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/lit/ - Literature

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20277695 No.20277695 [Reply] [Original]

better off dead? edition


>> No.20277700

I gotta play some oldschool text adventure games bros. they look so cozy

>> No.20277720
File: 594 KB, 1920x2560, B6640828-3ABD-4072-B40A-829E740F5FCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s your excuse for not having sex today?

>> No.20277728

Being horny is so rude and annoying. How nature toys with us over sex, interrupting the daily flow of life with it with stubborn insistence no matter the event, be it work or rest, wedding or funeral, all for the fleeting moment of self-nullification that is orgasm. Only for nature to then throw us away like discarded playthings immediately afterwards with the instantanous cessation of all sexual desire. Then, it is easy to feel tricked. Was this what I was wasting my time over? Was that it?

For the adolescent fondling himself for the first time sex presents itself as a vast unexplored universe of tantalizing bodily discoveries. He senses himself standing on the cusp of a rapturous realization; suddenly the human body is cast in a dazzling new light. A light that blinds. Parts of the body which used to carry no sexual meaning now flicker with flashes of arousal. Bodily scents acquire new seductive dimensions, evoking intoxicating images of sensual promises. Others, once simply themselves as they are, now find a second life as raw objects of attraction, a role which in his overrides the former, primary one. As this sexual expanse opens up before him and conquers more of his psychological territory, little does he know that it will soon consume him, that it will remake him utterly, break him down and build him back up with sex at his core; that the happy peace of mind which is mistaken for childhood innocence is exchanged for this overwhelming new adult regime of lustful turmoil. His own body lures him into chains.

Soon enough those first, cosmic orgasms will subside in intensity and become a routine, almost a chore, no more extraordinary than any form of bodily elimination but just as necessary to find relief . Like an imp on his shoulder sexual desire will follow him into old age, whispering indecent thoughts, prodding him to act against his better judgement, goading him into shameful dark corners. Again and again he will listen because no words could be more convincing when heard. And no matter how many times he hears those same words he still always believes them as if some novel cunning was employed each time despite it being the same old ruse. Never have lies appeared truer.

>> No.20277740

Damn this nigga needs pussy asap

>> No.20277742

No personality
No status
No money

>> No.20277746
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We're on a road to nowhere.

>> No.20277752

What is more good a cringy shitpost or nothing at all? Presume there would be an angel of posting, how would he consider an attempt at something unique and unexpected that ended up being ugly and retarded (not it a based way)? Taking into account that silence is a pure nihilistic denial of life and retardedness is at least an attempt at living. But what if it is.. smelly?

>> No.20277763

I for the life of me can't find a job
it's been months and it's getting me really down
I don't think it's because I'm stupid, I see everyone I know have good well paying jobs and most of them seem way less intelligent that I am

>> No.20277928

Since returning after lockdown my workplace is like 95% female, bunch of people resigned and the new hires are all women except for one, and its really shifted the workplace culture to this point where you just have to engage with everybody in this falsely upbeat and positive manner which is ironic because they have all cliqued up and are engaging in bitchy drama with one another.

>> No.20278008

stealing from megacorporations should be legal.

>> No.20278013

I'm ace.

>> No.20278015

I have the same issue but with finding a new place to live. I've been trying for a year now. It's extremely demoralizing.

>> No.20278017

it's a lot.
no mate for real.
it's a lot.

>> No.20278018

just politely refuse to engage.

>> No.20278026

I remember I saw a clip with a british cop who'd worked undercover in drug-gangs. it was very interesting all in all, bu one thing that stood out as interesting was how he said it was a major expense for the gangs to stay terrifying. A large part of their budget and brain-power went in to schemes of intimidation. It was a real hassle for them, figuring out whos hand to chop off dramatically when

>> No.20278075

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20278099

I think I'm mentally disabled and that hitting my head out of anger and self-hatred cause brain damage


>> No.20278106

I found three collections of Joseph Roth articles on zlib, they all are like 1500 pages each, 150-175 words a page.

They're extermely interesting an absolute joy to read.

I can't believe he was drunk like 90% of the time.

>> No.20278110

I'm already dead inside, I'm only alive in a physical and material sense, my heart beats and I'm still breathing. However, my soul gave up, I gave it up, I'm living day after day waiting for the inevitable bittersweet end.

>> No.20278132

You're not dead.

>> No.20278163

The fact that Holocaust believers exist is the biggest indictment against critical thinking. All you need to debunk the Holocaust is to look into it. Check all the approved source, all the Jew-owned sources, all the official source. Look for any material evidence that 6M jews were killed. You won't find any. No need for any /pol/ chart and conspiracy theory websites. Only based on official sources, any reasonable man with critical thinking abilities should be skeptical of the Holocaust. Yet people accept it uncritically.

>> No.20278169

I gave pol one day to convince me. I came to the conclusion the protocols of the elders of zion was hogwash, and there was some sign at auschwitz that was apparently the damning piece of evidence that just seemed dumb. I decided they were all twats and that was that.

>> No.20278215
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/pol/ solved it many years ago

>> No.20278244

I feel like the thing of it is that the holocaust as a political tool is waning either way. I wouldn't want to go in some rabbit hole for nothing, ostracizing myself from anyone above 40 permanently just so I can what- somewhat effectively shit on israel in front of nazis? it has all moved on either way. if they own everyting (I bet they do) then they already own everything, and have for so long, and I don't think anyone cares anymore

>> No.20278265

I don't disagree, I don't think most people have any reason to learn about it. My point was just that it doesn't pass any basic critical thinking test.

>> No.20278268

fair enough, I wouldn't know

>> No.20278293

this website is the closest anyone has ever been to living a guy ritchie film

>> No.20278308

>actual small time crooks
>mid size gangsters
shit bants, dilettantes

>> No.20278316

I should have been dead a million times over and I'm so fucking tired of feeling sorry about it

>> No.20278330
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Pic related

>> No.20278338
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Is it me or do these guys have same kind of eyes?

>> No.20278339

droopy eyes?

>> No.20278360

“Hooded eyes”
A few of these are from aging and at least one is from having epicanthal folds genetically.

>> No.20278416

I watched Inside by Bo Burnham today and it really resonated with me, especially when he said he would kill himself if it was temporary, only for like 18 months or so. I've always looked down on suicidal people and ruled it out for myself a long time ago, but then again I also used to look down on alcoholics and here i am with my 4th beer the 5th day in row. i also hate finishing things as i always find myself feeling empty afterwards. i'm writing a cthulhu themed RPG for my friends at the moment but i'm kinda stuck on the setup.

>> No.20278458

Who gives a fuck how many they've killed
It did happen and that's the point

>> No.20278571
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I have no skills, im boring, not good at anything, dont enjoy hobbies, not good socially or physically, dont have energy, never let myself go, never develop anything, have no opinions or true knowledge, cant do anything with information i have, cant make simple decisions....even if i reset time i wouldnt know what to do.

>> No.20278583

are you me?

>> No.20278588

I keep forming a narrative with almost the whole of my past in my mind, a story of how I got there and how I became who I am. The problem is that I've already done this a thousand times. It seems compulsive at this point, almost as if it were a symptom of some bizarre disease or something like that.

>> No.20278601
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>he is the still waters, the slice of bread, the clouded sky
>he is the perfect median of all things. he doesn't provoke or offend, he doesn't create or inspire
>to have an opinion about him is to not understand him, for he is the absence of opinion

>> No.20278602

It far more lucrative to write furry erotica than it is to write a "serious" novel.

>> No.20278604

Yeah, pretty much the same here. On top of that I’m thoroughly unpleasant (borderline abusive) person and objectively deserved all the abuse, cuckoldry and ostracization I received in return. And too lazy to make it as a hermit writer.

>> No.20278626

Yes. I'm in the same position. What's your plan? Mine is to write erotica until I have enough to just focus on writing whatever I want to.

>> No.20278633

I wish I could be talented autistic just to put my whole life into one thing.

