retain from reading? Do you take notes?

>> No.20280084

>How much information do you retain from reading?
And how exactly would one quantify that?

>Do you take notes?
I make twitter threads of interesting parts.

>> No.20280089

I make questions and revisit them often if the topic interests me of course

>> No.20280103

>How much information do you retain from reading?
Quite a bit. Depends on what I am reading and how much effort I am putting in. If I am just reading an airplane novel or some light escapism, I'll remember basic plot points and characterizations. If I am reading something heavy, like Ulysses or poetry, I'll usually make notes on the page and in a journal and retain way more details like quotes, motifs, metaphors, historical context, connections to other pieces, etc.

>> No.20280130

id say about 550 megabits.

>> No.20280135

Reading what?
If I'm reading literature I'm focused on the experience that the book gives me. I'm not trying to become an lecturer or a "trivia master" so what I retain from these books are what they were able to imprint on me. So, for these books the phrase "I don't remember the meals that I ate during my life, but they still made me who I am today" is true.
For philosophy, law and other more intellectual works I have a system of first reducing the chapter that I'm reading into key questions that I should be able to answer. I do this process in a physical notebook that Is only meant to be a workspace, and after that I store the information in a zettelkasten type program for latter use and review.

>> No.20280139

I do but my handwriting is so bad that I had to take extracurricular classes to remedy it (it didn't work). sometimes its hard to even read my own notes

>> No.20280211

I only carry with me the vibes of all the books I read.

>> No.20280230
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D-do you wanna see my notes?

>> No.20280232

It was a quantitive question.
Your quala is irrelivent.

>> No.20280322

What kind of quantitative measure would you like that retention in? A persentage? Some kind of ordinal like none, some, most, all? You know qualitative is better measure for your query. But, it's not like I was going to show them to you anyway, baka!

>> No.20280362
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You niggas is autistic for thinking I was asking for a specific number instead of something like "a lot" or "not very much"

>> No.20280382
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>> No.20280386

are they pretty and colourful?

>> No.20280407

no post your feet

>> No.20280431

If I enjoy what I am reading I can remember a lot without any notes. Obviously, for exact quotations I'll need the quote.

>> No.20280432
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No, they're black illegible scrawls in line less moleskins. I would never use color coding to aid my retention. In fact, my notes are completely devoid of any kind of organisation. No section titles, bullet points or sub headings. Nothing that would aid in navigation. The words constantly cramp in on themselves, and the letters vary widely in size. The spellings are all consistent and standard. The punctuation is pristine. It's all very boring. I'm quite uninteresting.

>> No.20280463

>A persentage?
of what?
I would say character number.
Also no, OP said how much. a quatitive statement, in no means a qualitative one. I dont see how you are so bad at this. come up with a quantification.

>> No.20280465

i hope your handwriting is enough to save you

>> No.20280490
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Yes, but they're mostly excerpts I like or allusions to things I'm not familiar with so I can look them up later.

>> No.20280551

Save me from what? Internet bullies?
You know I was just trying to have fun being cute and contrarian, okay? Why do you guys want to be so damn serious and rational all the time?
Besides, my retention varies based on stress level, context, and distance from the reading. You ever feel anxious and have your mind go blank? You ever walk away from something and go "Damn, I knew the answer to that"? Sometimes it takes a minute, but more comes back when I start thinking about other things around what I was learning. This is especially true when I start going back over my notes, or flipping through a book I've annotated. It's also the case when I read something new. I recall things I've read before, and discover how they connect. Not everything is always available all the time. Even if if I remember "most" of a book I don't remember it "most" of the time. Quality of retention and how I attain it is much more useful information than the illusory idea of some static quantity in my dynamic consciousness. All the posts before me describe their quantity in quality too. Most mention what aspects they remember and talk bout how they're able to. I'm not bad at this, you're just an asshole.
Check the archive I've done it enough times already

>> No.20280579


>> No.20280609
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I'm not sure what you mean by that, do you think I'm going to kill myself or something? I'm not planning on it. thanks for caring though I guess.
I only showed up again for tonight anyway.

>> No.20280872

I don't read for retaining information, I read to gain pleasure and interesting insights from reading at that particular moment. If I want to retain information I'll read a technical manual or something like that

>> No.20281001

Retain implies there is some situation where I am called upon to recall it, I probably do retain a lot, but how much of what I actually read is actually going to require recall?

>> No.20281198
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>I make twitter threads of interesting parts.

>> No.20281219

I write in the margins but I learn best by regurgitating what I read in summaries to other people. Then I pretty much never forget the bones.

>> No.20281220

Lots if you have longform conversations with people.

>> No.20281244

Who are these magical mystical people who I would not be boring the brains out of by discussing the arcane things I've read?

>> No.20281248

I call my dad, sister, and the two friends that I have to discuss what I’m reading, so I retain a bunch. No one has the heart to tell me they don’t give a shit.

>> No.20281286

the only time I do that is when I am actively trying to sound retarded towards my friends

>> No.20281290

Sounds like there is no situation where I'll actually be called upon to recall what I've retained from reading... dang

>> No.20281292

They're hard to find but exist. All my friends I could talk about these things I met in high school except one who was a garbage can junkie who then got an english degree published in short fiction who now makes 200k a year plus stake in hia company in business administration. He owns multiple rental properties but was a meth and heroin and xannax addict 7 years ago. All my other friends dualed in stem and liberal arts to some degree. The only thing I have nobody to talk to about is music composition and theory.

>> No.20281313
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>thing I have nobody to talk to about is music composition and theory.
Ironic. I have tonnes of friends I could discuss that with. But no one I could discuss Proust, or Wittgenstein, or Aristotle, or Nabokov with or my true interest: Haute Couture fashion.

>> No.20281548
File: 75 KB, 720x540, 349f577f5ec2de049b0d7cac3eeff655--barney-fife-the-andy-griffith-show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more into getting off grid and learning about agriculture, hunting, and hunting these days. Herritage clothing and the technical reasons for the designs are more interesting than the marked up low durability stuff they sell to chinese factory owners. I don't wear plastics as a rule, only cotton, linen, wool, silk, modal. I wish I had grown up in Tennessee 100 years ago and gotten to see Harlem Stride through Swing and standards and Chicago Jazz bands and all those Musicals while being a classic country musician and going bear and deer hunting with my family and friends. Best I can do is move to kansas or idaho and build a compound with a studio in the barn and write jamiroquai style disco & r&b.

>> No.20281566

Gallery of images

>> No.20281584

I have perfect recall

>> No.20281608

It's impossible to accurately quantify but I'd probably say 65%.

>> No.20281714

This is cope, you probably haven't digested a work even subconciously if you can't remember much of it

>> No.20282349
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i remember the titles of all the books ive ever read thats all anyone needs to know really