>> No.20278638

OP here:
the point is not for you to kill yourelf. Don't kill yourself. The point is that the thread has been really slow for a while and I wasn't sure if it should be given up on.

>> No.20278646

>By relieving the brain of all unnecessary work, a good notation sets it free to concentrate on more advanced problems, and in effect increases the mental power of the race . . . By the aid of symbolism, we can make transitions in reasoning almost mechanically by the eye, which otherwise would call into play the higher faculties of the brain. It is a profoundly erroneous truism . . . that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them. (Whitehead)
Is Whitehead right? But should we not think about problems in order to avoid ecological disasters, like what has occurred now as caused by innovative production involving pollutants? In my opinion, the human species doesn't use reasoning for the sake of reasoning because the telos of such a thing as thinking about problems is to axiogenetically provide solutions to increasing the well-being of human persons as evidence by constraints to scientific evidence and reactions against science without a code of ethics. Or am I misinterpreting what Whitehead is saying?

>> No.20278671

there should be a word for the particular brand of male inadequacy that comes from watching his movies

>> No.20278676

Whats this from?

>> No.20278690

i honestly can't remember where i read that text a couple of years ago. but i liked it and wrote it down. the image is from thisisnthappinessdotcom

>> No.20278692

nvm i found it.
>5. Mickey - Mickey is an apple. A slice of bread. A three out of five star rating. He is the perfect median of all things, he does not provoke, insult, inspire or create. To have an opinion on Mickey is misunderstand Mickey, as he is the absence of opinion.

>> No.20278694


>> No.20278704

that was fast. cheers for that

>> No.20278790

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20278836

He explained that the companies we work for had invested millions into the building of privately owned prisons and that our positions of influence in the music industry would actually impact the profitability of these investments. I remember many of us in the group immediately looking at each other in confusion. At the time, I didn’t know what a private prison was but I wasn't the only one. Sure enough, someone asked what these prisons were and what any of this had to do with us. We were told that these prisons were built by privately owned companies who received funding from the government based on the number of inmates. The more inmates, the more money the government would pay these prisons. It was also made clear to us that since these prisons are privately owned, as they become publicly traded, we’d be able to buy shares. Most of us were taken back by this. Again, a couple of people asked what this had to do with us. At this point, my industry colleague who had first opened the meeting took the floor again and answered our questions. He told us that since our employers had become silent investors in this prison business, it was now in their interest to make sure that these prisons remained filled. Our job would be to help make this happen by marketing music which promotes criminal behavior, rap being the music of choice. He assured us that this would be a great situation for us because rap music was becoming an increasingly profitable market for our companies, and as employee, we’d also be able to buy personal stocks in these prisons.

>> No.20278839
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>covid lock downs happen
>throws off my whole workout routine
>still exercise but definitely not as consistent as before
>start reading philosophy
>start reading jung
>tired of getting fat so get back into old routine
>1 month later
>no more interest in philosophy or Jung
>want to read history books again
>read berserk
>might read some Hemingway again

Is this the true power of testosterone?

>> No.20278871

>killing 1 person and 100M persons is the same thing, stop asking questions
The Holocaust never happened.
>The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.

>> No.20278872

an unemployed man has many burdens

>> No.20278873

don't care if it's true or not, that's a wild story

>> No.20278884

Train levels in video games are really cool. I just like the idea of walking around on moving transportation with other people.

>> No.20278903

I was a monster on de_train

>> No.20278931

>1. to seize and take away by violence
>2. to overcome with emotion (such as joy or delight)
>3. rape

I can't stop thinking about this. Why is there a word in the English language that can equally mean to rape or to overwhelm someone with pleasure? What does this say about female sexuality? Rhetorical question. I'm cackling.

>> No.20278942
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The thought of her being happy keeps me alive

>> No.20278956

Train level in Paper Mario on the Gamecube fucking sucked.

>> No.20278958

have we ever figured out their motive?

>> No.20278960

'Tis Pity She's a Whore by John Ford is better than anything Shakespeare ever wrote.

>> No.20278987

my brain has been motivated

>> No.20278990

She said no

>> No.20279007
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I stopped believing in myself

>> No.20279035

nice bowie song

>> No.20279126
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There are days where i doubt the existence of pure talent and pure geniuses. But then I look at Maradona. How can you not be romantic about life?

>> No.20279129

I some paint
Should i paint memes?

>> No.20279149

Paint that which make you think that which make you paint.

>> No.20279153
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What’s the greatest movie you’ve ever seen anon?

>> No.20279169

my dick

>> No.20279179

All human suffering is rooted in the conflict if temporality and eternity

>> No.20279199

Being openly anti semitic to zionist boomers is one of the finest pleasures in life. Only bugmen would decline truth for social acceptance among other bugmen

>> No.20279208

U wot

>> No.20279224

I want to coom but if some people knew it might disappoint them. I’m going to refrain from cooming for their sakes.

>> No.20279295
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Thinking about starting a /lit/ + /x/ themed youtube channel. I want to talk about philosophy, religion, esotericism, the occult and other schizo topics...
Any tips?

>> No.20279305

Dishonest filmmaking

>> No.20279309

Go for it and i will watch it.

>> No.20279316


>> No.20279379
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I've just thought about this a while ago
All these different societies and civilizations are shaped around their respective views on death, muh "scarce resource" is just cope

>> No.20279419

Gonna check this out

>> No.20279437

The idea of temporality vs eternity came to be with this verse
>For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
We have our senses which give us a world of flux, but we also have our reason which gives us an idea of constancy. We all have some notion of forever. The carnal mind seeks the world of flux in sense experience. The pleasures of sensual indulgence can only be temporary as all things pass, and therefore the carnal mind indulges in death. I think we all know that one day we will die, and everyone understands that our present life will permanently cease. Now, one might believe in reincarnation ot ressurection, but both of these beliefs entail permanent death of what we are presently. And that knowledge that we will end motivates our behavior. My personal cope is taking the classical take on God as being permanent and that I should be spiritually minded. Others might grasp at eternity by desiring children. Others will instead be sensually indulgent. I know a guy who follows BAP. He reveres youth and works out a lot. But ultimately we each follow these copes because that knowledge of approaching eternity causes pain. As temporal creatures we all experience irreversible loss. And therefore all suffering is us temporal being defined by our relationship to eternity

>> No.20279438

I feel pathetic saying this but for the first time, I actually considered buying a treadmill from the infomercial with Chuck Norris in it. It's the one where you are supposed to only work eight minutes a day and still get results. Yeah. that's probably just advertising but it's not like I want to go to the actual gym and if it is cheap enough, I figure why not?

>> No.20279447

Actually it wasn't a treadmill. It was weight lifting equipment. I don't know the different gym stuff.

>> No.20279450

I agree. I've done a year of nofap and it just makes me constantly horny and sex is on my mind more than it was before. The only benefit is I dont waste time masturbating and I dont overwhelm my dopamine receptors

>> No.20279458

None of my friends know I have a pussy

>> No.20279467

The shortest greentext ever told.
>Here lies Anon.
>Never scored.

>> No.20279473

Quoth the raven
Never scored

>> No.20279475

when i do kettlebells my session is probably like 8 minutes. maybe some pushups or light swings to warm up, three sets of shoulder press, some biceps curls, that's about it. i do that like 2 times a week. if the idea of a 8 minute workout intrigues you, just buy a 45lb kettlebell. it won't stop u from being fat if that's your problem, but you'll def get a lot stronger.

>> No.20279478

I think certain disorders, like schizophrenia, adhd, autism, bipolar, borderline, are all just different personality types. who else believed this?
its not legal to rape

>> No.20279486

Freddy Got Fingered, unironically

>> No.20279490

I find it interesting that certain personality types tend to resemble mental illnesses. All Schizoids (personality disorder) are INTJS, and INTJS also are higher on the autistic spectrum. But the validity of personality disorders and personality types is highly questionable.

>> No.20279492

same I will watch it, sub to my channel when I sub to yours

>> No.20279495


>> No.20279513

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 1954 version.

>> No.20279515

When we say there is such a thing as a personality disorder we simultaneously declare that there is a normative personality. How exactly is that defined? Is there any meaningful metric? I think the absence of a meaningful standard for a normative personality is the reason why just about everyone can be rubber stamped with a diagnosis. Obviously theres significant variation in each individuals personality and obviously everyone will face some kind of trials in life, therefore it's impossible to hold anyone to the standard of perfect personality. It definitely seems like disorders themselves have become more broadly ecnompassing

>> No.20279525

ANON OR BOT," I shrieked, upstarting.

>> No.20279532

I don't know a single person who wouldn't be diagnosed with something if they saw a psychiatrist

>> No.20279544


>> No.20279560

Quoth the chan-bot:

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

>> No.20279561



>> No.20279564

For me, it's deenz

>> No.20279566

I'm INTJ, but I don't believe in this test. It's mildly entertaining at best

>> No.20279604

I used to think about killing myself every single day, for hours a day. I was pretty functional, I wasn't close to doing it.
Now it's back. Most likely I will do little or nothing about it. Accept the small self-inflicted wounds that bring it on. Imagine myself as having slightly progressed beyond them, without actually having done so. Waste money overpaying for a useless education and lazily isolate myself with my preferred media.
Changing ones life - the only way I can see myself doing it is by lowering my expectations. I can just about manage supervised wage labour, regular exercise, and cooking for myself. Maybe that's where I need to build from, instead of drowning in the independence of long projects, vague notions of edification, splitting time between locations and countries. Which I just about do! But it feels anguished.
Where am I going to end up... Probably not that wealthy. Clerical job. Who knows what kind. Write poetry in spare time. Never make any money from it. Use it as a part of your identity that keeps you 'intellectual'. If I fail to found a family, it could end up being quite miserable...

>> No.20279610

It's pretty obvious that mental illness and high levels of creativity/intelligence go hand in hand. But as it stands all attempts at understanding this are pseudoscience. We know there's a strong correlation but that's all IMO.

>> No.20279629

>mental illness and high levels of creativity/intelligence go hand in hand
An ounce of reflecting on humanity, moral questions and consciousness leads you to bleak realizations about the world and yourself. You'd have to be a fool to be happy, ignorant and not craving any answers. With creativity, tragedy fuels your art and I think most artists know that if they went to therapy or payed attention to their mental health, their art would suffer. If your initial reaction to tragedy isn't "this will make great material and grow my perspective" then I can't understand you as a writer.

>> No.20279647
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Dark Water (2002 Japanese version)
And probably Clown (2014)

>> No.20279678
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For me, it's Lydia.
>On a clear day, you can see Alcatraz


>> No.20279698
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>Why do you want to join us?
To get money, what is the purpose of this question?
>What can you contribute to this company?
Uhhh I do my job?
>What are your strengths and weaknesses?
>Why is there a gap in your work history?
Because I could afford to? Are you my mother???

>> No.20279758

Ants have 40% of their population doing nothing and 60% doing all the work. The 40% act as backup in unexpected cases of population decline (for example, wars).

>> No.20279765

See that road? You're gunna walk it

>> No.20279767

kek. Marketing and Impression Management is Lindy
Who do you find interesting and not 'boring'? What traits do they have. Do them. Start small.
Also "true knowledge" doesn't make sense, you either know the truth or you don't. You either know or you don't know, you know?
It seems to me Whitehead is simply saying that when you have a formula, or a simplified symbolic representation it takes less brain power to do the same thing. This seems pretty intuitively obvious to me.
We invent words to describe concepts we use all the time.
The example that comes to mind is when I put my keys in the bowl next to my door. I don't need to perform a mental search every time I need to go outside, I can mindlessly go to the bowl which frees my brain to think about more higher function things.
It's the same with Laplace Transformation, you just look it up in a table because you understand what the symbol represents, that frees you to focus on the novel bits of the equation.
Obviously if you can do this with all your thinking, or the majority of it, the more brain power you can spend on 'important things'. I think you're misinterpreting the 'civilization advances' part. Because those advances are much more granular, it's the compounding of a million little efficiencies that causes evolution, it's not necessarily inventing the equivalent of Musical Notation for Ecological disasters
Inspiration to manlets too
"Lowering your expectations"? What were your expectations to begin with?
Groucho and Chico are the /lit/ comedians... in a very Finnegans Wake sort of sense

>> No.20279821

Wow they're just like me

>> No.20279831

I am, in a figurative sense.

>> No.20279842
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this is on my mind

>> No.20279847
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5 years ago, I took the language test (for military cryptologists) just for fun and to see what I would've gotten. Cryptolinguists learn foreign languages to collect intel on other countries and analyze it. In other words, spying on other countries. I took it and got to the category that said I can study any language the military needs, so I mentioned it when I spoke to my boyfriend, who was a Russian soldier (conscript). We were both young and dumb.

He asked, "What language are you gonna learn?"

"I can learn anything, but I am gonna learn Russian, so I can spy on you and your country."

"Okay, you can spy on me and my country." he chuckled, "We have mountain. We have beach."

"And cute girls playing on the beach."

"with nice butts." he adds.

I continued, "When the American military sends drones to other countries, they're not looking for intel or to see what the Russian government is doing. They just want to look at hot girls in other countries playing volleyball at the beach."

"The important things. Who cares about anything else?"

"Yes, this is very critical information. So the drone comes back with pictures of girls in bikinis and the private gives it to his officer, 'Hey boss, we got intel on the Russians. Are we winning yet?' The officer snatches the photos and tells him 'Good job, Private. These are very critical information. I will go study these in my office now. Alone.' and then behind the closed door the soldiers hear a mysterious fapping noise. He's been in there for a while so they think he must have found something important."

My Russian friend, who barely ever smiles, finally cracks a big smile. "Yeah, just another day in the army."

I then told him, "just kidding, I want to learn it so I can come and live with you." and he gave out a hearty laugh.

>> No.20279858
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I'm reading A Portait of the Artist as a Young Man and chapter 3's sermons by the preacher is really making me fucking hate Catholics. I understand the literary merit is to make you hate Catholics by putting the fear of God in you, and maybe it's just the non denominational Christian in me, but preaching fire and brimstone always struck me as an awful way to spread the Gospel. You're not gaining followers who want to walk the path and become better, more righteous people. You're hoarding slaves and the frightened who are afraid of Hell. Why would a religion ever be formed that says "Follow me or go to Hell"? Why wouldn't the religion say "Follow me and I will show you how to reach heaven"? And I don't buy that Catholics do the latter, EVER.
Fuck, I really hate this chapter. I can't wait for it to end.

>> No.20279861

Am I doomed? I got rejected from my college application recently and now I’m contemplating just moving to another part of America and trying my luck in the Midwest somewhere. Hopefully then rents not too expensive and I can get some education and shit done. Living in the city has been hell. I’m not stupid, at least I don’t think I am so I am just contemplating how I’m going to manage

>> No.20279871

Baudelaire was right: every man carries within him his dose of natural opium.

>> No.20279906


>> No.20279913

Nah thats a very standard young mans journey. Youll be fine

>> No.20279941
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People work for decades to perfect their YouTube channels and produce quality content, and then some brit fag who looks like Goofy as a human shits this out and gets 100,000 views. Meanwhile the Distributist, Morgoth Reviews, and Endeavour
I really hate this fucking world.

>> No.20279947
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So apparently I have dyscalculia, but my point still stands.

>> No.20279963

>Why would a religion ever be formed that says "Follow me or go to Hell"?
doesn't Jesus say this a lot?

>> No.20279979
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The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of concealing your dispositions for anal loli bukkake
- Sun Tzu

>> No.20280093 [DELETED] 

i was playing cs:go last easter and some dude was spamming the teamchat with fire and brimstone sermons from some protestant wacko and i gotta say it was pretty good compared to the low energy catholic stuff you get from mass. doing stuff to get to heaven is just hedonism. doing stuff to avoid hell is saving your soul.

>> No.20280097

I have severe borderline personality disorder that has proven very resilient to treatment. My best friend from college recently sort of confronted me about how I often apologize to her for things that didn't affect her and that I often thank her for doing things with me, because it implies that she only hangs out with me out of pity. I really don't even know how to respond, my brain just constantly tells me that just existing in other people's lives makes theirs worse, and so I feel unbelievably guilty for everything I do that takes up their time and am extremely grateful and consider them to be exceedingly generous for having spent that time on me.

>> No.20280127

Those interview questions are always really retarded

>> No.20280131
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I'm considering self publishing a side project of mine on Amazon as a trilogy of novellas/light novels, then making them available as one traditional novel length volume. Is this a good strategy to get my feet wet in the publishing world? I'm hoping to go through a publisher once my main project is done, but I currently don't have any published works under my belt.

>> No.20280143

Not true, schizos tend to have a significantly lower iq than the general pop. Bipolars have a slightly higher iq but it’s not even very strongly correlated

>> No.20280360

I can’t bear to look at my writing right now but don’t want to keep wasting time.
I doodled but it’s not helping.

>> No.20280377

>reacts to a popular celebrity topic of the week
Yeah no shit this retard gets thousands of views compared to youtube armchair dissidents

>> No.20280388

From what position were you applying? High school? Community college? Those are very different. Hell, I'd be surprised if anyone got rejected from community college, the whole system is designed to funnel you into a state school.

>> No.20280419
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Being a NEET is driving me to suicide but I cannot for the life of me hold down a job I am just to mentally and physically far gone

>> No.20280425

>What’s your excuse for not having sex today?
I'm not married.

>> No.20280435

Whoever recommended Edith Wharton's The Writing of Fiction a couple of threads ago - thank you.
I've also been reading The Age of Innocence from the same platform and I really enjoy it.

>> No.20280448

I got a call from a uni coordinator today telling me a failed my most recent assessment in a spectacular way. I already had been feeling like a bit of an imposter, but this completely ruined my mental state. I'm considering getting a physical outdoor job despite already having a law degree, but I'm worried I'm too old to tell my family and friends that I've quit again, and that if I do they will consider me lower in their estimations. Another part of me wonders why I should even care, and is annoyed that I do. I really hate needing money, and I hate the competitive nature of the job market and the mentality that the legal industry fosters in graduates that allow those graduates to believe they need to work 80 hour weeks for just over minimum wage to get into the industry. I also hate that legal thinking is the only real way of thinking I'm good at, and that my academic performance in more normal strands of learning make me feel like a complete retard. All in all, I'm feeling pretty shitty /lit/ bros, and I haven't felt this way in a long time.

>> No.20280451

do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my fucking feet
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my feet
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my feet
do you want to lick my feet
do you want to lick my feet
do you want to lick my feels toes and arches
do you want to lick my feet
my feet do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
I'm ovulating
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
every fucking month
I have schizophrenia
do you want to lick my feet
do you want to lick my feet
do you want to lick my feet my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
do you want to lick my toes
between each and every one
do you want to lick my toes

>> No.20280492
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yes x5
goes without saying
yes x3
goes without saying
goes without saying x3
goes without saying, yes, hell yes
goes without saying
your feet? yes
yes x2
hm, ok
yes x5
every month?
you have schizophrenia?
goes without saying x2
goes without saying, your toes?
yes x6
each and every one?

>> No.20280538

Read a Reddit post earlier that filled me with the urge to fap. I'm still thinking about it.

>> No.20280549

The thing is, why should i fucking care? Im not a christcuck. What are the jews to me? The way i see it, theyre an invasive species that has been living it good on the backs of their christians golems for over a millennium. So when Euros stop being christian, of course theyre gonna go after the jews. And fuck what humanism thinks about that

>> No.20280557

something happened to over the past few months and now i just walk around and take what i need without hesitation. I can't believe not a year ago I was phased by asking people for favor or having some of this or that. my questions kind of come off as commands now to be quite honest.

>> No.20280565

Miguel Unamuno

>> No.20280603
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When covid was at it's peak, I didn't have to go to uni for my masters (it took me 2 hours one way), so it saved me the hassle of wasting my time travelling. Studying was bit easier because I had more energy reserved and exams took place online. I didn't need to attend for the better part of my semesters. But seeing my junior finish her masters along with the friends she made along the way through classes made me feel a little melancholic. I realised I barely made any friends in my college years.

>> No.20280613

Maybe not "schizo" then, but madness. Just look at Nietzsche or Terry A. Davis. But I think you get what I mean anyway. Most great men are legitimately weird, they're not just improved versions of the average guy on the street, but rather way better in some ways and worse in others. These people just function differently, probably related to brain chemistry

>> No.20280730

What did you study anon?

>> No.20280949

I am ugly. On one hand it liberates but one the other one it makes me sad.

>> No.20280955

I am pretty. On one hand it oppresses but one the other one it makes me happy.

>> No.20280959

Men can't be pretty. Women are pretty, men are handsome.

>> No.20280965

I for sure think that if autism and adhd.

>> No.20280967

Getting a taste of the normie life in my late teens (gf, sex, office job) ruined me. While I realized that such existence is terrible and I’d kill myself before turning 40, it also left me permanently stunned in adolescence and unable to pursue creativite interests with discipline. Trying to motivate myself now but it’s too depressing.

>> No.20280968

I am a woman doe?

>> No.20280971


>> No.20280973


>> No.20280977

>Getting a taste of the normie life in my late teen
why was it bad, even my parents are weirded out by my hobbies and my old friends used to think that i was mentally retarded
i have been normie maxxing for so many days and i love the attention and the feeling of finally setting in with others

>> No.20280980

Rhotterdam u lolololol

>> No.20280990
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>tfw you realize all traditional news-media will die with the boomers
>it will be a completely tribalized free-for-all regarding the "truth"
>Waterworld is real

>> No.20280994

>democracy is supposed to survive this

>> No.20280997

Because I’m schizoid and already understood back then that I’d never fit in naturally. Forced small talk, awkwardness, mind-numbing data entry for hours, then dealing with gf’s gaslighting and vapid bullshit to no end (while she fucks Chad on the side). Barely any energy left to consume intellectually demanding content, let alone produce any. I understand that this isn’t necessarily the adult life in everyone’s case, but close enough to realize it’s not for me.

>> No.20281008

if you were able to socialize at some respectable extent, would you go for the normie shit or go for consuming literature

>> No.20281013

The latter, 100%. Even high-functioning normies are rarely happy from what I’ve seen, but they’re already to deep in the conformist hole to consider alternatives.

>> No.20281025

i tried my best to get into the latter too but the loneliness just kills me on the inside, plus the fact you got almost no one to relate to and to talk with irl is pretty soul killing for me, how do you deal with this ?

>> No.20281050

Well, I’m schizoid, so I tolerate solitude easily. Normies would go insane within a year in my place, just like I’d die inside participating in their normie shit.

>> No.20281055

>to rape
Rape originally meant sense 1. The Rapture end of days Christians talk about is the same root, and rape and rapture were considered one and the same. Rape came to mean forcing sex onto someone because it was assumed female kidnap victims had been destroyed for marriage, and so the rapist was required to marry and pay dowry for their ruined reputation. It came to mean only forced sex after a couple hundred years of it implying kidnap before or in order to secure marriage.

>> No.20281064

honestly the only thing im afraid is of missing something that i could have experienced easily, like some oldass anons post here about how being isolated seemed a good idead in their young age but it ruined their life in the long run and now they are spiraling even deeper into depression

>> No.20281077

True, I certainly wouldn’t recommend isolation before acquiring some life experience first. Once you go hermit, you won’t go back out there partying and dating bitches again.

>> No.20281151

Can’t get it up anymore.

>> No.20281157

How do you stop suicidal thoughts?
How do you guys enjoy anything?

>> No.20281164
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By learning about things that genuinely interest you? Recently I've been into pentesting computers and Linux internals

>> No.20281180

>How do you stop suicidal thoughts?
I find it's a matter of frequency with this. to some extent you live with it. The last time it was remotely close is about 5 years ago I think, and then I eventually contacted psychiatric care, and they were very responsive, and for some reason just knowing that they were made it a lot better. I think I felt cared for in a way the people around me did not provide, which is sad, but I think that's what it is. After this there have been periods where the thought "I should kill myself", which comes and goes but nowadays I barely see, becomes very present. If I know I've had it 100+ times per day, to the point where it begins to feel like a barrage, over more than 10 days in a row, then it gets pretty pressing. It has happened a couple of times, at about day 14, that I have thought of seeking medical aid again, but then it always subsided at about that time.

I have been very close long ago. When you're very close, you have a method, a place, everytihng is in order and so on; you're really standing at the bridge looking down hours on end- then it's just moment to moment not dieing, don't know what else to say. I have no idea why I didn't die. It helped knowing that there were people who loved me, it helped a lot.

For long periods of my life I've probably thought about suicide every day at leats once. Many years. There are degrees. Just every once in a while has been doable. Now I'm doing better I think, and I really think it is pretty much only down to having found religion. I don't know if that's what you want to hear, but that's how it is.

I've had less anhedonia than you'd think, thank God. I have nothing to tell you there. I don't know if any of this is worth anything, but there it is.

>> No.20281199

>How do you stop suicidal thoughts?
I don't know, they just stop on there own
>How do you guys enjoy anything?
What do you mean by 'enjoy'? Surely you like when food tastes good or if you see a pretty coruscating of light, or if you find a object you've been searching for? But those are only transient types of enjoyment, you must still have them to some degree right?
What do you really mean by 'enjoy'?
What do you think you should 'enjoy'?

>> No.20281210
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Is there really anything more to Jim Morrison lyrics that just "PUSSY OOOO I LOVE PUSSY MMMM" and i don't just mean random beatnik platitudes he came up while he was high?

>> No.20281211

>things that genuinely interest you
But anhedonia is overwhelming. I sincerely don’t like anything.
Thanks anon. I relate to most of what you said. I’m in the “danger zone” and it’s surreal that i’m fully aware that i’m in it, but I can’t stop it. I wish I could find God. I’m glad you’re doing better. Thanks for the words.

>> No.20281225

>transient types of enjoyment
i eat virtually the same thing everyday. I don’t care for food. I can get some fleeting enjoyment on a really small scale. I think i should enjoy art, music, literature, people, family, video games, sports, women, something. I think i should have at least one hobby that i can really say “i enjoy that”.

>> No.20281226

>Thanks for the words.
keep at it would you. it's gonna change.

>> No.20281235

I've been thinking about goals, what I want to do with my life. How the fuck do I get out of this rut I've been in for 5 years.
Recently I've been very 'unproductive' for want of a better word. Last week I was very productive yet felt unfulfilled. I have a to-do list, sorta, but now they are just favors - unpaid work. None of them are actually 'productive' except for the ones about "make a decision about..."
They are commitments which I was just too nice and spineless to say "yes" to, mainly because I can't lie about "I don't have the time". I do. That's the point: I shouldn't. I should be filling them with things I want to do, not commitments, favors to other people.
But when you're in a collaborative creative medium and everyone you know is a fucking flake (oh. the irony, the hypocrisy) you can never get things done.

>> No.20281238

What have you tried with the intent of enjoying previously?

>> No.20281241

Im a 30 year old khv and never been in a relationship but reading about cheating in relationship, lying about previous experiences, jealousy and constant conflicts, makes me to avoid everything even more. Why bother when you cant even trust the other person?

>> No.20281262

human beings are abundantly capable of being happy with their partners and not having any need of trying to do anything to destroy that, and capable of respecting and indeed of wanting to respect their partner. the internet is awful.

>> No.20281269
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I don't know about you but for me it goes something like
>2 years of apathy and anhero attempts
>Blank thoughts, like nothing at all for 2 weeks
>Fever dreams about The God of Things as They Ought to Be, woke up in cold sweat
>Realization hit me
>First question I asked was how do I survive this?
Then after that it's pretty much nothing, I see hanging rope, I think of hanging myself and laugh at the thoughtz

>> No.20281279

>art, music, literature, people, family, video games, sports, women
All of these that I listed.

>> No.20281282

Only had one long-term relationship (just over 3 years) and remember almost nothing but those negative aspects you mentioned - lies about previous sex life, manipulation, cheating. Even the good times seem like an illusion in hindsight because of her constant dishonesty. It’s the same story in most relationships I’ve witnessed around me. If the guy isn’t a dominant brute who cheats himself, the girl takes charge and abuses her partner. You can’t trust women, can’t treat them as reliable equals.

>> No.20281287

I have to admit I'm probably missing something here and have to ask you if you can be more specific? How did you try to enjoy "art"? What art did you try to enjoy, in what circumstance? How, if it did at all, make you feel? How did it differ from other types of art?
Same for music or whatever you felt came closest to enjoying, if any is applicable.

>> No.20281288
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Forgot picrel is The God of Things as They Ought to Be

>> No.20281289

Does the unicorn exist?

>> No.20281298

Won’t waste my time looking for it, every failed expedition kills the soul a little more

>> No.20281311

Gf is visiting her brother so sex will have to wait untill day after tomorrow

>> No.20281316

>How did you try to enjoy "art"?
By giving it a chance to make me feel. But I’m apathetic to it all. It all fails.

>> No.20281322

>By giving it a chance to make me feel. But I’m apathetic to it all. It all fails.
What kind of art? Was it in a gallery? Was it on your laptop? Was it in a book? Did you buy the book or read it in the store? Was it a public gallery, a private one? Was it Rembrandt or Jeff Koons? Damien Hirst or Caravaggio? Was it a series of sculptures made by a recent arts grad? What was the mood like in the room? What did you feel?
And the same for 2 other things you tried.

>> No.20281441

English Major.

>> No.20281469

she cheated on you multiple times over 3 years? did you only find out after or did you just let it go

>> No.20281481
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The weirdest dream phenomenon happened to me last night. My dad was randomly talking about wanting to move to Fort Wayne Indiana. A place I have never heard of in my entire life and have no connection to whatsoever. I wake up and immediately JUST KNOW Fort Wayne, Indiana is an actual place. I look it up and lo and behold there is a Fort Wayne Indiana. HOW DID THAT GET INTO MY BRAIN.

>> No.20281483

During the course of the relationship it became apparent that she had considerably wilder previous experience than she admitted at first. I quit the relationship when she cheated, turned out she was cheating nearly the whole time. My case was completely cucked, but I’ve seen this shit happen to many guys to some extent. On campus, I’ve turned about a dozen sluts hitting on me even though they were in relationships.

>> No.20281549

wilder meaning with older guys, big dicks etc?

Yeah its a pretty common experience that leaves people disillusioned with the hellscape of modern dating. You really must bring the whip if you find something good out there worth keeping around though.

>> No.20281559
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>tfw just got a phone call
>job offer
>65k a year
oh god oh fuck, i have to get my life together now what the fuck. ive been a degenerate for too long, how will i ever adjust. the last 2 years have basically been a constant party and now suddenly i have to become an average joe.
how will i ever get my shit together. im so scared bros..

>> No.20281591

lucky bastard

>> No.20281632

I miss her so very, very much. I'm pretty sure I have to be patient though, even in the best case. It's about time I learned. Barely a minute goes by. It is damn good to have loved.

>> No.20281634

how old are you?

>> No.20281664

my head is so very overwhelmed, it will take so long even just to get back to where I was. I'll never get back I don't think, everything changed. Every single thing changed in a two week period. Every single thing, I'm not the same, I'm changing so rapidly, so many things are just throwing around in my head it's blocked up and swirling and it's just so.. so much is happening. I feel so heavy, I breathe heavy, I can't learn. I don't sleep full nigths anymore, I wake up in the middle. I take many naps. I try to get out, I try to mix with the crowd. All I want is to sleep and to heal, to finally heal after all these years.. there is just more and more and more, and all of it is so good and it is just so much. This isn't even a complaint, is it a cry? It's just bonky stars swirling and they are all on m ymind, like geograpically on it in it through ti mixed in like you mix concrete.

>> No.20281667

put down the books a start smoking weed.

>> No.20281706

When you think about it, there's only a degree of separation between a Jew and your average anti American European

>> No.20281707
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Which should I read next?

In the House in the Dark of the Woods - Laird Hunt
Motel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay
Our Love Will Go the Way of the Salmon - Cameron Pierce
Hell Island - Matthew Reilly
The Blacktongue Thief - Christopher Beuhlman
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke - Eric LaRocca
The Sluts - Dennis Cooper
Titanoboa: Journey to the Amazon - PK Hawkins
Convienience Store Woman - Sayaka Murata
Witch Piss - Sam Pink
Baccano!: The Rolling Bootlegs by Ryohgo Narita & Katsumi Enami
Escape From Dinosauria by Vincenzo Bilof & Max Booth III
Fear by Ronald Kelly

>> No.20281724

My wife watches Korean and Japanese TV shows and says I need to be more like that.

Besides the haircut I think she means more "Strong Silent type" and more nostalgic/romantic.

I'm 6'2" Caucasian and white. You just can't win with these modern women.

>> No.20281848

I went to the bookstore and 90% of the books were honestly garbage not worth reading. Biographies about celebrities/TV personalities, pop sci, entire shelves about race in america, some sci-fi/fantasy, self-help, feel-good stuff like "the alchemist", a handful of history books, and some pop philosophy.

I'm the kind of guy who has some interest in everything, but all these books seemed really damn boring.

>> No.20281887

I'm reading his wikipedia article. I'm very happy you posted this. The general themes resonate with me closely. I've especially been thinking a lot about the agony of Christianity. I have trouble being around the perpetually blissful christians because my own relationship with Christ revolves around points of suffering. Which of his works are best to read? Who are the best english translators?

>> No.20281899

I think my shadow is an enthusiastic, passionate but ultimately vapid blonde valley girl.

>> No.20281911

Dude trade work is great. All these retards running the academic rat race have no idea what they're missing

>> No.20281916

Wanna be my gf

>> No.20281940

Not sure the translation but I've read Tragic Sense of Life and the struggle with temporality and immortality is described throughout.

>> No.20281957

To Kill A Mockingbird is the worst fucking book to be peddled in school it's white savior garbage and needs to be removed from every canon.

>> No.20281986

This is how you become a tranny

>> No.20281998

being a troon is the least of my problems.

>> No.20282007

I feel like I have a bruised testicle

>> No.20282058

How can passion exist in a vapid person? Either the passion is an illusion or they are not actually vapid. There is no passion without some deep resonance. Other wise it is not passion but something less useful and more harmful.

>> No.20282089

You might be passionate but appear vapid.

>> No.20282095

I know your celeb mommy told you to slap your balls while you goon for her, but there is such a thing as taking it too far, my dude.

>> No.20282184

So you ARE a troon.

>> No.20282213

im not delusional enough to be a troon

>> No.20282249

Reading Walden right now and Thoreau is fucking insufferable as a person. I just know if you placed him in modern day America, he would be a faux-environmentalist that brags about owning a hybrid car and a compost bin in his garage.
Half the book is him writing like "The retards in the village work for nothing, they don't realize you can run away into le nature! Also no one else truly understands Homer except for me."


I loved Growth of the Soil and thought this was the go-to nature-themed /lit/ but it fucking sucks. Still gonna finish the last 80 pages.

>> No.20282254

"Proving something is true."

The way empirical evidence works is by demonstration which improves the certainty of a belief.
You really could "prove" the existence of God if you appeal to Teleology.

It could be said that nature, in the modern understanding, exhibits a pattern of purposefulness.
This would be demonstrating "Intelligent Design" and improving the certainty of belief in it, or in other words proving it.

For instance, the four fundamental forces could be considered as having a purpose in a universe centered around life.
The natural inquiry would be, why these forces? Why do particles exist like they do? Why do they have a simple spherical or point-like shape?
You can't even change the strength of the forces by much without the universe falling apart into sheer meaninglessness and chaos.

Appealing to the "everything is an accident and the product of blind chance" angle, is clearly a stretch of the imagination.
There isn't even one part of nature's design that looks superfluous. Sure there are a lot of lifeless planets, but those are by-products of an entirely efficient system. Every single thing has a role to play in a Grand Design.

The Truth proves God. You just needed to look at it analytically.

>> No.20282259

I respect Thoreau because he refused to fight in the spanish american war and got imprisoned for it. one of his friends showed up and asked him why was in there, to which he replied "why aren't you?" right or wrong that's kino enough for me

>> No.20282314

I dunno I liked On Civil Disobedience

>> No.20282353
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, you could just buy my book

>> No.20282363

I’ve always thought Walden was straightfaced satire. Did you guys actually take him seriously when he talked about drilling holes in bins along train tracks and sleeping in them?

>> No.20282583

Why do the jannies delete good threads with disucssions, recommendations, and effortposting, but leave up poltard mudslinging ones?

>> No.20282592
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Well, you're all useless, so I decided to read Hell Island by Matthew Reilly.

Let me summarize it with picrel:

>> No.20282595
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>> No.20282614

it's because /lit/ is a septic tank, and shit-slinging /pol/tard kekstanians are the only people retarded enough to apply to be jannies.

>> No.20282621

Pre-organic humans.

>> No.20282623

I used to be more right wing but this site has really soured me on conservatism. Lots of resentment

>> No.20282675

I alright bought your fucking Crocodile book. Now fuck off already

>> No.20282680


>> No.20282696

i feel as though i am a different species

>> No.20282699

If I don't change my ways tomorrow, I'll hang myself on the evening. I need a Damocles sword to change.

>> No.20282714

>all or nothing
that's not healthy

>> No.20282807

praying for you anon. got me thinking of this


>> No.20282852
File: 157 KB, 820x751, 769-7698760_new-thinking-emoji-png-emojis-de-iphone-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if all suicides are predetermined and those people had no choice and that was almost like a natural death?

>> No.20282927

Probably the best sermon I ever read in that genre is "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," by Jonathan Edwards. It's pretty easy to find online and not too long. There may be others that are better, but I haven't see them.

>> No.20282937

Same boat

>> No.20282963

Writing a poem for an unrequited love. Every poem is a broken heart, but every broken heart is a poem.

I’ll love you, but I’ll love you distantly.
Destroy my hope, for hope is all I keep;
You fly away, and why, I cannot say,
And all these thoughts of you have broken me.

>> No.20282983

I'm so fucking tired of hearing this question from everyone I talk with: "Have you found a job yet?"

>> No.20283014

just once I'd like to go to an actual american backyard bbq. I've been to ones in my country but no one here knows how to cook, no one is fat, no one has kids or tire-swings and they're really just trying to copy what they've seen on tv.

>> No.20283023

It's not that hard anon.

>> No.20283051

Are you saying natural deaths are not predetermined while suicides can be predetermined? I think either all deaths are predetermined, or none are. The nature of the death won't change if it was originally predetermined or not. I just don't view it as a concept you can split hairs on, either everything is predetermined, or nothing is.

>> No.20283161 [DELETED] 

>The suspects were “members and associates of an organized criminal enterprise known as the Genovese Organized Crime Family of La Cosa Nostra, whose members and associates engaged in crimes including making extortionate extensions of credit,” the indictment states.

extortionate extensions of credit? bit /lit/ always says it's the other guys that do that, not catholics...

>> No.20283218

I'm incapable of expressing my feelings.
Today was embarrassing. I had agreed to meet with my professor to discuss an email I'd sent to her. In the email I wrote an explanation of how the image I created represented my loss of religious faith. The email was a complete mistake and totally inappropriate. I'm not sure why I thought it a good idea to share this kind of thing. .
My professor is this hippy dippy new age type that loves to talk about Buddhism, Freud, and the evils of Capitalism. The conversation was extremely awkward. I'm incapable of carrying on a conversation and discussing anything even slightly personal, as I always have this sneaking suspicion that someone else is listening in and judging me.
I'm very paranoid about this. Even when I do homework I feel the need to find a place where absolutely no one can see what I'm writing.
One on one I lost my nerves, and basically said nothing of significance at all besides "idk" over and over again in response to her questions.
God damn why am I so irredeemably cringy.

>> No.20283225

For example, I reread crime and punishment about 3 months ago. It didn’t make me feel anything. It was a chore to finish. Like I forced myself to get through it. This goes for pretty much everything. I’m 30 years old now, when i first read it at the age of 20, I remember it making me cry.

>> No.20283245
File: 302 KB, 1067x1076, IMG_20220426_005338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood the whole "I hate women" meme going on on this board and 4chan in general but I've been using tinder lately and I can relate now.

>> No.20283301

That’s because those girls are on tinder…

>> No.20283317

i dont know why people act like its a whole separate demographic of women on tinder, it's where single women go, this is where the majority of dating is in the 2020s, this is where you find people, tinder gives you a finely representative sample size of women, this is what they're like. if you hate women on tinder you just hate women

>> No.20283337

I think I need plastic surgery. Something about my face is fucked. Complete strangers either love me or hate.

>> No.20283536
File: 541 KB, 1025x1590, Screenshot_2022-04-27-00-36-37-60_1c337646f29875672b5a61192b9010f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true to some extent but you also need to realize that lots of women go there with the intention of exploiting its system. Pic related is a "extreme" case of that. The usual case is that they'll like/match you only to promote their instagram. Had it happen a few times to me already. Genuinely feels awful to be happy for one sec because someone took an interest in you only to find out that they actually didn't. It's like the adult postmodern version of high school girls teasing you just for shits and giggles. This app is designed to make you feel like worthless shit. Most women cannot be bothered to write anything other than their socials in their bio to begin with. It's a sellers market, the sellers being confident and evil whores.

>> No.20283557

Think I’m outgrowing this site

>> No.20283605

I just realized something profound about the nature of truth, but I forgot what it was because of my headache.

>> No.20283737

I keep thinking that I have but im just as stunted as everyone here

>> No.20283762

Starting to realize I will always be alone. After a certain point there's no going back. Even if I connected to someone I would feel resentful to them for knowing me. I hate being unseen but not as much as being seen.

>> No.20283793

wtf, why would you say that to your husband? also why do women have such a hard time separating fiction from reality?

>> No.20283798

I realized.
Yes, much like many of my friends here, I too realized. I had a weekly epiphany. Actually, I think it was Sartre who first had it for me, but you all know how it goes. You forget about things until it's you who comes up with them.
It really sucks to be nothing more than a biological machine. A piece of flesh strung together by chance and strung with everything by the divine. I don't really know what to do now other than regret my mistakes, forget about them and -just like with this revelation- remember them all over again once they strike me so hard they inflict a kind of anxiety and dread I haven't felt in years.
I also just quit smoking like a few weeks ago. So that's funny. Nicotine really is one hell of a drug.

>> No.20283809

would anyone even read a story about a werehorse?

>> No.20283812

Isn't that more or less what Bojack Horseman is about sometimes?

>> No.20283823

Everyday from about 5pm to 8pm I get tired and a little depressed. It’s weird because it doesn’t bother me anymore and it will pass. Wonder if it’s related to my body’s natural sleep cycle

>> No.20283834

no..? bojack is a horseman, and acts like a human always

>> No.20283840

But there are arcs like Secretariat's where the anthropomorphic characters have issues conciliating their beastly drives with their more human sides. Which is what stories about werewhateversandwillbes end up being most of the time; a way to talk about basic desire and innate drive and their relationship with the more evident aspects of consciousness.

>> No.20283851

I don't know the answers to your questions. I do know that I was able to emulate the type of man she wanted before and she married me. Now that she seems to want j-pop/k-pop boys I will need to become that. Already grew out my hair, working on being more soft spoken and silently confident. Need to start working on my dancing. My singing voice is good so that's lucky.

>> No.20283869
File: 38 KB, 590x378, images - 2022-04-27T010013.991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few things make me happier than PES 6 in this world. A pure happiness. I wonder if /lit/ does appreciate it as much as it should.

>> No.20283877

If you think an american BBQ looks cool, try going to a crawfish boil in the deep south

>> No.20283945

It's weird to me as a native anglo that France and Italy have literary cultures which equal and even surpass my own, yet no one in the anglosphere talks about this. French literature always had an air of refinement to it, sure, but no one ever bothers to tell you it's actually fantastic and they have their own Shakespeare and everything

>> No.20283976


>> No.20284050

what did they get you for?

>> No.20284143

i am officially off all microsoft, apple, and google products and software
try and get me now kikes

>> No.20284151

I've spent 4 years working on a novel. I keep procrastinating because I'm too scared to share it even with an online friend and my grandmother. I don’t want them to think I'm ignorant/stupid for writing something so horrendous. My ego has been beat to shit and the slightest fuck up is enough bring me to tears.

>> No.20284268

You have to be bad to become good, don't be disheartened friend! Let them give you their honest criticism and know that they are only trying to help you because they love you.

>> No.20284269

>better off dead?

>> No.20284342

Any books about afterlives only for people who have killed themselves? That would be an interesting setting.

>> No.20284348

I just had sex. It was good but afterwards I felt as though it would have been better not to have sex. I dont know anymore...

>> No.20284404

it’s called post nut clarity
good job fulfilling your biological function though

>> No.20284411

The part that really annoys me about the internet is there's nowhere to go now when I just want to focus on literature. Even here no one really talks about it, these threads are sometimes good but it's 50% people talking about women or sex. It's like it's impossible to escape the mundane and lowest common denominator of human habit, you basically have to isolate yourself and stick to books or obscure blog circles

>> No.20284417

well it's "write what's on your mind"
not "write your most profound and noble thoughts"

>> No.20284445

The primary pleasure of sex is the mental aspect you give to it, the pure bestial physical pleasure of it is comparable to eating or masturbation, on account of this in contrast to its position in society and the work often given to it, it will (when stripped of all emotion and closeness.) never actually live up to the hype of what it is. Society values sex on account of reproduction but also on account of a decay of societal values, not that having sex in itself is this negative thing, this is dependent on the society, but rather, the religious conception is destroyed so there is no meaning or valuation to be found there, but so also is destroyed any conception of honor, group-heroicism, actual individual exceptionalism, for attempts at this are seen as pretentious, unrealistic, fascistic even. Thus the societal means of valuation is destroyed, there is only two places of value left, those being the romantic/sexual, and the fraternal. The sexual can’t be slain because too much of humanity is based around it, and the fraternal, the friendship is just as essential to society as society is itself. Though many isolated cases exist, many still seek for an illusion of fraternity online and with strangers, even so, it is still a form of valuation.

So in short, niggas put pussy on a pedestal cuz they bitches.

>> No.20284457
File: 245 KB, 1345x1011, the-hams-that-couldnt-be-cured-c2a9-walter-lantz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the absence of agency, I have no reason to feel guilty about not being more altruistic.
That's not a license to be psychopathically selfish, in fact it implies that it's not even an option because selfishness and taking more than your share itself requires a certain amount of agency.
I have negligible influence, I have negligible impact in this world, contribute to the white noise, I am cancelled out by other negligible actors: therefore I am not beholden to any moral obligations.

>> No.20284463

yeah I know. I used to do that too but realized it was only for my sake, it's boring to read, nothing interesting about it.
I just hate how shallow everything on the internet is. everything is surface level. you can get really deep into some subject but it will only culminate in an "effort post" to impress people on /lit/, the average knowledge level is really shallow and it's depressing.

and what's more frustrating is there's no way around it. all the great intellectuals of the past benefited from their environment, they had people to talk and debate with, but all we have left are books, remnants of a more intellectual society. so what can we do? we're trapped in a bubble of superficiality thanks to our mediocre institutions and culture. and no matter how much I educate myself, it won't matter because I'm the only one doing it. It's really sad isn't it? People don't care. No one cares about this stuff

>> No.20284467

Make better thread OPs. Even if the thread itself doesn't cause a discussion, if you give the gist of what a book is about you might intrigue other anons into reading it.
Recently there was a thread about some Japanese essayist who hates the sterility of modern bathrooms, I wished i had to noted down his name, I would totally read that.

>> No.20284521

I suppose so. Feels like the problem is that all communities are stuck on the same level of superficiality. Imagine being in some niche art circle of the 18th or 19th century, and how deep their discussions must have been. Nowadays we have free access to all the knowledge yet hardly anyone to discuss it with.

>> No.20284542

>Let us examine this point and declare: “Either God exists, or He does not.” To which view shall we incline? Reason cannot decide for us one way or the other: we are separated by an infinite gulf. At the extremity of this infinite distance a game is in progress, where either heads or tails may turn up. What will you wager? According to reason you cannot bet either way; according to reason you can defend neither proposition. So do not attribute error to those who have made a choice; for you know nothing about it. “No; I will not blame them for having made this choice, but for having made one at all; for since he who calls heads and he who calls tails are equally at fault, both are wrong. The right thing is not to wager at all.” Yes; but a bet must be laid. There is no option: you have joined the game. Which will you choose, then? Let us weigh the gain and the loss involved in wagering that God exists. Let us estimate these two possibilities; if you win, you win all; if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager then, without hesitation, that He does exist. For us there is an infinity of infinitely happy life to win, one chance of winning against a finite number of chances of losing, and what you stake is finite. That removes all doubt as to choice; wherever the infinite is to be won, and there is not an infinity of chances of loss against the chance of winning, there are no two ways about it: you must risk all. . . . But I am so made that I cannot believe. What then do you wish me to do? . . . That is true. But understand at least that your inability to believe is the result of your passions; for although reason (now) inclines you to believe, you cannot do so. Try therefore to convince yourself, not by piling up proofs of God, but by subduing your passions. . . . You desire to attain faith, but you do not know the way. You would like to cure yourself of unbelief, and you ask for remedies. Learn from those who were once bound and gagged like you, and who now stake all that they possess. They are men who know the road that you desire to follow, and who have been cured of a sickness of which you desire to be cured. Follow the way by which they set out.

>> No.20284559

Started Gravity’s Rainbow last night! Woo boy Pynchon can write a hell of a sentence. This will be a very fun read!!

>> No.20284573

>Imagine being in some niche art circle of the 18th or 19th century, and how deep their discussions must have been.
I dunno, I haven't ever really been in any sort of club for a specific topic but I suspect that there's always a washing out and a tendency of the loudest voices to dominate.
It's always nice to think about the golden age, but I think if anything the internet has probably facilitated both greater an deeper autism on specific niches, while also in general caused superficiality on more 'mainstream' topics.
Like, the depths go deeper, the shallows get shallower.

>> No.20284587

bump till 300

>> No.20284595

When you are grieving, the world keeps moving on. It feels wrong. How can life go on as usual when such a big part of your life is missing? But the sun rises, work continues, life goes on. No one cares or even knows about the new hole in your life. I have to answer emails and sit through meetings and pretend that everything is fine when it feels like everything is empty and pointless. I want to sob and tell everyone why time has stopped for me. Each moment crawls by. I can focus only on what is now missing.

But time does go on. Even my grief will not last. It is those common, everyday things that wear away the hard edge, leaving just the pleasant memories. After a while, I will no longer have the energy to maintain that sadness.

But I'm not there yet.

>> No.20284627
File: 85 KB, 1125x911, 1648689010392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck lads. I'm a little miffed I scratched my car's rear bumper. I should have taken a wider u-turn.

>> No.20284637

Il Sorpasso

>> No.20284638


>> No.20284668

I have well over 1000 hours in a pes game from about 08 or so. I used to career mode it with the shittiest teams until I could dominate everyone then start over. My mental illness had begun massively, I just skipped all classes and played pes and listened to podcasts all day all the time, no one in my surrounding gave a shit and so.. 1000s of hours of grinding Copenhagen FC.

>> No.20284673


>> No.20284678


>> No.20284691


>> No.20284699

woke up 4 hours ahead of schedule. I've slept very irregularly for a while.

>> No.20284704

I may be learning about forgiveness. I may be caught in a revenge cycle. someone has to stop. I am truly disgusted by the other person honestly, but someone has to stop.

>> No.20284708

my plans for today? maybe clean a little bit, finally. linger on the past. I'll probably go read by the town square and just watch people go by and think. I did this yesterday, I ended up sitting next to this big mom-group who were all chatting away about things like when breast-feeding is acceptable and it was real chill. I'm glad they have that kind of community. There was a rogue mom with a baby of about the same age a few benches away. I imagined she resented the henhouse with great envy. Anyway, it's a neet life.

>> No.20284715

the best speedrun? why it's crash team racing of course

>> No.20284722

I fucked up. I let everyone down. Sorry.

>> No.20284732


>> No.20284778

wait until 310

>> No.20284801

Are we there yet?

>> No.20284812

my brain has been balkanized

>> No.20284975

What is it with people starting arguments with people online and not even entertaining or acknowledging the assumptions of the other person, as if that is somehow meant to convince them?
>Quab is neither inherently good or bad, it's all a matter of who has access to them
>Pfft... you believe that Quabs actually exist you fucking moron
>Y-y-yes. Yes, I'm holding one in my hand right now
>deluded Quab believer!
How could this conversation ever go anywhere unless the Quab denier actually explains why he denies the existence of Quab? It won't. It just becomes a schizo shitflinging competition.
There was once a moron (or perhaps a troll who went too deep) on /sci/ who argued that the brain isn't analogous to a computer, because, get this: there is no corporal external reality and therefore computers don't exist. Despite arguing on a computer about this.
Imagine this exchange
>So-and-so is courageous like Achilles
>Wrong. Achilles doesn't exist, he's a fictional character...
>I know, but they are both marked by cour-
>Wrong! Achilles doesn't exist!

>> No.20285006

Pragmatics > Ethics
because >>20284457 without agency you can't act ethically. And the capacity to acquire more agency, more capacity allows you to multiply the the influence of your Ethical or Moral behaviors. Not only that it helps you avoid the Cobra Effect - intervening with good intentions and then seeing unintended negative consequences.
For this reason it is much better than the "do nothing" ethical approach and it is also superior to nihilistic hedonism approach of "do whatever you want, you can't tell if it'll be good or bad anyway."

>> No.20285011

Like 99% of internet arguments have nothing to do with truth -- they're rhetorical battles between opposing Sophists. The only kind of intellectually productive discussion is a civil one, because as soon as any argument turns hostile, any notion of truth-seeking is immediately washed away by a much stronger desire to assert your will over someone. Further, even if you are defeated in one of these arguments through reason, you're not going to benefit from it because your mind will be too embarrassed by the defeat to actually reflect on how you were wrong.

In other words, it's a verbal fist fight. When someone tries to engage you in these, just don't waste your time.

>> No.20285030

>When someone tries to engage you in these, just don't waste your time.
Too true. I've been learning this the hard way, there's this naive irrational part of me that thinks there might be a shred of truth to their bluster: even though as you point out, because they're motivated 'to win' rather than to educate they aren't going to convey worthwhile information.

>> No.20285113

Not tonight, I have a headache

>> No.20285129

my brother is a faggot who's obsessed with the knights of the round table. the japanese honor system. and don quixote. why are people like this? he also rants about democrats and works at a shitty hotel yet he treats his work like his name's on the side of the building.

>> No.20285159

If I may be so bold as to present to you all the next thread.
No pushing, no shoving. Single files, please.

>> No.20285164

this guy gets it.

>> No.20286508

He sounds fun desu

>> No.20286513

I played hundreds of hours of PES6 and its mods. I love it to death too brother